• Published 10th Oct 2019
  • 7,899 Views, 578 Comments

The Legend of Zelda: Wielders of Harmony - My Little Epona

Link wakes up in Equestria as a pony. He's lost the Master Sword, the Ocarina of Time, and Navi is nowhere to be seen. On the bright side....now Epona can talk.

  • ...

Finding Epona

Author's Note:

(3 days ago)
Me: "Ooh...I really should get working on that Cutie Mark Chronicles story I was going to write for my Next Generation characters. I need to start on that!"
My brain: "HAH! No you're not! YOU, madam, are going to spend the next half-hour watching Legend of Zelda comic dubs on Youtube and thinking about your crossover. Now think carefully the next time you plan on ACTUALLY doing what you intended to do."
The reasonable, work-oriented part of me: "Trust you'ze instincts always. Guess I'd better open Youtube!"
(the next day)
Me: "Okay, yesterday was a flop, but this morning I can get some work done before I go downstairs for breakfast! Okay, here I go!"
Brain: "Mm hm...."
Me: (spends next 20 minutes staring at the wall, thinking about Breath of the Wild 2)
my work ethic and focus are unequaled :facehoof:

“Quick question—why is this ocarina thing so important to you?” Twilight asked.

“It’s….a little bit complicated.” Link sighed. “But I absolutely need it.”

“Okay.” Twilight tapped a hoof to her chin, seemingly in thought. “Do you think you may have dropped it in town?”

“Maybe?” Link said. “But I didn’t remember seeing it on the way back.”

“You were running like the wind.” Twilight said. “How could you have seen it anyway?”

“It’s purple.” Link shrugged. “It’s rather eye-catching.”

“HEY GUYS!” Pinkie Pie yelled, making them both jump. “Did you two notice there’s a body lying in the grass here?”

“A what?” Twilight yelped. The two trotted over to where Pinkie was bouncing up and down.

There was, in fact, the limp form of a pony lying on the ground. She was quite larger, larger than Link or any of the others. Her creamy white mane was in shambles, her tan-colored coat streaked with grass stains. She had a white blaze on her muzzle, and socks of the same color on every hoof.

She looked so...familiar.

“Wait a second….” Link gasped. “Epona?”

The pony twitched, her dark brown eyes flickering open. She let out a moan, rolling over, and her confusion-blurred gaze met Link’s.

“Epona?” Link said again, trying to make sense of what he was seeing.

The pony who looked so much like his horse squinted, as if trying to recognize Link. Then her eyes flew wide open, and her jaw dropped.

And then….well, then she started screaming.

She looked at Link and screamed. She looked at Twilight and Pinkie Pie and screamed. She looked at the surroundings and screamed. She looked at herself and screamed. She screamed at her ability to scream.

At this point, Link decided to take action before his eardrums burst.

He dug desperately through his saddlebag, then stuffed a carrot in her mouth. Her screams stifled, Epona sat up, chewing furiously. Her eyes were still wide with shock, darting wildly from pony to pony.

After swallowing, she took a deep breath.

“You...horse...” She stuttered. “What...I...horse...I…” She looked like she was about to dissolve into screams again, so Link crammed another carrot into her mouth.

This one she chewed a lot slower, though still with a breathless air of shock. After devouring this vegetable, she seemed to be slightly calmer.

“Link….” She said slowly. “Just how long have you had those carrots?”

“…….what?” Link asked, surprised at the question.

“Those carrots.” Epona repeated. “They’re a little stale. How long have you had them?”

Link shrugged. Epona made a face, running a tongue over her teeth.

“Okay, what?” Twilight chose this moment to jump in. “How exactly do you know her?”

“Um...to be honest, it’s kind of a long story.” Link said. “But…..where I come from, she’s a horse.”

“Oooh! Oooh! I know what a horse is! They’re like bugbears, but purple!” Pinkie asked.

“Um...not even gonna ask.” Epona blinked. “But they’re kind of like you. Just bigger….and less colorful...and they can’t tal—sweet Hylia, I can talk. I can….talk. I can talk, Link! I CAN TALK!”

“Yes.” Link sighed, rubbing his ringing ears. “You can talk.”

What in Celestia’s name is going on?” Twilight moaned.

“Yeah, I’m not entirely sure myself.” Link sighed.

“Where are we?” Epona asked, scrambling to her hooves.

“Random question.” Link said, eyeing her. “Have you always been this….intelligent? I mean, I know horses are intelligent, but...I mean...like this intelligent.”

Epona frowned, pondering the answer.

“I honestly don’t know.” She confessed. “I mean...I remember all these things from adventuring with you. But I don’t remember...ever realizing they existed. It’s strange. Like…my senses are suddenly so much sharper and clearer. I can..understand your voice. And...well, it’s complicated.”

“Huh.” Link frowned thoughtfully.

“Raise your hoof if you’re totally lost!” Pinkie said, bouncing up and down with her hoof in the air.Twilight raised her hoof.

“Sorry.” Link chuckled. “I realize this is the most unsatisfactory answer ever, but….it’s hard to explain.”

“Where are we?” Epona asked again. “Link, have you checked your map yet?”

“Well...I did, but the map isn’t working.” Link said. “Apparently we’re near Pony Village in the land of Equestrian. But other than that...I have no idea how to get back to Hyrule.”

“And what about warping songs?” Epona asked, brushing a hoof over her disheveled mane. “Have you tried those?”

“Well, about that….” Link trailed off, wincing in anticipation for what would surely come next. “I sort of….lost the Ocarina of Time.”

“You WHAT?” Epona yelled, making everyone flinch. “Link, how could you! That’s the sacred instrument of the royal family you just happened to misplace! Princess Zelda basically trusted you with her life when she gave you that! How did you even manage to lose it?”

“You know, I think I liked it better when you couldn't talk.” Link mumbled, rubbing his ringing ears.

“It’s a good thing I can!” Epona said furiously. “Otherwise you would—”

“….what?” Link asked once she stopped abruptly. “You would what?”

“Sssh!” Epona hissed, her ears twitching.

She suddenly whirled around and faced towards the town, every muscle in her body tense.

“Hey, are you okay?” Pinkie asked.

“Mmm? Oh, yeah, I’m fine.” Epona said, a distracted air about her words. “It’s just….someone’s playing my song.”

“Wait….really?” Link gasped. “How? How would anyone here even know you’re song?”

“I don’t know.” Epona murmured. She stretched her neck out, sniffing the wind, looking as if she desperately wanted to run away. “But what if it’s the ocarina?”

“It...actually might be.” Link said. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw both Twilight and Pinkie Pie exchange helpless, confused looks.

“Should I...follow it?” Epona asked.

“Go for it.” Link sighed. “Nothing to lose either way.”

Epona nodded, kicking up her heels, and galloped away. Link followed her, though behind, as it seemed there was no way he could even come close to matching her speed.

After a second, the beating of hooves on ground behind Link told him that the princess and her friend were probably following them. He felt bad for not being able to give them satisfactory explanations for everything that was happening, but…..

Would they even believe him if he told them?

Epona’s wild path of flight lead them towards the town again, unsurprisingly, but she veered away from entering it directly. Instead she ran towards a small, strange-looking cottage on the outskirts of the place. It’s strangest feature was it’s paint job—one side of the house was purple, the other a plain tan. Even the roof was thatched with different types of straw, one half of it being darker than the other.

“Hey!” Pinkie’s voice called out, hard to hear over the thunder of hooves. “That’s Octavia’s house. Her half-sister, Vinyl Scratch, lives with her there.”

“Strange.” He heard Twilight murmur. “Why would those two come here?”

Once again, Link wished he had an explanation to offer. But in this case, he himself had not even an inkling of knowledge as to what was happening.

“It’s definitely coming from here.” Epona said, screeching to a stop on the dirt path. Clouds of dust rose from beneath her, making Link cough as he came up beside her.

He stumbled, cursing his newly four-legged state. He wasn’t a stranger to crawling through tunnels when it was needed, but this was an entirely different sensation in itself.

Epona approached the front of the cottage, preparing to knock.

Without warning, a storm erupted in the sky above them, drenching them in an instant. Rain poured down like a waterfall, the rippled waves of dark clouds flickering with ice-blue lightning.

At the sudden booms of thunder, Epona gave a startled yelp, diving beneath the nearest bush and throwing her arms over her head.

“Where did that come from?” Twilight yelped. A strange shield of sparkling magenta appeared above her and Pinkie Pie, splitting the downpour and protecting the two.

Link shook his head, his sodden blond bangs flopping obnoxiously in his face. He was no stranger to harsh weather, and this sudden tempest was no different than millions of others he’d faced in Hyrule.

“Epona.” He sighed, fruitlessly trying to wring water out of his tunic. “Honestly?”

Epona’s only answer was a stifled whimper, barely able to be heard.

“Come on….” Link coaxed. “I have more carrots….”

The bush rustled, indicating Epona’s shifting position.

“I promise they’re...at least….sort of fresh-ish.” Link said. “Come on out. I promise you won’t get struck by lightning.”

The tip of Epona’s muzzle appeared from the bush’s rain-drenched leaves.

“Come on...” Link stepped backwards, holding out one of the vegetable in question.

Epona exhaled slowly, slinking out of the bush, and snapped the treat off Link’s hoof.

“For the record…..no one else is ever going to know about that, okay?” She mumbled, spitting shreds of orange.

“Yes. Whatever you say.” Link sighed. “Are you okay now?”

Epona nodded, licking her lips, and Link moved his hoof up to knock.

“Wait a second!” Epona slapped his hoof away, seconds before he hit the door.

“Ow, Epona.” Link complained, rubbing the bruise that was now forming. “What ever was that for?”

“Hey! Listen!” Epona ordered.

Link made a noise that was part sigh, part groan, then did as she commanded.

Thought it was hard to hear over the din of the storm, he could faintly hear airy musical notes being played—a song he definitely recognized as the melody that could control weather. The rainstorm above them dispersed as quickly as it had formed, leaving four sopping ponies standing in the sunshine.

“Yes!” Link cried triumphantly. “They definitely have the ocarina!”

“How do they know the songs?” Epona wondered.

“That’s….a fair point.” Link realized, tapping a hoof to his chin. “How do they know the songs?”
“Hey, there’s another one.” Epona said, her voice dwindling to a whisper as the quiet strains of another tune reached their ears.

This song Link knew quite well, having composed it himself. As the piece drew to a close, it was accompanied by sudden and loud yelps of surprise from within.

“A scarecrow probably just sprouted from their floor.” Link noted. “May I knock now?”

“Sure.” Epona moved away. “We know for sure that they have the ocarina now!”

“Well, one can only hope.” Link knocked on the door.

Within a few seconds, it was opened by a pony with a creamy white coat, curly blue and pink mane, and turquoise eyes that were lined with exhaustion.

“Oh, hello, princess.” She said, addressing Twilight first. “Hello, Miss Pie. Hello...stranger. How can I help you?”

“Hello, Bon Bon. It’s nice to see you. We think someone here might have something of his.” Twilight said, pointing a hoof at Link.

“Is it that strange musical instrument?” Bon Bon said bluntly, skipping the pleasantries.

“Maybe? Actually, most likely.” Twilight said. Link tried offering a smile to support her claim.

Without another word, Bon Bon stepped aside, gesturing for them to come in.

The inside of the house was just as strange as the outside. Once again, it was cut abruptly in half, half the floor being black carpet, the other beige hardwood. The purple-walled side was a mess, scattered with records, pieces of recording equipment, and electronic instruments. The other part was as opposite as it could possibly be—impeccably clean floors, tastefully arranged furniture, and a double bass leaning against a corner wall.

Three ponies were standing in the middle if the house, grouped around a straw-stuffed scarecrow that had somehow sprouted from the hardwood. One pony had a light gray coat and dark gray mane, one other was another horned pony with a white coat and electric blue mane, and the last was the insane green pony….Lyra. At the sight of this last one, Link wanted to dive behind the nearest piece of furniture and hide.

The gray one was puffing on what was definitely theOcarina of Time,stopping now and then to stare at it in astonishment.

“Ya see, it was dropped by this weird new stallion I met in town.” Lyra seemed to be in the middle of explaining where she’d gotten it. “Do you know what it is? Why does it look so weird?”

“Octavia, can I please have a turn?” The white pony begged.

Octavia began playing a new tune, a cheerful, pleasant-sounding song that made the ponies in the immediate vicinity smile. With a sinking heart, Link recognized it was the Sun’s Song.

“Wait!” He cried. “Don’t finish that—!”

Ironically, before he could finish his sentence the world was plunged into total darkness, and Link’s last few words were cut off with sudden screams. In the confusion that ensued, Link lunged for where he’d seen Octavia last, and somehow managed to grab the ocarina from her hoof.

He raised it to his lips and played the same song she’d just performed, except this time it brought back the vanished light.

“Okay, that’s totally awesome. Can I have a go?” The white one asked, reaching out a hoof for it.

“I’m sorry, but absolutely not.” Link said firmly, backing away.

“Aww, come on.” She complained, pouting.

“Well, that certainly is a curious instrument.” Octavia said, her gaze riveted on it. “Where ever did you acquire it?”

“It was given to me by a friend.” Link sighed, delivering the familiar answer. Then he turned and wheeled on Lyra, who was standing by with a guilty face, looking like she wanted to hide.

“Why did you take the ocarina?” He asked.

“You dropped it!” Lyra protested.

“And when did I ‘drop’ it?” Link demanded.

“When you fell over.” A faint smirk flickered over Lyra’s face. “Maybe if you hadn’t fallen over, you wouldn’t have dropped it.”

“You knocked me over!

“Pssh.” Lyra waved a hoof in dismissal. “Please.”

Epona grabbed Link before he could throw himself at the obnoxious green mare.

“Well….” Lyra inched to the side a bit, then suddenly threw herself in front of the door.

Now you can tell me everything you know!” She demanded. “Because I’m not letting you leave until you do.”

“I have better plans than sitting around being interrogated by you.” Link snapped, his patience with this maniac wearing dangerously thin. He took a deep, calming breath, turning to the princess and Pinkie Pie.

“Thank you for your help.” He said. “I promise I won’t be such a burden for much longer.” Then he lifted the ocarina and played a song—the Serenade of Water.

The notes of the haunting melody rang out in the sudden silence of the house—everyone stood frozen, spellbound by the music.

Link finished the song, closing his eyes and expecting the sudden lurch and tingling, rushing sensation that came with warping.

But...nothing happened.

“What?” He stuttered. He turned the ocarina over in his hooves. It looked fine….

He played the song again, watched silently by everybody in the room, and this time kept his eyes open as the melody ended.

There was a flash of light from the ocarina, and several blue-tinted sparks rained down on the ground, but otherwise nothing else happened.

“Is...it broken?” Epona asked hesitantly.

“No.” Link said shortly, not meaning to be so sharp with her, but his frustration was overflowing. “There is no way I’ve broken the royal family’s sacred instrument…..”

“If you did, Princess Zelda would probably murder you and throw your body in the moat.” Epona agreed.

Link ignored her, playing the tune yet a third time, but was awarded with nothing but another flash of sparkles.

“Um….oh, goodness. In Celestia’s name, would anypony care to explain what’s going on?” Octavia asked.

Link sighed—looks like it was time for another unsatisfactory explanation.

“This instrument, the ocarina, is magical.” He explained, lifting it up to show them. “That song I just played was supposed to warp me to a location in my homeland.”
“Maybe it really is broken.” Twilight said.

“I really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really, really hope that is not the case.” Link moaned.

“Well….what about Saria?” Epona suggested. “You could try contacting her, and seeing if that works.”

“I’m not sure that’ll work either, because the way the song worked...well,it merely forged a connection between our fairies.” Link said. “And Navi...well….she’s disappeared.”

“Wait, seriously?” Epona instantly began glancing around, her head snapping from side to side. She searched the air around Link where Navi usually hovered, going so far as to pull off Link’s hat and check it. “How did I not notice that before?”

“So, like...what in the name of Discord’s scruffy mane is going on?” The white horned pony asked.

“I, too, am quite lost.” Octavia commented.

Bon Bon let out a log, drawn-out sigh, sitting down.

Tell me.” Lyra demanded yet again.

“It’s….a little hard to explain.” Link said yet again, then shot a sideways glare at Lyra.

“Just try playing the song.” Epona said, nudging Link. “What’s the worst that could happen?”

“At this point, I’m scared to ask.” Link sighed. “Here goes nothing.”

He lifted the ocarina to his lips and played Saria’s Song. The music captivated his unwanted audience as before, except this time around several of the ponies broke small smiles, tapping their hooves lightly to the bouncy, playful song.

“Did it work?” Epona whispered as soon as he had finished.

“I don’t know...” Link glanced sadly at the ocarina, wishing there was some visible sign for confirmation. He was desperate to talk to someone who wanted understand...someone he didn’t have to constantly be saying things like ‘it was given by a friend’ or, ‘it’s hard to explain’.

“….hello?” A high, childish voice, badly distorted by crackles of static, could be heard emanating from the instrument in his hoof.

“Saria!” Link gasped.