• Published 13th Sep 2013
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A Daughter and her Dragon - Level Dasher

Spike longed for years to have a family of his own. With Twilight's help, he applies for adoption. But what is it like to be raised by royalty?

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Chapter Forty-One - It Comes with the Territory

Cotton trudged through the bakery’s back door, setting her saddlebag against the wall before letting her key drop to the floor. She opened the door to the front room just a crack and found Cookie Cutter at the register, counting the till.

“Mr. Cutter? Can I talk to you for a second?” Cotton asked.

The baker turned around, satisfied that she was still unseen. He grunted, then walked through the door after Cotton had stepped aside. “What is it, girl?”

Cotton sighed. “I need to take some time off. My uncle just passed away. I’m leaving this morning, but I’ll only be gone until Monday, so I’m only gonna miss another two days.”

Cookie Cutter snorted. “Time off? You want time off? This is a full-time job, girl. You can’t just go and take days off like that. I’m already giving you weekends.”

Her eyes widened. “But… but Mr. Cutter, the funeral is Saturday! He was really important to us. I need to be with my family!”

“If you want to keep this job, where you need to be is here, girl.”

“You don’t pay me!” Cotton cried. “Why would I need to stay here? All I came here for was experience!”

“And you’re getting that here.”

Cotton furrowed her brows. “No I’m not! You haven’t taught me anything! All I’ve done is bake my own recipes while you run the register. I get nothing out of it! I’m practically your slave!

Cookie Cutter’s eyes narrowed. “You’re getting practice.”

“I could do that at home! I have everything I need! I’ve gotten nothing from you for the last two months except demands, demands, demands!” Cotton took a deep breath to calm herself. “Look, I don’t care what you say; I’m going whether you like it or not.”

As she turned to exit the kitchen, the baker retorted, “Girl, if you walk out that door, you’re not coming back.”

Cotton turned around and snorted at him. “You’re bluffing, Mr. Cutter. I know you don’t want me to leave. You need me.”

“And what makes you say that, girl?”

“Because I know what you’ve been doing.” She stormed past Cookie Cutter and marched into the front room.

“Hey! Get back here, girl!”

“No,” Cotton responded, with steel in her voice. “Know why I know you need me?” She walked toward the plate of cookies on the counter.

Cookie Cutter tried to step in front of her, but she pushed him away as he cried, “Hey! Don’t you da—”

Cotton picked up the stand that held the label for the plate, then shoved it into Cookie Cutter’s face. “Because otherwise you won’t have anyone to bake your special cookies.”

The baker growled. “I can do just fine without you, girl.”

“Horseapples,” Cotton spat. “I know these have been your best seller. Why else would they be the first thing I make every single day?” She pulled the label from the stand and ripped it in half, then threw the stand to the floor behind her. “You’re nothing without me.” She picked up the plate and flipped it upside down, letting the previous day’s leftover cookie fall to the floor and crumble. Internally cheering to herself when she saw the baker’s muzzle drop, she gently put the plate back in its place, then simply said, “You’re on your own.” She pushed the kitchen door open and walked into the back, then moved for her saddlebag. Cookie Cutter hurried after her.

With a barely audible quaver, the baker said, “I’ll give you one chance, girl. You stay here, I’ll put your name on the cookie label. But if you walk out that door, you’re fired, and I’ll make sure you never work for another confectioner in this entire city.”

Cotton snorted. “Do what you want, Mr. Cutter, but nothing you do will prevent me from making a name for myself.” The baker saw her pick something up off the floor in front of her saddlebag with her wing, then toss the bag over her back. She walked up to the door, then stopped and turned toward him. Shaking her head, she said, “And no, Mr. Cutter, I’m not fired.” Cotton swung her wing in his direction, and her key flew into his chest; the baker winced as it bounced off him and landed on the floor. Then she flipped her center pinion up at him. “I quit.” Folding her wing, she opened the door, walked out, and slammed the door shut, causing the kitchen shelves to rattle, and an open box of chocolate chips to fall off and scatter around his hooves.


“Daddy, we’re gonna be inside the barrier; we won’t have to deal with the cold. Well, I won’t. Do I really need to bring winter wear?” Cotton asked from her bedroom door.

Spike nodded. “Cotton, the barrier is powered by the Crystal Heart, which is powered by the Crystal Ponies’ spirits, including Cadance and Flurry Heart. They are all going to be in mourning, so their spirits won’t be particularly high. That means the Crystal Heart will have little power. If it doesn’t have any power in reserve, there’s a possibility that the barrier may drop.” Cotton’s ears drooped. “Please, Cotton, at the very least, bring a scarf.”

Nodding, Cotton responded, “Yeah. Okay.”

“I assume you got permission from your boss to take leave for the weekend?”

“Don’t worry about it, I can go,” Cotton said, closing her door.

With that, Spike walked back to his own bedroom, where he found Celestia and Luna conversing.

“Sister, thou needst not ask. We will stay behind,” Luna said. “Their needs take precedence over Ours.”

Celestia hesitated. “Luna, are you certain? Not to sound like mother, but you’re already still up way past your normal bedtime.” Luna let out a little snort. “Will you have enough energy to run everything? Are you prepared for that meeting with the Griffonian ambassador? What about—”

Luna chuckled, “Thou dost indeed sound like mother.” As Celestia blushed, she continued, “Thou needst not worry. Thou shalt only be gone a few days; the citizens of Canterlot will understand if the courts are temporarily closed. Besides, this shouldst be a time of mourning for all of Equestria. However, shouldst anything urgent arise, We shall ask Miss Inkwell to aid Us.”

As a small smile grew on Celestia’s muzzle, she nodded, then let out a relieved sigh and gave Luna a hug. “Thank you, Lulu. You always did know how to put my mind at ease.”

Luna smirked as the two broke apart. “Indeed, though We are also quite adept at piloting thee across the ceiling.”

As Celestia’s eyebrow nearly left her forehead, Spike belly-laughed, and Twilight entered the room from behind him. As she approached she said, “The Equish butcher means ‘driving you up the wall,’ Celestia.”

Celestia’s brow slammed back to her eye, and her hoof slammed her face. “Yes. Yes you are, Luna.” Luna and Spike both laughed again, then Celestia joined them. “But you certainly know how to lift the spirit. That’ll make for a more positive appearance when we all arrive. Thank you.”

“Certainly, Sister. Please, give Cadenza and Flurry Heart Our condolences and best wishes.”

“We will,” Spike said.

Luna turned and looked up at him. “And dost thou have thy fire rubies for the flight, Spike?”

Spike nodded. “They’re waiting for me in the main hall. After all these years, I still can’t believe we haven’t figured out a way to help me teleport. I did it with Twilight all the time when I was young.”

“Yes, but you’re just a bit bigger now.”

With a shrug, Spike said, “Well, I guess I’ll deal with the rubies, then. Tell Cadance and Flurry that I’ll be there as soon as I can, okay?”

“Absolutely, Spike,” Celestia replied. “Ah, Cotton, are you ready?”

As Cotton walked through Spike’s doors, wearing a scarf and a hat, she nodded. “Mhm.” Then she looked up at her father. “Are you gonna be okay in the cold, Daddy?”

Spike let out a little a chuckle. “Yes, Cotton. You know this isn’t my first flight to the Empire. And it’s still autumn, so the temperatures should be… well, decent, considering.”

“Alright. Just be careful.”

“I will, sweetie,” Spike responded, and he kissed Cotton on her cheek. “Thank you for your concern.”

“Of course, Daddy.” She returned the gesture in kind, then began walking to where Celestia and Twilight were waiting. Then she swerved and went to Luna instead. “Hold on. Aunt Luna, can I talk to you for a sec?”

Luna’s eyebrows rose, then she saw Cotton’s expression shift. “Of course, Cotton. What troubles thee?”

“Well, you already know, but Tacca fulfilled my request to find that gang.”

With a smile, Luna said, “Indeed, he informed Us. ‘Tis a problem?”

“Well, yeah. He doesn’t have a post anymore.”

Luna’s smile dropped. “Thou art correct. Verily, ‘tis indeed a predicament.”

Cotton nodded. “Yeah. Do you think you could find something else for him?”

Luna sighed. “We shall do Our best, Cotton, but few—if any—posts are available for Our noctii.” After a pause, she added, “But We shall speak with him.”

With a smile, Cotton nuzzled her. “Thanks, Aunt Luna. I promised him a post.”

Luna returned the nuzzle. “Thy diligence is commendable, Cotton.” She smirked. “And thy liberty with Our authority knows no bounds.”

Cotton leaned back and shrugged. “I try.” She then walked to Celestia and Twilight, centering herself between her two aunts. As Cotton felt Twilight put a hoof on her withers, she said to Spike, “We’ll see you there, Dad.”

Spike nodded, then the three of them vanished in a flash of light.

As he and Luna walked out of the castle’s main doors into the chill autumn air, Spike turned around to address the guards in the hall. “Gentlecolts, Princesses Celestia and Twilight and I will be gone until Monday. Princess Luna will be in command until our return. Should any of your brethren not be aware of this, please fill them in.”

“Yes Sir!” the guards responded in unison.

“And she may be a bit groggy during the day, so should she request assistance of any kind, fulfill her wishes immediately.”

“Yes Sir!”

He smirked. “And be wary if she sleepwalks.”

“Yes Sir!”

Luna looked up at him with a deadpan expression. “T’was an unnecessary addendum, Spike.”

Spike gently poked her in the side. “Hey, you bug my sister all the time. Can’t blame me for getting you back on her behalf.”

Luna rolled her eyes and let out a short sigh. “Observe as We blame thee regardless!”

“But I do have to tell you,” Spike continued, “‘Pilot across the ceiling’ is the best thing I’ve heard since ‘toss over the chariot.’”

The two of them both laughed, and the guards chuckled under their breaths. Luna shrugged and replied, “We try. Besides, ‘tis amusing to rub thy sister in the incorrect manner.”

Spike smiled and shook his head as he walked out the doors, Luna following him out. “You’re incorrigible.”

“We are well aware,” she responded with a smirk.

With a chuckle and a sigh, Spike said, “Thank you, Luna. That’ll make the trip a little easier.”

“Thou art quite welcome, Spike. As Pinkie Pie doth say, ‘Smile, smile, smile.’” She paused for a beat, then added before Spike could take off, “Thy brother was most loved.”

Spike nodded, then lifted off for the trip north.


As Cotton, Celestia, and Twilight appeared in front of the Crystal Heart, they found Cadance and Flurry Heart waiting for them. Twilight and Celestia walked to Cadance and gave her a hug; Cotton did the same to Flurry Heart.

“Cousin Flurry, I’m so sorry,” Cotton told her. “Are you okay? I mean, as okay as you can be.”

Flurry took a deep breath and sighed, then she slowly nodded. “We’re… adjusting. It still doesn’t feel real.”

Cotton leaned her head on Flurry’s shoulder. “I can imagine.”

With the barest hint of a smile, Flurry unfurled one of her massive wings and enveloped Cotton, holding her tight. “Yes, if anypony can, it’s you, Cotton.” She folded her wing back and broke from the hug. “Thank you for coming.”

Nodding, Cotton said, “Of course. My dad’s on his way, but Aunt Luna had to stay behind.”

Flurry nodded in return. “Yeah, somepony has to keep the castle running. Hopefully you don’t go home and find it on fire,” she giggled.

Cotton held a hoof to her muzzle. “I… actually could see that happening.” When she looked over toward her aunts, she found Celestia holding Twilight and Cadance in her wings, both of them with their muzzles buried in her chest, weeping. “I’ll… say hi to your mom later.”

“Smart,” Flurry said simply. “She’s barely stopped since it happened. Honestly, I bet you could go take a tour of the city and come back and she’d still be sitting in Auntie Celestia’s wings.”

Cotton’s eyebrows tilted up. “That bad?”

Flurry nodded silently with her eyes closed. “She hasn’t even slept. Despite Dad’s age, I think Mom just believed he would never leave her. Ever.” She sighed. “But he wasn’t an alicorn. It was bound to happen sooner or later.” Flurry took in a deep breath and sighed, then looked over at Cadance. “I’m trying to put on a brave face for her…” She sniffled. “…but it’s only a matter of time before I break, too.”

“You’re allowed to, y’know. You don’t have to be brave all the time.”

Turning back to Cotton, Flurry found a scarred wing on her shoulder. She glanced at the wing briefly, then softly smiled. “You can’t break until somepony is there to lean on, and Mom can’t do that right now.” Flurry leaned on Cotton’s shoulder, as if it was the only thing keeping her standing. “Thanks, ‘cuz.”

Cotton returned the smile. “You’re welcome.” She moved closer into Flurry’s forearms again, this time wrapping her own wings around the alicorn’s form.


“So Princess Flurry Heart actually told you to go out and come back?”

“Yeah,” Cotton answered, leaning on the table in front of her. “She wasn’t kidding about my aunts; they looked like they weren’t gonna stop crying anytime soon, and my dad isn’t here yet. Then again, they did just lose their husband and brother of like, sixty and ninety years. Or somewhere around there. My cousin seems to be handling it a little better right now, so she was coherent enough to tell me I had time to come see you guys before I settle in. She told me you were staying here with Professor Sunburst and Dr. Glimmer. How’s the studying going, Chryssie?”

“Good,” Chrysanthemum replied. “Buzz has been a huge help. I don’t know what I’d do without him,” she said, putting a foreleg around the changeling sitting next to her.

Buzz blushed. “Hey, I’m just doing what I can. I wasn’t really needed at the hive, so Ambassador Thorax gave me permission to come up here. He said I’d really like it, and he was right!”

“Yeah, you just like it ‘cause there’s a spa right around the corner,” Chryssie said, nudging him in the side. Then she turned to Cotton and added, “I didn’t think he was one to like being pampered.”

“That’s not the only reason!” Buzz retorted. “I mean, I do like the shine on my chitin… But really, it’s more because it’s not boring around here; it’s a change of pace from the hive, and the ponies are really nice, especially Professor Sunburst and Dr. Glimmer. Gotta admit, though, it’s really funny seeing a statue of your dad when he was a little hatchling every day.”

Cotton giggled. “Yeah, I had to hold in my laughter the first time I saw it.” She looked around the room. “Hey, speaking of Professor Sunburst and Dr. Glimmer, where are they?”

“Oh, they’re up at the castle helping to prepare for the service on Saturday,” Chrysanthemum replied. “They trust us to stay out of trouble while they’re gone. We actually try to clean up a little if they’re out. They’re giving both of us free room and board, after all. And eventually a job for me.”

“I’m sure they appreciate that. I bet you turn into a good broom, Buzz,” Cotton laughed.

“Actually, yeah, he does,” Chrysanthemum countered.

Buzz groaned and shook his head. “Fillies… Can’t live with ya, can’t live without ya. Juvi definitely taught me that.”

Chrysanthemum chuckled. “Yeah, totally can’t live without me. I could still feed you without bringing in contraband. All the other colts hated you for that.”

Blushing, Cotton said, “Oh yeah, sorry for walking in on you two that day. Only time I’ve ever seen a changeling like, feed is when Flarechaser and Zora-Terra go at it, and he’s always been in disguise. Doesn’t look anything like what I saw you two doing.”

“Oh yeah, I forgot Flarechaser’s with a changeling, too,” Chrysanthemum commented. Turning to Buzz, she smirked and added, “You guys are invading all over again.”

Buzz held a hoof to his muzzle and said, “Shhhhh! Nobody’s supposed to know!”

Chrysanthemum whacked him in the back of his head. “We’re in the same city as the alicorn that your queen abducted, you really think it’s a good idea to joke about that?”

“Ow! C’mon, everyone knows I’m joking!”

“You broke the Treaty, smartflank,” Chrysanthemum deadpanned.

“Standing up for Cotton!” Buzz retorted, gesturing in Cotton’s direction.

“Thanks for that,” Cotton said with a genuine smile, “but it still wasn’t the smartest idea. Did Queen Chrysalis have anything to say about it?”

“Ambassador Thorax said she was proud of me for standing up for you, but it was stupid to do it,” he sighed.

Chrysanthemum giggled. “Yeah, that sounds about right. You didn’t have to do it, y’know. If I remember right, Steadclaw was already about to fight for her.”

Buzz suddenly perked up. “Hey! Speaking of, Cotton, how is Beak Breath? You two’re still writing to each other, right?”

Cotton’s eyes widened, then they drooped as she looked downward. Her ears flattened, and her head fell into her crossed forearms like a dead weight.

Taken aback at the sudden mood shift, Buzz asked, “Uh, should I take that as a no?”

Turning her head sideways, still looking down, Cotton nodded silently.

Buzz tilted his head at her. “Huh? But you two were like, the perfect couple.”

Cotton nodded again.

“But wait, what hap—”

Chrysanthemum elbowed him hard in his side.

“Ow! What was that for? I just—”

She shoved a hoof in his mouth, shaking her head with her brows furrowed. Then her eyes softened as she leaned toward Cotton and placed a hoof on one of her forearms. “I’m sorry, Cotton. Sometimes boys just kinda suck.”


“Case in point.”


Cotton let herself chuckle once, then a tear dropped to the table.

Buzz flinched slightly as his fillyfriend’s eyes bore into his. “You need a lesson in tact.”


“Hey, Cotton. How was your visit with your friends?” Flurry Heart asked as Cotton walked into the castle’s main hall.

Cotton shrugged. “Okay. They’re doing well.”

Flurry cocked a brow at her. “Based on that tone, it doesn’t sound like it was an ‘okay’ visit.”

With a sigh, Cotton said, “It’s kind of a long story.”

Tilting her head, Flurry asked, “I know what that means, but would you mind telling me anyway? It might… keep my mind off what’s going on here.”

Cotton cocked a brow back at her. “You’re gonna play that card, huh?” Flurry blushed and nodded. “Alright, I’ll humor you.”

Sitting on her haunches, Flurry simply responded, “Thanks. I do want to know what’s going on, though.”

Cotton nodded and followed Flurry’s example, then began, “You remember my boyfriend, Steadclaw?” Flurry nodded back at her. “Well… he’s not really my boyfriend anymore.”

Flurry’s eyes widened. “Oh, my mother is going to murder him.”

Despite her single chuckle, Cotton just said, “I dunno, but she may not have to.”


As Flurry guided her to one of the guest rooms, Cotton asked her, “Wait, Auntie Celestia went back home?”

Flurry Heart nodded. “Yeah, not too long after you went to see your friends. A letter from Aunt Luna showed up, and she left after she read it. She said she’d be back, though.”

“So where are your mom and Aunt Twilight?”

“They’re up in the baths to try and calm their nerves a bit,” Flurry answered.

“Oh, in the hot tub?” Cotton asked.

“Yeah. It tends to help,” Flurry said.

Cotton looked back over her shoulder. “Do you know where my dad is? I know the weather coming up north is crazy, but I figured he’d be here by now.”

Flurry shrugged. “No, he hasn’t shown up yet. Maybe the winds are even rougher than they look out there.”

“You think maybe something happened last-minute and he hasn’t left yet?” Cotton asked.

“Also possible,” Flurry replied.

“Huh. You want me to go back and check?” Cotton asked. “I’d need you to bring me there.”

Flurry hummed to herself. “That isn’t a bad idea. I’d need to come right back, though. If Rutherford comes looking for me and I’m not here, this place’ll be subjected to a level of chaos Uncle Discord would be proud of.”

“That’s alright. If my dad’s still there I’ll have him send you a letter. If he isn’t then he’s probably on his way up. I’ll come back with Auntie Celestia either way.”

Nodding, Flurry responded, “Sounds like a plan. Come here.”

As Cotton walked up next to Flurry, the alicorn wrapped a wing around her, then they were both gone in a flash of light.


As soon as the mares appeared in Spike’s room, Flurry Heart released Cotton from her wing and folded it back against her side. “I’ll see you all when you get back, okay? Aunties forbid something’s going on, we’ve still got another day before the service.”

Cotton nodded. “Yep. See you soon.”

As soon as Flurry Heart disappeared, Cotton saw her father in the back of his room, donning various components of metal armor. He turned around at the same moment she cried, “Daddy?!”

Spike jumped in the middle of slipping on his breastplate, then his eyes widened as they fell upon his daughter. “Cotton?! What in Equestria are you doing here? How did you get here?”

“Cousin Flurry,” Cotton answered. “Why haven’t you left yet? And why are you putting on armor?!"

“I did leave. Your Aunt Celestia sent me a letter and asked me to come back,” he replied, securing the breastplate to his front.

“But what’s with the armor?”

As if he only had a single breath left, he quickly answered, “Your aunts were in a meeting with the Griffonian ambassador; the griffons want control of Griffonstone.”


“Celestia and Luna tried to negotiate, but the Ambassador refused.”


With everything else secure, Spike slammed his helmet on his head.

“The griffons have declared war.”

Author's Note:

I now await the numerous cries of “CALLED IT!” Stay tuned for the big battle! :yay:

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