• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 4,805 Views, 354 Comments

Silver Spirit, Ghost of Equestria. - Powerdrainer

In their quest to earn their Cutie Marks, and maybe find an answer for the strange events that have occurred, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo soon learn they've taken on more than they can handle. Question is, can they keep this a secret?

  • ...

Hidden Truths

Edited by Slayerseba, Halusm, and Clawder.

Hidden Truths


With a lazy groan, Danny woke up.

Comfortably wrapped in the warm blanket of the bed he found himself in, it took him several minutes to fully regain consciousness and remember what had happened before he was finally able to sleep.

When he did, he also became aware of the small form lying beside him under one of his arms.

Sweetie Belle curled up into herself, snored quietly as she slept; the fur under her eyes still matted with tears, a reminder of why Danny found himself waking up with her beside him.

After everything that had happened, no one wanted her to be alone. And with Zecora already hard at work making some rudimentary potions, Wind Chill looking after the windigos, and none of the changelings quite yet trusting her to be alone in the room with her, Danny did not hesitate a second to remain by her side.

The fact she all but latched on to him subconsciously showed just how much she needed someone to stay with her and, while Danny fought off his sleep for the better part of an hour to do just that, the trying events of the last day and night finally won out as he, too, fell asleep.

A snort pulled his attention from the filly still sleeping, to the green pup lying at the foot of the bed.

Cujo, too, didn't leave her alone. And with little need for sleep, other than being an excellent way to waste time, he kept true to his profession as a guard dog and vigilantly watched over the pair.

"How's she doing?" Cujo barked quietly.

"Still asleep," Danny replied with the same low voice. "Let's hope she feels a bit better when she wakes up."

"Yeah," Cujo agreed, then proceeded to scratch himself behind an ear.

Danny smiled at him in thanks, then slowly looked around the room. Now no longer burdened by a sleep-deprived mind, pushed on by the need to comfort a distressed child, he became increasingly aware of the incredible familiarity. Something that would have been unnerving had he not experienced all he did through the Murgröna.

"Anything special about this room?" Cujo asked, looking around himself but seeing nothing too special.

"Not really," Danny replied. "Just… I remember this place from when it was just an idea; nothing more than a chunk of rock waiting to be shaped. Just as I remember everything of this city; how it came to be, and who made it into a reality."

"Is that why you can now open those doors? You couldn't do that before," Cujo asked, looking at the closed onyx portal.

"It is," Danny confirmed. "It was a guess if I could, though," he lifted a hand, looking at it as he made it glow green. "I remember more than just this city being built. The magic the changelings were taught, and the magic they invented, I know it all. And it seems that, somehow, there is some overlap between magic and spectral energy."

"So you can do magic?"

"I'm not sure I want to go that far," Danny answered, looking at an empty flower pot standing on a small table in the adjacent room.

Reaching out with his hand, and focusing on the thousands of lessons in levitation magic he remembered, he focused intently on the pot.

The green glow surrounding his hand intensified, and the same glow began to shine around the item as it wobbled on the spot, then slowly rose up in the air; moving towards Danny while bobbing in the air.

"But it certainly looks like there are a few more tricks I can pull off now."

"Neat," Cujo watched the flower pot as it crossed the distance. "It's about time you learned levitation. Most ghosts learn that skill in their first year."

"I'm not most ghosts," he took hold of the flower pot, placing it on the bed. "And all things considered, I think I did alright."

"You ran away," Cujo stated flatly.

A heavy sigh escaped Danny as he nodded. "I did, yes."


Looking at the sleeping form of Sweetie Belle, Danny placed a hand on top of her head.

"To escape the guilt I felt."

Cujo tilted his head to the side. "That's stupid," he commented. "It's just like chasing your tail," he looked at his own tail. "Always there, always taunting you with its presence, but you can neither grab it nor run away from it, so you just need to accept it and learn to exist with it."

"That… is surprisingly insightful," Danny admitted. "And a lesson I very recently learned. But it does not change the fact that my guilt is what drove me away."

"The guilt of a phantom," Cujo snorted. "Well, you have always been one to care too much about others, so I guess it makes sense in a way. But what are you planning on doing now… after dealing with all of this, I mean? Go back home, to your friends, your family?"

Danny stiffened at that question, having avoided asking it himself because he knew the answer would not be easy.

"I… I suppose I should," he rubbed his neck. "I guess… I guess I owe it to them… show them I'm still there, you know. But how would I do that? I can't just show up, it has been years. And how would I explain it all? I mean, I can't tell my parents I'm Danny Phantom, Terror of Amity Park, the one 'proven' to be responsible for… for Sam's death. And what about Sam's parents, should they learn this as well. And what about Tucker, or Jazz. They know of my ghost side, but they clearly haven't told anyone. What would happen to them if this comes out?"

"Then why tell them at all?" Cujo asked, puzzled. "You never did before, so why bother doing it now? You ran away, and then you came back. Why make this more difficult than it needs to be?"

Danny was silent for several heartbeats, mulling this over.

"They would have questions. Questions I can't answer without some very big lies. And after everything that has happened… I'm sick and tired of lying just to keep living in peace. But if I don't… My other half is in Ponyville, lying for that exact reason," he sighed deeply. "My life just isn't that easy."

"No… I guess it isn't," Cujo rolled over on his back, kicking his hind legs.

"Let's change the topic," said Danny, looking down at the young pony next to him. "Sweetie Belle, how are you feeling now?"

Sweetie Belle didn't answer, lying completely still.

"I know you're awake," Danny told her, calmly stroking her back. "I spent enough time pretending to sleep, lying in misery to know what it looks like. Believe me, it may seem like the easier thing to do, but you just end up where I did. Lost, alone and miserable every minute of the day with seemingly no way to escape it. I've been there and only recently managed to get out of this hole I dug for myself, and I will not allow you to fall down into it now."

With stiff motions, Sweetie Belle curled tighter into herself.

"Sweetie Belle, you have to say something, anything. Don't allow this to fester. I know this is difficult, probably the most difficult step to take, but the sooner you talk about this, really talk about it, the better it will be for you."

"Why me?" she said, voice so low even Cujo had to strain his ears. Danny, though, understood perfectly. He had asked the same question many times himself.

"Why you," he repeated, looking up at the ceiling. "Why did you get those powers, and not someone else? Why did your powers come with such a dark side to them? Why did you lose control like that? What did you do to deserve what has happened to you? Why you?" he shook his head. "There is no easy answer to that question, maybe none at all. You, me, the other Halfas, we don't exist naturally. We are created through means outside our control. For two of us, it was an accident with my parent's ghost portal, another through means I will not go into detail about, and for you…" he paused, remembering something, "Didn't you say you go these powers after trying to summon a ghost, using the Necronomicon?"

The sudden shift in tone drew Sweetie Belle's attention, and she finally lifted her head to look up at Danny.

"Y-yes," she said, voice cracking.

Danny leaned back, resting his back against the headboard of the bed.

"The book of the dead," he muttered. "There is no way that book just happened to be in Twilight's library," he concluded. "In fact, everything I know tells me there should only be one place that particular book should be. So why here…. why you?" he fell silent, thinking.

"So what do you think?" Cujo asked.

"I'm not sure," Danny answered, confusing Sweetie Belle, "but there is only one place I can think of where I might find an answer."

"The library?" Cujo yawned.

"The library," he confirmed, then a loud growl drew everyone's attention to his stomach. "But we can worry about that later," he returned his attention back to Sweetie Belle. "How about we go and get something to eat, hmm?"

"I'm not hungry," Sweetie Belle mumbled, laying her head back down.

"Yes you are," Danny placed a hand on her head, gently stroking her mane. "You just don't feel like it with everything else going on."

Cujo rolled back upright as Sweetie Belle was silent. "Didn't she eat a lot of fear?"

New memories he'd experience in the Murgröna resurfaced, remembering the hunger he felt and what it drove him… The changelings to do what they did.

Pushing those thoughts back, trying not to show it too much, he continued comforting Sweetie Belle.

"I'm sure you'll feel better after eating something," he told her.

"... Do they even have food here?" she asked, rather unexpected.

Whatever reply Danny was about to give died before he could say it, thinking about it and only now realizing the changelings have had no need for a very long time to keep a supply of food edible for ponies.

"Well," he began awkwardly. "Guess I know what my first task of the day is."


A vibrant red liquid boiled inside a cauldron while Zecora methodically stirred the contents, adding measured amounts of herbs and roots to the concoction.

Several glass bottles full of the same colored brew stood on the ground away from the fire, cooling down, while some of the changelings either returned empty bottles, or picked up a full glass sufficiently cooled down enough to be drunk without injury.

Stepping back from the cauldron, Zecora moved for the table on which she kept the meager amount of materials she used for her potions. It wasn't much to begin with, the changelings' supplies dangerously low from the start, but what little there was she used to create a simple elixir to help bolster the sick changelings' health.

It was a gamble, though. As little she could do with the materials given, there was even less she knew about changelings. Fortunately, so far, none of the sick showed any adverse reactions to ingesting the elixir. If it would help, however, remained to be seen.

Quietly speaking to herself in her mother tongue, she took stock of what remained of the materials, shaking her head with a sigh.

"Bad news, I take it?" Danny asked as he entered the room, Sweetie Belle following behind, head low and hooves dragging; Cujo keeping pace behind her.

If she was surprised by their unexpected appearance, Zecora didn't show it. Instead, she turned around to look at them with a tired smile.

"I've done all I can with what I was given, but more is needed to restore what is broken."

Looking at the few remaining items lying on the table, Danny sighed as well, nodding in understanding.

"I'm heading out to go and get something to eat for Sweetie Belle, you and myself. Most likely fly over to Sweet Apple Acres and take some apples. It's about the only thing I can think of doing without raising any suspicion. I could see if I can find some more stuff for you to work with while I'm at it," he suggested.

A rumble came from Zecora, and she averted her eyes as she worked to silence her stomach.

"Yes, I see how such would be a wise course of action. But of what I need, food is only a fraction. There is much required, but more important above all; I have need for numerous ingredients you may still find stored on my wall."

"Right," Danny scratched at his stubble, "Anything specific, or should I just take everything?"

"To explain everything in detail will take too long, and we can't risk you getting this wrong. So if you do not mind, please take everything you may still find."

"I can do that," Danny confirmed with a nod, then a band of light split him in two, and seconds later there were two of him. "This certainly makes things a lot easier," they both said, grinning at a flummoxed Zecora.

"Alright, be back in a bit," one of them said, transforming into his ghost counterpart and flying through the wall.

"Well, while I do that, anything else I could do to help you here?" Danny asked.

It took Zecora a moment to compose herself, still unable to fully wrap her mind around the enigma this human is.

She shook her head. "I can not ask for anything more, besides my need to sleep is something I can no longer ignore. While I wait for you to return with food and my supplies, getting some sleep seems to be most wise."

Danny nodded. "Yeah, I can understand that. It has been a long night, er… Shouldn't it be closer to mid-day by now?"

Zecora nodded in confirmation.

"Well, might as well use what day remains while we wait for the other me to return," he looked at Sweetie Belle, dropping to a knee. "Is there anything you want to do?"

Slowly, Sweetie Belle shook her head, not looking up at him.

"Okay," Danny sighed. "Then why don't we go for a walk through the city, see if we can be of help there?" he suggested.

Sweetie Belle did not reply, instead, she looked down at the ground, pretending not to notice the pair of changelings walking around her with a wide arch; empty bottles clinking together as they moved.

Danny frowned, thinking, then released a deep sigh.

"You know, there was a time where I hurt a lot of people; where I pretty much destroyed all of the world, and the few survivors all worked together to defeat me."

This drew a sharp breath from the filly, and she finally looked up to meet Danny's eyes.

In the back, Zecora stood still, ears at attention while several of the changelings coming and going stopped to stare at Danny.

All of this meant nothing to him, though, as he sat down, legs crossed, eyes closed as he thought back.

"I was fourteen at the time," he began, eyes opening. "Had my powers for almost a year at that point, trying to use them to do good, be a hero… managing to make a bit of a name for myself doing so. But then," he sighed, shaking his head. "... Would you believe me if I said everything went wrong because of a school exam?"

Sweetie Belle looked up at him with red-rimmed eyes, confused.

"Yeah, me neither," he responded to her silence. "Funny how such a seemingly unimportant thing can change the way your life goes… and how those around you suffer for it the most."


'Any news from Ponyville?' asked Danny, white hair whipping wildly in the wind as he flew.

'Well, your other self certainly wishes he could trade places,' Eclipse replied.


'Yes. It would seem that this hunter, Rolling Stone, was injured to the point he had to be hospitalized. This does line up with Wind Chill's story. But more importantly, the other hunters are dismissed after reviewing their actions, and are replaced by a pony called Maud… Pinkie Pie's older sister, and a member of the Guys in White.' Danny fell down several meters upon hearing this news before catching himself.

"That may prove to be a problem," he said aloud.

'Indeed,' Eclipse agreed. 'But the good news is that the cover story seems to have worked, and, as you expected, the scanner did not react to you.'

'All of the latest ghost hunting gear carries my family's name, or holds parts made by them. This only further confirms what I suspected. Tucker is still looking out for me, programming the scanners to ignore me.'

'And with Dani present here as well--'

"They are catching up to me,' Danny finished. 'I'm not sure how to feel about this.'

'Well, considering Dani was attacked, and of course what happened with you while there, there is no doubt a message was sent back, so a response is soon to follow. Which may also mean that the others, or some of them at the least, will come to this world.'

"We'll deal with that when the time comes," Danny grunted, flying over the Everfree towards Sweet Apple Acres, close enough now to turn invisible for cover. "For now, there are more pressing matters I need to take care of."

The next twenty minutes he flew in silence, shooting past the ancient castle of Celestia and Luna, the portal hidden within, and the secrets he now knew were tied to this place. Moments later, he passed Zecora's hut, ignoring it for now as the need for food was more of an immediate priority to him, and he would return there on the way back. Then the forest ended, and he saw Ponyville a short distance away on his left while the thousands of apple trees before him still held a bountiful harvest waiting to be gathered.

Moving towards the barn near the farmhouse, Danny phased inside, looking around; spotting almost immediately what he sought, and the empty sack vanished from sight as he grabbed it.

Flying back outside, he moved to some of the trees farthest away from the farmhouse and the main road, then began to pick several dozens of apples from several trees, eating a pair of shining red fruits as he did so.

His hunger sated for now, and enough fruit with him to last at least a day or two, enough to find a better solution than to raid the orchard every other day, Danny flew back towards the forest; this time entering the oppressing darkness instead of flying over it as he made his way over to Zecora's hut.

Once there, however, he came to an abrupt stop.

He was not alone.

Walking around the hollow tree was a stone gray mare, wearing an immaculately clean white suit and holding a ghost scanner.

'And that would be Maud, right?'


Silently, Danny watched Maud as she circled Zecora's home at a slow pace, stopping several times at different spots to either use her scanner for a more detailed survey, or inspect any potential lead with a bored, yet intense gaze.

Eventually, she stepped inside.

Curiosity piqued, Danny slowly moved to the hollow tree, first looking through the window, then phasing through the glass and wood when he was certain it was safe to do so.

A burst of green light flew past his face, slamming into the wall behind him as he cried out, almost dropping the sack of apples as he evaded a second burst of energy; this time seeing Maud stand at the ready with a blaster in the hoof, eyes scanning the area.

"Invisibility won't work, ghost," she said. Her voice level, but with a freezing edge to it that gave Danny chills despite the ice core near his heart. "I may not know how you fool the scanner, but your stench is unmistakable."

'Yes, definitely going to be a problem,' Danny thought as he slowly, quietly, phased through the wall back outside. Still, he needed the materials Zecora requested, which meant he couldn't leave and wait for another time. Too many lives were at stake. So, moving back a bit further, he placed the sack of apples high up in a tree where it couldn't be found after the invisibility dropped, he returned to the treehouse, peeking through the open door and seeing Maud standing completely motionless; eyes closed, ears at attention and the blaster charged, and ready.

This ghost hunter clearly did get the proper training.

Still, it was from the Guys In White, and he had dealt with them before.

"You know, you actually managed to take me by surprise there," Danny said after pulling his head back behind the wall. He paused, waiting. "And you're not blindly shooting at me just because I'm talking now. You clearly know what you're doing. Good."

No reply came.

"I'm sure you must be thinking I came here to fight you, or do something else harmful to you. After all, here is where ghosts were spotted, and some mortals went missing. And yes, I know about that. And I know you're here because of it, and now I show up as well. Whatever it is you may think right now, I want you to know one thing. I have no desire to harm you in any way. Some of us ghosts just wish to exist in peace, though there are those who only exist to do harm. Unfortunately, they are also the majority you deal with. As for me, all I want is to save lives…" still no reply, or any sound of any kind came from the other side of the wall, and Danny carefully peeked past the door inside.

Maud was gone.

One of the windows stood open.

Feeling a pit form in his stomach, Danny slowly turned around, seeing Maud stand stock still behind him; thermos up and ready.

"Clever girl," Danny remarked, then leaped through the wall at the same time a brilliant beam of blue energy slammed into it; missing him just barely.

Wasting no time in his search, he grabbed the still upturned cauldron and then used his newly acquired skill of levitation to pull every item he saw hanging from the wall to him, into the cauldron.

Bottles clinked together, while numerous herbs, leaves, and items he couldn't identify in his haste jammed into the cauldron at the same time.

He hoped nothing broke as he sped through the wall, flew to his hidden stash of apples, grabbed them with his one free hand, then retreated as fast he could.

'She's good,' Eclipse had to admit.

'Skill through damage,' Fenris made himself known.


'She survived a ghost attack,' Danny clarified, frowning. 'I could see it in her eyes. And there is only one attack I know of that had happened on this world."


'She won't hear what I say. Nothing she lived through gives her a reason to. We better avoid her for now… my other self will have to deal with her for the time being.'

'I'll inform him about what happened.'

'You do that,' said Danny as he approached the ancient castle. 'Meanwhile, I have some answers to find.'


With a grunt, Danny put both the cauldron and the sack of apples on the ground; rolling his shoulders and flexing his hands as he allowed them a moment to recover.

"I need to work on my heavy lifting," he murmured, staring at the open portal at the other end of the throne room. "Okay, let's see if I can make this a four-way split."

A band of light flashed into being, splitting him vertically. Moments later there were two of him, four in total.

"Neat," both said, grinning.

"I wonder what my limit is with this?"

Shrugging, "No idea, but we're not going to find that out today."

Both agreed to that, then looked down at the cauldron and sack of apples.

"So, who-"

"Rock, paper, scissors you for it."

"Fair enough."

Ten tries, and ten ties later it became clear that it wasn't as simple as that. Going up against yourself, an opponent with the exact same mindset, meant it was difficult to keep from making the same split-second decisions. So eventually, one of them just sighed, shook his head, then picked up the cauldron and apples and left without another word.

"Well then… time to find some answers," the remaining ghost said, and he entered through the portal.


"And in the end, the explosion still happened, and my family and friends were all caught in the blast regardless of what I did. But Clockwork intervened and saved their lives, permanently changing the course of history and preventing my future, a future of death and destruction from ever happening," Danny concluded his story with a deep sigh. "But even if that future was prevented, it still happened. And my darker self still exists, trapped inside a thermos, imprisoned for eternity."

Sweetie Belle stared at him, mouth open, eyes wide. A look shared by the group of changelings seated around them.

Zecora, familiar with his story to some extent after they first met, (and she clubbed him on the head before learning of his dual nature,) still showed a great deal of shock. When he first told her his story, he did avoid certain details. He also made mention of these events hours before, after Scootaloo told her tale of her time travel exploits. But now, to hear the full extent of where his misery brought him; what efforts he had to go through to prevent it from even happening. She silently watched Danny, admiring his strength, and mourning the hardship his life had been despite his efforts.

"Did…. did that really happen?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"Unfortunately, yes," Danny replied. "And while I haven't lost myself to such madness, seeing myself doing such things is just as bad. Knowing that the person I am would corrupt in such a way…. it's not easy living with that knowledge, with that image of this future me and what he did… what I did. So believe me when I tell you, I know what you're going through and how you feel right now."

Gingerly, Sweetie Belle lifted a hoof and placed it on Danny's leg; looking up at him with sad eyes. "But how can I change what happened?"

"You don't," he answered bluntly. "I was lucky… or unlucky, depending on how you look at it. My choices, my actions, all of them were so bad that time itself had to be changed. You, however, can't change what happened. But you can change what will happen. Look around you," he told her, finally acknowledging the changelings around him as he said so. "You did something that hurt some of them, there is no denying that," Sweetie Belle flinched back into herself. "But here they are, sitting around us, around you. They may be afraid of what you did, and what you might become again, but they also understand why it happened. The hunger you have is something they know all too well. And far too many changelings in the past have done awful things when the hunger took over. They don't fear you as much as they fear what you did, because it showed them what they could do, what they could become."

Quiet murmuring moved through the changelings as he spoke, most of the changelings present hanging their heads.

"So right now there are two things you can do. One," he held up a finger. "Allow this shadow to consume you and lose yourself entirely. Or two," another finger joined the first. "Accept what happened, difficult as it may be, and work to be better," he dropped his hand, exhaling loudly. "I've done the first myself, and I'm not proud of it. And it took me years to drag myself out of that hole I dug for myself. So I will not allow you to choose the first choice, because I know what misery it will bring."

"But how would I even stop myself from doing… that again?"

"Simple," he smiled, looking at the changelings around them. "You ask for help."


The weight of everything Danny carried wore on him, made worse by the fact his powers were now split four ways, slowing him down even further.

As such, he returned to the Hive at a moderate pace, though keeping a close eye out for any sign of Maud, should she somehow have managed to follow him.

The last he and the changelings needed right now was a ghost hunter too blinded by her hatred to come knocking on the door. The changelings' already poor reputation would only be made worse if it was found out they were 'working together' with ghosts.

Once out in the open and a good distance away from the Everfree Forest, it became clear he hadn't been followed, and a sigh of relief escaped him as he continued his flight back; able to see the herd of windigos, and the frost giant towering out over them, up in the distance.

In the few minutes he spent flying over to the mass of spectral beings, he allowed his mind to wander. More specifically, reflect on the memories he was given.

The first time he came here, the land was frozen by the windigos. And while there was still a noticeable presence of snow and ice, the barren land underneath was clear to see. Yet as he stared, he clearly remembered the lush green valley this place used to be. The path the ancient, now gone river carved still visible, if eroded over time. Though no trace remained of the forest he knew lay just a bit further. The forest where so many young changelinks were taught the skills to hunt and provide for their family.

His gaze settled on the entrance to the underground city, now visible to him.

Little remained of the cluster of rocks, one of which hid the small entrance the changelinks once used to enter their home under the rock. Most of them had been moved or removed completely to create a proper entrance for their city. An entrance later generations worked hard on hiding in the rest of the landscape to keep from being found out.

A frown worked its way onto his face while a sigh escaped him. The memories he now had, all the lives he lived, the outrageous injustice he knew must be set right.

With a grunt, he shifted the weight he carried, then turned visible so Wind Chill could see him.

"Great One," the giant greeted. "I see you have been successful in your task."

"Not entirely," Danny answered, looking back over his shoulder. "I ran into a ghost hunter. A different hunter than the ones we dealt with last night. This one… she's different. Dangerous. Highly skilled as far as I was able to tell in the short time we've met."

"That may be a reason for concern," Wind Chill rumbled.

"Maybe. Just keep an eye out for a gray pony wearing a white suit. I don't think I was followed, been invisible the entire time, and duplicated myself so that might throw her off if she did. Still… keep an eye out for her, just to be on the safe side."

"I will, Great One."

"Good," Danny nodded, then looked at the tunnel. "Better not leave them waiting for too long," he remarked, then flew into the darkness underground.


Thunderous cheering shook the frost giants' village, triggering an avalanche on several mountains nearby while all giants, save the guards by the portal, surrounded Danny.

"Great One!" Frostbite roared with unrestrained enthusiasm. "You have returned!"

"Frostbite, everyone," Danny greeted, smiling. "Nice to see you all again."

Another ground-shaking roar of cheers slammed into Danny, staggering him slightly.

"Oh, glorious is this day," Frostbite called out, elated. "A momentous occasion to add to the mural. The return of Danny Phantom."

Danny's face fell and he sighed while rubbing the back of his neck. "Yeah… I'm not so sure about that part," he countered, and all excitement around him came to a screeching stop.

"Great One, what are you talking about?" Frostbite asked, then his eyes widened. "Of course, your home… the great lie," all other frost giants now growled in unison.

"That's… one way to call it, I suppose," Danny shook his head. "Frostbite, there are certain things happening back in Equestria, not all of them good. I'm doing what I can to fix things, but there is only so much I can do," he jabbed a thumb over his shoulder. "Wind Chill is currently busy keeping the windigo- er… what did you call them again? Those ice horses."

"You mean the Saldēti Zirgi," Frostbite informed him.

"Yeah, those. Wind Chill is keeping them calm so they won't cause any more problems, but they can't stay where they are. He's trying to find a way to bring them back himself, but his honor bond keeps him from doing this any time soon. Thought I'd ask if you can send someone over there to help him while I was here."

"Say no more," Frostbite replied, standing straighter as he scanned the crowd. "Snow Dune, Hailstorm," he shouted, and two giants pushed through the crowd towards him. "Aid the Great One and Wind Chill in their task."

Both giants nodded then turned to Danny with an eager glint in both their eyes.

"Well…" Danny said as he realized what he had to do. "Glad I am able to do this now," and he once again duplicated himself. "And that makes five," both Dannys announced.

A new ripple of excitement spread through the village upon seeing his mastery over this power.

"Okay, Snow Dune, Hailstorm, follow me," one of the Dannys said, flying off with the two giants close behind.

"Thanks," the remaining Danny said. "That will help with that problem, at the least."

"And those other problems?" Frostbite asked. "What is it that troubles you?"

"More than you would believe," Danny answered, frowning. "Though before I can work to fix them, I first need to find the truth."

"The truth?" Frostbite mirrored. "The truth about what?"

"A great injustice, and the one responsible for it," Danny answered, looking off into the distance. "Frostbite, I'll be going to the ghost library, hopefully finding what I need. Whether or not if I do, there are some things we need to discuss once I return," he paused, thinking. "I can probably duplicate myself again, but this is not the time to find out my limits. Nor do I want to spread my powers thinner than I have to."

"I understand, Danny," Frostbite replied, face set. "I'll await your return and hope you are successful in your task."

"As do I," Danny murmured as he rose up above the snow. "For their sake," and he flew away, all giants watching him leave. Including the Elder, standing at the edge of the village, close to her secluded home, following his every move with her orange glowing eyes, smiling ever so slightly.


"Dinner time!" Danny called out as he returned to his other self, Sweetie Belle and Zecora. "And I got your things too, Zecora. Or, I think I did. Had a run-in with a tenacious ghost hunter, so I didn't have much time to look," he set down the cauldron before Zecora, then dropped the sack with apples next to it. "I just grabbed everything I saw hanging on the walls, and some of the stuff lying on the ground just to be sure, so I hope I got everything you need."

"So… Maud, huh?" Danny, the one who remained with Sweetie Belle said, grabbing an apple and biting into it. "Pinkie Pie's sister. That's rather unexpected."

"You're telling me," his counterpart replied. "Anyhow-" he began, then turned into a wisp of energy and shot into the remaining Danny's chest.

"-Unexpected as it may be, we have more pressing matters to worry about right now," he swallowed his bite. "Sweetie Belle," he grabbed another apple, "here."

Accepting the fruit after only a moment of hesitation, Sweetie Belle sat down, looked at the apple with a contemplative frown, then finally bit into it.

"Zecora," Danny turned to the zebra once he was sure Sweetie Belle made an effort to eat. "I leave it up to you to decide what you do, now that you have some more supplies. But as you said a while back, you do need to sleep. So if you do decide to stop for the day, we can take care of the sick in the meantime."

Zecora thought about that for a moment, studying the contents of her cauldron.

"I have done what I could with what I had, and to continue without proper rest can only be bad. I'll take my leave to go to rest. Once I resume I will be at my best."

"Sounds like a plan," Danny took another bite of his apple, then looked at the changelings near him. "Could one of you show Zecora to a room?"

The response was immediate, and several of the younger changelings jumped up.

"Of course," one of them replied, and the small group led Zecora away. (After she had grabbed a pair of apples herself to eat, putting them in the cauldron with the rest of her belongings, taking it with her.)

"And that is that taken care of," Danny mused, then he looked back at the remaining changelings. "Okay, storytime and all other weird things I have done just now are over," he looked at the cauldron in which Zecora had made the last batch of her elixir. "And I think that has had enough time to cool down, so better get moving and deliver it to those who need it."

A mad scramble followed as all the changelings quickly resumed their task.

"Oh," Danny added after a moment's thought. "Could someone tell me where I can find Erlea?"


"Wait here for a moment," Danny instructed the two frost giants just before they were about to step through the castle entrance. "I had a run-in with a ghost hunter a while back, and I need to make sure she's not around here."

"Of course, Great One," Snow Dune nodded.

"We don't want to impose on the mortals' lives any more than we absolutely have to," Hailstorm added.

Nodding himself, Danny turned invisible and quickly surveyed the area, finding no sign of Maud.

"Guess she didn't feel like chasing after a ghost without knowing what else might be hiding out here."

'That just shows her ability for logical thought. Only adding to the danger she poses.'

"No doubt," Danny murmured, then returned to the two waiting giants. "It's clear, for as far as I can tell. But better not stick around for too long."

Both giants agreed to that sentiment, and followed after Danny; Snow Dune quickly creating a bridge across the chasm separating them from the forest, and Hailstorm destroying it after they crossed, leaving no evidence behind they had been there.


Danny stood at the border separating the Far Frozen and the Ghost Zone, staring out into the dark green void, seeing the strange yet familiar sight of chunks of land floating around as if there was no gravity.

Slowly looking around, he took it all in, frowning, hesitating. Even though he would be invisible, there was no doubt in his mind one or more ghosts would find out he was back. And once word would spread…. Well, that would be a problem for later.

Sighing, shaking his head, and steeling his nerves, Danny jumped away from the frozen edge and entered the Ghost Zone proper.

'Well, here goes,' he thought. 'At least nothing seems to have changed much… A lot of moss on the rocks, though,' he realized, seeing the otherwise barren land he remembered from years past now partially covered in a layer of green. The healthy, natural kind. Not the spectral variation to this color.

Shaking off this distraction, he looked out into the distance; still clearly remembering the layout of the Zone back when he first drew a map of the place, and before he knew of the Infi-map's existence.

With his goal clearly in mind, he sped off into the Ghost Zone, shooting past numerous landmarks he recognized from one time or another in the Zone, remembering all that had happened back when he was still a kid. But it was a roar, an undeniably familiar engine roar that made him stop and turn to its source.

Out there, several hundred meters away, driving his bike over a desolate piece of dirt and rock, was Johnny Thirteen.

"I recognize that place," Danny said in a murmur. "It's where I possessed Johnny to get the Infi-map back. It's where my shadow became its own entity."

'It's where my father was created,' Eclipse gasped.

Both of them watched, Eclipse through Danny's eyes, how Johnny rode a well-ridden path, oblivious to being watched. His shadow, however, suddenly separated from him and rose up from the ground; staring out into the Zone, looking almost directly at Danny, clearly confused.

"We should go," Danny remarked, doing just that, leaving behind the ghost and shade; not seeing Johnny circle back to find out what his shade was doing.


It came as no surprise to Danny when he learned where Erlea was, and he and Sweetie Belle now stood before the closed door to Chrysalis’s chamber.

"Danny," Sweetie Belle began, then hesitated for a moment, biting her lips as she looked at the closed door. "I- I'm not sure this is a good idea anymore. What if by doing this, I go evil again? I don't want to hurt anyone again."

"Sweetie Belle," Danny lowered himself to eye level. "You are not evil, nor did you turn evil back then. Ah-" he held up a hand, cutting her off before she could argue. "Don't. I know how you feel right now, and you are doubting yourself every step of the way. I understand why you do so, but doing that will only make things worse. First and foremost because you believe it more and more the longer you allow this to continue. So instead, we will work on controlling this part of you here and now. And the sooner you learn to control it, the sooner you will see you are not evil in any way. Different, yes. But not evil," he stood back up. "So, shall we continue, or do you need some more time?"

Sweetie Belle looked at him, then at the door, fidgeting on the spot. Closing her eyes and taking a deep breath, she steeled herself, then nodded as she looked back up at Danny.

Nodding himself, Danny knocked on the door.

"Erlea, can we talk?"

A moment passed in silence, then the glyphs surrounding the portal glowed, and the onyx rock melted away, revealing the room beyond.

"Danny," Erlea said, looking up at him. "... And you," she glared at Sweetie Belle, who flinched in response.

"Please don't do that," Danny sighed out. "This is already difficult enough for her, and you know it."

"And why are you here?" Erlea asked.

"Sweetie Belle needs to ask you something," he explained, and gave room to Sweetie Belle.

"I-eh. I…" Sweetie Belle mumbled, scuffing a hoof on the floor, looking down.

Once more taking a deep breath to steady her nerves, she looked up at Erlea, uncertain. "Can you teach me to control this… this hunger?"

"I've already said we would," was Erlea's monotone reply. "Once a suitable teacher becomes available, we'll let you know."

"Tha- I actually- uhmm…" she faltered, looking down again.

"She meant if you could teach her," Danny clarified.

"WHAT!?" Erlea shouted, taking a step back.

"She knows you the longest," Danny answered. "And she feels like she can trust you, or she wouldn't have chosen to ask you for help."

"Please," Sweetie Belle asked just above a whisper. "I don't want to hurt anyone else like that again."

Erlea moved her mouth, but no sound came from her as she obviously struggled with how to respond to this.

"You don't have to answer immediately," Danny told her, looking up and into the room. Watching the slow rise and fall of Chrysalis' chest as she slept. "You've got enough to worry about right now. But please think about this, okay?"

"I-" Erlea halted, looked back at her mother and the empty bottle of elixir Zecora made, lying on the ground next to her, her ears drooped as she released a tired sigh. "I'll think about it," she said, then quickly added: "No promises."

Danny nodded, so did Sweetie Belle.

"How is she doing?" Danny asked next, turning his attention back to the changeling queen.

"Asleep, fortunately. Whatever that zebra made, it seems to help."

"Zecora," Danny corrected. "And she has more supplies now. Not enough, of course. But at least some things to really get to work, after she had a chance to sleep. I'll help her too, when she begins, seeing how I now have a lot of experience through memories about changeling health… probably should have thought about that before she made that elixir," he said, standing silent for several seconds as he realized his mistake. "Crud."

"You… What did you see? What allowed the Murgröna you to see?" Erlea asked, looking expectantly at Danny, ignoring what he said last.

"What did I see?" Danny repeated. "More than I could begin to explain in just a few words," he paused, thinking. "But… I had met your father," he revealed, and Erlea released a gasp, eyes widening. "In fact, he was the first I met there, explaining to me what was going on. Not that I understood, though. That came later," he was silent for a moment, looking at Chrysalis, then Erlea, continuing in a much softer voice. "He loves you both a lot. You, and your sisters."

A sob escaped Erlea as she tried, and failed to hide her tears much to the surprise of Sweetie Belle. Danny, however, had expected as much and dropped to a knee, putting a hand on her withers.

"For what it's worth, I'm truly sorry about what happened here, to your family, to all of you. No one should go through what all of you went through, and I promise you I will do everything in my powers to set this right."

"How?" was all Erlea was able to ask, but the clear desperation in her voice was undeniable, heartbreaking, and before Danny knew what he did he pulled the young shapeshifter in a hug, to which she did not protest as he stroked her mane.

"I'll show all who the real monster is."

"She'll just lie about it."

"Or believes she tells the truth," Danny said somberly. "And I'm not sure which is worse. But that does not matter. One of my duplicates is now in the Ghost Zone looking for answers that may help."

Erlea looked up at the confusing creature, sniffling, hating herself for showing such weakness but unable to stop herself; knowing all he had done in such a short time, she knew, despite instincts telling her she shouldn't, she could trust him, that he told the truth.

"Thank you," she said, voice almost lost as she tried to regain control of her emotions.

"But… what if the other you can't find anything?" Sweetie Belle asked softly, Then flinched back into herself at the hard glare Erlea gave her. "Sorry."

"Don't be," Danny said, frowning. "It is a possibility, and one that has a lot of chance of proving true. If that's the case, and I hope not, then I need to find another way to prove the true truth."

"And how do you plan on doing that?" Erlea looked back at him, voice more steady now.

"I don't know. Despite their memories being preserved, I doubt any of them would accept this as evidence. They would just say it is some kind of changeling mind manipulation," Danny snorted, rolling his eyes. "Nor do I think the Murgröna would even accept them to show the truth."

"No," Erlea stated flatly. "It would not."

"Isn't there anyone else who can tell what happened?" asked Sweetie Belle. "Someone princess Celestia can't just say is lying."

"You mean other than anyling here?" Erlea replied sarcastically, pushing away from Danny to better look at her.

"She doesn't mean it like that," Danny said, shaking his head.

"I'm just trying to help," Sweetie Belle mumbled.

"Or should we just call for Astina, the collector of souls to testify?!"

"Wait, what was that?" Danny cut in.

"Astina?" Sweetie Belle repeated, puzzled.

"It's nothing," Erlea grumbled. "Just some old tale."

"Of course," Danny said, slowly standing back up. "Astina, I remember her now. You were taught about the pale pony, the ponies' their reaper, and you came up with Astina."

"So?' Erlea asked. "It's just some old tale."

Danny grinned, looking down at the two while his eyes glowed green.

"Oh, is it now?"


Danny stood at the threshold of the Library, remembering clearly the last time he was here, and why. Looking for the answer to save his friend, somehow, someway, ghost or not, but finding only despair. Now he was back to find the answers to save the lives of thousands, but knowing he may not find anything this time as well.

Shaking his head and breathing a desolate sigh, he entered the building.

"Oh, oh my," a faintly familiar voice spoke up almost immediately, and the old monk-like ghost Danny remembered from years back slowly glided towards him. "Do my eyes deceive me, or is it truly you? Danny Phantom, the ghost boy," the Librarian stopped before him. "Or 'man' as would be the case now."

"Yes… all grown up now," Danny replied with a small smile.

"It's good seeing you again, especially in light of your last visit."

"It wasn't an easy time for me then," Danny told him, looking away, frowning. "Nor is it an easy time for me now. I'm here because I need knowledge. Knowledge that can't be found through mortal means. Knowledge that may very well save a species from extinction."

"Only just returned and already back to being a hero, I see," the Librarian said with admiration. "Some things, it seems, do not change."

"And some do," Danny replied.

"True," the Librarian stroked his beard. "So which is this, then? You are back, but, I sense you have not returned."

"That sums it up well enough," Danny agreed. "I'm here because I need to, not because I want to. And the longer I stay around here, the greater the chance someone I don't want to know finds out. And if that happens… Those are problems I can't have right now."

"Then I shall not delay you any further," the Librarian moved aside, allowing Danny to pass. "And I shall do what I can to help. What knowledge is it you seek?"

"Several things. First, I need some books detailing about recently formed spirits and sirens; how they differ from other ghosts, how their powers work, that sort of thing."

"Oh, having trouble with a recently deceased soul who troubles the living?"

"In a manner of speaking," Danny deflected. "Second, I need access to the books of life… The books you showed me back then."

"What do you hope to find there?" he asked. "As I explained, they only show their story if you are allowed to know it."

"I remember. But I also count on the fact there are some skeletons hiding, banging on the door to be found out."

"I see."

"And third, what can you tell me about the Necronomicon?"

"Necky?!" the Librarian said, surprised.

"Necky?" Danny repeated, looking expectantly at the Librarian.

"That… would be the name he prefers."

"A book prefers to be named by an abbreviation of its name?"

"Necky is… He is not a book, though he chooses to look like one, and can be found amidst the books of this library."

"He's a ghost!?" Danny shouted.

"No," the Librarian shook his head. "He is something beyond us mere ghosts."


The Librarian hovered in silence for a long moment, thinking deeply.

"I did wonder what he was up to when I found him in that basement," he murmured.

"Basement?" Danny said, then remembered what Sweetie Belle told him. "Twilight's basement," his eyes then widened. "Her accident was no accident."

The Librarian's eyes darkened as he glared into the library. "NECKY!" he bellowed. "YOU HAVE SOME EXPLAINING TO DO!"


"I swear, those mortals would forget to take their heads with them if it wasn't attached to their bodies," Necky grumbled quietly to himself, looking through one of the many windows of the Crystal Empire's library at the ponies outside.

"Hello, is anypony there?" the middle-aged Librarian asked, her coat now a sparkling, translucent crystal after the heroic actions that restored the Crystal Heart and drove away Sombra the day before.

Necky remained quiet, pretending to be nothing more than a book on the windowsill, out of sight, out of mind.

"Odd," the mare said to herself. "I could have sworn I heard something."

After she had left, Necky rustled some of his pages.

"Though I can't deny the results," he continued as if he hadn't been interrupted. "And Daniel's growth has exceeded even my expectations. Now all there is left is to prepare for the turning of the fifth Halfa," and in a flash of green, he vanished from the library.

A split second later, a small flash of the same light came from the saddlebags lying discarded on the bed of Twilight. "And to keep an eye on my brother."


The Librarian hovered still, glaring at the empty dias where previously a very specific book could be found.

"He's not here, is he," Danny said, not even asking for the obvious.

"Unsurprisingly, no," the Librarian sighed, hand covering his face.

"Any idea where he might be?"

"That's impossible to say. Wherever he wants to be, doesn't want to be, or where he needs to be."

"Meaning?" Danny asked, arching an eyebrow.

"I have known Necronomicon for many, many years. And while I have learned a good deal about the individual he wants to be, I also learned he is not always in control over the decisions he makes."

"Someone is controlling him?" Danny asked, worried.

"I… do not know. For all I have learned during my time here, all I have read, there are some things no book speaks of. As I said, Necronomicon is more than a mere ghost. What he is though, exactly, I have no clue."

"So, only more questions," Danny sighed. "Of course it would be too easy. Nothing else has gone my way."

"Not all may be lost, Danny," the Librarian turned to him. "While any question regarding Necky must be left unanswered, some of the other requests you made may be more satisfying in their conclusion."

"Well, at least for the books about spirits and sirens," Danny shrugged. "But whether or not I am able to read the books of certain individuals remains to be seen."

"Then let us not delay any further, and find out."

Danny nodded in agreement, and together the two flew to the ever-expanding isle of lifebooks.

"And who is it you're looking for?" asked the Librarian.

"Her name is Celestia. She's the princess of Equestria."

"Oh, this pony world I have heard of," the Librarian stroked his beard. "Hmm… let's see. That section would be the hundredth fifteenth isle left, eight hundred twelve up, then thirteen hundred right. This way please," he instructed, leading the way.

"Probably a stupid question," Danny began, books flashing by as they flew, "but does this place never run out of space?"

"It hasn't so far," the Librarian chuckled.

"That doesn't really answer my question."

"Well, how can you fit so many ghosts in such a small thermos?"

"... Fair enough."

The two continued in silence for the remainder of their flight, taking a good fifteen minutes just to reach the A section. At least C was close enough to A that it only took them another twenty minutes to reach the appropriate wall of books, stretching out farther than Danny could see.

Of course they still had to find Celestia's lifebook.

"Let me see," the Librarian hummed, moving past the books. "Ca. Ca. Very few books among the B, or the C. No D at all, hmm. And here we are, the E."

For a while, the two moved past the countless books, then moved back and tried again after failing to find the one titled Celestia.

"This is most perplexing," the Librarian said. "Daniel, this individual is a mortal, correct?"

"Immortal as I understand it, but she's definitely not a ghost of any kind, if that is what you're asking."

"Immortal? Most unusual among non-ghosts," the Librarian hummed in thought, then shook his head to focus on the more urgent matter. "But that matters not. What does is that she does not appear to have a lifebook."

"Which means?"

"One of two things. Either this individual does not exist, or her name is not as she says it is. Seeing you're here to find out more about her, I doubt it is the former which means-"

"Which means Celestia is not who she says she is," Danny finished, eyes widening.

"And without her name, it will be near impossible to find her lifebook," the Librarian gestured at the near-infinite wall of books. "You will need to inspect each and every single book. But without their permission to read their story, it would be an act in futility."

"Maybe," Danny murmured, thinking. "Eclipse," he looked at his shadow, and two orange and green glowing eyes materialized. The Librarian looked at this unexpected development in silent amazement. "Do you know anything that may help, using what memory you have from Nightmare Moon."

"I don't know," her voice rose up from the ground. "Most of it is still a blur."

"You say most of it, meaning not all of it."

"Yes…" she hesitated. "But what little I do recall is of little use to you now. Although…"


"There is something. Some semblance of a memory, I think. I don't think it is a memory from my mother, but one from Luna. A memory that seemed to have engraved itself into her, then my mother when she possessed Luna, and now me, it seems."

"Rather convoluted, but okay. Anything useful?"

"Just something about sunny skies and starlight. Maybe a memory of a special day to her?"

"Maybe," Danny stroked his chin, "or… Sunny skies sounds pony enough. So does starlight. What are the odds these are actually names?" he looked back at the Librarian. "Could we look for Sunny Skies and Starlight? Maybe I'm in luck this time."

"Of course," was the ready response, and the two quickly flew to the appropriate section. It did not take long to find out that, yes, both Sunny Skies and Starlight were pony names as many books carried such names, or certain varieties of them.

"Well, this may take some time," Danny remarked dryly as he looked at all the books. "Still faster than an eternity, though."

"Yes…" the Librarian drew out the word, his attention pulled away by something out of place.

"Anything wrong?" asked Danny as he slowly glided away.

"I don't know," the Librarian answered, slowly reaching out to a dark blue book with no name on its side.

Pulling the book from its shelf, he looked at the cover, then dropped it as if shocked, a loud gasp escaping him.

"What happened?!" Danny moved closer, getting no answer as the Librarian kept his eyes locked on the book.

"What the…" Danny trailed off as he looked as well.

The name on the book read: Starlight. The name, however, was barely readable as a different name was written over it with elegant, yet bold letters; glowing faintly with power.

"Luna," Danny read, slowly picking up the book.

Opening the book, and flipping through the first several pages, it came to no surprise to him the pages were blank.

"... Maybe… Please tell me about Nightmare Moon," Danny said, and was only slightly surprised when the book responded; pages flipping rapidly as they moved through the years, creating a noticeable gust of wind.

Eventually, they slowed, then stopped, and words began to form on the pages.

Reading only the first page, Danny then closed the book with a snap, sighing, eyes closed.

"Well, at least this will help us clear up your memory, Eclipse," Danny said.

"It allowed you to read the life story?" the Librarian asked, surprised.

"This part of it, at the least," Danny answered, looking at the Librarian. "But we now know we're on the right track. So, let's go find this Sunny Skies, and see just what secrets are waiting to be found out."

The Librarian nodded silently, and the two quickly continued, finding the other book shortly thereafter as it was the only other book without a name on its spine. And like the previous book, this one had the name, Sunny Skies, also overwritten by another name: Celestia.

Holding the light yellow book in his hands, staring at the two names, Danny frowned deeply.

"And here may be the answers to redeem a species, and condemn the one left unpunished." He opened the book. "Tell me all about the changelings, start to finish."

Nothing happened.

"It would seem the knowledge you seek can not-" the Librarian said, only to be cut off by a sudden flash of light coming out of the pages; the book beginning to shake, then lift up in the air as its pages moved faster and faster while a wind blew hard enough to force Danny and the Librarian several steps back.

"What is happening?!" Danny shouted, an arm shielding his face.

"The skeletons in hiding," the Librarian shouted back. "They are demanding to be heard!" And a blinding flash of light filled the library.


Danny had some experience when it came to reapers, small as it may be. His encounter with Mort revealing a world in between mortality and spectrality. The fact he found Mort as he moved to a dying pony in Ponyville hospital also gave some hint where he might find the one he now sought.

But with most changelings now recovering, and the few near the brink of death deserving a dignified final moment, Danny went to the next worst place he figured he might find Astina.

With cold, steel eyes, Danny glared at the bodies lying on the ground.

Many changelings had died, and with no one able to tend to the dead, they instead were brought here, placed in a far away and long ago abandoned stalactite complex after their numbers had dwindled too much to be of any use. Now, the dead lay here to decay, and the stench was horrific. Both Sweetie Belle and Erlea had followed him, and both stayed well clear of the structure; standing on the opposite side of the bridge connecting this mausoleum of the death with the adjacent stalactite.

Sweetie Belle still had to cover her nose.

"Not even a proper burial," Danny growled, hands clenched into fists, far too angry to even feel nauseated by the smell.

Slowly he looked at the bodies in various stages of decay, fists shaking, anger rising.


Slowly he looked around, not sure what to expect but hoping for any form of an answer.

"I have met Mort, the reaper of ponies. I know you exist in some manner. Please, the changelings need your help. You have been there when they died. You know their suffering. You-" he froze mid-sentence; a cloud of condensation blowing from his mouth. Not his ghost sense, but his warm breath in the suddenly freezing air; the hairs on his neck standing on end.

Slowly Danny turned around, and he came face to face with an ash gray skull and piercing red eyes.

Author's Note:

As you have no doubt noticed by now, this chapter focused mostly on Danny despite this fic being Sweetie Belle's side of events. This of course was because of everything Danny has, and will set in motion. It also wouldn't be too much fun to read about how Sweetie Belle is stuck in her depression for too long, so most of those things happened off screen.

And now with Celestia and Luna lifebooks found, and Danny having reached out to the changelings their reaper, what will happen next? Stay tuned, and maybe the answers will come twenty or so chapters from now.
