Champions of the Elements

by The Philosopher King

First published

Yakyakistan and the Gryphons have gone to war with Equestria. Twilight and co. discover an ancient, powerful to magic to save Equestria. But the magic summons creatures from a whole new realm.

Alternate Universe where Yakyakistan and the Gryphons have gone to war with Equestria after "Party Pooped." Twilight discovers a book by Starswirl the Bearded that can save Equestria with a forgotten magic. Little does she know who she is summoning...

A League of Legends Crossover, with characters currently being added. Story being written because most fimfiction writers have not done League of Legends the Field of Justice it deserves. Insititute of War and its lore is canon in this story.
Currently has:

Ryze, The Rogue Mage
Vi, The Enforcer of Piltover
Gnar, The Missing Link
Graves, The Outlaw
Twisted Fate, The Card Master
Shaco, The Demon Jester
Shyvana, The Half-Dragon
And More Champions too numerous to list.

Current Pre-readers of the Past and Present (Looking for more):
The IDA Official
Wonderlust FrayedMind

Prologue: The Summoning

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Equestria. A land of peace of and prosperity, a land that has not seen a major conflict in over two thousand years. And now, it was on the verge of war. The Gryphons had lost their patience, as they had been waiting for Equestria to fall for many generations, as that was the reason behind their “grumpiness” ponies refer to, finally decided to attack right when Yakyakistan became enraged. There seemed to be no way out, and Equestria hadn’t had a standing military in over a thousand years. The country was posed for utter destruction, had it not been for, of all things, the rediscovery of a book written by Starswirl the Bearded. The book was on a form of magic ponies never used, called by Starswirl “Summoning Magic.” It could be done by any pony, as it involved use of internal magic being amplified through the use of runes inscribed on a medium, even basic parchment worked. He filled the book with the names of the beings he figured out could be summoned, along with the runes in the one book. He made no copies, and ordered it to be kept in case of terrible disaster. It was forgotten for many centuries, until it was rediscovered by Celestia’s student in the Canterlot Archives. The book was aged, with all illustrations lost and barely any information left. She immediately went to her home to try this possible solution. This is the story of the saving of a country, through the Champions of a new world.

“Spike, it’s time.” said Twilight. The mare had been desperate for the past few weeks, but was pleased that this book revealed a solution. She cleared the room around the crystal castle, just to be safe and even built a small barricade for protection.

“I dunno Twilight,” said Spike. “It looks dangerous…”

“Don’t be silly Spike,” said Twilight. “Starswirl’s book says this guy I’m summoning… ‘Ryze’ can’t hurt the summoner. We’ll be fine.” Twilight inscribes the last rune of the spell onto the paper, and focuses her energy into it, causing it to glow and the runes to appear on the ground in a circle. A beam of energy courses from her chest to the paper, and the paper begins to glow harder, until a flash of light is unleashed. A small, contained explosion effectively sends Twilight and Spike to the back of the room, hurting them a bit.

“Let’s go, Let’s-” croaked a new, strange creature in the center of the room, before stopping to look around. It was nearly the same purple as Twilight’s coat, but it stood on two legs, wore leather boots and trousers, and had markings all over its body. It also had an enormous scroll on its back, along with lesser scrolls attached to a belt on his torso. “Well, this isn’t Summoner’s Rift…”

Twilight was completely shocked the spell worked, much less that this creature was sentient and spoke Equestrian.

“Oh well, at least it’s a library, could’ve been another battlefield.”

“Umm… Hi?” said Twilight, a bit confused at the new being.

“AH!!!” said the being, scared a shooting a small magic jolt from its hands at her, but it bounces off harmlessly. “Oh, so you’re my summoner. Interesting…”

“I’m sorry if we disturbed you, but my country is in a terrible state of affairs right now. Please, I recommend we sit someplace to discuss this.” The three, including Spike, sit in a small room near the library.

“Alright then. I presume you know my name is Ryze, the Rogue Mage. And who has summoned me?” he said, rather aggravated. Generally he was given a notice when about to be summoned, so he was a bit miffed about the random summon.

“Well allow me to start there.” said the Mare. “Ryze, I am Twilight Sparkle, and this is my Assistant, Spike the Dragon.” She points to the small dragon next to her.

“Hi there,” he said, obviously shocking Ryze.

“You must be a relative of Rammus, dragons where I come from don’t talk, only bite” He chuckled a bit at this.

“We must have summoned you from a whole other world then. So we’re about to go to war with two countries, and we need your help.”

“Let me guess, this place is outside the Institute of War’s jurisdiction and your realm is heading on a crash course with destruction.”

“Never heard of the institute of war before, but that’s pretty much it.” said Spike, but Twilight nudges him.

“Alright, since I am in what I can only assume is Ponyland-”

“Equestria.” said Twilight.

“Wasn’t far off as I thought I would be. So since I am in ‘Equestria,’ have no way of getting back to Runeterra anytime soon, and need company, yes. But you need to get between four to five more Summoners before we start fighting. I have enough skills of my own, but I need help. I already know who I work best with, gather your best, umm… I can’t say people, but I guess equines?” he questioned.

“Of course, I shall gather my friends in time, but first, perhaps you can tell us about where you came from?” She asked him.

“I guess I shall have to tell you a brief history of my land.” He pulled out a scroll, and proceeded to speak. “Runeterra is the land where I am from. It is divided into political city-states, with two major ones being Demacia and Noxus. The two are on opposite sides of the central supercontinent, Valoran.” He pulled out another scroll, and handed it to Twilight, a map of Valoran. He paused and handed her the scroll purposely, as she was writing down each word he said. “Demacia and Noxus were at a stalemate war with one another. But unlike previous wars, this one’s combined magic, physical, and energy based chaos almost destroyed the continent. It was only prevented by the new founded Institute of War, who created the League of Legends to combat this. One team fought for Demacia, the other Noxus, and each summoned their best champions. Some Champions worked for themselves only, while others affiliated themselves to a faction, sometimes a separate city state from Noxus or Demacia altogether. I am an independent Champion, working only for my summoner.”

“Wow, I never knew there was a whole other land out there, completely unseen by us…”

“I was thinking the same thing when I saw this place...” he said. “Can we go to your allies now? I wish to start as soon as I can.”

The Enforcer

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“I’ll go and get my friends,” says Twilight, preparing to leave for a while.

“You realize I can’t readily leave you, otherwise I blip into blackness at a certain distance that’s hard to judge.” he says.

“Oh, it’ll be a good time to introduce you to the locals I guess then, along with those you’ll be working with.”

“Got it, also, do you mind if I read the books in that nearby library? I am always in search of new knowledge.”

“You’re a scholar too?” she asks.

“Yes, I love to learn where I can, when I finished learning from regular studies with the highest honors on Valoran, I visited every site of learning. Hermits, witches, every imaginable source. I now know almost every art of magic from Runeterra.”

“Is that what that little bolt you shot from your hand was? Magic?” she asks.

“Of course.”

“Well it certainly isn’t like magic from our land. We should go now, Spike, stay here in case anypony stop by about something.” Twilight and Ryze walk out of the crystal castle, and Ryze is amazed by the exterior.

“I have seen creatures made of crystal,” he says, awestruck. “But never a whole building made of it.”

“I know, it’s a very recent construct. It is my castle, I am now the fourth Princess of the country.” she says.

“Monarchy always was the central government of the nations in Valoran. Anyway, let’s gather your friends."

The two started walking, and most of the town is deserted. Business slowly starts back up as they see the strange creature is with Twilight.

“GET AWAY FROM HER!!!” Can be heard from a distance, and next thing Ryze knows he’s knocked back. (Think the knocked airborne concept from League.)

“Ryze!” yells Twilight, but then she notices he’s okay.

“Stay away from her, you unpleasant monster!” yells a rainbow maned pegasus. “Twilight, are you okay?”

“Rainbow, he wasn’t trying to-” she says, but Ryze got back to his feet real quick.

“Unpleasant? I’ll show you unpleasant!” He says, firing a bolt of magic at her. It strikes well, knocking her far back due to her smaller size. “My summoner, are you alright?”

“Ryze, that’s one of the ponies I was trying to get for you!” She says.

“Oh? I shall trap her then, as opposed to kill.” He takes out a leather bound book, and flips to a page. “Can you handle this?” he asks, as he holds his arm out, open palmed, as a blue cylinder marked with ruins forms around the cyan pegasus.

“Hey, what gives?” she says, bashing her body into the trap.

“That should keep you a while to listen to reason.” he says. “I am definitely not trying to hurt your friend. She summoned me.”

“Rainbow Dash, he’s my new friend, and his name is Ryze.”

“Also, don’t call me a monster until you see half of the champions from the League." Ryze looked straight into the cyan pegasus' eyes. "I have looked straight into the Void using magic. Cho'gath and Nocturne are tame for what I have seen. Don’t even get me started.” states Ryze.

She backed away from the glowing energy wall and hung her head low. “Sorry we didn’t meet on good terms, I tend to be a bit…” She thinks for a minute trying to find the right word.

“Arrogant?” says Ryze with a venom, obviously knowing what kind of idiot he was dealing with.

“No, brash.” says Rainbow.

“Hmmph.” says Ryze. “I already don’t like you. But I have chosen a champion that should be your match,” he chuckles, and the new group of three proceed to walk through town after Ryze deactivates the Rune Prison.

“You’re a bit weird, and reek of bookworm like Twilight.” Rainbow tells Ryze.

“Yeah? And you’re an idiosyncratic, multi-chromatic maned jock whose arrogance gets her in trouble.”

“Can you two stop fighting?” asks Twilight, tempered by the argument. The trio reach the castle, and Ryze begins looking through one of his scrolls.

"Now that we're somewhere safe,” he says. “May I see the tome of yours, Twilight?”

Twilight hands Ryze the book, and he flips through it for a page.

“Rainbow, here are the runes for the summon of the Enforcer of Piltover. She is simply Vi, a powerful melee champion who can demolish stone to dust faster than anyone I’ve seen on the fields.”

“Alright I guess…” she says, copying the runes onto the parchment. She concentrates, the runes activate, and a beam connects the parchment and her for a few seconds, until a small explosion knocks the two mares and Spike back, but not Ryze.

“Where the hell am I?” asks the woman in the center of the room. She is clad in metal and leather, with a pair of goggles on top of her pink hair. She has a pair of giant whirring gauntlets, with glowing knuckles seething with power.

“It’s been awhile, Vi.” says Ryze.

“Ryze? What’s up? This isn’t anywhere near Runeterra.”

“New world inhabited by Equines that are about to go to war with two countries at once. We’re assembling a champion force first, asking question later, as much as I hate to say it.”

“I don’t like it… I love it!” She screams ecstatically. “Seriously, when was the last time you didn’t think something through? You always were methodical on the field, and a real stubborn ass.”

“Exactly why I recommended you. You’re strong and can do some bad damage. These foes are opportunists apparently, and need a lesson.”

“Perfect. So who summoned me, so I know who I’m working with?” says The Enforcer.

“Me!” says Rainbow, exceedingly happy that her summoned person was not a stuck up egghead like Ryze. At least that was her thoughts anyway. “I guess I’m your summoner.”

“Hmmph. Tell me how you solve your-”

“She thinks like you Vi. Rushes in and attacks hard as possible. You’re gonna be great friends.”

“Well that’s great, another brash kid. Me and you are gonna be great friends on the field, I can tell you that much.”

“Great! But we gotta finish this summoning stuff with the others, right?”

“Exactly,” says Ryze. “Now let us continue…”

The Vault Breaker

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“I believe we should split up.” says Ryze, placing the summoning tome on a table. “It will allow us to pursue your friends faster.”

“That’s a great idea Ryze.” says Twilight. “Rainbow, you and Vi should go get Fluttershy; Me and Ryze will go get Applejack.”

“Alright, let’s get crackin’” says Vi. The groups split up as they walk out of the castle.

However, after they leave, an estranged presence appears. It looks through the book for one champion. It copies the runes on paper and closes the book on the way out, and written on the paper besides the runes is a sole word.


“So, can you tell me a bit about yourself?” asks Rainbow as she and Vi walk towards the Everfree Forest.

“Well, I am Co-Sheriff of the city of Piltover. I say ‘Co’ because Caitlyn, the sheriff gave me an opportunity to redeem myself, by helping her catch criminals.” replies Vi.

“What do you mean, redeem?” asks Rainbow, confused.

“I used to be a gang member, helping them rob banks etc. That stopped in one raid, when I had been given a choice to flee with them after a heist or save the miners we trapped under boulders during a raid on their expensive equipment. I had to think fast, and decided to play hero.”

“What did you do?” asks Rainbow.

“I took one of their mining rigs, which had these very same robotic hands, and yanked them off. It took one punch to free them. I was thanked heartily, but I had to run. I was still an outlaw.”

“That sounds awful, being on the run. What did you do after that?”

“I became a criminal to the criminals. I kept on solo criminal activity, and only stole from other crooks. Eventually, I was caught by the new Sheriff of Piltover, Caitlyn during one of my raids. She promised me freedom if I helped her bring down the criminal scum.”

“That’s awesome!” blurted out Rainbow Dash.

“You bet it was, a life where I could beat the shit out of criminals and not have to run from the law was awesome. And when I’m on duty, I always make sure to keep that up with my partner. Now you’re not just my summoner, but my new partner as long as I’m here.”

“That sounds like a good job, fighting crime with your partner.”

“Ah, but we don’t always see eye to eye. Cait’s methodical, but she can be a real drag. She’s quite a bore, unless she’s out there headshotting scum with me. That’s why we fight in the league sometimes, always for our city of Piltover.”

“What’s Piltover like, anyway?”

“Piltover is the City of Progress, it’s like half one big science lab, half one big capital. Almost all of the champions who rely on technology live there, as it has everything you could ask for. It’s paradise, and to me and Cait it’s the best city state. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else.”

“Again, sounds awesome. I’d like to visit sometime.” The two laugh for a minute.

“So, what about you?” asks Vi.

“What do you mean?” asks Rainbow.

“I’ve told you my life story, what about yours?”

“Well, I’m the fastest flier in Equestria, help control the weather around Ponyville-”

“Control the weather? So you can, control the wind and rain?” interrupts Vi. “We have a few champions, like Janna who can do stuff like that. You’re probably viable as a champion yourself.” The new friends laugh a bit.

“I don’t like to fight too much though, takes a lot out of me. Anyway, I control the weather in Ponyville, and have a house in Cloudsdale.”

“Where’s that?” asks Vi, unfamiliar with Equestria.

“It’s a city literally in the clouds. It’s ground is made from clouds and the buildings are on top of them.”

“Clouds are made of water vapor. They can’t support anything, can they?”

“Pegasi can walk on clouds. So can the others, if they have enchantments from unicorns.”

“Heh, the more ya know.” says Vi. After another five minutes, they reach a small house in the Everfree. “Well, this is Fluttershy’s cottage.” She knocks on the door, and the door slowly creaks open, revealing a small white rabbit.

“Hey, ain’t he cute?” says Vi. The rabbit stamps his foot a bit, and point at Vi and crosses its arms. Then a large bear comes out and roars, scaring the crap out of the two.

“Did I mention Flutters likes animals alot? That’s one of the bears I assume she takes care of, it doesn’t recognize us. We should wait for Fluttershy…”

“I’m doing this my way.” says Vi. She starts to charge her gauntlets for the Vault Breaker, and dashes straight at it, intending to knock it right out. The bear didn’t even know what hit it.

“Vi, hah, stands for violence.” she says.

“Whoa!” Rainbow shouts. “That… was… awesome!” she says, again surprised by the Enforcer’s prowess.

“Eh, it was nothing. Now where’s that damn rabbit…”

“Oh my…” can be barely heard from inside the house.

“Fluttershy, everything’s fine. Your bear tried to attack us, and that stupid rabbit provoked it to!”

“Who, Angel?” She steps out, and see the two; she practically jumps back at seeing Vi.

“Hey. Name’s Vi. And yes, the damn ‘Angel’ demon bunny.”

“Angel wouldn’t hurt a fly. I’ll need to talk to him later.”

“What?” says Vi, extremely confused.

“I can talk to animals.” says Fluttershy.

“I think I see a certain guy she could get along with. Most summoners have a hard time with him, think she’ll get along with him.”

“You have an animal friend?” asks Fluttershy, eager at the thought.

“Yes. But you’ll have to do a little something to get to him,” says Vi. I’m part of a solution your friend Twilight came up with to the war. The ‘animal friend’ is going to help us, and we need you to come with us back to the castle.”

”Alright, I’ll go.” says Fluttershy, and the three begin to walk back to the structure.

The Scroll on His Back

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“Can you tell me a bit about yourself?” asked Twilight as she and the Mage walked. She wanted to get to know Ryze better by a lot, and wanted to know how the strange, new magic of his worked.

“Well, I’ve already told you as much as I wished to tell about my past. Just a man seeking knowledge. Enlightenment. And that enlightenment is the knowledge of the arcane. But after I had found an ultimate knowledge, I now must protect it at all costs.” After all, Ryze was still being pursued by that uncanny Eye of the Void.

“What is it?” asked Twilight.

“I perhaps may tell you, since you seem to be a good person, and my summoner after all. But I will tell you after the war, and after destroying a certain man who is continually pursuing it. It is contained in the scroll on my back, an ultimate power I refuse to use and to allow anyone to use.” answered Ryze.

“That’s amazing! Are you sure it can’t benefit ponies.... err I mean people, though?” asked Twilight.

“It cannot,” replied Ryze. “It is only destruction, and cannot benefit anyone.”

“Okay then,” said Twilight. “What about your magic? Perhaps you can teach me how it works?”

“You can’t perform it, at least without permanently altering your body, as I have done.” Twilight was shocked when she heard this; she thought he was completely normal, for she had seen only a few people. Ryze resumed, saying: “My magic is controlled through marking my body with these tattooed runes, called Thorn Magic. I had to allow all the magic my body could contain into it, immediately after I marked the last rune. This caused me to change physically, to accommodate better. I am no longer just human, but a being whose life force is tied to the magic itself. I am, simply, Ryze.” He finished solemnly, remembering when he had to re-write and burn the rest of the scroll on his back once, as that foolish Nocturne chopped it so carelessly. Nocturne got his just desserts alright, as Ryze trapped him with Rune Prison, and casted a burst of Spell Flux to finish him.

“Wow. That’s… extraordinary." said Twilight. "I need to write this down when I get back to the castle, it’s a brand new discovery for the whole of Equestria.”

“I have an entire book back at my study in the Institute. I went to the Institute of War,” and he took out a scroll, and on it is a faded image of a building and a crest. “Where they provided me with room and board, as well as a study to conduct my magical research in exchange for assisting in arranged matches to decide political terms for the city states. And now, here I am today.”

“Is that the Institute?” asked Twilight.

“Yes. It has been my home for a while, and now allow me to ask you some questions.” The two are now on a dirt road, approaching a field. “I wanted to know how your magic works. It seems separate from magic I am used to seeing, such as the summon you performed.”

“Well, only unicorns are capable of using magic here, and it’s channeled through their horns. Magic is varied, ranging from basic telekinetic spells, teleportation, to more offensive magic such as blast and barriers.”

“Interesting… I shall take note of that. Also, may I ask for some of your past as well?” He wanted to know that as well, as he told her much of his world and past already.

“Well, I was originally Princess Celestia’s student, who is the ruler of Equestria. I moved to Ponyville and became friends with the Elements, and we have protected Equestria from several foes that threatened peace before.”

“Hmm, that seems interesting.” said Ryze. “Why wouldn’t the elements work on the enemy troops, then?”

“They take too much energy to cast, and attack a singular foe. They can’t protect us from two whole countries.”

“Well that explains why I’m here then.” said Ryze, and the two beings laughed a good deal.

“We’re here,” said Twilight, as the two approach a farm with a large apple orchard. They walk up to the door of a small farmhouse. Twilight knocked on the door, and it opened.

“Howdy Twi-” She stopped abruptly when she saw Ryze. “Well who’s this?”

“Applejack, this is Ryze. He’s helping Equestria with its new war effort.”

“A pleasure to meet you.” greeted Ryze.

“Well, it’s alway nice to have somepony new here, so why’d y’all decide to show up here?” asked Applejack.

“We need your help for a few things, including a summoning. See, Twilight summoned me using an ancient tome. The same tome has runes for a champion I believe will share a bit in common with you, and he will be indefinitely an ally. Would you mind helping us with the summon?” asked Ryze.

“Of course, I’d love to help y’all. So, Mr. Ryze, what’s gonna happen?”

“We’re going assemble a force of people, including the one you summon, to defend this nation. I hope this one will not fall.” finished Ryze.

“Very well, let’s go.”

Cards, Shotgunshells, and Bones

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“Looks like we got here before them,” said Vi, walked into the library of the castle with Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy.

“Well, let’s get going on the summon!” Rainbow flied over to the book and enthusiastically tossed it to Vi. Vi caught the book, and flipped through it with amazing dexterity for her gloved hands.

“Here we are; Gnar, the Missing Link. He’s cute, but deadly in a fight. Just copy this,” she gestured to the runes on the page “And focus on the runes.”

“O-okay.” said Fluttershy. The summoning process starts, the runes glowing and a beam connecting her and the paper. Finally, the burst happens, and out pops a small, orange creature. He holds a small, bone boomerang, is wearing a worn tribal mask on top of his head, and has large eyes.

“Gnar!” he growled.

“Aww… he’s cute.” said Fluttershy. The creature then growled, and he warped into a large creature, Mega Gnar. His frame triples in size, and now he snarled in rage.

“Calm down, I don’t want to hurt you…” she said.

Vi is speechless at this; Rainbow is not surprised at all.

The creature reverts back to it’s original form. “Frendaga?” it asked her..

“Yes, I want to be your friend. You’re a cute little guy, aren’t you?”

“Yana!” it squeals, and leaps up onto her back.

“No champion could understand him. And now you go on and figure it out. I congratulate you, Fluttershy.” remarked Vi. As Vi finishes the statement, Twilight, Ryze, and Applejack walk in the library.

“Ah, I see you got here before us, Vi.” says Ryze.

“Yes, we did Mr. Big Scroll. You move way too slow without those Sorcerer’s Boots on, you know?”

“Not my problem. Anyway, let’s get on with summoning Graves.”

“Wait. You’re telling me you want to summon a guy who’s an outlaw in not just Piltover, but in every city-state he’s been to?”

“You got a problem, Vi? I’m not afraid to leave you in a Rune prison for a while-”

“Is that a threat?” asked Vi.

“RARA!!!” shouted Gnar, silencing the two.

“You know, he’s got a point.” barely whispered Fluttershy. “You two need to stop fighting and focus.”

“Very well, if he blows this place up, not my fault. And I’m getting him and his partner committed after this…”

“That is after war, not before.” Ryze quickly grabbed the book from Vi, and flipped through for the page of Graves.

“These are the runes to summon Malcolm Graves, a… less than respected individual, but a trustworthy ally.”

“I personally don’t know about this…” said Applejack.

“Working with a bad man or the lives of thousands?” said Ryze, shocking everyone in the room.

“I guess you’re right.” finished Applejack, and she wrote the runes on the paper, placed it in the center of the room, and went through the summoning process.

“Wha-” is all the creature summoned can muster, before falling on the floor, motionless.

“Shit!” said Vi, rushing over to the man. He had several gun wounds on the left side of his chest. “Graves, don’t give up just yet!”

“Gotta… save… Fate….” is all he can say before he yanks a small flask of red liquid from his vestments, and drinks it before losing consciousness.

“Quick, we gotta summon Twisted Fate! Run and grab one of your friends, the faster, the better! Twilight, teleport me and you to one of your friends, now!”

“Alright, whatever you say…” replied Twilight, warping Ryze and herself out of the room.

“No time to explain!” said Twilight upon teleporting into Rarity’s boutique.

“What is it?” asked Rarity before she, Twilight, and Ryze are teleported out.

Graves lied on the crystal ground, unconscious, while Vi and Rainbow mutter curses to deities the other doesn’t know about, and Fluttershy simply tried to help Graves’ wounds with Gnar.

Finally, the new trio teleports in.

“BOOK!!!” shouted Ryze.

“Got it!” said Vi, and she tossed the book to Ryze. He flips through it extremely fast, and stops on one page.

“Write, this down now, and focus on it to save a life. Now.” said Ryze.

“Alright then…” replied Rarity. She focuses on the runes, and a man falls onto the ground, bleeding a little.

“Thank... you…” he said, taking a swig of red liquid from a flask before falling unconscious.

“Oh my goodness!” said Rarity. “What happened to these two?”

“As I said, Graves isn’t exactly a good person. His partner is, but the duo are outlaws. This is his partner, Twisted Fate. And you see, a dead man isn’t useful…” At this point, Graves began to awaken, and his wounds were healing.

“Oh God where am I?” he asked.

“Welcome to a whole new world, Graves.” said Ryze.

“In case you couldn’t tell, me and my ‘partner’” -he puts air quotes around partner, knowing T.F was unconscious- “were in a heist and were struggling to get away. If it were any other situation, I would have shot you two dead.”

“We could see that much…” said Vi.

“Shut up you, I don’t want to hear jackshit from an officer. We ain’t in Piltover; you have no jurisdiction. And as far as I know, I’m not literally wanted here. So please, explain why the fuck I’m here?”

“Two countries are about to gang up on a lesser one. We’re defending it. And you can help us.”

“Ah, fine. I’d probably get hanged back at home anyways. All that’s left is getting T.F involved… too bad he’s still out from the blood loss and health potion combo.”

“Well, hopefully he won’t be out for long.” said Ryze.

“So… I summoned him?” Rarity spoke up.

“Yes. He, Twisted Fate, is your champion; Currently, as things stand,” said Ryze. “I am Twilight’s champion, Vi is Rainbow’s champion, Gnar is Fluttershy’s champion, and Graves is Applejack’s champion.”

“Why can’t things ever be easy…” moaned Graves.

Jesters and Dragons

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“Urgh…” said the Card Master. He was… in a bed. “Must have finally died…” he thought.

“Hey, you’re finally waking up bud. Was starting to think I would have to find a new partner.” said the man next to him.

“Shut up Malcolm, now I know I ain’t dead yet, because I wouldn’t be dealing with you right now if I was. Unless you’re dead too…” said Twisted Fate.

“Tobias, we ain’t dead. We were summoned to a new world, and we’re gonna have to defend it from two hostile countries. Otherwise, they take our heads.”

“Just what I wanted to wake up to, another crisis situa-” He stopped speaking when he noticed Ryze, Vi, and Gnar in the room, alongside five… ponies? “Malcolm, we must’ve died. Because I’m seeing multicolored ponies in this room with us, alongside that damn Piltover officer and Ryze…”

“GNAR!!!” shouted a small orange creature.

“Holy Hell!” shouted T.F. “Never liked that thing…”

“Well, we’re stuck with him, because Fluttershy likes him. Now-”

“Wait, who? And who are these ponies anyway?”

“They’re… summoners somehow. The yellow one is Fluttershy, but the important thing you know is the white one,” he pointed to Rarity. “is your summoner. She is Rarity.”

“Hello miss,” said Twisted Fate.

Rarity laughed and blushed a little bit.

“Anyway, we got to get going. As I said, war’s about to kick off. Countries have proclaimed war; they’re just waiting for a time to strike. And the best part, is there’s a third country to the north that just hasn’t said anything yet. And apparently, the major in espionage. So they’re gonna know exactly when to strike.” finished Graves.

“Don’t got a choice do I? But from the looks of it, Lady Luck is smiling.” said the Card Master.

“Well, now we got you awake…” said Ryze. “Isn’t there a sixth friend you mentioned Twi-”

“SURPRISE!!!” shouted the head of pink mare from a hole in the barrel of Graves gun.

“WHAT THE F*CK!!!!” screamed Graves, as he was brandishing it when it happened.

“Yeah… that’s her.” said Twilight.

“I know just who she can summon…” said T.F.

“No, we are not bringing Shaco into this.” said Ryze, closing the summoning book.

“You can’t say you would imagine her working with anyone else?” said Graves, agreeing completely with Fate, and yanking the book out of Ryze’s hands.

“Well… alright, but I’m relying on you two and her to keep him under control. That means no killing people, and no torture.” said Vi. “I will not let him be my problem…”

“Oooh, is he a clown?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“Actually, he prefers the title ‘Demon Jester.’” said Graves.

“Sound evil, but fun at the same time!” replied Pinkie Pie.

“Yep, she’s his kind of crazy…” said Twisted Fate.

“Alright, copy this down onto paper, and focus on the runes.” said Graves after flipping to the page of the Jester.

“Okie Dokie Lokie!” she replied, and she connects to the paper. Finally, a man a manic mask on his face appeared from the spell. He wore the garbs of a jester in red, black, and white, and the mask had strange, glowing blue pupil-less eyes.

“How about a magic trick?” asked the Jester.

“Ooh, I love magic tricks!” replied Pinkie Pie. And in a flash, Shaco disappeared, and came up behind Pinkie Pie for a backstab… only for his dagger to bounce off a blue hued shield that hovered slightly above her skin.

“Gah…” he said behind her. Pinkie still didn’t notice him; the shield made no noise. “Look…behind you.”

“Oh there you went! You showed up behind me, that was some magic trick!” she replied.

“She’s lucky a champion can’t harm summoners…” grunted Graves.

“Quite lucky and true indeed, Graves.” said Shaco.

“Shaco, there are rules here. No killing people unless they’re a member of one of two countries. A third if it gets involved.” said Ryze.

“Aww… you know homicide is the ultimate part of comedy, and you have to make me endure without it until we get to the battlefield. Great…” replied Shaco.

“Anyway, we most likely should be going.” said Ryze.

“What about me? You guys have been ignoring me ever since you got back with the others!” said a disgruntled dragon.

“Wait, do I know you?” asked Ryze.

“Ryze, I introduced you to him when I summoned you. He’s Spike, my dragon assistant.” answered Twilight.

“That’s a dragon?” asked Graves. “He looks like a damn baby lizard! I’ve killed dragons with Shaco in the jungle of Summoner’s Rift a hundred times his size!”

“Hey! Take that back!” shouted Spike.

“Pfft, nope.” replied Graves.

“Graves, I think he can be a summoner. Perhaps…” He took the book from Graves and flipped through it for a page. “Shyvana can be his mentor. He might be able to tap into something to make a powerful duo with her…I sense energy in him.”

“Alright, do what you want Ryze. If she burns the city down… not my fault.” he said, forever holding his peace.

“Alright, here are the runes. Copy them, and start the summon by focusing on the paper.” said Ryze, somewhat nervous. No one even knew he had a nervous voice. The only ones they heard were ‘out of battle’ and ‘in battle.’ And even then, they sounded very similar.

“Alright then.” said Spike. He focuses on the the runes, and successfully summons a blue-skinned woman. She wore a helmet with a pair of horns, along with what appeared to be light armor.

“Where am I?” she demanded to Ryze, right to the point.

“Small defenseless country is about to go to war with two more countries and a third has a possibility of joining into the fray at any point. We defend and fight for this place.”

“I am all for defending the weak, it fits the code of Demacia, after all.”

“Umm… hi?” said Spike.

“Hello young one. Another dragon?” she asked.

“Finally someone acknowledges me for being a dragon.” he said.

“I envy you almost. I am a half breed, a dragon and a human together... “ she said.

“We can have time for conversation later,” said Twilight. “We need to meet with the Princesses of Equestria to prepare for the war…”

Tales of Apples and Oranges

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The Elements of Harmony decided to take the train to the capital of Equestria, Canterlot; Twilight, however, teleported her and Ryze directly there to establish fast first contact between Runeterra and Equestria. Ryze already had plans for diplomacy, as while Twisted Fate had been unconscious, he and Twilight had combined their magic together to send an apple back to Runeterra. They even managed to create a portal large enough to look through, and they saw a glimpse into the throne room of Prince Jarvan IV, the ruler of Demacia. He was… eating the apple they sent through. This surprised the living shit out of Ryze, but not so much Twilight.

“It was a Sweet Apple Acres apple…” she said.

“He’s the current ruler of Demacia. Why would he eat a random apple straight out of Gods-know where?” he demanded.

“Because he can see who sent it,” replied Jarvan IV from the other side of the portal.

“Now we know it’s at least a two-way portal…” said Twilight.

“True it is,” answered Jarvan IV. “Why have you conjured a portal to see me, Ryze? You know you have a designated warp circle in my court.”

“Because me and several other summoners are stuck in another dimension. Here there is a country that is about to go to war against two others, and a third has a large chance of striking. We will send you a letter when we arrive to our destination, so you may talk with its leader.” said Ryze.

“Very well then, we shall topple their forces. I will gather the Demacian Champions, other than Shyvana who has gone-”

“Actually, she’s already here, Prince. She was summoned alongside several others. Sorry for the interruption.” finished Ryze.

“‘Tis alright. I shall gather them, and tell of this news to Piltover, the old leaders of the lost kingdom of Shurima, and Bandle City. We do not want Zaun or Noxus involved…”

“True. I shall be on my way with my summoner.” Ryze began to close the portal at this statement.

“Excellent. I shall see you when you send me a portal to their leader. Also, the apple is delicious!” said Jarvan IV as Ryze finished closing the Portal.

“I guess we will negotiate peace talks with Jarvan and his allies when we get to Canterlot…” said Ryze.

“Twilight, I’ve been expecting you for a while now, after hearing the summon worked.” said Princess Celestia.

“Ah, so you are their leader.” said Ryze. “I am Ryze, the Rogue Mage. I understand Twilight talked about me in her letter, yes?”

“Of course, and I understand what you shall do when the others arrive. These countries sound interesting, and I trust their leaders shall be nothing but impressive.” finished Celestia.

“Sister, what is going on?” asked Luna, as she walked into the court.

“This is the creature Twilight summoned, Ryze.” said Celestia.

“Oh right, it’s diarchy…” mumbled Ryze. “So, you are the Lunar Princess,” he said in his normal voice. “and you,” he gestured to Celestia. “are the Solar Princess, correct?”

“Yes, and we rule Equestria together.” said Celestia.

“I guess all we can do now is wait for the others…” said Ryze.

Meanwhile, on the Canterlot Express…

“At least they got trains here. Too bad no hextech…” mumbled Graves.

“Look at the bright side. Here we aren’t outlaws.” said T.F.

“Wait, you two are outlaws?” asked Applejack, as she, Twisted Fate, Graves, and Rarity were in the same booth.

“I believe we registered that when we warped in with gunshot wounds in our sides and Vi told you a bunch of shit.” said Twisted Fate. “We’re wanted men in every Valoran City state. Luckily, we aren’t in Valoran and can live somewhat regular lives.”

“I’m not certain I like the sound of this…” said Rarity.

“We ain’t doing jackshit here. We ain’t got plans for thieving and lying now. Unless we need to pass an inspection from guards or some crap…” said Graves.

“I don’t believe that’s gonna happen,” said Applejack. “So, perhaps you can tell us some stuff about yerselves?”

“Well, we grew up a bit differently. I grew up amongst the people of the Serpentine, a nomadic people who live on the river and had an affinity for cards. We always had short welcome, however, as we were despised for our different ways. Eventually, we were attacked by gamblers wanting money back at one of the ports we berthed at, and I attacked the men who attacked us. It was against our law to harm anyone, and I was immediately exiled. I began to grow to manhood, gambling from table to table, and eventually I met this lug across from one of the tables I played at.” said Twisted Fate.

“Meanwhile, I grew up in the island-city of Bilgewater, the city of pirates and outlaws. I had to learn to fight and steal to survive. I gambled a little on the side, but I lived in Bilgewater until I snuck onto a cargo ship to get to mainland Valoran. When I gambled there, I met Twisted Fate here in the back of a casino. “ added Graves.

“After that, we were inseparable for a long time. But then a heist went wrong, and Graves got caught. I gathered some old guys me and him worked with to try and break him out, but that went wrong too… we didn’t see each other again for years.”

“I was being tortured for the majority of that time. It was… not a pleasurable experience.” said Graves.”

“Eventually, I went off on a job to steal an ornamental dagger in Bilgewater, and Malcolm here finally got out of his torture to pin me down. He wanted my head on a silver platter, complete with ornamental dagger on the side. I had to run, and run I did. The two of us eventually got caught by some of a certain pirate’s crew, and that pirate was the uncrowned king of Bilgewater, Gangplank. Man was mean as hell, had some weird-ass orange fetish, and he was going to execute me and Graves with an old cannon named Death’s Daughter. Took all my cards, they did. But Malcolm had a card I gave him years ago, and since were bound together, he handed it to me. I used it to try and escape, but sadly I couldn’t take Graves with me using the card. So I went back, and found him instead tied to the bloody cannon on Gangplank’s ship.”

“I kept cursing Twisted Fate the entire time I was being tied to that cannon, and afterwards cursing Gangplank.” said Graves.

“Well, right when I got close enough to save him, they tossed the cannon overboard. He was gonna sink, but I jumped in as they tossed it overboard. They shot me on the way down, and I could barely muster enough strength to get him freed. Shortly afterward, I went unconscious.”

“And with me freed, I was gonna just go up to the surface without his cheap ass… but I dragged him to the surface with me, and yanked him up on the side of the slaughter docks as we watched Miss Fortune, a friend of ours, use her flagship to send Gangplank’s ship, The Dead Pool, to the bottom of the ocean. The bastard survived, somehow. Probably ate an orange and became ok. He lost an arm in it, and now has a robotic arm and still wants our heads. Luckily after that, we’re back in business. And now we’re here, fighting for, Equestria, right?”

“Yeah, sounds like you two have been through some deep stuff together…”

“We have. Life’s hard in the world… but it’s not gambling if you win every time, right?” asked Twisted Fate.

“I guess…” replied Rarity.

Meanwhile, behind them were Vi and Rainbow Dash discussing some of their feats white Fluttershy and Gnar listened. Behind them were Pinkie Pie and Shaco being… Pinkie Pie and Shaco.

“You’re an interesting character…” said Shaco. “How do you do your random warps and tricks? I use a small bit of magic to warp disappear, but I don’t see you expending anything to warp to a place?”

“Silly Shaco!” replied Pinkie Pie. “I don’t need anything to do anything! I’m Pinkie Pie!”

“But there has to be some explanation for how you do your abilities. You do all sorts of things, such as changing into various objects and appearing from thin air. I have to use mana to do my skills, and yet you use none.”

“I don’t have to. I just do it.” replied Pinkie Pie.

“That makes absolutely no-”

“Don’t question it,” said Rainbow Dash from behind Shaco. “It will prevent your brain from exploding.”

“Eh, for my next trick, I’ll make you disappear…” said Shaco.

Finally, behind Shaco and Pinkie Pie were Shyvana and Spike. There was an awkward silence between the two, partially because Shyvana envied Spike for being a full dragon, and Spike envied Shyvana for being fully grown.

“So…” said Spike, trying to break the awkward silence. “Should I know a little bit about you?”

“Well…” said Shyvana. “I was viewed as an abomination by dragonkind, as a half-breed. I had to stay on the run with my father, a dragon, when a certain drake chased us relentlessly. That dragon killed him. And I chased him down with the current leader of Demacia, Prince Jarvan IV. I ripped the dragon’s heart out, and am now part of Jarvan’s elite guard, and work as a champion in the league.”

“That’s amazing.” said Spike in response. There was still an awkward tension so thick you could cut it with a…

“Shaco, stop cutting the air with your knives, the noise is getting irritating.” growled Shyvana.

“Just preparing for battle…” said Shaco.

The Catfight and Politics

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After the train arrived, the group of champions and ponies entered the castle, and arrived at the throne room. Ryze was there looking through his book with Twilight, while the Sisters were discussing what might happen at the meeting.

“Ah, you’re here.” said Princess Celestia. She and Luna look at each of the new champions for a bit, understanding they could mean the difference between life and death of the country.

“I recommend you sisters summon a pair of guards…” said Ryze, flipping to a page in the book. He copies runes onto paper and hands the runes to Celestia and Luna. The start and end the summoning at the same time, releasing a pair of appropriately garbed warriors.

“A new summoner to serve- What the hell is she doing here?” asked Leona, the Radiant Dawn.

“Excuse me, that should be my question, sun worshipping bitch!” shouted Diana, Scorn of the Moon.

“Cat fight!” said Twisted Fate and Graves in unison.

“Oooh, I love a good catfight,” said a disembodied voice, warping in as Discord, complete with a bucket of popcorn. Of course the sane champions of Valoran recognized this being as not normal, Twisted Fate and Graves recognized him instantly as a kindred soul who wasn't exactly on the right side of things. Shaco recognized him as a masochistic bastard, much like himself. The sane champions saw him as the random pitchblende of creatures that he was, with various animal parts sticking out from him. "I bet my money on the one of the sun." he whispered to Twisted Fate.

“Mind sharing?” asked Graves.

“Of course,” replied Discord. He handed Graves a handful of popcorn.

“Get over here, you solar-powered idiot!” yelled Diana, rushing at Leona and attempting to assault her with her crescent blade. The blade bounced harmlessly off Leona’s shield.

“Next time, try to leave a dent, you manic literal lunatic.” replied Leona, obviously happy at the result.

“I will destroy you, Solari!” said the Scorn of the Moon as she flings a beam of Lunar energy in an arc. It strikes home, but barely scratches the Solar Warrior.

“It shall take more than that to end the worship of the Sun on Mount Targon, Lunari.” answered Leona. She fires a solar projection of her sword at Diana, and it knocks her back.

Meanwhile, Discord was wearing a poker visor and acting as an administrator of bets over who would win, Diana or Leona. Graves and Ryze betted one thousand gold each on Leona while Twisted Fate betted two thousand gold on Diana. Vi watched the four gambling and facepalmed, while Shyvana and Gnar were more indifferent towards it.

“ENOUGH!!!” shouted the Royal Sisters at the same time.

“Aww…” said T.F, Graves, and Discord. Ryze just picked up his gold and walked away from the three as if nothing happened.

“You are now serving under us, and as far as I am concerned, any bad blood between the two of you ends here and now.” said Celestia.

“Really, says the bitch who summoned the Sun worshipper! The rest of those idiots who called me heretic now are dead! Surely the one of the Moon understands my plight, correct?” she asked her summoner, Luna.

“Me and Celestia rule as equals; you will cooperate as equals as well.

“Surely there is some misunderstanding, my summoner? The sun is superior to the moon; for with its might, justice is acted. Life cannot exist without the sun-”

“And yet it blinds those who look upon it.” ranted the Lunari. “It is obviously inferior to the moon; the moon can be viewed safely without burning your corneas out of your eyes. It causes drought, and there are creatures intelligent enough to walk under the moon as opposed to the dreadful sun!”

“Grr…” raged the Solari. “I am juxtaposed; my summoner tells me not to attack, yet you are the greatest threat to this country.”

“Hmmph. I view you as the same.”

“At least respect each other as living beings!” shouted Twilight. She became a bit sheepish after this. “I mean… you don’t have to be friends. Just cooperate please…”

“Very well…” said a reluctant Leona.

“If I must... “ said Diana. “At least we were summoned by beings of our elements.” Leona and Diana both take the sides of the princesses.

“True. Now, Ryze and Twilight, please summon this Prince. We should begin now.” said Celestia.

The mage and alicorn begin to create the portal, but instead they open a portal to… a place filled to the brim with oranges.

“What the-” said Ryze, but he was interrupted by the gambling duo.

“STOP!!!” they shouted.

“Why?” asked Ryze.

“That must be where he gets his damn oranges from!” said Malcolm Graves.

“Who?” asked everyone in the room.

“Gangplank!” the pair said.

All the champions in the room start a raucous laughter, along with Discord. Applejack and Rarity giggled a little, remembering the pirate they spoke of with an obsession of oranges.

“I knew there was some reason behind that pocket dimension filled only with oranges…” said Discord. “Here, let me fix the portal for you…” He simply poked it, and it bent and warped into a portal to the Demacian Throne Room, at a size that could easily fit Nautilus or full size Cho’Gath.

(Suggested Ambience for the Prince of Demacia)

Directly in the center stood the imposing Jarvan IV, in full battle armor, lance at his side, and crown on his head. On his right side stood Garen Crownguard, the Might of Demacia. He stood fully erect in a blue, silver, and gold set of battle armor, and had a semi stoic expression on his face. On the left side of Jarvan stood Luxanna Crownguard, the Lady of Luminosity. She had a light set of armor on, and carried a small staff-like wand. Behind them were various other leaders and soldiers, and in the farthest back portion were an indeterminable number of troops.

“Ah, Princess Celestia and Luna. The diarchs of this fine country. I am happy we could finally meet, albeit on the edge of war.”

“Well Prince, you know how to make an entrance.” said Celestia.

“A Demacian leader is nothing if not prepared for anything. Especially diplomacy with a just nation.”

“So, I trust you are here to help defend Equestria in a dark hour?” asked Luna.

“Of course. Defend the defenseless, protect the faithful, and purge the unjust. It is the law of our country, and it has not failed us to date. I brought several of my own allies with me, even though I intend to take to the field after our meeting. But, then again, I am getting hasty aren’t I? I don’t even know the terrain in this region.” said Jarvan IV.

“Do not worry, we have maps produced by expert cartographers for the entire realm. The maps are made to be easy to read, and we can plan attack at a later time. For now, we need to get accustomed to one another first.” Celestia replied.

“Very well, I am Prince Jarvan Lightshield IV, the Exemplar of Demacia. These are my closest friends and allies on the field, Garen Crownguard, the Might of Demacia and captain of my personal guard,”

“I stand ready,” said the knight.

“And Luxanna Crownguard, the Lady of Luminosity.”

“Hello.” she said simply.

“Meanwhile, my allies can introduce themselves.” He stands aside and allows a pair of large men and a young woman to pass through. One large man holds a large keg in an arm, with a pink liquid slightly leaking out of the cork in it. He wore nothing but a tattered cloth around his netheregions and had a large red beard and bushy eyebrows. The other man held a large shield with a ram's head on its front side, and wore no shirt, but a pair of thick trousers and fur boots. He was also extremely muscular, while first man had a huge beer belly. The woman wore the clothes of an archer, and was equipped with a bow of ice.

"I am Gragas, representative of the peaceful tribes of the Freljord," said the one with a beer belly. "These are my good friends, Braum, the Heart of the Freljord,"

"Hello there," said the bulky man. "We welcome you with the Freljord's finest."

"And Ashe, the Frost Archer."

"I always take the high moral ground in a conflict." she said.

"We hope to help in the conflict as much as we can."

"We hope so too." said Luna.

After this introduction finished, a pair of young ladies walked into the throne room. One was garbed in a business suit, while the other wore a gaudier outfit, with a purple top hat and small dress. At her side was a hextech rifle.

“Well, if it isn’t cupcake,” said Vi, recognizing the pair as the Mayor and Sheriff of Piltover.

“Vi, it’s been a while. I’ve been wondering where you went.” said Caitlyn.

“Allow me to resume matters. I am the Mayor of Piltover, and hope our countries will have good relationships for years to come. We are, the city of progress.”

“I hope to visit sometime after the war,” said Celestia.

Next walked in what appeared to be an Egyptian emperor in style, and wore a bird like mask. Next to him walked in a dog-like man who wore traditional Egyptian attire.

“Princess Celestia, I am Emperor Azir of Shurima, and this is my Curator, Nasus. We shall directly assist the fight with all the power the sands have to offer.” said the Emperor.

“You are welcome in this land as any other.” said Celestia.

After the introduction walked in a pair of young women, one with a floating, green, double dragon crest behind her head, dressed in armor and had a seemingly green glow around her. The other wore red armor and a matching hovering halo, and had a strange bladed mechanism on her back.

“I am the Duchess of Ionia, Karma.” said the one with the green sigil. “And this is the captain of the Ionian Guard, Irelia.”

"My blade is at your service," said Irelia.

“A pleasure to make your acquaintance.” said Luna.

Finally, three short creatures walked in that seemed to be two men and one woman. These were Yordles, the second of two main sentient races in Valoran. The first was what seemed to be average, a shorter version of a man. The second had a large head of yellow-orange hair, a pair of goggles, and a pair of wrenches in his belt, which had a buckle with a single capital “H.” The third was a girl with blue skin and white hair who wore a golden suit of armor, had a golden shield, and a large hammer.

“Hello, I presume you are Princess Celestia, yes?” asked the first one.

“I am, and you are?” she replied.

“I am Mayor Dennison Jadefellow, the current Mayor of Bandle City, the central city of the Yordles. Next to me are Professor Cecil B. Heimerdinger, the Revered Inventor of Bandle City and Piltover, and Poppy, the Iron Ambassador of Bandle City to Demacia. We hope for peace and prosperity between our two countries in the years to come.”

“I hope so as well. Now, Prince Jarvan, you wanted to plan the strategy with us?”

“Yes, but I only want to do the planning stage with the leaders in the room, back in Runeterra, war planning only stressed champions out.” He clears his voice to speak to the assembled group. “All leaders of the countries and city-states of Valoran, please stay here in the throne room. All champions, please wait outside the castle.”

Tactical Decisions and Ethics of War

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After the Elements and each of the Valoran champions, minus the ruling Champions, left the room, a table with a complete map* of the known Equestrian world was brought in so that strategy could be discussed. (*For all practical purposes, Yakyakistan shall be assumed to lie in the zone of the Silent Reach, to the west of the Mild West and Appleloosa. This is because not one map of Equestria I can find online has been updated to include it as of yet. I will change this when I can find an updated map.)

“The war will have to be fought on two fronts,” said Celestia. “There is the western front with Yakyakistan, and the northern front with the Gryphon Kingdom.”

“Hmm... and you claim the north is a frozen zone, yes?” asked Braum. “The tribes of the Freljord will easily be able to cover the Griffon Kingdom by comparison to other groups.”

“It is,” answered Luna “Who else should we send to assist, however?”

“I can send my forces to assist. We shall overcome them.” said Jarvan IV.

“Yordles do not fare as well in cold, I’m afraid.” said Mayor Jadefellow. “We can assist in the fight against Yakyakistan much better.”

“Ionians train through meditation and can endure much pain, minor cold causes no pain.” said Karma. "We will take on the Northern Front."

“That means Shurima and Piltover shall fight Yakyakistan as well, if that is fine with you, Mayor.”asked Azir.

“It is alright. In fact, I believe that since Piltover’s premier anti-crime duo and powerful scientists would work better in the sands than the snow.” replied the Mayor of Piltover.

“It appears we have a general strategy,” said Celestia. “Each group can make more key decisions when they reach their destinations. Jarvan, I recommend you lead the front in the north as leader, and Azir should lead the front to the west. I shall follow Jarvan, and Luna, you can follow Azir.”

“Yes sister,” answered Luna.

While the leaders had been busy talking, Ryze moved the portal to the royal barracks with help from Twilight. Troops began to pour out, and gradually the army began to fill the structure. It was large mostly because of ancient conflict, but luckily it had just enough room to accompany the troops eight to a room. Champions were allotted guest rooms in the castle, but they too had to share. Champions began having conversations with one another; they were excited for a war. Runeterra hadn’t seen a major war in years. But the difference between Equestria and Runeterra’s lack of war was that Runeterra still honed its skill and kept its blades sharp. For he who seeks shall find in their land, that no one is to be underestimated.

“So… I know we’re all thinking this, but umm… guys, what’s war like?” asked Rainbow to the Champions of the Elements. All seven looked with disbelief at her.

“Just… seriously, what the-” said Ryze, but then Gnar clawed his leg. “Gah!”

“You guys have no idea what your country has gotten into, do you?” asked Vi.

“Well, technically speaking no…” replied Rainbow Dash.

“Good lord… all the innocent lives…” said Twisted Fate, thinking of the citizens who hadn’t realized what going to war was like.

“Ah hell.” said Graves. “You’re not gonna like it. War is a terrible thing, it’s killing the soldiers of the enemy to beat the country that opposed you to oblivion. The first kill is always the hardest for a soldier to make. After the first, it becomes automated, less significant. But give them a break, and shell shock will set in. They’ll realize all the bad they done, and that’s the moral difference between all of us in this group and Shaco. Guy’s got no remorse, parades himself as-”

“The world’s first fully functional homicidal comic!” he interrupted. “I find death absolutely hilarious! Even at times when it’s my own!”

“Who would laugh at-” said Twilight, but she was cut off by Ryze.

“You know how you said ‘Because Pinkie Pie is Pinkie Pie’ earlier? Well, we have ‘Because Shaco is Shaco’ in our world.”

“O...kay.” she said. “But why would anypony kill each other?”

“Because do others for they would do you.” answered Twisted Fate.

“Sapient life in our world is generally mean and savage, as that is how the world evolved. Survival of the fittest.” inserted Heimerdinger, walking up with Garen.

“Even though it isn’t just…” added Garen with a semi-sunken face. “Life shouldn’t be ended just because like how Shaco thinks. Bloodshed should only occur when the others will do you in. It’s what separates me from Darius and his brother, Draven.”

“And when the going gets tough, naturally you become tougher.” said Heimerdinger. “I had little to no tolerance to gunshot and magic wounds when I first joined the league, but gradually I stopped feeling the pain. It becomes passive, as war is just another aspect of the world.”

“No matter how much good you bring to the world, good cannot exist without evil. The mighty and morally perfect Demacia has always lead a crusade against the vile and morally ambiguous Noxus, but neither state could really exist without the other, as much as I hate to say it.” said Garen.

“I guess you’re right…” said Rainbow Dash. The rest of the ponies listened to the whole thing unfold, and became apprehensive. This was something they couldn’t imagine. Bloodshed on a grand scale, it was almost too much. But they knew it was the only way out, and so they decided to keep at this war effort.

“We can deal with it, and hopefully minimize the blood-” said Twilight, but was cut off by Garen.

“You cannot hold back. By holding back, they will take that pause to stab you in the back, as you are showing weakness. You will die simply by not acting.”

“Garen is right, every moment in a battle counts.” added Graves.The mercenary for hire knew from experience that much, as if he and Twisted Fate hadn’t run at key points in heists, two seconds later they would have been dead.

“I do not agree with his methods, but you know by golly do they generate results." said Heimerdinger. "I’ve worked with him in the League before, of course I don’t agree with his personal method of making a living, but he’s an admirable ally.”

“Fight ‘till it’s over.” said Graves. “Like the ceiling can’t hold me or my partner.” He nodded towards Twisted Fate.

“I overheard your conversation,” interrupted Nasus, walking towards the group. “I have looked through your libraries, and this information is like nothing on Runeterra. I wished I could stay, but if the times charts Zilean gave me are correct, roughly in five…four…” Everypony in the group looked at him in confusion, but the champions looked towards the throne room door. “three…”

“Attention!” shouted Celestia and Jarvan as the doors to the throne room opened.

“We have come to a final decision on the battle plans, and troops shall be divided between the two fronts.” said Jarvan IV. “My troops, the troops of the tribes of the Freljord, and the Ionian troops shall fight on the northern front. I shall be the main commander of the front alongside Celestia.” The troops roared out and cheered, the Freljordian troops because it would be like home, the Demacian troops because of the cowards they would vanquish, and the Ionian troops simply because they were glad to be fighting what they viewed as the shorter front.

“The troops of Bandle City, Piltover, and Shurima will be fighting on the Western Front,” said Emperor Azir. “I shall be the central commander of the front alongside Luna. Any questions on your positions shall be answered in due time, when each team gets to the front itself.” The troops of Shurima shout joyously for their commander and the western territory’s sands, the troops of Piltover and Bandle City because of the lack of cold.

“And then, the war begins…” said Luna in a foreboding manner.

Things Fall Apart

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As soon as this was announced, the Mane Six had only one question that could really be answered; where would they go for the war? As Celestia and Jarvan were walking back into the throne room, Twilight caught up to the pair.

“Excuse me, Princess?” asked Twilight. “I wanted to know where me and my friends would be heading for this.”

“We decided your group will be split between the fronts.” answered Celestia. “You, Rarity, and Applejack will be on the northern front, and yes Spike will be going with you, while Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, and Pinkie Pie will be on the western front. We were hoping we wouldn’t have to separate your group, but with Zilean seeing possible futures… the majority of successful ones involve separating the group between the fronts.” Before Twilight could object, an aged man levitated behind her with a clockwork device on his back. He had bright blue-gray hair, and wore a black cloak. The most noticeable feature about him was his pupiless eyes, emitting bright blue energy.

“I am sorry, but it is true.” he said. “I am Zilean, the Chronokeeper. Most successful futures involve separating your group. Even then, there are minor futures with success where… what I can only term to you bad things will happen. The good news is, the majority of possible futures involve miniscule loss.”

“But…” started Twilight.

“No buts. Victory tends to be given to he who strikes first. We cannot stammer. We shall leave at dawn tomorrow. I... reccomend saying your goodbyes today.” said Jarvan IV.

“...Okay then.” said Twilight, struggling to hold back. She went out of the room, and walked towards her friends and the Champions including Nasus (Garen and Heimerdinger left already). She thought about how the war would affect the country, how it was tearing her friends apart, how anyone of them could die, and she would live on due to the ascension… and she broke down. She started crying on the ground before even getting to the group.

“My goodness, what happened?” asked Ryze, first to her simply because he was closest.

“They’re… gonna… split us into groups.” said Twilight. “We’re not going to see each other for a long time, and we leave tomorrow.” Twisted Fate, Graves, and Shaco cheered a little because of leave. Vi and Shyvana glared at them, while Gnar clawed Graves since he was closest.

“Well… They’re keeping us with y’all, right?” asked Graves.

“Yes… but us, the Elements, are being split into two groups for the war-fronts.” The Elements gasp a little at this. “I’m going to the Northern Front with Rarity and Applejack, and Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie are going to the Western Front. Only a day…” She begins to break down again.

“Girl, you gotta toughen up.” said Graves.

“You need to shut up!” shouted Rainbow Dash. “This isn’t your Rune-whatchamacallit, this is a land that hasn’t seen war in thousands of years! We’re doing our best, and now we’re being split up for the first time, when we promised not to leave each other! You act like you have loyalty, but you have none!”

“Loyalty? Preach that to my partner.” said Graves.

“Graves, shut your damn mouth and don’t bring me into this.” said Twisted Fate.

“You still abandoned me, and I think it would have been better for us to go down with the mission, would have been better for me to be tortured with you than being tortured by my goddamn self!”

“I tried to break you out, and our old crew all died because of it!” replied T.F.

“And you lived because you’re a coward!” said Graves.

“PEOPLE!” shouted the remaining Champions.

“You shall all be fine,” said Nasus. “Twilight and friends, I believe this war won’t tear you apart. Rather, it shall make all of you stronger. Sometimes, friends must separate to return stronger. For if you love something, you must let it go. Otherwise your friendships shall end up like ancient Urtistan, demolished and gone. It will hopefully, not last long. I doubt they expect several armies to fall on their doorsteps.”

“Indeed,” said Ryze. “It will be over before you know it.”

“All… right.” said Twilight, regaining her composure.

“I am sorry, but I must go, I am afraid my Emperor might need me as his Curator,” said Nasus, walking away.

“Still, at least we have today.” said Twisted Fate.

“T.F, do the world a favor and shut your mouth.” said Graves.

“Why don’t both of you do us a favor a shut your mouths, I fought you guys made up already after Gangplank?” asked Vi.

“We started back up together, but Graves still ain’t entirely on-board yet.” said T.F.

“Well, you two can figure that out on the Northern Front,” said Ryze.

“Ryze, you realize we’re on the Northern Front too, right?” said Twilight.

“Yeah…” replied Ryze.

“Well, I don’t know about you all,” said Shyvana. “But I am going to go look around the city like the other Champions are doing. Does your country accept unmarked gold as currency?”

“We call them ‘bits,’ but they are unmarked gold coins, yes.” answered Rarity.

“Good, I’m going off now, are you coming with me, summoner?”

“Please, call me Spike. And I guess so.” said Spike, who had been silent most of the time. The two walk out of the castle.

“Twilight, I am going to go to the archives that I understand are here.” said Ryze. “I wish to acquire more knowledge of your land as Nasus is doing.”

“Okay then,” said Twilight. She wanted to go through and read the books anyway, as they might help cheer her up after this figurative bombshell. The pair walk away from the group and enter the archives. Several Champions are seen reading silently, including a blonde man and a brown haired man reading a pair of history texts next to each other. The blonde man, however, closed his book suddenly and rushed out the library. In another corner, Heimerdinger and another Yordle looked into other books, mostly in the technology section The Yordle had a pair of goggles and an aviator’s helmet on, and wore the attire of a pilot. Nasus meanwhile was showing Azir several tomes at a table. Most of them were about the weaponry of the Equestrian Guard, as well as various atlases and books on Equestrian life.

“Heh, even now the intelligent champions choose to seal themselves in a library rather than explore the world.” whispered Ryze to Twilight. “At least Ezreal’s still got that kick in him that makes him want to explore.” He walked away from Twilight, towards the brown haired man and picks up the book ‘Ezreal’ was reading.

“Jayce, it’s been awhile.” whispered Ryze.

“Ryze, it has been awhile. How have you been?” Jayce asked.

“Well, judging from what’s about to happen, and what has been happening, not well. My summoner’s never been in battle before, she’s never left her friends, and seems just so… I guess innocent is the term. It’s like this world is paradise falling apart.”

“I know right?” replied Jayce. “Their textbooks say they haven’t had a major war in over five thousand years. They had world peace until recently, it’s amazing. They’ve advanced their culture pretty far too, just not to the point of Piltoverian hextech sadly. When the war’s over, we gotta get this country upgraded.” He takes the book Ryze was holding and flips to a page, and pointed to a chapter. It contained information on the last one thousand years, and how recently Ryze’s new summoner had come to light, vanquishing past evil after past evil, plus new ones.

“Wait. She’s done all of that?!?!?” asked Ryze, but Nasus shushed him out of habit. The archives of Shurima always had to be quiet, and who better to do that than an Ascended.

“Yes,” whispered Jayce. “And who do you mean, she?”

“Twilight Sparkle is my Summoner.” answered Ryze.

“Wow, and yet you thought she was a greenhorn to fighting.” said Jayce.

“She’s a greenhorn to war, I never said anything about fighting. All those were bloodless conflicts, Jayce.” replied Ryze. “But I admit, she might have potential. I am going to look further into the books, I shall see you later, most likely after our service is over.”

“I shall see you then,” replied Jayce, as Ryze walked deeper into the archives.

The Final Day of Peace

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For the rest of that day, Canterlot saw the largest economic boom it had ever received. Even port cities couldn’t match up to its profit that day. Markets that were abysmal before that day, such as the meat market, reset back to a steady level due to the induction of the Valorans to the city. Other markets, such as the restaurant business, metalworking, bookselling, and of course the souvenir market all gained so much, market investors received well over triple profit from their sales. All because of the visiting countries of Valoran. In the metalworks, Vi had to work on her gauntlets. Rainbow simply watched, as the metal works were packed with people and pony smiths. A large, golden automaton was working on its arm, while next him was Irelia, tempering her blades. A warrior was tempering a fine spear point, but he wasn’t wearing an ounce of protective gear, other than a helmet and a chestplate. Poppy was testing her hammer on a dummy in a far corner of the metalshop, as the shop had to have a measure to ensure their work was finished, and not poor quality. Another yordle was flinging shurikens into a dummy next to her, each hitting its target with perfect accuracy.

“So… why are we here again?” asked Rainbow Dash.

“Because, I need to talk to him,” she said, pointing at the golem.

“I don’t really like him, he freaks me out a bit…” she replied.

“You’re afraid of Blitzcrank? Guy’s got a heart of gold… in a framework of iron… which is covered in a carapace of steel…” prolonged Vi.

“Yeah yeah, I get it, doesn’t change how he looks intimidating.” interrupted Rainbow. The pair walk up to him, and he turns his head a complete one hundred eighty degrees around.

“Ah, hello Vi.” he said in a semi-robotic voice, that sounded like it halfway reflected emotion.

“Hey Blitz, just needed your help.” said Vi. “I remember you used to do diagnostics on Heimerdinger’s inventions and Corki’s planes, mind running some on my gloves?”

“Of course,” said Blitzcrank.

“PLEASE REMOVE APPARATUS FROM HANDS.” boomed a voice that almost sounded like it came from within Blitzcrank. He simply activated the subroutine a bit early, and it scared Rainbow a good bit. Vi heard it before when she saw Corki have him do it, so she expected it.

“Here,” said Vi, removing the gloves. Blitzcrank walks to a nearby table, and scans the gloves while intricately twisting bolts and testing various parts, as well as adding a few new parts in, including what they notice as small tubes and what appears to be a bottle of coolant.


“Ah, there we go,” said Blitzcrank in his regular, sapient voice. “I tightened some loose bolts and screws, I upgraded them a little too, now your gloves have a new passive that you can toggle.”

“What is it?’ asked Vi.

“See, I added a function.” replied Blitzcrank. “Now, when you’re in battle, each punch will heat the gloves. Eventually, the gloves will become red hot and burn the enemy. Of course, I wouldn’t recommend keeping this ‘overheat’ on too long, as it will gradually harm you if it becomes too heated. I have added a coolant mechanism you can activate for when the heat becomes too much, and should decrease wait time for cooling by 90%. The bottles for the coolant are made with enchanted ‘frosted’ glass made by the unicorns, so its coolant will be actually cold when it comes in contact, and will not have to be replaced unless you heat the gloves to the point of harming yourself. Hence, I can replenish the coolant for you, so I recommend using the overheat only when necessary on the battlefield so you don’t have to hunt for me. Here are six extra bottle of the coolant on the house, I use the frosted glass myself in my coolant containers. And the best part is the frosted glass is as indestructible as the rest of me, so it won’t break easily.”

“Wow, that’s awesome!” said Rainbow Dash. “Where did you get that idea?”

“I originally wanted to add burning capabilities to hextech weapons a long time ago,” said Blitzcrank. “Mostly from watching champions with abilities that burn such as Udyr and Brand, even just from the Ignite Spell. But my creators, including Heimerdinger, could never get the efficiency of the coolant to the correct levels to use the technology properly. They tried the true ice of the Freljord to keep the coolant’s efficiency up, but after a short period of time the coolant would simply ice over, preventing the coolant’s flow. But now, the unicorn’s enchantments seem to be able to enhance our hextech even more. Efficiency beyond the eye can see.”

“That’s great Blitz, Thanks for the upgrade, I’ll be off now,” she said, equipping the newly modified gloves.

“There’s two switches inside your gloves.” said Blitzcrank. “To use the burn, press the one next to your thumb. To activate the coolant, press the one below your index finger. You have to activate the burn on each individual glove, and you have to activate the coolant individually as well. Finally, activating the coolant automatically turns the burn off, and vice versa.”

“Again, thanks Blitz, can’t thank you more for this. Bye,” said Vi as Blitzcrank resumed working on his arm. The pair walk outside of the metalshop.

“He’s actually… pretty cool I guess.” said Rainbow Dash.

Meanwhile at this time, Rarity and Twisted Fate were browsing stores because of, as Rarity put it, “How ragged and ungentlemanly his attire was.” Twisted Fate understood this, but there was a reason; this was the one suit he ever owned that gave him freedom of movement.

“I’ve already told you I don’t want a new suit…” argued Twisted Fate.

“What you’re currently wearing is absolutely dreadful!” Rarity riposted. “Plus, I’m buying it for you on the house.”

“Fine, but it can’t restrict my movement.” he replied as they walked into one of the fancier looking stores.

“Hello, is there a shopkeeper here?” she asked.

“Yes,” said a mare that walked up behind the counter. “Ah, one of the new customers from the Valoran place, yes?”

“I guess,” said Twisted Fate, a bit uncomfortable for being in a store he wasn’t robbing.

“We’re here to look for a new set of attire for my friend here,” said Rarity. “Please, anything you have will do-”

“No, it can’t restrict movement.” said Twisted Fate. “That’s the only specification I have.”

“Okay then, since seeing the new arrivals, we’ve had some new designs of suits made readily available. Here is what we have currently for purchase…” She pulls out a pamphlet that contained various designs of suits, some for a yordle’s size, others for human height.

“Ooh, how about this one?” asked Rarity.

“No, that would still restrict my movement…” he said, looking at the pictures. “This looks good to me…”

“It’s too drab and odd looking, I’m afraid…” replied Rarity. “What about this one?”

“No, way too formal…” retorted T.F. “Ah, here's one I could see working…”

“That... actually doesn’t look half bad…” said Rarity. “Please, fit this suit for my friend here,” she said to the shopkeeper while pointing at the suit.

“Very well, sir, please follow me to the measuring room…” said the mare as Twisted Fate followed her.

At the same time, Graves and Applejack were in the market district, with Applejack browsing and Graves 'browsing,' or rather looking for a pony for poor soldier to pick-pocket. Normally, he didn't stoop so low as to pickpocket, but the ponies of this land weren't exactly fond of large heists. He preferred to hit large targets, and half the time that's what got him and T.F into trouble, that is his stubborn insistency on "go big or go home."

"Why are we here again exactly?" asked Graves with a wallet in his hands.

"We're here becaus- wait, where did you get that from?" asked Applejack

"My wallet. Contains my money." answered Graves, barely leaving a second's worth of time between her question and his answer.

"Okay, so anyway, we're here because I wanted to browse my competitors, I do run the family business, after all."

"Eh, sounds like a good life, considering it's probably hard work." said Graves, stealing another wallet while she wasn't looking.

"Ugh, what is that thing?" asked a posh and ugly sounding voice. Exactly the opposite of Graves.

"'Scuse me, Mister All High and Mighty," said Graves, accidentally bumping into him.

"Guards! Get that thing out of my sight and into the castle's dungeon! At once!" shouted the upper class pony.

"Okay, that's it, end of the line," said Graves, yanking his shotgun out of its holster. "Listen here, Mr. Duke of Jackshit-"

"Graves! What are you doing?" yelled Applejack. "You don't go threatening ponies for no reason!"

"The fuck? I have a valid reason! Bildrat here was gonna have his guards toss me in a jail cell for no freakin' reason!" he shouted back.

"Oh, it's you" said the pony. "I remember you and your friends quite well from that one Gala."

"Blueblood, what in tarnation are you doing here in the market district?" asked Applejack.

"I was wanting to buy a specific trinket, but sadly it seems to have been already sold. And I don't need to answer you anyway! I'm out o here, come guards!" he said as he and several guards walk away.

"Never told me this city was full of rotten sons of bitches..." said Graves.

"Wouldn't kill you to be nicer." said Applejack.

"Eh, I'm fine now, besides, he's already gotten his just desserts," said Graves, holding a sack of bits.

"Graves, please don't tell me you stole those."

"What? He had a problem with y'all, now his disrespect has been paid in full."

"I hate to say it, but this is the first time I've witnessed a wrong act and not felt like telling someone about. But don't do t again, I only didn't smack you for it because it was that fool Blueblood..."

"More like Badblood," said Graves. "Let's just get back to things..."

In the theater district, Pinkie Pie and Shaco were looking at the various signs and watching street performers while walking. Well, more like Pinkie Pie was bouncing along while Shaco was staring baffled at how she was doing it.

"I keep asking, how do you do all this crazy stuff?" asked Shaco.

"I told you, I'm Pinki-"

"Yes, yes, yes, I get that!" said Shaco in a gruff tone. "What I want to know is how you do it." Pinkie was about to say something, but was interrupted. "And I will not take 'I'm Pinkie Pie' and anything similar for an answer."

"Well Shaco, I'm not even sure how I do it. I just think it and it happens." replied Pinkie Pie in a voice that was serious for Pinkie Pie.

"But... Ah, forget it." said Shaco as the pair walked past a theater. One of the signs on it was pure white and said "Looking for a new, comedic stage show! Anyone interested may try, will be paid at end, and might be able to become a regular show!"

"Shaco, look!" said Pinkie Pie, pointing to the sign.

"What?" said Shaco, looking at the sign and realizing what she intended. "Well, why not? I haven't preformed live in years, it might be good for me."

"Great!" shouted Pinkie Pie before dissappearing into thin air. Shaco just shrugs it off. Fuck it. he thought. He walked up to the ticket kiosk.

"Hello Miss, I was interested in the position you have for a show." said Shaco.

"Oh, you're here for the try out," said the booking clerk. "Just walk into theater room three. You will be judged by three ponies based on the quality, substance, and apptitude of your performance." She prints out a ticket with the number forty-two on it. "Good luck!"

"Thank you." said Shaco with a semi-sadistic grin, only capable of being seen from within his mask. As he walked into the theater lobby, he looked in disbelief as he saw Pinkie Pie inside the popcorn machine.

"Hiya!" she said from within.

"Why don't you just spit in the face of the laws of physics, would you?" he asked. The pair walked to the back of theater room three, and saw various ponies practicing. Not a single Valoran was in sight as he put a small mic in his mask. "This is interesting... then again, there weren't many comics on Valoran."

"Contestant number forty-two!" shouted a voice from the stage.

"I believe it is my turn already," said Shaco, dissappearing. Pinkie Pie then proceeded to walk on stage.

"Ladies and Gentlecolts!" said Pinkie Pie. "Please welcome the Jester of Many Knives, Shaco!" she said as Shaco appeared behind her.

"Thank you for the introduction," said Shaco, as the judges clapped. "Now, I don't know about other comics, but I like to get to know my audience a bit before starting the show," he said, dissappearing in a puff of orange red smoke. The judges looked around a bit.

"Hello sir," said Shaco, reappearing behind the second judge as Pinkie Pie redirected a stage light onto him. The judge nearly jumped out of his seat in fright while the other two laughed at this. He then whispered to the judge, "Sorry if I scared you, but of course people don't it expect it, otherwise if they did I wouldn't get a genuine reaction. Anyway," he said in a louder voice. "How are you sir?" he asked as he dissappeared again in a puff of smoke, only to reappear on stage.

"Who here likes juggling?" he asks as he starts to juggle several daggers. After a few seconds, one 'accidentally' stabs him directly in the chest, but he keeps juggling. "Is it just me, or does anyone else in the audience have a stabbing feeling in their chest?" This earns laughter out of the first and second judges, but the third isn't exactly bemused. Then, a small jack in the box appeared behind him and he acted afraid, dropping all the daggers in to his chest. He then looked down at them. "I knew that was just me..." he said, yanking each of them out and putting them in his pockets. "Who wants to see a magic trick?" he asked, getting a yes fromt the second and third judges. "Alright then," he said, dissappearing again, only for two of him to appear. "Wait, that's not right..." the double Shacos said. "This wasn't supposed to happen." both said, as the judges started uproarous laughter. "Stop saying what I say. No, I'm serious stop that. No, you stop! That's it, I'm undoing you!" Both Shacos dissappear in a puff of smoke, only for one to reappear in the center stage. "Thank you for your patronage, that was only a small sample of my repertoire. And again, thank you for allowing me to do a performance again." He disappears off stage, only to reappear backstage. "Top that, bitches." he taunted as he was leaving with Pinkie Pie.

That night, all of the Champions of Valoran were welcome for a feast that would happen in the castle’s main hall. Everything imaginable was supplied, for they would not receive luxury like this for a long time, with everyone being supplied with whatever they really needed. Of course, starting tomorrow there would be hardship, but at least they had a night of freedom. Many stayed within Equestria’s herbivorous meal conduct, but for those who wanted it, meat was supplied. Rarity showed off the new suit of Twisted Fate’s, but Graves was still, of course a bit miffed.

“It doesn’t make you… look half bad.” said Graves.

“Shut up, I look damn good and you know it,” he said as he somewhat playfully punched Graves.

Meanwhile, the large dinner went on as planned. Blitzcrank was even served his favorite coal and oil, as he was still a steam golem; but he of course appreciated the gesture. After a long feast, there was a minor bit of drinking, just enough to where people weren’t drunk, except for Gragas. Gragas was always ‘drunk,’ but he could never achieve a level of truly drunk, at most maybe tipsy. Never truly, blissfully, drunk, even with this new ‘pony cider’ as he called it, because it was too sweet and too alcoholic to be regular hard cider. After the night of partying, the champions returned to their quarters for rest. Each room had two beds available. Twilight, Ryze, and Spike all slept in the same room, mostly because champions were expected to share a room, and Ryze didn’t exactly want to share with the other champions. Shyvana wanted to share a room with Jarvan, mostly because she was Jarvan’s personal guard and had a sense of duty.

“Ryze…” said Twilight while the two prepared to sleep.

“What is it?” asked Ryze while writing into the tome he brought with him when he was summoned.

“I was wondering… is war really that bad?” asked Twilight.

“Please, don’t ask those kinds of questions…” responded Ryze, lifting the covers and getting inside. “It will only keep you up later tonight, and you’ll need your rest for the morning. Sleep, and you’ll be fine.”

“O...kay then…” she responded, not wanting to think about it. “Good night.”

“Good night,” he said, putting the lights out with a single bolt of magic.


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“Rise and shine,” said Ryze, chuckling to himself a bit. It was eight in the morning, and Jarvan wanted the forces out of Canterlot by ten.

“What?” asked Twilight.

“We gotta go,” said Ryze. “Jarvan doesn’t appreciate it when you aren’t quick to, well, rise.”

“Alright, let’s get going.” replied Twilight. She gets up, and then she noticed Spike was missing. "Where's Spike?"

"He already went off to the main hall," answered Ryze. "We gotta get going, mostly because of how irritable Jarvan can get if you're a second late."

"Okay then..." said Twilight.

The main hall was packed with Champions standing side by side. Jarvan, Azir, Celestia, and Luna were in the front of the hall, preparing to give orders. Twilight and Ryze walk in the back, seeing the rest of the elements, Spike, and their champions talking.

"Looks like you two got to sleep in a bit..." said Vi.

"Shut up, you know I don't sleep well, and I didn't oversleep." replied Ryze.

"Well..." said Graves. "If you want to say anything before hitting the field, speak now or forever hold your peace."

"You know what?" said Rainbow Dash. "It's weird how when you're right here, at the last moment, you can't think of anything to say..."

"Yeah, and yet after the fact you have a tendency you wished you said something then and there." said T.F. Everyone in the group laughed a little uncomfortably, for they knew what was coming.

"Since we gotta go..." said Vi. "Promise you all are gonna come back in one piece."

"Ha, can't make no promises." said Twisted Fate. Gnar clawed his leg in response. "Gah, fine. I'll do my best to come back in one piece."

"Raga!" said Gnar in response.

"Eh, same here." said Graves.

"I shall also try my best," said Ryze.

"As will I." said Shyvana and Spike.

"Anyway, this is just gonna take time to fix," said Vi. "Conflict on Valoran took extended periods of time, only because each side was evenly matched. These guys have got no chance against multiple nations. I say it'll take six months tops to finish."

"Wanna bet on that?" asked Graves.

"No, because knowing you two you'll ensure the armistice misses that deadline by one day or something," said Vi.

"Damnit," said Twisted Fate and Graves simultaneously.

Then, Jarvan and Celestia cleared their throats.

“Attention. I want you all to remember what we are here for,” said Jarvan IV. “We are here to save the defenseless. Protect the faithful. Purge the unjust. And I say, we shall sunder any army, crumble any mountain, and leap the great valleys. Stand with me, brothers and sisters, as we take down these vile foes. Our is but to do and die.”

“For the advancement and progress of the world,” added the Mayor of Piltover.

“For the spread of enlightenment and peace,” said Karma.

“For the protection gifted by the sands,” said Azir.

“For the unification of the Freljord,” said Ashe.

“For the spread of trade and culture,” said Mayor Jadefellow.

“For the saving of all,” said Celestia.

"For the end of our enemies," said Luna

“For Demacia: Now and Forever.” said Jarvan IV. “The fields of justice do not wait; we must make haste!” Champions begin to rush out, running behind their commanders. The magic using champions warped to the exterior, and the other champions simply ran. Other activated speed increasing abilities, such as Blitzcrank and his Overdrive. Everyone was excited and ran for the doors; except for a small group; the champions of the elements and their respective elements.

“Well…” said Twilight with a tear in her eye. “I guess this is it…”

“Twi, we’ll be fine,” said Rainbow Dash. “The war will be over before you know it. We'll get to meet plenty of new friends, beat up bad guys, and probably keep the fronts moving just fine!"

“It’s just… we’ve never had to separate before…” she said.

“Ah, shit. She’s doing it again…” said Graves.

“When will you stop being the stubborn, insensitive fuck that I’ve had to deal with too many freaking times?” asked an enraged Twisted Fate.

“Don’t go starting crap, she’s the one who can’t stand a little bit of time away from home.”

“Shut up Graves,” said Ryze.

“Remember the only thing keeping you out of a Piltover jail cell is the fact these ponies need us." said Vi. "Be nicer to people, and perhaps you'll get a pardon from Piltover for your service."

“Eh, alright. Just not used to…” mumbled Graves.

“Emotion?” asked Ryze and Shyvana.

“Outbursts of it,” said Graves. “Anyway… guess we gotta get going. Dead man walking.” he said, slinging his gun over his back.

“Oh, this is just… hard.” said Twilight. “I don’t know about this…”

“It will be fine, and we’ll have a big ‘war is over’ party when we get back!” said Pinkie Pie, less happily and bubbly than usual.

“Twilight, darling, things will be fine.” said Rarity.

“Yeah, Twi, it’ll be over faster than anything.” added Applejack.

“Alright,” said Twilight, wiping the tear off. “I guess we have to go…”

The ponies and their champions walk away in their intended directions, with the elements seemingly downed in comparison to their champions.

“Listen,” said Ryze. “Sometimes the right thing is hard to do, and, well, leaving your friends is one of those things.”

“I guess you’re right…” said Twilight. “Let’s go.” The two groups make their way out of seperate exits, and regroup with their respective armies.

On March The Banners of the King (Northern Front)

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Our story now divides into two parts. It shall be told in alternating sequence, starting with the Northern Front, then the Western Front, and so on until it regroups into one line again.

{Northern Front, Day 1}

“On with the endless march…” said Twisted Fate towards the back of the continually moving army. The front had been pushing on for the past three hours. Luckily, they were making good progress, considering how the ‘flash’ summoner spell helped each person move forwards a good bit every three minutes, and it didn’t waste energy like unicorn teleportation did. The ‘ghost’ spell also let them cover a bit more ground, but it was more or less a sprint that wasted no energy. Besides this, the army kept marching on, with Quinn and Valor ahead in the front to perform scouting alongside Ashe.

“Didn’t think you were one for depressing remarks,” said Graves, trudging along. “Thought that was Nautilus’ schtick or whatever.”

“Hey, look on the bright side you two.” said Ryze. “At least we have each other and our summoners to keep us company.”

“I don’t know about you…” said the Ionian Guard Captain, Irelia. “But I got a bad feeling. And that only happens when you know what happens.”

“If you’re suggesting the enemy is going to gank, I’m going to fuck their leader’s shit up myself.” said Graves.

“Gank?” asked the three ponies and Spike.

“Basically they flank us from cover under the bushes. The more aggravating champions did it a lot on Valoran. Some even had their abilities heightened by the bush cover, such as an old hunter named Rengar.” answered Ryze.

“And it’s one hell of tactic if done right,” said Graves. “A small force comes out at the front while you’re pushing, when a large force comes up from behind to finish you. Many teams had junglers who killed certain beasts that gave team-wide buffs, such as a certain dragon and hydra that respawned on the field like us. These junglers were often the assholes who’d gank us.”

“That’s something I won’t miss,” said Shyvana. “I’ve had to jungle a few times, it’s fun, but ganking made me feel as big of a douchebag as you, Graves. No offense.”

“None taken, I met my match yesterday in the market.” he said as Applejack chuckled.

“Wait, who did you meet?” asked Twilight.

“He met Blueblood.” said Applejack. Rarity put on a scorn instantly while Twilight laughed a bit.

“What was Blueblood doing in the market? I thought he said in one of his letters to Celestia that the place was for no-good ‘peasants’ or whatever.” asked Twilight.

“A better question for the rest of us is who is this douchebag, and from the sounds of it, he’s a big one.” said Twisted Fate.

“Yes, yes he is.” said Rarity in an agitated tone.

“We don’t really like to talk about him.” said Applejack.

“I knew that already, and I understand he holds something against all of you. So, what exactly does he hate y’all for?” asked Graves.

“It’s more of a ‘we hate him’ and he’s an asshole for no reason, pardon the prench.” said Rarity.

“Hey, me and Fate here have cursed so many times the words have lost their meaning.” said Graves. “So, what did he do?”

“We do not speak of it, but involved the largest party of the year, a lack of civility, and cake. The less I say, the less likely I am to become ballistic.” said Rarity, becoming more terse and enraged with each word.

“All you had to say was ‘don’t ask.’” said Graves. “I’ve dealt with Champions and Summoners alike in that policy. Anyway, my experience luckily had nothing to do with cake.”

“He’s pissed you off too?” asked Rarity. "I mean, it doesn't take much from that idiotic buffoon..."

“Fuck yeah, that douchebag was gonna have me thrown in the dungeon for being a ‘monster,’ threatened me, and in response I threatened him, and I should’ve shot him. Applejack here held me back, because 'it's not right' or whatever. That’s my only regret before heading to this field, not shooting him.”

“Hey, apparently there’s a small scouting force of the gryphons up ahead, and they tried taking down Valor.” said Irelia. “We’re gonna go in and hit ‘em hard. Jarvan said he wanted you guys up front for this.”

“We’re gonna stay back here in case they try to run a gank like you said.” replied Ryze.

“Alright, watch our six.” she said, flashing forward. After a few minutes, the sounds of swords, magic, and gunshot can be heard up ahead; the back, on the other hands, was surprising peaceful.

“Guess Irelia’s intuition and instincts was, for once, wrong…” said Graves, preparing to sit down and clean the barrels of his gun.

“Let me be sure…” said Twisted Fate, summoning a deal of power. Then a group of gryphons become apparent in the brush; they don’t even notice they have been seen by Twisted Fate's abiltiy, destiny.

“Ogay arnway ethay othersway.” said Graves to Twilight. “Oday ouryay ancyfay eleporttay ingthay. Alktay otay Arvanjay ethay Ourthfay”

“He means go warn the others,” whispered Ryze to Twilight. “And teleport to them. Talk to Jarvan first.”

“Got it,” replied Twilight, teleporting at that instant.

“Heh,” said Graves, closing the barrel of his gun, and firing a shot in the air. He cleared the shell out of his gun and reloaded it, and finally cocking the gun. “Feelin’ lucky?”

“Deal ‘em,” said Twisted Fate. The pair ran into the bushes, and flushed them out. Shyvana activated her ultimate, transforming her into a wyvern, and Ryze activated his ultimate to keep the numbers of enemies down. The two other ponies and Spike just watched in awe at this spectacle; then, out of nowhere, a yell was heard, and then a man wielding a spear and a shield fell from the sky, shaking the earth as he started beating the shit out of gryphons. Next came Garen and Lux, who got into close quarters combat and assisting where they could, respectively. Finally Jarvan IV got close enough to activate Cataclysm, finally ending the last of the gank.

“Ha...ha...ha…” Jarvan breathed heavily. “They’re using tactics of summoners on the fields of justice, blocking off the exits…”

“Wow…” said Spike, sheerly amazed at the brawl he just saw unfold. “That… was… awesome…” Twilight teleported back to the site of the gank.

“Is everyone al-” is all she said before noticing the countless dead gryphon bodies.

“Might have been overkill…” said Graves.

“No, a gank is something to be feared.” said the man with the shield and spear. “It was a good judgement.”

“Thanks Pantheon.” said Twisted Fate. “You did good.”

“You aren’t so bad yourself.” replied Pantheon.

“Well, back to the march.” said Jarvan IV. And so, the army marched on...

The Emperor's New Desert (Western Front)

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{Western Front Day 2}

“A rolling golem gathers no rust.” said Blitzcrank as the army marched on. The Western Front by comparison had an easier first day, even though it was in the blazing heat of the desert. Azir paid no attention to the exhaustion of the army, until the sun went down, mostly because he lived in this situation for many centuries. Azir and Nasus were actually enjoying themselves, mostly because of having a new desert. All of Shurima’s deserts were marked on maps and the composition of the sand was known down to a single grain. The sands of the Mild West, on the other hand, were entirely unmarked and, at least to the Shurimans, unknown. The force marched on after the sun rose, until they reached the last settled large town before they entered territory marked by the Yaks; Appleloosa.

“So this is gonna be the last of friendly territory we see for a while, right?” asked Vi.

“Yeah,” answered Rainbow Dash. “It’s a quaint town, but it’s alright.”

“At least it is a town,” said Shaco. “Means more murder victims than a village…”

“Shaco!” yelled Pinkie Pie. “I thought I told you no murdering ponies or people!”

“Ah, and so the gods fuck me upside the head again.” he muttered to himself.

“Well, let’s go into the town.” said Vi.

“Halt.” said Nasus, stepping out in front of the group.

“What’s up Nasus?” asked Vi.

“The Emperor and his Allies demand we set up camp outside the town. Something about the population not being required to quarter soldiers in their houses without the owner’s consent in this country.” stated Nasus.

“That’s nice, now how does it affect us?” asked Shaco.

“No one is allowed to step into town until camp is set up.” replied Nasus. “And you are all part of the army on course to the Western Front, and as a result, you are all required to help. I do not like it one bit as much as you do, but the Emperor’s orders.”

“Well, I don’t serve-” said Vi.

“The Mayor of Piltover also said so.” interrupted Caitlyn, walking up to her long time friend.

“I don’t serve anyone!” said Shaco. Gnar promptly punches Shaco in the leg.

“But I’m your summoner, and I am under the rule of the royal sisters, so that means you have to listen!” said Pinkie Pie.

“That… actually made sense.” said Rainbow.

“Wait, she’s always that nonsensical?” asked Caitlyn. “Shit.”

“I could have answered that question, but apparently you figured out the answer.” said Shaco.

“Well... guess we gotta set up camp.” said Rainbow Dash.

Meanwhile, in an undisclosed location…

A pony draped in a black cloak was standing in a ruined castle. He looked at the script of paper, knowing his entire intentions full and well… to bring back an old friend.

“I remember when you were warped to that terrible dimension by those elements of harmony, they got me too… but I didn’t warp or change, simply was weakened. Now, you shall return.” He channels into the runes, and in a flash of light, a humanoid creature made of shadows. Blades are mounted on its would be arms, but it lacks legs, simply floating in the air. It eyes glow a venomous white.

“Ah... it’s been many years since I came back to my original dimension…” said the creature. “It’s always a good time to see you again, my lord.”

“I am going to be needing you after time,” said the pony. “Equestria is about to start crumbling, fighting a war on two fronts when the country hasn’t been to war in over one thousand years.”

“I hope you are right, my lord. For I finally shall regain full control of the creating body again, and when I do, I am going to ensure that I shall destroy the hierarchy of the ‘royal family’ along with any who dare oppose us.”

“Equestria isn’t weak enough yet…” said the pony. “We must wait for the time to strike. Right when they are at their most ignorant.”

“Very well… the light is fading.”

After three hours, camp was made just to the west of Appleloosa, so that the camp would act as a barrier between the town and the approaching battlefield. The army was about to sprint to the town after camp was set, however the Shurimans stayed in the camp, mostly to keep watch but to study the new desert as well. Braeburn was standing at the western side of the town, looking towards the ensemble of people and ponies running towards the town. He knew what was coming, exactly how he would fail, and could think of only one thing to say to sum the moment up.

“I don’t get paid enough to do this…” he said, paying special attention to the group. The group soon got within what he judged as ‘earshot.’ “Welcome to App…” he said before getting run over by a Blitzcrank in overdrive alongside half of the Valoran-Equestrian army. “...leoosa…” he ended before fainting in a Braeburn-sized hole in the dirt of the Appleloosan ground.

“Finally, time for a break after all that bull-crap!” said Vi, staying in the back of this push as she knew that the group would get squashed by this massive force if they got anywhere close to the front of it. “Do you think they could’ve held us back longer?”

“I know right!” said Rainbow. “Those guys are so slow with the set-up and everything!”

“I’ve watched military camps take much longer to build,” said Shaco. “But then again, I struck right when they were about to finish, and I killed them before they finished…”

“Shaco, when the war’s over, I’m delivering you myself to the Piltover Insane Asylum.” said Caitlyn. “If Vi had her way with things, public executions would be brought back just for you and Jinx.”

“That is true, on my punch-o-meter, I’d say I want to punch you at a fourteen. And it normally only goes to ten.” added Vi.

“Oh what a joy,” replied Shaco. “I’ll make sure to disappear right when that armistice is signed then. Just to make sure you all can’t do it, I might even do it before or after the armistice is signed.”

“We’ll talk about Shaco’s judgement later,” said Caitlyn.

“Preferably with me outside of a 100-mile radius from you two.” added Shaco.

“Not gonna happen Shaco, now we have someone who can warp to you whenever you do warp,” said Caitlyn, gesturing to Pinkie Pie. “Aka, your ‘match.’”

“What? Her?” he asked. “Bah, she follow me everywhere.”

“Actually, I can!” said Pinkie Pie.

For the first time in his entire life, Shaco put on a face underneath his mask of actual worry. “Weeeeeeeeell shit.” he said, realizing she could follow him everywhere he warped and he couldn’t hurt her. “I might as well be hanged now, but instead I’m being sadistically tortured Nocturne style. Gods help me.” The whole group starts to laugh at this.

“View it as a last chance for redemption,” said Vi. “Be good for this war, and Piltover might pardon you. Kill one person and you’ll wind up in that jail cell regardless of torture or not. And that jail cell will have her visiting every day.”

“That isn’t legal. In any Valoran city state, and you know it.” replied Shaco.

“I beg to differ,” said Caitlyn “I’ve talked to the mayor. And she had the representatives legalize it.”

“Fuck. you.” said Shaco, patting his arm twice, flipping the double bird, and finally biting his thumb at the Sheriff and Enforcer.

The Battle of Dreams (Northern Front)

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{Northern Front Day 4}

...and they marched on. The army encountered little resistance, except for two more scouting units. Neither tried to gank like the previous one did. They army went on for three days unopposed, until they approached a wide field. The other side of the field had a large army of Gryphons, standing side by side on the ground, and others next to each other in the air.

“Halt,” said one, walking out behind the force. He had on decorative armor, and appeared to be a commander.

“Please, we wish to end this conflict without more bloodshed.” said Celestia.

“We will not allow you to pass.” said the officer. “If you try to move on, we shall take it as a threat and treat you as hostiles.”

“In Demacia,” said Jarvan IV, entering an attack stance with his lance. “Ours is but to do and die; if it’s a fight you want, it’s a fight you get.”

“That… is madness.” replied the officer.

“No… this.” stated Jarvan, stabbing the officer through with his lance. The whole gryphon army looked on in shock. Jarvan looked the dying officer dead in the eyes and said “ Demacian Justice.” He then withdrew the lance, the officer released his dying breath, and slumped to the ground. The whole army remained silent for several minutes. Not a word was spoken, until another commander spoke up.

“We didn’t even want to do this anyway.” he said as threw down his spear.

“That.” said Jarvan, extending his lance to reach the commander. “Is cowardly. Give me a battle of dreams, not a battle of idiocracy.”

“Jarvan, what are you doing!?!?!?” asked Celestia, genuinely angry at the fact he denied the group clearance after surrender.

“Backstabbers.” said Jarvan, turning around and stabbing a gryphon that had somehow cloaked with magic behind him. “Not to mention assholes…”

“GET THEM!!!!” shouted a third commander.

“DEMACIA!!!!!” shouted Jarvan IV, rushing head long with the rest of the army behind him into the fray. And so the field erupted into utter chaos. Gryphons flew down from the sky to bombard the combined army, while the ones who fought on ground caused havoc on the front lines. There were no chances for a gank, so this would be the first sight of a true war to all of the ponies.

A particular note was a moment Graves had let his guard down, focusing on pushing the front part of the fight; with that, a gryphon managed to uncloak behind him, and was about to make the first major casualty of the war…


The soldier only saw the small orange card lodged in between his armored plates.


And then the gryphon was gibbed to mother-on-high by a harsh explosion, turning into a shower of colored rain. Their pony summoners looked on in fright and awe.

“Thanks Tobias, didn’t know that motherfucker was there.” said Graves, still shooting down gryphon recruits.

“No problem, Malcolm. Still need my partner on… well whatever the hell this planet this is.” said Twisted Fate with a laugh, throwing enchanted cards at some of the gryphons flying overhead.

“That…was horrible.” said Rarity. “Isn’t there a less… terrifying way of having them die?”

Graves, for the first time in his life, felt pissed off on the battlefield at hearing that statement. A place where he was at his happiest. And so, naturally, he acted on his second instinct, as the irst would have made him shoot his gun. He got right up in her face.

“Listen up lady, if Tobias didn’t toss that card, I’d be six feet under right now.” he said with a look of pure rage. “And I’m not quite ready to die yet. As a result, that is the norm from here on out. War is life right now, and if you don’t help directly as opposed to just fucking sitting there like a prissy bitch, I’m gonna shoot you myself, or maybe shoot myself so I don’t have to deal with your shit about the field not being clean, otherwise you’re just as bad as that asinine noble dickwad Prince Blueballs. So straighten up, and fight right. You got that?”

Rarity was utterly speechless at this. Applejack, however, was pissed off.

“Graves, what the hay are you doing? Rarity’s probably lost her mind-”

“Alright then. Let’s do things your way.” said Rarity, with a look of anger on her face, charging up her horn in energy. Applejack was speechless, and Twisted Fate could think of only one thing to say.

“Wait, the fuck?” asked Twisted Fate.

Meanwhile, towards the middle, a several gryphons had flown too far towards the middle of the army, and this posed a perfect time for Ashe and Ryze to practice their aim. Each of the gryphons fell down to the ground with a thud. Some of them were eaten alive by Shyvana in her wyvern form while they were still falling. This onslaught left most of the aerial assaulters dead, except for one that fell a little too close to Twilight.

“Help… me…” he said, dying slowly, dragging himself with one talon towards her.

Twilight stared in horror and shock at this, entirely unsure of what to do.

“Kill ‘em.” said Ashe.

“Do others, for they would do you.” said Shyvana.

“He’s going to hurt you if he gets close enough.” said Ryze, crossing his arms, with a look of certainty.

“But… he’s still a living being…” she replied, as the gryphon got close enough to touch her.

“DIE TYRANT!!!” he screamed, as he attempted to claw her face. Twilight shot a blast at the gryphon that guaranteed its death, but Ryze, simply for assurance, trapped him in a runic prison. Ashe fired a single arrow, ending his life.

“See what happens when you hesitate, summoner?” he said with a tone of ‘I told you so.’ “It only takes a second to be shot, immolated, stabbed, and slashed. In time of war, you… must…” Ryze wavered as he was interrupted as Twilight started to sob quietly over the gryphon’s body, completely out of place in comparison to the scene around them.

“Ryze, you heartless son of a bitch, remember the first time you had to kill someone?” asked Ashe, firing a few more arrows at aerial troops. “I definitely had remorse the first time I had to kill someone, and murder isn’t the norm here…”

“Ashe, I did feel remorse, it’s just right now is a bad time for tears. Twilight,” he said, kneeling next to her. “He would have killed you if it hadn’t been for our actions…”

“I can’t really die!” she said, screaming with tears rolling down the side of her face. “When Celestia ascended me to an alicorn, it gave me immortality! They can give me pain, but his death could have been prevented!”

He takes her head in his hands, and speak in a dead serious tone. “I talked to your teacher before we left, okay? That ascension doesn’t prevent a physical death. It prevents death by so called ‘natural means.’ Meaning, I still have to protect you, and I can’t help you if you don’t help yourself. The more we push, the faster the war ends. The faster the war ends, the sooner the deaths will stop. If you want that, then you must fight like the rest of us. Do you think we want to kill? Hell no. So we must fight. It’s our only choice…”

“*sniff* I’ll try.” she replied.

“Great, no time to lose.” said Ryze, shooting another bolt of magic at a nearby gryphon.

This would become the first real battle of what would become ‘The Equestrian Rune War,’ as that would be what history books would eventually name it. There were heavy casualties on both sides, but the Gryphons took the brunt of the destruction in the battle. It ended when the group discovered a small camp behind the line. The group ultimately killed each gryphon in the camp, including the cloaking gryphons that managed to hide and attempted to cause chaos and panic. The army, on clearing the camp of gryphons, claimed it as their own for supplies. It was a rough day, and as a result time went on slowly. However, a certain shadowed creature floated into the camp after all had fallen asleep. It entered the tent that Twilight, Ryze, and Spike shared, and floated to Twilight. It tore a ‘hole’ into her head, revealing a patch of light with dark sides on the ‘hole.’ It peered inside, seeing a vivid scene, and entered it. Inside, it could see the alicorn screaming on the field next to Ryze, enjoying every second of her fear and panic.

“Darkness…” he said, as the field started to become shadowed. He rushed towards the Alicorn, as her field of vision eventually became limited to just her and him.

“What on earth, what are you?” asked Twilight, seeing the demon before her.

“A figment of one of your ruler’s minds, at least that’s what they believe myself to be… I am Nocturne, the Eternal Nightmare.”

“The eternal n-nightmare? You mean, you’re the embodiment of Nightmare Moon?”

“If that’s what you called the one you refer to Luna before I was expelled from her… yes.”

“But why are you here? Why am I seeing you?”

“Because, the one who befriended me and brought me here told me to enter your mind and end your life.

“No!” she said, trying to run away before tripping over nothing in particular in fright…

“WAKE UP DAMN IT!!!!” shouted Ryze, pushing and shoving the sleeping Twilight, who was semi-cloaked in shadow energy.

“AHHH!!!” she shouted, and flung from the back of her head as she jumped was Nocturne.

“Fuck you mage!” He shouted, rushing at Ryze.

“Not this time,” said Ryze, trapping him in a rune prison. “And you shall not prosper, nightmare.” He finished him with an overloaded magic shot, and Nocturne evaporated into the air. He then rushed over to Twilight.

“Are you alright? Not feeling any insanity, madness, psychosis, or want of death?” he asked in quick succession.

“I’m… okay… but very disturbed by that… thing... “ she said.

“That was Nocturne, a creature we used to have bound to a nexus fragment. Sadly, some idiot, aka Ezreal, nudged it off its platform and he’s been a plague to dreamers everywhere. He’s taken over four thousand victims, turning them into babbling fools bound to their beds for eternity.”

“Well… what he told me didn’t just disturb me, but answered a few questions and brought up more themselves.” she said.

“What did he tell you?” asked Ryze.

Second Contact (Western Front)

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{Western Front Day 9}

The past several days had been uneventful. Yakyakistan had not yet pushed its promise on war; luckily enough, this gave the second army time to fortify the town of Appleloosa. Working off the original portal spell Twilight and Ryze had worked out, Nasus and a team of unicorns managed to set up a few portals back to Runeterra to import supplies such as stone from Mount Targon. They were also able to work out portals between the camp and their northern allies, but when a portal was opened to Celestia and Jarvan, Celestia told them to open portals only when necessary; since the Northern front was still moving, a permanent portal could not be made. A permanent base, however, was effectively set up, complete with H-28G Evolution Turrets of Heimerdinger’s design next to Appleloosa. These turrets were not his standard combat sentries, rather they were more akin to large automatic machines of mass murder. Think of his ability, upgrade, were used twice on one sentry. Effectively, these “H-30G” Evolution Turrets acted as an ultimate defense, one that even the strongest creature would fall to. It was, as he put it, “my magnum opus in terms of weaponized inventions.”

{Undisclosed Location, Time ???}

Meanwhile, in an ancient stone castle, the very same the royal sisters once used, sat a dark equine figure that was cloaked in a black fabric. A shadowed being began to materialize into existence, revealed to be the mad creature known Nocturne.

“My lord, forgive me, I did not know she was protected by that thorn in my side from the land to which I was exiled…” grumbled Nocturne in a hoarse voice. “The rogue mage will be a problem, as I am outmatched by him. And the worst part is, now he has brought the armies of the continent with him. Alas, I also failed in obtaining these ‘elements’ you spoke of have both the Blade of Demacia and the Lady of Luminosity guarding them. How do you expect to retrieve them, when we don’t have any allied operatives left?

“You fool!” the equine bellowed. “Do you think I am unaware of the situation? If we don’t have any friends left here… then we need to find a weak enemy…”

“What do you mean, lord?” asked Nocturne.

“We shall isolate one of them, and throw them an ultimatum; if they do not cooperate with us, we kill them and their family or friends. Then we have them get on the group’s good side and eventually steal the elements out from under them.”

“But we cannot get close enough to them to isolate them, and you cannot use your mind control like you once used to through your dark magic, as it only worked when you transformed into the dreaded dark storm.”

“Ah, but we have an ally and a new army to help us with that…” tapered off the dark equine. Then, a burst of jade hued magic lit up the castle’s long forgotten torches with brilliant green fire. After this small spectacle, a creature teleported into the room; equine in form, yet insectoid in appearance.

“Hello boys…” it said in a feminine, grinding voice.

Back in the camp, however, champions were discussing and rather enjoying themselves; the actually had time to idly chat. The true army members were, of course, still on guard and were actually unfriendly. Champions actually had a whole tent in which to discuss and party, and the only reason why is because they wanted to take a defensive position. Unlike Demacia, an aggressive nation that acted whenever the moral line seemed to be have been crossed, Piltover was a city attempting to become a technological utopia. Shurima was rebuilding from a huge decline, and Bandle City simply was interested in becoming a cultural utopia. As result, the army consisting of these troops took a more defensive route.

“Wait…” said Heimerdinger, looking through a small set of binoculars next to his creation, Blitzcrank.

“What is it?” asked Blitzcrank. “An anomaly?”

“Perhaps... yes, I see black specs on the horizon steadily growing bigger.” Heimerdinger said, squinting into the binoculars. “It must be the troops of Yakyakistan. Blitz, go warn the others. We’ve got company.”

“Very well, I shall activate Overdrive and make a run for it.” he said as his gears proceeded to whir. He dashed at a rapid pace.

“I hope everyone takes this news as good rather than bad...” he wondered aloud. “Time to ready the turrets…”

“I do admit I’ve found this place semi-entertaining even without homicide…” said Shaco, watching some of the performing rodeo clowns. “But it’s starting to get rather boring, wouldn’t you agree?”

“Nah silly, everything's going great!” said Pinkie Pie.

“At least I’m seeing a few tricks I can put a spin on, but not now…” he said. As they walked along the dirt road, Shaco saw something at the far end of the road that scared him a little.

“I’ve seen that golden sheen enough times to know what’s coming…” he said.

“What is it?” asked Pinkie Pie.

“I recommend stepping off the road,” he said, walking into a nearby saloon’s patio.

“Why?” asked Pinkie Pie, just before getting run over by a certain giant brazen golem, flattening her to the ground.

“Oops.” he said in a semi-monotonous voice.

“Blitzcrank, my old friend…” said Shaco in a seething voice.

“There appear to be enemies coming to attack the defensive set up. We must enter positions…” he trailed off.

“Right, right, right, time to march, march, march.” he said. “Come on, my equine friend, we must be going.” He yanked the flattened Pinkie Pie off the ground, and she returned to her original shape.

“Aww…” she said as she and Shaco started rushing off behind Blitzcrank, who quickly disappeared out of sight.

“Ugh, this is sooooo boring…” said Rainbow dash. Sadly, Appleloosa did not have much to keep Rainbow Dash and Vi busy. Yet, a familiar golden sheen appeared on the horizon, who was yelling in its robotic voice:


“That’s Blitzy alright,” said Vi, walking calmly to the center of the road.

"What are you doing?" asked Rainbow Dash.

"Helping Blitzcrank stop." she said.

"Are you crazy? He's gonna trample you like a steamroller!" said Dash.

"His weight hasn't stopped me from helping him slow down before." she said.

He kept rushing, looking like he was running a half marathon somehow with his bulked up frame. Vi did manage to stop the giant golden golem from running anyone over.

“Hey, nice to see you again.” said Rainbow.

“Yes.” said Blitzcrank. “It is nice to see both of you again as well. Since I see neither of you are exactly entertaining yourselves well, I have good news: we have enemies at the gates, the Creator is restarting turrets and Shaco’s preparing his, and I quote from the Creator, 'creepy ass boxes.'”

“Awesome, can’t wait Blitz. Let’s get going, should be great to finally start owning the battlefield again!” Vi said to Rainbow, breaking into a full sprint.

The dots Heimerdinger saw on the horizon were verified with Nasus’ spyglass as an approaching army, which would be second contact with the Yaks for the ponies, first contact for Valorans. He activated all the turrets, and made sure that anything in a three hundred foot radius would be blown to smithereens that was not a friendly pony, yordle, or person. Caitlyn had her rifle scoped on the front of the line, so that they could get the first shot in case they tried any funny business. Speaking of funny business, Shaco had placed a dozen of his special jack-in-the-boxes on the edge of the turrets radii. He noticed the Yaks looked unfriendly, but they seemed almost unwilling to fight.

“Time to kill,” said Shaco, sharpening his knives.

“No murder Shaco,” said Pinkie Pie.

“Bitch, you can’t tell me how I fight in this war. That limits’ only on the innocent, not on the incoming idiots.”

“Hold on…” said Heimerdinger, looking through the spyglass. “They’re approaching… with white flags. The war’s over before it even begins!” he shouted with joy.

“C’mon, there’s got to be more to it than that…” said Vi.

Fifteen suspense filled minutes pass as the army approaches the town. Shaco disarms the boxes as Heimerdinger deactivates the sentries. The army that does reach them has obviously been worsened for wear than had been expected. The force was meager and weak.

“Please… we don’t want fighting. We have a new problem, at… home… so much ice and lightning… damn those axes, gah.” said what appeared to be their severely attritioned leader, who collapsed on the ground from exhaustion.

“Did he say ice, lightning, and axes in the same sentence?” asked Vi.

“I’m afraid that gent did,” said Caitlyn. “That can mean only one thing…”

Meanwhile, at the top of a mountain in the lands of Yakyakistan, a lone man dressed in Viking attire looks into the distance, seeing a village in a long desert. He says only one thing aloud to himself...

"My axe is thirsty."

Gifts and a Game (Northern Front)

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{Northern Front, Day 10}

The northern war front had pushed on, acquiring much ground. Celestia actually had a good idea, based around the way the gryphons acted; they could keep everything they owned if they surrendered. Many of the Gryphon cities were not unified in this cause against Equestria, and many of the cities just let the army pass through. Jarvan viewed those cities that did surrender as cowardly, but Celestia simply wanted to minimize the bloodshed of the war. Some cities were adverse to surrender, and openly attacked. All of the Gryphon soldiers were extremely inexperienced, mostly due to the fact that they were all young recruits who simply going along with the cause of the grandparents and parents, dying as the road was paved throughout the Gryphon Kingdom. Ryze, however, was more concerned with the way Nocturne snuck into Twilight’s mind that one night.

“So, let me get this straight,” asked an extremely confused Ryze, “the creature that the Institute found a couple years ago and bound to a nexus fragment that we know as Nocturne was actually the same darkened soul that took over the mind of one of your rulers and tried to enforce an eternal night under the name Nightmare Moon?”

“An apparent yes,” said Twilight. “When my friends and I expelled the nightmare from Princess Luna, it must have been banished to your dimension… causing countless amounts of strife as well as death…” she shuddered.

“I’m sorry, I just really can’t imagine Nocturne as a female alicorn…” said Ryze disbelievingly. “But then again, that would explain where he came from. We at the Institute have been trying to figure that out for ages.”

“I’m still troubled by what he said…” Twilight added.

“What specifically? Anything that bastard says is troubling…” Ryze replied.

“It’s that whole ‘the one who befriended me told me to end your life’ thing he was going on about.” Twilight said exasperated. “He’s not alone, wherever he is.”

“But at least he’s gone for now.” said Ryze. “The group can finally rest here. Plus, I’ve read up on some Equestrian documents and Celestia has told me a little bit about a certain place you had been wanting to go to before the war… and apparently it’s our next target in the war.”

“Griffonstone?” she asked, as her eyes noticeably lit up.

“Yes, Celestia claims it will put such a strain on the offending Gryphon kingdoms that they will collapse in on themselves, enabling us to enter their cities and proclaim them as states under the control of Equestria.” he answered. “However, Jarvan has been asking if cities could possibly become the states for Runeterran representation in this world, acting as additions to Runeterran city-states. One of his generals said the correct term would be that the city-states would be conducting “colonization,” upgrading the current standards of Gryphon cities and governments while allowing them to retain their current property. They would be able to exchange their wealth and artisan goods for Runeterran luxuries and other goods, allowing prosperous trade to exist for all the Runeterran city-states who are involved in operations here, while benefitting the Gryphons at the same time. In theory, it sounds like a wonderful scenario for both parties.”

“That sounds like an excellent idea,” said Twilight. “Although, I think this ‘colonization’ should be temporary, as it would be better to have them govern themselves rather than us meddle in their affairs constantly.”

“What if they shoot us in the foot again?” he asked agitatedly.

“What do you mean?” she asked confusedly as the two walked through the streets of the city the Runeterran and Equestrian armies had occupied.

“Well, as soon as we put the Gryphon army down, they will seek revenge.” he said, as if he knew that laid in the immediate future.

“But they might just need to be shown the right way a bit…” she said.

“One of them got close enough to kill you the other day… and yet you are still trying to show them mercy.” he said with a hint of venom in his voice before switching back to his normal one. “It’s a bit obvious we view injustice differently from you ponies, yet I personally consider that moral philosophy you have… I heard a motto one of the ponies in one of the early cities say… something about toleration?”

“Love and Tolerate?” she asked. “It’s hardly a motto, more or less just a lesson we sometimes we remind each other of when one of us gets on a wrong path.”

“It seems to be a recurring policy, even in your politics.” Ryze said in a semi-sullen voice. “Runeterrans would never adopt such a policy, as they care about power and monetary wealth too much to change their ways entirely. But at least they still have good intents in their hearts.”

“But then again, I’m out just to save my own ass.” said Graves as he walked up to the pair, carrying a decently sized chest. “So’s Tobias. As well as Shaco…”

“And that’s why the three of you are not government officials.” Ryze deadpanned. “But you might make good agents for the Demacian IRS…”

“Never. EVER. Say that again. Although I’ve never heard of what an IRS is…” Graves said confusedly.

“Again, why you’re not in government. Why are you here anyway, Graves?” Ryze questioned.

“Just walking through, preparing for the fight. Also, Jarvan wanted me to give this to ya Ryze. Said something about you leaving this at the Institute…” He takes the chest and places it heavily on the ground. “I already looked through it for valuables…”

“I assumed that much, you thieving asshole.” Ryze said as he rolled his eyes.

“Hey, calm your ass.” Graves said. “It’s contains several of your old dusty books and your old uniform back from when you taught at the institute. I don’t wanna bother y’all any longer. I’m off.” He began to walk away from the pair, towards the military tents in the distance. Ryze ran up to him before he finished leaving.

“Eh, I don’t like saying this, but thank you Graves.” Ryze stated reluctantly. “This was the only set of clothing I ever actually felt like wearing.”

“Eh, no problem.” Graves replied. “Just considered not calling me a “thieving asshole” again and you can see a few more favors like that in the future. Might even invite you to a poker game or two with me and Tobias when this war’s done.” He resumed his walk back to the camp, leaving Twilight and Ryze in the town. When Graves finally arrived at the group of tents, he realized something. This had been the first time he had any time to himself since he and Tobias were saved from that disastrous raid. He determined that perhaps he and Fate should try doing blackjack or poker, if he could find Fate that was. He walked in the tent that was his, and found Tobias sitting at a table in with two pony guards, Pantheon, and a large figure, who seemed a bit strange in comparison to other beings; he had what seemed to be a huge white beard, an odd garment that looked like a cross between a robe and a tunic, and odd legs that ended in stubs. But the oddest part of him was a strange wooden and brass disc with three holes that seemed be his face. This fellow was known as Bard by most, and he occasionally played a game or two with the criminal duo in between his celestial travels. Of course Graves couldn’t tell what Bard said, but Tobias somehow could. Apparently the celestials were part of the Serpentine people’s mythology, which was an offshoot tracing, in part, to Ionian storytellers. The other two players were a white, pegasus, stallion who seemed to be of a high rank, and a dark coated mare who possessed the wings of a bat, yet seemed equally important in rank.

“Nice to see you’ve finally showed up, Graves.” said Twisted Fate. Bard simply makes a musical tone and waves at Graves.

“Eh, deal me in. I got time to spare. So, two things: Name of the game, and introduce me to your two new friends Tobias.” Graves stated.

“Actually, I didn’t friend ‘em.” said Tobias. “Bard was wandering around the camp chasing after those chimes that follow him or whatever, and these two went chasing after him for some reason.”

“He was bumping into several ponies and soldiers during their exercises,” said the white stallion.

“Anyway,” Tobias resumed. “I saw them chasing Bard, who was just getting faster due to the buff the chimes gave him, and started laughing, until I got tired of it and talked to them. I explained to the pair that Bard’s presence summons the chimes, and that he was probably looking for someone while he was doing it, when he came up to me holding a pack.”

“That fellow was causing a lot of chaos, but I guess he’s alright if it was an accident.” said the mare.

“And now, here we are.” Tobias began to finish. “The stallion is the captain of the Solar Guard, Cloud Skipper, and his friend is the captain of the Lunar Guard, Midnight Blossom. And of course you already know Bard. And you two, this is my partner I was talking about, Graves.” Tobias said to the two ponies.

“Tobias, yer memory’s going again. Name of the Game?” Graves asked, pulling up a chair.

“Piltover Hold’em.” said Pantheon, who generally did not like to speak. “Although here they call it Crystal Hold’em.”

Tobias decided to add onto Pantheon’s statement. “For a brief recap, so our new friends understand the suits and play style of Runeterran cards a little better, Piltover hold’em is regular poker, with each hand having two cards, and five cards in the center of the table. The suits are, in order of highest to lowest value, are clubs, diamonds, hearts, and spades. Ace plays high, and in case of two hands tying, the kicker will determine the winner; if both sides have the same hand, but of different suits, the higher suit wins. If both have the same cards due to the central cards being the best the players have, the pot will become a side pot, and the next round will be issued, with the winner of that round receiving the side pot. Finally, the buy in for this match is fifty bits, and the blinds will be progressively increased, as decided by Bard, mostly due to him playing the game for fun, and not entirely for competition, as well as him being the most decent of us here.”

“I have a feeling this will be fun already…” said Graves. “Also, I got somethin’ for ya. Consider it an early birthday present…” Graves tossed Tobias a small bottle, with a cloth covering it.

“Is this…” started Tobias.

“Moonshine from the Serpentine, yessir.” Graves said. “Risked my ass on that one. Luckily, due to these portals these people have been making, I managed to get one set up to the Serpentine, and I sneaked in and took one for ya.”

Tobias smiled and said, “I’m still not going easy on you.”

Graves replied, “I knew you’d say that.”

“Get on with the game already. I want to test these two Captain’s battle skills after this.” Pantheon said abruptly.

{Undisclosed Location, Time ???}

The ancient castle’s halls now contained a new army of Changelings, as well as Sombra, the Queen, and Nocturne. While it was dilapidated, it was a fine place, as the halls still covered from rain, and acted as decent shelter.

“My lord…” Nocturne said.

“What is it, my warrior of the darkness?” Sombra questioned.

“I crave to disrupt another being’s dreams, but the camps are proving hard to get into. And I am becoming impatient with your agreement with the Changelings’ infiltration plan. It is taking too much time.” Nocturne grumbled.

“Patience, you imbecile. We must take them by surprise, and defeat them in one fell swoop. a coup d’etat is hard to pull off in proper, and must be executed and planned carefully. Otherwise, their entire army will massacre us to pieces, and imprison us, the leaders of the operation, in prisons similar to the one you had on Runeterra. And, I believe we have our captives…” Sombra finished, seeing a group of Changelings enter with a biologically produced cage containing several ponies and even a few Runterrans.”

“Perfect… new beings to destroy…” said Nocturne rushing at them with his blades…

“NO!” shouted the Changeling Queen, Chrysalis. “I refuse to allow you to destroy our source of new love energy, that we Changelings feast upon. Plus these hostages will make the armies think twice before destroying us. I have a select group of my own spying on their army as we speak… and might i add, this plan is going perfectly. Vengeance shall, as cliched as it sounds, be ours, gentlemen.”

Sombra then replied, “Excellent… Equestria shall be ours, and then, the other realm of Runeterra.”

Meanwhile, near a mountain past the deserts of the Western front...

"The might of the Winter's Claw approaches you, army of fools..."