• Published 25th Mar 2014
  • 4,805 Views, 354 Comments

Silver Spirit, Ghost of Equestria. - Powerdrainer

In their quest to earn their Cutie Marks, and maybe find an answer for the strange events that have occurred, Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom, and Scootaloo soon learn they've taken on more than they can handle. Question is, can they keep this a secret?

  • ...

Buried Secrets

Edited by Halusm, and Clawder.

Buried Secrets


With slow steps and dragging hooves, Chrysalis moved through the city under the watchful eyes of Danny following behind, and all the foals and young adults unaffected by the illness that had ravaged so many.

Feeling especially worn out, but unwilling to admit and show this, she kept her slow but even pace, head held high.

Besides ingrained stubbornness, it also served a purpose as she could already see and feel over their shared mind the boost in morale.

Even so, she knew this was an act she couldn't keep up for much longer. And while she loathed to admit to it, Danny had been right. A leader barely able to stand would be barely able to lead.

And so, walking with as much false confidence in her steps as she could manage, she gradually made her way back to the palace.

She did eventually come to a stop, breathing hard despite attempts to hide this, as she reached the destroyed gate.

"It was Sweetie Belle who did this, correct?" she asked, partially turning her head to look at Danny with one eye while trying to hide the fact this served as a much needed break to catch her breath.

"She did," Danny confirmed, moving to the destroyed remains and picking up a fragmented piece. "Before she had her episode, I was told."

He slowly rotated the shattered onyx in his hand, then closed a fist around it.

"It would take a tremendous amount of power to do such a thing," Chrysalis observed, looking at the hole where the gate used to be.

"It would, yes," Danny agreed, frowning while Eclipse quietly spoke to him. "And if what my other self had just found out is anything to go by, this could be a mere fraction of what she may be capable of."

"What do you mean?"

Danny looked at her in silence for a moment, then motioned for her to continue walking.

With some reluctance, Chrysalis began moving again, stepping inside her palace and towards her bedchamber.

"I did say I’d tell as much as I could about us ghosts," he started, "but there is still much I don't know myself. Though I am beginning to put the pieces together. What I do know now; what my other self just learned with the help of Sweetie Belle, Erlea and Abella is that magic and Spectral energy are hostile opposites. And while I learned of this a little while ago, just now my other self discovered just how destructive the two are combined," he held up the fragment of the gate he took earlier. "And somehow, Sweetie Belle possesses both. And if Astina is to be believed, it may very well be that powerwise Sweetie Belle is on the same level as Celestia and Luna."

This halted Chrysalis in her tracks, a look of utter shock plastered on her face.

"You mean she, a foal, could potentially hold the power to move the sun and moon?!"

"I don't know," Danny said, shrugging. "But probably not. The ponies do have these special talents they excel at, with Celestia and Luna's talent revolving around the sun and the moon. Which, if we really think about it, may very well be by design as well. Astina did say they were part ghost, just not like Sweetie Belle or I. And while I'm not going to say I am an expert on these things, I do know this: Us Halfas do not exist naturally. There is always some external factor that makes us. For me, it was the accident with my parents' ghost portal. Vlad," he said the name with venom in his voice, "suffered the same fate with the prototype portal, while Dani came to be by Vlad trying to clone me. And now Sweetie Belle, who became what she now is through the Necronomicon. Or just Necronomicon, as this is apparently a creature of immense power pretending to be a book. And who is somehow related to Discord as well," he held a hand against his head, sighing deeply. "This is all just a gigantic mess… But as far as Sweetie Belle is concerned… She hasn't yet found her talent, so there is no telling how this may turn out. But considering she is a spirit, and siren apparently, we should probably expect her powers to develop in a manner that fits these roles."

Chrysalis had long since stopped moving, standing in shocked silence, mouth hanging partially open as she stared at Danny.

"It is a lot to take in, yes," Danny agreed to her stupor.

"A lot doesn't cover it," Chrysalis managed to say, mind reeling. "Both the implied potential of that filly, but what you just shared of your own life as well."

"Hmm… Didn't you see that stuff in the Murgröna?"

"Some of it, not everything. Some secrets are buried deep for a reason."

"... Shit," Danny swore. "Then please forget all that stuff for now. I've got enough to deal with already, and I really don't feel like explaining all of that mess right now."

"Very well, I-" Chrysalis fell silent, turning her head back to the destroyed gate while her ears stood at attention. "They have entered the old burrow," she said in barely a whisper.

Danny rose an eyebrow, then listened to Eclipse as she came with new information.

"And some secrets are meant to be unearthed," he said as he, too, looked past the gate.


Green light cast strange shadows on the walls as the human, pony and two changelinks slowly advanced into the ancient tunnel.

Nothing was said as the four followed the incline up, entering a sizable chamber with more tunnels branching out to long lost places, and the history they held.

Coming to a stop, Danny slowly looked around with a strange sense of wonder and alien familiarity while Abella and Erlea slowly stepped past him, eyes wide as they felt… something.

As for Sweetie Belle, she looked around in confusion, not quite seeing things as the other three did.

"What is this place?" she asked.

"The last chamber," Danny answered.

"Eh… what?"

"This is the last chamber the changelinks dug before they found the cave back there--" he gave a nod at the tunnel they had come from, "--and where they then built their village." He looked around for a moment, then nodded to himself. "Sweetie Belle, I'm going to extinguish this light. Erlea and Abella are able to see in the dark, so this won't be a problem for them. But for you, this will be a good opportunity to use your ghost vision."

"My what?" Sweetie Belle replied, confused.

Stopping channeling his power, the glow around Danny's hand vanished and darkness consumed them all.

"Make your eyes glow," Danny explained as he did the same.

"Make them glow?" she said, confused, yet did as she was told. "Wait… Whoa?" she looked around in surprise. "How am I able to see like that?"

"Ghost vision," Danny explained. "It's more than just glowing eyes. It enhances our natural ability to see in the dark, without having to wait for our eyes to adjust. The colors are more muted, though."

"This is so weird," said Sweetie Belle as she looked at her light grayish colored hoof.

"Now, let's keep moving," Danny told her. "This is only the last chamber, and it is left incomplete as the changelinks abandoned the work they had planned here in favor of building the Hive. But further up ahead, there is something I want Abella and Erlea to see."

"There is?" Erlea asked, curious. "What?"

"The first spell," Danny answered. "And where Elinora became the first, true changelink."

Both Abella and Erlea looked up at him with large eyes.

"The first spell?" Abella said quietly. "I've only heard about it, but never seen it. Not even in the Murgröna."

"You've really seen all their memories, didn't you," Erlea said just as quietly.

Danny placed a hand on the wall, feeling the rough grooves dug in the unfinished chamber.

"Seen them. Lived them. Remembering them," he exhaled a deep breath. "I have never been here before, yet these walls are as familiar to me as the back of my own hand. And I can't begin to explain just how much it saddens and angers me to see this place abandoned like this."

Shaking his head, he moved to one of the tunnels on his right.

"This is the longest route to where I want to take you, but it is also the least obstructed by blockades," he told them, looking down at the fillies. "You ready for this?"

All three gave a confirming nod, to which Danny looked back up at the passage before him.

"Then let's go," and the four of them ventured deeper into the cold and silent burrow.


With loud, curious sniffing, Cujo moved through the city; zig-zagging through the streets as all kinds of new and unknown scents demanded his attention.

It certainly had been a while since he had an opportunity like this, to just go about his own business and explore as he pleased.

He had missed it. But not as much as he had missed his friend. Even if finding him also invariably led to the rollercoaster of events that took them from a sleepy town near a wild forest, to an underground city of sickness and death.

Now though, after Danny had done what he always does and somehow managed to do what was thought to be impossible, Cujo had taken a moment just for himself.

Not that he disliked being with Danny. He was his friend. He helped him get his squeaky toy back years ago, and he really knew how to scritch that certain spot behind his ear. Even then, he, Cujo, did enjoy his alone time. And right now felt like a good time to go and discover what strange new things this city had to offer.

The fact Danny smelled like an overripe trashcan not playing any part in that decision. It just accelerated his plans.

He stopped mid stride, pulling his nose from the stone as he noticed two of those young shapeshifters looking at him.

Both foals, a colt and filly, each carrying an empty bottle still smelling of the stink that this foul seed produced in their mouths, had stopped in their tracks as they crossed paths with the spectral dog.

Cujo wrinkled his nose in disgust, yet surprised and saddened they seemed to have such a terrible sense of smell. Though, in this instance, it was probably a blessing instead of a curse.

Slowly, the filly set the bottle she held on the ground, never taking her eyes off of Cujo.

"Eh… Nice doggy," she said hesitantly, carefully edging closer to the small, green glowing pup while carefully holding out a hoof towards him.

Recognizing the intent, Cujo barked excitedly, ears perked up and tail wagging.

Taken by surprise by the sudden excitement, the filly jerked back.

Not letting a chance to get some ear scratches go to waste, he sprinted to the filly and pressed his head against her hoof.

With wagging tail, tongue lolling out of his mouth while panting, he looked at the filly with the biggest, most innocent puppy eyes he could. An act that had never failed him before, and it certainly didn't fail him now either as the filly laughed at his antics and patted his head.

Admittedly, the hoof felt rather rough compared to a hand, and Cujo's act faltered for only a second before the filly hit a spot with the edge of her hoof and his hindleg kicked in response.

Seeing what happened, and what she had done when it happened, the filly repeated her action and moments later Cujo's higher brain functions left him as he could only feel pure bliss while his leg continued to assault the air.

Maybe hooves weren't so bad after all.


With a grunt of exertion and a flash of green, Danny pulled apart the blockade obstructing the path, revealing the chamber hidden behind. Then, with more spectral display, he flung the mass of stone into an adjacent tunnel he knew was of little importance to them right now.

"We're here," he said, stepping into the large chamber, green glowing eyes scanning their surroundings before settling on the dust covered lines and symbols carved in the floor.

"We're here," Erlea said quietly, almost reverently as she and Abella slowly stepped past Danny.

"I never thought I would be able to see this," Abella said. "To be here myself."

Carefully tracing a hoof through one of the lines closest to her, scooping up some of the millenia old dust and dirt, Erlea looked at the ancient spell her ancestors had created.

"This is where it all began. Where we became creatures of change," she said.

"And it is a testimony to the bond your kind had with the ponies, long ago," Danny said, joining her on her right side.

"What exactly is this?" Sweetie Belle asked, staring intently at the partially obscured spell. "It looks… weird, somehow."

"This is the first spell the changelinks made as a species," Danny answered. "Before this, before they met the ponies, they couldn't use magic; didn't know what it was or that they even had it. Then, once they met the ponies, they were taught how to do so. But all of that was magic the ponies had learned to master long before them. But this, they took what they had learned, and created this spell; combining spells in a way the ponies had never thought of; creating something the ponies didn't understand and believed to be dangerous. Yet this didn't stop them. It didn't stop Elinora as she was the first this spell was used on, and afterwards she had changed. She became the first changelink, able to change into anyone and anything. And this-" he gestured at the spell, "- is where it all began."

Beginning to understand the importance of what she was seeing, Sweetie Belle slowly joined Erlea and Danny, while Abella did likewise; all four of them looking at the ancient work with various emotions.

"... But why did you take us here?" asked Erlea.

"To remind you who you used to be; what you used to be, and who helped you to become what you are now."

"What?" said Erlea as all three fillies looked up at him.

"You have been living in fear and hatred for the ponies for so long, it is all you know," Danny began, kneeling down and tracing a couple of fingers through the line closest to him. "And it also made you forget, despite the Murgröna and all the stories you were told. You all forgot about the friendship you once shared with the ponies, and all you accomplished because of it. So I brought you here to remember what was, and could be once again."

"But the ponies-" Erlea began to protest, but Danny silenced her as he placed a hand on her head.

"The ponies are as much a victim of Celestia as you are. They just don't know it yet. But once the truth is revealed, once they know and understand the lies they have been told by her, and for how long… Well, that should certainly shake things up. And of course there will be those who will continue to believe everything she has said, because doing otherwise may mean everything they know and believe could be false. And it is far easier to live a convenient lie than the painful truth, but the majority will hopefully see things for what they are. And when this happens, well… Things will change, for all of you. Besides, you already have three ponies helping you, don't ya? They are living proof that not all ponies are out to get you."

"Yeah!" Sweetie Belle agreed excitedly. "And I'm sure my sister and her friends will be happy to help you all when they know what has happened."

"Your sister and her friends," Erlea said with an edge to her voice. "You mean the Element bearers? The ponies who fought against us in Canterlot? One of which helped set in motion the magic blast that created the sickness that killed so many? You mean those ponies?"

"I, eh…"

"Hey now, that's not fair," Danny chided her. "Like I said, they are as much a victim of Celestia's lies. Besides, you did attack them. So it's not like they acted unprovoked in that situation. And I know they did not intend to create this disease with that spell."

"I guess," Erlea grumbled, obviously not liking the thought but unable to counter it.

"Even if they didn't mean for that to happen-" Abella cut in "-it still did. And we won't pretend it didn't happen just because they were a victim, too."

"Nor am I saying you should," Danny told her, slowly standing back up. "All I am telling you is who the real monster is, and that those who follow her just don't know any better. And while you should never forget, you should give them a chance. After all, how do you think Cadance and Shining Armor will react when they learn their spell to repel you from Canterlot also created a disease that nearly wiped you all out? Their reaction should be quite telling in whether they meant for this to happen, or if they unwittingly assisted Celestia in this hidden genocide. And from my interaction with those two, I'm certain learning the truth will be quite devastating to them. In fact, they might even offer their help in any way they can."

"We would never accept their help. Not after all of this!" Erlea stomped a hoof.

"Not even as penance for what they did?"


"So you would rather face an uncertain future without any help, not knowing what could happen next while there are those who may be willing to assist you."

"But we have you, don't we?" Erlea countered.

"And I am only one person. And you deliberately didn't mention Sweetie Belle and her friends, because you know the truth as well as I do. But all those years of spite and anger now demand you to deny the thing you know needs to be done."

"And that is?" Abella was the one to ask.

"One of the hardest things one can do," Danny said solemnly. "To forgive."

Neither Abella or Erlea were able to reply, too aghast with the mere notion.

"Like I said, one of the hardest things one can do," Danny answered to their silence, then he turned to Sweetie Belle "And the same goes for you."


"You need to forgive yourself for what has happened back there," he told her.

"What?! But I… I did all those horrible things."

"You did, but only because you were not in control of a power you didn't know you had."

"That doesn't make me feel any better," she said quietly, looking down.

"Which is exactly why you need to forgive yourself. Trust me, I know what I am talking about," Danny told her, once again kneeling down so he could put a hand on her back. "For years I lived with the guilt and shame for letting Sam die. Replaying that day over and over again in my mind, second guessing every decision I made, always finding more ways to blame myself for what happened. And I tried so hard to fix it, somehow, someway, but always failing. And though I can't say I didn't make any mistake, I never intended for that to happen. And it took me years to find the strength to forgive myself. When I did though, I was able to regain the confidence I used to have, and tackle anything life would throw at me."

"But where would I even start?"

"Start by telling yourself this: What happened was an accident. You did not know what was about to happen to you, nor did you have any control over it. It-" he poked a finger in her chest "-Was. An. Accident. And you are working to prevent it from happening again."

"It was an accident…?" she repeated quietly.

"Again, but louder."

"It was an accident."


"It was an accident."

"One mo-"

"It was an accident, and I will never let it happen again!" Sweetie Belle shouted, eyes clenched shut as she fought back her tears. "Never!"

As the last of her voice echoed away, Sweetie Belle felt a comforting pressure on her withers. Opening her eyes, she saw Danny with a hand on her back, looking at her with a sad smile.

"Feeling better?"

"No," she said immediately, then hesitated. "... Yes… Maybe…? I don't know. I just feel tired."

"I know the feeling," Danny told her. "But it'll make more sense to you later, now that you have acknowledged it."

"I hope so."

"I know so," Danny gave her withers a little squeeze, then he stood back up.

"... Why do you do this?" Erlea asked suddenly. "Helping us in all those ways, and her as well. Why? What do you gain from all of this?"

"It's simple, really," Danny said, looking at the young shapeshifter and the ancient spell on the ground behind her. "Because it is right."

"What?" Erlea was confused.

Danny chuckled.

"Because it is right," and for a moment, he imagined the approving nod of Elinora as she stood in the center of the spell.


With a sigh of satisfaction, Zecora placed the last bottle on the partially molten slab of ice, allowing the brew to cool down before being collected by one of the numerous foals.

And with this tiring task complete, for the time being at the least, she could now focus on the next emergency.

She stank.

Terribly so.

It was an unfortunate side effect of the elixir she had made, and in the greater picture an insignificant detail. With that held in mind she was able to continue her work while mostly ignoring the nauseating stench terrorizing her sense of smell. Now that she was done though, with no task to help focus her mind, those hours spent in disgust all came back at her with a vengeance.

She knew what would happen next, yet also knew there was little she could do to stop it.

A sudden bout of dizziness, joined by the worst nausea she had ever felt, she stumbled back several unsteady steps, then quickly lay down before she would fall over.

Eyes clenched shut, breathing through her mouth, all her focus was now placed upon keeping control over herself. Especially her stomach, which churned and groaned a loud protest.

How long she lay there she didn't know. The passing of time lost to her as she took slow, deep breaths. But the first clue she got things had changed was when she felt a small prod in her left side.

"Eh, miss zebra. Are you alright?" a young but muffled voice asked.

Slowly opening her eyes, Zecora turned to the foal by her side; a young filly no older than five or six, as far as she could tell.

"Yes young one, I am fine. Though recovering from all that work will take me some time. And that hoof over your nose does reveal what you think. And I certainly have noticed, as I do carry quite a stink."

"Yes," the filly agreed with childlike innocence. "You want to wash?"

"A chance to get clean would be a boon indeed, but I can wai-"

"Does that mean yes?" the filly asked, tilting her head a bit as Zecora's rhymes confused her while still unknown to the social etiquette to allow one to finish speaking.

"I, eh…" Zecora for once found herself at a loss for words, then settled for a nod and tired but kind smile.

The filly noticeably perked up at Zecora's confirmation, and her ears began to twitch rapidly for several seconds.

"I can show you where a bath is," she said eagerly.

Chuckling ever so slightly, Zecora pushed herself back on her hooves.

"Then please, lead the way. The sooner the better for me to make this odor go away."

With an eager trot, the filly sped away with Zecora following after her; a deeply satisfying sense of pride blooming within Zecora's chest as she saw the genuine smile on the filly's face and knew she was in part responsible for the child to have a reason to smile again.

Though she knew they still had a long, long way to go. And she still had a great many potions to make before any of them were truly out of danger.

But for now, she would take her reward and cherish the knowledge she made a true difference for so many here.

That, and as she was led through several hallways and into an empty residence with an already running shower, as well as several other foals rushing in with what little soap they could find, and the cleanest towel still available, Zecora knew just how grateful they were for her help. Which left only one other thing still awaiting her: The absolute satisfaction of feeling clean again after a thorough washing.


With a true display of spectral might, Danny destroyed the last, and by far most extensive blockade the ancient changelinks had created. And as the last of the rock, dirt and dust fell away, a light could be seen further ahead.

"What is that light?" Sweetie Belle asked.

"It can't be," Erlea gasped.

"What else could it be," said Abella

"It is," Danny told them, leaving Sweetie Belle confused as he continued down the tunnel.

"It is, what?" Sweetie Belle sought an answer as she, Abella and Erlea quickly followed after Danny.

"The Murgröna," he answered.

"The plant growing all over the city?" said Sweetie Belle, confused.

"Yes," Danny confirmed with a nod. "But something more as well."

"What do you mean?"

Danny looked at her, but didn't answer. And instead the group continued onwards in silence.

Abella gasped, and they came to a stop next to an irregularly shaped rock standing in an alcove. "Is that what I think it is?"

"The Mother's Horn," Danny said, looking at the rock roughly hewn to resemble a bent and crooked horn not too dissimilar to Chrysalis' horn.

"It is real," Abella slowly stepped closer, looking up at the sculpture.

"It survived all this time," Erlea said quietly.

"Ehmm…" Sweetie Belle shifted awkwardly on the spot. "What is this mother horn?"

"A relic of better times," Danny answered. "Something that the changelinks learned from the ponies," he stepped closer to the object, carefully placing his hand on it.

Closing his eyes, feeling the ancient chips and grooves left behind during its construction, his mind jumped back as he recalled how his hooves had cracked when creating this work.

"Art," he said after a moment, eyes opening. "The ponies taught the changelinks much, and art was one of those things. And this," he patted the sculpture. "This is the very first sculpture, the very first work of art made by the changelinks. The horn of their mother, Verae, who would later become the first queen."

Sweetie Belle looked at the sculpture while putting it in perspective with everything Danny had just said.

"It's kinda rough," she said, looking back at Danny. "But… it's just like them, back then. Still learning about everything, making mistakes, not knowing how to do the things we ponies do. But they learned. They got better, and then did things we ponies can't. It's rough… but it is something else as well."

"And that is?" Danny asked while he, Erlea and Abelle looked at her.

Sweetie Belle looked at The Mother's Horn, silent for a minute.

"Growth," she said. "Becoming something more with each cut of the stone."

"That's surprisingly insightful," said Danny.

Sweetie Belle looked back at the sculpture, silently staring at it.

'Still rough. Still learning… Just like me.'

"But why was it left behind?" she asked suddenly, looking at Abella and Erlea.

"From what we know," Abella said. "Our ancestors believed they would return here some day. So they left behind the things that would be too difficult to move on short notice. But ‘someday’ never came."

"Are you so sure about that?" asked Danny. "You two are here now, aren't you?"

"I, uhm… Yes?"

"So wouldn't you say that someday is today?"

Abella and Erlea both stood in silence as his words sunk in.

Chuckling, Danny stepped away from the sculpture.

"It's still difficult to believe all of this is happening, right?" he asked knowingly, and both fillies slowly nodded in response.

"It feels more like some bizarre dream," said Abella.

"I bet it does," Danny laughed. "But I can guarantee you it is not."

"Should… Should we take this thing back with us? To the Hive, I mean," Sweetie Belle suggested.

"No!" Erlea protested. "No. Our ancestors left it here with the promise to return here one day… We should keep that promise, return here ourselves and restore our ancestral home… once we're able to."

"And I'll make sure that day comes," Danny promised.

And in the silence that followed, all four looked at the sculpture, vowing to themselves to make sure those promises would be kept.


At the Great One's suggestion, Wind Chill had taken a well earned break. And, carrying the now almost empty sack of apples, slowly chewing on the pair he ate at once, he now traversed the city at a leisurely pace without any real direction.

Everything had been a whirlwind of one disaster after the other, with very little chance to just slow down and really see what was around them. But now, with the worst of events behind them, for now at least, he could take a moment and really appreciate the grandeur of the changelinks' creation.

Of course it was impossible to ignore the death and despair all around him; the foals running around to aid all those recovering, the lack of adults for the same reason, the abysmal numbers of changelinks he did see compared to the scale of the city, and of course the overall decay of the city due to lack of upkeep.

But even then, the city had persevered.

Not without help, of course, but the fact it and those who built it were still here, even after so much hardship was testimony of strong blood and a will to survive.

And as he passed over one of the many bridges, he stopped halfway to observe the splendor of the waterfall cascading down the stalactites the changelinks had carved their homes into, with numerous platforms suspended between the rocky spires by chains, on which the dead and mostly decayed remains of former gardens could be seen.

Gardens, he realized, which had to be placed there for the ponies who used to live here.

It was a truly alien place, yet strangely beautiful as well. And he hoped that with time, the tragedy that stained everything he saw would be overcome; that the city and changelinks would be able to return to how things used to be. How they should be.

Laughter reached his ears, and he turned around to find a most amusing sight. A group of foals standing around Cujo; the green glowing pup lying on his back, legs kicking sporadically, tongue lolled out of his mouth while several of the youngsters were scratching his belly.

"And here is the first true sign of recovery," Wind Chill said to himself as pride welled up within. "Children laughing."


"Wow," Sweetie Belle gasped out in awe as they entered a small but well lit chamber.

The source of the light being the Murgröna, growing all over the walls, ceiling and around, but not touching several highly detailed sculptures placed equally spaced around the walls. Its numerous veins twisting and coiling over each other while a multitude of massive flowers bloomed all around them.

"They're happy you are here," Danny told Abella and Erlea, looking at the wriggling mass.

"This is it," Erlea looked in awe. "I'm really here."

"The first chamber," Abella whispered. "The oldest memories."

"It's incredible," said Sweetie Belle as she looked around.

"It is," Danny agreed, stepping further into the chamber.

From the ceiling, a single vein descended towards him, stopping a bit below eye level where it gently swayed from side to side.

Holding out a hand, the vine moved towards him and coiled around his arm.

"Like old friends meeting after a long time," he said quietly. "Even though this is the first time I have been here myself, I know so much about this place it's almost frightening."

Two more vines dropped down from above, moving towards Erlea and Abella;, the latter being booped on the nose by the vine before her.

"Very funny, Artona," Abella groaned, looking cross eyed at the vine still pressed against her nose.

"Who?" Sweetie Belle asked, confused.

"My brother," was the annoyed reply as Abella swatted at the vine.

Sweetie Belle was confused for only a moment before realization struck.

"Oh… I'm sorry," she said, then looked back up at the Murgröna; her eyes widening as she saw a vine slowly drop down towards her.

"Ehh… Danny?" she called out, not sure what was happening.

Letting go of the vine, Danny moved towards Sweetie Belle, looking up.

"It's reaching out for you," he said, searching for something.

"It is what?!" Erlea called out, shocked.

"But why?" asked Sweetie Belle.

"I'm not quite su-" he paused, eyes locking onto the bright blue flower near the vine snaking down. "Apple Pie," he said, shaking his head but grinning slightly. "Should have seen that one coming. Of course she would like to meet you."

"You mean Apple Bloom's ancestor?"

"Sure do."

"She wants to meet me?"

"That's what it looks like."

Sweetie Belle looked at the vine, then at Danny, then back at the vine now playfully swinging before her.

"... Why?"

"I'm not the one you should ask," Danny told her.

Looking back at the vine, Sweetie Belle gave it a cautious push with a hoof.

"So… how does this wor-"

Before she could finish, the vine flexed and its tip pressed against her forehead; her question left unfinished as her eyes unfocused.

"Just like that," said Danny, then he turned to Erlea and Abella. "Have to say, I'm surprised you haven't said anything about-... Oh."

Both Erlea and Abella were lying on the ground, the Murgröna connecting with them as well.

"Right," he muttered, placing a hand on his neck, "should have seen that coming as well."

Looking around, he half expected the vine from earlier to be there waiting for him. Instead, there was nothing for him to find as the vine had retracted back to the ceiling.

"So I'm not going to be a part of this I guess?" he asked aloud, naturally not receiving any answer. "Alright… I'll just stand here and do… something. Something sounds good."

Still nothing happened, and eventually Danny sighed deeply.

"Man, I hate being sidelined like that."


Standing outside in a field of lush green grass, Sweetie Belle looked around in growing confusion, unsure as to how she was suddenly brought outside, nor recognizing any of her surroundings.

The churning of water pulled her attention to a nearby river, a fish jumping out with an arch, the light of the sun glistening on its wet scales before it dived back in with a minimal splash.

Beyond the river she saw a massive forest, the trees swaying slightly in a calm but pleasant breeze.

"Where am I?" she asked.

Looking behind her, she spotted a collection of rocks and boulders on a hill.

"... Why does that look familiar?" she wondered.

Laughter came from behind her, but before she could turn around and see who or what had snuck up on her, a weight fell on her back.

"GHAA!" she shouted, rearing up in reflex, yet the weight remained and the laughing became louder.

Running away as fast she could, zig-zagging to shake off whatever rode on her, a squeal of joy came from her back.

"Faser!" a very young voice cried out. "Faser!"

Digging in her hooves, Sweetie Belle came to a skidding stop.

Turning her head to get a look at what it was exactly that had grabbed hold onto her, she was surprised to see a small foal; a filly whose fur was a light shade of red and a small horn poking out through muddy brown mane tied into a braid.

Large, innocent eyes sparkled with joy as she stared up at Sweetie Belle, while a toothy grin revealed the small fangs she had.

"Hi," the filly all but shouted in excitement.

"Uh… Hi?"

"Am Appul Seed. Who are you?"

"I, uhm. I'm Sweet-"

"Apple Seed!" another voice called out, and Sweetie Belle saw another filly, closer to her own age, stand amidst the boulders on the hill she spotted earlier; having run towards it without realizing.

"You know you can't just jump on other ponies like that," the other filly, with a stone gray coat blending nicely with the stone around her, and a mane with an eerily familiar hot pink color, said warningly.

"Sowwy," Apple Seed said quietly, sliding off Sweetie Belle's back.

Shaking her head, the other filly addressed Sweetie Belle next.

"Sorry for my little sister," she said. "I'm Mud Pie. And you are? I haven't seen you around here before. Are you a new memory?"

"Memory?" Sweetie Belle blinked, confused.

"You know. An imprint of ourselves stored in the Murgröna."

"Wait, I'm in the Murgröna?" Sweetie Belle jerked back in surprise, looking around in astonishment. "Whu… but I was just in the first chamber with Danny, Erlea and Devora. How did I… What?"

Mud Pie's eyes widened, and she quickly turned around, revealing her frilled wings as she shouted to somepony unseen: "MOM! I FOUND HER."

In the blink of an eye, a new pony appeared beside Mud Pie. An adult this time, with a horn sticking out through the same colored hot pink mane as Mud Pie, tied in a braid similar to Apple Seed.

"You have," the mare said, and she quickly noticed both Sweetie Belle and Apple Seed; her bright blue eyes locking on the young filly beside Sweetie Belle as a small sigh came from her.

"Apple Seed, did you hijack this young mare's connection so you could meet her first?"

Apple Seed rapidly shook her head.

The mare, obviously her mother, arched an eyebrow.

"Your father and I did not raise a liar, did we?"

Again Apple Seed shook her head, albeit more hesitant.

"So, did you hijack her connection?"

Apple Seed hung her head while nodding weakly.

With a patient smile, the mare walked down the hill towards her daughter, stopping before the young filly.

"Apple, look at me."

Doing as instructed, Apple Seed looked away from her hooves and up at her mother.

In a quick motion, the mare sat down and picked up her daughter.

"Now, I know it is always exciting to meet new ponies, but you can't just go and pull them away like that. You should know better than that."

"Am sowwy," Apple Seed said, shamefaced.

"I'm not the pony you should say that to."

Turning around as best she could in her mother's hold, Apple Seed then apologized to Sweetie Belle.

"It's… Okay," said Sweetie Belle, more confused than anything.

"There you go," the filly's mother said, nuzzling her daughter on the head. "Now you and your sister go back home while I have a talk with the young mare here."

"Okay," Apple Seed quickly ran off after her mother put her back down, and both she and Mud Pie disappeared from sight as they moved away.

The mare shook her head, sighing slightly. "As much as I love my daughters, they can be quite a hoofull in these earlier memories."

Standing back up to all fours, she finally turned to address Sweetie Belle.

"I'm terribly sorry about all that," she said with a dip of the head. "I have no idea where she gets this from. But where are my manners? I'm Apple Pie, and I have been quite eager to meet you, Sweetie Belle."

"How do you know my name?" was the first thing Sweetie Belle could think of, taking a step back. Then the rest registered, and she froze mid-motion. "Wait… Apple Pie? As in the ancestor of the Apples and the Pies?"

"Ancestor?" Apple Pie laughed. "You're making me feel old, but yes! I suppose I am. And I know your name because I have been watching you and your friends for some time now. And I can't say just how glad I am to see how hard you have worked to help all of my friends. And to think one of my great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great, great-" she continued like that for a good three minutes, with a level of enthusiasm that instantly revealed where Pinkie Pie got it from, "-great grand foals is part of it as well," she wiped away a tear of pride, "I couldn't be happier."

"I, ehh…" Sweetie Belle struggled to reply.

"Oh, but you must be wondering why I brought you here," Apple Pie continued without interruption. "Or, not here here. It was Apple Seed who brought you here here, while I tried to bring you here there," she made some vague indication below the hill, "And I do apologize for that. I really didn't want this to become confusing for you, but we're here here now, so instead of here there, I must instead explain why I tried to bring you here there here here so you understand why I tried to bring you here there."

Sweetie Belle sat in unmoving silence, her brain trying to comprehend what it was she just heard. Yet Apple Pie did not notice.

"The reason I brought you here there here here is quite simple."

"It is?" Sweetie Belle was doubtful about this.

"Hmhmm," Apple Pie nodded. "You see, when I saw how much you were suffering from what had happened after you lost control of your powers, I knew I had to help you. Which is why I brought you here there here here, so we could talk. And so I could show you."

"... Show me, what?" was asked with some trepidation.

"~A world of wonder and imagination~" Apple Pie, suddenly sitting next to Sweetie Belle, one hoof on the filly's back, the other gesturing grandiosity, said in a sing-song voice.

"... I think I need an adult," Sweetie Belle quickly scooted away, yet Apple Pie held on firmly.

"Oh, silly filly. I am an adult!" and before Sweetie Belle could say or do anything in response, she suddenly found herself on Apple Pie's back; holding on for dear life as the excited mare rushed up the hill with a shout of elation.


"Where are we?"

The question hung in the air as a cloud of condensation, breath clearly visible in the frigid world of snow and ice as Abella and Erlea looked around, shivering as the snow they stood in reached halfway up their bodies.

"Why did the Murgröna bring us here?" Erlea said through clattering teeth.

"Who brought us here?" Abella added.


Both fillies turned towards the sound, and a forest, which they were sure hadn't been there a moment ago, rose up out of the snow.


"I guess we're going that way," said Abella, and the two slowly dug trenches in the snow as they moved towards the sound.

It took them minutes to cross the small distance, but eventually they reached the border of the forest. Stopping for a moment, both fillies listened for the sound that had drawn them closer.


"What kind of memory is this?" Erlea asked, shivering uncontrollably as they trudged forwards. "It feels… wrong. Desperate."


"It's coming from over there," Abella pointed out, both turning towards the sound, only for their view to be blocked by a massive oak.

Slowly, with difficulty, they moved around the tree; tripping several times over roots hidden underneath the snow.

By now their teeth were clattering so loud they could barely hear anything else, yet they still listened for the sound that had drawn them there.


"Wh-what happened?" Abella asked with a shivering voice. "Why is everything silent now?"

"Look there," Erlea pointed a hoof at an area of severely disturbed snow, a stump of a felled tree, and a path in the frost leading away from there.

Both fillies shared a glance, then silently continued onwards; reaching the area of compacted snow, and from there they followed the path laid out before them.

Neither of them noticed the figure observing them from behind.


In a blur faster than Sweetie Belle could keep up with, Apple Pie took her up the hill, down a hole under a rock, through tunnels seemingly at random, and finally came to a stop in the massive cavern the Hive was built.

Except, as she shook away her disorientation, she noticed the city was much smaller.

Much, much smaller.

Where she remembered dozens of stalactites with walkways spiraling up and down their length, with countless doors and windows hewn into the rock, bridges connecting it all, hundreds of (dead) hanging gardens, and the Murgröna covering the entire ceiling and most of the stone spires, now there were only two stalactites she could see where a spiral walkway had been constructed.

There were no gardens, and only a couple of bridges. The waterfall she recalled falling down into the depths below the city was completely absent, and most of the light came from lanterns placed around the Hive. Only a small bit of illumination could be contributed to the Murgröna, which only covered a small portion of the ceiling barely worth mentioning.

But the thing that stood out the most to her, something she had not seen anywhere in the Hive, were the large number of changelinks and ponies walking and flying side by side; talking, laughing and, close by, foals of both species playing with a wicker ball.

And somehow, during all of this, she had gone from Apple Pie's back to standing next to the mare.

"Whu?" she uttered unintelligibly, making Apple Pie laugh as she looked at it all in bewilderment.

"It's quite something, isn't it?" Apple Pie asked.

"Bu- but how is this possible?" asked Sweetie Belle. "I thought the Murgröna only held the memories of the changelinks? How are you all alive in here?"

"We aren't," said Apple Pie, her previously cheerful demeanor gone. "It's complicated," she added quickly. "Let's not worry about that now," she returned to her exuberant self, smiling broadly.

Obviously confused, but understanding this was a sensitive subject, Sweetie Belle instead turned her attention to the much smaller Hive.

"Is this the city as you remember it?"

"City?" Apple Pie mirrored, then giggled. "I guess that is what it has become later. But yes, this is the Hive as I remember it. The village I helped build when the changelinks came to my village and told us what they were planning."

"You helped build this?!" Sweetie Belle gasped.

"We all did! See those doors?"

Sweetie Belle stared into the distance, just barely able to see the-

"Wait, are those wooden doors"

"Of course they are. My friend, Rusty Nail's father made them."

"But… There weren't any wooden doors in the Hive when I was there. They have these strange onyx walls that melt away."

"Ooh, that sounds neat."

Sweetie Belle fell silent, her mind trying to wrap itself around the situation she found herself in until it decided on the most logical action to take.


And with that out of the way, she followed with: "Why did you bring me here?"

"To show you what is possible… What was possible, and what could be possible again," Apple Pie told her. "My friends and I did all this," she slowly swept a hoof, "which was only the beginning. You saw what the Hive has become, how big it has grown. All of it through the cooperation between the changelinks and the ponies."

"... But when I got there almost everylink was sick or… or worse" Sweetie Belle shuddered at the memory.

"Yes," Apple Pie nodded, "because the trust was broken. And now it's up to you and your friends to change this."

"But what can I do? I'm just one pony. And they don't trust me at all. And I don't blame them for it either."

"Oh silly filly," Apple Pie laughed, booping Sweetie Belle's nose. "I was also just one pony, but that didn't stop me from teaching them to speak. Besides, you're never just one anything if you have friends to help you. But more importantly, why would you think the changelinks don't trust you? Just look at all the incredible things you have done already."

"Because I did something horrible," Sweetie Belle looked away, ashamed.

"Yes," Apple Pie sat down beside her, pulling the filly against her side. "But we all do that at some point. Whether we meant for it, or not, it does happen. When the changelinks came to my village, I wanted to share my homemade apple pie with them. But they couldn't eat the food we eat, and when Buzz tried he got really sick and I felt soooo terrible about it. But I didn't allow that to hold me back. Because as bad as I felt about it, I knew it would be even worse if I let it stop me from doing what I love most."

"Which is?"

"Making friends, of course. So I said I was sorry. That I didn't know that would happen. Then I gave Buzz a big apology hug and made sure to never do something like that again. And I know he forgave me, because we have two wonderful fillies together."

Sweetie Belle was surprised, then silently thought about what was told.

"Of course the changelinks who have pony fathers did enjoy my apple pies," Apple Pie continued without pause. "Though they don't poop them out like we do."

Sweetie Belle's train of thought completely derailed, slammed through the train station, and then exploded. Twice.


"Oh yeah, it's the craziest thing," Apple Pie told her. "They instead turn it into this weird goop that they then spew up. A bit like how bees make honey, except it is really gross… and not tasty at all."


"It works great for glue, though."

"I'm sorry. What?!"

"Though it took the better part of a day to unstick Glacy's teeth, which is also how we know these things.

Any rescue efforts to save what could be salvaged from the train's wreck went up in flames as the metaphorical rescue cart broke an axle, swirled out of control, crashed through a fence and tumbled down a mountainside towards its untimely demise.

Slowly Sweetie Belle scooted away from the prototype Pinkie Pie in fear of her own sanity

"Which brings me back to my point. We all make mistakes, but don't let that hold you back. If I did that; if anypony in my village had done that, this would never have been possible," she said, looking fondly at the Hive.

"I know," Sweetie Belle said quietly. "Or, I think I do. Danny keeps saying similar things."

"That is because he knows what he is talking about," Apple Pie said knowingly and Sweetie Belle looked at her questionly.

Giggling, Apple Pie tapped her temple.

"He's been in there for a bit, so I know a little bit about him as well. Enough to know he will stop at nothing to help those who need help."

"Also… Where is Danny? And Erlea and Abella, too?" Sweetie Belle asked suddenly.

"Oh, don't worry about them," Apple Pie gave a casual wave with a hoof. "This is about you."

"About me? Why?"

"Because we have been watching you. You and your friends. And we believe, we hope that you will be able to set right all the terrible things that have happened."

"... We?" was the first thing that came to Sweetie Belle's mind. The next thing she noticed was a shift in the activities around her as all changelinks stopped in their movements, turning to look at her while all ponies, except Apple Pie, continued onwards as if nothing had happened.

"All of us," Apple Pie said. "All of us who remember. All of us who are remembered. All of us who hope for a better future. A better future you and your friends have made possible by doing everything you could to save our descendants. A glimpse of hope to restore our dream, to restore all that was lost, and to bring peace to those who were lost far too soon."

Sweetie Belle squeaked in fright, shrinking down into herself from the severity of Apple Pie's words.

A wicker ball rolled into her side, then came to a wobbly stop before her and three of the changelink foals approached while the other changelinks watched.

"To bring joy back to us."

"To play without care."

"To live without fear."

"To be alive again!" all changelinks said as one, the Hive rumbling with the strength of their voices.

"We are the voice of those who can't speak any more," Apple Pie said, looking at Sweetie Belle. "And we need to say: Please. Save us."