Forgotten Romance

by Aetaes Wolf

First published

Hearts and Hooves day has arrived, but one pony isn't celebrating. Cadance decides to cast a love charm on Mystic and is shocked when she finds who else was affected by the charm.

Hearts and Hooves Day has come again, every one is happy and celebrating! Except one pony.
Princess Cadance notices that Mystic, a former student of Celestia, seems a bit sad on this day. Cadance decides to cast a little love spell on Mystic, to perk her up a bit. Cadance is shocked and surprised to find that she has brought Mystic an unusual mate. The spark of a lost love has been rekindled with a Draconequus.


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A small blue unicorn filly watched in awe as the moon began to rise, her bright blue eyes fixed on the full moon, and her dark blue main blowing gracefully in the night wind. She balanced her small front hooves on the fence of her balcony to get a better look. Her eyes sparkle in amazement and a smile appears on her face. "Wow!"

"Mystic? Mystic!"

The filly twitched her ear and turned to look behind her. A unicorn mare stood in the doorway, her two-tone green main blowing in the wind, and her green eyes fixed on the little filly. "Mystic, come inside, it's getting late."

"Coming mom!" Mystic takes her hooves off the the balcony's fence and runs over to her mother, brushing her head lightly against her teal fur. Her mother's flank bore a red rose, which was her cutie mark. Mystic was a blank flank, but she didn't mind. The mare nudged Mystic with her muzzle. "Come on, it's time for bed."

"Can't I stay up a bit longer mom?"

"Not today, now go. I'll tuck you in."

Mystic let out an annoyed sigh. "Alriiiiight."

She trots into the house, her mother following close behind her. Mystic looks around the room as they walk through it. The main room was large, a couch and a few chairs huddle in a semi-circle around the fireplace, and a desk was pushed up against the far wall. A few pictures hung on the wall, acting as decorations. Photos sat on the fireplace ledge, showing Mystic's family as she grows up. Mystic noticed there were a few letters on the desk, each letter marked to Velvet Rose, Mystic's mother.

Mystic turned down the hall, and followed it 'till she reached the end of it, then turned into her bedroom.

The room was small, just big enough for a filly. To an end of the room was a bed, up against the wall there was a dresser and a mirror, a toy chest was placed close to the bed, a few toys were sprawled around it. Moonlight filtered through the window, giving the room some light. Mystic climbs into her bed and pulls her favourite stuffed dragon toy close to her. Velvet Rose gently pulls the covers over Mystic and tucks her in. Velvet Rose proceeded to walk out the room, thinking the filly would fall asleep. "Mom?"

Velvet Rose stops and looks at her daughter. "Yes dear?"

Mystic is sitting up in her bed, her hooves wrapped around her toy dragon. "When will dad come back?"

The question took Velvet Rose by surprise. She walked up to her daughter and nuzzled her comfortingly. "I don't know."

Mystic sighed, and laid down. Velvet Rose pulled the covers over her. "Your father will come home soon."

Mystic looked at her mother. "Promise?"

Velvet Rose gave a gentle smile. "I promise." She kissed Mystic goodnight and left the room, closing the door gently behind her. Mystic snuggled her dragon toy and closed her eyes, her thoughts drifting to her pegasus friend in Clouds Dale as she drifted off to sleep.

Mystic's eyes glistened in the sunlight and she trotted around in the field behind her house. Velvet Rose was working, so Mystic was on her own until her mother came back. She laid down and rolled onto her back, staring up at the clouds in the sky. She loved to find shapes in the clouds, it helps her relax. A butterfly landed on her face and tickled her nose, causing her to sneeze. The butterfly fluttered off her nose and down a nearby hill. Mystic got up and began to chase it. As she chased it a small rock tripped her, and she fell down, ending up tumbling down the hill, landing face down on the ground. "Oww..."

Mystic slowly sits up, covered with scrapes and bruises. She rubs her shoulder, where the worst of the pain is. "I think I sprained my shoulder..."

She looks ahead, she had fallen at the entrance of a forest. "There's probably some vines in here, I could use those as a sling until
Mom can take me to a doctor."

Mystic stands up and walks into the forest, keeping her injured leg off the ground. Sunlight filtered through the leaves, as she walks through the forest. She spots some vines hanging off one of the trees. "Ah! That'll do!"

The vines are too high for Mystic to reach, so she decides to jump to get them. She jumps up, her hooves just barely out of reach, and she crashes back down, landing with a loud thud on her back. Mystic groans, not wanting to get up, but she gets up anyway, and looks back at the tree. She cocks her head in confusion. "Wha-?"

The vines had been cut, Mystic looks on the ground, seeing the vines laying in front of the tree. "How did-? ...Never mind."

She grabs the vines in her mouth and ties them in a loop around her neck, then carefully slide her injured arm into the make-shift sling. "There, I can let my shoulder rest now."

Mystic begin to leave the forest, re-tracing her steps to find her way back to her home. About half way out of the forest, something hits her from behind. She falls onto her back and a small Draconequus pins her to the ground. She stares as the Draconequus, who is only a bit bigger then her. "Hey! What are you-"

A loud roar cuts Mystic off, her eyes grow wide with fright as she looks above her. A large dragon passes close over their heads, roaring in anger and destroying whatever gets in it's path.

Mystic Eye

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"Mystic, wake up!"

Mystic groans and rubs her eyes. She sleepily feels around for her glasses. The pony beside her sighs. "Here."

Mystic feel her glasses being put on her face, guessing the pony was using magic. Mystic yawns and opens her eyes. The room she was in was large, a king sized bed stood in the middle of it. A beautiful oak dresser was placed against the wall near the large double-doors. Mystic's attention turns to the pink alicorn beside her, her beautiful purple, pink, and yellow main brushed neatly into place, her magenta eyes watching Mystic as she fully wakes up. A crystal heart adorns her flank. The alicon nudges Mystic. "You're still half-asleep. You fell asleep at your desk again!"

Mystic pushes her glasses into position and spreads out her wings to stretch them. "Yeah, I guess I did. Let me guess, Cadance. 'You push yourself too hard!' Stop worrying, I'm fine."

The alicorn lets out an annoyed sigh. "You do! You need to take a break, relax a bit."

Mystic shakes her head. "I have work to do, you know my work comes first."

Cadance sighs. "Alright, but at least have some breakfast!" She turns and walks out the door.

Mystics gets up and walks to her mirror. "Messy mane this morning." Her unicorn horn glows blue with magic as she picks her brush and starts to brush her mane. Her thoughts drift back to her dream. Another memory dream. They've been happening a lot lately. I wonder if something is causing this? She puts down the brush and looks more directly at the mirror. Her reflection shows a blue alicorn, her mane and tail newly brushed, and her bright light blue eyes staring back at her. The golden eye on Mystic's flank is the most noticeable feature about her. There, I don't look like a mess now. She leaves her room and begins to walk down the tower, her thoughts drifting again to her dream. My mother, sprained shoulder, dragon's roar...Everything is leading up to....No, please I don't want to see that, not ever! She opened the door at the bottom of the tower, and entered the castle hall. She took in the garnish color of the halls, helping to calm her a bit. Canterlot. I think I'll fly around the city for a bit, to clear my thoughts.

"Morning Mystic!"

Mystic snaps out of her thoughts when her name is called. A white unicorn addressed her, he wore a golden helmet, which bore a silver crest. His mane and tail were blue. Mystic smiled. "Good morning! How was the night shift?"

The pony shrugged. "Quiet, not much happened. You know how it is."

Mystic let out a small chuckle. "Yes. I should probably get something to eat."

The pony nods. "Alright, be careful."

Mystic nods. "I will!"

With that, Mystic head out to the dinning hall. 'Be careful' right. Be careful. Those were the two words she heard the most. She didn't just sprain her shoulder that day, she caused serious damage to it. Though it is completely healed, if she makes a wrong move her shoulder could be in a lot of pain.

Mystic reaches the dinning hall and opens the door. In the middle of the room is a long, cloth-covered table, which is laden with food of all kinds. Various types of fruits, vegetables, jams, jellies, breads, and more filled the table. The same was true for drinks. There was milk, juices, cider, water, and a verity of others. A dark blue alicorn walks up her Mystic. "Ah, you have awoken. I take you slept well?"

Mystic politely bows before the alicorn. "Yes, though it unusual dream."

The alicorn looks at Mystic curiously. "Unusual dream?"

Mystic looks up at the alicorn. "A memory dream. I've been having them a lot recently. Do you have any idea why that is Luna?"

The princess of the night thinks for a moment. "Perhaps there it something troubling you about your past?"

Mystic shakes her head. "No. Well, at least nothing new. I just....Don't understand it."

Mystic lets out a sigh. "I'm scared, Luna."

Luna blinks. "Of what?"

Mystic lets her ears lie flat on her head. "What if...The next memory dream...What if it's..."
Luna wraps her wing around Mystic. "You have tried hard to forget. Don't let it haunt you again. It's just a memory, just a bad dream."

Mystic lowers her head. "I wish that's all it was..."

Daily Routine

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Mystic walks up to her room, having her fill of breakfast and ready to get to work. Mystic carries a small tray full of fruits with her magic, as snacks if she needs more energy when she works. She opens her door and sit at her desk, placing the tray beside her. She uses her magic to get a beautiful golden tiara, topped with a light blue sapphire. Her places the tiara on her head and closes her eyes. She found herself jumping around from different ponies all across Equestria. Okay, let's see now... She jumps from pony to pony, looking for any signs of danger.

Not long after lunch Mystic decided to take a break. She closed her eyes and opened them again, finding herself back in her own room. She takes off her tiara and places it on her desk. A few grass fire from careless ponies, nothing really major. She walked down her towers, and headed for the garden. She like to walk in among the statues, it helped clear her thoughts. Though, some of the statues creeped her out a bit, especially the weeping pegasi. Mystic found herself walking in the hedge maze, her mind full of thoughts of the recent dreams. They have all been memory dreams, but why am I having them? I thought they stopped long ago. It's been over a thousand years since she'd had any memory dreams. She had been able to control them, and send them away. Yet, they have returned, and she can't control them like she could before. Mystic reaches the center of the maze and lays on the grass. The dreams have all been leading to one thing, one thing I don't want to see ever again. She sighs. Her past has a dark secret, only those who were caught in it know of it.

She walked in the garden for what seemed like hours, and has now settled down in the dining hall to have dinner. Once again the table was stacked full of different food and drinks. The night shift was just waking up and getting their breakfast before heading off to their duties. A white alicorn and Luna sat beside Mystic, eating food of their choice. Mystic just had her usual dinner, some fruit, a bit of pasta, and non-alcoholic apple cider. She took a sip of her cider when the white pony spoke up. "Luna tells me you've been having memory dreams again. Is this true?"

Mystic puts her glass down and looks at the alicorn. "Yes. I have, but I cannot control these ones like before. Celestia, I don't know why, but something won't let me control them."

Mystic lets out a sigh. "I know what memory comes next. One you know I don't want to see."

Luna and Celestia look at each other, concerned looks on their faces. Mystic lowers her head a bit, and Celestia gently puts her hoof on Mystic's shoulder. "Perhaps, you have been working yourself too hard. Go get some rest. Tomorrow you'll go to the Crystal Empire with Cadance, so you can relax for a few days."

Mystic blinks. "What? B-but I haven't- A-and my duties! I-I have t-"

Celestia raises a hoof and Mystic closes to mouth, knowing to be silent. Celestia gives a gentle smile. "We'll handle your duties while you're gone. Go rest, and don't worry, remember what I taught you?"

Mystic breaths in and out. "Keep looking forward, don't look back. Sometimes looking back can weigh you down, and halt your progress. Always keep an open mind, and remember what's important."

Celestia nods. "Good. Now go, and don't worry."

Mystic nods. She get up and walks out. She notices Celestia whisper something into Luna's ear. Mystic guesses Celestia told Luna to keep an eye on her dreams. She walks back up her tower to her room. Moonlight filters through the window and Mystic lights a candle, cleaning up her desk so it looks tidy. Mystic blows out the candle and gets in her bed, her eyes wander to her window and she looks at Luna's moon. Luna always know how to make nights beautiful. Mystic yawns and rests her head on her pillow, and lets herself drift off to sleep.

Dark Memories

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Mystic watched wide-eyed as the dragon passes over her and the draconequus, roaring in anger and destroying whatever it can. Once the dragon passes over, the draconequus gets off of Mystic and flies up to a nearby tree, his yellow and red eyes peering over the forest. Mystic sits up, and stares at the path of destruction it made. The draconequus breaths a sigh of relief. "It's gone."

He flies down, landing in front of Mystic. "Are you alright, miss?"

Mystic only stared at where the dragon went. The draconequus takes a small step foreword. "Miss?"

Mystic gets up and runs through the dragons destructive path. The draconequus calls after her. "Hey, wait!!"

Mystic ignores the draconequus, and keeps running. Please, in Celestia's name, please, let me be wrong! She stops when she reaches the edge of the forest, her go flat and her eyes grow wide. "No....Dear Celestia, please! No!"

The village she called home, was being engulfed by the dragon's flame. She ran into the village, though most of the ponies fled, a few remained, trying to put out the fires. "Mom!"

Mystic runs through the village, careful to avoid the dragon's fire. "Mom!! Where are you!?"

She runs to the flower shop, her mother looking at her through the shop window. "Mom!"

She runs up to the window, the door of the shop has been blocked by parts of the ceiling. "Mom, please come out!"

Velvet Rose shakes her head. "I can't, there is no way out."

The fire begins to weaken the structure of the shop, a loud cracking sound comes from the roof. Mystic continuously slams her hooves against the glass, despite the pain in her shoulder. "No! Please! Don't leave me! You can't leave..."

Velvet Rose places her hoof against the glass. "Everything will be alright."

Mystic begins to cry. "No it won't! If you're gone then....I-I'll be all alone!"

Velvet Rose closes her eyes. "You'll be alright. Be brave, Mystic." She softly smiles, tears begin running down her face. "I love you."

A loud crack rings through the air, and the roof of the shop collapses.


Mystic awakens, and immediately sits up. She can feel her heart pounding in her chest, and her breathing is rapid. She looks up, moonlight filters through the window and she realizes she's back in her bed in Canterlot. Tears begin to run down Mystic's face, she buries her head in her pillow and starts to cry.

Mystic awakens, her head pounding and her shoulder in more pain then she could have imagined. She looks around, though her sight is a bit fuzzy. Voices ring in her ears, though they're muffled. Mystic remains laying in what she guesses is a bed. She looks up at the ceiling, her vision slowly returns to normal. A hospital? How did I get here..? Her hearing returns to its normal state, making the voices clear.

"-covered, it'll be weak, so she'll have to be careful."

"I understand."

Hoofsteps indicated that somepony had left. "You are awake. How is your shoulder?"

Mystic doesn't recognize the voice, but she can only guess that it belongs to the pony who brought her here. She looks to her right.

"It really hurts, more then I remember."

A blue alicorn comes into Mystic's view. Mystic blinks. "P-princess Luna!?"

The alicorn nods. "My sister sends her condolences. She thought it was necessary to talk to you, though she could not come herself."

Mystic sits up, noticing her entire arm is in a cast. "What? Why?"

Princess Luna sits bedside the bed. "There was a magic blast, a very powerful one. One almost as powerful as my magic, or my sister's. You were at the center of the blast, you were the one who made the magic blast."

Mystic cocks her head in confusion. "Wha-? B-but...I-I'm not that powerful! I-I couldn't of-"

Luna smiles gently. "You are a talented filly. Your magic is very powerful, but you need to tame your magic. Mystic, my sister and I would like to make you our student."

Mystics eyes grow wide with surprise. "Wh-what?!"

Luna lets out a small chuckle. "Well, what do you say?"

Mystic blinks then nods. "Y-yes!"

Luna smiles. "Very good! I shall inform my sister." She begins to walk away.

Mystic looks at Luna. "Your highness?"

Luna stops and looks at Mystic. "Yes?"

Mystic lets out a breath. "Where there any other ponies you found?....A-aside from me..."

Luna shakes her head. "Most of the ponies had fled when we got there, though we found a few in the wreckage of the buildings. were the only one we found that was alive."

Mystic lowers her head. "Oh."

Luna walks up top Mystic. "Are there any family members I can contact?"

Mystic shakes her head. "No."

Luna nods and walks out. Mystic rolls over onto her side, tears falling down her face. Her attention turns to the objects on the end table beside her. A small box-shaped brown paper package is sitting on the end table, a note is beside it. Mystic grabs the note and begins to read it.

Are you doing well? You were in pretty bad shape when I last saw you. Sorry about what happened, I heard a few ponies died in the fire. I managed to save something for you though! Get better soon, alright?


Mystic read the note again. S? Who's S? She shook her head, confused. She grabs the package and carefully unwrapped it. She lets out a surprised gaps. What in the-? Th-this is! Sitting on her lap, in the the brown paper, was her mother's music box.

Train Ride

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Mystic sat near the back of the train with Cadance, the ride was a couple hours long, so the two ponies could relax for a bit. Cadance watched as Mystic lay down in her seat, her eyes suggested she was tired, but didn't like showing it. Cadance sat on the seat across from Mystic, allowing the mare to lay down if she desire to. Mystic slumped down to lay on her seat. More then anything, she looked sad. "Mystic...Are you alright?" Candance asked. She knew the answer that would come, but decided to ask anyway, in case the answer was different from what she was expecting.

Mystic glances to Cadance, muttering her reply. "I'm fine."

"You don't look fine."

Mystic turns her head to look out her window. "I'm fine."

"Mystic, you don't need to-"

"I said I'm fine!!" Mystic cut her off, obviously guessing what she was going to say, which seemed to have been pretty accurate.
Mystic lowers her ears. "Stop trying to protect me."

Cadance lowers her ears a bit, letting out a defeated sigh. She looks out her window, watching the scenery go by as the train moves. She takes a moment to think. What could be causing her this distress? She looks to Mystic, who was staring out her own window, a thought crossing her mind. Hearts and Hooves day is not far off....Perhaps.... Her horn glows with a light blue magic, she perks her ears. Just a small one....Maybe it'll help. A small red heart appears above Mystic, and quickly fades. Mystic's ears perk up as she looks out her window. Cadance gives a small smile. It's already helping!

Mystic looks out her window, her ears lowered. I'm not a filly anymore, I don't need them to protect me! A warmth passes through her, she twitches her tail, not sure where is came from. She ears perk up as she spots a familiar shape pass by the train, her eyes widening. Was that..? She shakes her head, laying her head on the seat. No....It's probably nothing. She closes her eyes, attempting to get some sleep. A nagging feeling refuses to left her drift off, she opens her eyes, sitting up and looking out her window, deciding she'll get some sleep back at the crystal palace. Whatever she had hoped to see, it was not there, the empty landscaped was the only think that stared back at her.

Thunder and Lightning

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Mystic sits on her bed. She had been staying on the castle of the royal pony sisters for a few weeks now. Her arm had been in it's sling, she had badly wounded it, her shoulder becoming very weak. Once the sling was off, she would have to be careful while walking until her shoulder grew strong again. Her room was large, her bed was a king sized bed, a beautifully crafted dresser made of a willow tree stood at the left side of the room, an oak end table stood to the right of her bed. The candle lite on the table gave off just enough light to light the area around Mystic. She looks to the music box on the end table. Mother's music box....She said that her father gave it to her when I was born, she played it for me when I was upset. She let out a sigh, looking out her window to the night sky. Luna had raised the moon and brought out the stars. She gazed up at the sky, The night is so pretty..... her thoughts are interrupted as she hears her door open. Her gaze shifts to the door as she watches Luna enter her room. The princess gives a soft smile. "It is late, you should be in bed."

Mystic mutters "I'm not tired...."

Mystic feels herself being lifted, realizing Luna's using her magic to lift her. Luna pulls back the covers on Mystic's bed, placing her gently down again and walking over to Mystic. "You need to rest." Luna's horn glows blue, she uses her magic to pull the covers over Mystic's body, tucking her into bed. "The doctors said rest was important for you."

Mystic looks at Luna. "But I'm not tired! I don't need to go to sleep yet...."

Luna chuckles lightly, giving a thoughtful look. "How about I sing you a lullaby, then?"

Mystic blinks, giving a small nod. Luna gives a smile, clearing her throat, she begins to sing.

Though the sun will rise,
The moon will still shine.
Guiding us back home,
We are never alone.
As long as the moon still shines.

The stars will shine for the moon,
Though they disappear as the sun rises
They will shine again soon,
When the moon starts to rise.
They will guide us home.

Though the moon will set,
Little one, do not fret,
The moon will rise again.
Though the stars may fade,
Their light can't be swayed,
The stars will shine again.

They will guide us home.

Mystic listened to the lullaby, Luna's voice soft and sweet. She began to drift to sleep.

Mystic woke up, immediately sitting up, the loud crashing of the thunder outside waking her from her sleep. Her breathing rapid, lightning flashing across the sky. Her ears flatten, the images of the dragon attack flashing in her mind. She buries her face in her pillow, tears falling down her face. Stop it! MAKE IT STOP! The door opens behind her. "Mystic? Are you alright?"

Luna entered the room, walking over to the bed. "Your dream was interrupted...." She stops when her eyes lay on Mystic.

Mystic looks to Luna, tears falling down her face as she cries. Luna looks at her with a concerned look. "Mystic-"

A loud crash from lightning an be heard. Mystic jolts, running to Luna and burying her face into her fur. Luna blinks. "Mystic."

Mystic sobs. "Mama...please...Make it stop......"

Luna looks at the filly. "I...I'm not...."

"Please....." Tears stream down Mystic's face. "Mama...Please....."

Luna's gaze softens, she wraps her wings comfortingly around Mystic. "It'll be alright, I'm here."

A few days had passed since the storm. Mystic lays on her bed, her legs tucked neatly under her and her tail wrapped around her. A book lays in front of her, her eyes graze it's pages as she reads, using her magic to flip the pages over. A knock is heard on the door. Mystic looks up, marking her page and closing her book. "Come in!"

Luna walks into the room, carrying with her magic a neatly wrapped white package that had been tied together with a red ribbon. "How are you feeling?"

Mystic gives a weak smile. "Better, thanks."

Luna smiles, flying the package over to Mystic and gently putting down on the bed in front of her. "I got you something while I was out."

Mystic blinks, looking down at the package, unsure of what to think. She grabs the edge of the ribbon in her mouth, pulling it back, undoing the bow that had been tied and the ribbon falls of the package. Using her magic, Mystic unwraps the package, and lifts the lid off the box. She cover her mouth with her hoof, tears begin to fill her eyes. Luna frowns slightly. "Is...Is there something wrong with it?"

Mystic shakes her head, giving a small smile as a tears run down her face. "No....It's perfect."

The item that had been placed in the box, was a stuffed toy dragon.


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Mystic opens her eyes, sunlight filtering into the crystal bedroom. She rubs her eyes, using her magic to place her glasses over her eyes. She yawns, stumbling out of her bed. She grabs the sheets in her mouth, neatly making her bed. She looked around her room, it was laid out liker her room in Canterlot, though everything looked like it was made of crystal. She lets out a breath, walking to her dresser and picking up the brush that lay on it with her magic, her begins to brush her hair. I shouldn't need to be here.....It's just memories. Just dreams. Her mind wanders back to the day before, flickering to the shape she had seen outside the train. She shakes her head. No...That's impossible. It couldn't have been... She sighs, walking out her room. I just...Need something to make me ignore this stupid feeling. She walks down to the dining hall. Breakfast would be nice.

After she had eaten, Mystic went to the main hall. Cadance was already there. "Ah! You're awake!" The pink alicorn walked over to Mystic and gave her a small hug. "Did you sleep well?"

Mystic returns the hug. "Yeah, I slept fine." Mystic looked around the main hall was quite large, it had a few hallways leading off to another room. In a way it was...A bit too big. Mystic gives a weak smile. "I'm going to go get some air." She trots to the balcony, putting a hoof on the railings. She looked down, across the empire. Everything was made of pure crystal, the buildings glistened beautifully in the sun.

"Mystic?" Mystic turned to see Cadance walking up behind her. "Are you alright?"

Mystic nods "I'm fine...Just needed some air, that's all."

Cadnce goes to say something, but closes her mouth, only giving a nod. "Alright...Just...Let me know if you need anything, alright?" She turns and heads back inside.

Mystic sighs. Right. Cause I want them to worry about me even MORE then they already do. She sighs, looking down at the crystal ponies. They seemed busy, now, working their own lives that they had lost to Sombra's curse. One thousand years lost....They must have a lot to do to make up for the lost years. Images begin to flash in her head, though they went to quickly for her to see. Mystic's ears go down, she puts a hoof to her head, closing her eyes. "Nggh..."

"Your highness?" Mystic opens her eyes, one of the palace guards walks toward her. "Are you alright?"

Mystic blinks, putting her hoof down and giving a weak smile. "Er-I'm fine...I just need to go for a fly." She immediately spreads out her wings, taking off and flying through the air. She could hear the guard calling after her, but she ignored him, flying as fast as her wings would carry her away from the palace. The images began to flash in her mind once more, though she could not block them out. No...Please....Not now! The images began to overwhelm her, her vision becoming blurred. She falls, her wings no longer able to carry her. Her vision fades, as unconsciousness engulfs her.

Old Friend

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Mystic walks in the statue garden, Celestia guiding her. The young filly looks around, unaware the sister's palace had this. Celestia gives a small smile. "How is your shoulder?"

Mystic's shoulder was free of its sling, though she had to be careful while walking on it. She smiles to Celestia. "It's nice to be able to walk with all my hooves again!"

Celestia gives a gentle laugh. "I bet it is." She looks to Mystic. "You've been studying hard, I think it's time you took a little break."

Mystic tilts her head. "What will I do?"

Celestia smiles. "Whatever you want, you can relax for the time being." Celestia blinks, looking back to the palace. Mystic twitches her ear, following her gaze. A guard stood at the entrance to the palace, looking straight at Celestia. Celestia gives a nod, the guard walks off. Mystic turns her gaze to the white alicorn. Celestia looks at Mystic. "There is something I must take care of, I'll be back shortly." She spreads out her wings, taking to the air and gliding into the palace. Mystic sighs, sitting down. She looks at the statues.
Many statues filled the garden, some of them creeping her out a bit. Celestia and Luna have become busy lately....

"You're a hard pony to find!" Mystic jolts a bit as the voices calls from behind her. She turns around, a draconequus leans against one of the stone statues, his yellow and red eyes fixed on her. He looked like the Discord statue, but smaller, his black mane longer.

Mystic blinks. "You....You were in the forest, a few months ago....Wh-when...."

"When the dragon attacked, yes."

Mystic stares at the draconequus for a moment. "You were...Following me?"

The draconequus walks over to Mystic. "Well, I went through all that trouble to get you out of the dragon's path, you run back into it! I needed to see how much damage you did to yourself."

Mystic narrows her eyes. "I came out alive, that's what's important."

The draconequus shrugs. "I suppose so." He uses his wings to hover in the air, circling around Mystic. Mystic perks a brow as she watching him, after a few moments, he disappears. Mystic blinks, unsure of where he went. "What's your name, anyway?" Mystic twitches her ear, looking forward. She jumps a bit, causing her to fall backward. The draconequus was hanging upside down in the air, his nose had not been that far from her own. He laughs a bit, turning right side up and landing gently on the ground. Mystic gives an annoyed huff, standing back up and brushing the dust off her. "Mystic."

The draconequus smiles. "I'm Shadow. Pleasure to meet you!"

Mystic looks at him with an annoyed glare for a few moments before giving a smile. "Nice to meet you!"

They both turn their gaze to the castle as hoofsteps are heard approaching. Shadow tenses a bit. "I have to go." He turns to Mystic. "I'll come visit. Bye!"

Before Mystic could say anything, he disappears over the wall. Celestia walks up to Mystic. "Sorry, Mystic. I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long."

Mystic looks up to Celestia, shaking her head. "No! That wasn't long at all!"

The princess smiles. "Good." She wraps one of her wings around Mystic. "Come, we should practice some magic."

Mystic smiles, following Celestia into the castle.

Mystic opens her eyes, her vision blurred. She looks around, though she cannot make out what's around her. Voices echo nearby, though she cannot make out the words. Her body feels too heavy to move. The voices cease, the room becoming quiet. Mystic is barely able to make out the blurred figure of a pony walking towards her, before unconsciousness once again engulfs her.

Nightmares of the Moon

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Mystic walked behind Celestia, heading to the throne room. Mystic's ears are flat and she tries to keep in stride with the sun princess. The princess walks, keeping her eyes forward. "I told you to stay in your room."

Mystic trots until she can keep up with the white alicorn. "B-but...I can help! I could-"

"No. Go back to your room."


"I said GO!"

Mystic winces a bit, her eyes widening and she backs away a bit, lowering her head. Celestia looks back at the young unicorn, letting out a breath. "I just don't want you getting hurt, alright? Go stay in your room until this is dealt with."

Celestia walks forward. Mystic stays where she stands for a few moments before quietly following. I won't get hurt. Celestia walks into the throne room, Mystic stays by the door, watching the events unfold from there. Celestia stops when a voice rings out through the room. "Not. Another. Step." Luna walks out from behind her throne, her angered eyes glaring at her sister.

Celestia looks at her sister, though making no move. Luna walks out in front of her throne. "Did you really expect me to sit idly by while they all basked in your....Precious light!?" Luna walks up to the podium between the two thrones. "There can be only one princess in Equestria. And that Princess...Will be ME!"

Luna slams her front hooves to the ground causing the half-wall of the podium to crack, a part of it breaking off entirely. Luna's eyes glowing white, returning to normal after she closes and opens her eyes. Mystic eyes widen as cracks run along the wall behind Luna, reaching the window and shattering, along with parts of the wall itself. Luna rises up, the moon rising above to block out the sun, the sky becoming dark as night. Black beam shoot from the moon, surrounding Luna in a ball of shadow, and fire. The ball changes into a dark blue, breaking. The shadowed figure of a pony was the only thing that could be seen, a red glow from behind her causing this effect. The pony begins to laugh, landing on the broken podium, the red glow disappears. Mystic watches, her ears completely flat. The pony was pure black, her mane and tail like smoke, reflecting the night sky. The laughing ceases, she glares at Celestia, with hatred and anger. The pony shoots a blast of magic from her horn, hitting one of the statues in the room and lifting it to the ceiling, destroying it and causing parts of the ceiling to collapse.

Celestia takes a few steps forward, looking as the pieces of the roof that had fallen before looking back at the pony. The black alicorn walks forward, Celestia spreads her wings taking to the air. The black pony shoot a blast of magic, aimed for Celestia. Celestia flies out of the way, the blast hits the ceiling, causing a hole to appear in the ceiling, pieces of the ceiling crashing onto the floor. Celestia lands on the floor, looking directly as the pony. "Luna! I will not fight you! You must lower the moon, it is your duty!"

Mystic lets out gasp. Th-that's Luna!? Luna puts her hoof in front of her. "Luna? I am Nightmare Moon. I have but one royal duty now. TO DESTROY YOU!" She lets out a blast of magic, aiming it at Celestia. Celestia spread her wings, flying up through the hole in the ceiling into the night sky. Nightmare Moon spreads out her wings. "And where do you think you're going?" She takes to the air, following Celestia. It was silent, Mystic slowly crept into the throne room. She stopped, letting out a gasp as loud crashing sound came from outside. She heard Celestia scream, watching as she dropping through the hole in the ceiling and onto the floor. Laughter echoed from outside. Mystic darted to Celestia, nudging her with her nose. "Come on! Get up!" Tears form in Mystic's eyes and the alicorn lay there, motionless. Tear ran down Mystics face. "You can't die! Please! Not another...."

Celestia slowly stood up, nudging Mystic with her muzzle to calm her. She looked up, Mystic following her gaze. Nightmare Moon was in the air above them, the moon behind her. Celestia lowers her head. "Oh, dear sister, I am sorry." She swings her head around to look at the entrance to the room. "But you have given me no choice, but to use these." Celestia's horn glows a pale yellow, Mystic's eyes widen in surprise as the floor lifts up, a large mechanism lifting up until it can be fully seen. A large stone ball on a pedestal at the center, stone arms jut out of the side, creating smaller pedestals for the five gems that sat on them. Celestia flies to the top of it, using her magic to lift the gems to her. A sixth gem appears from the stone in the center, this one shaped like a six-pointed star. The gems fly around Celestia, moving faster until light glows around her. Mystic stares is awe as the rainbow light pours from the princess. Celestia flies up, aligning herself with Nightmare Moon. Nightmare Moon's eyes become pure white, as she charges up her magic. The gems form a barrier around Celestia, pulling themselves into position. The five gems pour their power in the star-shaped one, which shoots out a blast of what appears to be rainbow magic. Nightmare Moon lets out a blast of her own magic, the forces meeting in the middle, the rainbow overpowering Nightmare Moon's own magic. The black alicorn lets out a cry, and the magic engulfs her. Mystic looks at the moon, noticing a pony-shaped head appearing on it. Once the magic has disappeared, Mystic realizes Celestia is the only one in still in the air.

A few years had passed, Mystic and Celestia had made a new home for themselves in a small city called Canterlot. The two hadn't spoken much since Luna was banished to the moon, only speaking when it was time for Mystic's lessons. Mystic sits in her room, looking down into the garden below. Celestia walked into the garden, Mystic guessed it was time for her raise the moon. Celestia's horn glowed, using her magic to lower the sun, and raising the moon. She sat down, letting out a sigh, she begin to sing softly. Mystic blinked, using her own magic to lower herself into the garden, walking just close enough to hear Celestia.

"Fate has been cruel, and order unkind. Could I have sent you away? The blame was my own, the punishment yours. The harmony's silent today. But into the stillness, I'll bring you a song. And I will your company keep. Till your tired eyes, and my lullabies, have carried you softly to sleep.
Once did a pony to shone like the sun, look out on her kingdom and sigh. She smiled and said, "Surely there is no pony, so lovely, and so well beloved as I." So great was her reign, and so brilliant her glory, that long was the shadow she cast. Which fell dark upon the young sister she loved, and grew only darker as days an nights passed.
Lullay, moon princess, goodnight sister mine! Rest now in moonlight's embrace. Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth, through cloud and through sky and through space. Carry the peace and the coolness of night, and carry my sorrow in kind. Luna, you're loved so much more than you know. Forgive me for being so blind.
Soon did that pony take notice that others, did not give her sister her dues. And neither had she loved her as she deserved, she watched as her sister's unhappiness grew. But such is the way of the limelight, it sweetly takes hold of the mind of its host. And the foolish pony did nothing to stop, the destruction of one who had needed her most.
Lullay, moon princess, goodnight sister mine! Rest now in moonlight's embrace. Bear up my lullaby, winds of the earth, through cloud and through sky and through space. Carry the peace and the coolness of night, and carry my sorrow in kind. Luna, you're loved so much more than you know. May troubles be far from your mind. And forgive me for being so blind.
The years now before us, fearful and unknown. I never imagined, I'd face them on my own. May these thousand winters, swiftly pass, I pray! I love you, I miss you...All these miles away. May all your dream be, sweet tonight. Safe upon your bed of, moonlight. And know not of sadness, pain or care. And when I dream I'll fly away, to meet you there. Sleep....Sleep.....Sleep."

Tears run down Celestia's face as she sits down, staring up at the moon. Mystic walk forward, sitting beside Celestia and looking at the moon. "Think she heard you?"

Celestia blinks, looking at Mystic, unknowing the pony had been there. She looks back to the moon. "I hope so." She wipes the tears from her eyes. The two ponies gaze at the moon for a few moments, until the white alicorn breaks the silence. "How do you think she would reply?"

Mystic pause for a moment. "If she was still Luna, I think it'd be something like this." She begins to sing softly, using the same melody as Celestia.

"How my deeds pain me, as time stretches long. How could I have hurt them this way? So rest easy now, my punishments mine. The weight of my crimes are my own. But into the stillness, you brought me your song, with your voice my company kept. For your tired eyes, and sweet lullabies. In exile I pay you my debt.
Once did a pony who gleamed like the moon, look out on her kingdom and sigh. Dejected she cried surly there is no pony, who loves me, or finds any love in my night. So great was her pain, she rose in rebellion, against those who cared for her most. She let the nightmare fall on those she ruled, and threatened to grip them in permanent cold.
Lullay, dear Tia, goodnight sister mine. Rest now in starlights embrace. May this cool lullaby reach you in dreams, and ease you your passing of days. May my apologizes find you this night, and may my sorrow in kind. Tia, you loved me much more then I knew. Forgive me for being so blind.
Soon did her sister do what was demanded, and gave to the Moonlight her due. Breaking the Harmony, she saved her ponies, and banished her, as a wise ruler must do. Such is the weight of the crown that we wear, sister, duties we always uphold. May you forgive that foolishness mine, and live on with no burden upon your soul.
Lullay, dear Tia, goodnight sister mine. Rest now in starlights embrace. May this cool lullaby reach you in dreams, and ease you your passing of days. May my apologizes find you this night, and may my sorrow in kind. Tia, you loved me much more the I knew, may troubles be far from your mind. And forgive me for being so blind.
The space now before us, empty and forlorn. I never imagined, we'd face them all alone. May these sunless season, swiftly pass I pray. I love you, I miss you, all these miles away. May all your dreams be, sweet tonight. Safe upon that bed above all the lights. And know not if heartache, fear, nor gloom. And when I dream I'll fly away to meet you soon. Sleep...Sleep...Sleep."

As small smile creeps across Celestia's face. Mystic gazes at the moon, tears beginning to fill her eyes as she starts to cry. "Why...Why did it have to be this way?!"

Celestia wraps a wing around Mystic, pulling her close. "I don't know....I miss her, too."

Familiar Face

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Blinking open her eyes, Mystic looks around. The room she was in was unknown, but made of crystal, suggesting she was still in the Crystal Empire.

Mystic shakes her head, slowly allowing herself to get up, ignoring the ache in her bones. Nightmare Moon, now? Is this going to make me go through all of my memories? She jolts slightly when the door opens. "Ah, you're awake."

Mystic turns to face the voice, her wings spread out in a defensive stance.The pony before her just chuckles. "No need for hostility, no pony here is going to hurt you."

Mystic relaxes slightly, momentary panic now replaced with confusion and curiosity as her wings fold neatly against her. A dark grey pegasus stands before her, his long mane pitch black, his eyes red. Mystic blinks. The colt looked eerily familiar for some reason...

The colt walks up to Mystic, whom takes an involuntary step back to keep some distance between them. The colt sighs. "Do you not trust me?"

Mystic just stares blankly at him. The colt chuckles lightly. "No, I suppose you wouldn't, having woken up in a strange place with no way of knowing where you are or what happened." He gently pushes Mystic so she's lying back down on the bed she had woken up in. "You fell quite a ways. You were lucky I had spotted you and was able to get to you before you injured yourself."

"So you... you caught me? As I was falling?"

The colt nods. "Yes. You gave everyone quite the scare. Luckily, you have no injuries, but the doctor said you needed lots of rest. She fears that you may have blacked out from lack of sleep."

Mystic mutters slightly. "I wouldn't call it lack of sleep, more like sleep just keeps hitting me when I least expect it... showing me visions..."

"Visions of what?" Mystic jumps slightly, not expecting the colt to be listening to her.

"T-that's not of your concern! I don't know you, nor do you know me, why would I explain my visions to you?!" Mystic snaps.

The colt blinks slightly before laughing. Mystic furrows her brow in confusion "What in Celestia's name is so funny?!"

The colt shakes his head, grinning slightly. "You."

Mystic blinks. "I'm funny to you? I don't see how I am amusing to you..."

The colt smiles. "Don't worry about it. As for who I am..." He pauses for a moment as he thinks. "You can call me Kage."

"Kage? That's a strange name... What does it mean?"

"In time, you will figure it out. For the time being, you should rest." Kage simply replies. He begins to walk out of the room, though pauses at the door. Looking back to Mystic, he smirks slightly, his sclera quickly flashing yellow before resuming their natural white colour. "Don't worry about those at the castle, princess. Those there know you are safe and recovering."

Mystic's eyes widen in shock at the sentence. Though before she has a chance to question Kage, she notices he has disappeared from the room. She looks around the room in confusion. "He was just- where- what???"

She blinks, letting out a frustrated sigh. No pony is supposed to know about my relations as a princess, how did he know about that? Just... who is he? Why do I feel like I've met him before?