• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 4,806 Views, 354 Comments

Silver Spirit, Ghost of Equestria. - Powerdrainer

In their quest to earn their Cutie Marks, and maybe find an answer for the strange events that have occurred, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo soon learn they've taken on more than they can handle. Question is, can they keep this a secret?

  • ...

Fallen Angel

Author's Note:

And here we are yet again, with a whole new update. As I mentioned a while back in my blog post, I planned a multi-update for my fics. Four in total, to celebrate the completion of my twenty ninth lap around the sun. And I somehow managed to pull it off, too.

Seriously, two of my fics I left to gather an unholy amount of dust, and it took a while to clear out the mess I allowed it to become.

But here we are, with the multi-update I promised.

Now, as per usual, please inform me down in the comments about any mistake you spotted, or to tell me what you liked/disliked.



Edited by Slayerseba, Halusm, and Clawder.

Fallen Angel



"Yes, yes. I'm coming," Wind Chill called out, following after Cujo with a subdued sigh.

"Arf," Cujo responded in kind.

"You are aware I can't understand a word of what you're saying, right?"


"Wait, what!?"

"Bark," Cujo barked innocently, tail wagging.


Shaking his head, Wind Chill trudged on, unsure if what he heard was real, or not.

"So then, where to go next?" he asked, only for Cujo to remain silent.

Stopping, he turned around to see Cujo standing at attention, ears perked up while growling softly.

"What's going on?" he asked and Cujo ran off.

"Hey, wait!" he called after the small pup, following the canine through the obstructing foliage with large steps, until a most unusual sound reached him and he came to a stop once again, listening.

Following his ears as much as he did Cujo, he eventually found the source of the strange and obnoxious noise. A device which lay on the ground. A device, partially covered with dirt, leaves and small twigs, glowing with a faint light from a display. A device he knew well.

A ghost scanner.

A scurry through the leaves and branches covering the ground, accompanied by rapid sniffing, soon brought the inquisitive nose of Cujo to the device; now blaring an alarm from the close proximity of ghosts as it was carefully scooped up with two rough fingers, the device comically small in Wind Chill's hand.

Frowning, Wind Chill stared at the mirriade of tracks on the ground, following their path with a keen eye.

"Come, Cujo. I believe we may yet have a task which needs tending to," he said, shutting the device down with a far too big finger.

"I just hope we're not too late."


With a stomp of a hoof, Rolling Stone broke the timberwolf's back; panting heavily from exertion, yet unable to pause for even a second, as other wolves were quick to attack.

Aiming his abused blaster, he fired a charged shot through the head of a wolf mid jump, its body collapsing and falling to the ground in pieces.

Whirling around, Rolling aimed his weapon onto the next target and pulled the trigger.


Eyes flicking down for just a moment to glance at the weapon, he saw the blaster had died. Time to curse about this he didn't have, as the split second confusion created by the failing weapon had been enough for the wolf to find his mark and slammed into Rolling Stone.

Thrown back from the blow, the ghost hunter slammed into the ground, hard. Rolling end over end, he came to a stop lying on his back, his trained mind snapping back into focus quick enough for him to see the attacking wolf pounce, pinning him on the ground, open maw closing in on his throat.

Struggling with all he had left, he freed one of his legs and punched the wolf in the face, partially breaking off the lower jaw which then hung limply as the wolf swiped at Rolling with one of its claws.

The wolf's attack struck and Rolling Stone struggled to keep himself from crying out as the claw sliced through his chest, leaving behind three bleeding gashes.

"GET. OFF. ME!" he shouted, able to free his hind legs and kicked the wolf in its nonexistent stomach, breaking the wood the beast was made of.

The wolf's hind body fell apart, yet it persisted in its attempt to claw at its prey, who used the literal opening he created to scamper out from underneath the beast.

Breathing heavily and ignoring the burning in his chest as blood continued to flow from the gashes, Rolling Stone pushed away, flipped himself back to his hooves and delivered a hasty buck to the remainder of the wolf; lacking in strength, but still strong enough that it fell apart. That left him to deal with only dozens more timberwolves, which were already advancing on their weakened prey.

Gritting his teeth, Rolling Stone slowly looked around, seeing the numerous glowing eyes of the wolves surrounding him.

Spitting a mix of saliva, dirt, and splinters on the ground, he growled in anger.

"You want a piece of me? WELL, COME AND GET IT!" he shouted, securing his stance and preparing for his final fight.

What he didn't prepare for, was the sudden appearance of a massive beast slamming into the wolves with a ferocious war cry, which grew into a bestial roar as he swung a massive hand at the wolves; slamming three of them apart with the first swing, scattering their pieces all around.

Another loud growl introduced the massive hound as it jumped over Rolling Stone, slamming into one wolf, and grabbing another in his mouth; shaking it to pieces.

"What the…" Rolling Stone stammered, unable to wrap his mind around what had just happened as he stared at the two ghosts; taking a stumbling step back due to his injuries which continued to bleed severely.

With a final, brutal roar, the massive ghost chased away the wolves, then slowly stood up to its full height, turning around to look at Rolling with its glowing eyes.

It was the last thing he saw, as he collapsed to the ground.


"We've got a problem."

Erlea groaned, loudly.

Ever since meeting these ponies, it would seem one problem would lead to another, even bigger problem. And it also seemed these ponies were doing their best at proving her unspoken theory true. This time with Abella being the bringer of bad news as she all, but flew into the throne room towards Erlea; seated before the throne, not daring to take place on her mother's seat, while awaiting for any news of the swarm over at Canterlot.

"What did the ponies do this time?"

"Sweetie Belle is… hey," Apple Bloom rushed in, only to come to a stop as Erlea's words registered.

"So, the white one," Erlea droned, blinking slowly as she gave a leveled gaze at the bow wearing pony. "The weirdest of you three."

"And the bed is all burn-" Scootaloo cried out as she rushed in a moment later, continuing their shout of warning Apple Bloom never truly started, only to run head first into her friend; both tumbling to the ground with shouts and flailing limbs.

Erlea looked at the two with a flat stare and a long, slow exhale.

Ignoring the wriggling fillies, she turned to Abella.

"Do I want to know?"

"No," she answered truthfully, sighing out while shaking her head. "But you're going to find out about it anyhow," she indicated at the two struggling ponies. "Put simply. Their friend is missing. She somehow managed to get out of the guest room… and the bed she used is damaged with burn marks."

Erlea blinked, slowly, then a grumble rose up from her throat; a hoof pressed against her face.

Taking a deep breath and counting to ten, she composed herself. Despite her feelings about ponies in general, she could not ignore what these three had done for her kind. Them, and this human. And so, releasing her breath in a sigh, putting her hoof back down, she turned to the two ponies who managed to untangle themselves in the short moment she took.

"Explain," she said simply, voice flat.

"Well, ehh… Abella pretty much explained it already," Apple Bloom said. "Sweetie Belle's gone, an' her bed is burned."

"I'm telling ya, it's her spirit powers going all crazy," Scootaloo half shouted, flailing her hooves in panic.

Apple Bloom, Erlea, Abella, and some of the passing changelings all stared at Scootaloo, bewildered.

"... Didn't Danny say Sweetie Belle was alright, an' that she was jus' tired," Apple Bloom reminded her friend.

"Well, what does he know?"

"He's a ghost," Apple Bloom deadpanned.

"Oh, right. I knew that," Scootaloo said evasively.

A hoof stomping on the floor brought their attention back to Erlea, stopping whatever argument might have started if they were left to bicker as they stared at the thoroughly annoyed changeling.

"So, your friend is gone. Somehow able to leave her room, even though she couldn't open the portal on her own, and is now somewhere in our city," Erlea summed up. "And you want us to do what about it?"

"Err… maybe help and look for her?" Scootaloo suggested.

Erlea turned to the pegasus fully, blinking slowly. "You want us to help you search the city, the few of us who are actually able to take more than two steps before collapsing? The few of us who are currently busy tending to all the others who, until very recently, were dying of poisonous hate," she paused for a moment, letting that sink in. "No," she said strongly.

"But Sweetie Belle-"

"Can take care of herself," Erlea cut off Apple Bloom. Then she stopped, closed her eyes, and took a deep breath. "... Look, don't take this the wrong way, but we can't help you now. There are not enough of us healthy changelings left to do so. Besides, we are still waiting for the swarm to return with those held as prisoners. They take priority, first and foremos-" Stopping suddenly, she looked off to the side, ears twitching ever so slightly.

Looking around, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo noticed Abella did the same as well.

"They're here," Abella spoke up, then hurried out of the throne room, leaving Erlea to deal with the ponies.

"Like I said. They take priority," Erlea told them as she stepped away from her mother's throne. "We’ll help you after we've helped our family. But right now, we've got more important things to take care of."

Not waiting for a reply, Erlea ran out of the throne room, leaving behind two fidgeting ponies, locked in indecision between looking for their friend, who might be in trouble, or helping the changelings, who were most definitely in trouble.

Sighing out and tiredly rubbing an eye with her fetlock, Apple Bloom looked around in the empty throne room.

"Ah hate to say it, but Erlea has a point."

"About what?" Scootaloo asked.

"Sweetie Belle. As crazy as all of it is, she does know how ta take care of herself."

"So… we're going to help them instead of looking for Sweetie Belle?"

"Nah," Apple Bloom shook her head, tossing her bedraggled mane and half loose bow around. "We're goin' ta help them, then look for Sweetie Belle."

Bolstered by her friend's words, Scootaloo took a step to the open doors. "And with Danny helping, we can save those changelings in no time at all."

"So, what're we waiting for then?" Apple Bloom sped past her winged friend.

Not one to be outdone, Scootaloo gave a resounding: "Yeah!", then rushed after her friend.


Through the dark she moved, passing through walls and rooms without hindrance, closing in on her desire. It was near, she could tell; feel it deep down, a vacuum demanding to be filled.


The shouting also helped.

Gliding invisible through the air with single minded purpose, she moved between stalactites the insects had made their houses out of, and towards the large bridge connecting the city with the cave's entrance.

Crowding on the bridge were the two ponies she vaguely recalled, and a large number of changelings.

"AND WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!" the now much louder voice echoed throughout the city, directing her attention to the changeling responsible.

With fangs bared and anger radiating off of her, the changeling in charge stood before a group of older changelings; a few of them carrying the near death husks of their fellow shapeshifters, the fear for their survival coming off them in waves.

Sweetie Belle took it all in with a shudder of delight.

But it wasn't enough.

She needed more.

Much more.

With a hiss and a wicked snarl, she dropped down.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN, HE ISN'T WITH YOU!" Erlea shouted, staring at the returned swarm in anger and disbelief, while also feeling a pit of nauseating fear form deep down at the sight of those freed from Canterlot.

She knew they would be in bad shape. Everyling else had been. But the true horror she found when rushing to meet with the rescue swarm made her feel as if the bridge had collapsed from underneath her and she was swallowed by the abyss below.

Six. Only six of them were 'rescued'. And those six already were three legs and both wings in their grave. And worse still, their only means of curing them from the hate poisoning was not with them.

"He stayed behind in the city of ponies," one of them informed her.

"He said there was still something he needed to do," another added.

"AND WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN?!" Erlea shouted, fangs bared.

"Probably that there was something he still needed to do," Scootaloo said without thought, the spike of adrenaline she had a moment ago fading and she stood tiredly swaying on her hooves.

Erlea rounded on her so fast her tail snapped like a whip, but before she could do so much as glare at the flight addled pegasi, a bone piercing shriek send icy tendrils down to their core.

With a slam, something flew into the group of shapeshifters; the sudden confusion and panic making it impossible to see who, or what it had been. The snarl coming off of it though, they all heard clearly.

"WHAT IS THAT THING!?" One of the colts shouted, back paddling in fear.

"Yessss," a shuddering hiss came.







"SWEETIE BELLE?!" Apple Bloom cried out in shock, staring with wide eyes and open mouth at the transformed filly; unable to believe what she was seeing as dark red energy seemed to flow into her mouth.

Turning around at the call of… was that her name? Not that it mattered, as the fear she felt radiating off of everyone around pushed such trivial concerns to the back of her mind to forget. Especially that delectable flavor wafting off the two ponies, which she greedily sucked up with a shudder.

Seeing the swirl of dark red energy escape from her, Apple Bloom jumped back in fright, mirrored by Scootaloo when the same happened to her.



As they shouted, more and more of the dark red energy flowed from them and towards Sweetie Belle; both ponies panicking, worrying about their friend and having no idea what was going on.

Erlea, as well as every changeling with her however, understood perfectly what was happening, even if they didn't know what was happening.

As strange, confusing and downright impossible what they were seeing was, none of them could deny what they saw; what they could feel, and Erlea remembered what she realized at the start of this impossible night when she learned the pony unknowingly ate fear.

'Like a changeling…, but not like a changeling.'

Realizing what was happening, though not understanding the reason why, or how, Erlea acted as swift as a proper ruler should.

With a running start, she swung her body around and bucked Sweetie Belle in the jaw; snapping shut her mouth and cutting off the seemingly endless stream of fear.

With a hiss, turned snarl, turned growl; Sweetie Belle glared with her slitted eyes at Erlea, the color of her already dark coat becoming several shades darker as anger took over.

"EVERYLING, SEIZE HER!" Erlea commanded, not stopping in her attack and was already leaping for the impossible pony.

Jumping up at their princess' command, every able changeling, afraid, or not, leaped into the fray with buzzing wings and barely glowing horns. But with a fearsome, blood curdling screech, Sweetie Belle produced a shockwave with her voice that blasted away all the advancing changelings in front of her.

Not letting up, the second her voice died down, she whipped around and rapidly fired bolt, after bolt, into the changelings behind her, knocking the weakened insectoids down to the ground.

Shocked by what they were seeing, it took Apple Bloom and Scootaloo a moment to fully understand what happened. When they did, though, it was with reluctance that they jumped in to help Erlea and her friends; understanding that, right now, Sweetie Belle was a threat. A threat to those they had worked so hard to help.

"SWEETIE BELLE, SNAP OUT OF IT!" Apple Bloom cried out as she dodged a bolt meant for her, which slammed into the ground, scorching the surface black.

"SHE ISN'T LISTENING!" Scootaloo called out, jumping over two changelings down on the ground.

"DON'T LET HER FEED ANY MORE!" Erlea screeched, struggling to rise to her hooves.

"WHAT!?" Apple Bloom shouted, confused. "WHADDA YA MEAN?"

The answer came in a multitude of streams of dark red coming from all those surrounding Sweetie Belle, who greedily sucked up the energy with a feral glint in her eyes.

"SHE'S EATING OUR FEAR!" Devora shouted, unable to stop the pull of energy the pony had on her. "HOW?"


Seeing their target and understanding the urgency of this new threat, several changelings scrambled to their hooves and ran to Sweetie Belle; all intent on somehow bucking her down.

Seeing this, Sweetie Belle merely smirked, while continuing to siphon all the fear she could from her victims.

Seeing their chance, the changelings attacked en mass, only to hit each other as they all phased through the intangible filly.

Seeing this and with anger born from irritation, lack of sleep, and a sense of helplessness, Scootaloo all but growled, as she ran to her friend; eyes set in determination, wings a blurr.

Seeing the obvious attack, Sweetie Belle stood her ground, remaining intangible, confident in her ability not to be harmed.

Great was her shock when, with a bone snapping crack, Scootaloo's rear hooves connected with her jaw; sending her flying backwards with an arc, a small stream of green glowing ectoplasm escaping from her mouth, before slamming into the ground.

Twitching, trying to get back up, Sweetie Belle struggled to move. Then, with a final weak groan, she lost consciousness and a blinding band of light surrounded her.


"Oh, but what are we going to do?" Bellflower fretted, pacing around in worry, making good progress in wearing a groove in the floor of Twilight's library, while the others either sat, or stood near one of Twilight's reading tables. All except for Fluttershy, who lay hiding underneath a seating cushion, trembling in fear, eyes barely peeking out from underneath, while Spike tried to comfort her.

"For now, all we really can do is wait for Rolling Stone and Sound Wave," Ornate Charm told her, standing beside the door, keeping an eye on those present, while Blue Ice kept a close eye on the outside through a window.

"Heck no," Rainbow Dash balked back. "Their sisters, our friends are missing and all we've been able to do is run around screaming," she said with anger and shame. "I say, let's get our Elements and just blast that entire forest; get them all in one go."

"Rainbow, I don't think that the Elements work like that," Twilight told her.

"And why not, huh?" the prismatic mare shot back defiantly.

"Ah’d like to know as well," Applejack spoke up. "Using tha Elements seems like tha right thaing ta do right now."

"Yes," Twilight sighed out, "but on what?"

"Whadda ya mean?" Rainbow Dash shot back heatedly. "On those Luna cursed ghosts, of course!"

"And do you know where they are?" Twilight asked simply, looking at her friend.

"No, that's why I said we should blast the whole forest," Rainbow pointed animatedly at where the Everfree was. "In fact, we probably should have done so long ago. That place could use a blast of rainbows up its tailho-"

"Ahum!" Rarity loudly cleared her throat.

"Rainbow, I understand how you feel. Believe me, I do," Twilight said, releasing a desponed sigh. "But simply using the Elements like that probably won't work."

"Probably?" Applejack raised an eyebrow.

"And why not?!" Rainbow Dash argued. "They worked on Nightmare Moon and Discord. They probably would have been able to beat down those changelings, if we've had the chance. So why not ghosts too, huh?"

"I don't know if they do, or do not work on them, and that is just one of the problems. On the off chance they don't work on ghosts, we would simply put ourselves back in real danger. Besides, when we faced Nightmare Moon and Discord, we used the Elements on them directly, which is something we can't really do right now with these ghosts. Heck, we probably wouldn't have been able to hit Discord, if he wasn't so full of himself and allowed us to hit him, thinking he had us beat. And, yes, they undid the chaos of Discord all around Equestria, but only because they sealed away the one who caused it in the first place. unleashing their power like that, on the Everfree Forest, a place quite unnatural in its own right, could potentially do more damage than it would fix. And furthermore, even if it would all work out without any new disaster unfolding as a result, we still wouldn't know where the girls, Zecora, or Danny are. So, right now, even if I want to do nothing more than go out there and find our friends, we can't. We don't know how to fight these ghosts. And even if we did—" her eyes shifted to the two guards in the room "—there is no guarantee we would be able to win."

"Twilight is right," Rarity moved besides the purple pony. "I fear for the safety of Sweetie Belle and the others, but risking getting captured ourselves isn't going to save them. All we can do right now, is let the professionals take care of it all and hope for their safe return."

"Somepony's coming," Blue Ice suddenly cut in, leering out in the dark. "Pegasi."

"Sound Wave?" Ornate Charm asked.

"Looks like," Blue Ice confirmed, frowning. "Only her, though."

"Trouble," Ornate Charm stated, frowning herself.

"You know it."

"What- what's going on?" Rarity asked, worried, eyes shifting between the two.

"We're about to find out," Blue Ice informed her, and a loud crash came from outside the front door.

Looking at one another, Blue Ice and Ornate Charm gave each a confirming nod. Then, with a burst of her horn, Ornate Charm opened the door, ready to jump at anything hostile.

What she found, however, was Sound Wave, lying in a heap at the threshold, panting heavily, looking worse for wear.

"Sound Wave?" Ornate Charm said cautiously while Blue Ice used her scanner on the downed pony.

Giving a confirming nod as the scan came clear, Ornate Charm closed the distance and helped her fellow hunter back to her hooves.

"What happened?"

"Too much to say in just a few words," she said hastily.

"But did you find Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, Scootaloo?!" Rarity asked, panicked. "And what about Danny, or Zecora? You must have found something, anything?!"

Frowning, glaring at the ground, Sound Wave shook her head. "We found something alright. Not sure what, though. But right now, Rolling Stone needs help. Fast! We were ambushed by a pack of timberwolves… or all of them. We tried to fight them off, but they just kept coming. I was sent here, so all of what we learned could make its way to the princesses, but he won't be able to hold out on his own for long," Sound Wave informed them rapidly, pulling several gasps out of Twilight and her friends.

"Is there anything we can do to help?" Twilight quickly stepped up. "We may not know much about fighting ghosts, but we know plenty about timberwolves."

"Oh, please don't hurt them. They are probably only agitated by everything that has happened in their territory," Fluttershy softly spoke from underneath her cushion.

"Too dangerous," Ornate Charm shot them down. "We can't risk you getting caught up in this any more than you already have. We'll call for reinforcements-"

"Which would take too long, and you know it," Twilight said sternly, looking down on the mare. "Don't forget, my brother used to be the captain of the royal guard. And I did pick up a thing or two about military tactics while studying, literally, under Princess Celestia's wings. Besides, my friends and I have been in a couple of dire situations before. Let us help you help us. Whatever it is you've learned, Spike is more than willing to send all you know to the princesses. After which, we can, and will help you save your commander. Too many have been lost to us already. It has to stop here, now!" she emphasized with a stomp of her hoof, while Spike came running with a scroll and quill at the ready; which Sound Wave quickly took from him to write her report in relative secrecy.

"I-I-I don't know if I can do this," Bellflower stammered, breathing laboriously to the point of hyperventilating. "First Scootaloo going missing, now all of this. I… I just don't-"

"It's alright, Bell," Applejack put a comforting hoof on her withers. "We all know what yer goin' through. Nopony's blamin' ya for feeling lost right here. 'Sides, we could use a pony or two ta keep watch over things, jus'n case tha girls show up," she gave the worried mare a small, friendly smile, helping her calm down. "Big Mac, maybe ya should stay here as well, jus'n case."

Big Mac, clearly not too thrilled with this plan, shifted his weight from one hoof to the other, and back, wanting to protest. But one look at Bellflower and he understood that she needed somepony to watch over her, as she was trying her hardest not to break down right then, and there. And so, with a heavy sigh, he solemnly nodded his head.

"Eeyup… Jus' be careful, sis."

"Ah always am," she reassured with a nod as the air lit up with green dragon's fire, and the smell of a message sent.


"Just what in tha hay happened ta her?" Apple Bloom asked aloud, looking at her friend in worry.

"I told you I had a bad feeling when she acted all weird," Scootaloo replied. "And do you have to do that!?" she urgently pointed a hoof at the three changelings encasing Sweetie Belle in a green cocoon on the very spot she fell after Scootaloo knocked her out.

"I'm not taking any more chances," Erlea snapped at her. "Too many things have already gone wrong- and make sure you encase her horn too!" she aimed at the changelings encasing the filly.

"But really, what tha hay happened?" Apple Bloom called out. "Why'd she turn inta that… that…"

"Nightmare," Scootaloo suggested with a sour look.

Apple Bloom fell silent, blinked, then looked at her friend now thoroughly trapped in changeling goop.

"... We're in trouble, aren't we?" she asked finally.

"Not as much as she is," Devora said, taking the two by surprise as she stepped up from behind them.

"Whadda ya mean?" Apple Bloom asked.

Devora was silent as she took a step closer to the unconscious pony, frowning while her horn glowed weakly.

"She was feeding on our fear," Abella answered them, joining Devora, horn also alight. "And some of the other negative emotions… but mostly fear."

"Feeding on them like a changeling would with love," Devora muttered, eyes still locked on the pony. "A starved changeling at that. Feral, without control, thought, or plan."

"But Sweetie Belle's no changeling," Apple Bloom said, confused.

"Honestly, do we even know what she is?" Scootaloo wondered.

"She's our friend. That's all that matters," Apple Bloom answered strongly.

"Well, yeah. But, really? I don't think Danny knew about this, or he would have said so, right? So, what happened?"

"That's what Ah've been asking the entire time," Apple Bloom shot back.

"Feeding frenzy," Erlea said simply, finally satisfied with the cocoon Sweetie Belle was held in. "It's something that happens to a truly starved changeling… something we've experienced in some manner, or other ourselves… But something this extreme… In a non-changeling… and with negative emotions. Nothing about this makes any sense."

"She's still full of them, too," Devora shut off her horn.

"Can we be sure the sedatives in the jelly will keep her down?" Abella asked.

"It would for any other pony," Erlea told her. "But her…" Shaking her head, she instead turned to Devora. "And how about the sick?"

"Not good," she answered with a tightened jaw. "We need that wolf guy, now. And even then, chances are low. Really low."

"There were only six," Abella said sadly, head hung low. "Artona wasn't with them."

"Who?" Scootaloo asked, earning her a shove from Apple Bloom and a harsh glare from Erlea and Devora.

"My brother," Abella sighed sadly.

"Oh, ehh…." Ears splayed flat on her head, Scootaloo stammered a quick apology, wondering for a moment just how far she could stuff her hoof in her mouth.

Shaking her head in disapproval, Apple Bloom returned her attention to Sweetie Belle.

"Ah understan' that things are difficult right now, an' that yer friends an' family comes first, but what should we do 'bout Sweetie Belle? She cain't stay like that, assuming this pod thaing works on her?"

"I'm not taking any more chances. Especially when it comes to you ponies," Erlea said bitterly. " The moment I met you, it's one impossible madness after the next. Unless you come up with a way that will keep her from hurting anyling else, she's staying in there."

"Well, it's the fear she ate that made her all nightmarish, right?" Scootaloo said. "Maybe Fenris can cut it out like the hate he did with the changelings?"

Apple Bloom's eyes widened in realization. "Hey, yeah. Just like he did when we first met him."

"He, what?" Scootaloo paused, surprised.

"Hmhmm," Apple Bloom nodded. "When she, Erlea an' Ah went inta tha Ghost Zone ta find a cure fer their sickness, an' found Fenris, Sweetie Belle kinda collapsed, or something and Fenris used his claws, jus' like he did with tha changelings. Saying something 'bout Sweetie Belle having a lot of fear in her."

"Which means," Erlea cut in sharply, "we need that damn human here to take care of it all. So, where the BUCK is he!?"

Apple Bloom and Scootaloo looked at one another, neither filly able to give an answer.

"Well, they did say he had ta do somethaing back at Canterlot. Ah'm sure he's done with it by now. And Danny wouldn't jus' leave ya guys hangin'," Apple Bloom spoke up.

"I'm sure he's already on his way back here," Scootaloo said with some confidence. "I mean, he did show up like that before," and she looked around expectantly, expecting Danny to pop up out of nowhere right then and there. Unfortunately, no such luck.

Erlea breathed out a frustrated growl.

"Ah guess we'll just have ta wait," Apple Bloom said quickly, she and Scootaloo slowly backing away from the young shapeshifter.


"Foes we are merely because you believe us to be so."

With a groan, Rolling Stone stirred.

"Whoa, what the hay!"

A searing pain shot through his barrel, forcing him to stop moving.

"He's alive!"

Seconds later, the pain dulled thanks to a strange, but welcome numbing cold.

"What happened to him!?"

Hooves grabbed hold of him, shooting another stab of pain through him.

"Oh, you're hurting him!"

With a groan, he slowly forced open his eyes.

"Is that ice?! And why is it red in places?"

Undefined shapes stood all around him, obscured by the rising light of the sun shining behind them.

"Sir, what happened? Are you alright?"

He tried to move his legs, but they responded sluggishly.

"I'm reading spectral signs coming from this… cast?"

He tried to remember where he was.

"How did he even get here?"

There were the wolves, attacking him, wounding him.

"And what about the timberwolves? Didn't you say they attacked the two of you?"

But there was something else. Something unworldly.

"There were, but I see no sign of them around here at all."

It was massive; glowing eyes, and terrifying strength.

"That doesn't matter right now! He needs medical attention, NOW!"

It spoke to him; words whispered through a haze.

"Don't worry, sir. We've got you."

And as Rolling Stone was carried away on the back of Applejack, a single, faint word spoken in doubt and confusion escaped him:



Suspended in green, Sweetie Belle hung unmoving, the world lost to her.

Two changelings, part of the oldest group still able to perform, stood guard by her cocoon; shooting uneasy glances at their captive from time to time, always finding her to be in the same suspended state.

Slowly, they paced around, looking out over the city from the bridge they stood on, finding a small sliver of joy at the sight of the empty streets, and the no longer freezing temperature.

With a sigh coming from one of them, they turned back around and looked once again at the cocooned pony.

They both froze on the spot, their breath hitching in their throat.

Sweetie Belle was looking back at them.

Looking back at them with angry, green glowing, slitted eyes.