• Member Since 8th Mar, 2012
  • offline last seen 10 hours ago



The unthinkable happens and Danny is forced to suffer a living hell for several months. Eventually, he is saved by a certain time ghost. But Danny is just an empty shell of his former self. So desperate measures are taken to save him and he is sent to a certain magical land to recover fully. Will the magic of friendship be enough to save him? Will he even let it help him?

Basically Danny is betrayed by his loved ones and gets tortured by the Guys In White. Clockwork swoops in and rescues him, but not soon enough. So to save Danny, the time ghost sends him to Equestria and turns him into a pony. But after being tortured by the GIW and having everyone he loves turn on him, will anyone be able to help him to truly recover?

Hi. First post here. But my 9th Post at Fanfiction. This story is going to include action, adventure, sadness, some comedy, cuteness, and anything else I can throw in. I will be using episodes from the series too. The first one I will use will be Season 2 Episode 25.

Chapters (4)
Comments ( 83 )

I only post two so quickly because they were already written and posted on fanfiction

Ok, I can’t wait until the next chapter :twilightsmile:

Thanks. Not many people seemed intrested in this over at fanfiction.com . . . Not that I'm saying no one was, but . . . . It definitely wasn't blowing up (in a good way) like some of my other stories.

That is because most MLP:FiM fans prefer FimFic to FanFic... and the overwhelming degree of Danny!Abuse would also drive off many pure DP fans who might have read it otherwise.

That does make sense. I personally like stories where Danny gets abused. That way things are opened up for life to get better for the child. Plus I like hurt and comfort stories.

I don't know. I'm working on it.

Yep. I like dark things. Thought don't worry. It will get better.

There are actually plenty of sites to explain the whole "thee, thy, etc." thing. But for the basic summation, here it is:

Thou and Thee both represent the word You:
Thou - When "you" is the subject of the sentence. (Ex. Thou shouldst be more careful!)
Thee - When "you" is the predicate of the sentence. (Ex. I have a task for thee.)

Thy and Thine both represent the possessive form of "You," Your:
Thy - When "your" is used before a noun that begins with a consonant/consonant sound. (Ex. thy coat, thy rope, thy book, etc.)
Thine - When "your" is used before a noun that begins with a vowel/vowel sound. (Ex. thine apple, thine empire, thine undergarments, etc.)

Ye represents the plural form of "You."
Ye - When you are addressing a group of people. (Ex. Listen well, all of ye!)

This impromptu Shakespearean English lesson was brought to you by unenlightenedenglish.com, and concerned fans like you.

Thanks so much. I honestly didn't know what to look for. Any other things you can point out for me to help with Luna's speaking patterns?

Another awesome chapter. Hmm animal friend for Danny. May I suggest a nimbat from Dust: An Elysian Tail. It's the species of the character Fidget.


No, you pretty much have a handle on things. Ever since her reappearance in Season 2 Episode 4, Luna has learned to adopt a more modern dialect. Still, I like how you have her revert to "olde Equestrian" whenever she's emotional. You even had her use the royal "we." I think you'll be fine.

Thanks. I think she would have work hard to update her language, but I also wanted to use the olden styple if I wanted to. I'm glad I got it to sound good. I didn't want it to be too unreadable.

It sure does. But know this. I'm not going to be working on this for a bit. I'm going to work on something else on fanfiction. But I will come back to this, I actually have 13210 words written in my rough draft for this story.

Well. What can I say? I do like pulling the rug out from under people. Also it shouldn't be that long before I work on this again.

“You can rest assured Zecora.” Twilight smiled. “With my friends by my side, there is nothing we can't do.” This statement was proven to be true again and again with all of the challenges the group faced together and came out triumphant in the end.

Except for almost every social interaction you had, ever.
This will not end well... I preemptively blame Pinky for unintentionally causing it.

I love this story. Mama Luna please. :pinkiehappy:

She isn't that bad. . . .. Okay mabe she is. What happens isn't any one pony's fault. . . Thought if you want to blame anyone for what happens, you should point at the GIW. . . and Zecora. The GIW because of what they did to Danny. And Zecora has a tiny bit of blame because of the misfortunate interaction between her and the child.

Yes. That was the plan all along. I think Luna and Danny are so similar that if their wasn't such an age gap between them that they would be dating. Yes, I know that if I wanted to I COULD put them together, but I don't want to. Plus I just see them working as mother and son so perfectly.
They both have horrible dark versions of themselfs that they are terrified of turbing into. They both love the night sky. They are both fighters. (I see Luna as being quicker to fight than talk thing out .
. . Well at least more so than Celestia). They both has big sisters that would move mountains for them. . . . These are just a few of the things i can think of off the top of my head. And all of these things will be expressed in the story eventually. . . . And here is a hint . . . . . Who's cloak do you think Danny just put on?

This is kind of unrelated to the story, but . . . .I LOVE THE COMMENT FUNCTIONS THIS SITE HAS!!!!:heart:
It is so much more pleasant to use than fanfiction's reviewing thing. I can reply directly to all of the comments on my story instead of writing them at the beginning of the story. Yes i know you can reply to someone's review in a message on fanfiction, but i like my replys to comments to be vissble to everyone since i answer everyones questions and drop hints that everyone mind want to see.
:fluttercry: I wish fanfiction would add this feature to their website.

I just thought of Pinky Pie being Pinky Pie and her not taking a "no" seriously which could lead to a potential conflict in Danny's current state.
Of course in the whole picture she is (/they are) not to blame, it was more of an inb4 emphasizing what I was referring to.

I'm certainly interested how this will develop. Especially how Luna will react to the cloak he wears.
Crosses fingers that the outcome is unexpected

Okay. I see what you're saying. I am going to say though, I think Pinkie would be smart enought to sense when she needs to back off. I believe she wouldn't take a no if she KNEW 100% she could help. Or i could be wrong. Havent actually written the mane 6 meeting Danny yet.
Luna will most likey find it unbelivable adorable. Though i am tinkering with the idea of it being destroyed in an upcoming fight

This is really good so far, I can't wait for the next chapter.

When will the next update be if you don't mind me asking?

I actually have the next chapter finished. Now I just have to read through/edit it three times. That can take time since I have to focus so you guys get the best story you can get.

Is jazz going to show up in Equestria

Here is a spoiler:
Yes. I plan for Jazz to show up at some point. She lover her brother no matter what. I'm thinking she will show up with Sam and Tucker. She won't know how to find him so she reluctantly has to got to them since they are the only one who might have an idea where Danny is. Jazz will hate it, but she will do ANYTHING to find Danny. Though there will be a catch. they will only help her if they can come with her. They do. I think they will show up in the crystal empire and Candance will help them. I haven't written the part yet so nothing is definite yet.

what about his mom and dad I would love to see what celestia and Luna would do to tham

I honestly haven't thought about that. I don't think they will be coming to Equestria ever. They either don't realize the horrible thing they did to their son or if they do, they don't care since he is half ghost and "Ghosts are the enemy". Jazz, Tucker, and Sam steal the Specter Speeder with out the parents knowing. My plan is that Jazz will disown her parents (she is so disgusted with what happened that she almost kills them herself) and go live in Equestria with Danny. Plus, I don't think Danny could ever face his parents again and not wet himself. I know I wouldn't be able to . . . . . Though all of this hasn't been written yet so nothing is set in stone yet.

though if Jack and Maddie EVER came to Equestria and met the princesses, I think Luna and Celestia would wipe them off the face of existence.

Hi everyone. I have just 2224 words to read through and then one more read through before I post the next chapter.

Hi again. I just wanted to give an update. Only one more read through to go on the next chapter. I would start it now, but I have to leave for work now.

Thank you for the update! It is really hard to find a good Danny Phantom story so thank you

Danny Phantom: The boy Colt who subconsciously befriends the world's most dangerous animals.
What's next? A Manticore? Hydra?

He sure is. I don't know what else he will get, but there will be more.

Hey just finished reading this chapter through my american democracy class and it made class go by much faster. Anyway I hope that even though he can tame the most dangerous animals doesn't mean that he'll only have dangerous animals. Also I liked how you gave him the gift of Tongues so he can talk to and understand anyone no matter the language barrier. I have a feeling the Mane 6 are going to find him first but ultimately screw it up until Luna arrives and comforts him or something close to that. I have a feeling even after Luna and Fluttershy calm him down he is still going to live in the castle in the Everfree because he is to scared to face other people/ponies.
Also glad you responded to my questions on Fanfiction.net it always makes me happy to see a Princess Luna Fan. Anyway onto a new question. Who is your least favorite Princess? And who is your least favorite character? Mine are Celstia and probably Shining Armor or Flash Sentry they are basically clones of each other. Any way Love all your DP stories and hope to see more of anything soon.:twilightsmile:

Loving this so far. Please write more. Will patiently wait, take your time, dear.

As far as the spacing problem, I had that for a while with Fanfiction. I'm not entirely sure anymore how it got fixed, but what I use for my fics on there is Arial, size 10, with only one space in between paragraphs (line spacing is normal? 1.15). I'm not entirely sure if this little piece of advice will help, however.

I love it when Danny has this effect on animals (and people/ponies) around him that he doesn't notice (or does and just doesn't know what, if anything, can be done about it.
*looks up mlp creatures* http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Creatures
*takes a sip of water* What are the chances that he'll befriend the Cerberus, if they meet? Or the Chimera? Heck, he's always wanted a dog right? How about that Orthros? Maybe Mother Moon will get him one as a present if/when she finds that out.
Sweet Luna, you do realize he'd squeal (probably) over the Ursa Major and Minor, right? I mean, his love for space knows no bounds and they are the embodiment of two constellations.
I would love to see that reaction. In front of Luna. And him just babbling/rambling on about space and the stars and stuff to her or around her. Heck, throw Celestia into the scene to I bet she'd get a kick out of Luna's expression (blank? confused? stunned silence?) omg I can't go on much longer. I can't...my mental voice can't breathe...!


That is all.

It's not good to do that during class. School is important. . . . Though I have done that too.

I don't know what animals he will have yet . . . . yeah. Most of the ones I have planned will be unusual animals. I want him to have back up encase anything happens. . . . . Plus I want every pony to be like "you befriend WHAT?!?! (Blank) is too dangerous to be . . . ." only to stop when they see the animal snuggling up to Danny.
Well you are close to what happens, but Luna won't be there before the situation escalates dramatically.
I do plan on Danny living at the castle . . . I don't know how Luna (or anyone else) will feel about such a small young colt living alone . . . with a bunch of dangerous animals. . . .. . We will just have to wait and see.
I have no problem answering questions from anyone. who are you on Fanfiction?
Least favorite princess? . . . (pained look) I like them ALL. None of them make me dislike them. I like Cadence. I have plans for her. Celestia I like in that, the perfect way. Twilight I like in that I'm a newb at the princess thing. I guess I would have to pick the new baby alicorn princess . . . . ONLY because I'm not up there yet in the episode watching. I mean I HAVE seen the episode, but I didn't really WATCH it since I was working on something when I did.

Least favorite character? yet again can't choose. yet. I have never really thought about it. Let me think about it and I will come back to you. (leaves room, goes to dentist, and comes back) Well I thought about it and . . . I got nothing. Can't think of a pony that i like the least. Wait, just did. Blue Blood. But I think you are SUPPOSE to not like him.

Shining armor is okay. I honestly have no option on him, I can live with or without him. I like Celestia. Not more than Luna. The moon princess is the best. I actually haven't seen anything with Flash Sentry yet. As said before, I'm behind in episodes.

I'm glad you like my DP stories. I'm actually tossing around the idea of a Danny Phantom/Avatar the last air bender/ the legend of Korra crossover. I want to do it, but I already have SO many stories going.

Thanks for the love.

Thanks. I dont plan on stopping . . . Though i am probably going to work on something else. I am undersided. Im eithe going to work on this, Altered Fates, start a new Danny Phantom/Avatar the Last Airbender/The Legend of Korra crossover, start a new Ben Ten/ either One Piece or Fairy tail crossover, or work on Omni Evolution.

And that is just what i am thinking at the moment. (There are more things i have in the works or i am considering doing.)

I will try your idea next time . . . . That is if i remember. Fanfiction likes to remove it when i underline things . . . . Which means it was a PAIN with this chapter. Speaking about fanfiction.com, think there is anyway they can copy fimfiction's commenting system? I LOVE the way they do it here. So much so that I bring it up alot here.

Well i figured that since he is a ghost, animals can sense Danny's unusualness. So either they would be scared of him or can tell he is a good kid. I think you can tell which one i went with. (Points at a scene of a bunch of animals glomping Danny, covering him until he can no longer be seen.)

Chances of making a friend of Cerberus? Pretty good . . . .that is if they meet.

The chimera? I LOVE HER!!! I want them to meet, but i need three names for them. And i hate giving characters (that i havent created) names since what happens if the creators of the show decide to give them one later. Now i got egg on my face. . . Though i will probably still give them names since i REALLY want to use them. Problem is i am kind of bad at nameing thing. Surprising isnt it?

I dont know about the orthros. I want to give him mostly things we havent seen in the show. Though having luna give him an animal would be sweet. . . .though it might loose its meaning if he has a castle full of animals already. I have a fox and cat planned. Also, a certain ghost puppy might be showing up.

You are right about those bears. Having Danny geek out about space, the moon and the stars in front of Luna is a great idea. Though it would be better if he didnt know that she was all about the moon and stars. That would be perfect.

I can see it now. Danny is sitting there, going on and on about how great the moon and stars are. The wonder and love is strong in his voice, showing they mean alot to him. Luna has a blank look on her face. No one has ever spoken about her night sky and moon with such LOVE before. Celestia is smiling since she knows how much this will mean to her sister.

So I'm stealing your idea.

I loved your comment. It actually took me about 3 hours to finish writting this reply. . .but that might have more to do with the fact that I am at work and it is busy.

Thanks for the love.

1. The orthros was only seen in one episode as far as the wiki said, so I can understand that, plus him having Star and Lily already lessening the effect. As for the Chimera? Hmmm, I'll get back to you on names in another bullet point.

2. It's not stealing if I'm giving it to you. Honestly, I'd use it in my own story but with the language barrier he's only just starting to cross, trying to work that in may be a while yet, if it will happen at all.

3. I'm guessing animals sense more his lovable personality (at least that's the first thing they notice) more so than his ghost half? With mine its more like everyone senses both in equal measure (and their reaction is entirely up to them. i.e. animals usually either loving him and think he's the best thing ever, or their fight or flight instincts kick up to eleven).

4. Yeah fanfiction is a right Butt when it comes to underlined words and sentences. Sadly, the only equivalent to the comment system here would be the private messaging and even that's not up to par with this.

5. Possible names by head, considering the theme of simplistic names that he's got going already: Saber (for the Tigress), Ivy, Nightshade, Buttercup, Wisteria (for the snake, all listed are poisonous in some way shape or form), and possibly Aqua or Cornucopia (for the goat, more of a stretch, based on Capricorn the Sea Goat for Aqua and CapriCORN -> CORNucopia the horn of plenty)
I could only really come up with one name for the tigress but the others have at least two listed. That said you don't have to use any of them, just thought I'd try and help out.

6. I completely understand with having multiple stories either in the works or competing for head space.


  1. You are right about the orthros.
  2. I just meant I REALLY like the idea and might use it. You know, put it in my back pocket to use for later. What are your stories? I looked it up and Im interested. Might read at work today. So do I have to read Spectrology https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12254739/1/Spectrology for Ghosts of A Different Kind https://www.fimfiction.net/story/381853/ghosts-of-a-different-kind to make sense?
  3. I'm thinking animals can sense his ghostly half and tell Danny is good from that.
  4. That is why fanfiction should adopt fimfiction's design.
  5. Nice names. thought I'm thinking that the Chimera will already have names. Also I am nowhere NEAR that in my rough draft so I will truly think about it when it happens. Though I'm thinking T starting name for the tiger, S starting name for snake, and G starting name for goat. Or having them all state with C. You know for chimera.
  6. It truly is a curse to be so gifted. (smiles) I really have to decide what to work on now.
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