• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 4,806 Views, 354 Comments

Silver Spirit, Ghost of Equestria. - Powerdrainer

In their quest to earn their Cutie Marks, and maybe find an answer for the strange events that have occurred, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo soon learn they've taken on more than they can handle. Question is, can they keep this a secret?

  • ...

A Taste of fear

Edited by Slayerseba and Halusm

A Taste of fear


With a pull, the vine retracted back into the mass of green, and Sweetie Belle stumbled on the spot, then dropped to her barrel as she lost her balance; eyes unfocused and blinking uncoordinated.

"Yeah, been there," a strangely familiar voice said, sounding both far away, and nearby.

She sluggishly looked around for the source and almost flipped over on her side.

"Easy there," the same voice said, and she felt a hand on her back to help her keep her balance. "Wait for the disorientation to pass."

"Whu," she uttered unintelligently, following the arm in her vision up to the tall human crouched next to her. "Wha?"

"Deep breaths," Danny told her. "Exhale slowly."

Doing as instructed, Sweetie Belle slowly felt herself improve as her vision sharpened, and her balance returned. And after several minutes, she was confident enough in her ability to stand and pushed herself back up on all fours.

"Don't push yourself. You've been in there for a long time," said Danny, hand still on her back.

"I'm fine," she told him, eyes closed and shaking her head to help clear her mind. "I think."

Nodding, Danny slowly stood back up and looked at Abella and Erlea; the two changelinks standing nearby and looking at Sweetie Belle with quizzical eyes.

"And how are you two doing?" He asked.

"Alright, I guess," Abella answered, shrugging.

"I'm… unsure," said Erlea, looking at her hoof. "A lot has happened in the Murgröna, and I don't know what this may mean for us, but…"

"But what?" Danny asked after a moment.

Setting her hoof back down, Erlea looked at Sweetie Belle. "But I guess we will find out… together."

An eyebrow quirked, Danny looked at Erlea, then Sweetie Belle, seeing the ivory filly smile in response.

"Alright, now I am more than a bit curious. What happened in there?" He asked.

"More than we can say in just a few words," said Sweetie Belle.

"It's probably best if we tell the queen what happened, too. I'm sure she would want to know about this," Abelle suggested, looking at Erlea.

"Yeah, I guess she would," Erlea agreed.

"Alright. Let's head back and do that, then," said Danny.

Together, the group slowly left the first chamber, with Danny the last to leave. Looking back over his shoulder at the Murgröna, he smirked slightly as he saw a single vine wave at them, a blue glowing flower near its base.

And, after he left, the vine retracted, and the mass coiled and shifted as, in the center on the ceiling, two new buds began to grow.

A faint glow of light green tinged with red shone from within one bud, a toxic green coming from the other.


The shower had been bliss, and the few hours of uninterrupted sleep heavenly, but now Zecora found herself wide awake due to several reasons.

First, the quiet around her. While the city around her was abuzz with active foals running back and forth to tend to the sick, very little noise leaked into her room. And being used to the ever-present sounds of the forest she lived in, this soon proved to be unnerving enough to pull her out of her slumber.

Second, she would usually be at her busiest during this time of day. And tired as she might have been, certain habits are challenging to break.

Not that she would complain about this. In fact, she might even argue it was a good thing she was already awake and active again, as it meant she could go back out there and help the changelinks.

Yet there was one more reason why she was awake right now. One reason is far more prominent than the other two.


Cujo had found her room.

"Why are you here, hound of destructive doom? Don't tell me you plan to also upturn this room," she rhymed warningly, leering at the seemingly innocent pup.

"Bark." Cujo shook his head, ears and tongue flopping around.

Zecora continued to glare at Cujo as she slowly moved for the door, backing away from the eager wagging pup, until her rump bumped into the unyielding rock of the onyx portal.

It didn't open.

Eyes widening, she glanced back for a split second.

It was all the time Cujo needed.

Happy barking and shouts of frustration filled the room, yet were muffled at best on the other side of the door as changelinks ran back and forth, oblivious to the unfortunate zebra's plight.


The small group had left the old burrow and were well on their way back to the palace, walking mostly in silence. Sweetie Belle mentally replayed everything that had happened while in the Murgröna, while Erlea silently debated the course of actions she had taken, and how this would affect her, and everylink else.

As for Abella, she tried and failed to reach out to her friend over the hivemind several times, which drew the attention of the few others not otherwise occupied, and were listening in. Even then, their curiosity couldn't be sated as Abella refused to explain what had happened. Not until they could do so with the queen present, personally.

Danny on the other hand, while curious himself, also acknowledged their need to mull things over. Besides, it wasn't like he didn't keep things to himself until the time was there to reveal those secrets.

He really hoped his gamble with Bon Bon would pay off, but it wouldn't be until much later his counterpart would find out.

Crossing the bridge to the palace, and stepping through the destroyed gate, the group moved without delay to Chrysalis' bedroom; the runes surrounding the door lit up, and the onyx wall melted away before Danny could do so much as make his hand glow.

"Chrysalis said you were near," Danny said as Danny, Erlea, Sweetie Belle and Abella entered. "She's quite eager to hear what happened."

"That makes two of us," Danny remarked, then turned into a wisp of energy and rejoined his other self, who flinched slightly from the influx of new memories.

Closing the door with a burst of green of his hand, Danny led the fillies to Chrysalis, who was seated before her bed. Looking a lot more fit and composed since the last time they had seen her.

"MOM." Erlea cried out, rushing to her mother who was quick to pull her into a hug and nuzzle the top of her head.

For a moment nothing was said as Chrysalis held her daughter. Then, setting Erlea back down, she turned to the others in the room, completely serious.

"You have opened and entered our ancestral burrow, going where none of us have gone in over millennia, doing that which we could only have dreamed of. This is no small feat, and several have already expressed their desire to do the same. But our ancestors closed those tunnels with good reason, and we wouldn't dare open them unless we could bring a stop to Celestia and bring peace to those she killed," her eyes bore into Danny. "This better has been worth it."

"I hope so, too," he replied, arms crossed, looking down at the fillies.

"The Murgröna connected with us," Erlea began, looking at her mother. "All of us, except Danny. Abella and I… We were taken into the memories of her, and followed her path; see what she saw, learn what she learned and…" She closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. "And the courage to accept the hoof extended to help."

"... I see," Queen Chrysalis said, then looked at Abella.

"I mostly stood on the sideline there," Abella was quick to point out. "Still don't understand exactly what happened there."

"That's because you didn't wear the cap," Erlea told her once again.

They all looked at Erlea, confused. Except for Danny, who smirked slightly in understanding.

"Well, it makes sense to me," she grumbled.

"Riiight," Abella flittered her wings. "Anyhow, after… that Erlea suddenly knew Sweetie Belle was in trouble, and the Murgröna brought us to her. Which is where things got a bit… violent."

"Violent? How?" Queen Chrysalis demanded to know.

Sweetie Belle looked down at the floor, a deep sigh escaping her.

"Apple Pie brought me to the Hive, back when it was just built. She talked to me, asked for my help, then…" another sigh came from her, "then she made me face my darkness; the thing I had turned into before. It… was difficult," she said, then revealed everything that had happened. Erlea and Abella shared their side of the story when appropriate, but remained otherwise quiet as Sweetie Belle spoke.

"And in the end, I had to accept this darker side of my powers. Not because I wanted to, but because I had to. Because doing anything else would have just prolonged the fight."

All were silent, with Danny and Queen Chrysalis noticeably going over everything she had just said; a look of shock and perplexion grew on the queen's face, while a troubled frown showed on Danny's.

"After that," Sweetie Belle continued, "Apple Pie came to us again. Telling us that the things we can't change are always the most difficult to accept. And then she showed us…"

"She showed you, what?" Asked Danny, a hint of worry noticeable in his voice.

"She showed us what had happened to you, and your world when you were lost to your own darkness."

Danny stiffened, jaw set and hands clenching as he mulled over that revelation.

"I see," he said tensely.

"After that, we returned from the Murgröna and came here as quickly as we could," Erlea added.

Queen Chrysalis was quiet for a long while, thinking things through until she felt a careful prod on her leg. Looking down, she saw her daughter stare up at her, worried.

"I am fine, dear. Just thinking," she smiled reassuringly.

"How do you want to proceed from here?" Danny asked her.

"I am uncertain," she admitted with a tired sigh. "After everything that has happened, all the horrible things we have survived- that some of us survived, and the long road to recovery still ahead of us," she closed her eyes again, taking a moment to breathe. "Sweetie Belle," she looked at the ivory filly. "You said it was Apple Pie who brought you in. That she, and in extent, everyling else existing in the Murgröna asked for your help."

"Yes," Sweetie Belle confirmed with an accompanying voice crack.

"And before that, you-" she looked at Danny, "-were shown our entire history. And all in response to the miracle you both managed to pull off." Her chest swelled with the breath she took, holding it in for a moment. "For centuries we struggled just to survive, and now, in merely a day you have turned everything around in ways we couldn't even dare to hope." Her eyes locked on Danny. "The Murgröna showed you, so you can understand." She turned to Sweetie Belle. "And you were aided, so you can help." And finally, she turned to Erlea and Abella. "And you were reminded of what you are, and who we might be again." She addressed all of them next. "What has happened here, what is still happening as we speak, this is too big to be just a passing moment. Before, I had my hope. But now I am certain," she said, voice rising in strength and volume. "We stand at the forefront of a new dawn. The revival of our kind, the resurrection of our ancestors' dream, and the chance- no, the right to live with our heads held hig- ackh!" She was interrupted by a rough coughing fit.

"Holding your head up high is fine and all," Danny commented after she managed to compose herself, "but do that after you're fit enough to do so. You've only had a few hours' worth of sleep. Nowhere near enough to undo the damage your body has sustained."

Chrysalis glared at him but didn't argue the point as her breathing leveled out.

"What's more, we need a plan for the here and now," he continued. "There are still many challenges to overcome before such times will come, so let's not get ahead of ourselves."

"I suppose you're right," Chrysalis said bitterly, less than happy with her current state of being. Then, with a sigh, she looked at Danny. "Then what do you suggest we do?"

"Why are you asking me?" He asked, taken aback.

Chrysalis chuckled over his confusion. "Isn't it obvious? In your own words, a leader barely able to stand is barely able to lead. And I am not going to put even more of a burden on my daughter. Not after everything she was forced to take care of. Which means the next logical choice would be somelin-k who is healthy, old enough, and capable enough to take control of crisis situations when the time calls for it."

"Oh no," Danny took a step back, shaking his head. "No no no. I already told you, I am not interested in being a leader of any kind."

"Which hasn't stopped you from doing just that," Chrysalis chuckled, then coughed. "Who was it that took charge to save those held captive at Canterlot? Who was it that made the plans to keep the truth from being found out by friends and family in Ponyville? Who was it that didn't hesitate to help a dying species he had never heard of before the moment he found them?"

Danny stood silent, face tense.

"Who was it that faced the collector of souls and asked for her help, all just to take down Celestia?"

Danny's silence was telling.

"Not to mention, if my recollection of events is accurate, my daughter made a Hive-linked oath that, if you ever ask for help, we shall answer." Erlea shifted uncomfortably on the spot, looking at her mother.

"My subjects have already taken your commands and advice. Few can claim the same. So you should not hesitate to share your thoughts, Danny. In fact, you will find your words carry a great deal of weight here."

Shoulders sagging, head angled back a bit and eyes closed, Danny took a deep breath, exhaling slowly.

"Shit," he murmured, less than pleased with the situation. "Fine," he grumbled, straightening himself. "Right now, we continue with how things have gone so far. Take care of those recovering, with a select few capable of doing so going out there to search for resources. While the immediate threat of starvation was mitigated thanks to Apple Bloom and Scootaloo, we still need a stable source of food in the long run. And that is not counting Zecora, Sweetie Belle, and I. Though it will be easier to secure food for us. Wind Chill and Cujo, while not strictly requiring any food, also shouldn't be forgotten," he summed up, hand on his chin as he thought. "And Zecora also needs more ingredients for her potions. All of those tasks can be accomplished at the same time by those who go out and search for these things, but how much they can find, or carry is a limiting factor. Made worse by the limited number we can send out there. My ability to duplicate will help with that, to some degree. But I don't know the limit of how often I can split myself, and I become weaker with each split as my power is spread between all versions of me."

He paused for a moment as he considered this.

"So I need to find out how many times I can duplicate myself, and how much this will affect my capabilities." He shook his head, clearing his thoughts. "But that can wait, for now. More important is the immediate care for all afflicted changelinks." He looked at Chrysalis, "Can you tell how many are conscious and aware? And how many are still balancing on the edge? We need to prioritize the help we give to those who need it the most, instead of trying to help everyone at once. That will be more damaging in the long run."

Chrysalis nodded, then closed her eyes, reaching out over the Hive mind and issuing commands and orders.

Several minutes passed before she spoke.

"A large number is responsive and, while not active in any meaningful capacity, able to take their medicine with some assistance. A good number is worse off. Those hit immediately in the blast that forced us out of Canterlot. Few of them have regained consciousness. Which makes me, being active as I am, seem like quite the miracle," she added, shaking her head. "As for those you freed from captivity… " She fell silent, head hanging slightly. "Only one is still with us, barely. And it is doubtful she will pull through."

Erlea, Abella, and Sweetie Belle flinched as if kicked in the gut, while Danny merely released a tense sigh, shaking his head.

"While that comes as little surprise, it's still not the outcome we wanted." He pulled a hand through his hair, frowning. "Alright, those who are awake and aware will be alright, for the most part. Focus the most attention on the others, especially the last survivor from Canterlot. Hopefully, she has enough fight left in her for a miracle."

There was a momentary silence as he weighed his option.

"Just as important, have those who helped me with the previous supply run meet me near the entrance, if they are able, plus whoever else we can spare. The earlier group already has a good idea of what we're looking for, so they can effectively coordinate with the others joining us to get the most resources as fast as possible. We're going to need those sooner, rather than later," he instructed, and a band of light split him in half; a duplicate flying off in a hurry without further comment.

"Some assistance must also be given to Zecora. I can do that, for the most part. So no need to draw away anyone who could be more useful elsewhere," he added, and another flash of light sent a second duplicate on his way; much to the amazement of the wide-eyed changelinks and pony in the room.

"Which should cover most bases, for now," he concluded. "Still plenty of other things that need to be done, but this will secure the most vital issues for the time being. Which leaves just one last thing," he turned to Sweetie Belle. "We shouldn't forget about you, either."

"Uhmm…" Sweetie Belle shifted nervously on the spot.

"How do you feel after everything that happened in the Murgröna?"

"I… don't know," she told him.

"There is a mess of emotions mixed together," Erlea said, tongue flicking past her lips as she tasted the air.

"Makes sense," Danny nodded in understanding. "It will take some time for this to process and settle down. And what about you two?" He aimed at Erlea and Abella.

"Confused, for the most part," was Abella's ready reply.

Erlea was silent, lifting and looking at her hoof; the same hoof she extended in help and friendship to Sweetie Belle.

"I've found what I need to do," she said after a moment, then fell silent.

"Which is?" Chrysalis asked after a moment.

Erlea blinked, set her hoof down, and looked at her mother. "To help restore the bond of trust-" she looked at Sweetie Belle- "one pony at a time."


"Not. A. Word," Zecora said, her anger clearly noticeable.

The fact she didn't rhyme as she stepped out of the door Danny just opened for her was also a good indicator of how she felt.

"What?" Cujo barked innocently, head cocked to the side as he looked up at an annoyed Danny.

"I'll deal with you later," Danny muttered.

Closing the door behind him, knowing Cujo would find his own way out, Danny watched Zecora walk down the hallway and toward the exit.

Following after her in silence, they stepped out of the stalagmite and moved to the guardrail surrounding the walkway.

Standing still and looking out into the distance, Zecora took several minutes to compose herself before turning to Danny.

"For my behavior, an apology I must give. But that hound's actions are far too abrasive."

"Don't worry about it. I understand," Danny reassured her. "It just means he likes you. But even then, Cujo should know better than that."

Shaking his head, he looked out into the city, face set.

"We're going to be busy again. There is still a need for more potions and such, and a duplicate of me is already organizing a new supply run for anything you might need. Food as well, for us and Sweetie Belle," he closed his eyes, sighing. "Several changelinks unfortunately passed, despite our best efforts. I have had them prioritize the help to the weakest among them. Hopefully, we can prevent further losses of life. Even then, they are dependent on you for any and all potions that might give them a chance to pull through. So if there are any ingredients you need more than others, tell me and I'll inform my other self. Otherwise, we're going to gather more of what we already did so you have a solid supply of ingredients. Though I don't expect to find too much right now. It won't be long until night comes, and we can't go out too far, either. So right now will most likely be a food run, which is also important to keep us going.

He looked at Zecora, seeing her nod in understanding.

"Then we should make haste and see what we got, otherwise your efforts might be for naught."

Nodding in agreement, Danny stepped away from the too-low for him guard rail, then he and Zecora made haste to the room her cauldron was left to cool and air.

Hopefully, most of the stink would be gone by now.


"Are you certain you want to do this now?" Danny asked, watching Sweetie Belle shift uncomfortably on the spot.

"Yeah," she answered reluctantly. "Not because I want to, but because I need to."

Sighing, Danny nodded in understanding as he opened the door to the classroom they had used earlier.

Sweetie Belle entered after a moment, biting her lip in nervousness. Followed not long thereafter by both Abella and Erlea.

"Alright then," Danny entered last, the door closing behind him. "I guess we're doing this now." He moved to the lectern, sitting down before it, crossing his legs.

All three fillies joined him. Erlea and Abella sat down on either side of him, while Sweetie Belle sat down before them.

"So…" Danny said after a short moment. "Eating fear."

Sweetie Belle flinched, caught herself, then nodded. Looking at the floor between herself and Danny.

"Accepting my darkness won't matter much if I don't learn to control it," she said. "And I don't want to go all crazy again, either. So I must do this. For myself… and to be able to help the others."

"I understand," he replied, "but don't expect yourself to succeed on the first try. This is something that goes against your nature. And if it is anything like my duplicating, it will take a lot of practice to pull off… Or a magical pool to drain the energy from," he added, to some confusion.

"Never mind that," he held up a hand. "Just… expect yourself to fail the first few times. And don't force yourself either."

Sweetie Belle nodded in understanding, then looked at Erlea. "I know we had those lessons earlier, but is there anything else I should know?"

Erlea was silent for a moment, thinking with the occasional ear twitches.

"I guess," Abella replied to Erlea, shrugging.

"You still remember everything mom told you?" Erlea asked, to which Sweetie Belle nodded. "And to feel out the fear as if it is a great meal like Danny suggested?" Once more Sweetie Belle nodded. "Then there is not much for me to add. All there is to do now is to just do it."

Sweetie Belle looked at Erlea, then gave a somewhat reluctant nod.

"I will add one thing," said Abella, and they all looked at her. "Accepting your darkness is only half the struggle. If you want to do this, you need to let it out. There is no way around that. Either you let it out on your terms, or it will do so on its own. And we all know what comes next if that happens."

Sweetie Belle grimaced but nodded.

"And there should be plenty of fear around here for you to feed on," Abella added matter-of-factly. "Which will probably help in drawing out this other side of yours."

Sweetie Belle sighed. "Please don't make this any more difficult than it already is."

Abella closed her mouth, nodded, then readjusted her position, to be less irritating on her injury.

"Okay," Sweetie Belle said, more to herself, looking down. "Let out my darkness and feed on fear while remaining in control. I can do this… I hope."

Closing her eyes, she searched inside herself for her darker self while, at the same time, thinking about all the delicious things she had eaten.

Several long, frustrating minutes passed where she sat shifting on the spot; a frown growing more extensive and deeper on her face as if nothing seemed to happen.

"Don't try to forc-" Danny said, but was silenced by Erlea nudging him in the side; her eyes locked on Sweetie Belle while her tongue flicked past her fangs— an action mirrored by Abella.

A small grunt of frustration came from Sweetie Belle as she began to run out of foods she liked, and nothing seemed to happen. And it was in the split second after she decided to give up, her mind wandered to a day, years ago, when Rarity took her to the ice cream store and bought her her favorite ice cream.

Something latched onto the memory, and she suddenly found herself floating in the same dark void she had seen once before, during her time training in the Far Frozen, and where she found her trigger to transform.

"Huh?" She said, noticing the sound did not reach far, as if the void around her swallowed her voice before it could spread beyond her.

Looking around, she noticed the same green glow she saw the first time as well.

Moving to the glow, she soon found herself pulled into the energy, and found her silver gleaming counterpart hanging suspended in the center; eyes closed and dormant.

Moving closer, she poked her other side with a hoof.

In an instant, Silver Spirit had vanished, and she noticed her outstretched leg was now covered with a pitch-black boot, and her fur had turned a gleaming silver.

Sweetie Belle jerked back as she realized she was now in her spirit form, and it took her a moment longer to realize that her unexpected transformation wasn't the only thing that had changed.

Looking past the green glow she was in, she saw strange swirls of… something twist and coil.

For a moment, the image of a constrictor snake coiling around its prey entered her mind. And she, in the center, was the victim.


"Her ear twitched, and she looked around in confusion, not sure if she heard something.


She spun around, this time sure she heard something.


"Hello?" She called out, scared, the sound she heard was strange and warbled.

The coiling outside of the green energy intensified, and a tendril of darkness slithered in.

"F̵e̴e̶d̷ ̶m̵e̷ ̶m̴o̴r̵e̴!̶"

Sweetie Belle backed away from the tendril, now understanding what it was, and what she was saying.

"M̸o̵r̸e̵ ̴f̴e̶a̷r̸.̷ ̶F̸e̶e̷d̵ ̸m̴e̸ ̶m̶o̴r̷e̵ ̶f̸e̶a̵r̵!̴ ̷"

Sweetie Belle forced herself to hold the position as the tendril moved closer, then began coiling around her.

Gritting her teeth, she stared at the darkness around her.

"I chose to accept you because doing anything else would only cause more suffering to myself, and others. Now you need to make a choice, too. Do you want fear? Fine. You can have it. But only under my conditions, because I will not allow you to take control over me like that again!"

"M̸O̶R̵E̵!̷" The darkness pushed closer, washing over Sweetie Belle.

"NO!" Sweetie Belle shouted, a burst of energy coming from her form, pushing away the darkness. "You only take and take, hurting others to get it, yet it is never enough. Never again. You can have your fear, but only that what you need. What we need. Nothing more. And never at the cost of somepony else's well-being. Do this, and I will allow you to eat your fill."

A hiss was the response, and the coiling outside the green energy intensified.

"And don't think you can just take over again, either," she warned. "I know you're here now. A part of me. And I will not allow you- allow myself to go feral again because I am better than that!"

The coiling seemed to slow down for a moment.

"So if you want to eat, it will be by my rules," she glared at the tendril with green glowing eyes. "Deal?"

The tendril moved closer, then before Sweetie Belle could react, it stabbed and flowed into her chest.

"D̵e̸a̵l̷.̴ ̴"


"Don't try to forc-" Danny said, but was silenced by Erlea nudging him in the side; her eyes locked on Sweetie Belle while her tongue flicked past her fangs—an action mirrored by Abella.

A small grunt came from Sweetie Belle as she clearly struggled. Then, quite unexpectedly, she noticeably relaxed.

"Something is happening," said Abella, tongue flicking past her lips once more.

Without warning, Sweetie Belle suddenly transformed, surprising them. Even more worrying, her relaxed stance became more and more rigid.

Then, shocking all three of them, Sweetie Belle's ethereal mane and fur started to darken. Small fangs poked past her upper lip, and a fine red glow began to flow to her from out of the air itself.

With a gasp, Sweetie Belle lurched forwards, her pupils, now visible to them, slit and wide.

Catching herself before hitting the ground, Sweetie Belle stood wide, panting for air… and something more.

Stepping forwards, and keeping Erlea and Abele behind him, Danny carefully approached the doubly transformed filly.

"Sweetie Belle?" He asked cautiously, hoping she was still in control but preparing for the worst.

"Ghnhh," Sweetie Belle grunted, shaking her head. "What… What is- ghu."

"Calm down," Danny quickly knelt down, placing a hand on her back, realizing she was still in control, but clearly struggling. "Take slow breaths."

"I- I can't. It's so thi-" she gasped. "It's everywhere."

Danny then realized the delicate glow of red he noticed earlier hung around her muzzle, seemingly blocking her nose and mouth.

"Don't fight it," Abella spoke up, stepping past Danny. "You managed to draw out your hunger, now allow it to eat."

"How?" Sweetie Belle gasped, panting for air.

"Like you're inhaling a great meal," Abella told her.

Sweetie Belle looked at her with slightly teary eyes, then saw Erlea give her a confirming nod while Danny softly squeezed her back.

Closing her eyes and gritting her teeth while trying to get just a bit more air inside, she struggled to remember what it was that had first triggered this hunger to come forth.

Once again the image of the ice cream she liked as a little filly came to her, and something flared up inside of her.

Instincts she didn't know she had took over, and she bit down on the fear coalescing around her muzzle.

Her eyes shot open as the first wisps of red flowed passed her tongue, and she stood frozen for only a moment before greedily sucking in all there was to take.

A minute later, the last of the red had vanished down her gullet and Sweetie Belle smacked her lips happily.

"It tastes just like ice cream," she remarked, then realized what she said and did.

Eyes growing wide in worry, she looked up at Danny.

"Guess this thing came easier to you than I expected," he said, surprised.

"Just like she inhaled a great meal, at the first taste she got," Abella commented. "Not sure how ice cream can be considered a meal, but I guess if you eat enough of it…" She shrugged.

"How do you feel now?" Erlea asked.

Sweetie Belle looked down, thinking, glad they didn't seem to judge her for what she just did; calming down somewhat because of it.

"I feel… okay, I guess. Don't feel anything strange."

"And what about…" Erlea paused for a moment, then shrugged. "You do realize what you look like right now… right?"

Sweetie Belle was silent, looking at Erlea in confusion.

"Yeah, no surprise there," said Danny. He then held up a blue glowing hand and created a mirror-smooth slab of ice, allowing Sweetie Belle to see her reflection.

"Ghaaa!" She stumbled back as she saw the dark gray, slit-eyed pony look back at her.

"Guess we'll need to work on that next," Danny commented, trying to calm down the panicking child.


Several hours had passed, and the sun began to dip past the horizon. And in that time a lot had happened.

Wind Chill moved with heavy steps through the city, carrying one of the final pieces of debris and clearing out the last blockade.

With a grunt, he deposited the chunk of stone on the sizable pile near the city's entrance.

Wiping away the sweat that had soaked in the fur around his brow, he sighed, nodding over a job well done.

An echoing buzz drew his attention to the tunnel leading to the outside, and a small swarm of changelinks, joined by Danny flew back inside. All of them carried a partially filled bag, which they immediately took to their intended destination.

Danny gave him a nod in passing but was otherwise silent.

"The road to recovery is long and difficult," Wind Chill said, "but the first steps have already been taken. For now, they are merely surviving, one day after the next. But I know; feel it down into my core, with our help, soon, they will be able to not just live, but thrive."

He took a deep breath, holding it for a moment.

"And I know that one day soon, you, the both of you, Great One, young spirit; you will bring peace to them, too."

Author's Note:

And... we're back.

Welcome back down here at the author's notes. I hope you've enjoyed this long overdue chapter. And you may be wondering how long it will take for the next addition to this story to be released. Next month? Coming December? One year from now?

Well, don't worry. It will not be that long. Next week, I will publish a new chapter for Goap. But only that fic. But that doesn't mean this fic is going to be ignored, because the next chapters after that are well under way. They still need a good deal of work, so I can't say when those will come, but I don't expect it to be months. But we'll see how it goes.

Also, to those who have missed my last blog. I have also updated all previous chapters in GoaP and SS. This because I realized I made a rather large mistake with some crucial elements in my stories. Things are fixed now, and improved in other places as well. So if you ever thought about going for a re-read, now would be a good time to do so.

Anyhow, with this all said and done, I like to ask you to please report any and all mistakes you did find down in the comments below. Or maybe just leave a comment in general. It would be most appreciated.

Thanks for sticking with me all this time.
