• Published 13th Sep 2013
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A Daughter and her Dragon - Level Dasher

Spike longed for years to have a family of his own. With Twilight's help, he applies for adoption. But what is it like to be raised by royalty?

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Chapter Forty-Two - Moral Support

“What?! War?!”

Spike nodded. “Yes, sweetie, and they’re already on their way. King Talonius apparently anticipated that your aunts would not simply give up Griffonstone. It’s possible they may be less than a half-hour away, so we need to be prepared. I’ve already sent a letter to Ember for assistance, and Celestia and Luna are rallying both the Solar and Lunar Royal Guard.”

“Hold up, did you say ‘Talonius’?” Cotton asked.

Spike nodded. “Yes, he won the Griffonian Coronation Tournament last year. Why?”

“There was a Talonius II from Griffonia in my junior class in high school. He left not long before the dance that y— Wait, the what?”

Spike huffed. “The griffons hold a tournament for the throne every five years. That’s why your classmate was gone; he was watching his father compete for the crown.”

Cotton shrugged. “Okay then. Wait, what about Uncle Discord? He’d probably win a war in like, two minutes!”

Shaking his head, Spike responded, “Discord has been barred from all matters of Equestrian warfare.”

“What?” Cotton cried. “Why the heck—”

“Equestria is the strongest kingdom on Equus, Cotton,” Spike interrupted. “Not because of Discord, but because of how we train our troops. If we brought in Discord for every military dispute, we would look like cowards hiding behind one of the most powerful beings in existence who just happens to be an ally. We can’t have other nations thinking that if Discord was out of the picture, we would be easily defeated. They would target Discord, and he’s… vulnerable to certain arguments. We don’t want to tempt him. Since we’re seen as an intimidating force, and we also have the dragons as our allies thanks to Ember, nobody dares start a dispute with us, which is why we enjoy peace. At least, that’s the logic your aunts explained to me, and I trust them. Clearly it isn’t always true, though.”

He then walked up to his desk, picked up a quill and parchment, and started writing.

“What are you doing, Daddy?” Cotton asked him.

“I’m sending a message to your cousin. Celestia and I will likely have to miss Shining’s memorial service.”

“You wouldn’t have to if you asked Uncle Discord—”

Spike interrupted her, “And I want her to keep Twilight and Cadance out of the loop.”

“Why? Wouldn’t they want—”

Spike continued on, “And I’m telling her to come back and get you.”

“What?!” Cotton cried. “No! I’m not going anywhere!”

Blowing a gout of smoke out his nostrils, Spike turned and glared at her. “Cotton, you have no reason to stay. You have no training, you can’t be on the battlefield. I wouldn’t let you either way. Besides, Twilight, Cadance, and Flurry Heart need you more; you’ll be good moral support for them. I’m sorry, Cotton, but there’s nothing you can do here. You’ll be safer back at the Crystal Empire.” He then blew the parchment away with his flame.

“No way! There’s gotta be something I can do!”

Spike growled at her. “Cotton! I will not let you do anything that will get you injured! Or your aunts forbid, killed! There is nothing you can do here; you are going back to the Crystal Empire to support your aunts and cousin!”

A light bulb turned on in Cotton’s head. “Like Tartarus there’s nothing I can do!” She turned on her hoof and galloped for the exit.

“Cotton! Where do you think you’re going?!” Spike roared.

“To the kitchen!” she answered.

“What in Equestria for?!” Spike cried.

Heaving open one of Spike’s doors, Cotton rushed out and called back, “Moral support!”


Luna stood in her observation tower, equipped in her own set of armor, with a lance beside her.

“They are on the horizon! They indeed approacheth from the west!”

With her proclamation in the Royal Canterlot Voice, she fastened the lance beneath her right wing, then jumped off the tower to glide back to ground level where Celestia and Spike both stood.

“What do you council? You always did have the better tactical mind, Luna. Do they have a superior force?” Celestia asked her.

“It appears they approacheth airbound. ‘Tis not surprising; maneuvering through the city wouldst be most difficult.”

Celestia nodded. “True. Are we going to stick to the strategy you recommended?”

Luna nodded, then shifted her posture and gestured her hooves in various directions. “Indeed. T’wouldst be wise for us not to mesh our forces so we may command our own Guard more easily; thou with thy Solar Guard, Us with Our Lunar, as we prepared. We shall fly over the city and command civilians to retreat to the nearest shelter to prevent casualties amongst the innocent, but shouldst the griffons attempt to attack our ponies amongst the buildings, Our Lunar Guard wouldst be better equipped to move through any shadow and prevent such attacks. They all also have the capability of flight, and thus can scan the city more easily.

“Thy unicorns would be better suited for the open field. Their ranges are wider, and they’ll not risk harming innocents shouldst their attacks backfire. And We apologize for saying this again, but thy pegasi are not as graceful as Our noctii, so t’would be wiser for them to have a larger range in which to fly.”

“And I’ll be in the rear with Celestia so I don’t risk any damage to the city if I use my fire.”

“Indeed,” Luna responded. “‘Tis also wise for thee to guard Celestia. But if the two of ye hath other suggestions, We shall heed them,” Luna finished, switching her gaze between Spike and her sister.

Celestia shook her head. “I trust your judgement, Luna.”

“As do I,” Spike added.

“But speaking of fire,” Celestia began, “that would likely guarantee death on the other side. Is there any chance we can battle with the intent to only disarm and not kill?”

Luna sighed. “Thy heart doth betray thee, sister. This is war.”

With a frown, Celestia responded, “So that’s a no?”

Luna solemnly shook her head. “Such a lack of resolve wouldst result in defeat.”

Letting out a deep breath, Celestia replied, “Very well.”

“I’ll probably need to minimize how much I use my fire anyway, Tia,” Spike said. “Our own forces will be intertwined with theirs; I don’t want to risk harming our own.”

“True. I’ll admit, that actually puts my mind at ease a little.”

“Then ‘tis agreed,” Luna said. “We shall defend the front gates, the two of ye the rear.”

Spike and Celestia both nodded. “And the medics are at the ready,” Celestia added.

Before they split, Spike asked, “Wait; what about Cotton?”

Celestia cocked a brow. “What about Cotton? Isn’t she at the Crystal Empire with Twilight, Cadance, and Flurry Heart?”

Spike shook his head. “She’s back here in the castle. I don’t have time to explain, but I already sent another letter to Flurry Heart to let her know. Cotton’s in the kitchen baking cookies; she wants to try and increase morale, but I doubt she’ll be able to distribute them before the battle starts. Is there any way we could manage that?”

Luna sighed. “Nay. T’wouldst be—” A light bulb went on above her head. “‘Tis not possible for Cotton to distribute her cookies before battle, but they wouldst serve as good incentive for our forces to fight harder,” she chuckled.

With a smile, Celestia responded, “Very true. There’s no greater reward in this castle than Cotton’s sweets.”

“Verily,” Luna said.

“Can we send a messenger to tell her that?” Spike asked. “That way she won’t stress herself trying to get thousands of cookies ready in one shot.”

Celestia nodded. “I can arrange that.”

“Nay, We shall. Our spy is faster.”

Turning to Luna, Celestia nodded again and said, “I won’t argue with you.” Looking between the two of them, she said, “Good luck, Luna. Spike, let’s be off.”

As Spike turned, Luna’s eyes suddenly widened. “Spike, one moment,” she said. “Before we begin, We wish for a single favor of thee.”


Luna smirked. “‘Tis Our turn.”

Author's Note:

And so it begins...

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