• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Celestia Uses An Online Dating Website - RainbowBob

Trying to spice up Celestia's love life, Luna signs her up on a dating website. Now Celestia has to go on a series of dates with other immortals. This should end nicely.

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Chapter 21: Eight Ways To Wrong

“Hmmm…” Celestia hummed under her breath.

Her date looked up from his meal, swallowing the last bits of his food. “Something the matter, princess?”

“Oh, nothing. It’s just that you look a bit weird compared to most of my other dates.” Celestia blushed and shook her head, holding up a hoof. “Not weird in a bad sort of way, no, I mean weird as in… well, you just look it.”

“Really now? I would have thought my appearance would be normal compared to most of the other immortals you have dated.”

Celestia giggled. “Perhaps if you lost some limbs, maybe.”

Sleipnir stared at his hooves, the four currently above the table, while the other four rested below in his seat. Chuckling, he nodded. “Well, I suppose having extra limbs on anything would make it appear weird, wouldn’t it?”

His smile was so easy-going, Celestia couldn’t help but join in. Everything about him breathed, exhaled, and even guzzled down stallion. From his rugged good looks, chiseled jaw, impeccable smile, shining blue eyes like pools of crystal found in the highest mountain tops, exceptionally muscled body, and even his light grey coat with its healthy sheen, everything about him was simply perfect. Well, except for the extra limbs part, but Celestia herself had extra limbs in the form of wings, so she could move past that.

“Still, I like my date to be a little weird. Well, not weird in the sense I’d get beaten to a pulp, but a little weirdness never kills somepony.” Celestia rolled her eyes and muttered, “Usually.”

“Well, princess, I must say, thus far this date has been simply delightful,” Sleipnir said, resting one of his numerous hooves atop her own. “You’re quite the interesting pony.”

Celestia blushed, a shiver of anticipation passing up her spine when Sleipnir touched her. “Oh please, you don’t have to call me princess. That is simply my title. If we are to become more suited with one another, then call me Celestia.”

“Celestia,” Sleipnir whispered, tasting the name on his tongue. “What a beautiful name it is. Of course, such an amazing name is befitting for such a wondrous beauty such as yourself.”

“Oh, I bet you say that to all the mares.” Celestia’s face was practically on fire, and bits of her mane started to spark embers as well.

“Sadly, no. In my homeland, there are no mares. Well, at least ones that I’m interested in on an intellectual level.” Sleipnir smirked and winked. “Though, there sure are a bunch of asses, I’ll give you that much.”

Both of the equines laughed, their hearty mirth bringing good tidings to their date. They kept on talking, laughter emanating from their table all throughout the date. Before either knew it, it was already past ten, but they still hadn’t stopped talking to one another.

“Oh, my, my, look how the time rolls by,” Celestia said, glancing up at the clock. “Already ten.”

Sleipnir nearly spit out his drink, his eyes shooting wide open. “Wait, did you say ten?”

Celestia arched a brow. “Yes. Actually, it’s a quarter after. Why do you ask?”

“Oh no,” Sleipnir whispered. He got out of his seat, all eight hooves stomping anxiously on the floor. “I need to go, now!”

“Wait, why do you need to be home right now? We can continue the date with a walk down the park if you want.”

Sleipnir merely shook his head, his mane coated in sweat. “No, that can’t work, I was supposed to be home nearly half an hour ago!”

Celestia’s brows furrowed. “Oh really now? Do you have to be home because of your wife?”

Sleipnir blinked, tilting his head at her. “Wife? I don’t have a wife. I’m not even married.”

Celestia was on him in an instant, shoving an accusing hoof right in his face. “Don’t lie to me! It’s always the same with you immortals, and in the end, I’m usually footed the bill as the troublesome mistress that gets her ass handed to her by pissed off wife!”

“Listen, Celestia,” Sleipnir said, pushing her hoof out of his face, “I don’t have a wife, but I really need to go now. If I don’t, then there’s no telling what she’d do.”

“If you’re running back home because of a she, then why isn’t it your wife?” Celestia asked.

Sleipnir’s ears drooped downward, and he let out a deep sigh. “Well, it’s a bit embarrassing to admit, but…”

Just then, a small cloud of purple smoke appeared next to the two. Once the smoke had dissipated and the duo was done with their coughing, a figure approached the two, one who Sleipnir knew all too well, along with Celestia as well.

“Loki?” Celestia asked. “You look… different.”

“Hello, mother,” Sleipnir said sheepishly, head downcast.

Loki shook her head and approached Sleipnir. The god Celestia was familiar with before had a drastic change about. First off, Loki was now a goddess, obvious from her very feminine appearance, along with the fact she was perhaps one of the most beautiful mares Celestia had ever seen. Everything about her cast a lady-like grace with beauty so shining that even the stars seemed dull in comparison. She still had on much of her original human outfit, such as the golden horns and green jacket, but now took on the body of a light blue colored coated mare with a sleek black mane.

“Sleipnir, this is the third time you’ve broken your curfew this month, mister,” Loki said with a disappointed frown clear on her face. She grabbed Sleipnir’s right ear and pulled it down, causing Sleipnir to cry out in a very girlish scream. “You know what that means.”

“But mother, please, I can explain!” Sleipnir shouted, his ear on fire.

“Butts are for sitting, mister, not for making excuses. You’re grounded for the next two weeks!”

“Mother, that isn’t fair!”

Loki rolled her eyes and tugged her son along by his ear. “Get used to it, Sleipnir, because that’s how the world works. Now come on, you have to go with your grandpa in the morning to Hel and back, and I know you’ll make the journey more difficult for him if you don’t get your proper rest. Now, say goodbye to your little friend.”

“Good—ow, watch it—bye, Celestia!” Sleipnir yelled, waving four of his hooves as his mother dragged him away.

Celestia stood there in what could be considered the definition of awkwardness, just waving her hoof farewell while trying her best to smile. Once Sleipnir along with Loki had departed the restaurant, Celestia sighed.

“Damn, why are the good ones always momma's boys? Or gay? Or both?” She scowled, rubbing her temple, until a large blush appeared on her cheeks. “Also, double damn, I went on a date with a MILF and I didn’t even know it! Why do these things always happen to me?”

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