• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Celestia Uses An Online Dating Website - RainbowBob

Trying to spice up Celestia's love life, Luna signs her up on a dating website. Now Celestia has to go on a series of dates with other immortals. This should end nicely.

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Chapter 20: Looking For A Looker

“I feel like we’ve met before,” Celestia mentioned.

“Really? I don’t think we’ve ever interacted until now.”

Celestia furrowed her brows and hummed under her breath. “No, no, I’m sure of it.”

“Hmm… I don’t think I recall…”

“Oh wait, I got it!” Celestia slapped her hoof on the table. “You tried to kill me that one time, remember?”

Loki slurped the rest of his noodles and arched a brow, having long ago abandoned his chopsticks when he thought they were oversized toothpicks. The Chinese restaurant was his idea, and thus far Celestia had enjoyed the cuisine, even if it was a bit on the greasy side. Just like the entire establishment, actually. Loki had mentioned mortals are composed of about fifty percent grease and needed it as a daily sustenance for life, though Celestia didn’t take his word for it.

“I’ve tried to kill a lot of people,” Loka said. He adjusted the golden horn helmet atop his head, checking down to make sure he hadn’t spilled any duck sauce on his green leather coat. “Like, a lot of people. You’re going to need to specify the location, situation, time, date, year, month, and moon cycle to better refresh my memory.”

“It was because I was dating your father, Odin. Well, one date, at least. Then you and Thor crashed the dinner. You tried to stab me through the neck. Thor busted your skull with his hammer.” Celestia paused, tapping her chin. “Actually, that might explain why you can’t remember…”

Loki snapped his fingers, which caused extra egg rolls to fall into his open palm. Taking a bite out of one, he spoke through a full mouth, “Oooh yeah, that time. I had a migraine for months after that.”

Celestia stared at him with a disapproving gaze.

Gulping down the rest of his egg roll, Loki sighed. “Look, sorry I tried to murder you horrifically because you went on a date with my father. I threw a hissy fit and that’s my bad, okay. Although, truthfully, my brother only showed up as an excuse to fight.”

“He’s a bit of a strange one, I’ll admit.”

“Strange? Thor?” Loki chuckled, the smirk on his face putting even the most devious of snakes to shame. “My brother is perhaps the most normal person I’ve ever met. Well, other than the hunger for battle part, but that’s typical for my race. Thor is, if anything, the most predictable person I know. He’ll do exactly what you expect him to do, on the dot, every time.”

Celestia smiled. “I guess this plays in your favor during turbulent sibling rivalries?”

Loki rolled his eyes, slicking back his long black hair. “Less than you’d think.”

“Well, other than Thor, what is the rest of your family like?” Celestia asked, leaning forward.

Loki arched a brow at her. “Didn’t you jump ship on the whole god dating deal specifically because of the family aspects?”

Celestia waved her hoof passively. “At first, yes, until I realized I had some… family troubles of my own.” Her eyes narrowed. “Especially relating to a particularly problematic alicorn sister and the frat boy excuses she has as friends. Oh, and Discord. It’s always Discord.”

“Oh, Discord, huh? Spirit of Chaos and Disharmony?” Loki asked.

Celestia’s stomach dropped right down into the deepest depths of Tartarus. “No… please, no, not again.”

Loki rubbed his chin and kicked back in his seat. “Oh man, that guy. Discord, Discord, Discord. Now there’s a feller you don’t forget, even with an immortal memory span. Why, I remember—”

“Wait, don’t tell me,” Celestia interrupted, holding up a hoof. “You knew him back in some chaos college or something equally stupid and it turns out you used to be old buddies?”

Loki nodded slowly. “We were roommates, actually. How’d you know?”

“Lucky guess,” Celestia hissed, getting out of her seat. “Really frickin’ lucky guess.”

“Whoa, whoa, where are you going?” Loki asked, holding up a hand to her.

Celestia was already shuffling towards the door in a sideways walk. “Out of here. I already learned first hand that anyone associated with Discord can only lead to trouble for me. Or awkwardly waking up in bed with whisky on my breath.” Celestia finally made a beeline for the door, calling over her shoulder, “But good luck with you and whatnot!”

Before Celestia could throw open the doors to make her timely escape, they were thrown open for her. In the opposite direction, however, causing her to be propelled backward back to Loki, where she fell in a greasy and duck sauce laden mess over their meal.

“Not so fast!” Thor said, stepping over the broken restaurant doors as he pointed his hammer at Loki. “You’re not getting away this time, brother!”

“Ah, Thor, right on time, as I predicted,” Loki said. He picked up a fortune cookie from Celestia’s head and smiled. “And I didn’t even need one of these.”

“You knew he’d show up?” Celestia asked. She couldn’t exactly direct her question right to Loki, on account of her eyes being blinded by the kung-pow-chicken covering her face.

“Yes. I robbed a bank. It was only a matter of time before he tracked me.”

“Why would you rob a bank?”

Loki shrugged, taking a small nibble from his cookie. “I needed money to pay for this date, so I thought it was in my best interests to show you the good time you deserved.”

A fire started to spark along Celestia’s mane, with the kung-pow-chicken changing from mild to extra spicy now. “By getting cheap fast food?”

“Hey, I said good time, not great time.” Loki winked at her just as she cleared her eyes. “That’d come from later tonight, and to be more specific, from you.”

Celestia was practically seething, Loki couldn’t stop grinning, and all the while, Thor stood there awkwardly, his eyes shifting between the two as he fidgeted with his hammer.

“Um… you know, I can come arrest Loki at another time,” Thor said, pointing a thumb behind his back. “If you two need a few minutes to, uh, talk?”

“The only talking around here will be this hammer—” Celestia shouted, grabbing Thor’s hammer out of his grasp “—with Loki’s face!” And with that, Celestia smashed the hammer right against the jaw of Loki, knocking him through several walls and even a hot oil fryer.

“Mjolnir can be wielded by one such as her?” Thor asked himself. He hummed under his breath, observing Celestia continuing to beat Loki to a pulp with the legendary hammer of legend that can only be held by those it deemed worthy. “I guess it has a thing for pony princesses.”

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