• Published 15th Mar 2014
  • 8,044 Views, 446 Comments

Wesker in Equestria - DeepThought

Albert Wesker magically survives the events of 'Resident Evil 5' and finds himself in a new world. Meeting the Mane Six he'll have to decide, whether to continue his old ways or become a part of this society based on love and tolerance

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Deep Down

Deep Down

Wesker in Equestria

by DeepThought

After the small group broke away from Princess Luna, they all retreated to their respective rooms to unpack and prepare for their visit. It was only later in the afternoon that Twilight and Wesker had managed to convince the rest of the reluctant group, much to their dismay, to have at least a quick look at the prisoner down in the dungeons.

Of course, the studious mare and the scientist did so for vastly different reasons. One of curiosity, while the other was out of necessity. With Twilight in the lead, they quickly found their way to the dungeon, which was located under the castle. After Twilight had shared a short talk with the commanding officer at the checkpoint, they proceeded down the barely lit, endless hallways of the castle’s dungeon, accompanied by another indistinctive, white-furred royal guard.

As a whole, the walk was rather cold and intimidating. Most of the walls and floors were constructed of cobblestone, showing signs of being at least a few hundred years old. Yet, they would occasionally run into a section where the walls were made of solid, purple crystal which appeared to be far older. To the dismay of the group, the light provided by the unicorns would dim when traversing these sections. But what little light remained would cascade off the crystals in an almost haunting rainbow of hues.

To Wesker, it was obvious why the architects had picked this location for the dungeons. He had read that these crystals were supposed to be very strong magic insulators. They would gradually sap an individuals ability to use magic, and hinder any used in its presence.

The layout of the complex was completely insane, though. Steps would lead up and down again and there were cross ways where more than four paths would meet. There were no signs that would indicate the direction or even the cell numbers. Either this was the ingenious idea of an architect to keep the prisoners from escaping by making it impossible to find a way out or the constructors had been imbeciles. Anyone foolish enough to enter this labyrinth without a guide would be hopelessly lost.

Drops of water were running down many of the surfaces and little puddles had formed on the ground. The air was chilly. Gone was the luxury of the castle above. Sounds of unknown origin and the frequent cacophony of water hitting the ground echoed down the halls. The ponies looked rather frightened, as they took turn after turn, deeper into the bowels of the castle. None of the girls were interested in conversation, some tried to put up a tough front, but their ragged breathing spoke volumes. Now and then there would be movement in the darkness behind the rays of light the unicorns’ horns emitted. Screeching noises. There had to be mice or rats in the darkness. But whenever the group drew nearer there was nothing to be seen, almost as if ghosts were patrolling the hallways. The man could only assume that his companions already regretted their decision, judging by the frightful looks they were shooting each other. Poor Fluttershy shook like a leaf.

However, unlike his companions, Wesker was completely unfazed by the gloomy atmosphere. His numerous encounters with zombies, mutants, and other horrors in the past had hardened his resolve. He had committed many 'crimes' against nature and humanity respectively. What need did he have to fear the dark when neither gods or any living beings filled him with dread? None, as such he would remain calm and cautious as always. With that thought, Wesker only had his destination in mind and what other security lay waiting in these depths.

For the girls, it felt as if time stretched to eternity, until they finally reached their destination. It was a door made of heavy, rusty iron at the end of a passage, indistinguishable from the several they already passed on their way. The guard then extracted a strange-looking key, made of gold and ornamented with a ruby, from his armor's inner pocket. With a barely audible click, the door was unlocked, and the ruby briefly flashed red.

“That’s it,” the guard said in relief.

Then, his magic enveloped the door’s handle. The handle screeched as it was pressed down and the door opened. Bright light poured into the hallway, bringing discomfort to the man’s eyes. The silhouette of the guard blocked the light, as he stepped forward. The girls followed, breathing sighs of relief. Wesker stepped into the light, shielding his sensitive eyes with his hands. With a loud noise the door automatically swung back into its frame, after the human let go of the doorknob.

Here you go, your Highness,” the guard said, while positioning himself next to the entrance, “You have free roam of the grounds, I will stand guard here, until you are ready to return.”

“Understood, officer“ Twilight answered formally. She added, “Thanks for the escort.”

The man grabbed the shades in the pockets of his coat and placed them firmly on his nose. He took a look at the room’s content. The scientist had to admit he was surprised. The view almost was anachronistic. Here, deep down in the oldest part of the castle, that centuries ago was a crystal mine, there was a wide, highly modern laboratory. Magical lights illuminated the room and reflected on several shiny, metal surfaces. Modern architecture mixed with the old layout of a cell. There were microscopes, flasks, shelves full of books and ingredients in the middle of the room, everything needed for proper research.

“Wow, that is a lot of sciency stuff!” Pinkie Pie said, while Applejack whistled approvingly.

The man could only agree. This was a ‘lot of sciency stuff’, as the pink mare so eloquently had put it. And naturally in one way it delighted him to see this, as he would work with this equipment in the coming week and possibly even for a longer duration, but in another it caused him a lot of distress.

If these were the tools he and his “team” would be working with, it would be quite a task to cover things up. He couldn't understand it. With these tools at their disposal it would be child's play to find out there was something wrong with the changeling’s blood. Even these quadrupeds had a good chance to discover the secret that was buried deep inside Chrysalis’ chest. He knew they had a magical equivalent to a radiograph, so why haven't they discovered it? On the other hand the human didn’t know if the pony scientist even had a clue what changeling blood was supposed to be composed of. It was rather irritating that the level of science and engineering was so inconsistent in this world. Oftentimes the man would underestimate the abilities of these ponies, and at others he would overestimate them.

Of all individuals in this room, it was Twilight that presented the greatest risk. Sure, she wasn’t an expert on the topic, but she was a mare of an exceptional intellect. Even with her naive ivory tower attitude, she was the individual who was most likely to notice any tampering done to Chrysalis or their findings. Though that would only hold true if she wasn't kept sufficiently occupied.

A very giddy Twilight, who was now the subject of Wesker’s worries, trotted throughout the room, inspecting the facility with glee. While her friends stood still, looking over the vast arrangements of scientific apertures, unsure of how to proceed, as they certainly had no clue what these instruments were supposed to do. They lacked the proper scientific education. Why did Twilight and Princess Celestia insist to bring them along, anyway? Of course it had to be related to the fact that they were the bearers of the Elements of Harmony. But did they really believe they could simply zap the answers out of the changeling Queen with their rainbow friendship beam? How foolish! On the other hand this world operated on different rules. Once they had saved Princess Luna with the help of the Elements quite impressively and numerous foes of the kingdom laid defeated by those shiny trinkets. The man wouldn’t be so short-sighted to underestimate the power of these artifacts.

A sudden exclamation tore the man from his thoughts, “This is amazing!” Twilight exclaimed, the former anxiousness induced by the dark hallways being washed away. She was holding a green book in her magical grip, which was emblazoned with a stylized light blue wizard hat and white stars, “I knew that they didn’t want to spare any expense, but this? Wow! Even your laboratory lacks some of this equipment, Wesker.”

And right she was, the man had to admit to his dismay. Then, the mare’s eyes widened even more and she pointed towards the right corner of the room. Wesker’s gaze shifted and he noticed a giant, dark cage of glass embedded into a wall of crystal.

“Look. There she is! Queen Chrysalis!”

There was a weak light in the shadow behind the glass and he could discern the silhouette of a figure behind it. With his curiosity piqued, the man closed the gap to the glass cage, squinting his eyes and indeed, just as Twilight had said, he could recognize his servant. In the wake of Twilight’s discovery, the rest of the group immediately perked up at this development, all except the guard that is, who stayed at his post, his face devoid of any emotion, followed suit.

The first glance into the cage revealed the former Queen of the changelings was far from healthy. Even partly hidden from his sight by the long shadows the bright light was casting, he could see the ribs under the changeling’s carapace. She didn’t look good, malnourished and weak. The former terror of Equestria had curled up in a ball in the back of the cage. Her breath was shallow, her eyes were closed. What had happened to her? Was it the absence of emotions, that had left her in this condition? A spell? Torturing? Unlikely. He doubted they had tortured her, as ponies despised such practices. Where were the guards, that clearly were supposed to watch this harmful enemy of Equestria. The complete absence of ponies when they had entered the room baffled the man.

“So this is the infamous Queen of the changelings?” Wesker asked the alicorn, as if he didn’t know the obvious answer, his gaze focused on the Queen inside the cage. Twilight simply nodded, while the five mares joined them. Warily, Applejack and Rainbow Dash eyed the creature inside the cage. The faces of the other ponies were harder to read. On Twilight’s was a mix of curiosity and skepticism, Rarity seemed somewhat reserved, Fluttershy was frightened, but at the same time there was worry. Pinkie Pie had adapted a downright hilarious expression, making stupid faces at the half-reflecting surface of the glass.

“Looky, Looky, Queeny, Queeny!”

Not minding the mare’s antics, a quiet noise caught the man's attention. It was a sound that distantly reminded him of the hum some electronics would generate. He turned his head to locate the sound, only to find out it was emanating from the glass itself. Curiously, he eyed the pane. At first the glass seemed like any normal glass, but then the man noticed something off about the material. Barely visible pink bolts of magic were running up and down the transparent surface and caused a light electrical buzzing.

Lacking the knowledge to discern the purpose of the spell, he pointed his gloved hand at the glass and inquired,

“Is this some kind of enchantment, Twilight?”

“Indeed it is, Wesker. It’s some kind of shock spell, I presume… and an alarm,” she looked back into the cage, “I wonder if she is she asleep. For all we know, she might be watching us. That thought is somewhat creepy. What do you think?” Twilight queried.

However, before Wesker could formulate a response a voice behind them answered the question. It was a deep male voice, a voice the man remembered from somewhere. It was not the fondest emotions that were bubbling to the surface of his mind. Startled the timid pegasus Fluttershy hid behind her friend Applejack, as the rest of the group turned around.

“No she is not.”

It was prince Blueblood. Quietly, he had stepped out of the door to their left, which had been hidden from the group’s sight by a shelf, as he heard the voices of the new arrivals. However, the stallion didn’t wear his usual smug smile. No, a frown was plastered on his face. In fact if it wasn’t for the blond mane and the compass cutie mark on his flanks Wesker would have hardly recognized the stallion. He looked dreadful. Under his eyes were large bags, his blond mane was disheveled and a bit greasy.

For Blueblood, these past few weeks have been full of work, despair, and grief since his mother’s demise. But finally things seemed to look up for him. There they were, the ponies who had saved Equestria on several occasions and the human, whose knowledge in the natural sciences was unrivaled by any living pony on the planet - his last hope after so many disappointments. Certainly, they would find out what was the reason for the monster’s behaviour - the reason for his mother’s death. So, he could finally extinguish the flames of anguish burning inside his chest and get his revenge for the gruesome end his mother met.

“Good afternoon, Miss Sparkle,” Wesker noticed the obvious absence of the alicorn’s title, as Blueblood addressed the mare, and to his own surprise it “annoyed” him for the lack of a better word, “Mr. Wesker and of course the Elements of Harmony. Your presence is an unsuspected but welcome surprise. I didn’t expect you to arrive this early. I was told you would start your work tomorrow by the princess herself only a few hours ago.” he greeted them, his voice betraying his tiredness. With his hoof he swept a streak of hair out of his face. Then, he added a bit quieter, almost as if only to himself, “Or is it already morning? I tend to lose track of the time down here… But I didn’t think it was this bad.”

“No,” Twilight chuckled nervously, obviously somewhat disturbed by the uncollected state of the prince, “You’re right. We are early. As Mr. Wesker, the girls, and I thought it would be beneficial if we had at least a vague idea of what we would be working with here. If you don’t mind the question… What is it then, if Chrysalis is not asleep?”

“Diligence is an attribute that your predecessors sorely lacked. If this is a show of things to come, I think I shall like you working for me,” prince Blueblood replied, “Concerning your question, it started three or four days ago with this murderer suddenly losing consciousness. The mages the Academy sent theorized this was a hibernation of sorts induced by the lack of emotions to avoid starvation, but they had no solid proof for their claim. That was pretty much everything these cretins,” his voice was full of spite, ”could tell me. It is of little wonder, that I sent them back, after this poor performance. Almost a week had passed and they had no bucking clue,” he said while moving from pony to shake hooves, “That was when I decided to hire you as help.”

Throughout this whole exchange the other ponies of the group remained strangely silent. Even the ever boastful Rainbow Dash had no gems of 'wisdom' to share, despite her obvious distaste for the noble and her usual rash behavior. The lavender mare must have ensured her friends would act with some level of tact regarding this situation. Overall the girls were rather friendly. To Wesker's surprise, they even appeared to be genuine when offering their condolences for the stallion's loss.

Finally, Blueblood came to Wesker and stretched out his fore hoof, looking up into the man’s face, who in turn looked back to the much smaller pony. Blueblood could have sworn he saw something red flicker behind the human’s shades, but the stallion couldn’t read the emotions on the alien face, as it was a mask of stone. The human didn’t extend his own hand though - he simply stared back. Blueblood was becoming rather uncomfortable, it felt as if he was staring into a never ending abyss, only for it to look back. As awkward seconds passed, the prince shuddered as an impatient frown began to spread across his muzzle.

“I’d rather not,” the man stated only loud enough for everyone to hear.

Blueblood was aware that there had been bad blood between him and the scientist - even despite the human’s changed appearance he knew who stood before him and he had been hesitant when he called for the man’s help, considering their backstory. Hindsight is 20/20. But this creature was an invaluable asset in discovering the true causes of his mother’s death and so he had overcome his pride, assuming that this lowly commoner would comply to his wishes. He was a prince after all and as a symbol of the Equestrian diarchy, this man owed him respect, or so he thought. This infuriating behavior honestly surprised him.

“I see…” the prince muttered quietly, his tone becoming frosty, “And here I thought we could overcome our little “disagreement” in the wake of my mother’s demise. How foolish of me to believe that a monkey such as yourself would know any manners. This could’ve been your chance to redeem my good will after the humiliation you caused me just a few weeks ago. And don’t think I can’t remember, either, even despite your changed appearance, monkey. I do. You assaulted royalty! If It wasn’t for Aunt Celestia and Luna’s strange obsession with you, you too would rot in the dungeons, beside this monster!” he pointed at the glass cage, in a fit of rage, venting the emotional turmoil of the last few weeks.

The human had the nerve to grin, baring his snow-white and surprisingly sharp teeth.

“Humiliation? Do I need to point out that you brought this upon yourself? What you did is considered a crime where I come from and I’m sure this is true for Equestria as well. What do you think would happen if Celestia rescinded her protection, which would allow you to face the consequences of your actions. You honestly think yourself 'just'? You idiocy knows no bounds, Blueblood. You truly think it is within your right to cast blame upon the victim for reacting to your misdeeds. As for the Princesses, its nothing as simple as obsession Blueblood, they value my council and talents. Did you know that she debated if she should allow your 'good' reputation to become stained by your misdeeds, given the numerous reporters who were present. What actually saved you in the end was what reparations she offered me in order to avoid a scandal.” he bluffed professionally, while the girls, except Twilight, who eyed the two grown males with a slightly horrified expression, exchanged confused glances,

“If it wasn’t for the death of an innocent and the princess’ explicit wish I wouldn’t have come,” Wesker answered in a surprisingly calm yet dangerous voice.“I’m not so quick to forgive, and you can’t bribe me with your sob story, Blueblood.” There was a barely audible edge to his voice now, radiating a kind of authority only the sun princess normally instilled into her subjects, “Don’t expect any sympathy from me, but for the sake of professionalism, I strongly advise you to not bring this up again.”

It became very quiet in the room, the bewildered prince was left speechless. Blueblood was seething inwardly, lost in thought. To think that this monkey dared to speak to him in such a nonchalant and rude manner?!

“If you would like to apologize for your inappropriate behavior ask a guard for my room number” he added, “I fear we have to cut this visit short. What a shame... Let’s go, girls, I’ve seen enough for now.”

Wordlessly and a bit baffled the mares followed the man like sheep, hypnotized by his intimidating aura and probably the desire to escape from this infinitely awkward situation.

Comments ( 34 )

Damn, Wesker shut Bluedown cold.

Indeed, and devilishly smooth to boot.

Wesker Badass.

Listened to Winds of Madness when I read the part where Wesker put Blueblood in his place.

Very nice

Warily, Applejack and Rainbow Dash eyed the creature inside the cage.

Errrr.....Warily? Or RARITY.


Gotta admit Blue blood deserved that one.


5806285 Blueblood... Stupid auto-correct

Please update new chapters.

6127391 I'll be honest with you. Looking back it doesn't seem like the brightest idea, anymore. However, it will still serve a purpose in the future. Less important than first imagined, but still it will.

6127479 Get it? His ass....Shiny ass.

wesker is one of my favorite villains so i might be biased, but I think this is a really good fic, keep going. favorited and tracking

Is it bad if I want wesker to succeed, (wesker is my favorite of all villains and an embodiment of badassness) if it is then I don't care, he will surely be victorious, he's clever and down right dangerous, since he was able to brain wash chrysalis, a being powerful enough to rival celestia, not to mention he has equipment of his own creation, and even the creators of Resident Evil tried to figure out a way to kill off Albert Wesker, that's why in Resident Evil 5 the stealth bomber crashed into a volcano, that was the only way they thought of killing Wesker not to mention the two RPGs while he was burning in molten rock, other than that he's pretty much indestructible, even when fighting the timber wolf guardian he was only weakened by the poison joke, but Wesker learns from his mistakes, I'm pretty sure he will prevail

Want to see video of Albert Wesker going completely badass, search batman vs albert wesker on YouTube and trust me, it's so worth it, you too author check it out you'll love it

6639410 Uh, thanks, I guess. :pinkiehappy:

7059059 Errrr.... im not talking about Luna per se .... i talking about Nightmare Moon.

7106814 when you just need some more grenade with your grenades

Looks interesting man, I look forward to seeing where you take it :)

Hello darkness my old friend...

8087324 I dunno, probably heresy.

Albert Wesker versus Alex Mercer. The battleground canterlot. I can't write for shit and would like to see this

Soo many stories that are incomplete or cancel hahah.

So... Any chance you'll continue?

Great story so far hope you come back to it one day!

The ride was fun while it lasted. You don't see too often characters that completely juxtapose equestria and not be cringe at the same time. This was a really fun read. Hope you're doing well in the meantime.

I really hope that this story will reach its conclusion someday. It is addicting!!!

Every day I pray for an update :ajsleepy:

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