• Published 13th Sep 2013
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A Daughter and her Dragon - Level Dasher

Spike longed for years to have a family of his own. With Twilight's help, he applies for adoption. But what is it like to be raised by royalty?

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Chapter Fifty-One - Just Breakfast

“Well, aside from toast, eggs would probably be the simplest breakfast you could make,” Tasty Twist said to Cotton as they stood over the kitchen stove, “but knowing you, I think we could jump right to pancakes. They’re Princess Celestia’s favorite.”

Cotton nodded. “Then yeah, let’s start with that.”

“Alright, then.” Looking across the room and opening a few cupboards with his magic, he levitated a couple of boxes onto the counter. “You’ll find that cooking pancakes is not so different from the first steps to baking the cakes you make, but with even fewer ingredients and less time. It’s called a ‘pancake’ for a reason—it’s a cake you can make in a pan,” he chuckled. “Though I prefer the griddle,” he added, picking a griddle out from a low cupboard and placing it on the stove.

“Sounds good.” Looking at the ingredients before her, Cotton said, “Given what’s here, I’m guessing we need eggs, too.”

“Indeed we do,” the stallion said with a nod, “and butter, if you want. It’s not a requirement.”

“Eh, I’ll pass this time,” Cotton said.

“Alright, that’s up to you. You’ll want to use a little butter on the griddle so the mix doesn’t stick, though.” With that, he levitated over both ingredients from the refrigerator.

“Okay, so lemme guess,” Cotton started. “Mix the flour and baking powder first; milk and eggs in another bowl; pour the liquid into the dry, mix ‘em up to moisten the flour…” She looked down at the griddle. “…and then just pour the mix on top however big you want ‘em. It should spread out in a circle on its own as you pour.”

Tasty Twist smiled as he nodded. “You’ve got it. I figured you would. I personally mix the eggs and milk together first, then put the butter in afterward instead of putting them all together at once, but since you aren’t using it in the mix this time, there’s no need to concern yourself with that. Are you ready? I don’t think you need my help.”

“No, I’m good. Thanks,” Cotton replied, picking up the box of flour.

“Alright, I’ll leave you to it. My last suggestion is that you should preheat the griddle first, and don’t put the butter on until you’re ready to pour.”

“Sounds good to me,” Cotton responded, reaching for an egg.

"Oh, Cotton, before you start…" Tasty Twist put his hoof on her shoulder. Keeping his voice at a whisper, he said, "I know it may still be a little… fresh, but if you ever want to talk abou—"

"No," she interrupted him, shaking her head as she looked down. She sighed before continuing with a low voice, "Thanks, Twist, but no. At least, not now."

He nodded, putting his hoof down. "I understand. But if you ever want to, I'm here." She turned to him and opened her mouth, but before she could say anything, he added, "And I won't tell anypony unless you're okay with it."

Cotton gave him a sad smile, then a hug. "Thanks, Twist."

"Of course, Cotton," the chef responded, returning the embrace.

After breaking the hug, Cotton turned her focus back to the ingredients before her. She thought for a moment, then once again reached for an egg and said, “Y’know, I kinda wanna try something…”


Cotton stood across the table from Twilight and Celestia, both of whom had just taken a bite of the pancakes she had served them. Tasty Twist stood behind her, waiting for the princesses’ responses.

“So? How’d I do?” Cotton asked. “I didn’t put anything on top except syrup this time ‘cause I wanna see how they are on their own. And tell me honestly; if there’s something I can do to make ‘em better, I wanna know.”

Twilight started putting her fork down, but picked it up again and went for another bite. “They’re flawless.”

“Fey’re muff be’er fhan mine, fhaff for sur,” Celestia added, already stuffing another bite in. “Di’ you do fumffing diffrin'?”

Cotton rolled her eyes. “C’mon, what’d I just say?”

“Oh no, she’s serious,” Tasty Twist said, laughing. “You know Princess Celestia never speaks with her mouth full. Even in private.”

“Why did you make them smaller?” Twilight asked after swallowing. “I’m not criticizing, I’m genuinely curious.”

Cotton shrugged. “Long story short, portion control. Figured hoof-size instead of head-size was better.” She looked at Celestia and added, “And yeah, I did; I used orange juice instead of milk. And I put in a little bit of vanilla extract, too.”

After swallowing, Celestia said, “Genius. Do you have more?”

Cotton’s eyes widened. “Uh, yeah. There’s about—”


Tasty Twist smiled and went back into the kitchen. After a minute, Luna appeared before them in a flash, groaning and rubbing her eyes. “…Why didst thou summon Us, Sister? We were just drifting into slumber…” she said, slumping into the seat next to Celestia.

As Tasty Twist returned with another plate of pancakes and placed it on the table, Celestia lit her horn, first shoving another piece of pancake from her plate into her mouth, then pulling the plate Twist had just put down across the table to rest in front of Luna. She lifted the syrup container and poured just a bit over the pancakes, then cut a piece and hovered it in front of Luna’s muzzle. “Tayff.”

Luna groaned again. “Sister, We appreciate thy—”

TAYFF!” Celestia commanded, shaking the fork in Luna’s face. She swallowed, then added, “They’re Cotton’s, not mine.”

Luna snorted, her eyes still bleary. “Verily? Very well,” she said, grasping the fork in her own aura. As Luna bit at the pancake and chewed, Celestia shoved another piece in her mouth.

“Geez, Auntie Tia, slow down,” Cotton said.

She saw Luna’s eyes slowly widen, then go half-lidded as she swallowed. “Thou art… a most wondrous chef… Cotton,” the princess drawled, before her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her face slammed onto the table.

Cotton cringed as she recoiled from the table. “Did I just kill her?”

Celestia shook her head. “Mm-mm.” She pointed her fork in Luna’s direction. “Faff biff.”


Twilight, who had been eating at a sane pace, swallowed and said, “That’s bliss.”

Tasty Twist turned to Cotton and chuckled. “Well, I’d say your first try was a rousing success. Maybe next time we should try Prench toast.”

“Yeff peeff.”

Twilight deadpanned at Celestia and raised a brow as she took the uneaten pancakes from Luna’s plate and piled them onto her own.

Catching Twilight’s glare, Celestia simply said, “Wha?”

“Why don’t you leave some for the chef?” Twilight asked, pointing a hoof at Cotton.

Celestia stopped mid-cut, then swallowed as she looked over at Cotton and blushed. She slowly put on a shameful smile.

Then after a few beats, she finished her cut and shoved the pancake in her mouth anyway.


Celestia just shrugged her shoulders.


“So you started with breakfast, hmm?”

Cotton nodded as she held up another bucket of water for her father to drink. “Yeah. Tasty Twist said pancakes were a good start since they aren’t too different from making cakes.”

After swallowing the water, Spike said, “Well, based on what your Aunt Twilight told me…” He snickered. “…I’d say you’ve got that mastered. Are you going to try putting anything additional into the mix?”

“What, you mean like chocolate chips?”

“That’s a good start. If you get confident with them I would love to see you try dusting in some crushed gems,” he chuckled.

Cotton smirked. “A special batch just for you, huh? I might be able to make that happen.”

“Hm. Maybe I should keep you home to cook instead of sending you out to work. A few lessons with the chefs and—”

“Daddy!” she giggled, whacking him with her wing. “I need to have a life outside home.”

“Oh, fine,” he mock-pouted. “Then have you thought about your choice yet?”

Cotton groaned. “Daddy, it’s only been one day.”

“Only twenty-nine left, then.”

“I guess.” Looking up at the clock above Spike’s doors, she said, “Oh! It’s eleven! I need to freshen up and have lunch with Auntie Tia before court, so I have to find Dawn.”

Spike smiled. “Alright. Have fun. And good luck, if you need it.” He kissed her on the cheek, and she did the same.

“Thanks, Daddy. See you later!”

Then she flew out Spike’s doors and down the hall in search of Dawn.


Celestia and Cotton stood at the rear doors to the throne room. Cotton took a deep breath.

“Are you ready, Cotton? I know this is only your second time sitting on the throne, and this time you’re officially walking up there with me.”

“Yeah, I’m ready,” Cotton replied. “Aunt Twilight gave me the all-clear to use her throne again, so I’m actually in the right mindset.”

Celestia smiled. “Good. Just to warn you, most of the cases today have been requests relating to the aftermath of the war. I may need to do most of the talking, but I know you were able to see some of the action in the city proper thanks to Discord, so if at any point you have knowledge of something that I may not be aware of, don’t hesitate to tell me.”

“Will do.”

“Alright, then,” Celestia said. “Let’s go.”

When they walked through the doors, they heard a brief fanfare from the bailiff before he spoke. “The Canterlot day court has now resumed. Presenting Her Highness Princess Celestia, accompanied by Miss Cotton Candy.”

The first thing Cotton did as she walked in front of the thrones to sit down was discreetly wave to Raven in the box seat, who smiled at her and waved back. As Cotton approached Twilight’s throne, she could hear murmurs behind her. At first she tensed, but when she sat down and looked forward at the gathered petitioners, she found that most of them were smiling, and she did the same in kind. In fact, the first face she saw in line was a familiar one wearing a wide grin.

“First petitioner,” the bailiff called, “Mr. Punch Line.”

The stallion stepped forward and bowed, then looked back up and began, “Miss Cotton! How wonderful to see you! Of course, you as well, Your Highness.” He let out a nervous chuckle.

As Cotton giggled, Celestia smiled with a light chuckle of her own. “Do not worry, Mr. Line, no insult taken. What brings you to the court today? Is your neighborhood still, if I recall the correct phrasing, ‘plagued with ruffians’?”

Punch Line smirked and shook his head. “Not at all, Your Highness. In fact, I was first going to ask you to give Miss Cotton a message, but I see I can do it myself!” He turned to Cotton and said, “I would like to thank you earnestly for sending Tacca to us. He took care of our troubles in a single night, and we have slept peacefully ever since. At least until all the fighting.”

Cotton smiled and nodded to him. “You’re very welcome, Mr. Line. I’m happy to hear that Tacca was successful in his mission.”

“Indeed he was. Now, for the primary reason for my attendance… Since I have recently become involved as a volunteer, I’m actually here by request of the principal of the local elementary school.”

Cotton raised her eyebrows. “Central Canterlot Elementary School?”

Punch Line nodded. “The very same. They’re in need of funding for new staff. The administrators that would submit the paperwork for such a request left without notice, and nopony else is completely certain what needs to be done to obtain the funding. They need new administrators that know the ins and outs of the bureaucracy, but in order to hire such a pony, they need the proper funds. It’s a terrible loop.”

Celestia nodded. “Indeed it is. Well, I am happy to say that this is an issue that is rather easily solved; Canterlot’s public schools are already government-funded. However, we do need the paperwork for our records, so please tell the principal that he may—”

She,” Cotton whispered from beside her.

“…that she may send an employee with the paperwork to us—any employee at all, be it a teacher or a janitor, or perhaps even yourself—and we will assist them in filling out the forms. There will always be somepony with the proper knowledge here between the hours of nine a.m. and six p.m. However, the school will need to submit them officially, so there will likely be a brief waiting period for the funding after that has been completed.”

Punch Line smiled as he let out a sigh of relief. “That’s absolutely fine, Your Highness. Thank you. This has been troubling the school for at least a week now. I honestly don’t understand why my assistance wasn’t requested sooner.”

“Well, what’s passed has passed,” Celestia said. “You are here now. Is that everything you need, Mr. Line? Are there any other issues you need to discuss with the court?”

Shaking his head, the stallion replied, “That’s it, Your Highness. Thank you very much for your aid.” He turned to Cotton once again and smiled. “And as I said previously, it’s wonderful to see you again, Miss Cotton. I hope all is well with you.”

“Likewise, Mr. Line,” Cotton responded with a smile of her own. “Please give Principal Inquiry and the rest of the staff at CCE my regards.”

She nodded when Punch Line raised his eyebrows at her. “I absolutely will, Miss Cotton. Both of you have a good day.”

“You as well,” Celestia finished.

As the bailiff lifted the scroll again, Cotton’s eyes widened when she saw the next pony in line. “Next petitioner, Miss Daisy Withers.”

Daisy? Cotton mouthed out to her friend.

The filly stepped forward and bowed. “Good afternoon, Your Highness. Uh, Miss Cotton.”

Cotton suddenly saw Daisy wince for a moment, then stare up at Celestia for a few seconds. When Cotton looked up at her aunt, she saw her horn’s aura fade out as she lightly nodded.

“Good afternoon, Miss Withers. How may the court assist you today?”

“Well, Your Highness, my family is requesting help with rebuilding our home. It was damaged during the battle with the griffons.”

As Cotton let out a sigh, Celestia tilted her head. “We sent out builders… well, means of rebuilding, the day afterward. Was your home neglected?”

Shaking her head, Daisy answered, “No, Your Highness, but whichever, uh, builder, fixed up our house didn’t check it thoroughly. One of the replaced support beams on the side of our house collapsed yesterday afternoon. Nopony was injured, thankfully, but we can’t leave our home with a gaping hole in the side.”

Shaking her head in return, Celestia responded, “No, you absolutely cannot. I will see to it that your home is properly repaired. Nopony in Canterlot should be spending a single bit fixing damage from the war. Please leave your residential information with the court clerk, and we will send someone to your home as soon as possible.”

Daisy smiled and bowed once again. “Thank you very much, Your Highness. I won’t take up any more of your time. Have a great day. You too, Co— Miss Cotton.” Before she turned, she mouthed to Cotton, I’ll see you around!

“A good day to you as well, Miss Withers,” Celestia said with a smile of her own.

After Cotton nodded a goodbye to her friend, she poked Celestia lightly, and she lit her horn to create a telepathic link. As she looked up at her aunt, Cotton asked, Why did she come to the court? She knows you through me.

She told me her parents wanted her to make an official court appearance, and not use you as an in, Celestia replied. I greatly appreciate the fact that they did that.

Wait, how did she tell you that? Cotton asked.

I asked her myself telepathically before we began our conversation.

So you DID do something! I thought I saw your horn glowing.

Yes, you did, Celestia replied. Now come, we have another petitioner. Though he does seem a bit nervous.

As Cotton looked forward, her eyes widened once again as they lay upon a chocolate-colored unicorn stallion she knew all too well. His face held the same expression.

“Next petitioner, Mr. Cookie Cutter.”

The stallion moved forward slowly, his eyes shifting back and forth between Cotton and Celestia. Cotton had to resist the urge to put on an overly crooked grin, instead opting for the more neutral, diplomatic smile Celestia always wore.

When he reached the thrones, but made no sound—his gaze now fixated on Cotton—Celestia said, “Good afternoon, Mr. Cutter. How may the court help you today?”

“I… uh… I…” he stammered.

“Mr. Cutter,” Cotton said, “we cannot be of any assistance to you if you don’t tell us what kind of assistance you need.” While she showed little outward emotion, she laughed hysterically in her head as she watched the baker squirm.

Celestia cocked a brow. “Mr. Cutter, are you alright?” When she followed his line of sight and found him staring at Cotton, she said, “Perhaps you did not hear the bailiff earlier, Mr. Cutter. This is my niece, Cotton Candy. She is assisting me today, and her input has always been helpful and fair.”

There were numerous nods and affirmative murmurs from the line of petitioners.

Cotton tilted her head at him. “Mr. Cutter, if I may, why are you looking at me like that? Do I have something on my face?” She proceeded to wipe at her unscarred cheek, then she looked at her hoof. “Everything seems to be in order.”

The baker stared at her a moment longer, then his gaze shifted to Celestia. He then fumbled on his hooves, turned around, and quickly dashed out of the throne room, all the petitioners in line watching him leave.

Celestia watched him fly out the door, then she turned to Cotton and asked telepathically, Cotton, do you know what that was all about? Why he was staring at you like that?

Still resisting the expressions her face wanted to make, Cotton responded, I’ll tell you later, Auntie. Don’t worry about it.

“Next petitioner, Prince Blueblood the Third.”

Not again… Celestia groaned.


“And then the last petitioner was somebody else that needed help with the war’s aftermath. It was actually a pretty boring day overall, to be honest,” Cotton told Spike.

“Indeed it was. My apologies, Cotton.”

Cotton shook her head, waving the comment off. “It’s okay, Auntie Tia. How would you have known?”

“Indeed, she wouldst not have,” Luna said, shaking her head.

“Would you like to try again tomorrow?” Celestia asked Cotton.

“Sure!” she answered with a bounce in her tone.

Spike sighed. “I still stand by my ‘work or school’ requirement for you, but I’m sorry I didn’t listen to you yesterday, sweetie. I didn’t realize your boss had been taking credit for your recipe. Tia, is that even legal?”

Celestia looked up, thinking. “To be honest, I’m not quite certain. He did deceive his customers for financial gain, since he benefited from Cotton’s work without giving her any credit, so we could consider it fraud, and that most certainly is not legal. Twilight would know… We could have him arrested if that’s the case.”

“Hey, where is Aunt Twilight?”

“She is in Dusk Court,” Luna answered. “‘Tis almost completed.”

“Oh, yeah, right.” Cotton nodded. “Duh.”

Looking at Cotton, Celestia asked, “So, pending confirmation of our law, would you like us to arrest Cookie Cutter? Unless you have another idea. Either way, something needs to be done.”

Cotton shook her head with a smirk. “Don’t worry about it, Auntie Tia. That display in the court was plenty of punishment. Did you see all the other ponies in line watch him rush out? On top of knowing who I am now, he’s gonna be stewing over that for weeks,” she laughed. “Besides, I don’t want to slander his name, just, y’know… make him feel really stupid about the whole thing. It’s not like I’m gonna announce, ‘Hey! I used to work for this jerk!’ He does still need to make a living.”

“Art thou certain?” Luna asked. “At the very least, We couldst visit his dreams for thee,” she said, wearing a crooked smile as she rubbed her hooves together.

“No, seriously, Aunt Luna. It’s okay.” As Luna pouted, Cotton said, “I could do something that’s just plain petty, though.”

Celestia quirked a brow. “Oh? What do you have in mind?”

Cotton chuckled. “I could go visit him at his shop. I can just see him squirming, especially if somebody else is there. And he’d probably think you’re with me. Oh! I know just when I could do it… but I might have to miss court, Auntie Tia.”

“Why is that?” Celestia asked, tilting her head.

Cotton looked over at Spike. “Dreamweaver goes there every day around lunchtime. Well, he did, I dunno if he still does. I met him in the shop one day when Mr. Cutter was gone, and he figured out Mr. Cutter was taking credit for my recipe. He was gonna help me call him out on it the day we left for Uncle Shining’s service. Well, the first time, but then we weren’t here. I wonder if he still tried…”

Spike raised his eyebrows. “Really? You saw Dreamweaver? How long has it been since you two have seen each other?”

“A long time,” Cotton replied. “Like, five years, I think.”

“How is he?”

Cotton nodded. “He’s good, he’s writing stories. Anyway— if I go there around noon, he’ll probably be there, so there’ll be someone to watch when I go in. Well, if he’s still a customer.” She turned to Celestia. “But yeah, that’d be right after the court recess. And if I start with you in the morning, I won’t be able to help Dad.”

Spike chuckled. “Cotton, plenty of others have been helping me as well. You don’t need—”

“No, that’s nonsense, Spike,” Celestia interrupted him. “If Cotton wants to help you, you should let her.” After tapping her chin and glancing upward, she turned to Cotton and said, “You don’t necessarily need to join me in court tomorrow. You could skip one day and join me on Wednesday. We do have the rest of the week…” She smirked. “I’ll tell you what— I’ll let you miss court tomorrow on one condition.”

“And that is?” Cotton asked.

Celestia licked her lips. “If you make Prench toast tomorrow like Tasty Twist suggested.”

Everyone in the room laughed. As it died down, Cotton responded, “Only if you don’t finish it all before I get to have a full serving myself like you did this morning.”

Pointing her hoof at Cotton, Celestia said, “Deal.”

Author's Note:
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