• Published 10th Oct 2019
  • 7,890 Views, 578 Comments

The Legend of Zelda: Wielders of Harmony - My Little Epona

Link wakes up in Equestria as a pony. He's lost the Master Sword, the Ocarina of Time, and Navi is nowhere to be seen. On the bright side....now Epona can talk.

  • ...

Saria's Plea

“Oh, thank the goddess—is that you, Link?” Saria cried.

“Yes, it’s me? Are you okay?” Link asked frantically.

“I’ve never been more happy to hear your voice….” Saria said. “Please help me!”

“Where are you?” Link repeated, clutching the ocarina in his hooves and staring at it, willing it to tell him the answer to his question. “Are you okay?”

“Oh, no, I’m not! I’m in this dark forest place—I don’t think it’s Hyrule! I have no idea how I got here…..or how to get back!”

“What happened to your fairy?”

“He disappeared! I don’t know what happened, but he’s gone….”

“Navi disappeared on me too. Can you describe your surroundings?”

“It’s all just dark forest...oh Link….I’m so scared. Please help me.”

“Is that all you can see? Just forest?”

“Yes! Wait...now I can see this stone ruin ahead.”

“What does it look like?”

“Like….like a castle….ow!

“Saria??? Are you okay???”

“Yes, I am, I just tripped.”

“Oh. Do you...still look like yourself?”

There was a second or two of breathless silence. Then an unbearable, high-pitched crackling noise emitted from the ocarina, fading in and out. For a second, Link panicked, thinking the connection was going to break. But then….

Then he realized Saria was crying.

No! I don’t!” She gasped out between static-marred sobs. “I’m some sort of strange creature—I have no idea what! Link….did I….turn into a monster?”

“No, I promise you didn’t.” Link said, wishing he could instantly warp to her. “I’m going to get to you as soon as possible.”
“Oh, thank Hylia!” Saria cried. “Please, Link...please hurry.”

“Just try to remain calm.” Link tried to make his voice as calming as possible. “I’ll promise I’ll be—”

The static abruptly vanished, along with Saria’s voice.

“...there...soon.” Link finished.

“Kay...what the heck was that?” The white pony asked.

Link ignored her, a curious combination of panic and determination coursing through his veins. He whirled around to face Twilight, who was standing stock-still, staring at the ocarina in alarm.

“The place she described.” He demanded. “Where is it?”

“I..what?” Twilight stuttered, unable to tear her eyes away from the instrument. “What was that?”

“The forest. The castle ruins. Where is it?” Link repeated.

“I...I’m not sure...” Twilight trailed off uncertainly.

Just tell me where the forest ruins are!” Link shouted. Twilight recoiled, eyeing him apprehension.

“Sorry.” Link took a deep, shaky breath, running a hoof over his face. “Please. Just tell me.”

“There’s the Everfree forest.” Bon Bon said when Twilight didn’t respond. “It’s right outside Ponyville.”

“Great. Thanks.” Without another word, Link trotted out of the house, shoving Lyra away from the door as he went.

“Hey!” Lyra complained. “What was that for?”

Link didn’t even acknowledge her, his anxious trot slowly speeding towards a shaky gallop.

“Wait, Link!” Epona called. Hoof beats thundered on the path behind him, but he didn’t turn around.

“The Everfree is a very dangerous place!” To his surprise, the voice lecturing him was Twilight’s, rather than Epona’s as he had expected. He glanced out of the corner of his eye to see the princess trailing him anxiously, Epona trotting silently by her side. To his dismay, the rest of the four ponies in the house had decided to come after him as well.

Why were they here?

This was none of their business. They had no reason to be here.

“No pony should ever go inside!” Twilight cried. “It’s full of deadly creatures, and plants, and—”

“Know what?” Link interjected. “I actually don’t care. I’ve been in plenty of dangerous places.”

“Think about this, Link.” Epona tried. “Do you even have a weapon? Or a shield?”

“I have the Kokiri sword.” He said.

“And you really think that’s going to do much against any creature you meet inside that forest?”

“It has before.”

“This isn’t Hyrule, Link! Things are a bitdifferent here.”

After that last statement, Link stopped so suddenly that Twilight almost crashed into him.

“You think I don’t know that?” He demanded. “I wake up a horse, and I’m stuck with whatever these things are.” He waved his front hooves in the air. “But I.Don’t. Care. Did you get that this time?”

Epona frowned slightly, meeting Link’s eyes in a staring match. He held her gaze steadily, refusing to blink.

“What about a shield?” She asked.

“I can use anything as a shield.” Link snorted. “And for that matter, I can use anything as a swordtoo. I could use a tree branch as a sword. I could use a pot lid as a weapon. I think I’m all set.”

Epona sighed.

“You know….” Twilight cut in. “The Everfree forest is huge. It’ll take you forever to find your friend—and you’ll get so lost.”

“Or...he could just mark a trail.” Bon Bon offered, cutting into the argument. Twilight shot her what she obviously hoped was a surreptitious glare, but Bon Bon just shrugged.

“This is not the first time I’ve explored a huge place.” Link said. “I know how to do basic things like ‘not get lost’ and ‘not get attacked by huge things with teeth’.”

“But...but...” Twilight spluttered.

“That trail thing is, like, a totally awesome idea!” The white pony with the horn piped up, cutting through Twilight’s attempts to bring back her dignity. “To mark it, I bet I could use this ultra cool trick Neon’s been teaching me—”

“Wait….what?” Link asked. “Excuse me. Who said you’re coming with me?”

“Wha?” The pony asked, looking confused. “Whaddya mean?”

“Who said you’re coming with me—that any of you are coming with me?” Link repeated, waving a hoof to indicate the group as a whole.

“Well, of course we are coming with.” Octavia said, sounding surprised. “Why wouldn’t we?”

“I….what?” Link turned to Twilight. “Is this normal?”

“Is what normal?”

“Uh, the fact that random peop—er, ponies that I just met want to come with me into a dangerous forest?”

“Oh, that.” Twilight let out a small chuckle. “Actually, you have no idea.”

“Okay….look. I still can’t have anyone coming with me.” Link said.

“Why not?” Lyra pouted.

“Because you…..well, you’d slow me down.”

“Yeah, well, you’re letting her go with you!” Lyra protested, pointing at Epona.

“Yeah, well, she’s different.” Link retorted.

“Why?” Lyra let out a half smirk. “Is she your marefriend or something?”

Epona stuffed a hoof in her mouth, making a startled spluttering noise.She began coughing, beating herself in the chest, until she finally dissolved into a massive fit of laughter. Link stepped away from her as she rolled over the ground, beating a hoof on the path, emitting loud guffaws.

“What’s a marefriend?” He asked, confused.

“That’s...wow.” The white pony said. “You must lead a lonely life.”

Link sighed.

“Look, I really don’t have time to talk about this right now.” He said. “I need to get moving,soon, or—”

“Wait a second.” Twilight interrupted. “Where did Pinkie Pie go?”

“What?” Though he was annoyed at being interrupted, Link glanced around. And sure enough, the energetic, vibrant pony seemed to have disappeared.


Never mind. There she was.

A streak of magenta blurred over the hill nearest to them, heading straight for the group.

“Twilight Twilight Twilight Twilight Twilight!” Pinkie cried, jumping into the air with each word.

“Woah, woah, woah.” Twilight said, alarmed, her head bouncing up and down as she tried to follow Pinkie’s eyes. “Calm down. What’s wrong?”
“Oh, it’s Princess Celestia!” Pinkie said. “She’s here!

“Wait, what?” Twilight froze.

“She’s here! She’s here in Ponyville and she didn’t tell anypony she was coming!”

WHAT?” Twilight yelled, the sheer force of her yell lifting her into the air. She turned into a purple streak, quite similar to Pinkie’s magenta streak, blazing over the hills towards the town.

“C’mon, you guys!” Pinkie cried. “The princess is here!” She dashed off again, soon vanishing.

“Do physics not apply to this world?” Link asked. Without waiting for an answer, he turned back to the path and started trotting away again.

At this point Epona stood up, still chuckling weakly, wiping her watery eyes with a hoof.

“Wait.” She said, giving a small cough, brushing dirt of her coat. “Maybe this princess person can help us.”

“Okay….think about this.” Link sighed. “Saria is in that forest. She’s scared, alone, most likely in danger, and I need to get to her as soon as possible.”

“But the purple princess is correct.” Epona reasoned. “It could honestly take you weeks to find Saria. If you talk to this other princess….”

“Look, Epona. No offense, but I’m not you. You can’t convince me to forsake this for carrots.”

“Hey.” Epona frowned. “I’m getting used to this, okay? Just like you. And you have no idea what sort of creatures you’ll meet in that forest, or even where to go.”

“I can figure it out.” Link waved away her argument with hoof. “This is not the first time I’ve explored forests.”

“But something tells me you won’t just be smacking Deku Scrubs with a sword this time. This land is different than what your used too. How are you even intending to hold your sword?”

“I’ll just…..oh.” Link glanced down. “Good point. But you get the same answer! I’ll figure it out.”

“You’re going to get yourself killed.”

“Stop arguing with me!” Link snapped. “I used to tug a rope and you would go where ever I wanted! Why are you doing this?”

“Because I can talk.” Epona gave a small smirk.

“Uuugh.” Link groaned, rubbing his face with a hoof. “Fine! I’ll talk to this other princess. For a horse, you’re annoyingly reasonable.”

“No need to sound so surprised.” Epona snorted.

Link gave a long, drawn-out sigh, turning to the four ponies who were standing behind him and definitely not listening to every word he said.

Not creepy at all….He thought, but all he said out loud was “Could someone please take me to the princess?”

“Certainly.” Octavia said, beaming. “She’s sure to be in Princess Twilight’s castle. Just follow me!”

“Thanks.” Link said, falling into step behind her.

“So, I have a few questions.” Octavia said.

“Um….really?” Link asked, inching away slightly.

“Why, yes! They’re about that strange instrument. What did you call it? An ocarani?”


“Yes, that. Where’s it from? How’d you get it? How was it made? What material is it? How could one make it hersel—er, themselves? Why is it’s color so strange? Why is it so magical? How does it control the sun?”

“Look, a...well, a friend of mine gave it to me.” Link sighed. “It’s from my homeland. I quite honestly have no idea how it was made, or what it was made from. So...that means I don’t know why it’s color is like that or how you could make one yourself.”

“What about it’s magical properties?”

“Well….it doesn’t so much control the sun….as well, time.” Link explained. “It’s actually a day later than it was earlier this afternoon, but no one noticed because it was just a minute or so of darkness. It’s….well, it’s hard to explain.”

“You know, if there’s any chance...” Octavia said sweetly. “Could I take one small peep at it again? It’s quite fascinating...”

“Sorry, no.” Epona jumped in from her position walking behind the two. “The ocarina is much too important to risk.”

“Oh.” Octavia visibly deflated. “Fine.” She huffed and trotted ahead of them.

“Thanks for saving me from that interrogation.” Link sighed. “I was starting to worry that if I didn’t say she could play on it, she’d just take it from me.”

“Well, with Navi gone it’s the least I could do.” Epona chuckled. At that, Link glanced away, watching his hooves.

“I wonder what happened to her.” He said. “I mean….she was annoying at times, but I still miss her.”

“I’m sure she’ll turn up.” Epona said.

Link nodded, then bumped into Octavia.

“Ack!” He said, stumbling back.

“We’re at the castle.” Octavia said, rather grumpily.

“What castle?” Link asked, looking up. He immediately wished he hadn’t.

The castle, if that’s even what it was, seemed to be made of some sort of reflected material. The already-vibrant sunlight was amplified as it hit it, and Link’s eyes burned in agony just looking at it for a few seconds.

“What the HECK is THAT?” Epona yelled, throwing her arms over her head and falling to the ground to protect her eyes.

“That’s Princess Twilight’s castle.” Bon Bon sighed. “We love our princess, but….”

“And this is, like, why I wear these shades all the time.” The white pony said.

Link blinked furiously, eyes smarting and tearing up, trying to see through the glare that was blinding him.

“Here, I’ll help you.” Octavia sighed, taking his hoof and leading him forwards. “You get used to it. Vinyl, could you escort...I’m sorry, what’s your name? Apony?”

Apony?” Epona snorted. “My name is Epona, thank you very much.”

“Kay, got it.” The white pony, who Link now realized must be “Vinyl”, moved forwards to help Epona.

Once Link entered the castle, he was able to see again. The interior of the castle seemed to be made of crystal, and he guessed that's what the exterior must have been made of. The reflected light suddenly made sense.

They were standing in the middle of a long hallway, and Princess Twilight was standing near the end of it, where tall doors lead to more rooms within the castle. The princess was talking to a tall white pony with wings and a horn, a pony who stood nearly twice as tall as the purple princess. Her mane and tail were rippling in the air, as if blown by an invisible breeze.

One look, and Link could tell this new pony was the princess. It wasn’t just the crown on her head or royal regalia she was wearing, she just….radiated power. Her face was gentle, with a constant smile, but something told Link she could be dangerous if she wanted to be. From the start she had an impression on him….rather like when he’d first seen Princess Zelda.

This was no princess…..this was a queen.

“….and this new magic did not merge smoothly with your own?” Link caught a snatch of their conversation as he trotted closer.

“Yes, it was so strange.” Twilight responded. “I don’t get it. Why would his magic not mix well with ours?”

“That is an excellent question, Twilight.”

“Oh!” Twilight said, noticing Link near them. “Princess Celestia, this is Link. He’s the one I was telling you about.”

“…….hello, my little pony.” Princess Celestia said, giving Link a smile.

“Your majesty, I have come to plead for your help.” Link said, lowering his head in a bow.

Author's Note:

Did anyone catch the subtle BOTW reference? :trollestia:
Okay, let's be honest, I'm actually about as subtle as a Bokoblin with a wooden club. :facehoof:
But please, pretend that was a good reference and that I am a person with smartz brainz. :pinkiecrazy:

Also, there have been a few people complaining about things like POV switching and the pacing. Have they improved? Plz let me know....