• Published 13th Sep 2013
  • 15,751 Views, 1,763 Comments

A Daughter and her Dragon - Level Dasher

Spike longed for years to have a family of his own. With Twilight's help, he applies for adoption. But what is it like to be raised by royalty?

  • ...

Chapter Sixty-Four - Into the Aether

Cotton put three cookies into a pastry bag, then held it out to the stallion in front of her before sweeping his bits into the till. “Here you are, sir. Have a great day.”

“Thank you, Miss Cotton. You as well. By the way, I wanted to thank you again for your help in court. Expediting that road construction has made our neighborhood exponentially safer for the foals.”

Smiling, Cotton responded, “That’s right! You’re the one that came to us about Rose Lane! Well, I’m glad Comet Tail and the other foals have a safe place to play.”

The stallion nodded thoughtfully. “This is one of Pro’s properties, isn’t it? He’s your landlord now?”

“Yep. Guess everything came full circle.”

“Indeed it has. Well, I wish you the best of luck, Miss Cotton. If these cookies are as good as First Scoop wrote, I’m certain I’ll be back.” He turned and walked out the door, calling behind him as he left. “Have a great day!”

Waving to his back, Cotton called, “You too, sir! And please, just 'Cotton' is fine!” After he was out of sight, she flopped on top of the counter and let out a deep breath. “Geez. Again?”

“Uh, how many customers did you just have in the last hour?” Dreamweaver asked from a corner table nearby the counter.

“Heck if I know. At least forty. Maybe even fifty. The same thing happened to me yesterday. Maybe everyone that didn’t make it then all showed up today. Pretty sure I already had some returning customers, too. It’s hard to tell; all the faces bleed together after a while.”

“Wow.” He turned and looked at the door, then back at Cotton. “You sure you don’t mind me chillin’ in here again? Given how many customers you’re getting I don’t wanna take up space or anything.”

Cotton shook her head. “Not at all. Guess Cutter had the right idea— you lure them in,” she chuckled.

“I don’t think that has anything to do with me,” Dreamweaver scoffed. After looking at the clock, he closed his notebook as he said, “I better go. Do you mind if I come back Monday, too? It’s nice having a friendly spot to hang. The ponies in the place across from Cutter were usually, kinda… I dunno, snooty. Some of them told me to go to Moonbucks if I was gonna just sit and write.”

Smiling, Cotton replied, “Sure. It’d be cool to have some company when there’s a lull between customers during the lunch hour. Assuming that’ll actually happen. I doubt every day will be like today and yesterday.”

“Awesome, thanks.” He put his notebook in his saddlebag, then made his way to the door. “See you Monday, then.”

“Yep.” She followed him to the door as he walked out, then flipped her sign around to signify her own lunch break. Then she went back behind the counter and looked into her case. “Okay, definitely need to make sixty more cookies… probably should make another two coconut crèmes… I’ll do that when I get back from lunch.”

After walking back into the kitchen, she wiped down a few cookie sheets, then laid them out on the counter to prepare for her return. A moment later, she heard the bell at the door jingle. “Horseapples, must’ve just missed ‘er. But it just hit one o’clock, and the door’s open… maybe she’s— hey, Cotton?”

Cotton’s ears perked up at the voice. “Was that—” She stuck her head out the kitchen door, finding a navy blue Earth pony stallion with a black mane poking his head through the entrance. “Starry!”

“Hey, you are here! Look at you, bigshot business owner,” Starry Knight laughed, stepping inside.

Cotton rushed out and gave him a hug. “How have you been? What are you even doing now? You never told me.”

With a chuckle, Starry replied, “Still with the ‘rents. Playing the ‘starvin’ artist’ game. Far as I know, everypony else is at school again. Crimson, Tess, Aegis, Sugar… they’re all studying.”

“Yeah, last I heard. I’m still surprised Aegis didn’t apply for the Guard.”

“I know, right? My dad was, too. He says he never sees you since he’s always posted outside in the rear of the castle, except at a distance. But I barely see him, either— whenever he gets home I’m in the basement with a paintbrush.”

Giggling as she pointed at various spots of purple, red, and yellow in his coat, Cotton asked, “So that’s what these are all about? I thought that was just the latest fast fashion.”

Starry let out a snort. “Nah, some paints are just harder to get out than others. I kinda like this one, though— might keep it,” he said, pulling at a teal splotch in his mane. Then he looked around the room. “This place is awesome. So you just opened last week? And you’re already making the papers?” He chuckled. “Sweet Celestia, you have no idea how hard I laughed at that.”

“That was just dumb luck,” Cotton replied, shaking her head with a smirk. “The whole point was to get other ponies to see him here and follow his example to come in, but there was nobody else around. So not only was Blueblood a total jerk, he also had horrible timing. If that reporter hadn’t been walking out of the park at that moment, nobody would’ve known about it. Nobody would’ve believed it either, not without a credible witness, and Blueblood would’ve totally denied it.”

“Hey, dumb luck better than no luck, right?” Starry commented with his own smirk.

Cotton giggled. “Can’t argue with that.” She took a quick glance at the kitchen door, then back to him. “Y’know, you’re the first one of the Central Crew to stop by. I wasn’t expecting to get in the paper; I probably should’ve sent everyone letters, huh? But since practically nobody is home I don’t have current addresses anymore…”

“I dunno. Maybe me since I’m still around, but might not’ve helped with everypony else. ‘Cept maybe Tess, but she’s probably up to her horn in work at CU.”

“True, my friend Harmony is, too. Wonder if they ever cross paths?”

Starry shrugged. “Who knows. It’s a big place, from what I hear. Oh, hold up.” He turned and looked back at the sign on the door. “You just went on your lunch break, didn’t you? Sorry ‘bout that— I shouldn’t eat up your time.”

Rolling her eyes before shaking her head with a smile, Cotton replied, “Don’t worry about it. I was just about to head to a hayburger joint a few blocks over; wanna join me? My treat.”

“Sure! And thanks for the treat offer, but I’m not literally starving. I can pay for my own lunch,” he sighed.

“Aw, c’mon. It’s awesome to see you; lemme treat you. Considering how many customers I’ve gotten the past two days I think I can drop a few bits for another hayburger.”

Starry shook his head with a smirk. “Not a chance. I came up to see you, not to have my lunch comped.”

“Fine,” Cotton said with a huff. “Then at least let me treat you to one of these.” She went back behind the counter, took a piece of tissue paper, reached into her display case, and retrieved a chocolate-chip cookie. Putting it in a bag, she stood up just in time to see him put two bits down on the counter.

“Also not a chance.”

“Aw, come on. Please?”

“Don’t make me put ‘em in the tip jar.”

Cotton pouted, “Fiiiiine.” She swiped the bits into her till, then smiled and added, “Thanks.”

As he put the cookie in his saddlebag, Starry responded, “Of course. Now I’ve got dessert. So where’s this hayburger joint? I don’t know this area; I almost got lost on the way here.”

Guiding him out the door and locking up behind her, Cotton giggled and asked, “How’d you get lost? I’m literally right across from the park.”

“Hey, I did say ‘almost.’”


As the sun began touching the horizon, Cotton let out an exhausted sigh as she went to the door and switched her sign from ‘open’ to ‘closed.’ Making her way into the kitchen, she cleaned off her work space, wiped out the ovens, and reorganized all her ingredients. Then she picked up a clean cloth and went back out to wipe down the tables.

“Sheesh, that was just crazy. I can’t believe I almost ran out of stock again. Another whole bunch of new customers, though, that’s awesome. And only on the second day after that article.” She finished the tables, then grabbed another clean cloth and started on the counter and display case.

After a good half-hour of cleaning, she noticed the kitchen light flicker for a moment. “Ugh, I’ll have to take care of that before I go home. Didn’t think one of the lights would already be going on the fritz.” Looking into her display case, she found six slices of blueberry pie left, but nothing more. “Welp, one slice for each of us and an extra. That’s worth bringing home.”

As she reached into the case, she heard the bell at the door jingle. “I know the sign says you’re closed, but could you maybe make one more sale?”

Cotton sighed as she picked her head up. “Well, all I’ve got left is blueber—” Her voice cut off and her eyes widened when she found a charcoal-gray griffon standing in the entrance. He quietly walked in and let the door close behind him, then gradually made his way to the counter, a smile slowly growing on his beak. “Steadclaw…” Aside from the one, Cotton found herself at a loss for words.

“Yeah,” he said simply. “How’ve you been?”

Her eyes glazed over, Cotton’s mouth moved up and down a few times before she settled on, “Good.”

Steadclaw looked down at the near-empty case. “If this was full this morning, I’d say you’re doing better than ‘good.’”


Pointing at the remaining slices of pie, Steadclaw asked, “Can I buy one of those?”

After sitting still for a minute, Cotton shook herself out of her daze, then her brows furrowed before she answered, “No.”

Steadclaw tilted his head. “What?”

“I said no,” she replied. “Get out.”

“But…why?” he asked with a flinch.

Cotton let out a huff. “After what you put me through? You told me you didn’t want to speak to me anymore. I didn’t believe you at first, but when you didn’t respond to any of my letters, I started to. Then after more than six months of still writing to you and getting no response I started to think you were dead, and then the war happened, and I thought I saw you die in battle! You’ve been alive this whole time, and now you have the nerve to come back here smiling when you haven’t even bothered to contact me once? Did you hear me? I thought you were dead! After all that, what’d you expect when you came back? A welcome with open hooves?” She stopped for a moment to catch her breath, then let out a low growl. “I don’t want anything to do with you. Now get out,” she said, throwing her wiping cloth at him.

Reflexively catching the cloth in his claw as it bounced off his chest, Steadclaw said, “Cotton, what ar—”

I said get out!” she screamed, striking him across his cheek. Then she thrust her hoof towards the door. “Now!”

His eyes wide, Steadclaw shook his head as he backed away, then allowed the cloth to fall to the floor as he quickly turned tail and ran out, the bell ringing again as the door slowly closed behind him.

Cotton took a couple heavy breaths before she dropped her head into her hooves on top of the counter, letting tears fall down her cheeks to accompany her sobs. She noticed the kitchen light flicker again. “D-damn. I s-still have to d-deal with that,” she said with a sniffle.

After a moment, she heard a faint voice coming from within the kitchen.

“We… We do not understand…”

Cotton picked her head up and looked toward the kitchen. The lights inside turned off completely before the door melted away. When Princess Luna stepped into the room, her face painted in confusion, Cotton sighed.

“Cotton, We are most perplexed. We thought thou wouldst be elated to see thy former suitor once again,” Luna said. “When didst he become the subject of thine ire? We have not heard thee speak ill of him since his departure. Nor were We aware of the contents of thy correspondence with Steadclaw.”

Sniffling out another tear, Cotton replied, “I-it’s… kind of a long story, Aunt Luna.”

“‘Tis a dream, Cotton. We have ample time,” Luna responded. “Thou knowest that—”

“I-I don’t really wanna talk about it.”

Luna shut her muzzle, then nodded as she took a step towards Cotton behind the counter. “Ah. Then—”

“Why are you here, anyway?” Cotton asked, cutting her aunt off with a glare. “I’m probably just taking a catnap before I go home; you didn’t have to barge in.” As Luna opened her mouth, Cotton’s brows furrowed before she continued, “But instead of helping someone who needs you, you came here, dredging up my past and ruining my day.”

Luna’s eyes widened as she stopped short. “Cotton, We—”

“What made you think I wanted to see him? I told you I saw him die in the war; he’s never coming back. I don’t wanna see him. I don’t even wanna think about him. I’ve been trying to forget about him!” Cotton cried, tears welling up in her eyes as she advanced on Luna.

Backing up as Cotton forced her into the front of the room, Luna started, “Cotton—”

“I thought I was finished with him! I never knew what happened to him, but then there he was, and then in a split second he was gone! It didn’t matter what happened to him anymore! I thought I had my closure— there was no need to think about it because he was dead!” Cotton shouted, pounding a hoof on the floor.

Luna continued her retreat. “Cotton, We—”

“But no! You had to pry into my brain and bring it all back! I haven’t got anything! I still don’t know why!” Cotton collapsed onto the floor, burying her head in her hooves as she sobbed. “W-why?” She looked back up at Luna, tears streaming down her cheeks. "W-why did he do it, Aunt Luna?” Then her head fell back into the depths.

Luna took a deep breath, then slowly walked forward, turned around, and lay next to Cotton before draping a wing over her. “We could not say, dear Cotton. We could not say…” As Cotton continued her silent sobs, Luna nuzzled her cheek. “Our sincerest apologies, Cotton. T’was not our intention to bring these feelings to the surface and cause thee so much pain.” She sighed as she shook her head. “May We… make it up to thee?” she finished, finding the appropriate phrase.

“…Y-yeah,” Cotton answered after a moment. “I… I didn’t wanna do it before, but I just can’t take it anymore.” She looked up at Luna as she swept away her tears. “…C-can you wipe him from my memory? Make me forget him?”

Luna’s eyes widened. “Cotton, ‘tis not what We…” She stopped herself, then slowly nodded. “…‘Tis within Our abilities whilst in the Dreamscape, yes. Dost thou truly wish for Us to do so?”

Cotton nodded in return. “Please, get rid of him. I don’t wanna think about him anymore. I-I just can’t.”

“Very well. It shall be done.” Luna stood up, retracting her wing before she sat back on her haunches, gesturing for Cotton to do the same. Cotton looked up, then followed Luna’s example. Luna briefly rested her head on Cotton’s as she once again wrapped her niece in her wing like a blanket, then said, “Prithee, close thine eyes.”

“Thanks.” Cotton shut her eyes gently, leaning into her aunt’s shoulder.

Luna lit her horn, and the walls and ceiling of the shop around them melted away, leaving only a dark, starry expanse. Luna took a breath as she held Cotton close, then her horn glowed once again as she craned her neck and softly laid it on Cotton’s forehead. A moment later, she pulled a thin, foggy tether from her niece’s mind, then with a flick of her head, snapped it off and cast it away into the expanse. She nodded after it dissolved into the aether.

As an infinite hallway of doors rushed up to surround Luna on both sides, she lowered her muzzle to Cotton’s ear and whispered, “‘Tis time for thee to return home, dear Cotton.”

Cotton suddenly disappeared with a flash.

Luna stood and took a deep breath as she lay her wing back at her side. Then one of the doors behind her opened to reveal a star-filled silhouette.

“You did not actually just do that, did you?”

Luna looked over her shoulder and snorted. “Of course not. We merely disposed of the dream, and her wish for Us to delete her memory. Forgetting him entirely would mean forgetting everything he did for her. She would be a completely different pony. T’would have caused chaos Discord would be proud of. She must face this struggle herself.” Luna sighed and hung her head. “Thou wert correct. We should not have meddled.”

“Yeah, duh.”

Scowling, Luna responded, “Hush, Moondog. T’was not Our intention to upset her.”

“But you still did. I told you I had reasons not to do that.”

“As We said, t’was not Our intention,” Luna said before looking down the infinite hallway. “We were expecting… somepony else.” She turned around as she finished, “But her subconscious overpowered Us. We were merely a spectator.” Looking at the front of the door Moondog had appeared from, she cocked a brow and began, “What art thou—”

“Hey, he isn’t getting any younger,” Moondog said, shrugging her shoulders with a smirk. Then she went back through the door and shut it behind her.


Jolting awake, Cotton found herself leaning atop her empty display case. Her head lay in her hooves, one of them still grasping her cleaning cloth. She noticed a single tear running down her cheek.

“Huh. That’s weird.” She wiped the tear away as she looked outside to find the sky a deep, navy blue. “Oh horseapples, what time is it?” she cried, glancing at the clock but not actually seeing the hands’ positions. She gave the counter one last wipedown where her head had lain, then rushed into the kitchen and tossed the cloth into a bin in the sink. “Dammit dammit dammit Dad’s gonna kill me!” She double-checked that the ovens were off, grabbed her saddlebag, flipped off all the lights, then locked the front door and flew off toward the castle.

One rule… Dad gave me one rule…”


“I can’t believe she fell asleep,” Spike said to Luna, standing in the castle foyer.

Luna nodded. “‘Tis only Cotton’s second week of business, Spike. ‘Tis possible she is still not accustomed to her new schedule. She is likely exhausted.”

Spike let out a huff. “Maybe so, but I did give her only one rule: be home before nightfall.” He glared down at Luna. "And you tried to encourage her to stay asleep."

Luna glared right back and crossed her forelegs. “T’would have been an additional fifteen minutes at most. We have explained to thee how time works in the Dreamscape. How dost thou think We can visit so many—”

“Still,” Spike countered, his glare intensifying as he put his claws on his hips. “You made my daughter upset.”

Shuffling backward with wide eyes, Luna responded, “Alright, alright, thou hast created thy nub. We apologize.” Regaining her footing, she let out a breath and added, “Go easy on her, Spike. We may have removed the dream from her memory, but her emotions may yet linger.” She sighed. “By the way, We thank thee for enlightening Us about the situation with the griffon. Cotton’s reaction in her dream makes much more sense to Us now.”

“You’re welcome, but don’t tell her I told you.”

Luna shook her head. “Our muzzle is muted.”

Spike sighed himself as he crossed his arms. “It still doesn’t make sense to me; from what I knew of him, and from what Cotton told me, he didn’t seem the type to participate in battle.”

“We believed the same. ‘Tis most disappointing.”

“I wish we could just ask him. If only you and Tia hadn’t made necromancy illegal.” When Luna stared at him with wide eyes, he looked at her and said, “No, I’m not serious. Still, I wish we could find out more. It won't hurt to ask, but I doubt Ambassador Gulliver would know; Gallant wasn’t crowned until after the war. I feel so useless.”

Luna shook her head and responded, “Do not think of thyself in that manner, Spike. Thou art doing what thou art able. Thou canst not protect her from the colts in her mind.”

“No, but I can protect her from the colts out here. I’ll roast the next one that tries to make a move on her,” Spike said, letting out a small puff of smoke from the side of his mouth with a smirk.

“Spike! Thou canst not deprive thy daughter of a love life!” Luna cried, stomping the floor with a hoof.

Looking down at Luna with a cocked brow, Spike responded, “What, am I talking to Cadance now?”

After a beat, Luna frowned as she crossed her forelegs. “Nay, We simply believe Cotton shouldst have the opportunity to try again if she doth wish to take it.”

Spike rolled his eyes.

“But back to the matter at hoof; as We asked, please, make this exception for Cotton regarding her tardiness. We shall grant her a pleasant dream tonight to erase any lingering thoughts. Now, We must return to the Dreamscape.” She narrowed her eyes. “We must learn what Moondog hath done for Pip…” Luna then closed her eyes and disappeared in a flash of light.

Spike let out a breath. “Fine,” he said out loud to himself. “This one time.”

As if on cue, the door swung open, and in rushed a panting Cotton, who unceremoniously dropped onto the floor with a thud. When she looked up and found her father with his arms crossed, she groaned.

Huffing and puffing, Cotton said, “I’m… sor… ry… I’m… late… Dad… dy...I...fell...asleep…locking up.” She let out another groan, flopping onto her back as her saddlebag slid to the side. “Am… I… ground… ed?”

Spike chuckled internally. If that’s her first assumption, then it looks like I’ve drilled the importance of ‘the one rule’ into her head. Good. He leaned down and picked up Cotton’s bag, then helped her back to her hooves. “Welllll… not this time. I’ll let this one slide since you’re still adjusting to a new schedule. I’d advise going to sleep sooner.”

After taking a moment to regain her breath, Cotton sighed with relief. “Thank you, Daddy. I think you hit it on the head; I definitely need to get to bed earlier.”

Spike shook his head before saying, “You won’t be able to use schedule adjustment as an excuse for being late again, though. Next time you’ll face the full consequences. Understand?”

Cotton nodded, sitting up straight on her haunches. “Yes, Daddy. It won’t happen again.”

With a smile, Spike leaned down and kissed Cotton on the top of her head. “That’s my girl. Now, go have dinner. I can’t imagine you’re not hungry.” Then he raised a brow and smirked. “Unless you’ve been eating your own stock again.”

“Once! I did that once!” Cotton huffed. Then she chuckled, shaking her head. “I’m gonna go have dinner now.”

“Good. Now don’t let Tasty Twist give you any of his own sweets tonight; you won’t get to sleep earlier if you’re on a sugar high.”

“Truth,” Cotton giggled.

Before moving for the stairs, Spike said, “Just come say goodnight before you go to bed, Sweetheart. Enjoy your dinner.” He leaned down and kissed Cotton on the cheek, a gesture she returned in kind.

“I will, Daddy. On both accounts.” She cantered toward the kitchen with a sigh, then Spike faintly heard, “Hey Twist, do you have any good gems? And I need the flour and everything. Just wanna eat first.

Spike grinned as he ascended the staircase.

Hmm… maybe I should let her off the hook next time, too…

Author's Note:

This is one of the chapters that had already been basically written way in advance. And I mean way in advance. According to Google Docs, I started it in June of 2018— five months before I started writing the Entr’acte (ch 32-34, the correspondence letters). It’s one of those scenes that I was writing when I said I was ‘working on later chapters’ because I was stuck on chapters that at the time would have been the ‘present.’

But yeah, I unfortunately have to leave you guys off here for now. There are a few tidbits I needed to skip over in the next chapter that I still haven't finished just yet (that, and I'm working on a prequel!)—which is why I was so hesitant to update to this point—and then I need to reach a good pausing place. But the chapters ARE COMING, I promise! I'll be updating the date in the story description to prove it!

Comments ( 54 )

Yo Moondog from the Tantabus series appeared.

I bet if he knew how busy Cotton was Spike would understand, and probably tell her to get an employee helper or something, even if temporarily to live through the grand opening rush.

Still a good dad tho.

not gonna lie, you had me in the first half of the dream.

You get my hopes up for answers, and then you crush them. Crushed them into little, tiny, bite-sized pieces.

So Steadclaw really is gone then?

I’m still convinced the letter problem was caused by state censorship and steel claw should not be held accountable.

oooph you hit me right in the feels with that one... oooooooooo you sly pony you got me good


Oh very likely. But she doesn't know that.

The evidence seems to be pointing that way, but we don't know for certain. That being said, this chapter gives us the clearest indication yet (though not the first) that the story not dealing with the fallout is because Cotton is trying to cope by ignoring it. It also suggests that she is most likely going to need to work through it eventually, if only for her own emotional health.

Hope this chapter means we’re finally getting some closure for Steadclaw’s character coming up.

... I'm with Cotton on this one. I'm still bitter about Steadclaw being shoved out of the story like he was. I kept reading and tried to forget it among everything else happening, and now that I'm reminded of it, I'm not happy.

I really, really hope this means we get Steadclaw back, or at the minimum, answers.

... I’m still holding out some hope that he’s being held captive somewhere for some reason

When he waltzed in and the lights were flickering, I starting thinking it was a old-hive changeling or something nefarious like that. Whew, just a dream...

And I'm with the others, she should seriously consider a part time assistant. Even if they do nothing but run the register and clean up at the end of the day, it'd free her up so she could churn out the baked goods everypony wants.

This chapter and it's easy feels exploitation is why I maintain my downvote for the story. Jesus, just throwing a kewl OP batpony guard without vices instead of a fleshy personality with a dash of culture shock is cheap af.

Do better, Dasher. The audience is not Cotton to just frustrate over a "show not tell" situation. And no, a vision of battle is not reliable information.

Oh, I dashed through the authors notes and though you DID write rewiews, just of a different kind. But honestly, it's not bad. Just very off-brand for what the character would concentrate on for the type of rewiewing he does. You will see coloured-up articles to farm attention from time to time but he'd put anything more just to be thorough.

The age-old rule. He's not dead until we see the body. That hiss? The fact that Steadclaw's letter didn't sound like him? I'm calling an alternate group of changelings. Maybe some who don't like being part of Equestria? Or maybe some other creature I'm not aware of. This has buildup written all over it.

From what I remember Steadclaw is probably pretty innocent here; from the letters he sent and what we heard about GIlda trying to get him to stay away I think this is what happened. Anti-pony sentiment was building in the griffon territories so he was forced to stop communicating with Cotton for fear of his own life. If he was found to be communicating with a pony he would be seen as a spy, or a pony sympathizer at least. Then when the war actually started he was likely conscripted into the army and forced to fight. So yeah there is a high chance Steadclaw is dead and if they find out the what happened, Cotton gets to feel like shit for thinking that Steadclaw just up and abandoned her when he was trying to stay alive.

Yep. Shuffle Step and Hover Hop. 'The Dancers' when referred to as a couple (Gonna be mentioned next chapter— doesn't really spoil anything to say it now).
Edit: dammit, forgot to go back to the right chapter. :facehoof:

When I picture the scars, I see something more along the lines of Prince Zuko's burn in Avatar.

That really is more what they look like. But like TheGreatEater said, it depends on the artist. Sometimes they visualize things a bit differently, and as long as things aren't WAY off the mark, I like to let artists just kinda do their thing.

I will see how this unfolds.

Just got around to reading the newer chapters, I love them and hope to see more.

Trust me. I am.


I'm still working on the prequel right now, though (I'm kinda jumping between them), and that's gonna need to be published before chapter 65. I'm still gonna need my editor to look at everything, too, so it'll take more time than that. But if I have everything edited before I start publishing again, you might get months worth of chapters coming up in one shot. I'm debating putting another break point in between some of those chapters if I get up to a certain point edited.

Holy crap I did not see this coming

I mean, it's not like there's 3 very smart princesses and a dragon and a DISCORD to investigate Steadclaw. Or the Sudden Griffon War. Or to check on Gilda.

Wait, no, to do that they'd have to know what's in the LETTERS! The ones that have upset Cotton so much SHE NEVER TALKED TO HER FAMILY ABOUT THEM.

I mean...Griffonstone was part of Equestria, or a Vassal State, or some form of ally to Equestria. Griffonia performs a hostile takeover, and Equestria...ignores it? Really? After making such a big deal out of HAVING to punish Buzz when he 'broke a treaty'?

Wait, nevermind, I forgot, this all happened behind the scenes during the timeskip. How dare I not think of that! Also Sunset Shimmer came back and married Blueblood! Trixie got eaten by a landshark! Rarity put her soul in the Fire Ruby so she isn't actually dead! Human Twilight Sparkle caused the Canterlot Fire when her lab exploded studying the portal, but cause and effect were delayed due to the vagaries of the portal mechanisms!

Fantastic story so far ☺️

Looking forward to new chapters.

Looking forward to reading more. Great story! :twilightsmile:

ANY Idea when a new chapter will be out? ANY Idea?!?!?!?!?!

Oh man, I wish I could tell you, I really do. I've got a window up with no fewer than ten chapters that are essentially finished [see a few comments down with embedded image], but 1) aren't the immediate next chapters, and 2) may be subject to minor changes [and need to be run by my editor after that anyway]. That window has been sitting up—I kid you not—since I last updated. Light spoiler: the next chapter is going to have a flashback to the prequel I'm currently working on, and I don't know what I'm actually flashing back to yet. And the writing process for the prequel has been… complicated.
I've jumped back to DaD chapters in between working on the prequel and other projects that have been presented to me, but if you're worried about the story not reaching completion, trust me, ain't gonna happen. Too much work has gone into it on my and others' parts for it to not reach the end. Problem is that writer's block has hit me like a friggin' freight train. :fluttershbad:

This is by far the most creative and unique fic I have read. It has humour comedy puns dad jokes romance slice of life nostalgia depression harshness of the real world of responsibility family support and a whole rollercoaster of emotions overflowing to the brim. I wish I could find out how Cotton would move on and have a foal with someone else for Spike to call a grandfilly. I ship Cotton × Tacca if possible. I actually support the steadclaw ship while it lasted. But it would be good to know what actually happened to steadclaw.

I hope that you can get through that writers block. The story has gone from one that I kept coming back to because I was curious about how played out to one of my favorites because I keep reading it over and over again. This is the 6th or 7th time I've come back to reading it and the first chapter still makes me cry. :raritycry:

Same here. I wish the story could progress. If he can't make an ending of his own he can clearly use the tacca bat pony card being in love with cotton after cotton gets over steadclaw or something after she finds out what really happened with steadclaw and progress it towards a romantic ending. I mean the shipping was good while it lasted and it felt natural.

I really wish this story would reach its completion. I repeatedly come back hoping to see some progress. The fic has come so far its a pity if it won't finish.

Oh, trust me, it's going to finish. I've put too much work into it for it not to. I actually have a lot of material written, just not the next chapter's material. I've run into a roadblock, and I'm going to need to finish the prequel first, but it will finish, don't worry.

U mean u had an accident on the road or u meant u have writers block. I'm confused?. I'm a great fan of your work and have already read this fic like 15 times now. Its such a masterpiece that it pains me to see it unprogressed for almost an year or so. I keep coming back to see if there are are any new chapters. But then again I can't force u to write it because creativity needs time. It cannot be rushed. I wish I was employed and had salary I would have paid to get this fic written. That's how much I adore this fic 💜. If ur not feeling well I understand. U have offered this much for us fans and I thank u for it. I cherished reading every single chapter and even binge read it out of nostalgic memories. Thank u for making it this far. Its ok of this won't progress. I have to come to terms with reality. Reality is always harsh.

Oh wow, you're really kind— thank you so much! :heart:

Since I have a morbid sense of humor that first question is actually kinda funny, because the answer is both, in a way. I have hit writer's block for this story and its prequel (which needs to be published first before the next chapter, ch 65) for an annoyingly long time (:twilightangry2:), but I also got in a minor car accident a few weeks ago and am going to physical therapy for it :twilightoops: (but don't worry, it really isn't that bad).

You aren't the only one who's told me how much they like this fic (humblebrag :twilightsheepish:), and I really want to keep going with it. If you check out the picture in this comment down below you can see how much material I have just about ready for editing (except for the first three, very center, and last two, every one of those docs is a chapter that's basically complete), but I need to finish ch 65 first because little details based on that chapter could always lead to minor (or major, it's happened!) changes in the next ones, and spoiler alert, ch 65 will have flashbacks to the prequel which haven't been written yet.

And on top of freelance work, I'm also in the process of prepping a newly purchased condo so it can be ready for me to move in, hopefully in September— electrical work, appliance shopping and installation, painting, furnishing, all of it takes a ridiculous amount of time and energy, I've barely had time to read.

As soon as inspiration strikes again I'll be getting fingers to keys as best I can. I do want to get updates out, but I want to make sure they're up to my standard of quality before I publish them. Thank you for being such a fan of my story and so patient with me :twilightsmile:; I promise you the story will reach completion, I just don't know how long it'll take. :facehoof:

I hope ur doing well. Have u purchased the condo u wished for?. I'm prepping to get into my own freelance career so I had to ask. Do u live all own ur own? Must be quite challenging and lonely.

I am, thanks! Yep, condo is all purchased and ready to be moved into! You actually have good timing— tomorrow is the actual MOVING day where they're bringing all of the big furniture and a lot of things I'm packing up over to the condo, but my internet service isn't moving for another two days, so I'm holding on to a chair and a small folding table (and a couch which someone else is buying after I move out) and staying in the apartment until the service gets moved. :rainbowlaugh:
And yep, currently a bachelor with my own pad (have for a while), but working on it. :raritywink: Eh, not really that challenging, actually, though yeah, sometimes a bit lonely. :ajsleepy: But I've got you guys in the meantime! :twilightsmile:

Wow. Thats really awesome. Ur becoming ur own man. Extremely happy to hear. Ur life story is actually motivating me to be free and independent as well. I'm only about to graduate. But I'm preparing myself for a successful freelancer on the sidelines currently. Hopefully I'll get my first paycheck the coming year.

Im still waiting for the next chapter. Even if its gonna take all eternity. 😌

Thank you so much for being such a loyal fan. :pinkiesad2: I’m actually in the hospital again recovering from major surgery and haven’t had access to my laptop for a few weeks (the longest I’ve been without it!), so I haven’t really come on site. Comments like this really made my day (even though it’s early) when I felt strong enough to check my phone. :heart:
This story, all its tabs, and its prequel and tabs are still sitting in my dock and always have been. That spark just hasn’t come back yet… :fluttershyouch:
As soon as things tone down and the block clears up, I’m gonna try and do as best as I can, but I never like guaranteeing anything unless I have it in my ‘hand.’
Thanks again for your loyalty! :heart:

You will make it bro. Positivity is the first step to recovery.

U should be glad that u have wrote such an amazing fiction in terms of both word count as well as plot quality. Ive been cooking up my own fiction in my head for so long but i havent put it on paper or posted it in this site. The main reason being that i dont want to upset some fan who loves my story until i get a writers block and stops writing. I know the pain of waiting for a fiction to complete for so long. That i used to be a little mad about my favourite authors works not getting published but i realised my mistake when i tried brewing my own fic in my mind and never making it reach its proper conclusion. I have written my fic on a notepad on windows pc about 70 percent of it but the rest i cant even fathom how its supposed to go. After this i have found a huge amount of new found respect for fiction authors who write very large and elaborate fics. So in a way what im saying is i know the pain of being two sides of the same coin. I have health issues of my own but i dont think about them. I positively think that i can recover quickly if i do proper exercise, sleep and drink water at the right time. I also dont put negative mental thoughts about my ailments at all. Instead i think how my fiction plot should end as a happy thought with positivity so that i will find the conclusion im looking for someday and actually get into writing the fic. I think u should do the same. Whatever the sickness maybe, be a soldier and find your own equestria to battle your sickness and all will be well brother.

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