• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Celestia Uses An Online Dating Website - RainbowBob

Trying to spice up Celestia's love life, Luna signs her up on a dating website. Now Celestia has to go on a series of dates with other immortals. This should end nicely.

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Chapter 4: Third Time's The Charm, Right?

“And then I said, ‘Short straw gets to rule the underworld!’ And wouldn’t you believe it, my bro Hades was the first to get it! You should’ve seen the look on his face! And guess what happened next?”

“What?” Celestia asked with a chuckle, cheeks red from laughter.

“I said, ‘You need a nightlight down there?’” The man laughed, slamming his fist heartily on the table, causing their silverware and several nearby tables to leap in the air.

Both of them laughed heartily at the end of his joke, the large man dressed in a golden-trimmed toga leaning back in his chair while Celestia continued to gaze at him with a flirtatious look in her eye.

“I must say, Zeus, this date is just going wonderfully,” Celestia said, a slight blush on her cheeks. “It seems that I made a better choice than my sister usually does for me on these dates.”

“You can’t go wrong with the God of the Sky,” Zeus said. “Along with the weather, law, order, fate, thunder, and all the other gods as well!” Zeus brushed a hand through his shining white hair, flashing her an Adonis-like smile. “But I don’t mean to brag. Tell me more about yourself, sweet buns.”

“Oh, I’m just Princess of Equestria,” Celestia answered, taking another sip of her wine. “Not as grand as all your titles, but I manage my kingdom well enough. Though I suppose managing an entire world like yourself would be much more difficult.”

“You don’t even know the half of it,” Zeus said with a roll of his eyes. “Especially with family on board.”

“Siblings, huh?” Celestia asked.

Zeus snickered. “And children. King of the Gods pretty much makes me responsible for the lot. Half of them are resentful of me, and the other half want me overthrown. It’s a full time job just keeping them from tearing each other’s throats out.”

“Wow, you sure do have a lot of responsibility on your hands.” Celestia smiled bashfully, refilling her wine glass. “I like a responsible man.”

Zeus’ smirk widened, the well-muscled god tugging at his snow-white beard. “Well then, I sure do like–”


“Yes, but that wasn’t really my answer.” Zeus stared at Celestia’s wide-eyed face, then looked around. “Wait, who said that?”

“I did!” a voice called out from across the room. Glancing over, Zeus felt a cold sweat run down his back as he spotted the woman that had just walked through the restaurant doors.

“Oh shit, it’s her!” Zeus said, rising out of his seat and checking for the nearest exit available.

“Who exactly is her?” Celestia asked, getting up as well, as the woman made her way towards the pair.

“My–erm… sister, Hera,” Zeus said, turning away to make a run for it.

“Husband, what are you doing at this equine eating establishment?” Hera asked, facing Zeus with her hands on her hips. Even a head shorter than him, the elegant and beautiful goddess made Zeus take a step back in fear.

“Wait, didn’t you just say she was your sister?” Celestia asked, looking around Zeus’ side to stare at the fuming goddess.

“Um… yeah, she is,” Zeus said, twiddling his thumbs nervously as he was duly confronted on both ends by enraged immortals.

“Then how can she be… Ewwwwwwww,” Celestia gagged, quickly jumping to the disturbingly incestual conclusion. “That’s disgusting!”

“What’s disgusting is my husband committing adultery with a harlot,” Hera said, pushing Zeus to the side so she could stare down at Celestia with hate-filled eyes.

“What did you just call me?” Celestia asked, all intentions of leaving the restaurant vanishing at Hera’s words.

“Are your ears so filled with out-of-wedlock lust to properly hear me?” Hera crossed her arms and leaned downward so her and Celestia were eye to eye. “You are nothing but a lowlife harlot, two-bit hussy, opening-your-legs-wide floozy, all rolled up into a common whore.”

“...Oh no you didn’t!” Celestia shouted, taking a swing at Hera. The hoof slapped into her cheek, sending the goddess to the ground. But a vengeful hand managed to grab at Celestia’s mane, causing the mare to be painfully tugged to the ground as well. Now the two began tumbling along the floor, biting, scratching and punching each other, along with ripping each other’s hair out.

Zeus, standing off to one side, stared along with the rest of the inhabitants of the restaurant at the immortal battle going on in the middle of the room. Clapping his hands together, he called out, “Catfight! Place your bets right here!” Quickly a circle of stallions formed around the dueling goddesses, bits being thrown about and bets being placed on who the victor might be.

“Luna, pick me up.”

Luna sighed, shrugging the phone onto her shoulder into a more comfortable position as she acquired a plate full of junk food from the refrigerator, ready for her full night of video game action. “What happened this time?”

“I don’t want to mention it,” Celestia said, her voice muffled, like her mouth was full of something. “All I can say is that I’m missing three teeth, I have a black eye, I was kicked out of the restaurant for making a hole in the wall, and I won over a hundred bits.”

Groaning under her breath, Luna muttered, “I had better get half of that.”

“Bring an ice pack as well,” Celestia said before hanging up.

Closing her phone, Luna set her junk food down and stretched out her wings, knowing she was going to miss out on some Grand Theft Auto V again for her sister’s antics. “I’d definitely better get half of those bits for this shit.”

Author's Note:
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