• Published 25th Jul 2013
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Celestia Uses An Online Dating Website - RainbowBob

Trying to spice up Celestia's love life, Luna signs her up on a dating website. Now Celestia has to go on a series of dates with other immortals. This should end nicely.

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Chapter 33: Third In The Back

“You know, you should really think about getting new decor,” Celestia said.

The Third Doctor looked up from the TARDIS’ control panel. “Pardon?”

“Well, usually when I get in here, the interior changed, but this time I’m not entirely sure it did,” Celestia said. She was seated by the door of the TARDIS, observing her surroundings. “Does the TARDIS change appearance depending on what incarnation you are?”

“Well, it depends. After taking the old girl apart and putting her back together again, I’m still thumping my head against the wall over some of her quirks,” the Third Doctor said with a pleasant smile spreading across his comely features. Unlike his previous form, this Doctor seemed much more ornate in his fashion sense, such as frilled shirts and even an extravagant red coat. He rarely seemed to frown and his hair was always a curly mess. But one thing was true for this one along with the others. Bowties. He always seemed to have a strange fixation on bowties. “But luckily I managed to get her settled down enough for our date to go off without a hitch.”

“I hope so,” Celestia said, rubbing the wristwatch she wore. She winced on instant, bringing her hoof away from the watch’s button. “Because the last one nearly got me eaten by a huge beast.”

“Horrifying alien?”

“No, dinosaur.”

The Third Doctor laughed, shaking his head as he pressed a few buttons. “Ha, the Second must be losing his touch.”

“You know about your previous incarnations?” Celestia asked.

The Doctor barked out another laugh. “Know about that? I’ve met them.”

Celestia’s jaw opened wide. “Wait… so you know about your previous selves?”

“And future selves as well.” The Doctor tsked under his breath. “Not very impressive if you ask me.”

“But… but doesn’t that weird you out at all? You’re essentially meeting future and past selves of yourself!”

“Not exactly,” the Doctor said, flipping the final switch. “Each incarnation is completely different by still keeping a few traits that are similar. Thus, my past self has only disdain for me and I do likewise for him. The Scare-Cow…”

“Really? He seemed like a pleasant individual,” Celestia said, frowning suddenly. “If a bit…”

“Childish?” the Doctor said, with Celestia nodding in agreement. “Oh, don’t even get me started his dandy behavior. But now isn’t the time for that. Because, my dear, we are about to visit the most beautiful and majestic planets in the galaxy! Florana!”

Celestia’s ears perked up. “Beautiful, is it?”

“Oh, even more so than Equestria, I am sure of it.” The Doctor put a hand to his hip and leaned against the TARDIS’ core. “The planet is carpeted by flowers that release a pleasant scent to the entire world. The waters of the rivers are as clear as glass, the sands of the beaches like weaved gold, and the oceans practically floating on air. The perfect spot for a date if I ever thought of one.”

Celestia grinned. “Well, I’m certainly looking forward to it then.”

The TARDIS shuddered, then a jolt ran through its structure, nearly sending the two of them tumbling. Racing to the control panel, the Doctor flipped a few more switches, pulled some levers, and did some good ol’ fashioned pounding on the panels with his fist.

“Um… is everything alright?” Celestia asked, approaching closer.

The Doctor raised and a hand and nodded rapidly. “Oh, yes, never the better. Just some… technical glitches I still haven’t quite worked out. be seated and everything will be fi—”

Everything apparently wasn’t fine, for another rumble passed through the TARDIS that shook it to its core. However, immediately after this everything grew still and the TARDIS powered down, its trademark noise finally dissipating.

Dusting off his coat, the Doctor said, “Well, looks like we’re back in business then.” He walked over to the door at a leisurely pace while Celestia stared at him with wide eyes. He opened door and gestured for her to walk out. “After you, my dear.”

“What a fine gentleman,” Celestia said, trotting to the doorway hesitantly. Although her instinct were screaming, begging, and practically depending that she not walk through that doorway, her princess manners reminded her that denying a door opened by a gentleman was simply unbecoming of one of her stature. So, she stepped through into the outside world.

“Wow, so this is Florana,” Celestia said. Her expectations had certainly been blown away.

The Doctor was quick to join her side, although instead of the smirk planted on Celestia’s face he was looking around in confusion. “Um… well, not exactly.”

“Did you take the correct number of lefts on the way over here?” Celestia asked with a laugh.

The Doctor’s face grew red, but that was the only showcase of anger on his part. “No, no, this is simply impossible. My navigations skills are unmatched! Something must have interfered with the TARDIS.”

“Well, do you have any idea where we’re at?”

The Doctor crossed his arms and tapped his shoe. They were in the middle of a barren landscape with no sign of life except for boulders surrounding the pair, although the sky appeared blue and clear at least. “We’re either on an alien planet of unknown origin, or just some quarry in Suffolk. On the account of times the latter has happened I’m willing to bet my money on that.”


“I beg your pardon?” Celestia asked.


The Doctor sighed, resting his face in his open palm. “Oh please, not now.”


“Seriously,” Celestia said, glancing all about. “Who keeps on saying that?”

From the boulders appeared robots. Or at least that was Celestia’s best guess for what they were. They appeared to be really tall buckets with a single eyeball popping out of their head, no arms to talk of except a plunger sticking out of their chest along with an odd looking stick, and it appeared that a large number of what Celestia could only describe as tennis balls were stuck to its bottom. All it all, it was one of the most ridiculous looking creatures Celestia had ever seen.

“Daleks,” the Doctor said, shaking his head woefully. “Nasty creatures they are. They try to exterminate any creatures they deem inferior. Which is just about everyone who isn’t a Dalek. Thus, they try to kill everyone.”

“That sounds completely mad!”

“Oh, it is,” the Doctor agreed. “Not too bright, but a deadly bunch of ingrates. But, nevertheless, it seems I have to deal with them once more.”

“Wait, where are you going?” Celestia asked, just as the Doctor started walking towards the strange bucket alien robot thingies.

“Well, to do some diplomacy, of course,” the Doctor called back, cracking his fists. “Which mostly means fighting if you’re catching my drift.”

“Oh, I am, I am,” Celestia said, lifting up her wristwatch. For once, she wasn’t going to have hindsight make her its bitch. “Good luck with that!”

“I sure will!” the Doctor said to empty air. “Also, don’t go back into the TARDIS! Whatever the Daleks used to draw it in probably disabled all time travel technology in the nearby vicinity, or make it malfunction for horrifying consequences! So, you know, just don’t try any time traveling until I deal with the Daleks, alright?”


“Good to see we’re on the same page!”

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