• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Celestia Uses An Online Dating Website - RainbowBob

Trying to spice up Celestia's love life, Luna signs her up on a dating website. Now Celestia has to go on a series of dates with other immortals. This should end nicely.

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Chapter 42: Life Is Still Kicking After Nine Lives

“Luna!” Celestia called down the halls of the castle. Only her echo and then silence followed this. “Luna! Where are you? Hello, lil’ sis! Are you marathoning on netflix again?”

Celestia peeked into Luna’s room. She instantly grimaced at the thick stench of stale pizza and and half empty energy drinks that had littered the floor of her sister’s room, but other than that there was no sign of her younger sibling. Actually, there was something else crucially missing as well.

“What happened to the cleaning service?” Celestia asked herself. “Actually, what happened to the guards, too. This place is abandoned!”

Celestia exited Luna’s sty and trotted down the halls of her castle, servants and nobility nowhere to be seen, along with not a single trace of a guardpony anywhere. The entire castle was abandoned, and Celestia for the life of her couldn’t figure out why.

Arriving at the entrance of the castle where staircases led left and right to the upper levels while a grand arching doorway directed guests to the ballroom, Celestia stared at her surroundings with a wary eye.

“Okay, this is just strange. No Luna, and now no servants? How much worse can this get?”

Celestia stared at the doors leading out of the castle before a giant grin snuck up on her face.

“Wait… no Luna, no servants, no guards, no nobles! That means—if this list is correct—no Deadpool either!”

After performing a hoofpump and jump of victory, Celestia spun around on her back hooves and cheered at the top of her lungs. “Finally, I don’t have to deal with that maniac for a day!” Her joyous mood quickly flipped to anxiety when she stopped spinning. “But that doesn’t explain why Luna is gone. And everyone else. If I investigate, I’ll probably figure it out… but in the process, I’ll most likely discover where Deadpool vamoosed off to as well. Which means if they come back, he will as well.”

Celestia tapped her chin and hummed under her breath. She did this for several seconds, which then turned into minutes, the moral ramifications of her decisions weighing heavily in her head.

“Eh, I’ll catch up on Arrested Development until they show up.”

And with that, Celestia turned around to return to her room. Instead of open air meeting her face, her muzzle impacted quite painfully with the side of that ever so iconic blue police box.

“Shit. I thought there was supposed to be a sound effect on this thing.” Celestia peeled her face off the door, rubbing her sore cheek with a hoof.

“Or it could be that you were talking to yourself too loudly, my dear,” the Ninth Doctor said, jumping out of the TARDIS with a flourish and wink. He was by far the youngest incarnation of the Doctor Celestia had ever seen, and his youthful looks leaked into his demeanor as well. He was always smiling, fitting well with his prominent cheekbones and almost goofy-sized ears and hawk-like nose. He was dressed quite plainly in a black leather jacket and blue shirt, the most simplistic look Celestia had ever seen for the Doctor.

“Seriously, what is it with you guys calling me a dear?” Celestia asked. “I’m a pony.”

“Oi, your species aren’t that different. Though interestingly enough, you’re more related to a banana than each other.” The Doctor slowly reached a hand into his coat.

“I swear, if you’re gonna pull out a banana, this date is over.”

The Doctor frowned and withdrew his hand. “Date? Sorry to say, but this isn’t a date.”

“You bet. Where’s the dinner? And most importantly, the wine.” Celestia rubbed a hoof against her forehead. “Ugh, I could use some right about now. I’ve had a hectic week. I’m sick and tired to being dragged to slime planets and inside brains. Just buy me dinner and let me drown my troubles away in some vintage red.”

The Doctor coughed, kicking his foot awkwardly on the floor. “Ah, yes, about that. When I said this wasn’t a date, I meant we aren’t dating.”

Celestia’s forehead rubbing stopped abruptly. “What?”

“I just came down to drop the news on you that I won’t be able to date you.” The Doctor held a hand against his chest and sighed happily, a large grin on his face. “You see, I am already taken.”

“...I repeat myself. What?”

Jack Harkness peeked from inside the larger than the outside confines of the TARDIS and winked at her. Him and the Doctor shared a loving look.

“Wait, you!” Celestia said, pointing a hoof at Jack. “You already ditched me for the Twelfth Doctor, and now you’re back to the Ninth? What type date-stealer are you?”

“The one who is trained with dealing medical professionals,” Jack said, just as he started wiggling the Doctor’s ears.

He kept on wiggling them.

Celestia coughed.

Wiggle, wiggle, wiggling.

She coughed louder.

Such large, luscious ears, perfect for wiggling between your fingers. The Doctor only smiled wider, his face turning a rosy tint. All the while, Jack kept on wiggling his ears, the two of them lost in their own world of ears and wiggling.

Eventually, after such a large amount of awkward silence had befallen the group, Celestia turned around and slowly crept away from the wiggling pair.

“So, uh, yeeeeeeah. You two are perfect for each other. Really, you’re wonderful. Glad we got this sorted out now before anything, um… serious could happen.” Celestia quickly darted around the corner of a hallway, then leaned her back against a wall and sighed.

“Okay, okay. First off, I need booze to wipe out those images from my mind. Then, I need to find Luna and—ugh—Deadpool. Then I catch up on Arrested Development.” After a few seconds of contemplating this idea, Celestia said, “Actually, no, let’s switch the order. First booze, then Arrested Development, then I find Luna and Deadpool. A viable plan as any, I suppose. Ah, not like Luna and Deadpool are in any danger… I’m pretty sure.”

Author's Note:

RosexNinth is an abomination ship that shall never be true BECAUSE IT IS WRONG! JackxNinth is the only true way.

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