• Published 10th Oct 2019
  • 7,900 Views, 578 Comments

The Legend of Zelda: Wielders of Harmony - My Little Epona

Link wakes up in Equestria as a pony. He's lost the Master Sword, the Ocarina of Time, and Navi is nowhere to be seen. On the bright side....now Epona can talk.

  • ...

The Dragonlands

The group arrived at the Dragonlands much sooner than was expected. The giant turtle had pulled them across the bouncing waves at a rate much faster than was thought possible. However, there was one downside to their early arrival.

By this point, almost everybody was seasick.

“Hey, guys!” Bon Bon said, gripping the rail and staggering to her feet. “I’m pretty sure we’re here!”

She crawled over to where the hookshot was attached to the mast—something she had done after it had successfully latched onto the turtle.

She fumbled with it, yelling curses when it seemed to evade her grasp.

“Link!” She yelled. “How do you detach this thing?”

“Push the button, Bon Bon!” Link called back. Bon Bon pushed a button.

The hookshot didn’t detach, but the chain began to retract anyway, and the mast it was attached to creaked ominously, the wooden fibers trembling.

Wrong button!” Link shouted.

He leapt to his feet, stumbling over to where Bon Bon stood, and rammed the right button. The hookshot detached instantly, spiraling back into the grip.

Now that what propelled it forwards was gone, the ship screeched to a sudden stop. Waves of spray were kicked up in front of it, and everypony fell over again.

“That is not how physics work!” Link groaned, prying his forehead off the wooden deck.

“What are physics?” Vinyl asked curiously, standing up to watch the turtle sink beneath the waves.

“You know what?” Link sighed. “Just forget I asked.”

Bon Bon stood up, beginning to put things back together. Many things had fallen over and rolled wildly over the deck during the mad, hours-long ride.

Saria ran to the side of the ship, throwing up into the ocean.

“Anypony know what that thing was?” Epona groaned, lifting her head from where she lay on the deck.

“That was a Celestial Sea Turtle.” Lyra said, looking greener than usual. “They’re giant sea turtles that can sleep for so long, they can begin to look like mini islands. I’ve heard about them, seen plenty of pictures….but I never thought I’d meet one.”

“I, personally, hope I never have to hitch a ride on a giant sea turtle again.” Link said, feeling weak in the knees and he turned to gaze over the sea.

“Well, everypony, we’ve arrived at the Dragonlands.” Bon Bon said.

That was enough to get everyone off the ground and at the edge of the ship, looking over the horizon.

A gritty, black sand beach stretched before them, reaching far past their eyes could reach. The boat drifted closer, finally landing with a crunch as it bumped into the shore.

Link leapt over the side of the vessel, landing with a splash in the water below. He shivered. The waves were ice-cold, something he wasn’t expecting for the volcanic land of the dragons.

The rest of the group followed him down, and they trotted up the beach.

“The sand almost feel sharp.” Link commented, wincing and lifting his hooves.

“I don’t like it.” Saria said. She gazed over the bleak landscape, devoid of any trees or signs of green life, and shivered slightly.

“You know, I think it feels weird because it’s shattered lava.” Bon Bon noted. “Careful. It might actually cut you.”

“Oh.” Epona looked at the ground uneasily. “Well, where to now?”

Link tapped his chin with a hoof for a second, thinking. Then he held it up and pointed to a boulder not far from them.

“Wait…...we should go to the rock?” Lyra said, looking confused.

“Nope.” Link shook his head.

“I must say, you’re starting to develop quite a knack for this.” Sheik said, stepping out from behind it.

Vinyl and Octavia jumped, letting out yelps. Lyra reeled back, clutching her heart. Bon Bon struck a defensive stance, looking startled. Saria squeaked and hid behind Link. Only Link and Epona remained unaffected by Sheik’s sudden entrance.

“Quick question.” Link said, by way of greeting. “How’d you get across the ocean so fast?”

“Magic?” Sheik suggested, shrugging.

“Yeah...” Epona sighed. “I’m getting the impression you don’t actually know yourself.”

“Or maybe I just don’t want you asking too many questions.” The fabric of Sheik’s mask wrinkled, as if he was smiling underneath it.

“I’m assuming you still can’t give us any answers?” Link said. “That is, answers to the questions I asked you last time we met.”

“I’m afraid I still cannot.” Sheik shook his head, plucking a chord on his harp. “But believe me—in time, all things will be revealed.”

“Yeah, I guessed you’d say that.” Link sighed. “Well, now I suppose I have to find Darunia and defeat whatever evil awaits me next?”

Sheik nodded, seeming to not be even remotely surprised by Link’s guess.

“Follow the rising sun.” He said, pointing a hoof to what Link supposed was the east. “For there, you will find what you seek.”

“Great.” Link said. “Thanks.” Sheik nodded, then disappeared in a puff of smoke.

“I swear...” Lyra muttered. “I will never get used to that.”

“Yeah, that’s what I thought.” Link agreed. “At least, in the beginning.”

“We should probably get moving.” Bon Bon said. “I want to get off the beach. It’s so open—it’s making me nervous.” The others agreed, and they trotted away in the direction Sheik had indicated.

The Dragonlands were an extremely bleak place. The ground had now shifted from a beach of dark sand to sharp rocks, sticking up in jagged spikes. The air was flecked with drifting ash.

Link glanced around, on the watch for monsters. This seemed like the type of place for them to dwell.

“You know, you don’t need to be so tense!” Lyra said, startling him. “The dragons here are under orders to be nice. So they won’t hurt us! Hopefully. Maybe. Actually, I don’t know.”

“Yeah, that doesn’t make me feel better.” Link said, not lowering his vigilance. “At all.”

“Hey, um, guys?” Saria asked, pointing something out ahead. “Does anyo—anypony know what that is?” All Link could see was a shadowy shape, bombarded by trials of gleaming crimson that flickered and moved.

“That looks like two dragons.” Bon Bon said. “It also seems like they’re harassing somepony!”

“Should we go help?” Vinyl asked.

“Well, of course.” Octavia said. “We can’t leave somepony hanging, can we?”The others agreed, and they set off at a run.

As they drew closer, Link recognized the pony being annoyed by the dragons.

Is that...he thought. No way. It can’t be that easy.

“Darunia!” He yelled, putting on a burst of speed. Hearing Link’s cry, the pony paused in combat.

Yes...it certainly was Darunia. There was no mistaking that hulking, rocky frame. Who else could it be?

One of the dragons swept his tail at Darunia’s feet, knocking him over. He fell to the ground with a mighty crash, giving a loud yelp.

Without thinking, Link leapt to the defense of his friend. He flipped his inventory open, grabbing the first thing that came to his hooves—this time, it was Biggoron’s Sword.

He swung it wildly at the dragons, who backed away instantly. In some part of his mind, he realized he was using his hooves to hold the weapon, but he shoved the thought away. He brought his focus to the dragons before him, who were hissing menacingly and circling.

“Wait!” Bon Bon gasped, dashing up to them. The others had caught up with Link—even Saria, but she was riding on Epona’s back.

“There’s no need for conflict.” Bon Bon said, stepping between Link and the dragons. “What’s going on?”

“That pony was eating my hoard!” One of the dragons rasped, pointing a talon at Darunia. The Goron-turned-pony himself was standing behind Link, looking confused. “And that pony just threatened me with that sword!” He turned to point at Link.

“Well, maybe if you weren’t about to attack—wait. Dragons can talk?” Link blinked, surprised.

“Well, duh we can talk.” The other dragon snorted, rolling it’s eyes. “Where have you been, weirdo?”

“Everypony—everybody, just calm down.” Bon Bon said, holding out her hooves as if to separate the two. “We’re just here to find someone.”

“Actually, this is him.” Link said, gesturing to Darunia.

“What’s goin’ on?” Darunia asked in a whisper.

“I’ll tell you in a second.” Link responded.

“Him?” Bon Bon said, barely glancing at Darunia. “Ah. I suppose I should have guessed. Well, now we’ll just leave peacefully, okay? We don’t want any trouble.”

As one of the dragons opened his mouth to respond, the ground began shaking. Everybody stumbled, and Link almost dropped his sword.

“This again.” He groaned.

With a spray of lava, the ground cracked open.

And Volvagia the dragon appeared.