• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 4,806 Views, 354 Comments

Silver Spirit, Ghost of Equestria. - Powerdrainer

In their quest to earn their Cutie Marks, and maybe find an answer for the strange events that have occurred, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo soon learn they've taken on more than they can handle. Question is, can they keep this a secret?

  • ...


Edited by Slayerseba and Halusm



It had been several hours since Bon Bon re-emerged from the Murgröna, and the distraught mare had learned the horrific truth about herself.

Leaning into Danny, she cried and cried, inconsolable with the knowledge that all she believed to be true had been nothing more than a lie.

At one point, through means she couldn't recall, she was brought to a private room and placed on a bed, yet there would be no sleep for her.

Hours more passed and her loud sobs slowly turned to quiet weeping, trying to reason with herself how things weren't so bad, but failing miserably at it time and time again as the knowledge from the Murgöna was burned into her mind.

She cried, she wept, and she grieved for the life she lost as a filly, and for the lie she had lived ever since; sinking deeper and deeper into a pit of despair.


Slowly activity in the Hive began to pick up as the day started anew, and a clearly noticeable tension hung in the air.

By now everylink capable and conscious had heard about the strange new pony Danny had brought in, and how she had broken down after being connected with the Murgröna, yet very few answers as to why this was were given, and the Hivemind was cluttered with the many, many questions surrounding this mystery mare, and what this could mean to them.

Erlea eventually had to step up and tell everylink to shut it and focus on their tasks.

They would be told more eventually, once she herself knew what the buck was going on.

"Okay," Erlea said, hoof against her head from the headache of dealing with the Hivemind just now. "Who is that pony, why is she here, and what does the Murgröna have to do with any of this?"

"I'd like to know, too," said Sweetie Belle.

Danny sighed, nodded, but didn't say anything immediately as he looked out into the city; standing on the bridge leading to the palace where it all had happened.

With him were, obviously, Erlea and Sweetie Belle. But Abella was there, too. And Wind Chill, Zecora, and even Cujo as well.

"I already explained this to Chrysalis, but she kept silent about it at my request. Figured I should be the one to explain this," Danny sighed. "To start with, her name's Bon Bon."

Sweetie Belle gasped, loudly.

"I mentioned this a while back," he reminded them. "How Celestia searches for, then takes in foals who show changelink traits, indoctrinates them into her organization, and does her dirty work. Well, I used Spring Breeze's lifebook to show her the truth, which eventually allowed me to bring her here and see the full truth through the Murgröna."

He turned to Wind Chill and Zecora.

"Her entire life was a fabrication forced upon her by Princess Celestia because of a curse that doesn't exist, all because of her changelink heritage, and a terrible mistake turned crime Celestia has committed, and is still committing as we speak."

"You're talking about her ongoing genocide against the changelinks, correct?" Wind Chill sought confirmation, and Danny nodded.

Zecora was at a loss for words, shocked.

"Her time in the Murgröna, while short, was enough to shatter the lies that clouded her worldview, but at a cost. Something like this you just don't walk away from. That's why she screamed like she did last night."

Wind Chill stood tense, ill at ease.

"Right now, my double and I managed to get her into a private room, and my double has been with her all night to make sure she wouldn't do anything… regrettable. At the very least, I know nothing happened, cause we wouldn't be having this conversation otherwise." He pulled a hand through his hair, clearly disgusted with the situation.

"I hope that she will pull through, but it will be difficult. To have your life destroyed as such… You don't just pick up the pieces and move on. You'll need help with that. She needs help with that."

"Is there anything I can do?" Sweetie Belle asked immediately.

"Hopefully," Danny nodded. "A friendly face will go a long way with this."

"And what about us," Wind Chill queried.

"For now, nothing. The last thing she needs right now is another shock so soon after what happened. But she may seek you out later."

"Then I shall prepare for that time, and assist her however may be required to move past this trauma," Wind Chill promised.

"As for you, Zecora," Danny looked at the shocked mare. "I don't think you two have much of a history together, am I right?"

"We have met a time, or two. But to say I know her, that I cannot do."

"Then I think it would be best for you to keep focusing on the potions and such. But, the same goes for you. She may come and see you. Just be prepared for that."

Zecora nodded in understanding.

"And what about us?" Abella asked, also speaking for Erlea.

"That depends," Danny sighed.

"On what?" Asked Abella.

"Are you willing to help a complete stranger, a pony who, until recently, worked for Celestia herself?"

Both fillies stood shocked, mouths partially open.

Then Erlea looked at her hoof, remembered her newfound purpose, and gave Danny a resolute nod.

Abella followed suit a second later.


Sweetie Belle, Erlea, and Abella followed after Danny as he led them to Bon Bon's room, keeping their questions to themselves as they could easily feel the tension coming off of him, and in silence, they moved through the hallways of the palace.

"We're here," said Danny, approaching one of the many similar doors.

Lighting up a hand, the runes surrounding the door glowed strongly, then the onyx melted away and he stepped inside.

"How's she doing?" He asked quietly, seeing his double sit on the floor, exhausted.

"Asleep, finally," his other self answered through a large yawn.

"Good. Let's hope she will feel better once she wakes up," he replied, seeing the torn-up pillow, wet from tears.

"Would you?"


Danny, the one on the floor, rubbed one of his burning eyes with the back of his hand, head bobbing.

"You go and get some sleep, too. I'll take over," Danny said to his sleep-deprived double.

The other nodded slowly, then stood up with some effort and stumbled out of the room, almost tripping over Sweetie Belle who stood in the open door, looking inside.

Sweetie Belle quickly moved out of the way, then watched Danny phase through the door opposite of the one she stood, and vanish into the room there.

"Is she going to be okay?" Sweetie Belle asked after she returned her attention back to Bon Bon.

"I hope so, Sweetie Belle. I really do," Danny sighed, then quietly approached the sleeping mare.

"So she's the one of our blood?" Abella asked, also looking inside with Erlea.

"She is," he replied, then turned to the fillies. "And we really shouldn't invade her privacy like this," he guided them back to the hallway. "I'm going to stay with her, to be safe. You go and do the things you need to do. I'll let you know when she wakes up."

Sweetie Belle looked at Danny, then Bon Bon, not able to recognize the mare with a patchwork of colors, and then back to Danny.

Nodding, she stepped away from the door.

"Will we even be able to help her?" Erlea asked, frowning.

"Only one way to find out," was Danny's reply.


Sweetie Belle, Abella, and Erlea made their way back to the classroom once more to continue their efforts to improve Sweetie Belle's understanding and control over her hunger.

The previous day, after first tapping into the darker aspects of her spirit powers, and the subsequent transformation as a result, she had worked hard to at least control the changes she went through.

The results of her efforts were… mixed.

Either she would turn completely into her darker counterpart, or only her mane and tail would change. Another time, only one of her eyes turned slit, while she had fangs poking past her lip.

It was clear this power would not allow itself to be tamed that easily, but she demonstrated enough control after those hours that Danny was confident enough in them continuing their efforts while he kept an eye on Bon Bon.

Even then, they weren't completely unsupervised as Cujo had found a spot on the floor near them.

And so, they were back in the classroom. A place they didn't really have to go to each time, but something about it just felt right. As if the changelinks of old rejoiced that their school was used once again for education, regardless of what was taught.

"Okay," Erlea sat before the lectern, observing Sweetie Belle. "Like we practiced yesterday. Try to take in some fear but without any kind of transformation."

Sweetie Belle nodded, then secured her stance as she reached out to her darkness while thinking about the food that triggered it.

A flash came from her body the same time wisps of red were pulled out of the air, and towards her.

"I transformed again, didn't I?" Asked Sweetie Belle, not even looking as she swatted away the red wisps with a boot-covered hoof.

"Well, it's only your right eye that is slit," Abella commented as she circled around her. "And your tail," she added.

"And she turned into a spirit," Erlea pointed out the obvious.

"Well, obviously," Abela rolled her eyes.

"I don't know why this keeps happening," Sweetie Belle sighed, turning back to her mortal self as she sat down.

"I'm starting to think it's pretty simple why," Abella finished her inspection of Sweetie Belle, standing before her now.

"Meaning?" Erlea asked her friend.

"Because she tries to do something she could not possibly do as a pony. That's why she keeps transforming. She changes herself in response to her body's need to feed."

Both Elrea and Sweetie Belle blinked, surprised at this insight.

"So even if she manages to keep herself from turning into Dark and Feral, she still needs to transform to be able to eat."

"You really think so?" Sweetie Belle asked, sounding hopeful.

"Well, not like I'm an expert, but after all the effort you've put into not changing, you seem to have gotten a pretty good grasp on staying you. But despite this, you do keep transforming, so it seems like the logical answer to me."

"That actually makes sense, in a weird kind of way," Erlea had to agree.

"Well, of course. I'm the one who said it," Abella boasted.

Erlea gave her a deadpan stare, to which Abella grinned

"So, I need to be a spirit to eat fear," Sweetie Belle looked down, thinking.

"At the very least, it might make it easier to keep your change under control if you're already transformed," Abella suggested. "After all, we've been so focused on you trying to stop transforming all together, perhaps the problem lies there."

"But Danny can use his powers without transforming," Sweetie Belle countered.

"Arf!" Cujo barked, drawing the fillies' attention, then shook his head in a clear show of disagreement.

"Is he… disagreeing with you?" Abella asked, surprised.

"Well Danny said he could talk, but we can't understand him," said Sweetie Belle.

Cujo nodded.

"Chitin rust, he really is talking to us," Abella said, shocked.

"Arf arf," Cujo told them.

"Eh… what?"

Cujo was silent, scratching at his muzzle while looking down in thought.

Jumping up, he walked over to Sweetie Belle, looking at her with a surprisingly serious look, pointing a paw at her.

"Uhm…" Sweetie Belle looked at the two changelinks for any clue.

Cujo barked, drawing her attention back to him, and then he turned into the massive hound he was.

Sweetie Belle took a step back.

"Bark!" Cujo said loudly, then turned small again. Then, lifting his paw, it grew to its full size, looking comically large on the small pup. Turning it back to normal, he then grew his teeth, and they obviously didn't fit in his mouth. Then his head grew to compensate, but it was too heavy for his body, and he toppled over.

Turning back to a pup, he looked at Sweetie Belle.

"Eh, sorry. But I don't understand," said Sweetie Belle, not sure what to make of the strange display.

Cujo huffed, thought, and then sighed.

Looking at Sweetie Belle, he lifted both left legs up and promptly fell over as he lost his balance.


A gasp came from Erlea.

"I think he means balance," she said, and Cujo jumped up, barking in agreement.

"Of course," Abella's eyes lit up. "You're out of balance," Cujo nodded.

"So that means I can feed on fear as a pony once I find my balance?" Sweetie Belle asked hopefully.

Cujo shook his head.

"No?" Sweetie Belle said, to which Cujo agreed.

"I think he means you need to find a balance between the two," Abella suggested, to which Cujo nodded.

Once again his teeth grew too large for his mouth, only for them to shrink down a moment later. Once they were less than half their size, they stopped shrinking and he showed he could use his jaw again. After this demonstration, he once again turned into the massive hound he was, then a pup again. Doing so several times more, looking at Sweetie Belle.

Sweetie Belle was silent, thinking about what he was trying to say to her, but coming up with nothing.

With a huff, Cujo proceeded to give her a slobbering lick all over her muzzle.

"Euhh," she shuddered, pushing away from the confusing dog, then turned intangible without even realizing it, allowing the saliva to fall away from her. "What was that for?" She said, stepping away from the puddle of drool.

Freezing in her steps, she looked back at the puddle, realizing what she had just done.

"First get control over the whole, and the rest will come on its own," she gasped, eyes wide, looking at Cujo.

Cujo barked, nodding happily with floppy ears and tongue.

"To run, you first need to walk and to do that, you need to first find your balance," said Abellea. "All this time, we've been focusing on getting you to run, while instead, we should focus on the balance to walk."

Cujo agreed with a bark and an arf.

"And that's why you keep having trouble," Erlea picked up. "You are simply falling over, again and again."

Cujo, seeing his work was done, returned to his spot on the floor, rolled over onto his back, and then watched the fillies return to their training with renewed vigor.

"Dang, I'm good," he barked happily, unable to be understood as he wagged his tail.


It was with great relief to Danny and Zecora, to discover the nauseating stench had dispersed enough to be nothing more than a nuisance than a problem and was easily ignored as they focused on their work.

Through Zecora's rhymed explanation, Danny now understood the elixir she first made was one of extreme potency, but also one that should only be used in the most dire of circumstances as its effects could have significant drawbacks. Something that was rarely worth the trouble.

Of course, the changelinks' situation was far beyond dire, and as such, Zecora wasted little time debating the possible side effects. In all honesty, if they lived long enough to potentially develop these conditions, that would have been an incredible victory in her book.

But now, with a large number clearly recovering, she needed to prepare for a good number of things. From simple things such as headaches, nausea, or a persistently itching nose, to more severe issues such as complete loss of sight or hearing.

Creating cures for most issues wouldn't be too difficult, and some side effects would even pass on their own. And some couldn't be cured, no matter what. But the fact these were changelinks she was dealing with, also meant her potions needed to be adjusted to better suit their physiology.

Danny proved an excellent source of information in that regard, and when the first foals came in and made mention of some of the more benign effects, she was quick to get to work, using the various new ingredients Danny and the accompanying swarm had gathered the day before.

Additionally, the fact this brew was considerably less taxing on the senses was a great boon indeed.

Together Danny and Zecora worked, with the human bringing her any and all ingredients she requested, while also providing the cold to speed up the cooling process. And before long, a new line of foals was running back and forth to bring the medicine to their loved ones. Helping them recover, while the foals themselves healed as well. Able to once again hug their parents, siblings, aunts, or uncles, and they couldn't recall ever having smiled so much as they had done these last few days.


Trudging through the city with several concerns weighing heavily on him, Wind Chill allowed his feet to guide him while he thought about everything that had happened recently.

The portal in the Far Frozen. Sweetie Belle and her friends. His honor bond with young Apple Bloom. The return of the Great One. Everything they did in this city in such a short amount of time. It was a true whirlwind of events he had trouble connecting.

He knew there was a pattern to be found in the chaos, somewhere, but he had no idea where to even begin looking.

A scent caught his attention, and he stopped where he stood and turned to the source.

A truly deep grimace of disgust and horror grew on his face as he recognized the structure and the terrible truth it contained.

"Despair," he muttered, having learned from Danny, and then seen for himself what lay there. "A more fitting name does not exist," he shook his head. "I promise you'll find peace one day."

He turned away from the horrific tale of loss of hope, moving back the way he came. His concerns suddenly a lot less troublesome.

Several minutes passed as he moved through the city without aim until he came upon a sight that allowed him to push away the darkness of Despair for the time being.

Foals running in a clear race, laughing happily while carrying empty bottles.

"Our efforts have already borne fruits," he said, watching the foals run away. "I can only wonder how bountiful our harvest will be once it is all over and done."

"You grow food?" A young voice piped up, and Wind Chill looked down, surprised, seeing several foals standing near his feet.

"I, euhh… No, I do not. It was just a metaphor," he explained.

"What's a mepafor?" A filly no older than six asked, looking up at the giant with wide, curious eyes.

"Eh, it's a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable."

The foals looked at him with blank eyes, some of them cocking their heads to the side.

"Uhh, it means that you use a comparable example to describe a situation."

Still only blank looks.

"... Yes, I grow food," he gave in.

"Really?" One of them asked, curious. "What kind?"

Wind Chill thought for a moment about how to work with this situation, then smiled.

"You know, before I came here I lived in an apple orchard."

The foals gasped, looking at him with excitement.

"Do you want me to tell you about this?" he asked, and they all eagerly nodded.

"Well then, allow me to tell you a story," he began, sitting down and allowing the foals to climb on his legs.


Bon Bon was awake. She had been for some time now, but couldn't bring herself to move, or even make a sound. The momentary relief sleep had offered her was gone, and the soul-numbing knowledge that was, almost literally, poured into her mind blocked any need for her to do things like getting up, shower, eat, or take care of herself in any other shape or form.

What was the point?

Her entire life had been a lie. A lie forced upon her by the one pony everypony looked up to for kindness, intelligence, and leadership.

A pony who had committed horrific crimes.

Why should she continue living the lie Celestia forced on her?

Why continue doing anything? It was all fake anyhow.

"I don't know what you're thinking right now, but I can make a good guess."

Bon Bon's ears twitched instinctively.

"I noticed your breathing became more tense, but you weren't thrashing so I knew you weren't having a bad dream. I'm quite familiar with those myself."

Bon Bon didn't reply in any way.

"I'm not going to force you to do anything. You need to do this at your own pace, by your own rules to come to terms with what you just learned. But I can't just let you wallow in misery either."

She heard movement, then a weight settled down on the mattress.

"I've placed some berries and carrots next to you. It isn't much. Food is a luxury here that is hard to come by, but we're working on that. But you should try to eat something."

"Why did you do this? ...To me?" She croaked, voice hoarse and broken.

A deep, tired sigh came in answer.

"Not because I wanted to, but because you needed to know. And… because I need your help."

Slowly Bon Bon opened her tear-filled eyes, then turned to look at Danny, seeing the human sit next to the bed, back against the wall, one leg propped up and resting an arm on it.


Danny shook his head. "Ignore that for now. This is not about me," he then looked at the plate of food. "Please try to eat something. You'll need it."

Bon Bon looked at the few berries and carrots, then lay down her head, closing her eyes.

"What's the point? I'll just continue her lie."

"Do you really believe that?"

Bon Bon didn't answer.

"Not everything in your life has been a lie. You know that, right?"

Bon Bon didn't reply, but Danny noticed one of her ears twitched in his direction.

"Despite the deception to keep things hidden from her, wouldn't you say that the life you lived with Lyra was the most honest you've been with yourself?"

Bon Bon gasped, eyes cracking open.

"Think about it," he said. "All the things you have done together. All the plans you've made. Was that done to keep up appearances, or because you truly, honestly wanted to do those things? And to do them with the mare you love."

Bon Bon continued her silence, but Danny could see he touched something.

"The life Celestia forced you to live is a lie, true. But the life you chose to live with Lyra was by your own choice, keeping the two apart as much as possible because you knew, even if you didn't know the true truth at the time."

Slowly, Bon Bon lifted her head again, looking at Danny.

"Why… Why are you doing this?" She sniffed.

"Because it is who I am," Danny told her, giving a small smile.

Bon Bon looked away, rubbing an eye with her fetlock, then froze as she noticed the color of her fur.

"You lost control over your ability because of the distress you were in," he preempted her question. "Emotions are strongly connected to this, after all."

Bon Bon continued to stare at her hoof, various emotions playing out over her face.

"Who even am I?" She asked in a small voice.

"That is for you to determine, without interference from me, Celestia, or anyone else. But forging a new identity for yourself is not going to be easy, and it will involve many hard choices."

"What kind of choices?"

"The kind where you choose what to keep, and what to remove," Danny answered, grimacing. "And take my word for it, take your time to think this through before making a decision that you will come to regret later on. I made that mistake, and I still don't know how to fix that mess." He shook his head, sighing. "One problem at a time, though," he turned his attention back to Bon Bon. "I understand you have mixed feelings about your appearance right now, changed as you are. And ultimately, you're the only one who can decide one way, or the other what to do. But for now, may I suggest you allow this to remain as is? I have a feeling it might work out in your favor."

"Not like I can control this, even if I wanted to," Bon Bon muttered, dropping her hoof. "I can only influence the change to some degree, and never undo it."

"I see," Danny muttered, a distinct edge to his voice.

"Where are we?" Bon Bon suddenly asked, more to get her mind off the subject, looking around the room.

"One of the guest rooms in the palace," Danny told her. "I brought you here after you collapsed, giving you some privacy."

"And you… you were here the entire time?"

"... In a way, yes," he nodded.

Bon Bon sucked in a breath, closing her eyes, understanding his reason for doing so.

"Thank you."

Hearing this, Danny felt a sense of relief wash over him, and he noticeably relaxed as he slumped down against the wall.

"You have no idea how glad I am for you to say that," he said, unable to stop a chuckle from escaping. "I wouldn't have blamed you if you ended up hating me for what I did."

"Maybe I do," Bon Bon replied. "I… I just don't know what to think right now." Danny nodded in understanding.

"Maybe I can help you clear up some thoughts," he offered.


"If you're up for it, will you join me for a walk? There are some people I think you would like to meet."

"What kind of people?" Bon Bon asked, rightfully worried.

Danny smiled. "Why, your distant family of course."


With a flash of green coming from his hand, Danny closed the door behind him and approached Chrysalis, who was resting on her bed.

"Time for your medicine," he called out, rousing the changelink queen.

Pushing herself up with somewhat unsteady legs, Chrysalis looked around while smacking her dry lips; seeing the partially obscured human past the bands of her frilled mane.

"Sorry for waking you," he said, holding the bottle out for her to take. "But Zecora was insistent you drink this as soon as possible."

"I feel like I should complain, regardless of your intentions," she complained, using a hoof to pull her mane out of her face.

Danny pulled the cap of the bottle, then allowed her to grab the item in her magic.

With a noticeable sloshing in the liquid, she brought the bottle to her mouth and then drained its contents in one go.

Nodding, Danny accepted the bottle back and put on the cap, then used his levitation to place it near the door for later.

"That tasted… different." Chrysalis said, licking one of her fangs. "It was not the same potion I was given before."

"Danny shook his head. "You're right about that. This one is better suited for long-term recovery."

"And what does that mean?"

"The first potion Zecora made was for absolute emergencies only, where short-term gains were more important because there was a good chance there wouldn't be a long-term," he informed her. "Now that a good majority are recovering, she has made potions that are less taxing on the body."

"I see," Chrysalis looked away.

"I should also mention, now that we can talk long term, there is a good chance that a number of you will develop side effects as a result of that potion."

"WHAT!?" Chrysalis bellowed, then lost her composure as a violent cough took control.

Danny waited for her to catch her breath.

"Like I said, short-term gains with no thought for long-term chances. It was that, or risk losing far more lives. I can't fault Zecora for her decision, and in her place, I would probably have done the same."

Chrysalis closed her eyes and focused on her breathing for a long minute.

"I understand," she said. "What side effects can we expect, and what can be done about them?

"It's a wide range, including headaches, nausea, or a persistent itch on the light side," he informed, then continued with some reluctance. "Or more severe, complete loss of sight, hearing, or both. And those were the things Zecora told me about."

Chrysalis stared at him with unblinking eyes.

"She's working on potions that should counter most of those," he quickly added. "But she also made it clear that some things even she can't undo."

Once more Chrysalis closed her eyes, holding her breath.

"I see," she eventually sighed out. "I suppose I should take comfort in the knowledge that it could have ended far worse."

"Yeah," Danny agreed, sighing as well.

"I shall inform the Hive," she told him. "Tell them what to expect."

"That would be the smart thing, yes," he nodded. "There are also a few other things I want to discuss with you."

"Which are?" She looked back at him, curiosity piqued.

"First off, the continuous need for resources. Last night we were able to find some things to help out, both with Zecora's potions, and food for her, Sweetie Belle, and I. But it's already running out. So besides the supply run, we need to make, again, we need to come up with a more sustainable method of gaining these materials."

"And I take it you have a plan."

"Well, it isn't my plan, but your ancestors," Danny grinned, and Chrysalis looked at him in surprise. "There are a lot of dead gardens hanging around, waiting to be used again." Chrysalis' eyes widened. "It will take time, obviously. But if we were to plant seeds and the like, we would be able to grow our own medicinal crops, and food as well. It would still require us to go out and find resources in the time these plants need to grow, but in the long run, this will greatly aid all of you. It may even work as a morale boost, as it would return a part of the city to how it once was."

"Second, all of you need food as well. It's one of the main reasons why you ended up in this mess. And while Apple Bloom and Scootaloo were able to feed a good number of the foals and to an extent, some of the older changelinks, it still is nowhere near enough to undo years of starvation. Sweetie Belle still hasn't shown signs of being able to feed you, and neither have I. I begin to think this may be because of our spectral nature. Same with Wind Chill or Cujo. But I haven't seen this happen with Zecora either, and I can say fairly certainly that you have come to trust her quite a bit. Which makes me question whether or not this energy you feed on is something exclusively found among ponies, or if there is some other reason why this hasn't happened with any of us yet."

"Is that why you brought that pony here?" Chrysalis asked, now clearly worried.

"No," Danny shook his head. "If it were to happen, awesome. But her reason for being here is not to feed you."

"Then what plan do you have to accomplish what we couldn't in all those centuries?"

"Short term? Not sure yet. Hopefully, Sweetie Belle and Zecora will develop the ability, and perhaps even me. Otherwise, we may need to risk sending some changelinks over to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo to gather some of their energy. It will need to be rationed, but it might work. Long term, however. That's a different matter entirely."

"Explain… please."

"It's for after Celestia is exposed, which may take some time. But once I manage to do this, show the world who she really is, and what she has done, it will also break the populace's perception of their flawless, benevolent ruler. And once they learn about the lies and the truth about you, it may be possible to mend relations between the two of you." He held up a hand, stopping Chrysalis before she could speak. "I have no illusions. Doing this is going to be a massive undertaking, and there will be those who are unable, or unwilling to accept the truth. But I have a plan to help with that."

"Which is?"

"Bon Bon," Danny answered and then explained his plan.


With dragging hooves and head held down, Bon Bon followed after Danny as he led her through the castle hallways, and out into the city.

She wasn't sure exactly how she felt, but she couldn't deny some curiosity to see the changelinks. And thus she finally found the energy to get moving, if only to help her get her mind off things.

For some time, they walked in silence, with Bon Bon only seeing the city from the corners of her eyes, her gaze firmly locked on the ground.

"Tell me, Bon Bon. How much were you shown about the Hive?" Danny asked, looking over his shoulder at her.

"A little bit," she mumbled.

"Do you know who first built it?"

"The changelinks, right?"

"Well, you're not wrong," he replied, holding his neck. "But there's a bit more to it than that. While it was the changelinks who found this place, and came up with the idea and plans to make a village here; jumping into this with single-minded dedication, it was also the ponies of Yoke that helped. Which means that the oldest part of this city is a creation of both races." He came to a slow stop, allowing Bon Bon to notice while he looked off in the distance.

"You see that spire there?" He pointed to one of the more distant stalagmites, and Bon Bon looked up at him, then where he pointed.


"That is the first stalagmite they claimed. It's where they first lived. All of them. Every single changelink, and ponies, too." He looked back at her. "Think about that, and then look around and see how far they have come."

Bon Bon was silent, doing as Danny suggested, and took a moment to look at the city around her.

"And now they are all gone," she said, head dropping. "All because of Celestia."

"Not all of them," he said. "But she got close. A year more, maybe, and the changelinks would have gone extinct."

"...How many are left?" Bon Bon asked, worry breaking through her voice.

"I can't say for certain, but a few thousand at best," he shook his head. "In fact, there are far more ponies like you, with changelink heritage, than there are changelinks."

"And Celestia makes all of us work for her," Bon Bon said, sounding sick.

"Not all of you," Danny revealed, and she looked up at him, confused. "There are those who don't show any outward signs, and manage to go unnoticed."


Danny nodded. "Yes. And what's more, we both know several of them, too."

"We do?"

Danny smiled. "Do you know the name of the mare who was the first to marry a changelink?" Bon Bon shook her head. "Her name was Apple Pie. She's the ancestor of both the Apples and the Pies. Which means each and every single one of them is a descendant of the changelinks."

Bon Bon's mouth hung open.

"And neither Applejack nor Pinkie Pie was found out by Celestia."


"Think about it. Applejack's uncanny ability to tell a lie from the truth, or Pinkie's oversensitivity to how others feel. It all has to do with their ability to sense emotions."

Bon Bon was stunned, looking at Danny with wide eyes.

"Makes you think, doesn't it?" He chuckled, then resumed walking once he was sure Bon Bon would follow.

"But… If that is true, then how many others are out there that Celestia doesn't know about?"

"Impossible to tell," he told her. "Most of the ponies of changelink descent don't show the signs, their genes are too diluted. But sometimes, like with yourself, their heritage flares up, and then they end up in the very position you are in, too. Lost, deceived, and worse."

They crossed another bridge, moving further into the city, and the first signs of life began to show themselves to Bon Bon as she saw foals run around, carrying bottles on them, either full or empty.

Danny, too, noticed. And he looked at the sight with a grimace. "And then there is this," he shook his head."

"What are they doing?" Bon Bon asked while some of the foals began to take notice of her, slowing in their pace to stare at her.

"Bringing medicine to their friends and family, or going back to get a refill," Danny informed her.

By now the foals had slowed down to a crawl, their eyes boring into Bon Bon who quickly looked away, overly self-conscious.

"Are you okay?" A young voice asked, and Bon Bon saw, with a startled gasp, one of the foals now stood before her; looking up at her with large, quizzical eyes.

"Y- yes. I am fine," she lied, doing her best to fake a smile.

"You don't taste okay to me," the child said, confused, tongue flicking past small fangs.

"Can't hide your true feelings among those who eat emotions," Danny told her.

Bon Bon was unable to reply, shaken that such a young foal could so easily tell how she truly felt.

A gasp escaped her when she suddenly felt two small legs hold on to her, while some weight pressed into her.

"Wha-" she looked down, shocked to see the foal holding her in a hug.

"I always feel better when mom hugs me," the child said, peering up at Bon Bon with large eyes. "So I thought maybe you would, too."

Bon Bon stood frozen on the spot for a long moment, but then something burst and she held onto the foal, tears streaming down her face

"Thank you."

In the back, Danny watched the emotional moment in silence, smiling sadly, but happy with the first step of trust renewed.


With excitement, the foals guided Bon Bon through the city, with Danny following close behind.

He already knew where they were taking her, and he had no inclination to stop them.

In fact, he had planned on taking her there himself. But this was far better than he could have planned for.

Even then, he did give his double a quick heads-up so he could hide.

No need to needlessly freak out Bon Bon with unexplained ghostly activity.

Not yet, at least.

With excited chittering and clanging bottles, the foals rushed down the spiral walkway, entered a door that was purposely disabled to remain open to allow the room to air out, and were downright ecstatic at the sight of more bottles filled with medicine cooling on a block of ice.

A good-natured laugh came in response to their antics and Bon Bon, still catching up, slowed down as her ears perked up in recognition.

"Your excitement is telling, children of change. And don't worry, I have prepared enough potions for you to exchange."

A cheer came from the grateful foals, and they quickly dropped off their empty bottles, then rushed over to grab a new potion to bring to their family or friend.

"Zecora?" Bon Bon stood in the open doorway, eyes wide, looking at the zebra.

Upon hearing her name, Zecora turned to Bon Bon, looking at the mare with a studious gaze.

"And you must be Bon Bon, mare of sweet delight. To see you up and active is a most promising sight."

Bon Bon took a step back and bumped into Danny standing behind her.

"What? What are you doing here? How are you even here?" Bon Bon asked rapidly, shocked. "How- how do you know who I am?"

"Your questions are understandable, and answers I will give. And the first thing you must know, I am not the changelinks' captive," Zecora informed her, making sure that no misunderstanding could be made. "I am here by my own choice and desire, with the goal to save lives, as I aspire. As for how I came to arrive in this place. That answer requires you to merely turn your face."

Bon Bon was silent, then looked behind her, and up at Danny.

"Zecora's telling the truth," he said. "I brought her here. Or, well, Eclipse did. Same as how she brought you here," he shrugged. "Zecora and I have been working tirelessly to make as many potions to help the changelinks recover. And if it wasn't for her, and her extensive knowledge, they wouldn't be in as good a situation as they are now." He paused for a moment. "As for how she knows it's you. I told her. Not like we keep many secrets here when it comes to these sorts of things. Lives depend on it."

Bon Bon remained silent, looking from Danny to Zecora, to the foals standing near a block of ice, looking puzzled at the adults in the room, then back to Zecora.

"So you were never abducted by ghosts?" Bon Bon asked, unable to keep the agent inside of her from solving this mystery.

Zecora shook her head, smiling knowingly.

"And ghosts are actively helping the changelinks?" She wasn't sure if she asked, or stated the current situation.

"Pretty much," Danny confirmed.

"And I am part changelink, while you are half ghost," Bon Bon sat down, eyes closed as she tried to keep it together.

The foals nearby reacted immediately, their faces turning to disgust.

A moment later, Bon Bon felt several small bodies press into her as the foals tried their hardest to help her feel better, and a shocked gasp escaped her from the sudden surge of emotions she felt; fresh tears starting to form.

"No be sad," an especially young foal chirped, snuggled up into her chest fluff.

Despite herself, Bon Bon could not keep herself from smiling at the adorable sight, and the foals instantly brightened as well when they noticed the shift in emotions.

This did not stop them from their combined assault, and Bon Bon found herself held captive for a good while longer.

And in the background, Danny and Zecora watched the faint stream of energy flow from Bon Bon.


After numerous new attempts with the new insight shared with them by Cujo, Sweetie Belle had worked hard in her ability to control her hunger, and in extent, her transformation.

Abella and Erlea, at the same time, work hard to improve their understanding of Sweetie Belle's hunger; how it was similar to their own, and how it differed.

By now Sweetie Belle, after having given up on using her hunger while staying a pony, was able to draw out the ambient fear in the air around her without any alterations to her spirit form. Something she was most thankful for after Abella pointed this out.

Yet the more she continued practicing, the more she became aware of something else. Something she couldn't quite place, nor did she know if it was good or bad. Just that it was there, and it felt…

"Weird," she murmured, shaking her head.

"Anything wrong?" Asked Erlea.

"I don't know," she replied, frowning, looking around. "It's just… I'm feeling something… odd."

"Odd, how?" Abella asked curiously.

"I don't know," Sweetie Belle replied. "I just feel… something. And all around me."

Stepping closer, Abella inspected Sweetie Belle's spirit form, finding nothing out of the ordinary… besides her being a silver gleaming spirit, that is.

"Well, I don't see anything wrong," she said. "But that hardly means anything, all things considered."

"You sure?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"As sure as I can be," Abella shrugged. "Any thoughts?" She asked Erlea.

"All around you, you said?" Erlea queried, tongue flicking past her lips.


Erlea looked at Sweetie Belle, then Abella.

"What does the air taste like to you?"

"What do you- oh."

"Oh? Oh, what?" Sweetie Belle asked, worried.

"There are a lot of different emotions hanging around us. Fear is only one of them," said Erlea. "But it is also one of the more powerful. But with how much you've sucked out of the air, the other emotions are a lot more noticeable now."

"Anger, sadness, grief, hopelessness," Abella said, frowning. "You're sensing all of those."

"WHAT!?" Sweetie Belle stumbled back, eyes wide. "I can feel those emotions, too?"

"Apparently," Abella commented. "Makes sense too, if you think about it."

"Like a changelink, but not like a changelink," Erlea said, making sure she used the correct term for her kind.

"Wha- what does that mean?" Sweetie Belle asked, concerned.

"Probably nothing more than just that," Abella answered. "You can sense emotions, like us. And you eat them, like us."

"So… I can feel what other ponies feel?"

"In a way, I guess," Abella shrugged.

Something drew Sweetie Belle's attention, and she looked around in confusion at the sensation.

Abella and Erlea, too, seemed to pick up on something.

A strong source of negative emotions slowly moving closer.

Sweetie Belle's stomach growled.

"Yeah, she's picking up on them alright," Abella remarked as she and Erlea looked at an embarrassed Sweetie Belle.

With a flash, Sweetie Belle turned back to her mortal self when a knock came on the door.

All three fillies looked at one another, then, with a shrug coming from Abella, Erlea used her limited magic to open the door; revealing Danny, and the mare known as Bon Bon on the other side.

Sweetie Belle could practically see the delicious negative emotions radiate off of her.


Several minutes earlier

Far more composed, but with no fewer questions and doubts, Bon Bon left the foals and Zecora behind as she once again followed after Danny.

"So how're you feeling right now?" Danny asked, looking at her

"I… 'm not sure," she hesitated, biting her lip. "There is so much that still doesn't make sense to me."

"I know the feeling," Danny shared, frowning ever so slightly.

"Why…" Bon Bon started, then hesitated and fell silent again.

Danny didn't question her, allowing her to sort her thoughts in her own time.

"Why weren't the foals afraid of me?" She eventually asked. "I'm an agent of Celestia. Shouldn't they be scared of-"

"No," Danny cut her off. "They shouldn't, and they aren't." He looked down at her with hardened eyes. "They fear and hate Celestia, for obvious reasons. But you are not her. In fact, you are just as much a victim of her as they are. And they know it."

"But… I did all those horrible things, all for the princess, and the good of my-"

"Because of her lies," Danny reminded her. "Yes, you believed her. So does everypony else. And that is her true power. Her lies have gone on for so long, that there is no one left to say otherwise. Well, almost no one. But that does not mean you're a monster yourself. I know this. The changelinks know this. Now you need to admit this to yourself."

Bon Bon looked away. "I don't know if I can."

"Maybe not alone," Danny countered. "But with help, I'm sure you can." He stopped before a closed door, several muffled voices coming from inside.

Danny knocked on the door, and the voices stopped. A moment later, with a weak flash of the runes surrounding the onyx, the door melted away, revealing a confused Erlea. And, standing in the background, Abella and, to Bon Bon's next shock and surprise, Sweetie Belle.

"WHAT?!" She shouted, eyes wide as she stared at the ivory filly, completely ignoring the changelink before her.

Erlea looked less than pleased over the fact Bon Bon just shouted in her face the way she had.

"Sweetie Belle? What- how- you- but-" Her mind sputtered and failed.

"Eh… Hi Bon Bon," Sweetie Belle awkwardly waved a hoof at her. "Nice meeting you… here." There was a forced tension in her smile.

"But- but you can't be here. I saw you back in Ponyville, with your friends, after Danny had save-" She froze mid-sentence, finally registering the changelinks in the room with her.

"They're all changelinks!?" She shouted, shocked.

Again, Erlea was less than pleased with the assault on her ears.

"Danny," she said with obvious frustration. "Is there any reason why your… guest keeps shouting in my face?"

This snapped Bon Bon out of her stupor, and she took a few steps away from the annoyed shapeshifter.

"Just working out all the shock in her system," he commented, trying to hide his amusement, but not fooling the emotivores in the room and all three fillies looked at him with raised eyebrows. Danny took notice and chuckled while giving an acknowledging nod to Sweetie Belle. "And they're not all changelinks," he then clarified to Bon Bon. "Only Sweetie Belle is swapped, and for good reasons."

"What?" Bon Bon turned to him. "Why? What reason?"

Danny looked back at Sweetie Belle, seeing the clear hesitance in her eyes, he gave her a reassuring nod, then looked back to Bon Bon. "She's here to help mend relations between changelinks and ponies. Learning from them, while they learn from her."

"But why is she here? This is not something you would let a foal do. And why her of all ponies? Why did you even bring her here? And does she know… about you?"

"I do," Sweetie Belle piped up. "And Danny didn't bring me here. My friends and I were brought here by Erlea."

"Who?" Was the first thing Bon Bon asked.

"Me," Erlea, still standing in the same spot, replied flatly. Abella snickered behind a hoof.

"Yeah, her," Sweetie Belle confirmed. "After that, we found this city and all the sick and dying changelinks, and we did everything we could to help them. Then Danny found us, and we did manage to save them."

"It is a very abridged version," Danny added.

Bon Bon blinked once, mind sputtering, turning to Danny with more questions on her mind than she could process at once.


"They're the Cutie Mark Crusaders," he answered readily. "As for me, it's a pretty standard affair in my day-to-day life, to be honest," he shrugged.

Bon Bon stared blankly at him.

"So how're things going?" Danny asked the fillies.

"Pretty good," Abella answered. "There were some problems due to lack of understanding, but that dog turned out to be a decent enough teacher… Once we figured out what he was trying to say."

"Cujo?" Danny asked, puzzled.

"Yo!" A bark came from behind the lectern, and Cujo wriggled into view; lying on his back, and legs kicking randomly as he snaked his way forwards.

Five pairs of eyes looked blankly at the pup.

"He taught you?" Danny sought confirmation, looking back at Abella with obvious disbelief.

"Hey, I know stuff," Cujo barked back before Abella could answer.

"I never doubted that," said Danny. "But I can't believe it was anything useful to others."

Cujo glared at Danny, then kicked his hindlegs and continued his wriggle on the floor. "Fair enough."

"Is… is that a ghost dog?" Came Bon Bon's meek voice.

"Yeah," Danny confirmed with a sigh.

"And you can understand it?"

"It surprises me too," he admitted. "His name's Cujo and he is a real handful."

"Not as full as I can be," Cujo replied, then turned into his much larger form, still scraping his back on the floor as he did so.

Bon Bon stumbled back, eyes wide in shock and disbelief.

"Really," Danny sighed, shaking his head. "Just ignore him," he looked at Bon Bon. "He just wants the attention."

"What are you even learning here that would allow a ghost dog to help?" Bon Bon asked, not sure if she actually wanted to know the answer.

"Good question," he replied, and they both looked at the fillies for an answer.

"Balance," Sweetie Belle replied.

"Balance?" Danny repeated, puzzled for a moment, and then understanding dawned.

"Balance?" Bon Bon said, not understanding.

"Balance," Erlea mirrored with a nod.

"Balance," Abella confirmed.

"Balance," Cujo barked happily, deeply satisfied with how his back was scratched, treating the group to a perfect view of his wagging butt without shame or care.


Deciding then and there that they had better things to do than watch Cujo's antics, Danny, Bon Bon, Sweetie Belle, Erlea and Abella swiftly left the classroom.

Cujo, still happily doing what he was doing, either didn't notice or care they left.

Now back out in the city, Bon Bon slowly followed after the group, lagging behind ever so slightly. The distinct look of someone completely lost on her face as she went over everything she had seen and learned, both in the Murgröna and just now.

All her life she had known one unshakable fact around which she had built her life. Princess Celestia was a kind-hearted, good-natured pony who would not dare hurt a fly without good reason. And later, with the emergence of ghosts, those entities were the purest of evil from the deepest pits of Tartarus. But now. Having seen the memories of those Celestia had wronged. And further, Cujo's shaking butt, she had trouble coming to terms with it all.

It was just so much to take in all at once.

What did all of this mean for her?

How would this influence her life?

How would this affect others?

How would this affect Lyra?

Would she still be a part of her life? And what kind of life would they both even have after this?

And maybe even more important than all of that.

"Who am I?"

"Huh?" Danny stopped, looking back at her. "What was that?"

Bon Bon snapped out of her thoughts, not realizing she spoke aloud until Danny spoke up, and she found he and all three fillies were looking at her with various levels of concern.

"It's nothing," she deflected, looking away.

"With everything that you've gone through, I very much doubt it is nothing," Danny replied. "You don't have to say anything if you don't want to, but I don't think it will do you any good if you keep it inside."

Bon Bon looked down, scuffing a hoof on the ground.

"Listen to Danny," said Abella. "He knows what he's talking about. Besides, I can feel the depression coming from you," she shuddered. "Don't let it fester."

"How… Why are you all so nice to me?" The question rushed out before she could stop herself. "I work for Celestia. I did all those things for her! And now… now all of this. I… I… I just don't even know who I am anymore!" She cried out, dropping down in defeat as tears flowed freely. "Who am I? Sweetie Drops? Bon Bon? Both? Neither? I- I just don't know what to do anymor-" Her breath got caught as Sweetie Belle rushed over to her, and held onto her tightly in a hug.

"You are you!" She said with tears in her eyes. "Your name doesn't matter. Your past doesn't matter. What does is what you choose to do now. Who you chose to be now. But you don't have to make that choice on your own. We're here to help you. All of us."

"We are?" Erlea said, confused. Then she recalled her newfound purpose. "Right, we are." Then she muttered under her breath, "Dung Beetle, old habits are hard to break."

Slowly, Bon Bon calmed down, sniffing loudly as she held onto Sweetie Belle.

"Thank you," she said. "I just don't know what to do with myself right now."

Sweetie Belle held on a bit tighter. "I know what that's like," she told her. "To not be in control of yourself. To be at the mercy of somepony else's actions. To hurt others, even if you don't want to do so. The guilt afterward," she sniffed herself. "We're both here for a reason, and I will not let you go through something similar I went through, too. Not on your own."

Bon Bon pushed away slightly, looking down at Sweetie Belle in shock.

"What are you talking about?"

Sweetie Belle didn't look up. "I have… powers, too. Not like you, but they also caused me a lot of trouble. Erlea and Abella, they are helping me learn and understand them so I won't do anything harmful again."

"You… you're part changelink, too?!" Bon Bon asked, shocked, then felt disturbed when her thoughts wondered how she never noticed any signs of the curse.

"It's… complicated," Sweetie Belle deflected. "And not something I want to talk about all that much right now. Maybe later, after you've had the time to sort out your own thoughts."

"I… Yes, I suppose that would be for the better," Bon Bon replied, uncertain.

After a moment longer, the two parted; both wiping away the tears in their eyes.

"Thank you," Bon Bon said to Sweetie Belle, then she looked back at the others. "And sorry."

"Don't be," Erlea said somewhat forced. "We all need to come to terms with the changes in our lives, one way, or the other. I doubt it will ever be easy."

"We just need to keep moving forward, one step at a time," Abella added. "And sometimes you stumble."

"But you should know you are among friends here. If you fall, we are there to help you back on your hooves," Danny smoothly added, and despite how she felt about her situation, Bon Bon couldn't help but genuinely smile at their words.

"Thank you," she said gratefully, and the three fillies could sense the relief she felt.


The group was moving again, making their way back to the palace.

Sweetie Belle kept pace beside Bon Bon, while Erlea and Abella walked a few steps ahead and on her right. As for Danny. He once more had taken the lead as he moved through the city, making sure to keep their walk long enough to give Bon Bon time to think while also keeping busy, but not too long for it to drag on and on.

But as he moved up with the natural bend of the walkway, a most entertaining sight came into view.

"And that is how I came to meet young Apple Bloom and her friends, which eventually brought me here," Wind Chill said, sitting on the ground and entertaining a group of enraptured foals sitting and hanging on his legs. One of them even had made their way up onto his shoulder and lay curled up, listening intently.

Danny couldn't help himself as he laughed at the adorable sight, bringing their attention to his group.

"Great One," Wind Chill greeted, elated. "How wonderful to see you again. And young Sweetie Belle and her friends, too. How are you all doing?"

"We're doing alright, all things considered," Danny answered for the group, and Wind Chill gave a single nod at the hidden meaning behind his words, his smile dropping ever so slightly.

"I see. Well, I'm glad to hear this."

"And what about you?" Danny smirked. "Has anything interesting happened to you?"

Wind Chill blew a theatrical sigh of disappointment, shaking his head. "I'm afraid not. All I have done is sit here and talk. In fact, it must have been so boring, that the children opted to use me as a climbing rack instead."

The foals quickly voiced their disagreement, much to the amusement of the adults present. This also caused a mental flinch for Bon Bon as, the second after, she realized how much of an adorable sight this was for her.

A massive ghost, climbed on by changelink foals while he told them a story.

It further broke down her old beliefs, and she silently observed the improbable sight. Seeing, but not hearing as Danny and Wind Chill spoke to one another, while Erlea and Abella made the foals climb down. Sweetie Belle, at the same time, seemed hesitant to approach the young shapeshifters. Seemingly ill at ease with something. Then one of the young foals broke away from the group and rushed to her, and Sweetie Belle seemed rather shocked.

Much to her surprise, the young child quickly wrapped herself around one of her legs, hugging her.

This simple act deeply moved Sweetie Belle, and tears welled up in her eyes as she returned the gesture.

And then Bon Bon saw something that she couldn't believe she was seeing.

Energy began to flow from Sweetie Belle, which the foal greedily sucked up.

She knew what it was; had seen it in Spring Breeze's lifebook. But to see it for herself, for real, was something different altogether. But sounds of elation came from Danny and Wind Chill, while Erlea and Abella looked only slightly stunned. And it was at this moment that understanding began to grow within Bon Bon.

She just needs the time to figure out what this would mean for her.


The group had moved once more and were now passing through the hallways of the palace, leaving Wind Chill behind as, in his own words, the narrow passages would only serve to slow everyone down.

Some idle conversation took place between Abella and Danny, while Erlea and Sweetie Belle kept close to Bon Bon. Erlea did appear to have some reservations about her place near Bon Bon, an agent of Celestia, yet she tried her hardest to make true to her newfound purpose.

As for Bon Bon herself, a pensive look had shown on her face ever since their encounter with Wind Chill a moment ago, quietly following after Danny without a word, obviously deep in thought.

"We're here," Danny suddenly said, and Bon Bon snapped out of her thoughts, blinked, and looked around, then saw the large doors before them.

Pushing against one of the two doors, Danny opened the way into the throne room.

"Why did you take us here?" Asked Erlea, confused.

"Your mother basically demanded it," he answered, shrugging, then stepped aside and allowed them in.

"My mom did?" Erlea asked, confused. "Why?"

"So I can have a proper word with our… guest," the voice of Queen Chrysalis came in answer, and Bon Bon sucked in a gasp as she looked inside and saw the bedraggled queen sit on her throne, looking down on her with cold eyes.

A chill went down Bon Bon's spine at the sight of the being who once bested Princess Celestia, and she found herself rooted on the spot.

"Is she in trouble?" Asked Sweetie Belle, looking worriedly at Bon Bon.

"Not quite," Queen Chrysalis stated, never averting her eyes from Bon Bon. "You were brought here by Danny, and as such are under his protection. We owe him too much to betray his trust so easily, nor can I deny the willingness of the Murgröna to connect with you, as well as your obvious changelink heritage. But," she stomped a hoof, "you are still an agent of Celestia. This is a transgression I can't just ignore. Danny has informed me about your situation, and his reasons for bringing you here. But none of that matters if you fail to uphold the trust he has placed in you. So, for that same reason, I am willing to give you a chance, one chance to speak your thoughts and try to convince me you are worthy of the time, effort, and trust put in you." She breathed heavily after saying all that but managed to keep herself from coughing.

"I don't think putting her on the spot so soon is wise," Danny remarked, looking unamused at the queen.

"So you have told me earlier."

"Yeah, figured as much," he sighed, seeing his double stand out of sight for Bon Bon behind the opened door, back against the wall, arms crossed and frowning.

"Approach," Queen Chrysalis ordered Bon Bon.

Bon Bon stood frozen on the spot, eyes wide.

"Don't worry," said Sweetie Belle, reaching up and placing a hoof on her withers. "Just be honest and you'll be fine."

Bon Bon snapped out of her stupor, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. Then nodded, looked at the queen with new found conviction, and approached.

"Your name is Bon Bon, correct?" Queen Chrysalis asked immediately.

"It was, yes."

"Was?" Queen Chrysalis asked, puzzled.

"All my life I used my name as a cover, pretending to be somepony else. I don't know if I can still call myself as such, knowing what I know now. But not knowing what to call myself either, Bon Bon will suffice."

Queen Chrysalis was taken aback for only a moment. "I see," she said. "And knowing all you know now, what will you report to Celestia?"

Bon Bon was silent, looking down, and most present could feel the waging conflict within her.

"I don't know," she admitted. "Before, I wouldn't hesitate to inform her about everything. But now… Nothing makes sense anymore. But I know I can't just walk away from her. It would raise too many questions. They will investigate me, and everyone near me to find out what happened; what changed. So I must report something to her. But I don't know what. I just… I don't know."

Queen Chrysalis stood up despite her body's protest, glaring down at the pony before her, her shadow covering Bon Bon's entire form.

"Will you reveal everything about the Hive to save yourself?! Our numbers?! Our weakness?! Where to find us?!"

"What?!" Bon Bon balked. "Why would I do that? How could I do that?"

Queen Chrysalis' eyes narrowed. "You just said you wouldn't hesitate before. What's stopping you from deciding to do so again?"

"SHE LIED TO ME!" Bon Bon shouted back, anger flaring up. Queen Chrysalis managed to hide her reaction to this sudden shift in emotions, but the fillies in the back were less capable. "SHE LIED TO ALL OF US! FORCING US TO LIVE OUR LIVES IN SHAME AND DISGUST. MAKING US DO THINGS THAT WOULD KEEP US AWAKE AT NIGHT FOR WEEKS FROM A GUILTY CONSCIOUS. BUT WE DID IT ANYHOW BECAUSE WE KNEW SHE HAD OUR BEST INTEREST AT HEART. THAT SHE WOULD FIND A WAY TO CURE OUR CURSE. NONE OF US KNOWING THAT SHE… that she is the curse in our lives," the flame inside of her dimmed down, a new wave of depression slamming over her. "I have given my entire life to her, all because she lied to me. How could I possibly give her more?"


"Very well," Queen Chrysalis said, then began to heave and cough messily, her legs giving out.

"Oh crud," Danny jumped into action as he reached out with a glowing hand, catching the ill queen before she fell to the floor.

"MOM!" Erlea cried out as she rushed to her mother.

"What?" Bon Bon looked around, shocked. Caught unaware by the queen suddenly collapsing, then hearing Erlea call Chrysalis her mother.

"I warned you not to push yourself repeatedly," Danny said, worry and annoyance mixing together as he carefully lowered Chrysalis to the floor.

"I'm fine," Chrysalis heaved.

"No, you are not. And stop pretending you are," Danny scolded, clearly fed up with her overly stubborn behavior. "You need to rest and recover. Instead, you keep running around trying to take charge of things while you clearly are in no state to do so."

"I had to make sure she could be trusted," Chrysalis defended her decision, blinking repeatedly.

"Well, I hope it was worth it," Danny grumbled.

"It was," she said, breathing laboriously.

"Is- is everything alright?" Bon Bon asked hesitantly, not sure what to make of this situation.

"About as well as you can expect," Danny answered, shaking his head. "This is the result of her pushing past her limitations, and she knows she does so. Nothing new there."

"Can I… is there anything I can do to help?"

Danny looked at Bon Bon, a thankful smile showing as he shook his head. "No, but thanks. She needs to rest and allow her medicine to work." He looked past Bon Bon, at Abella, Sweetie Belle, and himself still standing out of sight. "I'll take care of her. You take over from here."

"You sure?" Danny asked, startling Abella and Sweetie Belle, who quickly moved to see his double stand behind the door. At the same time, Bon Bon stumbled back in disbelief, eyes wide in shock yet again.

"Not much of a choice here," the first Danny commented.

"No, not really," Danny agreed, shoulders sagging as he sighed. "Alright," he stepped away from his hiding spot, "first things first." He turned to Bon Bon. "Not the way I had planned on doing this, but here we are. Yes, there's two of me. Yes, I am real. Yes, it's a ghost thing. No, not all ghosts can do this. Yes, this thing gets confusing fast. Questions?"

Bon Bon rose a shaking hoof.


"Is this a nightmare?" She asked, voice shaking.

"I wish," Danny sighed. "Okay, Abella, Sweetie Belle, let's get out of here," he guided them to the door. "Erlea, you coming? Or do you want to stay with your mom?" Erlea silently stared at him. "Fair enough," he nodded. "Alright. Bon Bon, please follow me."

Bon Bon stood still, head swiveling from left to right as she looked at both Dannys.

"I'll try to explain what is going on if that makes you feel better," Danny told her. "But I doubt it will make much sense to you. Heck, it barely makes sense to me, and I live this mess of a life."

More on auto-pilot than anything else, Bon Bon slowly followed after the second Danny, still glancing back at the first with large, confused eyes.

With a green glow, the door swung shut, leaving Danny, Erlea, and Chrysalis alone in the room.

"She stood firm to me," Chrysalis coughed. "Knowing without a shred of doubt the harm Celestia has caused to us all," she looked up at Danny with unfocused eyes. "She will be of help to us, I'm certain."

"Glad to hear it," Danny said grimly.

"Now, please go to Zecora," Chrysalis groaned. "I am no longer able to see."


With a flash of his hand, Danny opened the door to the room Bon Bon had stayed the night, allowing her, and both fillies inside.

"Alright, Eclipse has filled me in on pretty much everything that has happened with my other self and you," he informed them. "Which just leaves everything else to deal with."

"Is Chrysalis going to be okay?" Asked Sweetie Belle.

Danny grimaced. "Probably. She's just too stubborn for her own good. It's most likely also part of the reason why she has developed those side effects."

"Side effects?" Abella said, worried. "Those things my queen warned us about earlier?"

Danny nodded. "She just admitted to my other self she lost her sight, so Erlea is already on her way to Zecora for help."

The room was silent, all eyes on him.

"And I'm not sure what else to say about that," he shrugged. "Anyhow, Bon Bon. I still owe an explanation about there being two of me just now. So do you want the long version or the short? They will both be confusing and not answer a whole lot."

"I think…" She sat down, shaking her head. "I just don't know," she sighed. "All of this, it just makes no sense." She lifted up a hoof and looked at her red fur, "I make no sense.

"Then maybe we can help you make sense of it," Danny offered. "After all, you're among the shapeshifters from which you inherited your ability. I'm sure that, with their help, you will be able to not just make sense of things, but control it without issue."

"But I have never been able to control this," she replied, "only influence it to some extent."

"Yes," Danny muttered. "I suppose that's true."

'Abella. Erlea. This apple pony claims to be the descendant of Apple Pie!' Devora called out over the hivemind.

"Hmuh?" Abella perked up, ears twitching, and everyone else looked at her in either confusion or understanding.

"What is going on?" Asked Bon Bon, but Danny held up a hand, telling her to wait.

'Yeah, Danny found out about that a little while ago,' Abella replied almost instantly. Didn't we tell you that?'

'WHAT? No.

'Oh… Well, apparently all Apples and all Pies are the descendants of Apple Pie and Buzz. Which also means they are of changelink blood, and some of them show the signs through their appearances or abilities,' she informed her friend.

'Wait… WHAT?

'We actually have one of those ponies here in the Hive right now,' she replied, looking at Bon Bon, much to the mare's confusion. 'Not one from Apple Pie, though. But she has the gift of change.


'So, there you have it

Silence was the only answer she got until she felt her friend pull away from their shared mind with clear irritation.

"What just happened?" Asked Bon Bon.

"My friend just found out about the Apples and the Pies through Apple Bloom," Abella answered.

"Didn't you already tell her that after I found out?" Danny asked, surprised.

"Nope," Abella grinned awkwardly.

Danny shook his head, unable to hide his smirk. "Well, at least it sounds like Apple Bloom learned something worthwhile. So I guess the Lifebook I left for her also showed her the truth."

"So Apple Bloom now knows about her ancestors?" Sweetie Belle said hopefully.

"Probably, yes," Danny nodded, frowning. "Eclipse," he called out next, and a pair of orange eyes materialized in his shadow. "Let me know when more is known about this. Apple Bloom learning the truth about herself could both be a good thing and bad, depending on how this plays out."

"Understood," she confirmed, and her eyes vanished.

"Well, with that taken care of…" He turned back to Bon Bon and found her standing with her mouth hanging open. "Right, that kinda cut in between things, didn't it?"


"Right," he scratched his neck. "This will take some explaining."


It took some time. A lot of time, actually. But eventually, Bon Bon was brought up to speed, learning all about the rare ability some ghosts have to duplicate themselves, and the ongoing efforts to reveal the truth to other ponies like her. So far, it only was her, and Apple Bloom; but to an extent, hopefully someday, the entire Apple and Pie families.

Not stopping there, she was also told about Devora who currently posed as Sweetie Belle back in Ponyville. And a far greater shock, Discord.

But with the new understanding also came questions. And with them, doubt. Doubt in herself, and her abilities to help.

She saw the truth in the Murgröna, witnessed the terrible state of things first hoof in the Hive, and experienced the kindness of those she once thought to be nothing more than monsters. And now, once again looking at her hoof, and her red fur, she knew something had to change.

She had to change.

And so, after a long talk, Danny, Sweetie Belle, and Abella all agreed to help her do just that.

And so, after some consideration, the group made their way back to the classroom for no other reason other than that it felt right.

Elinora smiled proudly within the Murgröna.

"Okay, transformation magic," Abella said, sitting before the lectern. "It's a bit difficult to explain exactly how we do it, as it comes naturally to us after we pupate. We already know how to do it, and all we need to learn is how to control it in a meaningful way. Not to say we're all experts at it, of course. I mean, Erlea can't turn into a zebra without also including purple polka dots," she snickered at the thought.

"As for you," she continued, looking at Bon Bon seated before her. "I can't say for certain how your ability works. It comes from us, yes. But there are few left who have this ability. In fact, you're the only one I know of. There may be more, but I wouldn't know," she shrugged.

"As for transforming itself, it requires a clear image in your mind. The more detailed, the better. But don't overdo it, either. Too much clutter will only end up working against you. Also, as I'm sure you've noticed by now. Strong emotions have a large impact on this ability as well," she took a moment to observe the various colors of Bon Bon's coat. "Once you have a clear image to work with, you focus on it with your entire being, and your magic should react to it."

Bon Bon looked down, frowning deeply.

"Is there anything wrong?" Asked Sweetie Belle.

"Not wrong, per se," Bon Bon answered, her frown deepening. "But I have always tried doing just that when I was put in a position I had to change my appearance. Focus on what I wanted to change, and allow the cu- my magic to do its thing. But it never worked as I wanted, and rarely would I end up with things as I had envisioned. In fact, I always have to use the countermeasure spell Celestia has issued to me to keep my changes under control."

"Well, you were resisting this magic all the time," Sweetie Belle told her. "Maybe it will work now that you know what it is?"

"I'm curious as well," said Danny, a strange tone to his voice, arms crossed and a pensive frown showing. "It's all on you whether or not you want to give this a try, but I have a feeling that things may go easier for you right now."

Bon Bon looked at him with clear doubt in her eyes, yet nodded despite this.

Closing her eyes, she imagined her normal self; the colors of her coat, her mane and tail, and her eyes. Remembering her own self from all the times she stared at her reflection in the mirror after undoing the change using the green emerald she kept in her secret base.

She felt a familiar itch as the base of her skull, which quickly traveled down her spine as she stopped resisting her magic and allowing it to run its course.

An excited gasp came from Sweetie Belle, while a thoughtful hum came from Abella.

"Did… did it work?" Bon Bon asked, terrified.

"See for yourself," said Danny, and Bon Bon could see the blue flash through closed lids.

Opening her eyes, she looked around in confusion, seeing both Sweetie Belle and Abella looking at her. The former with a large smile, the latter thoughtfully rubbing her chin. And then she looked at Danny, and the large slab of mirror-smooth ice standing next to him.

Confused, it took her a moment to realize she could see herself in the frozen slab, and a gasp escaped her the moment she did.

Staring back at her, with all the right colors in their expected places, was Bon Bon, exactly as she remembered herself to look like.

"WHAT?!" She jerked back, unable to believe her eyes. "How?"

"Maybe knowing the truth really did help," Sweetie Belle said excitedly.

"I don't think so," said Danny.

"How do you mean?" Abella looked at him. "This looked like a perfect change to me."

"Yes, it is," he answered, eyes set. "A perfect change, first try, while she normally only has had problems, even though she did everything right to start with."

"Why do you not sound surprised?" Abella asked nervously.

"I had a feeling this might happen. But I needed to be sure." He shook his head, clearly disgusted with something. "Bon Bon, you've always had those problems with your change not working correctly, right?"

"Y- yes. Ever since they first started as a foal. Why?"

"And then you met this specialist, who used a counterspell to 'undo' the symptoms of this curse. A spell placed inside a gem of some kind, like an emerald, correct?"

Bon Bon nodded, becoming more and more distressed.

A growl came from the back of Danny's throat.

"A similar emerald-like you yourself possess, down in your basement base," he didn't ask, the answer all too obvious. "A counterspell you've used every single day since the first time you've started showing those changes."

"You think it is this counterspell that is causing those problems?" Asked Abella.

"I know so," he replied. "I saw everything I need to know in Celestia's lifebook. I know what messed up things she's done. And this is no exception," he felt the need to spit the disgusting taste out of his mouth but kept from doing so. "Bon Bon, what you have been using on yourself is dark magic," he revealed, and Sweetie Belle and Abella gasped out. Bon Bon stumbled back, horrified.


"Just like Abella said, all foals, after they pupate, know how to transform. They just don't know how to control it. Which they will learn over time. And just like she said, strong emotions affect this ability, too. And then there was you, a young filly with no idea what was going on, and terrified because of it. Of course, this would make things worse. But they didn't give you a chance to learn how to control this. Because there were those like you, long ago. Having the same abilities, but no way to control them… initially. Without a means to stop the changes, they eventually learned how to use their abilities. That alone wouldn't have been a problem, but some of them decided that they were fine with things, and didn't want to risk their lives doing something they didn't believe in. A few even found others and helped them control their ability, and allowed them to remain hidden from Celestia. Which means she lost control." He clenched his right hand into a tight fist, eyes burning.

"So Celestia used some of the tricks she learned from Sombra to create those gems, then used black magic to create this so-called countermeasure," he slammed his fist into the ice mirror, cracking it. "All for one reason. Control. You become unable to use your power properly and become dependent on her spell to keep the truth hidden. And with no reason to doubt her word, you've been subjecting yourself to this vile act day after day. That's why you were never able to use your ability as it should. Dark Magic."

Bon Bon looked ready to throw up.

"But it needs to be applied once a day to remain effective," he informed them all. "When was the last time you used it?"

"Ye- yesterday morning, before the princesses took Lyra into custody," she stammered, tears in her eyes over this new betrayal.

"Meaning that curse is no longer tainting you. And all the years where you tried and failed to control it yourself are finally coming into play."

Bon Bon was dry heaving, her legs giving out.

Sweetie Belle rushed over to her, helping her lay down before she could collapse completely.

"You're not lying," Abella said, voice weak as she looked up at Danny with shocked eyes.

"No," Danny growled. "I had a good understanding of Bon Bon's situation the moment I saw her use that emerald, but it wasn't until I gained the knowledge of Celestia's lifebook that everything became clear to me. And believe me when I say this. I saw a lot more stuff that I wish I could burn out of my mind. Celestia may have made a mistake once, terrible as it might have been. But now, after all those years… Nothing she can say or do will ever make up for all the pain and horror she has caused.

"We need to stop her," Sweetie Belle said softly, tears in her eyes.

"And we will… someday," Danny promised. "Once we have all the pieces put together, and make sure she can't run, hide, or bend the truth in her favor."

"And what do we do until then?" Bon Bon asked, tears running freely, but an intense fire burning in her eyes.

"Prepare, and grow."


Shock, anger, grief, nausea, hate, despair. These were some of the more prominent feelings Bon Bon felt after all that had happened; all that she had learned. Feeling it in such an intensity most changelinks now carefully walked around the area she was at.

Yet through it all, a newfound understanding was also born. And once the initial shock had worn off, the burning rage Bon Bon felt pushed her on to not only get better at her ability to change but master it.

For hours she worked with dedicated focus to improve herself, to become capable enough to be able to stand in the shadow of her ancestors, to reach even a fraction of Spring Breeze's capabilities.

Abella, Danny, and Sweetie Belle all stood back, watching her, coaching her, and, truth be told, feeling some fear over her ferocity.

But with not having eaten anything for over a day, and only her rage to fuel her, she eventually collapsed, exhausted, starving.

Flopping down like a wet noodle, sucking in air with great heaves, Bon Bon just lay there for several minutes, hearing nothing but the pounding of her heart.

She was vaguely aware of some motion around her, and a flash of green shone through her closed lids, but nothing which seemed to affect her and so she ignored it.

A moment later, when her heart had calmed down, and the world around her became a bit more focused, a soft 'clack' drew her attention.

Opening her eyes, she saw a plate with some berries, nuts, and a single carrot placed on the floor before her. Next to it, a glass of water.

"Figured you would be hungry by now," Danny said, and she saw him sit next to her, his legs crossed. "You certainly seem like you worked up an appetite," he added, trying to make light of the situation.

Bon Bon grumbled something, but couldn't deny the ache in her stomach.

With tired motions, she rolled upright, then grabbed the carrot with her muzzle and ate.

"How are you feeling?" Asked Sweetie Belle, sitting on her other side.

Bon Bon's chewing slowed as she thought, staring down at the plate before her.

"Angry," she said through a half-chewed carrot. "Tired. Worn out."

"Do you want to talk about it?" Sweetie Belle offered.

Bon Bon swallowed, then sighed. "I don't know. It's just… All of it. How am I supposed to feel about this? How is anypony supposed to make sense of this?"

"They're not," said Abella. "All you can do is work with what you have, even if it is nothing. It's how we had to do things."

Bon Bon looked at the young shapeshifter with a newfound understanding of their plight. She then hung her head, aimlessly pushing the plate with a hoof.

"How do you even live like that?" She asked.

"Look around," Abella said bitterly. "You'll have your answer."

"I can never go back to how things were, can I?"

"No," Danny shook his head. "But do you want to?"

"... No," Bon Bon had to admit.

"What will you do now?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Bon Bon was silent, staring intently at the rolling berries and nuts on the plate as she pushed them, half expecting to find the answers to her questions in the random patterns of their movement.

She suddenly stopped her motions and then looked at Danny.

"Earlier, you said you needed my help. Why? With what?"

"I did," Danny confirmed with a nod. "And to help me bring justice to Celestia."

"You want, what?" Bon Bon pushed herself up, eyes wide as she stared at Danny.

"I want to take down Celestia, and I could use your help in doing so."

"But… how could I possibly help? This is Celestia we're talking about. You can't just take her down like that."

"Then it is a good thing that I wasn't planning on just rushing in and seeing how far I can get," Danny half-joked. "No, I have no illusions about the challenges of doing this. That is why I have been working hard to find evidence and allies. I've got a little bit of both right now, but I need much more if I want to have a chance. Which is where you come in, if you want to."

"Please help us," Sweetie Belle pleaded, looking at Bon Bon with large eyes.

"But what could I even do?"

"Aren't you a highly trained agent, with skills in a wide variety of fields?" Danny asked. "Believe me, there is a lot you can do to help. And there is a lot to do. Find evidence of Celestia's crimes. Find a stable source of food for the changelinks. Revive the gardens so we can grow plants, both medicinal and edible," he counted out on his fingers. "And so much more. "A lot more."

"Well, I am an earth pony. I could help with the plants," she suggested.

"Yes," Danny nodded, "that could work. But I have something bigger in mind if you're willing. But before that, there is one more thing you should know about; who it is you're working with. So I need to ask, are you able to handle one more shock?"

"What else is left for me to be shocked about?" Bon Bon asked, defeated.

"You'd be surprised. And most likely not in a good way, either."

"Of course not," Bon Bon sighed. "But I guess you want a proper answer…"

"Only if you feel like giving me one."

"I… Celestia needs to be stopped, I know that now. And if I can help to make that happen, even if it is by growing some plants, I will do it. So, yes. I will help you," she looked at Abella, "all of you." She looked back at Danny. "Tell me what you must."

Nodding, Danny stood upright and took a large step back.

"Just keep in mind that there are a lot of lies being told. Both about you… and about me."

With a flash of light, a band of energy appeared around Danny.

Bon Bon's eyes grew to the size of dinner plates, and her mouth dropped open.

"And he isn't the only one," Sweetie Belle added, and a second flash went off a second later.

Bon Bon promptly passed out.

"Well," Abella poked Bon Bon in the side. "That's about what I expected."


Hours passed, and night had fully claimed the land before Bon Bon would wake again. When she did, she was immediately greeted by the sight of Danny Phantom standing near her bed, watching over her.

She screamed. Loudly.

This then elicited a reaction from the other individual now in the room, as Sweetie Belle, or in this case Silver Spirit phased through the door, looked around in alarm, saw Bon Bon awake and terrified, gave a nod in understanding, then flew over to Danny.

Once Bon Bon's heart had stopped running a marathon, the three of them had a long talk about everything Halfa-related.

Eventually, Sweetie Belle, up all day and busy training herself, nodded off and Danny, one of his doubles, brought her to her private bedroom, leaving Bon Bon and Danny to finish their talk, after which Eclipse was called for.

Once again, Bon Bon found herself encased within the darkness of the shadow mare, yet feeling far more at ease in the blinding, orange glowing mass of shadows as she was brought to some new place unknown.

She couldn't really tell just how long it took for them to arrive, and instead tried to pass the time with some idle chat with Eclipse; getting to know her a bit better, and in turn, Danny, her master.

But eventually, the darkness surrounding her lifted, and Bon Bon looked around in confusion; slowly turning on the spot as she took in the numerous, uncountable books.

"Where are we?" She asked.

"Welcome to the ghost library," said Danny. "A place with more knowledge than you can begin to imagine."

"... Why did you take me here?"

The white-haired ghost looked at her, face set.

"I said I needed your help, which is why I brought you here. So you can understand what I am planning to do. You see these books?" He asked, looking at the endless rows of bookcases all around them. "These are the lifebooks of all creatures alive, and dead. All their stories, written down right here."

Bon Bon once again looked at the many books, unable to believe what he had just said.

"It is where I got the book of Spring Breeze, which I then gave to you," he said as he retrieved said book out of his spectral self.

The book promptly pulled out of his hand, hovered before them, and then flew away, returning to its spot.

"Why am I here?" Bon Bon asked, worried.

Danny looked away, scanning the many books.

"I used the knowledge found here to help you see the truth. It brought you to me and allowed you to see beyond past convictions. But there are others out there. The other ponies Celestia has under her control. I want to set them free. And I'd like you to help me to do this."

Bon Bon took a step back, shocked.

"You want to turn the agents of S.M.I.L.E. against the princess."

"Yes, and for multiple reasons. The first is the most obvious. Like you, they deserve to know the lies they were told. The lie their life is. But I also need help. I need eyes and ears wherever I can. And while I can duplicate myself, the more I do this, the weaker I become. And I have the feeling I need to conserve my power as much as I can, just in case. Not to mention, you and the other agents have a much better understanding of how things work; where things can be hidden, and how to retrieve them. To use what Celestia forced upon all of you against her. To find the skeletons she's hiding, and to help me bring her down."

He looked at Bon Bon, his green glowing eyes filled with determination and conviction.

"So I will need your help to make this happen. You are in a position where you can approach the other agents without suspicion, and give them the lifebooks linked to their ancestors. But I need to know the names of those to call for them. And I need to be sure they can be trusted, because I have no illusion about their loyalty to Celestia, either. Some of them are not ready, or unwilling to learn the truth. Their lives, tragic as it may be, too important to give up on. It's why I am as sorry as I am for having done this to you in the first place."

"You- you do know what you're asking me to do?" Bon Bon said, voice cracking slightly.

"To betray everything you swore to protect and help destroy it. Yes," Danny nodded once. "But knowing what you know now, are you able to walk away from it all?"

"I… I," Bon Bon closed her eyes, taking a deep breath and holding it for as long as she could. "No. No, I can't. Celestia needs to be stopped. But I don't know every single agent by name. Most of us use aliases, for security."

"Not a problem," said Danny, then he turned back to the books. "Please allow me to see the lifebook of Bon Bon of Ponyville."

Bon Bon looked at Danny in confusion, then eeped when a shift around them occurred, and a small wave spread through the books as they moved ever so slightly on their shelves.

A minute later, a book with a color-shifting cover levitated over to Danny, and he held out a hand for the book to land in.

"Like I said," he looked at the name on the cover. "These books hold the full story of our lives. That includes all the names we carry." He turned around the book, allowing Bon Bon to see the title on the cover.

Bon Bon/Sweetie Drops

Her eyes grew to the size of dinner plates.

Danny gave her her lifebook.

"As we speak your story is being written," the book opened on its own, pages flipping to the last page, and Bon Bon saw he spoke the truth. "But how that story unfolds is entirely up to you."

Bon Bon sat down and held the book in her hooves, staring at the words as they appeared on the paper. Then, sensing the one it was connected to, the pages turned back to the early beginning of her story, and Bon Bon reread the moment when she first met the specialist, and something inside her solidified.

Sensing the change in her, the pages flipped to the very end, and a list of names was written down.

Names she knew.

The aliases of all the agents she knew personally. Even those she couldn't recall anymore.

With a shocked gasp, she looked at the names, then up at Danny as her eyes hardened, giving him a single, resolute nod and a cacophony of sound filled the library, almost as if millions of pages were turned at once while books jumped from their shelves.

Author's Note:

And welcome back down here. 

I hope you've enjoyed this new addition to this ever growing story, and to let me know your thoughts and opinions down in the comments. 

The next upload will only contain a chapter for GoaP because of certain events happening in a certain time frame, leaving little time for anything to happen on Sweetie Belle's side of things.

Anyhow, that's all I've got to say.

Enjoy the rest of your day.


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