Changeling gone good?

by N3rdyGir1Squar3d

First published

What happens when Queen Chrysalis decides she wants a daughter that has all the qualities of the elements of harmony? (The beginning take place before the whole Canterlot Wedding)

What happens when Queen Chrysalis decides she wants a daughter that has all the qualities of the elements of harmony? (The beginning takes place before the whole Canterlot Wedding)

Put on hiatus because of lack of inspiration, i will be writing other stories and when/if my inspiration comes back, i will continue


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Queen Chrysalis smiled down at her work she had just finished creating. "Hmm, what shall I call you?" she questioned towards her first magically created changeling.

The small filly like changeling started to wake up. Chrysalis realized that she had never named a changeling before,
besides herself of course. All changelings where hermaphrodite, that way they could change into both genders without that 'part' missing.Of course there were exceptions, like Chrysalis herself.But they always became royalty and named themselves later in life. Before then, they were called 'Royal' and then their number but sometimes they included gender too. Chrysalis was 'Royal 327' or 'Royal Female 106' but hated being called that. She came up with her name as soon as she was able to speak (Which is about 30 minutes after hatching, sense changelings hatch as adults).

Chrysalis then snapped out of her thoughts and looked down at the now awoken filly changeling. Chrysalis thought for a minute then said out loud, "Kryna, thats what I'll call you."

The second Kryna looked up at her mother, a look of pure anger washed over her face. "Hello mother" Kryna spat at the Queen that made her.

Startled Chrysalis stood up and stepped back thinking that she was just intimidated and was trying to make herself seem a lot more intimidating. Chrysalis immediately realized that she needed to show her dominance to her daughter. "You will NOT disrespect me daughter."

Kryna looked at her mother with a burning sense of hatred. "What did you make me to represent?" Kryna asked, surprisingly calm. "I made you to represent the elements of harmony" Chrysalis stated proudly. Kryna just looked at her mother with even more disgust than before.

"Why do you think i don't have holes in my hooves or hair? Holes show how corrupt the changeling is! Why do you think i don't have the same changeling skin that you have? I have pony like skin! Why do you think I don't have bug-like wings? I have normal wings! why do you thing I'm a filly? Changelings are born adults!"

Chrysalis stood there, not understanding what her daughter meant.

Kryna just continued,"The Elements of Harmony. Honesty which is why i'm going to tell you right now, ill NEVER think of you as a mother. Laughter, which is why i can tell what ponies feel, I do NOT feed on love, I can sense feelings like changelings though, so i know when someone needs a good laugh. Generosity which is why I can sense intentions, i can sense if somepony is just doing something nice only to get something back, or just to be nice. Magic, which is why my horn is not bent broken or have any other imperfections, why I can do more than just changeling magic, and why I know so much considering i was just created. Loyalty,---"

Chrysalis cut her off "YOU SHOULD BE LOYAL TO ME!" She practically screamed

Kryna just giggled, "Oh, well... Kindness and Loyalty kind of go together. Kindness, which is why I will NEVER be Loyal to you!" Kryna dashed towards the window and jumped out, flying towards ponyville, but not before shouting, "Seems that all we have in common is our eyes, colors, and the ability to do changeling magic!" Chrysalis could have sworn she also heard Kryna mumble,
"I'm more pony than changeling."

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-PERSPECTIVE CHANGE-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=

Apple Bloom

"CUTIE MARK CRUSADER MYSTERIOUS EXPLOSION INVESTIGATORS!" Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo, and I said in unison, after seeing an odd explosion near the forest.

"Umm, girls, ah don't think that was an ordinary explosion" "Yeah! It was green and creepy looking!" Sweetie Belle added "Not to mention ah think it was shaped like a skull and cross-bones." I said shaking at the thought of what could have created an explosion like that.

"Aw, stop being such wimps!" Scootaloo said "I'm sure you just imagined that! All I saw was us getting out Cutie marks by investigating that mysterious explosion!"

"All right if you say s---" Sweetie Belle was cut off by what we all saw standing in front of us.

=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-PERSPECTIVE CHANGE-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


I was standing there, in front of 3 ponies, 3 young ponies, fillies! 'Crap' i thought to myself 'there goes my good first impression plan'
I noticed that hey were still standing there with their mouths open just staring at me.

"Umm... hi." I said quietly

"Hi! sorry for starin' but we've never seen ah filly alicorn before! We always thought you had ta earn it, not be born with it!" the red maned earth pony said, snapping out of her trance

"Huh?" I said, too quietly then they could hear.

"WOAH! YOUR ROYALTY?!" the purple maned pegasus asked with so much enthusiasm I stepped back

"Sorry she can be very, LOUD!" the white unicorn said having the last part directed at the pegasus.

"Ah am Apple Bloom, that's Scootaloo" she said pointing her hoof at the loud pegasus, "and that's Sweetie Bell" indicating the unicorn.

I stood there for a moment and said, after taking a deep breath, "Im Kryna"

"Well thats an unusual pony name, but your eyes are odd to---" Scootaloo started to say before Sweetie Belle kicked her in the leg

"OWWW" Scootaloo wined

"Sorry, seems she doesn't know manners, PRINCESS Kryna" Sweetie Belle said putting an emphasis on 'Princess'

"Oh, I'm not---" i started but then realized, I AM a princess, I AM royalty, I'll Just leave out that I'm a changeling princess. I realized I needed to have the rest of my sentence make sense.

"I'm not comfortable to be called Princess, just call me Kryna"

"Ok Kryna follow me! we gonna head to our Cutie Mark Crusader tree house and make you a cape!" at the mention of 'cutie mark' I looked at my bare flank and wondered, can I get a cutie mark?

"By the way, where are you princess from anyway?" Sweetie Bell asked.

Meeting The Elements

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"Uhh..." 'CRAP! What do I say! They cant know I'm a changeling!!!!'

"Ya are a princess... Aren't ya?" Apple Bloom asked

"I-I" I then realized i still had a way, "I..." *Sniff* "I don't like to talk about it!" 'and cue the tears'

"Oh well ah am really sorry for askin'..."

"Oh.. Its all right I just need to get over it... By never talking about it again.... Ever" Ok now I just need to meet the bearers of the elements so they can direct me to their ruler, "I can't join you club, but i do need to meet the bearers of the elements o-"

"I can show you to Rainbow Dash!!!!" Scootaloo said, cutting me off

"And we can show ya to our big sis's" Apple Bloom added, looking from Sweetie Belle to me before squeezing Sweetie Belle firmly against her side.

"Yeah! They are Loyalty, Honesty, and Generosity!!!" Sweetie Belle chimed in after escaping Apple Bloom's tight hug

"Ok lets just get there fast!" I said running ahead of them in the direction they came from


About three hours of walking, and the three filly's telling me about the six elements and their bearers, we walked mainly in circles when we got lost, but we finally found our way to ponyville. I immediately went to Twilight Sparkles home, despite what a certain 'Cutie Mark Crusader' thought about me going to Rainbow Dash instead of an egg head

"SPIKE!!!!!!!!" Twilight screeched after I came to her door and said I was a princess and needed her help "Get PRINCESS-, um what was your name again?"

"Kryna, and don't call me princess please"


"I'm right here!" he replied, yawning afterwords "Why'd you wake me up from my nap? I was dreaming about gems. Mmmmmmm tasty tasty gems..."

"Get Pri--- Kryna a daisy sandwich, please" Twilight said through clenched teeth

Just as spike got up to go, there was a knock on the door. Before twilight could answer it, Princess Celestia burst through the door and looked me dead in the eye, she said "I know of your kind and you are NOT welcome!"

I swallowed nervously. My mouth hanging open and eyes wide as Princess Celestia stared me down. 'I'm going to end up a changeling splattered on the wall... aren't I?'


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All of the sudden a gray coated blonde mare crashes through the door, having chunks of wood flying through the air. She then jumps in between me a Celestia just as the Princess charged up her horn, wanting to get rid of the vermin, which happened to be me. Before it did any harm, Celestia turned her head, not wanting to hurt an innocent pony just to kill me. As she turned her head the magic she was going to use to kill me destroyed a book shelf and all the books it had contained, Twilight went wide eyed and started crying as if someone had just crushed a baby foal right in front of her. She was gently repeating “no.”

After about 5 seconds all attention turned to the mysterious gray pegasus that had just delayed my defeat for a while

“NO!” She nearly screamed, so much force in her tone. All that did is add questions. Why? Why was this mare that didn’t know me, trying to defend me? She just jumped in front of the princess to save me. THE PRINCESS, the one she was supposed to have full faith in, the one she was supposed to respect to no end, the one that led her to a happy life away from torment. Yet she stood up for me, a CHANGELING that is powerful enough to destroy the elements of harmony!

Then it hit me, she didn’t know who I was, she didn’t know I was changeling, she didn’t know me at all, she just thought I was a helpless filly that the princess was going to sacrifice for no good reason, or at least no reason she could understand.

The princess looked taken back at the sudden events that had transpired right in front of her eyes, a mare was defending a changeling filly, by the was she looked at the intimidating mare, she probably though I was using some spell. She then glanced at my non-alit horn not ever fully taking her line of sight off of the pegasus, and then it hit her, a commoner, among ponyville was defending me upon her own free will

“You will NOT harm this filly!” the pegasus stated will just as much force as before, not letting her look of intensity break.

“She’s a---“ Celestia started, not using a threatening tone knowing the pegasus didn’t know what I was

“Changeling.” the mare finished herself, “I know.”

Everypony was confused now but I’m the one that broke the silence


Everyone gaze turned back to me, Celestia’s gaze tightened as if she was shooting daggers through her eyes, all the while, the mare’s eyes softening then one eye drifted up words into a derped expression

“You can tell a lot from eyes!” she exclaimed with a cheerful tone.

I then looked at the mare who had saved my life for the time being and I realized she had about 13 muffins in her saddle bags mixed with mail and a few of each trailing out the door, obviously where she had bolted to when she saw the scene that had happened, what seemed like hours ago, but in reality only was only a few minutes ago

At that moment I realized something I never realized before, some ponies don’t care about your species, all they care about is who you are. There were some accepting ponies left in Equestria.

Celestia snapped out of her confusion and turned towards me and walked forwards, ignoring the mare that I still didn’t know the name to.

“I didn’t know you would be a fool,” she said with a burning agonizing hatred in her voice, if I had fed off of love, she would have killed me now based of my small size.

Twilight now piped up, I would have forgotten she was here if it hadn’t been for her light sobbing at the revelation that a large portion of her books where destroyed

“She is a harmless filly!” she almost screamed at her mentor, her voice cracking and shredding, barely healed from the resent crying

“SHE IS A MONSTOSITY! SHE IS A CHANGELING, SHE FEEDS OFF OF LOVE, I DON’T KNOW HOW PUT SHE HAS TAKEN A PONY LIKE FORM WITHOUT CHANGING HER FORM WHICH IS WHY I KNOW WHAT SHE IS!” Celestia shrieked using the royal Canterlot voice, tears forming at the corners of her eyes, obviously hurt that her student couldn’t understand

I then felt the need to correct her

“Umm. Excuse me?” I said barely audible but was heard because of the growing tension of silence between student and mentor, they both turned to me, Celestia looking like she would strangle me if we were alone. “I-I… I don’t feed off of love, I’m different then most changelings, I was made by my… mother to destroy the elements of harmony” I said, gaining a little confidence by seeing the gray mare in the background, not leaving the room, but happily munching on a muffin, but also hissing out the word ‘mother’

“What…?” Celestia managed to whisper, the intensity of her eyes fading and her stance going from tense to soft and weakened in a matter of seconds.

“I can show you my memorized and thoughts to the point that is relevant to this situation, then ill explain the rest.” I said in a rushed tone, glad no pony interrupted, if somepony did, I wouldn’t be able to continue my brave offer, I was giving up what little shred of privacy I had to someone that wanted to kill me mere minutes ago, Celestia gave a weak nod still somewhat lost in her thoughts, she then got back her composer as she stared at me. I then cast a spell on myself as the others sat and watched as my very few memories and thoughts from when I was in my mother’s castle projected into the air.


My consciousness was emerging from a strange emptiness. In my half lucid state I realized it had been sleep. I couldn't remember ever sleeping before, or waking up for that matter. I slowly opened my eyes, staring groggily at the course material under me. I was lying on a stone floor, I was... I was…
"Kryna, that's what I'll call you."

Kryna. My name? The voice cuts through the haze and I snap my attention to the Changeling Queen standing in front of me. Chrysalis. I'd never met her before, but I knew more about her than I would ever care to, foreign memories I knew I couldn't possibly have witnessed. But if those recollections weren't enough to condemn her, Chrysalis herself was more than enough. I could feel her contempt, her lust for power, she thought I would serve her. It made me sick, the disgust came from some strange judgment I could feel all way down to my bones. An odd way that I could almost sense her instinctively. As the feeling spurred me on, my disgust turned into another new emotion, anger.
Kryna. She had named me before I'd even said my first word! I knew royal changelings named themselves, it was how they defined their selves from the very beginning. She had stolen that opportunity from me. It was like Chrysalis was saying, "you belong to me, I created you, you’re not real royalty. I get to define who you are, I know better," I couldn't stand the thought of my name being defined by this... this... odious parasite! I stood as quickly as I could, scowling at my arrogant creator.
"Hello, mother," I spoke up, spitting the last word at her like some kind of blasphemy.


I blinked my eyes, just now realized I was completely unaware of the world that surrounded me as I was reliving my memories. Everyone just stared at me blinking obviously surprised at the disrespect I showed Chrysalis. Celestia awkwardly coughed breaking the ponies in front of me out of their trances and breaking the silence

“Well I trust you but you will have to pick a disguise that does NOT match any living being, you also have to deal with your own living arrangements and I will not be responsible for you, at a later date I’ll ask you more questions, but for now, I have just one.” She squinted her eyes as if trying to figure out the answer of the question herself before she even spoke it. “Why did you mother make you with the quality’s of the elements of harmony and just, if not more, powerful than them?”

“All I can say is she plans to attack Canterlot, I don’t know any details because not even she knew them yet, she planned to have me to distract the element bearers but sense I’m connected with the elements I came to warn them and to try to get you to be aware of all I know.”

The Princess just sighed wistfully and then said, “Thank you” as she flew away into Luna’s night sky

I hadn’t realized how late it was and I had no idea what to do about my disguise or living arrangement

As if the blonde mare could read my mind, she said, “You can come live with me! I don’t have a coltfriend or a husband yet so you can be any type of pony you want, just make sure you somewhat resemble me, then we can talk about your backstory like, maybe your father was taking care of you when I became deathly ill for a month and I wasn’t able to get you back until now. That way ponies don’t press for more information! They will think it’s a sensitive topic! Oh by the way, I’m Ditzy Doo, or as my friends call me, Derpy hooves!”

I then got the perfect idea for a disguise and in a flash, I was a small purple unicorn filly with a two-shaded blonde mane, a blank flank, and eye color that matched my new mothers eyes perfectly.

“I’m Dinky Doo!” I said nodding in approval in my new voice

“And you’re my little muffin too! Oh and just so you know, I’m meeting up with my sister tomorrow, she is an adventurer! She’s 2 years older than me though… anyway I’m just warning you, DON’T REVEAL YOUR TRUE FORM IN FRONT OF HER” she put an almost threatening tone on the last bit

“What’s her name?” I asked curiosity relevant

“Daring Doo.”


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As Derpy and I started to walk, I noticed that she still had a slight intensity in her stance. We had decided to head to Daring’s after we slept and ate breakfast, but there were so many questions yet to be answered.

I decided to skip all the small talk and go straight to the big questions, “So, how’d you know I was in the library? And how’d you know that the Princess was threatening to me?”

At first she looked startled that I was talking to her with a challenging tone, but then she got a warm smile on her face and she began to answer, “Well, I saw you when I was up in the clouds…. and like I said before, you can tell a lot from eyes! Your eyes are filled with knowledge, yet no amount of knowledge can hide the fear present. You knew that what you were about to do could have ended up a suicide mission, yet you continued. When I saw the fear, followed by Princess Celestia, I knew you were in trouble. When I stood up to the Princess there was even more fear filling her eyes than yours, the clues were presented, and it was in just enough time for me to figure out that you were a changeling. But regardless… you’re a pony! You have a strange sense of wisdom, but at the same time, the childish ways are always present. I can’t explain it well, but it was as if you were the elements of harmony, and at the same time, just a small foal, new to the world, scared out of her mind.” Derpy finished

I didn’t know what to say, I can only think to say is, “Thank you”

Despite us having a somewhat conversation, she still seemed startled every time I started to talk, “Hmm? I don’t know what your thankful for.”

“For you saving me of course!” I said, giggling a little at the fact Derpy didn’t understand

“I would have done it for anypony, no matter what! I would have even saved Discord if I saw good in him!” Derpy returned the giggles

“You wouldn’t have saved my mother.” Even after dismissing her as some evil force that I hated, I still refer to her as my mother, although I always tend to hiss it out.

“Surely no one that has made someone as pure and kind as you can be THAT evil!”

“She is THAT evil” I said, disappointment and resentment present in my voice, i decided to change the subject, “Do you know if I can earn a cutie-mark? At least if I have this disguise on?” I asked

Derpy still jumped, “Sorry I’m not used to your disguise voice, its too… eerie sounding”

I coughed a little, clearing my throat “that better?” I asked with a new cheery innocent filly sounding voice

“Much!” she said, just as cheery as my new filly voice, “But I don’t know if you can earn a cutie-mark, honestly I only know about changelings because when I was a filly my best friend ended up being a changeling in disguise, she was kind and even helped me earn my cutie-mark and---“

I cut her off, “Why is your cutie-mark bubbles anyway? What do you do for a living?”

“I’m a mail-mare!”

“You’re a mail-mare with bubbles cutie-mark?” I asked, confused

“Well… my occupation doesn’t correspond with my cutie-mark. You see, if you blow a bubble with soap, and you look at a pony through it, what do you see?” she didn’t wait for me to answer, she just continued, “The pony looks like different, distorted, different from what everyone else sees, you can almost see them magnified, but with tinting, almost like new light present.”

“So your special talent is seeing what others cant see unless put into new light?”

“EXACTLY!” she squealed in delight.

After a few hours of talking I finally fell asleep, but only nightmares followed

=-=-=-=-=-=-PERSPECTIVE CHANGE-=-=-=-=-=-=

Princess Celestia

“Sister.” Luna stated as I walked into the room, she then stood up and walked calmly up to me, yet I felt the tension in the room grow with every step. “I was watching the whole thing from the stars! Why sister? WHY? That poor filly is having nightmares! She can’t even get 2 hours of sleep without me having to interfere and wake her up!” By this point you could see the tears forming at the corners of her eyes and hear her voice weakening with every second she spoke.

“You know what her kind has done to royalty! You know what happened to Mother and Father! Her kind needs to be put to an end! I’m grateful I have Seeker as my person guard! He warned me that there was an undisguised changeling! He seems to understand me more than you!” I had rage in her tone, not caring about my regality. I regained my composer and added “Sister.” With a tone that was not hissed but practically spat.

Luna stared at me for a moment and said, “Her kind is nothing like her! Have you ever seen a filly changeling?” She didn’t let me answer, “Of course you haven’t! They don’t exist! She isn’t even a true changeling! Yet you put our past and take it out on her! Its not her fault Mother and Father died! Its Chrysalis’s!” And with that she flew out the open window to prepare and raise the moon.

“Oh what have I done?” I groaned to myself

Daring Doo

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=-=-=-=-=-=-PERSPECTIVE CHANGE-=-=-=-=-=-=-=


I look at the little filly walking next to me and think, what would Daring Doo think of her?
I turn back to the land in front. I sigh deeply.

Kryna turns to me ”What’s wrong, why are nervous?” She asks concerned.

I turn to her. “I-I was just thinking what Daring Doo would thi-”

“Ditzy!” a voice cuts me off, I turn to see Daring standing in the doorway.

‘Did time really go by that fast?’ I thought. Kryna elbows me I then realize I’m just sitting there with no expression. I shake my head snapping out of the trance I was in, “Daring.” I say back. I look at her with a weak smile, she eyed me suspiciously then turned her gaze to Kryna, looking at her through narrow eyes.

“And just who is this?”

“This is Kry---” I started to say, I then felt a sharp tug on my left wing, I look over to see Kryna with a look saying ‘Shut up!’

“I’M-” Kryna said making sure to drowned out what I started to say, “Dinky.” she finished with a much softer tone.

Daring’s gaze didn’t loosen at all, turning to me and said bluntly “Well, I see she’s new, who exactly is she?”

“She’s Dinky, my daughter.” I stated matching her gaze, focusing to make my eyes go to a normal fierce expression like I did protecting Kryna from Celestia.

“I didn’t know you had a daughter.” She said through gritted teeth, obviously not believing my lie.

“Well I do!” I said back with a challenging tone, and then Kryna decided to be a derp.

“I’m Dinky DOO!!” She shouted cheerfully, scrunching her face up.

Daring stared at her with so much anger and confusion.

“I can see the resemblance.” she nearly spat saying it, making Kryna flinch.

She turns to me pure fear in her eyes. “I’m scared.” she mutters.
“Don’t be.” I whisper to her. Daring sighs, “Come on in.” she said with a sarcastic joy sound to it.


There were tall green and purple cups with crackers on a silver platter sitting on a birch wood coffee table. The house was barely lit, I look around in the oak wood cabin, it had a stone fireplace with two logs burning (the only light source)

I look at Daring, who is standing in the kitchen. She is standing by an island with a granite counter. The counter makes a half square around her in where she is cutting carrots.

I walk up to her from behind, just as I was going to tap her on the shoulder, she swung around with a knife in her hoof nearly cutting my chest open. I jumped back but quickly regained my composure

“Who is that anyway?” she asks with a soft tone and a fake smile. Looking towards Kryna.

“That’s Dinky, my daughter, I told you that.” I respond my voice soft as well but i was frowning at her.

“Hmm…” She says obviously thinking.

“What’s wrong?” I say with a nervous tone.

“Nothing.” she says staring at Kryna. I try and steal a carrot to get her mind off of it.

=-=-=-=-=-=-PERSPECTIVE CHANGE-=-=-=-=-=-=


I could feel the burning sensation of hate in Daring, she was very suspicious, and that was for sure! She didn’t trust the lies we were telling her, so there was only one thing I could hope for, that nothing happens to force me into become a changeling again.

Tension was rising in the room, there was only one thing I could think to do…

“MOMMYYYYYYY” I wined, “Are we going to have muffins?!” I changed my tone to make me sound as if I won a years supply of the best sweets in Equestria, which, in my case, was muffins.

“Heh, just like your mom...” Daring said, loosening the tension a bit.

Derpy and I started to relax a little, we had some nice conversations, and then, disaster struck.

“Hey kid?” Daring started to ask, “What are you?” She asked chuckling

“I’m a pony” I said

Daring stops laughing, she stares at me suspiciously, obviously not pleased with my answer, but then her eyes drift to the window “They’re here...” she mutters with a strong sense of fear in her voice.

Derpy, my new mother, looked to Daring, then out the window, then back at Daring, “Who is here?!” she asked, force in her tone, her eyes straightened. She had all focus on Daring, waiting for an answer.

“They are ba---” The door crashes open, Daring jumps and pushes me over into the wall I crash into it breaking my leg howling in pain. Derpy flies to help but the ceiling cracks and a piece falls on her wing, I limb over help but the ceiling collapsed blocking me from everyone, I back up terrified I sit in a corner and pull my back hooves up to my chest I put my head in my knees and I weep.

=-=-=-=-=-=-PERSPECTIVE CHANGE=-=-=-=-=-=

Daring Doo

I turn hearing a crash while pushing back on a bat-pony I think to myself ‘Bat ponies? Luna’s warriors? Luna did this?’ The bat-pony pushes harder pushing me to the ground I stumble.

I then look around to see half the room collapsed. I gasp, and realize Derpy is hurt and Dinky is nowhere to be found.

My face turns red, I shoot up and attack the bat-pony “NO ONE HURTS MY FAMILY!” I scream at him he stumbles backwards surprised at my voice, I smile deviously and look around me. ‘I can take them...’

“CHARGE!” I yell putting my head down and gallop full speed at him. I knock him to the ground neighing in triumph I walk to Derpy and take the pieces of the ceiling off of her “Where’s Dinky?!” I ask her, almost screaming at the thought of losing Dinky, my niece, my sisters daughter.

She weakly points to the area where the ceiling collapsed, I gasp and run to the buried area, and start digging up the rocks with incredible speed when i get through, the little filly is sitting there crying but, as a changeling

I gasp she looks up with tears rolling down her cheeks “Is mommy ok?!” she screams at me tears rolling down her cheeks, my expression turns to anger, I go wide eyed and run up to her, grab her neck, and slam her against a wall and start to choke her. Derpy runs over with a broken wing yelling “NO NO NO NO NO!!!” she jumps on me, I slam against the ground, the last thing I hear is Derpy and ‘Dinky’ scream then everything goes black.


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Daring Doo

I wake up, the ringing of screaming still stuck in my head. I open my eyes, blinded temporarily by the light coming through small cracks in the ceiling. I remember the glimpse of the changeling, ‘Dinky’

“Ughh! I shouldn’t have trusted her! I knew she seemed suspicious but my little sis.” My eyes go wide in remembrance “DITZY! No no no no no! Why did Ditzy trust her?! Why was ‘Dinky’ crying?! Why am I talking to myself?!”

I look around me, darting my eyes back and forth and see, I’m still in my cabin, destroyed though. I stand up, my knees shaking tears begin to stream down my face but I stop them.

“NO! No crying i need to act! Fallen trees block the door and windows. The bat-ponies, no they are called something else… Thestrals. The thestrals must have done that to stop me from going after them. No not them, I’m NOT going after that changeling! I’m going after my sister!”

I started towards the door, but then remembered something important, I quickly spun around and looked up at the ceiling

“What the-” I stopped speaking aloud, my eyes go wide as I started to realize something. “This isn’t my house…”

I look around and notice almost everything is the exact same, almost.

The wood that was once burning in the fireplace was gone, not even ashes in its place, the ceiling, once cracked crumbled coating the floor, now all repaired, no sign of it ever breaking, small cracks in it, but the kind you would see from homes that are build fast, not from thestrals breaking into your home and kidnapping a pony and a changeling.

A chill goes up my spine ‘Somepony is watching me, need to act fast’

“Poorly built huh?” I fly up a little and look towards the door of this replica of my home, “Just one dash should do it!”

I bolt towards the door, splintering it into a million pieces, I slide across the floor a little from the momentum of my landing. Thestrals everywhere with wide eyes all staring at me.

“This should be fun!” I shout as I fly bolt towards a few, knocking them out

=-=-=-=-=-=-PERSPECTIVE CHANGE-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Princess Celestia

“DAMN IT LUNA!” I scream seeing the changeling Kryna being dragged into the royal bedchambers by some thestrals followed by Luna carrying a passed out wall-eyed gray pegasus in her magic

“What?” Luna asks innocently as if what she was doing was perfectly okay

“Luna! What are you doing?!” I get in her face anger present on my face as well as in my voice

“I needed to ask her some questions.” she states matter-of-factly

“You don’t kidnap her by your thestral army! That’s illegal!” I yell at her

“I know.” she says then she just continues as if I never said anything

=-=-=-=-=-=-PERSPECTIVE CHANGE-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
Daring Doo

“Well that was fun, anyway where’s Ditzy? I ask looking toward the only conscious thestral, the rest tied up together while he was just tied to a chair

“I’LL NEVER TELL YOU ANYTHING!” He screams at me

I look at him with a ‘I’m real tired of your shit’ expression and role my eyes “Fine” I lift my hoof with intent of punching him but before I can he stops me

“WAIT WAIT! I’ll tell you everything just don’t hurt me!!!!”


“LUNA!” I scream running into the royal bedchambers. I had to use 36 sleeping potions to get through the royal guard without harming anypony, almost all my potions, but if it will get my sister back, it will be worth it

“Yes?” she asks calmly from the other side of the room

“WHERE THE HAY IS MY SISTER?!” I run as fast as I can towards her

“Here” she says still calm as she throws Ditzy onto the bed with her magic not even looking up or towards me

Just then that changeling thing ran up to Ditzy who was unconscious, I sprang into action

“GET AWAY FROM MY SISTER YOU CHANGELING THING!” I run up to Ditzy and grab her flying up and running out of the room far away from ‘Dinky’ as possible. Just then I get stuck in a magical grip

“What are you doing taking a mother away from her daughter?” Luna asks looking at me with a slightly agitated tone

“That thing is NOT her daughter!”


“How do you know my name?!” I ask my eyes narrowing
“Kryna told me all about you”

‘Kryna so that her name’

“Well she’s still not Ditzy’s daughter!”

“She is Daring” all eyes shifted to the wall-eyed pegasus who spoke “I adopted her, not legally, but I can't legally adopt her without ponies knowing her secret, that’s why she took the form of Dinky, a form she made up herself.”

“Then why did thestrals kidnap them?!”

“Because I told them to, I didn’t know they would be with you.”

Ditzy then spoke up, “Daring, you said ‘They’re here’ right before the thestrals kidnapped me and Kryna, who did you think they were?”

“I felt the ground vibrations sense some where running and not flying, I thought it was our parents! they were due for a visit and you know how much I’m scared of mom!”


"Speak of the devil."


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I sat awkwardly at the end of the dining table at our home, glad that for once I wasn’t the center of attention. Sadly, Daring wasn't faring so well.

“So, you are an adventurer?” Their Mother, who I learned was named Lyrica and was an upperclass pony, asked, her eyes narrowed as she hissed the words

“I have been for years now, mother.” She said calmly, she was holding back a scream of frustration and anger, I didn’t have to be part changeling to sense that.

“Well.” Lyrica said, I was expecting more, but it seemed she ended there.

“I’m also an author.” Daring stated more proudly, still though, disappointment was on Lyrica’s face

“Do you have a coltfriend?”

“MOTHER!” Daring shouted, obviously louder than she meant to.

“What?” Lyrica asked innocently, “Your sister already has a daughter, which made up for her HORRID career choice”

“HEY!” I shouted angry at Lyrica’s rudeness at her daughters

“She could have more manners though.” She stated simply

I looked over at Derpy, she may have not been my mother all my life, but she was mine now, and I was going to protect her no matter what.

I snorted “Of all the ponies, in ALL of Equestria, YOU say that?! HA! You wouldn’t know manners if it hit you in the face! Both of your daughters have been sitting here POLITELY, fighting back the urge to punch you in the face, I’m assuming!”

I wasn’t assuming, I could see Daring’s hoof clenched, and her grinding her teeth.

I then turned to Lyrica’s Husband, a gold pegasus with a orange mane, of the name Golden Drizzle.

“AND YOU!” I yelled.


I turned to see Derpy standing on the table, eyes derped as usual.

Derpy steps down, then speaks in a calm yet firm tone “Dinky! I understand you’re upset at your grandparents-”

I nod, as if it wasn’t obvious enough already.

“-BUT you can’t just yell at them like that! That almost makes you as bad as them!”

“I say!” Lyrica shouted in the background, I didn’t care much to listen to her.

“I’m going home.” Daring said glumly as she walked out the door.

Within seconds silence fell over the room, I decided it was late enough.

I fake yawned and stated, “I’m tired.”

Derpy looked at me, obviously happy for an excuse to kick her parents out

“Yeah it’s getting pretty late and tomorrow’s a monday...” Derpy said drawing out hoping that they left soon.

“It is getting late.” Golden Drizzle agreed, me hearing his voice for the first time

After they left I dropped my disguised only to put it back on just as fast as their was a knock on the door

Derpy opened it and there stood Daring

“My house was destroyed.”

Adjusting To New Life... Gets interrupted again

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Life with Daring in the house made everything awkward and exhausting. She would feel uncomfortable around me when I was disguised, and she was creeped out by me when I was undisguised. There was no pleasing her!

Today was supposed to be my first day in school, but Daring convinced Derpy to wait another week. She claimed it was so I could get adjusted but I think KNOW she still doesn't trust me.

'Even if I did, the Cutie Mark Crusaders would make me join their club, then I would have to fake earn my cutie mark. I have no idea if I can earn a cutie mark, but regardless, I don't have the time to try to earn one. What would it even be anyway? I'm not good at anything, and now that I think about it, I'm barely a week old! I will need to come up with age and backstory with Derpy once she gets home, Which should be in 3 or so minutes.'

I continued to think about what I was going to do.

'Somehow I am connected to the Elements of Harmony and somehow I know more things than I should...'

I have a lot to figure out

=-=-=-=-=-=-PERSPECTIVE CHANGE-=-=-=-=-=-=

I flew as fast as I could.

There was no time to lose.

The sun was setting.

I had no time to lose.

In my mouth was a single letter, addressed to Kryna

=-=-=-=-=-=-PERSPECTIVE CHANGE-=-=-=-=-=-=

My thoughts were abruptly interrupted by a loud crash downstairs. I rushed down the stairs to see Derpy shaking splintered wood, that used to be the door, off of herself. Daring just sighed, grabbed the toolbox, and when to the walk in closet to get a new door.

I noticed a single letter in her mouth, and opened my mouth to ask about it. Before I could, she dropped it in front of me

I snapped my muzzle shut as I read the envelope, my eyes went wide and I instantly grabbed the letter with my magic, tearing it open in mere seconds

As I read the letter my stomach gets tied in knots and my legs tense causing my hoofs to be firmly planted.

I look up at Derpy. The worry obvious on her features only grows as she sees my reaction.

"Welp, I found out my moms plan." I state simply before collapsing from stress and exhaustion