• Published 13th Sep 2013
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A Daughter and her Dragon - Level Dasher

Spike longed for years to have a family of his own. With Twilight's help, he applies for adoption. But what is it like to be raised by royalty?

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Chapter Seven - This chapter is a blankflank (Part Two)

Tired, Cotton decided to stay with Spike when the other foals went back out to play. Allegrezza, along with Granny Bloom’s older grandchildren, Bellflower and Fallawater, stayed at the table as well; the three teenagers sat together talking amongst themselves. Cotton rested against her father’s cheek.

Everypony went silent when Big Mac stood and coughed.

“Ah thank y’all fer comin’ here today,” Big Mac spoke, his voice quiet and somber. “Now if we can, we’ll take the time to remember our family that’s no longer with us.”

“Ah remember Granny,” Apple Bloom started. “Ah remember the first time she taught me ta make zap-apple jam.”

“Granny always took care of us,” Applejack added. “She took care of all of us, even after Ma and Pa passed on.”

“She always made the best apple pies.” Pinkie Pie smiled. “And she always looked after me, too.”

“I still remember her extorting gems out of me,” Spike chuckled. “What?” he asked, as everypony turned to look at him with indignation. He grinned wide. “Well, she did, but that didn’t stop her from being the great old mare she was!”

Everypony chuckled.

“To Granny Smith.” Big Mac raised his cider mug.

“To Granny Smith,” the crowd chorused, lifting their own mugs.

“Ah wish Ma and Pa could see us now.” Applejack turned, nodding to Big Mac.

“Eeyup. Ah think they’d be real proud of th’ family we’ve raised.”

As the Apple family remembered those they’d lost, Cotton fidgeted next to Spike.

“You okay, sweetie?” he asked, nudging her with his cheek.

“Why is everypony talking about ponies… umm, no longer around?” Cotton asked, rubbing her forearms with her hooves.

Spike unfolded and extended a wing towards the filly. “Well, we share the memories of those ponies who’ve left us. We remember the good times, and the bad. While they’re still in our hearts, they’ll never truly be gone.”

Cotton sniffled.

“D-did you want to talk about your parents?” Spike asked, nervously.

“N-no!” Cotton burst out. “You’re my daddy. I have you now.”

Spike smiled, rubbing his cheek against his daughter. “Cotton, I will always be your daddy, but I didn’t replace your parents. It’s still okay to talk about them, if you want.”

“Is… is that really okay?”

“Of course it is.”

A round of laughter brought their attention back to the speaker. “…and that’s when that featherbrain crashed right into mah window!” Applejack guffawed. “Scared th’ dickens outta me!” She paused for a minute. “Ah still miss ya, sugarcube.”

“To Rainbow Dash,” Twilight cheered, as she lifted her cider mug.

“To Rainbow Dash,” the others echoed.

Eris broke the silence. “I wish my mother could be here, so we could share our wonderful news with her.” Discord laid his paw gently on her shoulder. “She would have been so happy to have been a grandmother…”

Discord pulled his daughter into a hug as she broke down in tears. “‘Shy is happy for you, for us, no matter where she is now.

“If it weren’t for my beloved wife, I’d never have learned the…” Discord gagged, ever so slightly, “magic of friendship. That still sounds so corny.” The older ponies at the table chuckled. “But she taught me so much more; she showed me the difference between being entertained… and being happy. Without her, I wouldn’t have any of you. My friends, and my family.”

Twilight levitated a small hankie, dabbing the tears away from her eye.

“To Fluttershy,” Stonecutter raised his mug. “Watch down on our foal for us.”

“To Fluttershy,” the group murmured.

“Rarity was my childhood crush,” Spike started. “She was a wonderful, beautiful mare, generous to a fault. It was a dream come true when she returned my affections, and that wonderful dream lasted for nearly fifty years.”

“She was the best big sister a pony could ask for,” Sweetie Belle added, smiling as she looked at Spike. “She brought so much beauty into the world, giving so much of herself to others, great and small.”

“To Rarity,” Shady lifted his mug.

“To Rarity.”

“I-I was very young when my mom and dad d-died.” Everypony turned to see the quivering filly who had spoken up. “I-I don’t have a lot of memories of them, but I remember m-my mommy used to sing for me at bedtime. A-and my dad…” She looked nervously to Spike, who nodded for her to continue, a sad smile on his face. “M-my dad used to play blocks with me when he was done at work.

“I love you, mom and dad.” Tears fell from Cotton’s eyes. Spike gently laid his neck over her back in a hug.

“To Roq Candy, and Almond Joy.” Spike raised his mug.

“To Roq Candy, and Almond Joy,” the others repeated.

As Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle related tales of their friend, Scootaloo, Twilight knelt down next to Cotton, wrapping a wing over the filly’s back, while Spike nuzzled her from the other side.

“I shouldn’t miss them,” Cotton sniffled. “I have a new family now.”

“You will always miss them, Cotton.” Twilight nuzzled the filly, brushing away the tears from the pegasus’s cheek. “That’s why we remember them.”

“I never knew my parents, Cotton,” Spike sighed. “And I wish I could have known them. Known what they were like, what kind of pon—errr, dragons they were. But I have a family, in Twilight, the other Princesses; I have a big brother in Shining Armor. And now, I have you, too. There is room enough in every family for more love, Cotton. Don’t ever doubt that.”

Spike laid a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Any time you want to talk about them, you can talk with us.”


In the late evening, Spike, Cotton, Allegrezza, Bellflower, and Fallawater made their way out to the fields where the old Cutie Mark Crusaders’ clubhouse stood. Spike smiled as he walked the old familiar path, remembering the times he would play with the three original Crusaders. Not that he would have called it ‘playing’; he was at the time oh-so-much more mature than them, but he had always enjoyed himself, despite any protests he made to his big sister.

“So, you excited for your first Cutie Mark Crusader sleepout?” Allegrezza asked Cotton as they walked.

“Mmm-hmm,” Cotton answered.

“Oh, y’all’ll have a great time! Ah remember our sleepouts. Y’all’ll come away with so many funny stories, ya’ll remember ‘em fer the rest of yer life.” Bellflower chuckled, winking at Fallawater, who blushed profusely. Allegrezza’s grin grew wide as she saw the look on Fallawater’s face.

“C-campouts aren’t that great,” Fallawater stuttered. “N-not really.”

“I’m sure we’ll share some of those stories tonight, right, Falla?” Allegrezza giggled, seeing the look of horror on her friend’s face. “We’ll let the blankies decide if the stories are great or not.”

Spike marvelled as the clubhouse came into view. Apple Bloom had improved it over the years; it looked more like a tree-mansion these days rather than just a house. Maybe a tree fortress, depending on what Apple Bloom and Scootaloo had installed in those menacing-looking turrets.

Topaz stood atop a parapet, looking down at the approaching group. “Halt, who goes there?” he squeaked, in an adorably ‘authoritative’ voice.

“Retired Crusaders Bellflower, Fallawater, and Allegrezza, and Crusader-initiate Cotton Candy,” Bellflower called out. “Reporting for duty, sir!”

The three teens snapped off crisp salutes, trying their hardest not to laugh. Cotton nervously followed their lead, and the three teens burst into giggles. Allegrezza pulled the filly into a hug.

“Who’s the dragon?” the voice of the squeaky guard called out.

“Good Sir Topaz, of the noble order of the Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Spike called out, kneeling before the treefort. “I have travelled far and wide, and have heard of your righteous cause. I seek to offer my services in protection of your lands. My four companions can vouch for my trustworthiness.”

The three teens nodded their heads, giggling.

“Okay Spike!” Topaz called out. “Cinny, drop the ladd—I mean, lower the drawbridge!”

The group chuckled as the ladder to the clubhouse lowered, and the four girls ascended the steps to the clubhouse’s main floor.

“I’ll just stay out here and keep an eye on these lands,” Spike called out, chuckling before settling comfortably on the ground.


Spike lay on his back, looking up at Luna’s star-filled night sky. He never appreciated it in his youth; nighttime was for sleeping, after all. Though in truth, day time was also for napping, so his disinterest in the night wasn’t the same as the ancient ponies’.

But after years of meteor showers, nights spent watching the stars with Twilight and her friends, then later Luna and Celestia joining them, he’d grown fond of the bejeweled expanse above him.

Spike had ordered lights-out three hours earlier, and as expected, the Crusaders only stopped their giggling, laughing, and talking an hour ago.

The only thing that he could hear for miles around was the sound of his own deep breathing as he relaxed, along with the sounds of the few wild creatures that had not fled from his resting area.

Spike smiled, enjoying the peace. Knowing the workings of a foal’s mind, he was keenly aware that such peace wouldn’t last, so he kept his vigil. Assuredly enough, the sounds of whispering could be heard minutes later.

“Is he asleep?” Spike recognized the voice of Largo. If anypony was going to cause trouble, of course it would be his grand-nephew.

“I-I think so,” one of Apple Bloom’s granddaughters, Cinnamon Spice, whispered.

Spike hoped that it was more than just those two looking to sneak out, or he’d have to have some serious talks with their parents. A deathly chill ran down his spine, as he thought of what might happen if one of the boys showed an interest in his Cotton. He loudly ground his teeth.

“I think he’s snoring,” came the voice of Topaz.

Okay, so they were up to mischief, not mischief. He breathed a sigh of relief.

“Holly, Gala,” Largo whispered. “Lower the ladder… quietly!

Oh Largo, I wasn’t hatched yesterday!

As the ladder dropped with a loud crash the foals let out a hiss. Spike suppressed his smile, mumbled a bit, and rolled over so he faced them, his eyes barely open. If they thought he was asleep, he could play it up a bit.

“‘Somwonthr?” he muttered, before returning to his deep breathing. His jaw ached, holding back the smile forming on his snout. With his keen sight, he could see them all as if it were Celestia’s brightest day.

Standing terrified at the top of the steps were Katya, Nocturne, Cotton, Gala, Holly, Cinnamon Spice, and Topaz. The ringleader, Largo, was already quietly making his way down the ladder, eyes focused on the dragon.

Silently, one by one, the foals descended and huddled in a group at the bottom of the ladder.

“So, are we ready?” Largo whispered.

“Ready for what?” Spike boomed out in the night. The few birds nesting in the trees scattered as the foals let out a cacophony of terrified shrieks. Spike rolled onto his front, propping his chin up with his claws, staring down at the group of foals. “Going somewhere, my little ponies?”

“Uhh, uhh,” Largo stammered. “Just, to, umm, the… the bathroom!”

“All of you? At once?” Spike raised his eyebrow. “Really?”

“Umm… umm.” Largo continued digging himself deeper into his hole.

“So you weren’t, I don’t know, thinking of sneaking out and doing some midnight crusading?” Spike grinned, watching the foals shuffle nervously, caught red-hoofed. “Going out and getting into trouble?”

“Crusaders are supposed to get into trouble!” Topaz called from the back of the group. “That’s what Unca Discord told us!”

Spike chuckled—that did sound like something Discord would say. Three Cutie Mark Crusaders were a walking disaster zone. Eight Cutie Mark Crusaders causing trouble, at night, unsupervised, and under the direct instruction of the Spirit of Chaos? Half of Ponyville would be on fire, the other half covered in pink-and-green plaid tree sap.

“Everypony back to bed. There will be plenty of time to crusade tomorrow morning before everypony has to leave.” He stood, herding them back towards the ladder and up into the tree house.

The foals must have been more exhausted than they’d let on, because within half an hour, the grumpy whispers had been replaced with the soft snores and breathing of foals sleeping.


Spike awoke in the morning to the warm feeling of Celestia’s sun on his belly, and the sound of giggling from the treehouse. Opening his eyes, he spied several of the foals looking out over the porch of the fort, wearing ridiculously colored cold-weather wear.

“He’s awake, Unca Discord!” Holly called, as the draconequus in question popped his head out from the doorway.

“Oh, well look at that, he is.” Discord inspected his eagle talon intently. “I heard you spoiled these poor foals’ fun last night. Tut tut.” A grin crossed his mismatched features. “Though I heard you promised fun in the morning.”

A click of his talon, and a blanket of freezing white dropped on the lounging dragon. Spike shot up immediately, shivering as he shook off the snow. The children laughed as they jumped down into the snow, starting to play immediately.

“I-I-I’ll g-g-get y-y-you f-f-for this, D-D-Discord!” Spike stammered out. “J-j-just y-you w-w-wait!”

“Oh come on, that sounds like one of my old lines,” Discord chuckled. “And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren’t for those meddling Elements!


Hide me!” Discord transformed into a snowpony, complete with a carrot for a horn and a cucumber for an antler. Not the most effective of disguises.

“Ah told ya to get the foals fer breakfast,” Apple Bloom said, hobbling through the trees, trying to keep her balance on the snow-covered ground. “And Ah thought Ah told ya what’d happen if ya froze mah acres again. Yah gave me yer word!”

“Oh, that?” the snowpony responded, forgetting snowponies don’t generally talk. “Yes, ummm, well… I guess I lied.”

Spike turned to the foals, grinning wide at the little ones who had stopped playing to watch the mounting disaster.

“Oh no! Discord has turned to his old, evil ways! We better stop him before he takes over all of Crusadia!”

The snowpony snapped its twig fingers, and the draconequus reappeared, watching as thirteen foals quickly prepared snowballs.

“Cutie Mark Crusaders,” Spike shouted. “Fire!”

Discord looked on in horror. “Oh f—”


Author's Note:

A bit of serious, a bit of fluff. Have fun, and see you soon!

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