• Published 13th Sep 2013
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A Daughter and her Dragon - Level Dasher

Spike longed for years to have a family of his own. With Twilight's help, he applies for adoption. But what is it like to be raised by royalty?

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Chapter Six - This chapter is a blankflank (Part One)

Are you excited?” Twilight called over the buffeting sound of the air.

What?” Cotton shouted back, unable to hear the alicorn.

Are you…” Twilight tried louder, before giving up. “Hmmm, maybe if I reverse the ninth sigil and…” she muttered as her horn glowed. “…there!

The sound of the wind in their ears died as a shimmering dome surrounded the carriage. “I was asking, ‘Are you excited?’

Cotton dropped to the floor of the carriage, covering her ears as Twilight’s shout reverberated and rebounded inside the shimmering dome. “Oww!”

“Oops, sorry.” Twilight looked sheepishly at the filly. She tried again, asking quieter. “Are you excited?”

Cotton got to her hooves again, nervously pawing at the ground. “I don’t know. What if they don’t like me?”

“Oh, Cotton. Of course they’ll like you. They’ll all love you, and you know how proud your dad is to be able to introduce you to all of our friends.” Twilight giggled, pulling the filly into a side-long wing hug. “And don’t you worry, Aunt Sweetie Belle and Auntie Twily will be here with you. And you’ll finally get to meet your cousins, won’t that be exciting‽”

A deep cough in front of them interrupted their conversation.

“Oh, and your dad will be there, too,” Twilight added, looking toward her brother, embarrassed. “Sorry, Spike.”

“Oh, don’t mind me, I’m just the transportation,” he chuckled, a deep rumble vibrating through the base of their carriage.

Luna was particularly miffed when Twilight accepted Spike’s offer to transport them to the ‘family’ reunion, bemoaning the fact she was the only princess who had never gotten to ride a dragon anywhere (in her mind, the Empress of a Vassal State did not count). Sulking, she returned to her room with a “very well, be that way!” before they left, having only given Cotton the mandatory five-minute hug before departing.

Spike began a slow descent; the pegasus guards flanking Spike would likely not approve of his normal dead-drop from the sky. Rainbow had taught him that trick years ago, when he got his wings. Truthfully, with his daughter in the carriage harness strapped between his wings, he wasn’t keen on performing that maneuver either.

Oh, and there was a princess or somepony unimportant with his daughter, too. Whatever.

“We’re here!” Spike exclaimed, aiming them towards the currently empty eastern field. Running from the treeline came six foals, all looking to the sky, waving at the descending dragon. The pegasus guard to Spike’s right broke formation and dropped to the ground, clearing the children away from the dragon’s landing area.

The second Spike touched the ground and tucked his wings back, the foals rushed past the guard to meet the new arrivals. The fillies, of course, dashed towards the Princess as she helped Cotton out of the carriage. The colts were torn between the awesome, huge dragon and the guards with their cool spears and armor.

“Hello, my little ponies,” Twilight beamed at the foals as they jumped around. Cotton hid herself between Spike’s thick forelegs.

“Howdy, Princess!”

“Heya, Princess!”

“Hey Spike, when can you take me for a ride?”

“Oh my gosh! Who’s that? We have to have a Welcome-to-Ponyville Party!”

“Princess, did granny tell you I got my cutie mark?”

“Spike, can you like, blow a big fireball or something?”

“Pipe down, y’all, and give the Princess and Spike some room.” A familiar scarlet-gray stallion stepped out from the treeline, chastising the bouncing foals.

One of the pegasus guards stepped forward, offering a crisp salute. “Sir, I wasn’t informed you were going to be here today, Sir. Your orders?”

Novamac grinned, shooting a glance at the chuckling dragon. “Y’all know Ah’m a Ponyville stallion. Yer the CO for this visit, Sergeant. Ah’m just here visiting family. Ah got other soldiers ta keep in line today.”

He turned towards the fidgeting foals. “G’won, git back. Y’all got work to do, and Granny Bloom’ll tan yer hides if’n ya don’t get back to it.”

The group followed the energetic foals as they made their way to the old Sweet Apple Acres homestead. Cotton kept close to Spike as they walked.

“What’s your name?” A filly with a bright gold, curly mane bounced backwards in front of Cotton, pushing her muzzle into Cotton’s face. “My name’s Pecan Pie. Do you like candy? Or cupcakes?”

Novamac grunted, “Pecan, what’ve Ah told ya ‘bout givin’ ponies their space?”

“That it’s for boring brothers who don’t know how to have fun?” Pecan giggled as she grabbed Cotton by the hooves. “You should come play with us!”

“Cotton, this hyperactive ball’a sugar’s mah little sister, Pecan.” He turned towards the bounding filly. “Now, Pecan, say ‘hi’ like a normal pony would.”

“Hi!” Pecan shrilled, pulling Cotton towards the group of foals so fast she left behind two filly-sized dust clouds behind them.

Twilight giggled as Spike let out a hearty laugh.


As she approached the old house, Twilight heard the creaking of rocking chairs stop as their occupants stood up to greet her. “Applejack! Pinkie Pie!” She dashed towards her two friends and pulled them into a deep hug.

“Gosh, Twi! Ya done grown even tall’r. Ah reckon soon Ah won’t even reach yer ankles.”

“Oh come on, Applejack. I’m not that tall,” the alicorn said, blushing.

Both Pinkie Pie and Applejack tilted their necks back, looking up at the taller mare.

“What’s the weather like in Cloudsdale?” Pinkie snorted.

“Ah kin barely hear ya from down here,” Applejack added.

“Maybe we should try yodeling to her.” Pinkie Pie warbled, “Yodel-ay-hee-hoo?”

Twilight unceremoniously planted her butt on the ground, crossing her forearms and pouting, causing Pinkie and Applejack to laugh even harder.

“Maybe if ya didn’t hang ‘round princesses and dragons all the time, ya’d realize how big yer gettin’,” Applejack laughed, playfully punching Twilight in the shoulder. “Now how ‘bout those royal hooves come’n give me an’ Pinks a hoof in the kitchen?”


“Ah’m fine, Pa. Ah got Spike here ta help me carry the wood. You jus’ sit down ‘fore ya do yer back in ag’in.”

Spike’s eyes darted between the two stallions.

“Nnnope.” Big Mac scowled.

Even in his old age, he never lost the musculature he held in his youth. His son Pippin took more after his mother, and less after his father, but the mulberry stallion still cut an imposing figure.

“Th’ doc said you were ta take it easy fer a few weeks,” Pippin argued. “An’ don’t matter how old Ah am, Ma’ll still tan mah hide if’n Ah let ya help. Ah ain’t gon’ argue with her fer the sake of yer pride!”

Whilst they were arguing, Spike had loaded the bulk of the wood into a cart and carefully crept away, hauling the wood as he went.

“Those two at it again?” a smartly-dressed unicorn stallion chuckled, approaching Spike.

“Mornin’, Dapper.” Spike smiled, a toothy grin across his face. “You heard them, I take it?”

“Those two are always at it,” Dapper laughed. “So anyway, I hear congratulations are in order. Where is your lovely daughter?”

“Pecan dragged her out to play, so they’re either out in the fields, or Pecan’s set up an impromptu party somewhere. That wouldn’t be too bad, actually; Cotton does love cake.”

“I have no idea how Pippin has any energy left to argue with Uncle Mac with that little one running around.”

“Ever known an Apple to not be stubborn?” Spike chuckled. “How’s your mother-in-law doing? I haven’t seen her yet; she wasn’t inside when Twilight and I went to the house.”

“She’s been organising something for the newest generation of Cutie Mark Crusaders.” Dapper shuddered. “I fear to guess what that might be.”

“If I remember correctly, you were one of the ‘newest generation of Cutie Mark Crusaders,’ right?” Spike grinned, as they stopped and unloaded the wagon.

“As a foal, they were some of the greatest days of my life…” He smiled, reminiscing in the memories of meeting his future wife. His features darkened as his voice dropped. “… but as a father, I lie awake at night, sweating. I’m constantly haunted by night-terrors of foals covered in tree sap, storming through our store and destroying everything. Everything!

Spike stared at the unicorn, unsure of what to say, until Dapper broke out into a grin, laughing.

“Okay, maybe they aren’t that bad. At least Apple Bloom and your Sister-in-law filter out the more ridiculous ideas.”

“Ridiculous ideas!” Spike guffawed. “Dapper, I was dealing with the crusaders before you were even a twinkle in your mom’s eye. You haven’t seen ridiculous, trust me!”


“Front and center, Crusaders!” the aged mare barked as she marched along the formation line of foals.

Cotton stood slack-jawed, watching the foals fidgeting as they sat in a line in front of the old mare. Aunt Sweetie Belle sat off to the side, a smile across her face, chatting with the strangest creature Cotton had ever seen. Sweetie Belle noticed Cotton watching her, and gave the filly a wink.

“Granny Bloom, Granny Bloom!” one of the foals was rocking on her hind quarters, forearm stretched high in the air, trying to get the older mare’s attention.

“Crusader Katya, do you have something to say?” Granny Bloom barked, though Cotton noticed a smile tugging at the side of her mouth.

“Granny, we have a new perspective member for the Cutie Mark Crusaders!” Katya’s voice coming out in an excited squeak as she rocked back and forth.

“Well, do we now?” Granny Bloom chuckled, turning towards Cotton. “I didn’t see ya there, young filly. Why don’t ya come over here an’ introduce yerself.”

Cotton shied away, until Sweetie Belle came up beside her, gently nudging her towards the front of the group. Largo and Nocturne, two colts who’d introduced themselves as her cousins earlier, cheered as Cotton and Sweetie Belle stood at the front of the group.

“Well, hello there, young Cotton. Our Sweetie Belle’s told me all about ya. My name’s Apple Bloom, but you kin call me Granny Bloom if ya want.” Apple Bloom smiled, ruffling Cotton’s raspberry mane. “You ready to have some fun?”

Cotton nodded quietly.

“Well, go sit down with yer cousins, and we’ll get started.”

“And cause a little chaos in the process!” the strange creature to the side shouted, a toothy grin plastered across his misshapen face.

“Oh hush, ya old goat!” Granny turned, poking a tongue out at the strange creature. Cotton’s eyes went wide when the creature crossed its mismatched arms and returned the gesture with his own serpentine tongue. She had never seen a goat that looked like that!

“Now, we’ve got a few activities planned toda—”

“I wanna get a hang-gliding cutie mark!” Largo yelled, interrupting Granny Bloom.

“Well… I don’t know about…”

The strange creature’s mouth twitched into a smile.

“We should totally get bungee-jumping cutie marks!” Gala turned to an excited Holly. “Hey Cuz, do we still have that stretchy rope stuff?”

“Nope. But I bet Unca’ Discord could make all kinds of stretchy ropes,” Holly replied.

“Taffy would work well,” the strange creature said, casually examining his lion paw.

Aunt Sweetie Belle chuckled, digging an elbow into the creature’s side.

“We wanna get bobsledding cutie marks!” two more colts, Topaz and Winter Gem, called out.

“B-bobsledding?” Granny Bloom stuttered. “It’s th’ middle o’ summer! Ya can’t go bobsleddin’ in th’ middle o’ summer!”

The other foals, all keen on the new idea, turned wide, puppy dog eyes towards the strange creature.

“Oh, I’m sure I could handle that with but the click of the claw,” he said, smiling as he pressed one eagle talon against another. It was only Granny Bloom’s scowl that stopped him.

“Sorry, children. Not today.” He frowned as he put his arm down. “I wasn’t really going to do it… probably,” he finished with a sly grin.

“But why would makin’ it snow be bad?” Winter Gem, the youngest of the foals, asked.

“Because he won’t freeze my farm again if he knows what’s good for ‘im.”


Spike let out a chuckle as he heated yet another trough of water with a gentle flame. He had warned his daughter what he was doing, and while she stood behind him so that she couldn’t see, she still excitedly told him about her day as he worked.

“That was so much fun!” Cotton bounced on the spot, her coat attached to her youngest ‘cousin’ Nocturne’s by a liberal amount of tree sap.

“Ours was the fastest,” Nocturne squeaked. “I still can’t believe we didn’t get box-karting cutie marks.”

“Okay you two, get in the trough and wash up. I’ve got five more of these things to heat up before lunch is served.” Spike planted a small kiss on his daughter’s forehead, and whispered, “I’m glad you’re having fun.”


The table was absolutely packed.

Cotton sat between her Auntie Twilight and the spot where her dad could lay his head. She couldn’t believe the size of the meal spread before them; every possible dish that could be made from apples covered every square inch of the table.

Cotton’s mind was filled-to-bursting with the names of everypony introduced to her. She was excited to finally meet the remaining Elements of Harmony. The filly had read all about them in history class, and she could hardly believe the two old mares sitting at the table were the Pinkie Pie and Applejack.

Novamac sat next to Pecan Pie, trying to ignore the faces his mother and grandmother were making at him. Something about the Royal Guards never smiling. He burst into laughter when his little sister sneezed from the breadstick she had stuffed up her nose. Pinkie Pie joined in the laughter, while Pecan’s mother, Cherry Pie, scolded her daughter over the inappropriate use of bread-based products.

Discord, whose name Cotton had finally learned, sat next to a smaller, strange creature. She looked like a mix of a pony and a whatever-he-was. She had a dragon’s tail, a lizard’s leg and a goat’s leg as her back legs, normal pony forearms and hooves, and two pegasus wings on her back. She had the prettiest yellow coat and a light-pink mane. A gruff-looking earth pony stallion, with a charcoal gray coat, wearing a gray tweed flat-cap sat next to her.

Applejack sat next to her brother, Big Macintosh. Dozing quietly next to him was his wife; she’d been a teacher at the school Aunt Sweetie Belle and Granny Bloom had gone to. Another stallion argued with Big Mac about wood cutting, while Cherry Pie cuddled next to him.

Taking up nearly an entire side of the table themselves sat Granny Bloom’s family. Her two sons and her daughter, their partners, and the eight foals that made up her grandfoals. Cotton could barely remember all of their names, and those were just the few she had met. The older grandchildren had stayed near the house, along with her cousin Allegrezza, while Cotton and the others played out in the fields.

Allegrezza, Largo, and Nocturne sat with Aunt Sweetie and Uncle Shady. They weren’t really her cousins; her actual cousin, Medley Belle and her husband were away on a cruise. They had left their children with Aunt Sweetie Belle and Uncle Shady. Spike had told her she could call the three foals her cousins, because first-cousins-once-removed was a mouthful for even a dragon to say all the time, and he had a pretty huge mouth.

Applejack stood up, clinking a spoon against a glass.

“Ah’d like ta thank y’all for comin’ to our family reunion. Seems like ev’ry year these things come’n go quicker each time.” She beamed at the table. “While not all of us are blood kin, Ah can honestly say Ah couldn’t ask fer a better family. With that out of the way…” Applejack pause to take a breath. “Soup’s on, everypony!”

“Soup’s on!” the rest of the party echoed in chorus.

The meal descended into chaos as conversations between ponies picked up again while they ate.

“So when’re ya gonna find a nice mare, settle down, an’ come back ta the farm?” Pippin asked, turning his gaze toward his son, Novamac. Cherry Pie stopped fussing over her daughter and also focused her attention on Novamac.

“Ah jus’ got promoted, and Ah still got three years of mah commission t’ go. Ah ain’t gonna leave yet, not while th’ Princesses still need me,” Novamac huffed, trying to avoid his parents’ gaze.

Twilight chortled. “Mmm, and you don’t have to worry about him finding a mare.” Novamac turned towards the Princess, a pleading look in his face. “He’s been getting rather close to Private Nightshade.”

Spike raised an eyebrow. “Reeeeeeally?” he asked, with a predatory grin. “And to think I actually believed the two of you when you said you were patrolling the gardens for potential intruders. This is a very serious breach of protocol!”

“Ah was!” Novamac put his hoof down. “Ah would never do somethin’ like that when on duty.”

“So then off duty?” Cherry Pie asked, matching Spike’s grin. “Do tell us all about this mare you’ve been hiding from your dear mother.” Her lip quivered as she spoke the last two words.

“Uhhh, uhhh,” Novamac stammered. He slumped his head in defeat. “We’ve only been goin’ out a few weeks, Ma. Ah was gonna introduce ya soon, Ah promise. Ah jus’ wanna make sure she’s the right one.”

Cherry Pie pulled her son into a bone-crushing hug, Twilight and Spike laughing at the flailing guardspony.

“Wait!” Cotton gasped, wide-eyed. “Novamac’s going out with Nightshade?” She swooned. “She’s so pretty! I really like her wings!”

“A pegasus, eh son?” Pippin nudged his son in the ribs. “Takin’ after yer great-aunt AJ?”

“Who’s takin’ after th’ what now?” Applejack asked across the table.

“M’boy’s takin’ after ya, Auntie,” Pippin responded to her question, laughing raucously. “Boy’s gone an’ nabbed himself a pretty little cloudbeater!”

Novamac’s already scarlet-gray coat darkened as his cheeks flushed.

“Nightshade isn’t a pegasus; she’s a bat-pony!” Cotton piped up. Novamac’s blush became even more pronounced.

“They’re called Noctis,” Twilight corrected Cotton, “or Noctii if you’re referring to them in plural. 'Bat-pony' is a colloquial name for them, and to add to that, it’s kind of a rude name for them, too.”

“Oh, okay,” Cotton responded with a smile. “She’s still pretty!”

Spike bit his tongue trying to hold back his laughter, while Novamac sank in his chair under the shocked gaze of his parents.

“Well, good on ya!” Applejack added. “Ah just ‘bout reckon noctises—”

“Noctii,” Twilight corrected.

“Err, yeah, noctii… would be about the only blood-line left we don’t have in the Apple family tree. So when’s th’ weddin’?”

Spike gave up his fight against laughter as Cotton and Pecan Pie started singing ‘Novamac and Nightshade sitting in a tree...’

The sound of a loud gong caught everyone’s attention. Discord stood at the head of the table, a large padded stick in his lion paw, a brass gong suspended by ropes from his talons.

“Daaaaaad,” the half-pony-whatever-she-was moaned. “Do you have to be so loud?”

“What kind of silly question is that?” Discord asked, flicking the gong over his shoulder like a frisbee, then tossing the padded stick into his mouth. “Hmmm, needs more hot sauce.

“I wanted to get everypony’s attention, because my little Eris and her husband have some wonderful news to share.”

Everypony turned to the pair, the gray pony put a gentle hoof on Eris’s own. “Everypony, as you all know, Stonecutter and I have wanted a foal for a few years now. You all know the difficulties we’ve had in trying…” Tears came to her eyes. “…we got back from the doctor a few weeks ago. It’s official; I’m going to be a momma!”

The table broke into cheers, everypony congratulating the couple, as well as the grandfather-to-be.

“Ya know this’ll mean we can finally get revenge, you old goat!” Apple Bloom chortled.

“Mmmhmm,” Sweetie Belle agreed. “Think of all the fun crusades we could take your grandchild on.”

“My grandchild will be born nearly one-quarter pure chaos.” Discord floated over his daughter’s shoulder. Waving a paw over her belly, he produced a target. “Do your worst!”

The two elder mares looked at each other with evil grins.

“Cutie Mark Accountancy Crusaders, yay!” they chorused.

“No!” Discord went white, from antler to tail. “You wouldn’t!

“What’s wrong with accountancy?” one of Apple Bloom’s daughters-in-law asked. “Without a good accountant, this farm wouldn’t be anywhere near as successful as it is.”

Discord wasn’t listening; he’d already transformed into a bouquet of flowers and a tombstone which read, ‘Here lies Discord, Spirit of Chaos. Died of Boredom.’

Author's Note:

Okay, so the whole family tree is probably really hard to follow, so if anyone gives a rat's, here's the link for the one I use in my notes.

I still have the original, but Crystal Moose did an amazing job re-doing the family tree! The original had a few names and characters missing, but that's since been fixed up! :twilightsmile:

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