• Published 15th Mar 2014
  • 8,044 Views, 446 Comments

Wesker in Equestria - DeepThought

Albert Wesker magically survives the events of 'Resident Evil 5' and finds himself in a new world. Meeting the Mane Six he'll have to decide, whether to continue his old ways or become a part of this society based on love and tolerance

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Wesker in Equestria

by DeepThought

Hundreds of mares and stallions in dark clothing rested on simple wooden benches in several lines before a polished oak wood coffin. Some were weeping, others lamenting the loss of such a kind mare, where some were just there to offer support on such a somber occasion. Said coffin was in the middle of a sea of flowers in a beautiful collage of all colors and shapes. It must have cost a fortune to arrange, but he didn’t care. It was the least he could do for the mare he had loved, one of the few individuals he truly cared for. The words of the priest echoed loudly from the walls of the massive cobblestone hall. Yet Blueblood didn’t hear them, too occupied with his own thoughts and feelings regarding his mothers burial.

The cruel creature, Chrysalis, the changeling Queen, had taken her from him far too early. She had been only fifty years old, when her life was snuffed out like a candle in the wind. His mother had been a remarkable mare, so kind and caring, even for those, who didn’t deserve it, homeless scum, former criminals and the weak. More often than not, the brown mare had convinced him into donating for charity. She had supported him through all his life, the one he could always turn to when things went to tartarus. She was the only female he knew that was more than an exchangeable asset - neither a pawn nor a whorse to satisfy his baser desires. He was truly grateful for being a part of her life.

The changelings futile attempt to flee from the authorities left his poor mother mangled by the tons of falling debris, which now covered the entire second floor of his mansion. The damage done was so grotesque and revolting that the coffin needed to be closed through the ceremony to spare the griefing mass the cruel image of a once strong mare that now laid broken and maimed beyond recognition. His mother never stood a chance as she was still unconscious when the ceiling collapsed. Neither the doctors nor the field medic could do anything about it. She was dead on the spot. This act of malice had left a hole in his heart, he felt empty and clueless, one of his life’s pillars gone.

'Why?’ he asked himself. It didn’t add up. Why would the Queen come to his house? What was her motive? Did she need another puppet to control, just like Shining Armor a few months ago? She couldn't be out for his life, could she? A spy mission? What other reasons could there be? His time in the military left his mind grasping at the inconsistencies for some measure of truth. Some may consider him arrogant, but he wasn't stupid. The Prince knew that while he was important, that there were far easier and more valuable targets than a former elite guard. Considering the latest reports, there were only few changelings left. Why should the Queen pour what limited resources she had left in such a lost cause, even risking her own well-being in the process? She had proven herself to be a decent strategist in the past.

Whatever the true circumstances of this horrible tragedy were, he was eager, no, haunted to find out. The son was lusting for revenge to make those who were responsible for this tragedy pay, pay dearly for the crimes they committed and find out what all of this was about - even to his last breath, he sweared. Blueblood would arrange the best team money could buy to solve this case. So much did he owe his deceased mother, so much and more.

A knock on the metal front door echoed through the lab and disturbed the thoughts of the scientist. He chose to ignore the sound. Gazing towards the clock above the doorframe, the blond concluded that this was likely just the wall-eyed mailmare, who was far too talkative for the man’s taste. When she delivered the mail, she would usually try to engage him in a pointless conversation. What an annoying pest! He had more important matters to attend to now.

The windowless room was illuminated by a weak electrical light from above, one of the first of its kind. In front of him, on the shiny surface of the bureau, laid enormous stacks of documents, newspapers, notes and blueprints with all kind of information regarding the Queen’s capture and her current location, the Canterlot Dungeon. Right to that desk stood a simple blackboard, inscribed with a condensed version of his findings in Wesker’s hardly legible handwriting. He liked the old-fashioned feel of writing down his thoughts. It had often helped him to come up with new ideas - unlike today.

His options were rather limited. The Royal Guard was on high alert. Shining Armor still expected an attack from the remaining changelings. They didn’t know after all that Wesker had taken care of that problem some time ago. Princess Celestia herself had declared the attack a matter of national security. Several platoons were patrolling the Castle, pegasi monitored the air space, unicorns scanned the surrounding area for traces of shapeshifter magic and runes reinforced the dungeon buildings to be virtually indestructible. It seemed like there was nothing he could do and that annoyed him greatly. Wesker wasn’t used to being a victim of circumstance. Normally, he was the master of his fate.

Again a knock at the door. And again. He groaned, his hands massaging his temples. Maybe it was important, even if it was not he’d rather deal with it swiftly than to continue being disturbed. For a moment he pondered if it might be the Royal Guard coming to hunt him down. It had been three days since his plan failed and Chrysalis had been imprisoned. The former chairman of Umbrella was aware that with every passing minute it became more likely that they would find out the reason for the attack and who was truly behind all of this. Then he would need to leave this newfound home behind, just like he often had to back on earth, to vanish into the shadows.

“I know you’re in there, Wesker!” a familiar female voice sounded from the entrance. That damnable purple menace...

Wearily, he stood up, cracking some joints, and walked into the corridor, that lead to the front door. The stress had taken its toll on him. A quick glance into the mirror revealed Wesker that his usually well-groomed hair was in a quite disheveled state. He ran a hand through it to fix it, but unfortunately it was rather stubborn. Generally, the man looked rather pale, dark rings under his eyes, his body feeling somewhat exhausted, even though he knew intellectually that it was at top physical capability - a relict of his former human existence. Sighing, he opened the door.

“Good afternoon, Miss Sparkle,” he greeted the mare.

“Hi, Wesker,” she responded suspiciously cheery. She was up to something.

“What do you want?” he asked bluntly, intending to end this visit as soon as possible.

“I want to invite you to a picnic with the rest of the Elements of Harmony.”

“While I appreciate the offer I have to inform you that I currently have no time for that, princess. Goodbye.” he replied truthfully, thinking he was done with it.

But obviously the lavender mare didn’t accept this answer,

“Wesker! Please wait, you have to come out of your shell once in a while. I used to be like you, ignoring others in the pursuit of my studies. Your friends miss you,” she added with a worried look at the man, “and judging from your current state, I am sure you can use a distraction.”

“I don’t have time for this now, Twilight. Business calls. But be assured that I didn’t forget you,” he stated neutrally.

Before he could slam the door shut, she interjected,

“Wait! There’s another reason why I am here today. We were hoping you could assist us with a problem. You might have heard of it… Well, it depends on how long you have locked yourself away. It was a pretty big topic in the newspapers. Prince Blueblood has been assaulted by Queen Chrysalis, the leader of the changelings. Princess Celestia has enlisted the help of the Elements of Harmony in order to unearth any other threats that might lie behind the events.”

“And how could I help you?” Asked the man suspiciously, raising an eyebrow at this turn of events.

““Chrysalis isn’t acting like herself, as far as we can tell. She won't talk to anyone, wont eat, and she doesn’t sleep. That’s very dangerous and self-destructive behavior. I know her from earlier… ehem… meetings. She was a rather boastful character. ”

So his servant continued to obey his orders. This was joyful news, indeed. He had instructed Chrysalis if captured to cooperate as little as possible. The blonde researcher had feared that the magic that was now likely used to restrain and test the Queen or her futile attempt to escape the guard might have led to some defects in the injector system. Wesker had theorized that because of the electro-magical converter he had deployed to transform the prototype into a nearly autarc system an exceptional input of magic might cause an overload resulting in malfunctions. Fortunately, that was not the case.

“I see,” Wesker responded coldly, “You didn’t answer my initial question.”

Twilight continued, unfazed by the rather rude behavior of the man, "We need an experienced scientist. Despite your sometimes… difficult mannerisms you are a good friend of ours. Plus, judging from your latest achievements, long years of studies, first hand experience, and the generally more advanced state of your race regarding this field of science I'd be hard pressed to find a better pon... err... individual. Please, say you'll help.” The mare pouted.

This was the perfect opportunity served on a silver platter.

“I agree. As a friend of yours it is my duty to help you in this endeavor. Please be assured of my support.”

She beamed.

“Good, come with me then.”

Wesker was concerned. It was possible all this was a trap to lure him into a false sense of security only to apprehend him when least he expected it. Could this young and innocent-looking mare possibly be manipulative enough to set up a trap? She did after all appeal to his pride and had managed to bait him to into attending a social gathering. While it seemed unlikely from his experiences with her, it still troubled him that he could manipulated. Yet in turn, this situation could be made to work in his favor. There was still a chance that he could emerge from this situation completely unscathed. All he had to do now was join the troublesome alicorn and her friends in a picnic. As strange as it sounded, a chance at relaxation after the last few stressful days was a blessing he would not pass up.