Adventures in Equestria

by finalforce12

First published

Two best friends travel through dimentions, while realizing their friendship was destined for greatness.

Elize and Emma are the greatest friends but when a portal appears in Elize's closet, the friendship is put to the ultimate test. Will Elize and Emma realize the greatest gift is a friendship so special? Or will there be walls separating the friends?

A New Era

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Me and Emma are the best friends of the century. We basically do everything together, and the bond is gonna be bigger than ever! One day at my house, our friendship was put to the test.

"When are the cookie-brownies gonna be done? I'm starving!"

Emma rolled her eyes and we both giggled. Just then, Emma turned to my closet.

"Uh.... Elize?"


"Does your closet glow?"

"No, why?"

"No reason, just the fact that it's GLOWING RIGHT NOW!"

"Wait, WHAT?!"

And she was right, my closet was glowing.

"Well, let's see what's behind the glow!"

Emma gave me a scared look, but I grabbed my closet door. After swinging the closet door open, a portal appeared.


I said in amazement. And in instants, me and Emma jumped through. We walked through a hall full of portals, and a rainbow-colored one sucked us in. It's amazing where we were, that when I opened my eyes, a huge grin came through my face.

Getting The Hang Of Things

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Opening my eyes was the greatest ideas I could think of.

"Emma? The sky is blue, nice houses and...."

That's when I shut my mouth. There were ponies everywhere! Fillies, colts, stallions, mares, pegasi, unicorns, earth ponies! I stood up on all 4's, with a cute periwinkle mane/tail, lilac fur, and nice wings!

I stared at my cutie mark: a paintbrush with neon green paint and a crescent moon. I instantly started flying, and then Emma woke up. She was a unicorn, her fur color; Light yellow. Mane color; Orange. And cutie mark? A flower with 7 petals in these colors: red, orange, green, blue, purple and pink, the middle yellow.

I was amazed on how fast I was flying. How fast? Like Mach 10, at least. Then, I saw a rainbow coming straight at me. I didn't know what else to do, so I braced myself.

I woke up on the ground, and Emma looked super upset.

"Are you ok? You just got hit, and then you fell straight down!"

"I'm fine, that didn't exactly hurt."

Emma gave me a huge look of nothing but concern.

"Let's see and find our way around!"

"But where are we? What is this place?"

Emma asked, looking scared. I said dramatically :

"Ponyville, Equestria."

That's when Emma started her freak-out session.


Emma groaned, trying to stay sane, but this is one of those times where she overreacts or acts totally ridiculous.

"Hey, are you hungry?"

I asked, trying not to wipe Emma's head far as it is already.

".......? Oh, um... Yeah. Yeah, I guess I am."

I saw an apple stand not too far from here, and since I was SOOOOO hungry, I tried to walk like a normal pony to the stand.

"Um... Excuse me? I would like 2 apples please."

I asked, but there was one big problem.

"That'll be 2 bits please."

That was it, I had no bits, but then a teal pegasus walks up and simply says

"It was for me."

The clerk nodded while getting the apples out. The teal pegasus handed me the apples and grinned.

"Haven't seen you around town. You new here?"

I nodded while taking a bite from my apple. It tasted amazing, better than Washington's apples.

"Cool, name's Lightning Dust, what's yours?"

I took a huge gulp and simply said

"Painted Melody."

"So, Painted. You wanna race later? You look like you got the time and the speed, unless you're chicken."

Lightning taunted me. I gave a huge look and said

"You're on!"

Lightning looked happy.

"Great! Race's today at 5pm. And one last thing, no practices."

The Fastest One Around

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Lightning Dust's words echoed through my head. I checked the time: 2:36 pm. I sighed then walked to Sweet Apple Acres, thinking of sweets. Out of nowhere, I bumped into an orange earth pony.

"Well, howdy pardner! Ah haven't seen you around! Name's Applejack, and it's a complete pleasure to have new folks here at Sweet Apple Acres!"

"I'm Painted Melody.... And I could really need some bits.... Could I work here?"

"Well, ah need a new apple bucker, and ah could pay you 10 bits a minute! What do y'all say?"

What do I say?! I say Yessiree! "Sure! I'd love to help buck the trees." I said, happily.

Applejack showed me how to buck trees, how to get apples and how much apples a barrel. I bucked 47 apples for 2 hours and 5 mins. Applejack gives me 12 apples and 205 bits. I look at the time: 4:11 pm. I walked to the raceground stands and checked the time: 4:58 pm.

I stand there, waiting. A memory flashed into my head: a face like mine. Was it me? The face faded as Lightning Dust was talking. "……! You ok, Melody?" I nodded simply while staring at the crowd around the race grounds.

Lightning Dust told me the rules, while I simply gave her answers. "On your mark, get set, GO!" I flew super fast, it was nearly impossible. I had this tingly feeling all over me, and finally, I reached the finish line. The crowd was cheering "2,4,6,8, WHO DO WE APPRECIATE?! PAINTED MELODY!!" I was proud, and Emma ran to squeeze me till my wings popped like balloons.

"Elize, meet the Mane 6: Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Rarity, Twilight Sparkle and Applejack."

My eyes widen at Rainbow Dash, who sticks her hoof at me.

"Hey, uh, I would like to say congrats for winning."

I grin and shake her hoof. After talking with the girls, me and Emma decide where to sleep. Twilight said that there were 2 free renovated houses near City Hall, and that's where me and Emma lived, in 2 nice houses.

Maybe tomorrow we could paint the walls, buy some furniture, change the flooring and hang out with the Mane 6. Tomorrow was going to be a great day. Everything's going to be alright.

A New Discovery

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"Who are you?!"

"I...I'm Elize... what's your name?"

"Heartstrings.... I..I think I'm lost...."

Thinking straight, Elize needed to help the poor thing, otherwise, who knew what would happen?

"Don't worry Heartstrings, I'll help you."

"......... Heartstrings..... who is Heartstrings?"
I did not even realize that it was 10:30 am and that Emma had called my name 12 times in my ear.

" *groan* Emma, why are you at my bedside, and why is my ear blasting?"

Emma didn't respond, but shoved a letter in my face, saying ; Dear Painted Melody and Rosey Sweetness, the Mane 6 would love to take you both out to go shopping for new furniture. Meet at Twilight Sparkle's house at 12:00 pm sharp. I knew today was going to be another thrilling day.

It was almost 12:00, so I flew to Twilight's house as fast as I could and knocked on the door.

"Hello? Oh! Come in, Painted!"

Twilight smiled as I walked in, and Rainbow Dash happily greeted me with a hi-wing.

"Hey, hey, hey! There's the fast champ! I don't need an introduction, so feel free to say my name, if you know it."

Rainbow sneered, waiting for my cry.


I blurred out, shaking the library, and in result, caused my wings to...

"Oh my Celestia! Your wings are glowing, like a unicorn horn!"

Emma screamed, while my wings kept glowing, leaving everyone shocked. This was going to be a long day.

Electric Wings

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After my wings stopped glowing, I heard Emma's voice with Fluttershy's.

"...... So, I'm your biggest fan, basically."

" Really? I've never really had fans before. Thank you, Rosey."

The girls started out the door, and I flew with Rainbow, to the Equestrian Mall. It took us at least 6 hours just to buy new wallpaper and carpet AND furniture! Getting home, I quickly set up my new carpet and wallpaper, and organize the furniture, along with a new bed frame, mattress, and bed set. Tucking myself into my new bed, I wondered about my wings, because they never glow, and maybe my new nickname will be "Elecrtic Wings."

It was amazing for Elize, to have Heartstrings with her was just impressing. "What now, Elize?" Heartstrings wondered, so curious and eager. Elize saw her old harp and got it, and Heartstrings started playing a song that Elize loved : Nightmare Night by Bronydanceparty, and Elize sang along. When the song ended, a bright flash appeared on Heartstrings's flank. There was her cutie mark; a golden lyre.

"Hmmm...... I don't even know any unicorn, let alone a filly! What does it mean?" I thought during breakfast. The Mane 6 was nice enough to take me and Emma out for breakfast, and we sure was hungry.

"Hey, Painted? Ya'll all right, sugar cube?"

Applejack asked, but all I did was smile and nod.

"Darling, you know that this is one of the best restaurant in Ponyville? And you've barely eaten!"

Rarity warned me, but I was already eating. Arriving home, I had gotten a letter.

"Dear Painted Melody, I want to see how fast you can be. Tomorrow at 5, I want to race. Bring all of Equestria over. Come to Cloudsdale racing grounds. Rainbow Dash.

"I accept."

Twilight's Explanation

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"I got my cutie mark!"

Heartstrings cheered with glee. Elize, on the other hand, wasn't very eager to see this moment happen, because soon the time for the 2 unlikely friends would end soon. "Think! What would you do after a pony got a cutie mark?" Elize thought swiftly, and fast.

"I got it! Your new name is Lyra! Lyra Heartstrings!"

"Lyra? I like it!"

"..............Lyra........ I have to remember that name.... I gotta...."

I thought in a dream, and this was the third time already! I snapped my eyes open and saw the clock : 7:45 am. *knock knock* "Who is it?!" I shouted from my kitchen, making strawberry, mixed berry and chocolate waffles, and some apple waffles too.

"It's Twilight! May I come in? I need to tell you something important!"

Twilight spoke, sounding worried. I opened the door and Twilight rushed in.

"Here's a quick thing, I was reading a book last night and I-"

"Get to the point, Twi!"

"Right, right, to put it shortly, you and Rosey are the last Elements of Harmony."

"Wait, WHAAAAA?! So I'm the 7th and Rosey's the 8th?! Holy Luna, this is hard to explain......"

I said doubly, trying to think that this was fake. But it wasn't, and the worst part is? Me and Emma had to go straight to Canterlot Castle. Right. Now.

The Element Of Creativity

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I banged on Emma's door, making her grouchy, not like me in 3 in the morning.

"*groan* Elize? Can't you do this later, I was making pancakes!"

Emma whined, as I dragged her out.

"Canterlot Castle. Explain later."

I blurred out. In a flash, Emma teleported to the castle. It felt great flying all by myself, the wind going through your wings and mane, the wonderful feeling that your freedom is set in motion.


Emma yelled from the castle, as I flew toward the magnificent castle beyond. As I landed swiftly, Princess Luna welcomed me, proudly saying;

"Welcome back, Painted Melody."


Emma and me said in unison as we walked through Canterlot Castle. I noticed a book labeled "The History of The Elements of Harmony", and my element would be included within the book. Luna grabbed 2 different colored stones, one gold and one emerald, and placed the gold in front of Emma, and the emerald in front of me. My wings started glowing, same with Emma's horn. After a huge blast of magic spread through the castle, 2 crowns were placed in front of the Mane 6, and there was something different about me and Emma. I was officially the Element of Creativity, and Emma was the Element of Friendship. Everything was going to be different from now on.


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"Oh, dear pathetic sister.... I'm back..... and it's time to say goodbye to your girlfriend.... "

Ellie was taunting me, not clever if you ask me. Ellie is my twin sister, who used to be an angel, like me, before our separation. When we were babies, or kids, our real parents had passed away because of the Great War, and the devils took Ellie, while I stayed with angels. Ellie had beautiful tan eyes, and now her eyes turned green, showing her insanity. I still have my brown eyes and cheery spirit, while Ellie has green eyes and insanity. Ellie wasn't like this since birth, but that's a different story.

"Emma! Bad news!"

It was a sunny Monday afternoon, and me and Emma were out eating.

"What now? I need to learn to use magic AND fly!"

I wanted to tell Emma the whole story, but I thought it wasn't time yet. "I have a twin sister named Ellie." I explained. A look of complete disbelief spread across Emma's face."Yeah, and where's your proof?" Emma said in a mocking voice. Well Emma, you'd be surprised on how much proof I have. I thought to myself. I knew this was gonna be an adventure, and the better for good.

A Familiar Face

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I had nearly forgotten about my race with Rainbow Dash, but I had to make a choice: adventure or racing? I had remembered all the boredom I had without Emma, so I took this opportunity and saved it like a bag of potato chips in a pantry cabinet. Flying to meet Emma, I accidentally flew into a......I kept my eyes on the poor mare I ran into.

"Hey! You hurt my head, you plot! ..... Quit staring at me! Wait a minute....."

A mint green unicorn spoke, a bit odd with her white and mint mane and...her...cutie a golden lyre....... It couldn't be her, but it is. The filly who I knew and loved, Lyra Heartstrings, is right in front of me now, and I bet she remembers me too...

"Painted? Is that you? If it is, it's been so long....or should I call you by your human name, right, Elize?"

Lyra spoke crisply and coldly, but all I could do is just say "It's me, really is". I apologized for my action and she invited me and her to hang out sometime, and you know what, I accept. We said our farewells and I flew off to the Cloudsdale racing grounds, where Rainbow stood, playing with a piece of a cloud.

"Alright Rainbow, show me whatcha got."

I said, keeping my cool. Rainbow looked up and nodded, but something was off about her, and what was that, u ask? Her eyes, instead of magenta, were red, blood red, and this, in my mind, is all a trap, a clever clever trap.

Race To Glory

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Late, late, late for the race, but to be frank, I couldn't focus with Ellie freed from her reflectional prison. Even with her free, I knew the only possible way to be free is to convince her to set me free...

"Hahahahahahaha....So, wanna race, or are you gonna stare at me all day?"

"Stop it, Ellie! I know it's you!"

Ellie and I stood, staring at each other. Ellie smiled, but then I realized something...odd... I knew ever since the imprisonment that Ellie never had...fangs... I checked outside or looked up at the sky, night. The figure staring at me wasn't Ellie, it was a vampire pony, and I'm the new target.

"Uh oh...."

I gulped, it was the only thing I could do other than dying.

"So....figured it out yet? I'm not this Ellie, I'm the new and improved Rainbow Dash...."

I wanted to run, but she could be faster than before, not taking the risk, thank you very much... I opened my wings, letting my electric wings glow bright as the sun [even though I hate daylight...] and waited for Rainbow's move. Of course she moved first, and I was right, she was faster than before. But that's when my wings did it: they started shooting out colored elemental light balls at Rainbow faster than her! I grinned, but she wasn't done yet. We flew up into the night, fighting with our wings/hooves/tails/etc., but Rainbow wasn't giving up, instead she kept going and going and going, I was wondering when she'll stop. I flew around the race grounds, wishing for a speed boost. I saw Rainbow come closer and closer, then, she got me.

"Any last words, Princess Painted?!"

Rainbow cackled, waiting for my last reply. All I could do was buck her in the face, grab her wings, and body slam her to the floor. She was bleeding. Hard. My reply was in simple words.

"I'm sorry..."

Let The Falling Stars Shimmer

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"Let me, Princess..."

Luna said, putting her hoof on Rainbow's chest, letting the evil in her diminish. I stood and watched, crying and repeating to myself: I'm sorry... After that, Fluttershy took Rainbow to the hospital, and I flopped on a cloud, staring at the starlit sky. As I watched Luna's beautiful work above me, I wondered why no pony else looked at the sky.

"What would she do? What would Ellie-"

I stopped myself from going further. Ellie?! Why her?! I kept my focus for 4 seconds, then decided to practice magic. Ok, focus on the object and... A green aura covered my horn, and i made it rain paint splatters by accident! What will Luna think?! Wait, forget Luna, WHAT ABOUT CELESTIA??!! I entered panic mode, until Luna flew behind me.

"What are you doing, Painted? Paint splatters? How adorable, just like when you were with me."

Luna spoke softly. I was scared, but confused. What does she mean by "when I was with her?" Luna put a wing on my back and calmed me down. She smiled and spoke softly.

"When you were a filly, I took you to the castle to teach you some magic, giving you your cutie mark."

I was shocked on her story, being creeped out, but in a way, it made sense. The young girl and the filly unicorn, the portal. It all made sense now. The dreams I've been having, those weren't dreams, they're flashbacks. That's why Luna said "Welcome back, Painted" and why Lyra remembers me.

I went home, but as I left the cloud, I heard Emma scream from a mile away. Not thinking, I flew over to the scream and saw Emma on a puddle of blood.


I cried. After seeing my friend, I took her to the hospital, not caring on how heavy she was. I arrived there and the blood lost friend on me was starting to lose her pulse. The workers took her to room 123, at 1300 GoScrewYourself Avenue... and I followed along. She was stabbed and thrown at a wall, and after that explanation, I sobbed.

"W..will she ok?"

I stammered. The doctors said it will take a while to wake up, but she can't use magic or fly for a month. It was shocking, but I knew who did this and why. Who, you ask? Take a wild guess...

Oddball Friends

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Emma's perspective

Now, I knew Elize wasn't the "perfect girl" that everyone liked. She was an ordinary girl, and I would never guess that we were destined to be great friends. After I woke up in Equestria, I did panic a bit, but I was worried!

"Relax, Emma, it's not so bad. I mean, we can learn about our new abilities, right? You learn to use magic and I learn to fly!"

Elize soothed me, and she did have a good point. I left Elize and bumped into- oh no.....

"Hey! How ru-AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

A familiar pink earth pony dashed away, and gee, I wonder why?Sarcasm alert.... Being me, I was looking for a library to read some books and catch up on my reading. I saw a treehouse and knocked on the door.

"Hello? Oh, a new pony! My name is Twilight Sparkle! What's your name, miss?"

Twilight welcomed me into her home as I said on my in: Rosey Sweetness. I wanted to get an encyclopedia on Equestria, and instead I got a novel. I saw a boutique and I was curious on what was inside.

"Welcome to Carousal Boutique, where we make you fantastic! Oh my... You are not from here, aren't you? I am Rarity, generous, beautiful and an artist!"

Rarity spoke in her accent, smoothly like chocolate milk down your throat. Telling her my name, I left while she was being her *ahem* "brainstorming"...

"Ok, Fluttershy, can you try that stunt again?"

"O...ok.... -does stunt, but stops in middle- Um....Rainbow Dash? Behind you...."

"Wha? Oh, hello. Who are you, anyways?"

I was right in the middle of a stunt training class.

"I'm Rosey Sweetness, and I'm new to Ponyville. What's your name?"

I tried to keep my cool, but it was a dream come true."I'm Rainbow Dash and the pony next to me is Fluttershy."

Elize would be over joyed if she knew who I, Emma Baker, was talking to.

"Hi, Fluttershy."

I wanted to scream, but I didn't want to scare Fluttershy.


Can I hug you? PLLLEEEAAASSSEEEE???!!! I thought, but kept a peaceful mind. Just then, a wall-eyed pegasus flew towards me.

"Did you hear the news?! Lightning Dust and Painted Melody are racing today!"

Painted Melody? How clever, Elize.... I thanked the pony and rushed to the racing grounds with Twilight, Pinkie, Applejack, Rarity, Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy, and we were cheering for Elize.


I screamed at the top of my lungs and after Elize won, I hugged her hard and introduced her to the Mane 6. After Twilight told us about the 2 free houses, me and Elize went to sleep, and I dreamed about this good day. Elize was right, it's not so bad.

Lost and Finished

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Emma's perspective, part 2/2

After shopping for new furniture with the Mane 6, I relaxed myself a bit and made some tea with honey. Setting up the new furniture and putting up the new wallpaper, I stared at my cutie mark and tried to figure out what it meant. Tuckering myself out, I walked to my new bed and lied down, while reading a nice soothing novel I got from Twilight's. It wasn't fair to her, being called dumb and freaky, she couldn't help it! "Haha! There goes Queen Freakizoid once again!" "Do you want us to clean your toilet seat, your Highness?" The girl couldn't stand it any longer. Ready to give her classmates a scare, she yelled: IT'S NOT MY FAULT I'M LIKE THIS!!!!! Yawning hard, I shut the book, turned off the light and slept like a brick. Waking up early like always, I made some pancakes and ate them! I was interrupted by Elize pounding on my door, and she looked worried...

"Canterlot Castle. Now!"

Elize zoomed off a few seconds after, and I tried a teleportation spell I learned from Twilight. I did it, but my magic was all gone... Drat...


I yelled loud enough for her to dive-bomb perfectly into the castle. We were greeted to Princess Luna, but no Celestia to be seen. Luna placed 2 stones on the ground, and used her magic to make them levitate. The Mane 6's cutie marks were glowing, then soon Elize's eyes became blank, along with mine. I felt something on my back and- oh my sweet lord... I got wings, while Elize had a new horn.

"Thank you Luna, but this is a bit too early, isn't it Painted?"

I protested against Luna's idea of alicornism...


She seemed to be staring at her appearance, not talking... A few minutes after, she fell to the floor, her fur becoming pale.

"Elize...please stay awake....stay...."

I begged her to stay alive, but she just shut her eyes. I took her home, tucked her in bed and walked home, thinking about her. I decided to visit Fluttershy and see how she's doing, what goes on and what's new. Arriving to the homely cottage, I saw a note on the front door.

Dear visitors, I am at Cloudsdale at the moment, helping Rainbow Dash with pet assistance. I will come home in 3 days. Fluttershy.

Well, great! Now what?! Well, I guess I can go to Pinkie's and bake something for Elize, but Pinkie was out of town with Applejack.I gotta remember to go back and check on Elize from time to time, besides why do I have a baaaaaaad feeling in my gut that she's keeping something from me? Now I know Elize....and I know that she isn't the "sharpest tool in the shed"... but she is protective....almost to the point where it backfires on her....but something was did she fly so quick and with ease? I never knew why, but now i know some advice for future flyers [say that ten times fast...]: Flying is hard as buck! Anyways....I practiced my flight, and I fell a lot... It was getting late and I was walking home when I saw raining......paint splatters? "[PAAAAAIIIINNNNTTTTEEEEDDDDDD.........]" I thought angrily, while I walked home. I saw a shadow run that...was a unicorn. From what I remember is that Twilight was visiting Luna for a week and she left yesterday, and Rarity is on a cruise with her sister, Sweetie Belle, I don't recall meeting anymore unicorns. The magic aura was dark green with blood sparkles....and all I thought was: "I'm bucked....".


I screamed. The shadow pony came into the light. Her eyes were dilated and blood red, her wings,horn and cutie mark were stitched on, her fur was purple and blood stained, and her mane/tail was blue and flattened also having blood stains. All she said was:

"Time to turn out the light, PRINCESS..."

A bloody knife went into me and I was thrown into a wall, making me bleed 21 gallons... Reality started to fade and all I saw was Elize crying at my side.

Change in Plans

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Elize's perspective

*sigh* I know Ellie isn't like this.....she's not even mean! Something is in her brain, and it's taking her over... I may be a tiny tot of an angel, but I am not letting her life slip from my hands, not today......not now....not ever....


I yelled into her heart, but now I see that the devil's darkness has reached her innocence...

"Hahahahahaha....And what in the name of the devil do you plan I will return to your poor, stupid pity?! I am Ellie, a true master of the dark devils, not a pathetic pitiful angel who respects a traitor and one minder of a ruler!"

Ellie spat in foulness, and I had to wait for the right moment... Her beautiful tan eyes had faded and had become just plain grey, while her hair, before wavy and silky, now spiky and tough, like she never brushed.

I watched as she pulled out a knife and moved closer to me, and as she got closer, it was time.

"If you don't return back to me... SUFFER AS A REFLECTION!"

I yanked out the special jr. warrior angelic sword and got ready to slash her. I had slashed her wings off, and she screamed in pain and agony.


She howled with pain, as I took out a big mirror from the village, not too far away. As I got ready, I had to end her quickly then put her in the mirror. She seemed more insane and evil than before I slashed the wings clean off, and had gotten ready for a deadly blow. I, too, powered up for the final blow, and as I started to end the battle, I had whispered softly

"I will always love you...sweet, sweet sister..."

My attack blew her away and had put her into the mirror, as I cried softly. I knew this wasn't the last time for her chaos, and she did too. As I walked away I had heard Ellie mumble something

"I hate you...."


Another flashback....these are really getting common....I swear, Emma can't see a mile from a minute when I could get knocked out and dragged to...well.....heck. Easy, ol girl....soon enough I can get back to the human world with Emma at my side.....just hope Ellie can't kill her, no, should I say, Ellie WOULDN'T kill Emma....can she? Well, that's gonna be answered....of course she bucking can! That's like asking yourself should you try suicide or get nosebleeds! I kept thinking, and since it's still daylight, maybe a walk could be relaxing...

I walked around, and tripped, or, excuse me...."STUMBLED" into the Everfree Forest. Walking around and forgetting I am a walking flashlight, I heard someone walking around.

"H...hello? Is anypony here?"

Did I REALLY just say "anypony" *hiss* GAH! This reminds me of Slender.....a biiit too much, actually... Then, the sounds stopped, and then.....blackout. I woke up a few minutes later and looked a little weak. I had 2 bite marks Now, I've seen too many vampire movies and played too many vampire-based video games to know, I got bit by a vampony.....Oh, wonderful, genius! NOW WHAT?! I found an old sweater in a saddle bag, and lucky me, It was a green hoodie. I slipped it on and it looked like it belonged to a pegusus with a hole on the top of the hood. I flew off, wearing sunglasses, and went to visit the hospital.

"Now, Rosey will wake up, and she will try to talk. You must stay here and keep her company, understood?"

The nurse said sweetly, and all I wanted to do was nod. I walked in and waited for Emma to wake up. As I waited, I started to fall asleep, and had a flashb- Wait a's not a's a vision!

"What happened?! Mom? Dad? Kiara? Where are you?! Everything is gone...everything from me is gone....I lost my family, my pets....everything..."

"Sis? Elize? Is that you?I'm in our room! In the closet! Hurry, help me!"

Waking up, Emma seemed to look more better, and her face looked more full than before.

Hi, are you?

Fine, you?

Doing great...hey, Elize?


How long until I get to use magic or fly?

A week, but guess what?


We are going back home....we just need to bust you out, so change in plans. I will heal your magic so you can use magic for a day, ok?

Ok, and....thanks. I owe you one...

After I gave her magic for a day, I had spawned a portal to get us out, and had left a note. Swirling back into the peach colored portal, Emma flopped on her stomach, and I had landed on my feet.


Emma mumbled, but I kept my mouth shut. My vision wasn't lying....the entire world had gone down in flames...

An Abandoned World

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Emma looked surpised, while I had walked around the burnt land. Emma followed along as I saw everything I had remembered from the beautiful place I called home, aka Oregon, was gone. Stores are shut down, houses are on fire and falling apart, and lots of people are dead. I had seen a....very familiar hous- it was Emma's!

"......Please tell me Lina and my pets are ok.....please, Elize...

Emma muttered with tears streaming down her face. Lina is Emma's sweet little sister, and can be a bit dangerous if...WHY AM I EVEN TELLING PEOPLE THIS?! I ran to my apartment, and opened the door. The place was empty.

It looked like it had been forgotten, and abandoned... I walked into the kitchen, no food. Walked into my bathroom, barely anything. When I stepped into my parent's bedroom, I broke down, crying hard.

" why them.......why not me......"

I wailed and wailed, then I heard familiar whining and squeaking. Drying my eyes, I saw 3 cages, a bed frame, and a little skinny girl...

"Sis? Is that you? I stayed with the pets, but the cops had killed mommy and daddy... I'm sorry..."

Kiara, my adopted little sister spoke sweetly, but weakly and softly.

I had checked on the 2 dog cages and small travel case while Kiara was still crying. Least to say, my jaw was on the floor by now. "S...sis? What in God's name happened?!" I saw my 3 pets: the puppies; Marley and Bella, and my guinea pig; Caramel.

"We were starving for at least 3 months....No food, only water and sleep..."

Kiara seemed to keep her voice low and her hopes high. I am not gonna fall to my knees, begging for food in this demon hole of an abandoned world.


Emma's voice was heard across the county, and I bet she found Lina... I saw her running, trying to find me, as I opened my door and called out to her.

"Where in the name of everlasting buck have you been?!"

"Finding my sister, smart-alack..."

"And so you ditch me?!"

"Ah... quit bein' a whiney baby. Now, have you found Diesel, Coco, and Lina?"

"Yeah, say, you can drive an ATV, right?"

"Yeah... and I can use magic in other dimensions! So I can expand a normal ATV for 2 little kids, 3 dogs, a cat and a guinea pig, plus you and me!"

"That equals 9 capacity! Err, sorry.... Anyways, I found an okay ATV outside! We can use that!"

"Sounds like a plan!"

Me, Emma and Kiara made our way outside, where Lina, Coco and Diesel waited. I used my magic to not only fix up the sort of busted ATV, but expand it to fit at least 12 people, including pets of all sorts, but it won't take up the maximum capacity.

"Wowza, sis! You know your magic stuff!"

"Elize....I am amazed, man! You are good!"

"It's just talent..."

Emma and I loaded everyone and everything onto the ATV, and I was ready to ride. Once everyone was on, and all our stuff was loaded, I had started the engine and was driving.

"Hey Elize? Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah? What's up?"

"Are you excited for our elementary school reunion dance?"

"Oh...yeah...that..... Well, I dunno... Maybe?"

I saw a food store up ahead and parked. Walking in, I realized it was abandoned. I took all of the good food and brought it to the ATV. I made Kiara's favorite lunch and gave her some peaches and strawberry Sprite, while Emma made Lina's favorite little lunch meal. Me and Emma fed the pets and went back to driving, looking for a place to stay.

Don't forget to try to make a vampire antidote when building the new home...

It was already 4:00 pm, and still no luck. Finally, after 4 hours of searching, I found a perfect spot for a house, with a huge backyard and a really nice tree for a treehouse! All of us got out and I started to make a 2 story house with a basement, making sure that the home had fences and doors. After about 30 minutes, me and Emma unloaded the ATV while Kiara and Lina ran into the backyard, playing with the puppies. I had made 5 rooms with bathrooms, a nice kitchen, a huge underroom in my room, fancy stairs, and a cool playroom for Lina and Kiara. I had finished painting my room and helping Kiara with painting her's, while furnishing the rooms too. Lying down, I wondered about Ellie...and how she became this way. Only our time will tell...

What A Birthday...

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Ellie's perspective not your average angel...I was treated horribly by both my kin and by others. The only person who loved me was....HER...But I can hear the lies in her tone, but I can't retaliate at her...because she is the last person of my family left. How did this happen? How did I become who I am today? began a long time ago, when I was a 5 year old. Me, my sister and my parents were celebrating a birthday, my sister's and my birthday. Everything was all well and good, until...IT happened. You see, my parents were captains of the warrior angels, and they always fought with agile moves; they made it look easy! On my birthday, of all days, warrior demons attacked our village in the clouds, and they requested a "prize" if they killed the captains. Needless to say, the demons put 2 ends of 2 knives together to make a katana...and they slashed my parents...



Me and my sister both saw the 2 fallen angels fall to the floor, dead. I was crying and holding my amber wavy hair, cringing at the fact that this had happened... I looked up at my sister, my tan eyes shimmering with tears still streaming, as she was crying, trying to not believe on the recent event.

"Soo... Where is our prize? One of yours, I think the deal was?"

Every single angel stared at me and my sister. So I made the most insane thing I would ever do: I stepped up and offered myself. The demon grinned and told me to pack up, as my sister helped me out. We talked a little while we packed.

"I overheard the demon saying that they'll take you to an"

"I'm not happy either, but, at least we'll write to each other, right?"

"Right! Maybe I'll visit one day! You'll introduce me to your step-family!"

"Elize... Don't think so over your head. These are demons we're talking about! The creatures with the messed up minds?! HELLO?!"

"But, Elizabeth...we will send pictures to each other, and we will survive our disasters and obstacles to success! ...Right?"

"Right. Hey, Elize? Make a promise to me. Promise that you'll never change?"

"Promise. And don't forget our twinsy picture!"

"How could I? Well...I guess this is good-bye..."

My sister and I hugged, while the others waved good-bye. The demon asked if I could fly, and all I did was stare at my angel wings. It groaned, then put me on it's back, zooming into the under realm. The demon dropped me in the orphanage and after 2 hours, a lady adopted me. Her name was Stephanie, she had a husband and a son who was 8, and that she was the more beautiful demon I had ever seen. Stephanie took me home and showed me around the huge house. There was a ton of rooms, big space and a backyard that leads to a hill with an ancient tree growing. Her son came home from school, and he picked me up and he swung me around, laughing. His name was Devon, and his bat wings looked cooler than any other demon. Finally, the dad, called Fang came home, and he abused Stephanie.

4 years later, after the adoption

It's been 2 months since Stephanie died, and I've been silent ever since. Sure, I replied with a few hand motions and simple shakes and nods of the head, but I didn't have playful banter, or joyous chit-chats with anyone. Now, the bullies at school were really getting in my skin, just because I wear a light purple hoodie! But I don't care, who did care about fashion, anyway? But, one faithful day made me alter my destiny. While I was working on finishing the last few measures and details of my doll, I heard Devon barge in my room. He was now 12 while I was now 9, but he spoke in an extremely happy voice.

"Hey Elizabeth! Guess what? Tomorrow, I'll be gone with my friends for 2 days!"

"Oh...sounds like fun!"

"Sis...You don't have to lie..."

"No no, you go have fun. It's just that my concert's tomorrow..."

"Sorry sis, but these are my friends! You understand, don't you?"


I felt like there was fire in my wings, my brain, my stomach and my heart. How could he even leave? Why would he leave?! But it wasn't even scratching the surface! After my concert, Fang had slashed my right wrist down to the bone, so I kicked his ugly mug and flew into my room and stitched the wound up. Then, something inside my good girl soul snapped. Something twisted and turned and wrangled: it was my insanity, it wanted to be free, so I let it free, and it took control. I got a message from Devon saying that he'll be home in a few hours because one of his friends got his ears stung by demonic wasps, so I snuck into Devon's room and found a 19 MM pistol. I heard the door open then shut, and Devon walked in my room, so I pulled the trigger and shot my brother not once, but twice. I grinned evilly and made my way into Fang's room, shooting him 4 times, twice in the chest, and twice in the head. I framed my dad and packed up my stuff, and I flew off to the hill. My insanity faded into my brain, and all I could do is cry. Then, I heard a voice, behind me.

"Hey! Girlie! Wing-ding!"

I swung my head around and saw a boy staring back at me.

"You ok?"
