• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Celestia Uses An Online Dating Website - RainbowBob

Trying to spice up Celestia's love life, Luna signs her up on a dating website. Now Celestia has to go on a series of dates with other immortals. This should end nicely.

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Chapter 17: Interludes, Aren't They Convenient?

“Well, dear sister, I think you’re finally at the end of your ropes,” Luna said.

Celestia lifted her head out of the pile of empty bottles of various alcoholic variety, her breath stinking more than the bottom of a barrel of liquor. “Huzza-what?”

“This is the third time this week I found you passed out, incredibly drunk, in a pile of bottles and your own self-pity.” Luna grimaced and waved a hoof before her muzzle. “Plus, the stink reeking from your self-pity is turning grotesque.”

Celestia stared glumly at her sister, blinking slowly as her head tilthed side to side. “So… wait, what’d you say?” Celestia asked, her eyes going cross. “I wasn’t payin’ much… uh, attention.”

“Tia, you can’t let yourself go like this. Falling further into this slippery slope to alcoholism and downright patheticness is no way for a princess or even a normal pony to end up.” Luna picked up an errant bottle off the floor and read its label. “For heaven’s sake, sister, you drank an entire bottle of foal’s cough syrup!”

“Is there any left?”

Luna sighed. “Celestia, I realize that me pushing you into dating may have had side effects I did not think through as best I should have.”

“Like Deadpool moving into the guest room?” Celestia said.

“That, and you turning into, well… this.”

Celestia rolled over on her back and burped, completely unlady-like in every shape and form. “You know, I don’t need this. I don’t need your pity. I have enough money to pay someone for theirs.”

“Sister, please, just take a break from the dating game and relax for once,” Luna implored her. “You can’t keep this up!”

“Hey now, I ran Equestria for over a thousand years by myself with no help because a certain somepony had to get corrupted by pure darkness and then banished to the moon.” Celestia stuck her tongue out at her sister, while Luna herself groaned and rolled her eyes. “So I think I can handle any date I go on, thank you very much.”

“I was guessing you’d be stubborn about this,” Luna said, turning her head to Celestia’s open door. Luna nodded her head, and in walked Twilight into Celestia’s room. “Which is why I brought professional help.”

“But Twilight is the Princess of Friendship, not how to get some!” Celestia called out.

Twilight winced, hesitant to approach closer. “Is this a bad time, or should I return later?”

“No, no, Twilight, it’s alright. Celestia’s just…” Luna glanced at her sister and sighed, “hammered out of her mind.”

“She hit the nail on the head right there!” Celestia laughed, only to start moaning in pain from the first telltale signs of her hangover kicking in.

“Yes, well, the reason I’ve brought Twilight here is because she’s an expert on statistics, data, and lists. With her help, she can correctly configure an appropriate approximation of the most likely to be successful dates for you to go on.” Luna glanced over her shoulder to Twilight and asked, “Did I say that right?”

“The gist of it, yes,” Twilight agreed. Holding up a scroll of paper where numbers, names, and other jotted down notes could be seen scrawled down on its surface, Twilight smiled wide. “I’ve already calculated the best formula to find your perfect match!”

Celestia narrowed her eyes, but not at Twilight, but at Luna. “You actually got my student to set me up on dates now? I thought you trying to not make me seem so pathetic?”

“Desperate times call for desperate measures, sister,” Luna reminded her.

Celestia’s face broke out into a scowl, but was quickly replaced with a rather mischievous smirk instead. “Actually, you’re right, sister. They do. And since I’m so desperate, it’s only right that my own flesh and blood help me out in my time of need.”

“Whatever do you mean, Tia?” Luna asked, a cold bead of sweat traveling down the back of her neck.

Turning her attention to Twilight, Celestia said, “Twilight, I want Luna matched up with a date as well. If I have to do it, she has to as well!”

What?” Luna demanded.

“You heard me.” Celestia got up, grabbing ahold of Luna for support. Moving her lips to Luna’s ear, Celestia whispered, “Now you’ll know the hell I have to go through every night. Every. Single. Night.”

“Oh boy, this is going to be so educational!” Twilight cheered, while Luna gulped as an icy chill passed up her spine.

Author's Note:

Might as well as add the Twilicorn tag now.

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