• Published 10th Oct 2019
  • 7,899 Views, 578 Comments

The Legend of Zelda: Wielders of Harmony - My Little Epona

Link wakes up in Equestria as a pony. He's lost the Master Sword, the Ocarina of Time, and Navi is nowhere to be seen. On the bright side....now Epona can talk.

  • ...


As the haze of green blocking Link’s vision cleared, he recognized the reforming scenery as the edge of the Everfree forest where they’d entered. He felt the sun-warmed texture of stone beneath his hooves, and he glanced down to see a large, raised platform marked with the Triforce.

How could the symbol of the royal family be here, in a place far from Hyrule, where the mark of the Wingcrest wasn't even known?

“So….anypony else feel like we’re about due for an explanation now?” Bon Bon asked.

“We can’t stop to talk now!” Saria protested. “Link’s still hurt!”

“But...I’m not.” Link said, amazed. All traces of pain in his side had vanished completely.

“Wait, really?” Saria said, frowning curiously. She tapped a hoof gently against his side.

“Does this hurt?” She asked.

“Nope.” Link shook his head.

Saria tackled him with a hug, bursting into tears. He stumbled, falling backwards onto the platform.

“I was so scared!” She cried. “I had no idea what to do or what was going on. I was so confused….and it was dark…..and….what even is going on???”

“I owe you an explanation now, don’t I?” Link asked. Saria took a deep breath, nodding, and scooted back.

“Okay, I’m ready to hear.” She said, wiping tears from her eyes.

“So, there’s really no easy way to say this.” Link sighed. “First of all…..do you know what a horse is?”

“Yeah, I do.” Saria nodded. “I’ve seen pictures.”

“Basically, now we’re creatures that are like horses.” Link explained. “They’re called ponies. They’re stockier, shorter, and...usually not this colorful. Also, they usually can’t talk.”

“Why….why did we turn into these…..ponies?” Saria asked, staring at one of her hooves.

“I honestly have no idea.” Link admitted. “But, well…..we are. It feels weird, doesn’t it?”

“Yeah….it does.” Saria stood carefully, wobbling on her hind legs. “I’m supposed to stand on all four fee—hooves now, right?”

“Yeah.” Link said. “It takes some getting used to. But you’ll get it, I promise.”

Saria sighed, slowly lowering herself down to stand like the rest of them.

“Where are we?” She asked.

“We’re in the land of Equestria, near a town called Ponyville.” Link said, glancing over the fields to the town in question.

“How far away from Hyrule are we?” Saria asked, frowning quizzically.

“My only guess?” Link said, giving a dry chuckle. “Very far.”

“Okay, I’m just going to interrupt here.” Lyra said. “Why did you say ‘we’re creatures that are like horses’? And why was she on her hind legs?” She pointed at Saria. “And why...why….why everything????”

“I think some ponies here desire an explanation.” Epona commented.

“Yeah, I guess they do.” Link sighed. “But I have something to say first. I think…..well, I know….anyway, I owe you an apology.”

Everyone looked surprised, and Bon Bon raised an eyebrow.

“For what?” Octavia asked.

“For the way I was acting earlier.” He explained. “I really never should have yelled at you, or shoved Lyra…..but I was really worried about Saria. I realize it’s not much of an excuse for my behavior. But….she’s my oldest and closest friend, and I’d never want anything to happen to her. In my panic, I just….wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry.”

“Apology accepted.” Lyra said with a smile. The others nodded in agreement, similar smiles blossoming on their faces.

“Thank you for apologizing to them, Link.” Epona said warmly.

“Now, I think an explanation is in order.” Link said. “So….the easiest way I can think of to say this is, well…...Epona, Saria, and I….we’re not from around here.”

“Well, yeah.” Vinyl chuckled. “That was pretty obvious.”

“I’m sure it was.” Link said. “But….we literally aren’t even from this world. At least….that’s what I think is happening right now.”

“Wait a second.” Bon Bon shook her head as if trying to make sense of this, holding up a hoof. “Other worlds? How???”

“The truth is….Lyra’s actually right.” Link sighed. “Humans exist.”

“…………….what?” Bon Bon said. “Surely you can’t be serious!”

“I am.” Link said. “I realize it may be sort of hard to believe—”


“—but only for some people, it seems.”

“People.” Octavia noted, cocking her head to the side. “Not ponies.”

“I knew it I knew it I kneeeew it!~” Lyra sang, bouncing up and down.

“Great.” Bon Bon said. “Now she’s going to explode.”

“But I’m not a human.” Link added.

There was a loud popping noise, and Lyra fell to the ground from the middle of a leap.

“Way to burst my bubble.” She groaned. “Did anyone else hear it?”

Link gave her a worried glance.

“If you’re not a human...or...whatever….what are you?” Vinyl asked.

“I’m a Hylian.” Link responded. “Humans were our close cousins.”

Were?” Bon Bon commented, raising an eyebrow.

“Years of cross-marrying and mingling caused it so no one is purely human anymore.” Link explained.

“So….what’s the difference?” Lyra asked. “Between humans and…..heliums, or whatever you said.”

“Hylians?” Link said, almost wincing at the wild mispronunciation.

“Yeah! Those.” Lyra said. “What’s the difference between them?”

“Well, we look almost exactly the same.” With the point of his hoof, Link traced the outline of a stick figure in a patch of dirt on the stone. “But while humans have rounded ears….” He drew two curves onto the side of the circle-shaped head. “Hylians have pointed ones.” He added small points. “The legend is that our ears are pointed so we can hear the voice of our patron goddess, Hylia.”

“This is SO COOL!” Lyra cried, leaping up. “I knew it, I knew it, I knew it….”

“How on earth did you get to this world?” Octavia asked, ignoring Lyra’s happy, energetic…graceful…dancing next to her.

“I honestly have no idea.” Link admitted. “Hopefully….‘time will tell’.”

“So, who’s your friend that you were talking about?” Bon Bon asked curiously. “The princess one?”

“Princess Zelda. That’s her name.” Link said. “She lives, well….lived in Hyrule Castle. She’s the one who gave me the ocarina. But her family was overthrown by Ganondorf, the King of Thieves. And….I need to stop him before Hyrule is thrown into utter chaos and destruction.”

“So….would the princess know how to make one of those ocarinas?” Octavia asked curiously, seeming to not even hear the “chaos and destruction” part.

“I have no idea.” Link said. “But even if she did know how, I doubt you could make another one like the Ocarina of Time. I mean….it’s a sacred magical artifact that belongs to the Hyrulean Royal Family. You don’t find one of those just lying around in a treasure chest.”

“Oh……….very well then.” Octavia said, sighing.

“Octi, why do you want one so badly?” Vinyl asked. Octavia shuffled her hooves, looking a little embarrassed.

“No reason in particular.” She said eventually. “I’d just….love to play those amazing songs again.”

“I’m sorry, but you can’t.” Link said apologetically. “But I was wondering….how do you even know those songs?”

“I don’t know.” Octavia shrugged. “I just….did. Once I touched it…..they just….came pouring into my mind. It was a flood of notes and music and...and….never mind.”

“Oh…..kay...then...” Link trailed off, raising an eyebrow.

“Can I ask a question?” Saria asked. Without waiting for answer, she pointed a hoof at Epona. “Who’s she?”

“Me?” Epona said, surprised. “Oh, I was Link’s horse back in Hyrule.”

“Oh.” Saria nodded. “Wait. What?”

Epona chuckled. Saria looked confused.

“So...that guy earlier.” Bon Bon suddenly cut in, changing the subject. “The mysterious one.”

“Sheik?” Link asked.

“Most likely. But he was talking about ‘trials’ and such. What….did he mean by that?”

“Well...with Sheik, it’s hard to tell.” Link admitted. “But I’m pretty sure I’m supposed to find some friends of mine that have probably been transported to this land. And then I can go home.”

“But how will you know where your other friends are?” Lyra asked.

“I have no idea.” Link sighed.

“Well, then you’re lucky you have us as friends!” Vinyl said, grinning.

There was an awkward silence.

“…..friends?” Link repeated, raising an eyebrow. “You do remember that we met just today…..right?”

“Yeah. So?” Lyra said.

Link looked from face to face, utterly confused. This concept of friendship was very…..different from what he was used to.

“You know….” Octavia suggested, breaking into the silence that had descended once again. “You had probably better see Princess Twilight again and tell her everything that happened.”

“I suppose I should.” Link agreed, sighing. “I’m sure she would like an explanation as well.”

“Then what are we waiting for?” Epona asked.

Author's Note:

“…………….what?” Bon Bon said. “Surely you can’t be serious!”

You're welcome.
So, this is another short one! But it was either a very long one or two short ones. So.....two short ones! Hope you enjoyed this chapter!