• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 4,805 Views, 354 Comments

Silver Spirit, Ghost of Equestria. - Powerdrainer

In their quest to earn their Cutie Marks, and maybe find an answer for the strange events that have occurred, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo soon learn they've taken on more than they can handle. Question is, can they keep this a secret?

  • ...

Cold Realizations

Edited by Slayerseba and Clawder.

Cold Realizations


"GHAA!" Danny yelled as he clutched his chest, dropping to his knees before the startled zebra, as a wavering aura surrounded his body and he vanished in a flash.

Moments later, Twilight came rushing out of Zecora's hut, followed moments later by her friends.

"Zecora, what happened?!" Twilight asked urgently. Zecora, however, could only stare in shock at where Danny just stood, unable to answer the question she was asking herself.

"Zecora," Twilight tried again with rising panic. "Where's Danny?!"

Zecora didn't answer.


Danny, or rather the wisp of energy which had been Danny, shot through the forest with great speed; its faint light illuminating his immediate surroundings, a streak of light in the air.

It weaved past trees and shot through bushes, not stopping for anything as it felt the pull, the drive to return, to become whole.

A solitary owl hooted, as it shot past the tree the animal was perched on, not aware of the creature following its path with calculating eyes. Wings flapping trying to follow, even after the distance became too great.

Before long, the forest gave way to grasslands, the many blades of green glinting as the pale white streak shot past them, moving further and further; over hills and ice, until it encountered a herd of equines standing within a frozen land.

Ignoring them, the wisp of energy shot into a mostly frozen tunnel; following the path it encountered without straying, shooting into a hidden city deep below.

It continued, ignoring the fires, or the eyes of the insect like ponies who saw it as it moved for a destroyed gate.

It entered the maze of corridors, ignoring the boundaries of tangibility as it moved through wall after wall until it encountered two massive doors, standing slightly ajar.

It flew through, encountering a group of creatures. It moved for one of the largest present. But before it made contact, it stopped, hovering before the unknown entity from which it sensed the pull; shifting erratically from left to right.

It didn't understand what this was, nor did it have much of cognitive abilities in its current state. All it did 'know' was that the drive to return came from the beast before it. And so, with a shrug, it shot into the beast's chest, merging back with itself.

"Nghh," Danny moaned as he dropped to a knee, the memories of his double joining the influx of thoughts he was already busy dealing with.

"""DANNY!""" Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle cried out in alarm.

"Im alright," Danny said, pushing himself back up. "It was just my duplicate returning… Guess whatever happened to me also affected, well, me."

"Duplicate?" Sweetie Belle repeated, cocking her head in confusion.

"Yeah… I can copy myself numerous times."

"Does this mean you finally mastered this ability of yours?" Wind Chill asked with a hint of admiration.

"Not even close," Danny replied flatly, looking off to the side as he sifted through the influx of new memories his other half had accumulated, while Scootaloo looked at him in awe, Apple Bloom, as if he'd grown a second head, while Sweetie Belle looked almost shocked.

"... Can I do that too?" She asked with uncertainty, worried what this might mean for herself.

"I have no i-" Danny began, only to fall silent as the last of his double's memories came to focus. "... OH, COME ON!" He suddenly bellowed, scaring the fillies and colts; some of the changelings fluttering their wings nervously.

"Is something wrong, Great One?" Wind Chill asked, alarmed.

"Wrong doesn't even begin to describe the mess all of us are in right now," Danny fretted, bringing up a hand to pull through his hair, only to stop mid motion when he saw the clearly not human appendage.

"What's going on?" Apple Bloom asked.

"I just saw the memories of my double," Danny revealed, then dragged a hand over his face, not even caring what it was anymore. "Great. Just great. Just fan-fucking-tastic," he cursed, the full weight of everything that had happened during this, far too long, day finally being too much.

"Great One, language," Wind Chill sucked in a breath, scandalized. "There are children here."

"Don't even get me started," Danny groaned. "Not only are we here because of them—" he looked down at the three fillies, who backed away as his heated gaze landed on them "— but back in Ponyville everyone has locked themselves inside because someone saw a ghost-"

"Hey, yeah. That's right. Bulk Biceps came screaming into town," Scootaloo cut in, only to be silenced by a flat yet harsh glare from Danny.

"Wonderful," he groaned. "Not only that, but your sisters, your brother and your caretaker are out in the Everfree Forest looking for you with their friends," he aimed at the three young ponies with wild hand gestures. "And to make matters even more 'perfect', there is a group of ghost hunters out there as well who have revealed themselves because you three are missing, claiming it may have something to do with the recent spectral activity they've encountered and they put me in a very difficult position as a result; only for the sudden appearance of possibly another ghost to steer them away from me! Oh yeah, and then there is also this—" he motioned to indicate his transformed self "— GHAA! Can this day get any worse?!" Danny yelled in frustration, only to fall silent when Cujo, standing in the open doorway, began to bark,

"Who said that?" Danny asked, looking around, confused.

"Who said what?" Scootaloo asked, and another set of barks came in answer.

"There it is again," Danny said, ears swiveling around, trying to find the source.

"I don't hear anypony speaking," said Sweetie Belle.

"Well, there's that green dog standin' in tha doorway," Apple Bloom pointed out. "He's been barking every now and then."

Cujo barked happily, tongue lolling out his mouth as Danny turned to look at him; eyes wide in disbelief.

"You can talk!?" Danny yelled.

"Bark," Cujo answered.

"Talk?" Apple Bloom said, confused, glancing at her friends for answers, but receiving only shrugs from them.

"All I hear is barking," Scootaloo said.

Cujo barked his answer happily, receiving only blank looks from the ponies.

"You mean I can understand you because I'm… this?" Danny asked, gesturing his wholesome.

Cujo barked enthusiastically.

"Ehh… What's going on?" Asked Scootaloo after Danny stood silent for nearly a minute.

Cujo barked in answer. Scootaloo could only blankly stare.

Stepping closer to Danny, Cujo set his sights on Danny's ankle. Opening his mouth as wide as he could, his teeth shimmered for a moment, then grew much bigger. Then he chomped down, hard.

".... GYIAAAAAAAAAA!" Danny screamed as he jumped away in reflex; hopping on one leg while holding the bitten, slobber covered foot with both hands.


Cujo barked back a noticeably smug reply.

"I'll repeat myself," Danny growled, slowly putting his foot back down. "What. The. Hell?"

"Okay, does anypony know what tha hay is goin' on here?" Apple Bloom asked, scratching her head as she watched the transformed human argue with a small, green glowing pup.

"Not me," Sweetie Belle shook her head.

"Nuhuh," Scootaloo replied as she turned to the changeling beside her. Erlea, however, confused as she was, could only glare at the current development.

"Wind Chill?" Apple Bloom turned to the giant.

"I… I think that, whatever caused Danny to come in possession of Fenris' body, also allows him to understand other dog like creatures."

"... That actually makes sense… in some weird, illogically kind a way," said Apple Bloom.

"You mean…" Danny said slowly, the tone of his voice so severe it returned the fillies' attention back to him. "You mean Tucker, Jazz, Wulf, Dani, and Valerie are out there looking for me?"

Cujo barked while nodding all the while.

"Who are they?" Apple Bloom asked, intrigued.

"Maybe Tucker is the Tucker Foley from the Fenton corporation," Sweetie Belle said, a pondering hoof pressed against he chin. Then fell silent as they all shared the same realization. """Oooohh,""" they joined voices.

"But who are the others?" Asked Scootaloo.

"Jazz," Danny gasped out as he looked away. "Jazz's my older sister. Tucker is my oldest, and best friend. Wulf is a ghost; a wolf much like how I now am. Valerie is… was someone once close to me… It didn't work out. And Dani… Dani. She's my…." Danny closed his eyes, releasing a deep sigh "In a way, she's my twin sister."

"In a way?" Said Sweetie Belle, blinking in confusion as she shared a equally confused look with her friends.

"It…'s a long story. Not something I feel like telling right now," Danny sighed out, then turned around to look at the children. "Besides, we've got more pressing matters to deal with," he reminded them. "First and foremost, what happened to me and how do I turn back to myself?"

"WHAT!?" Erlea yelled, stomping towards Danny. "I don't care about what happened to you, or how to fix you! Because right now my kind is still dying and the only one who was able to do anything has now somehow disappeared when you took over his body, taking away what little hope we had!"

"Well, shouldn't we try to undo what happened to Danny because of that?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"Maybe he can use his claws like Fenris did?" Scootaloo suggested.

"Whadda ya think, Wind Chill?" Apple Bloom asked the giant.

"I think this is a matter out of our abilities to simply solve. I can't even begin to understand what happened to the Great One, or how to undo it," Wind Chill replied grimly. "Though, as he is now, it may be possible for him to see the Elder. Her knowledge of Danny's, euhh, unique situation may prove to be much greater than mine."

"But if we leave, who will help Erlea?" Sweetie Belle asked.

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at one another, conveying their thoughts through eye contact alone.

"Well, Ah can stay here an' help them changelings with tha fires and tha sick," Apple Bloom suggested.

"Are the windigoes calmed down now?" Scootaloo asked Wind Chill.

"They are. But if they are allowed to roam free without someone watching them, there is no telling what could happen," he answered.

"Then I will do that," Scootaloo said, determined. "Then you, Sweetie Belle and Danny can go see the Elder, and undo whatever happened to him."

"That could work," Wind Chill said, pleasantly surprised with this possible solution. "You would need to take care not to agitate the windigoes. If one of them reacts badly, the others will most certainly follow.'

"Don't worry," Scootaloo reassured. "They're like us ponies, right? Just taller, colder… and deader?"

"Well, ehh. Not exactly, but close enough I suppose," Wind Chill replied.

"Then if we hurry, we can go see the Elder, fix Danny and Fenris, and come back here to help the changelings," Sweetie Belle summed up.

"And again you're running off to do who knows what," Erlea snapped, breathing heavily through teeth. "Abella, go with them. Make sure they come back here." 'And if not, make sure they will go down with us!'

Nodding, Abella turned to Sweetie Belle.

"We've been lenient with you out of necessity. But our patience has an end. Find a way to fix him, now!" Abella hissed.

"Then we should hurry," Wind Chill urged them on. "The portal is quite a distance away."

"Eehh… Portal?" Danny asked, confused. "Clearly I'm missing some critical information here."

"Some time ago," Wind Chill quickly answered, "a portal of unusual properties opened in the Far Frozen. Something which could not have happened in the first place, yet it did all the same. And as it would turn out, this portal leads directly to the children's world; having forged a passage into an ancient chamber of sorts."

"Yeah, it's in the old castle of the Princesses," Scootaloo clarified.

"In tha Everfree Forest," Apple Bloom added.

“... Okay,” Danny said blankly. "... Just to get this right. There is a portal, in an old castle, in the Everfree Forest. Said portal leads to the Far Frozen and now we need to go to this portal to find the Elder?" He asked and all three fillies, and Wind Chill gave him a confirming nod. "... And going from the memories of my double, said forest is also where your sisters, caretaker and friends are looking for you. Said forest where also a group of ghost hunters are, who are already chasing after a possible ghost, while also suspicious of me… and my double clearly vanishing as he did not aiding the situation at all… Anyone else seeing this trainwreck coming, or what?"

"That… could pose a problem, yes," Wind Chill replied grimly.

"Problem doesn't even begin to describe it," Danny groaned. "At least, I hope Zecora can steer some of this impending disaster away from us."

"Zecora?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"She knows about me," Danny revealed, quickly holding up a clawed hand to silence any further inquiries. "Long story. Now's not the time," he told them, then sighed out. "Well… Nothing serious has gone wrong the last, I don't know, two minutes… So, to the Everfree we go, I guess."

Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle all showed the same worried look, and even Wind Chill grimaced over the dire situation they found themselves in. Yet despite it all, there was one voice of reason which finally spurred them into motion. And it was an agitated voice at that.

"WELL, ARE YOU COMING OR WHAT!?" Abella shouted, standing impatiently before the open doors of the throne room.


"Zecora, please tell us what happened?" Twilight asked again, having brought her striped friend back inside and casting a protective barrier over Zecora's hut for added measure.

Zecora, still mentally replaying everything that had just happened and unable to deduce Danny's fate ever since he, well, whatever it was that happened to him, sat still on her bed, eyes closed, and releasing a deep breath.

She didn't know what had happened, yet there were some details Danny had managed to convey before his fate exploded into uncertainty. Sweetie Belle and her friends were safe, to some extend. And the shapeshifting creatures known as changelings were somehow involved as well. Add to that Danny's secret, dual nature of being a ghost and, again, what had just happened to him, Zecora knew something big was going on.

"Zecora?" Twilight tried again after her friend still didn't reply to her, or any of her friends.

"Surely she's too shocked by what she saw to speak to us," Rarity said with a dramatic flare.

"But if she doesn't tell us anything, then how do we know what happened to Danny. He needs our help!" Twilight immediately shot back.

Of course there was also the fact of the ghost hunters revealing themselves to consider. Not to mention the sudden appearance of this ghost, which managed to draw away the hunters from Danny. This surely couldn't be a coincidence. Zecora knew, from extensive experience, such tremendous events following so closely after one another were almost always connected with each other, even if the threads that bound them were invisible to her.

"Well, o'course she's shocked," Applejack stepped in between Twilight and Rarity. "Hay, who wouldn't be. There's a ghost on tha loos out here, who may, or may not have anythin' ta do with tha fillies bein' missin'. And then Danny goes missin' too, jus like tha, right before Zecora. Doesn't help we're in tha Everfree Forest either."

"AJ's right," Rainbow Dash stomped a hoof on the floor. "Something fishy is going on around here. I mean, Just before Danny vanishes, we find out his shadow is missing as well."

Ah, yes. Danny's shadow. Zecora focused on that particular notion. When this revelation was brought to light, everyone reacted as one would suspect, except Danny. though, had she not known about Danny's true nature, his reaction would probably not even register even to her. But it did, and the way he reacted made her believe Danny was put on the spot not by the fact of his shadow being missing, but for this absence being found out. Which meant he knew. Curious, but only another question in this growing confusion of conflicting thoughts and accusations.

"Maybe we should give her some time to calm down?" Fluttershy suggested from underneath the cauldron she was once again using like Tank, Rainbow Dash's pet would use his shell.

"But what about Danny!?" Pinkie Pie shouted. "He could be scared, or hurt, or dead and having become a ghost himself, teaming up with the dastardly menace who killed him, turning him against all of us! Or-"

"PINKIE!" Twilight yelled, angry, specks of tears in her eyes.

Regardless of what is, or isn't, clearly this situation needed to be brought under control before yet another unexpected and unwanted situation would devolve into a problem.

Slowly, Zecora opened her eyes, scanning the ponies before her.

"Please, there is no reason to shout. Though the situation does warrant the current freakout."

"Zecora!" Twilight said, relieved her friend had snapped out of her shock. "Are you alright? What happened? Where is Danny?"

"Calm down there, Twilight," Applejack told her as she calmly, but firmly pushed Twilight away from the zebra. "Give her some room to breath."

Zecora sighed out, shaking her head, her earrings and golden bands decorating her neck clanging with the motion. "I fear I cannot answer that which I do not know. The fate that befell Danny is covered within shadow."

"But then why did you two go outside?" Twilight wanted to know.

"Though it is harsh, this I must say. The argument you were having didn't help us in any way. Therefore Danny and I took a moment apart, discussing what happened before his unexpected depart."

"Wait, did he know something about what has happened?" Bellflower asked.

Zecora looked at the pony, standing near her well stocked supplies of potions and herbs.

"Nothing that would tell us where the children have went. Though he shared some insights about the ghost responsible for this destructive event," Zecora told her, slowly looking around her hut and the mess this Cujo had made of it.

"Wait, he knows the ghost that did this?" Rainbow balked, eyes narrowing as yet another conspirative thought was made.

"There is no need to start an uproar, for all I said, he has seen such sights before."

"... I guess that makes sense," Rainbow Dash grumbled.

"A bit tah much, if ya ask mah," Applejack said, readjusting her Stetson. "Danny also seemed ta know quite a bit 'bout Sombra being a ghost an' whatnot. Might not seem all tha' special, considering where he's from. But it all seems ta be just a bit tah much."

"Or maybe you're thinking about this a bit too much, instead of paying attention to what just entered the room."

Applejack's breath got caught in her throat, the voice that spoke, unknown and right behind her. Her eyes were open wide, pupils shrunken to the size of pinpricks as she realized everypony present looked past her; their coats several shades paler, and the unmistakable look as if they had seen a ghost.

With a terrible stutter, she slowly turned her head around; coming face to face with the ghost who hovered behind her; arms crossed, a cloak covering its form, and only its green glowing eyes puncturing the shadow obscuring its face.

"Boo!" The ghost said, and everypony ran out, screaming.


A couple of minutes prior

Sam hovered just shy of the shield covering Zecora's home, invisible to all.

She'd just managed to get rid of the ghost hunters, leading them on a wild goose chase, leading them deeper and deeper into the forest, before she removed Clockwork's medallion, returning her to her own time in the Hall of Time. Yet no sooner had she returned, or she was sent back, in her own time frame this time, as additional intervention was required after the changes she'd made. One of these matters, the colorful bunch of equines trying to piece together exactly what is going on.

Silently, Sam groaned in frustration. It would seem the moment she got rid of one problem, another would immediately present itself. And though these ponies had yet to figure out the truth, the way they were at it, it was possible they would actually put the pieces into place and come to a world shaking revelation.

"Well, at least they're more insightful than others I know," Sam murmured.

Shaking her head, and releasing a sigh, she looked at the next hurdle to overcome: the purple glowing dome of magic covering Zecora's hut.

'Could it really be so simple?' Sam wondered, and used her intangibility to sink through the ground.

Sure enough, the barrier only extended as far as the ground and she was able to simply phase underneath, reemerging above ground on the other side.

'They really think way too three dimensional,' she thought, smirking slightly.

Continuing, she simply slid through the wall, not even attempting to hide herself. The moment she entered, almost all eyes locked on her, fear evident, while one pony, the stetson wearing farmer, still hadn't noticed her; back turned to Sam, still talking to her friends.

Crossing her arms, Sam grinned just a bit evilly, unseen by the ponies as the shadow of her cloak obscured her face.

"A bit tah much, if ya ask mah," Applejack said as she readjusted her Stetson. "Danny also seemed ta know quite a bit 'bout Sombra being a ghost and whatnot. Might not seem all tha' special, considering where he's from. But it all seems ta be just a bit tah much."

"Or maybe you're thinking about this a bit too much, instead of paying attention to what just entered the room."

As expected, Applejack froze on the spot, then slowly turned her head with obvious reluctance. The moment their eyes met, Sam leaned slightly towards the farm pony.


The following stampede made an even bigger mess of Zecora's hut as all ponies fled through the door at the same time, getting stuck as a result, until Twilight used her magic to remove the congestion in the door's frame and allowing everyone to exit, except Rainbow Dash, who had simply flown through the nearest window.

However, even though all ponies fled the scene, the lone zebra remained behind; looking up at the ghost in her home with wide eyes. And though Sam could see her fear, the fact she remained also showed her courage. That, and the sizable club she held at the ready.

Tilting her head, and looking back over her shoulder to the open door, Sam huffed.

"Well, at least I won't have to chase you down," she said, returning her attention back to Zecora, seeing the zebra had slowly approached her during the split second distraction and she only managed to turn intangible at the last possible second, allowing the club to phase through her without causing any injuries.

Reaching out with a glowing hand, the club was flung away; clanging against the wall, before dropping to the floor.

"I'll warn you now, you creature of fright. I will not go down without a hard fight," Zecora told her while slowly backing away.

"Relax," Sam said, suppressing an eyeroll. "If I wanted to hurt you, I could have done so already. Just needed to get rid of team colorful—" she jabbed a thumb over her shoulder, "— so we can talk without any witnesses."

Zecora stopped in her tracks, looking perplexed at the ghost in her home.

Not one to waste time and being as blunt as usual, Sam quickly cut to the chase.

"I'm here because of Danny. I'm a… acquaintance of sorts. And right now, he is in need of help, as you undoubtedly know already."

"A lot of strange has happened, this is true. But how would this apply to you?" Zecora asked, suspicious.

"I know you have little to no reason to trust me, but it's what I'm asking for anyhow. Because the less you know, the better it is for you and Danny. Just know I wouldn't have gone through the trouble leading those hunters away, or scaring your friends off if I didn't care about Danny."

"Then why would you go through such trouble for him? Surely this is not something done on just a whim."

"True enough," Sam agreed with a nod. "You know about Danny's dual nature and have earned his trust by keeping this a secret. So I know I can trust you to do the same for me," she said, and lowered her hood. "Because, as much as I want to help him, he cannot know about me. Not yet. It's not yet the time for that. So, will you help me help Danny?" Sam asked the wide eyed Zebra; Zecora recognizing the ghost before her through the detailed story Danny shared with her.

Slowly she nodded her head.


"Honestly," Abella grumbled. "All you ponies do is make things more difficult than they should."

She and the ragtag group of misfit creatures quickly moved through the maze of hallways.

“That, and blowing stuff up," she added as they reached the destroyed gate.

"Ehh- hehe," Sweetie Belle chuckled nervously. "Sorry about that."

Abella groaned. "And why is that… thing following us, too?" Sha demanded to know, glaring at the green, glowing puppy who barked in answer.

Let's just get out of here," Abella grunted at the pup.

"Soo… Wind Chill," Scootaloo said after a moment, breaking the painful silence as they crossed the long bridge towards the adjacent stalactite. "Just how do I need to take care of the Windigos?"

"I thought you said you got this?" Abella muttered.

"I do," Scootaloo quickly defended herself. "I just wanted to see if there is anything I should know, though. Sooo…" she looked up at Wind Chill.

"That question is not easily answered," Wind Chill told her. "Even we frost giants have trouble with them. Especially with a herd as large as the one out there. If it wasn't for Danny, I doubt Sweetie Belle and I would have gotten out of our predicament without harm. But as long as they remain calm, they are easy to control."


"By remaining calm yourself. They react strongly to the mental state of others. It's both their strength and weakness, as they lack the cognitive abilities to properly steer themselves."

"Sooo…. Don't freak out. Got it. Anything else?" Scootaloo said, nodding once

"Yes. Don't try to hold them back. If they want to move, let them. Just try to steer them away from anywhere they could cause harm."

"And how do I do that?"

"Try to find their leader."

"Can't you point her out to me?"

"I'm afraid not," Wind Chill answered with a shake of the head. "They calmed down through the actions of the Great One, and I used this to our advantage. I was, however, not able to find this herd's leader. But it is often a stallion. Stronger and taller than the rest. Yet as I searched, I could not find one seemingly greater than the others."

"And what if it isn't a stallion?" Danny suggested. "I mean, their leaders are all mares—" he nodded towards Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Abella, "—Maybe theirs' as well?"

"Perhaps," Wind Chill grunted. "But this is not for us to find out. Scootaloo, regardless of the leader being male, or female, I'm sure you will find out while we bring Danny to the Elder."

Scootaloo nodded confidently and finally the group crossed the bridge, and stepped onto the walkway encircling the stalactite.

"But regardless of the how, or what, we all need to hurry," Wind Chill added as final notion, all of them looking at the many changelings lying on the street.


Without further delay, (except for Wind Chill getting stuck in the narrow tunnels on several occasions and Danny finding out his intangibility no longer worked during the first time this happened when he tried to free the giant,) the group quickly exited the underground passage and stepped out into the still frigid air; the snow crunching underneath their hooves and feet.

With only a few more words of encouragement, Scootaloo stayed behind to look after the windigos.

Looking at the group as they quickly moved back to the Everfree Forest, Scootaloo waited until they were out of sight before allowing herself to relax; followed by a partial freakout seconds later.

"What have I gotten myself into?" She asked aloud, looking at the large herd of spectral equines, one of them neighing loudly in answer.

Taking a deep breath, eyes closed, she forced herself to calm down

"Okay, think Scootaloo, think. Wind Chill told me to stay calm and look for the leader. So, let's start with that."

With something resembling a plan now under her wings, she opened her eyes determinedly, only to rear back in surprise as she found herself face to face with one of the windigos; the large ghost horse having approached the orange filly when she wasn't looking, her head lowered to almost touch Scootaloo's muzzle in curiosity, then she blew air from her nose.

Scootaloo stumbled back, falling to her rump, bewildered.

"Eehh… hi?" Scootaloo said as she slowly picked herself back up. The windigo simply shook her head, her vapor like mane whipping around wildly.

"Right, you can't talk like us ponies," Scootaloo concluded.

Obviously, the windigo did not reply, though she did continue to stare down onto Scootaloo, who soon grew a forced smile as she shuffled awkwardly on the spot.

"Soo, eehh…. Take me to your leader?" She tried, receiving only a raspberry in answer.

Again, the two were locked in a silent, increasingly awkward stare down, until Scootaloo couldn't take it any longer and slowly walked past the windigo with a wide berth.

The windigo neighed loudly, stamping with her hoofs on the ground, mirrored by others in her herd.

"Okay, think, think," Scootaloo talked to herself again. "Where's the leader? Where's the strongest, tallest stallion, or mare of the herd?"

A sudden nudge on her hindquarter forced her attention back to the windigo mare; the spectral equine using her muzzle to calmly yet forcefully push Scootaloo closer to the herd.

"Hey, stop that!" Scootaloo said with raised voice, her echo racing over the snow and ice covered plains, upsetting the herd.

Remembering what Wind Chill told her about allowing the windigos to move without hinder, Scootaloo grumbled under her breath as she allowed the windigo to guide her closer to the herd; all of them looking at her with curiosity, yet surprisingly moving out of the way when she approached, opening a path to the herd's center.

"O-kay… this is weird," Scootaloo said softly, slowing down her pace, receiving another nudge from the windigo behind her.

"Cut it out, will ya," Scootaloo said irritably. "I'm supposed to guide you, not the other way around."

The windigo snorted in answer and continued to nudge Scootaloo along.

Sensing this was a losing battle, Scootaloo grumbled under her breath as she picked up her pace.

Eventually, and with several more nudges, much to Scootaloo's annoyance, she stood at the center of the herd; the path the windigoes had opened now closed, leaving no path for her to flee.

"Okay, now what do you want?!" She said defiantly, looking at the spectral equine who had led her here. Now that she did, though, surrounded by all the others, she took notice of the fact this one particular windigo was a lot smaller than the others she could see.

"Wait, are you a foal windigo?" She asked.

The equine slightly tilted her head, blinking slowly.

"This would be so much easier if we could actually talk," Scootaloo sighed out, stomping a hoof on the ground in frustration.

Immediately, the small windigo reared back in surprise, neighing loudly which triggered the others to do so as well.

"WAIT, WHAT IS GOING ON NOW!" Scootaloo shouted, not even able to hear her own voice as she rapidly grew concerned for her own safety.

In response, the small windigo started to buck, seemingly distressed and the rest followed suit.

"Oh no no no no no," Scootaloo said, panicking, eyes wide and ears flattened on her head, seeing numerous windigoes take flight, and beginning to circle around her; a storm starting to blow.

"Stay calm!" Scootaloo told herself. "STAY CALM!" She shouted, far from staying calm as she began to run around, trying to find a way to escape to safety, which also had the undesired effect of worsening the situation as the windigos reacted to her panicked state.

In her wild, uncoordinated run, Scootaloo moved from left to right, completely lost in the forest of trampling legs as the windigos became wilder and wilder. Yet no matter how far she ran, she was unable to find her way out of the herd until the expected collision occurred, and Scootaloo dropped to the ground, rolling without control, narrowly missing numerous stomping hooves.

Groaning, she sluggishly pushed herself up, looking around to gain her bearing, realizing the windigo she'd ran into was the very same spectral equine who had led her into this mess to begin with.

"Oh, great. It's you," Scootaloo groaned, then screamed as she jumped back, almost being run over.

"I NEED TO GET OUTTA HERE!" Scootaloo yelled, desperately looking for a way out. If only she could fly… wait!

Eyes lighting up as an idea came to mind, she quickly sought out the smaller windigo.

Once she located the small spectral equine, she nimbly weaved through the moving mass of legs towards her target. The moment she got close enough, and by some chance an opening formed in the mass of bodies, Scootaloo jumped up, wings buzzing to grant her that extra bit of height, and she managed to scamper up on the windigo's back; quickly wrapping her front legs around the windigo's neck to prevent herself from falling off immediately.

"WHOOAOOOO!" Scootaloo yelled as the windigo bucked wildly, fighting just to hold on. "WILL YOU CALM DOWN ALREADY!" She shouted, feeling oddly calm, the wild motions strangely reminding her of the numerous times when she crashed with her scooter and was send flying either with, or without her preferred mode of transportation still held in hoof.

The windigo neighed and bucked, but the orange filly on her back would not relent. And the more she tried, the more Scootaloo asserted her will over her while her sudden calmness affected not just the windigo she rode, but those closest to her as well.

Scootaloo held on tightly, eyes narrowed in determination as she expertly moved her body to match the wild motions of the windigo, staying firmly on the equines's back while forcing the windigo to calm down. And much like a ripple in a pond, the herd of windigoes slowly, but surely all calmed down as the storm of panic in their midst dissipated.

It still took the better part of twenty minutes before the windigos had calmed down completely, and all this time Scootaloo focused completely on the small windigo she rode; never realizing what happened around her, or how slowly, one by one, the windigos circled around once again, eyes locked on her.

"There ya go," Scootaloo breathed a sigh of relief when, finally, the small windigo seized her wild bucking, no longer trying to throw her off. "Now to deal with the rest," she added, then took notice of the herd standing around her, watching.

"... Wait… what's going on?" Scootaloo asked aloud, slowly craning her neck around. Much to her surprise, the small windigo matched the direction she was looking at, and the sudden movement almost threw Scootaloo off balance. "HEY, don't do that!" Scootaloo said, frustrated and even a bit embarrassed that this would have almost thrown her off.

Much to her surprise, the small windigo stopped her motions the second Scootaloo told her to.

Blinking, Scootaloo felt a momentary sense of confusion, yet shook it off as nothing when she returned her attention back to the herd.

"Why are you all calm again" She asked. "Not that I'm complaining, but this is just weird."

She obviously didn't expect an answer, but when a loud, high pitched scream suddenly echoed over the frozen land, she couldn't suppress a startled yelp, spinning around to where she thought the horrible sound had come from. The windigos all turned to look where she was looking, too.

"What the HAY was that?!"

This time, it was her voice that echoed away, yet no answer came to her still.

"Seriously, what the hay is going on around here?" Scootaloo wondered, a hint of nervousness creeping into her voice. The windigo on whose back she rode wildly shaking her head in response.

"Whoa, stop that!" Scootaloo commanded, almost losing her hold and falling off.

Again, much to her surprise, the windigo did as she told.

Blinking, gears started to turn in the filly's mind.

"... Hold on…" she murmured, frowning slightly.

Slowly, she looked around, noticing that, once again, all eyes were on her.

"... What's going on here?"

For a moment, Scootaloo thought about the sudden, crazy idea that had popped in her head.

"Hmmm…" she hummed, then looked to the left while keeping an eye on the windigos.


She then looked to the right.


Turning her head a bit further, trying to find out if what she thought was going on was really the case, she started to slide off the windigo's back, using her legs still holding onto the spectral equine's neck to stay in place. And as she did so, the pressure made the small windigo turn towards the direction Scootaloo was falling to.

"Wait, wha-AAA!" Scootaloo yelled as she fell off. "Oompfh!" she groaned, voice muffled as she'd sunken head first into the snow.

The windigo stood above her, head lowered to where Scootaloo lay half buried, blowing a raspberry.

"You did that on purpose, didn't you?" Scootaloo groaned.

The windigo neighed in answer.


"Your friends better not take too long," Erlea complained, glowering towards Applebloom as the earth pony helped her, Devora and one of the other changeling foals to, carefully, carry queen Chrysalis towards one of the fires; her body alarmingly cold.

"They won't. Ah promise," Apple Bloom said quickly, nervously hoping her words would prove to be true.

"They better," Devora sneered.

Realizing it would be wise to remain silent for the time being, Apple Bloom helped to place Chrysalis near the strongest fire without a further word. Though, as she stepped away to check up on several other changelings, a dry crunch came from underneath one of her hooves.

Looking down, she quickly realized she'd stepped on one of those leaves they burned before; this one still partially green, though there were burned parts, dry and brittle, hence the crunching.

Some of the changelings nearest to her heard as well, and they visibly flinched when they saw what it was Apple Bloom had stepped on.

Carefully picking up the leave, Apple Bloom looked at the burned, crushed and bruised plant with a small frown, trying to discern from the damaged leaf why it was so important to the changelings.

Though it was a question she really wanted an answer to, she also knew now was not the time. So, carefully putting away the leaf lest she, or someone else would step on it, she continued to see if any of the sick needed her help.

And unnoticed by Apple Bloom, for a moment the leaf glowed faintly, before dimming and curling up as it withered, and died.


"Okay, let's try this again," Scootaloo said determinedly, having pulled herself out of her frosty hole and climbed back onto the windigo.

Seated at the base of the windigo's neck, Scootaloo once again held on with her forelegs; though this time she didn't just wrap her legs around the larger equine's neck and instead placed her hooves on either side in such a manner she could easily maintain her grip, and balance, while also being able to push either left, or right.

"Well, here goes something," she said to herself, holding a breath before releasing it slowly.

Pressing with her right hoof, lightly at first, but with gradually increasing force, Scootaloo closely watched both the windigo she was riding, as well as all the others; waiting to see what would happen and, if her hunch was right.

It took a moment, but eventually, after Scootaloo applied just a bit more force, the small windigo turned left, away from the pressure Scootaloo applied.

Scootaloo stopped pressing down, leaning back a bit in surprise, eyes wide.

"No way," she breathed, then tried again; pressing on the left side this time.

Again, the windigo moved, this time to the right.

Scootaloo blinked, surprised, amazed and most definitely confused over this strange development. It would have been of no surprise to anyone who knew her she'd tried again, this time pressing down both hooves, pushing them forwards a bit.

This time Scootaloo released a small yelp when the windigo moved forwards; not expecting the sudden jolt as she did and Scootaloo quickly pulled back, the windigo stopping as well.

Scootaloo looked in disbelief at the windigo's back of the head, then her hooves. Then back to the head again, then once more her hooves.

"This. Is. So. Awesome! I can control a windigo!" She whooped, excited. And in response the windigo reared up and Scootaloo tumbled off the equine's back, falling into the same hole she'd landed in before.

"... Sooo awesome!" Her muffled voice cut through the snow, hind legs kicking, her excitement almost enough to melt the frost around her.


Zecora moved swiftly through the darkness of the forest, unseen in the dead of night.

She couldn't risk using a light to illuminate her way, the chance of it betraying her too great. Not that this mattered, she knew this forest better than most.

She did feel a pang of guilt, leaving her friends after they were scared away. Knowing their worries would only increase when they discovered she was not with them, but the reason to do so compelling enough for her to agree with the ghost's request.

And so, moving as a shadow unseen, Zecora quickly arrived at the spot her unexpected undead guest told her to go to.

Slowing down, she carefully looked around, trying to see past the darkness which blinded her as well; now moving forwards with slow, deliberate steps, unable to keep completely quiet as she stepped on twigs and leaves, Zecora had to fight the urge to second guess herself. Being out alone in the Everfree, at night, because a ghost had asked her to help. In any other situation, she wouldn't even have thought about the idea of doing something this apparently dangerous. But when this ghost revealed herself, showed exactly who she was, Zecora knew she had to do something. She just wished she didn't had to withhold her knowledge from Danny. If anything, he deserved to know his friend and, possibly someone even more important beyond just friends, was still around. Yet the truth revealed to her, the things Sam told her, even if only a fraction of the whole truth, made Zecora shiver mentally.

Truly, a much greater scheme was unfolding. And Danny somehow stood at the center of it all.

Obviously, Zecora had questions. But Sam refused to tell her anything other than what she needed to know. And Zecora understood this. Even if the very nature of events currently transpiring made her fear for the unknown.

A storm was building. She just didn't know when it would hit.

Nearing the edge of the forest, the dense canopy overhead started to thin; holes in the cover of green, through which stray beams of moonlight managed to reach all the way down. And it was in the light of one such beams Zecora stepped towards a broad tree, the golden hoops around her neck, as well as her earrings gleaming in the light.

"I must admit, I have gone through quite a bad fright, but it seems I have become part of what is transpiring this night," Zecora said, looking at the tree, unable to shake the thought all of this was some kind of twisted joke and she was lured out into the forest for much more nefarious deeds. Still, she continued. "Now, if you would. Please step into sight, for we don't have long before morning brighten us with its light."

Long, tense seconds ticked by with nothing happening and nervousness started to build, though she managed to keep her voice even as she continued.

"I know you are here, for this I was told. Now I ask you to trust me and decide to be bold."

Zecora's ear twitched as she heard something; somepony whispering.

A sudden weight dropping on the leaf and twig covered ground alerted her to the small form stepping out from behind the tree; and even in the dark, Zecora recognized the filly slowly approaching.

"Zecora? What are you doing here?" Sweetie Belle asked, hesitantly.

"I could ask the same to you, but there is something more urgent I need to know is true. Before Danny disappeared in a flash, he hinted that you and your friends were involved in something rather rash," Zecora asked quickly, quite shocked that Sweetie Belle was actually here.

"Wait, Danny was here?" Sweetie Belle asked, confused. Then her eyes lit up, "Oh yeah, he said he made a duplica-hhhhh-" she suddenly fell silent, looking guilty and shocked by what she almost said.

"I know of his secret, this I can tell. But that is the extent of my knowledge, or the fate he befell," Zecora calmed her down, realizing the filly knew about the same secret she did.

"You know about Danny?" Sweetie Belle gasped.

"If what you say is true, then one question must be asked above all others." A strong, gruff voice suddenly spoke up, startling Zecora. No, downright shocking her, when a giant of a beast made itself known; rising up to its full height and stepping away from behind the tree.

How did it even manage to hide itself in the first place?

"Are you a friend, or a foe?" The giant asked.

Eyes wide, Zecora took several frightened steps back, craning her neck back to look up at the giant with wide eyes.

"She's a friend," Sweetie Belle told the giant.

"She speaks the truth, I mean you no harm. My knowledge about the Phantom is no need for alarm," Zecora said hastily, unable to fully suppress her instincts to flee.

"Don't worry, Zecora. He won't hurt you," Sweetie Belle reassured her. "But we are in a hurry. We need to go to the ancient castle of the royal sisters and can't waste any more time than we already have."

"I won't pretend I know what this is about, but this forest is wild, you will need a guide who knows its layout. For this I am here, a task given to me. It would certainly be faster instead of hiding behind a tree," Zecora replied quickly, looking down at the filly; making sure to keep the massive creature well within her sight.

"Yeah, we thought you were somepony else," Sweetie Belle said.

"You mean your sisters, or friends, or are it the hunters of which you speak? However your actions are telling, I will show you the way to sneak."

"Does she say everything in rhyme?" A new voice spoke up, frustrated at that.

Zecora gasped slightly. "A creature of change, by Danny I was told. But the full knowledge of this development has to me been withhold," Zecora said, surprised again as she looked at the young shapeshifter.

"And that's a yes," the changeling groaned. "Seriously, what is it with you ponies?"

"Actually, Zecora is a Zebra," Sweetie Belle corrected.

"Whatever," the changeling groaned once more. "Can we please get a move on before all of us changelings have died of this disease we're supposed to stop, but instead are busy doing everything else… It's a miracle you ponies manage to do anything at all."

Zecora's wide eyes managed to widen a bit further upon hearing the changeling's plight.

"If what the changeling speaks is right, we indeed can't waste the rest of the night. Now pay attention and follow me, any answers needed can wait for later, maybe?"

"It's about time," the young shapeshifter grunted as they quietly followed after Zecora.


Though it came with great restrain in her part, the desire to know exactly what she'd gotten herself into, Zecora did make true to her word and lead the group of unlikely allies to the ancient castle hidden deep in the forest without being found out; only asking for the names of the creatures she was guiding while making sure to keep a safe distance between herself and the Tartarus send hound she clearly recognized as the pup that terrorized her earlier, despite his much larger stature. Cujo, however, seemed all too keen on getting closer to her, his slobber covered tongue a clear indication what he wanted to do… again.

Yet there was one pressing matter she had trouble with the most. She was send to, evidently, meet with Sweetie Belle and those with her, but Danny, the one Sam seemed worried about was not with them.

Still, she remained quiet, knowing answers would come to her sooner, or later.

Of course she also knew it was more than likely the number of answers due would increase even further the longer this night went on. And, with a low groan coming from the wolf like creature slumped over the giant's back, she was proven to be correct.

Alerted by the sound, WInd Chill tightened his hold over the wolf, standing tense while closely observing the rousing beast.

Sweetie Belle and Abella, too, reacted; as well as the green hound, who growled quietly in response.

And just like that, there were new questions to add to her list. Who was this wolf, why was he carried around like that, and what would warrant such a nervous response to this beast waking up? Did the apparent injuries of the giant have anything to do with this? They had been rather vague about the wolf's identity and Zecora didn't ask any further. Add to that also the strange, frozen construct crossing the chasm towards the castle she saw and what could possibly lie beyond.

"Though I understand the urgency for us to resume, why can't I shake the feeling we're moving towards our doom?" She said, worried. Looking at the wolf as it woke up.

"It's Danny," Sweetie Belle told her, a waiver of fear in her voice. "Something happened to him, so we're taking him to the Elder for help."

"You speak about Danny as if he is near, but I must admit I don't see him here," Zecora replied, confused.

"That is Danny," Sweetie Belle pointed at the wolf.

"Child, surely you're trying to give me a fright. What you are saying just can't be right," Zecora replied in shock.

"What the young spirit says is true," Wind Chill grunted as he readjusted the wolf's body. "Something has happened to Danny which neither of us can explain."

Zecora blinked, falling back just a bit as she processed what she was just told.

"...Young spirit?"

Wind Chill came to an abrupt stop, a look of shock plastered on his face when he realized what he had revealed.

"Uugh… whas goin on?" The wolf slurred, conveniently drawing the attention to him.

"Danny?" Sweetie Belle hesitantly asked, looking up at the wolf with worry.

"Yeaahhuw… why does my head hurt so much?" Danny groaned.

"Great One," Wind Chill sighed a breath of relief, and Zecora rose her eyebrows so high they vanished in her mane as she watched the giant place the transformed human back on his feet.

"I thought I experienced everything I could this troublesome night. But I have been proven wrong, as I can't distinguish wrong from right," Zecora rhymed, almost in a daze as one shocking revelation followed after the other. "You called young Sweetie Belle a spirit without a hint of deceit. And now Danny is this beast, truly making my confusion complete. And though time is short and there is no time to ask. The questions I have make this a most difficult task."

"Welcome to my world," Danny groaned, flinching in apparent pain. "Gnhg… what even happened?"

Looking around with a troubled frown, Wind Chill sighed deeply.

"I fear now is neither the time, or place to answer any of these questions." He then looked at Danny. "This, ehh...Zecora, was it?" He sought clarification, receiving a faint nod from the shaken zebra. "Zecora said she knows about your secret and has helped us come this far. But I must know for certain. Great One, do you trust her?"

"Ye—" Danny flinched as he carefully rubbed his head "—Yeah, I do."

"Very well," Wind Chill grunted. "Zecora. You helped us come this far and the Great One vouches for you. Though this will probably cause more trouble along the way, for now I think it's best if you would accompany us towards my village."

"Hold on," Danny looked up, hand still placed against his head. "Village? You mean the Far Frozen? But how-"

"Just follow us and stay close," the giant instructed. "This would be easier to just show, instead of trying to explain."

Zecora tried to give voice to her thoughts, but was interrupted when Danny tried to do the same. They looked at one another, equally confused. Shrugging, they nodded once, then followed after Wind Chill as he led the group over the the bridge of ice; a strange construct glowing faintly with contained energy Zecora could sense the moment she set hoof on the frozen surface.

A terrifying shiver traveled down her spine and she quickly crossed the bridge, and followed the group into the castle; then moved through the various dark and appropriately spooky hallways until they reached the once proud throne room.

Both Danny and Zecora halted in their tracks, eyes wide at what they saw. And despite there being a large hole in the air, opening a path to a world unseen, this was almost completely overlooked as their attention was pulled to the group of frost giants who stood around numerous unmoving bodies of timberwolves.

"Wind Chill?" A warm but gruff voice greeted when the giant entered the room and Zecora saw another giant step closer to Wind Chill

"Frostbite!?" Danny called out, equally amazed as he was shocked, looking up at the giant whose face fell the second he noticed the state his fellow giant was in.

"... Fenris," Frostbite said bitterly.

"Perhaps not," a new voice spoke up, and their attention was drawn to the portal as a new giant stepped through; wearing a plain cloak which covered most of her body, its hood obscuring her face with a shadow, save for her orange glowing eyes.

"Elder?" Frostbite said, surprised. "I did not expect you back so soon… And what did you mean, perhaps not?"

"Surely by now you should have learned, that not everything is as it seems," the Elder spoke with a wisdom filled voice and Zecora could almost feel the weight of this giant's knowledge. "Furthermore, I see there are some new faces with you, Wind Chill."

"Euhh… Yes," Wind Chill stammered.

"Wind Chill, what is the meaning of this? Why did you bring more of this world's inhabitants to us?" Frostbite asked as he finally took notice of Zecora and Abella, the latter trying her hardest to remain unseen.

"This is Zecora," Sweetie Belle said quickly. "She helped us back in the forest to avoid our friends and family, and the ghost hunters; who are looking for Apple Bloom, Scootaloo and m-"

"WHAT!" Frostbite bellowed. "GHOST HUNTERS!?" He roared in panic, only for the Elder to place a hand on his shoulder.

"Now is not the time to panic," she told him. "Besides, raising your voice would only serve to help them find this place faster should they hear."

"Then tell me what you expect me to do in this situation?" He shot back. "First we had to fight off these wooden wolves, only for Fenris to worsen the situation. Then you knock them all out, only to leave us to return them to their world, while allowing Fenris to leave with the children and Wind Chill to help a dying species, while there is also the potential disaster unfolding with the Saldēti Zirgi. And now we face a possibly new threat with these ghost hunters. Who knows what might happen should they find this place."

"Then perhaps it would be wise to listen, instead of talking," the Elder said simply. "Because there is more at play here than you realize. And there are more people here in search of answers… Isn't that right, Danny?" She said, slowly turning to look at the wolf besides Zecora.

Danny, taking a step back in surprise, looked at the Elder with wide eyes.

"You know it is me?" He gasped.

"Indeed I do, Great One," she said, smiling kindly.

"Danny?" One of the present giants said, confused.

"Great One?" Another gasped out upon hearing the title.

Looking to the wolf, then the Elder, Frostbite couldn't be more confused.

"What is the meaning of this?" He asked.

"That is something we all wish to know," Wind Chill stepped up. "Frostbite, this is indeed the Great One. He found us, meaning me and Sweetie Belle, while we were fighting against the Saldēti Zirgi, using his incredible might to stop their rampage. However, as he vowed to help the children in their attempt to save the changelings, Fenris attacked him. And through means none of us are certain, the Great One and Fenris have merged. Though it would seem Danny is in control most of the time."

"Most of the time?" Danny repeated, blinking, confused, his voice echoing in the now deathly quiet chamber as all giants looked at him with wide eyes.

Zecora, too, looked at Danny with eyes wide open, trying her hardest to wrap her mind around everything she has seen and heard this night; her worldview having changed in ways she never even considered. And while she watched events unfold before her, from Danny confirming his identity, to Frostbite lifting him up in a bear hug, her mind struggled to keep up with it all.

True, she learned about Danny and his dual nature some time ago, and the time passed did allow her to process it all; as crazy and even impossible some of the things he shared with her seemed. Yet even in her wildest dreams, or life stories shared with her, this one night has completely turned everything upside down.

And to think it all started with a green glowing pup running around her home thinking she was playing with him.

"ARE YOU GUYS DONE ALREADY!?" The changeling shouted in outrage, breaking Zecora's train of thought as all eyes were now on the young shapeshifter. "SERIOUSLY! ALL YOU EVER DO IS TALK! CAN WE PLEASE CUT TO THE POINT WHERE YOU FIX WHATEVER HAPPENED TO HIM AND BE DONE WITH IT!?" And as her voice bounced off the walls, the anger faded from her words; replaced instead with despair and hopelessness. "BECAUSE WE MAY NOT BE IMPORTANT TO ANY OF YOU, BUT… but they are important to me and-" She was unable to finish, head turned away as she tried her hardest not to show the tears, which had managed to escape her eyes.

Suddenly Zecora's problems with how her night had been going seemed insignificant, the despair in the child's voice too severe for her to even contemplate worrying about her own misgivings; a quiet gasp stuck in her throat as she struggled, but ultimately failed to understand just exactly what could have happened for one so young to carry a weight so heavy.

For a split second her eyes moved to Danny.

Two souls, both burdened by tragedy neither should have to go through and she felt compelled to help the young filly. Before she could say, or do anything, though, Sweetie Belle stepped closer to the changeling.

The ivory filly placed a comforting hoof on Abella's withers, the gesture slowly bringing her attention to Sweetie Belle, who looked at her with equally sad eyes.

"She's right," Sweetie Belle said to everyone around. "It seems all we do is delay things more than they should be," she sighed out deeply, looking up at the Elder. "We need your help."

"Indeed," the Elder agreed. "And in more ways than you even realize. Frostbite," she turned her head to the giant's leader. "Could you and the others please step away from the timberwolves?"

Though confused, he and the rest of his fellow giants did as she asked.

"Now then," the Elder hummed. "Danny, could you please step forwards?"

Quietly, Zecora observed how Danny, hesitant at first, approached upon urging on by Wind Chill and Sweetie Belle. Giving voice to her appreciation, the Elder proceeded to place her staff in front of Danny; a gemstone embedded in the tip beginning to glow a vibrant red while she hummed in contemplating thought.

"Well, this is not going to be easy," she said after an awkwardly long time had passed.

"What isn't" Danny asked, worried.

"Tell me, what exactly did happen before you became like this?" The Elder asked.

"I, ehh…." Danny halted, recollecting his thoughts. "I had just removed the freezing cold from the changelings city, pulling it inside me… and somehow becoming some kind of icicle… Wind Chill said it was the power of frostbite." Zecora was startled by the sudden, sharp intake of air by the giants and she realized Danny had said something of great significance, even if she herself was lost to the full meaning of it all.

"Whatever it was, though," Danny continued, "it blocked several of my powers before I was able to release the buildup of ice outside. After that, I returned to the city, Fenris immediately attacked me without cause, or warning. We fought a bit, that guy going on and on about not allowing his sin to exist any longer, which somehow relates to Eclipse… eehh, my shadow. Then I remember the changelings queen being there, falling down. I tried to catch her, then… then I'm like this."

Again, Zecora found herself at a loss. Normally she was the one ponies would come to for help, being it knowledge about the arcane, or a potion for unknown ailments. But now, subjected to the seemingly impossible, even for her, and hearing about things she barely even understood half the time; she felt more and more like the little filly she once was, oblivious to the arts and crafts she was taught about by her shaman. It scared her and it excited her. More than she had felt in a long time. This was truly the unknown. And as she listened to Sweetie Belle recounting her side of the story and saw the Elder put the puzzle together with pieces she herself did not yet possess, she felt a drive, a need to learn more, to answer the burning questions begging to be asked.

And she wasn't the only one who needed answers.

"Of the long list of questions I have, that one is right on the top of it," Danny replied flatly in answer to the Elder. "So, can you fix me?"

"I can not," the Elder replied grimly and numerous shocked gasps resounded throughout the room. "Nor can anyone else for that matter," she told him. "What happened to you is no mere merger between two entities. Your shadow, this Eclipse, jumped in between in an attempt to protect you from what is, essentially, herself."

"Ehhh… you lost me there," said Danny, answering for Zecora as well.

"Eclipse, or rather the entity which grew into Eclipse originates from Fenris. A product of his own hatred. A hatred towards creatures responsible for untold suffering, and later himself for what he allowed himself to become. And when he attacked you, it was with the same hatred which gave rise to this darkness from which Eclipse was born. When he cut through her, Fenris merged with her. However, Eclipse is also a product of you. Molded by your essence transferred to your shadow. So when Fenris merged with Eclipse, he also merged with you. The both of you are linked through Eclipse. However, seeing the fact you are in control, despite the form you are in, it is clear Fenris is trapped in his own hatred once again. So long as you keep a clear head, I see no reason for him to emerge and take control. But of course, this is not what you want. But separating the three of you is not such an easy task."

"But can it be done?" Frostbite asked, worried.

"It can," she answered, and Frostbite released a sigh of relief. "And it can not."

"Elder, please don't speak in riddles. Especially now. Which is it?" Frostbite replied irritably.

"Both," Zecora said, surprising herself as much as everyone else. So much so, she couldn't even come up with a rhyme to finish, standing with her mouth partially open as she tried to piece together this impossible enigma that was Danny Phantom. Still, regardless of what she didn't know, there were also a few things she did pick up and put in their correct place, even if she didn't yet see the full picture.

"Indeed?" The Elder acknowledged the zebra with a small nod and Zecora slowly closed her mouth fully, blinking as she realized she had spoken aloud.

"Wait, what?" Sweetie Belle said, confused.

"Danny and Fenris merged through a shared bond with Eclipse. And because Eclipse is now as much part of Danny as she is Fenris, it is impossible to separate the two wholly. They are linked by the darkness which once consumed them."

"Okay, hold on," Danny said firmly, taking a step away from the Elder. "And you know all this, how? Because you seem to know just a bit too much just like that," he said with accusing suspicion.

"Great One!" Frostbite stepped up, only to be stopped by a raised hand from the Elder.

"You are well in your right to be suspicious of me. After all, we never met face to face and here I am, already knowing so much about you. The answer to this is as simple, as it is complicated. And though I could give you a lengthy explanation, there are better uses for what little time remains. So the short version will need to suffice until there is more time to sit down and talk."

Zecora's ears perked up, listening intently to what the Elder was about to reveal; hoping it would provide her with some answers to the craziness that has become her life.

Not that she was complaining. She did enjoy some measure of excitement, it was why she chose one of the most dangerous forest in Equestria as her home. Well, that and all the unusual plants, and herbs which didn't grow anyplace else. But if gathering herbs for her potions was all there was, she could just as easily have made herself a home near the edge of the forest, much like how her friend Fluttershy lived in a cottage near the Everfree.

"You see, my staff enables me to see more than others," the Elder said and Zecora realized she'd almost missed what was said; silencing her mind the moment she did so. "With it, the true nature of the world around me is revealed. And I use this to help others. Either by showing them what they already know, or shed light on obscure matters hidden in everyday interactions. And now, I am here to help you and, in extend, Abella, and her kind."

As Danny stood silent in thought, Zecora looked at the staff the Elder held; a construct of pure ice, glowing faintly with contained power and a red gem she noticed earlier.

"And how would you help me? You just said you weren't able to undo this," Danny eventually asked, pulling Zecora's attention back to the transformed human,

"I can't. Nor can anyone here for that matter," the Elder calmly answered. "Though there is one voice who has gone unheard; lost in the maelstrom of conflict between two minds at odds."

"Ehhh… what?"

"Open your mind, Danny Phantom," the Elder said, her staff glowing brightly and Zecora had to squint her eyes to see what happened through the powerful flare emitted; Danny's form all, but lost in the intense light.

Then, with a burst, the brilliant light dimmed, making the room seem darker than it actually was; only a faint glow still radiating from the Elder's staff, while Danny stood motionless on the spot; arms hanging and eyes aglow with the same red of the Staff's gem.

"What just happened, what did you do? I can not understand how any of this is true," Zecora said as she looked at the Elder; the giant standing with eyes closed in concentration.

"Danny's mind is in turmoil," The Elder spoke with the faintest hint of strain in her voice. "Linked and locked in conflict with one scarred by hate, and rage. Their clash obscuring a truth neither were able to see within themselves. But maybe now, with my guidance, they may yet see the light," she explained, then grunted quietly. "Now, please. I ask of you to remain quiet while I present Danny and Fenris with the opportunity to help themselves."

Zecora nodded once, understanding what the Elder asked.

'I may not fully understand what you have become, but please follow her light, Danny Phantom.'


Princess Luna moved with slow pace through the palace's numerous hallways; making her way back up after a brief visit to the changelings held in the dungeons.

She bit her lip in pensive thought, worried for the insectoid shapeshifters regardless of their crimes.

Their condition continued to worsen. And despite Stable Pulse's best efforts, another two changelings had died over the course of this day. Now only twelve of them remained, where there were first thirty four.

Luna shook her head, a tired sigh escaping her as she arrived at her next destination: the palace's medical wing.

For a moment she stood before the closed door, two guards at each side.

And here lay the result of today's other fiasco; the young woman who was badly injured when the ghost, or ghosts attacked the group of ponies and humans down in the caves.

The doctors and nurses all did a splendid job in tending to Dani's wounds, the most severe being the large gash on the top left side of her head; believed to be the result of a large chunk of the cave's ceiling falling on top of her. And she has remained in an unconscious state ever since.

Word has already been sent back to her own world, but before any help would arrive she was under their care.

Releasing another sigh, Luna straightened herself, opened the door with a flash of her horn and stepped inside.

Immediately she was greeted by the surprisingly warm air. As well as the steady, rhythmic beeping coming from a heart monitor and she easily located the source besides the sole occupied bed.

Dani, lying mostly covered under a thick blanket, one arm uncovered and connected to an IV, had most of her head in bandages; only her face could be seen, and severe bruising colored her skin in shades of dark blue, and purple.

A nurse stood besides her; a middle aged mare with lilac fur and light red mane held in a tight bun, known as Kind Heart, who was currently busy with inspecting the bandages, as well as the IV.

Slowly, Luna approached, looking at the young woman with worry.

"It isn't a pretty sight, I'm afraid," Kind Heart spoke up as she acknowledged her princess, joining Luna by her side. "We did what we could, but she has taken quite a beating."

Luna nodded, frowning. "Do we know exactly what happened to her? The witness reports only account for so far, and there is a significant gap between the last time someone saw her, and the attack."

"I'm afraid not, princess."

"How about the spectral scans? Did they reveal anything new?"

"Ehm… no," Kind Heart said with slight delay.

"That's unfortunate," said Luna.

"No, princess. What I meant was, we didn't find a thing. Nothing."

"I assume this is a bad thing?" Luna asked, confounded.

"I don't know," the nurse answered, taking a step closer to Dani. "After what happened to her and what was told by the witnesses, we would suspect her to show some signs of spectral contamination. But when we scanned her, there wasn't a thing. Not in the sense that the scanner didn't pick up anything from her, but more like the scanner didn't pick up on her. Almost as if she wasn't here at all."

"What!? That's preposterous."

"I know," Kind Heart nodded. "Most likely, whatever happened down there also did something to our equipment."

"But how could that be?" Luna demanded to know. "The devices used here weren't anywhere near the site of the attack."

"Honestly, I don't know, princess. We have put in a request for the scanner to be inspected and, if needed, repaired. But that's about all we can do right now."

"... Very well. Please inform me, or my sister when anything changes."

"Actually, princess. There is something unusual already," the nurse replied with slight hesitation, looking at Dani, seeing the uncovered arm shake slightly.


"You must understand that we have no way of knowing if this is related to the attack with the scanners not working, but our assumptions are it is."

"What is?"

"Over the last several hours her body temperature has been dropping significantly. We already added an extra blanket, even turned up the temperature a bit, but it doesn't seem to help and none of the doctors who studied human physiology know why this is. And at this rate, it won't be long until hypothermia will set in… It's just like…. like she's freezing up."

"Ice," Luna murmured, looking at Dani.


Shaking her head, Luna looked back at Kind Heart. "My apologies. I merely recalled a noteworthy event I witnessed earlier this day," she said, remembering what happened with the changelings.

"Anything that could help?" The nurse asked, slightly hopeful.

"I'm afraid not," she shook her head. "If anything, this would only add to the increasing number of questions gone unanswered."

"I see," Kind Heart sighed dejectedly, ears drooping a bit. "I just hope we figure this out, before this gets worse."

"I have faith in you," Luna told the mare, confidence palpable. "You and everypony here are trying their hardest to help her."

Looking up at her princess, Kind Heart showed a tired smile.

"Thank you, princess."

Returning the smile, Luna looked back at Dani once more; her smile slowly fading.

"Please let me know the moment anything changes."

"Of course, Princess."

Nodding once, Luna stepped outside and continued towards her personal chambers; dreading the numerous documents and reports waiting for her to deal with. And as the door closed behind her and Kind Heart stepped into her office, leaving Dani alone, there was no one present to see the long, continuous stream of cold air escaping the young woman's mouth; the liquid in her IV freezing solid.