• Published 10th Oct 2019
  • 7,890 Views, 578 Comments

The Legend of Zelda: Wielders of Harmony - My Little Epona

Link wakes up in Equestria as a pony. He's lost the Master Sword, the Ocarina of Time, and Navi is nowhere to be seen. On the bright side....now Epona can talk.

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More Secrets Revealed

“So…” Link said, biting his lip. “I just realized something…sort of important.”

“What is it?” Bon Bon asked, apparently the only one unaffected by the massive amounts of unbelievable information that’d just been dumped on them.

“I can’t use the Master Sword,” Link said.

“That is kind of important,” Bon Bon agreed.

“Whaddya mean?” Darunia asked, looking confused.

“It’s too large for me to hold in my mouth,” Link explained, “and anyway, that’s extremely dangerous and almost resulted in me cutting my head off. But it’s also too small for me to hold in my hooves. So…that’s a problem.”

“You know…I think I can help you with that,” Bon Bon said.

“Really?” Link raised his eyebrows in surprise.

“Really?” Lyra echoed, sounding just as surprised as him. “How?”

“We just need to return to Ponyville,” Bon Bon said, ignoring Lyra’s question. “I have something that’ll help.”

“But what do you have?” Lyra repeated stubbornly. Bon Bon hesitated a second.

“…you’ll find out,” she said. “But we should leave. Soon. It’s late, and the longer we stay the more dangerous the forest gets.”

“Yeah, we should go,” Link agreed. He grabbed the ocarina, holding it out.

“Ugh,” Vinyl groaned. “I’m getting so sick of teleporting. What is this, the fourth or fifth time today?”

“Well, hopefully it’ll be the last time for today,” Link said. “Is everyone ready?”

He glanced around at the others, who nodded. Saria took Octavia’s hoof, as the Earth Pony still looked somewhat dazed.

The cheerful, waltz-like tune of the Minuet of Forest felt out of place in the dark, cold gorge, and so did the twinkling rush of green that overtook their vision, sweeping them away.

As soon as they landed again, Bon Bon took off instantly, trotting for the town.

“We need to put distance between ourselves and the forest,” she explained, looking back at the others. “Timberwolves are bold at night, and we’d be easy pickings on the border. They’re scared of the light—they won’t come near the town.”

“That’s a good idea.” Link glanced uneasily at the forest behind them. In the dark, it seemed even more gloomy and menacing than usual, and made him want to hurry.

Bon Bon trotted off again, and the group quickly followed, steps hastened by the ominous presence behind their backs. Indeed, there was a unanimous feeling of relief when they finally reached the outskirts of Ponyville.

The streets were still and silent, littered with scraps of paper and the occasional loose piece of foliage. The only light came from the brilliant silver moon above, as well as the inconsistent streetlight that cast pools of golden light on the dark stone.

Bon Bon didn’t even slow down, winding her way between buildings and trees, until eventually she stopped in front of a squat building who’s door was covered by a multi-colored awning.

“A candy shop?” Saria commented, looking confused.

My candy shop,” Bon Bon corrected, a small smile on her face. She produced a key from…somewhere, then slid it into the lock. The door creaked open, letting the ponies file into the building. Darunia couldn’t fit through the door, so Lyra attempted the teleportation spell on him, which worked, to the relief of everyone.

The shop beyond was dark and clean, and pale beams of moonlight streamed through the tall, frosted glass windows. Tables sat in various locations over the tile floor, and chairs were stacked on top of them—sometimes four, but most often three.

Bon Bon squeezed between the tables, and the others followed her example, trotting after her into the next room.

This one looked like an average living space—it was a hallway that ended in a bookcase, and two doorways led to a living room or dining room, respectively. The cream-colored Earth Pony went directly to the bookshelf, taking hold of a red-bound volume on the middle shelf.

“What in Celestia’s name are you doing?” Lyra asked, sounding bewildered.

As if in response to Lyra’s question, the book suddenly leapt from Bon Bon’s grasp, snapping back into it’s place. A creaking noise filled the air, punctuated by sharp clicks, then the bookshelf detached on one side, swinging open like a door. Bon Bon took hold of it, opening it all the way, revealing a large closet on the other end.

The walls were covered in all kinds of strange things that Link couldn’t even begin to describe. Weapons of all shapes, sizes, and kinds; odd devices that shone with the gleam of metal; and curious-looking outfits that made Link wonder just who Bon Bon was, exactly.

The Earth Pony stepped forwards into the closet. She rifled through the objects, eventually emerging with a tangle of solid metal and leather straps clutched in her hooves.

“Hold out your hoof, please,” she said to Link. With some hesitation, he did so, and Bon Bon slid the object she was holding onto his left foreleg.

Now that it was stretched out, Link could clearly see it’s shape, though he still couldn’t tell what it was exactly. It consisted of two cylinder-shaped pieces of metal, both connected by a sleeve of leather. One of the metal pieces rested all the way at the top of his hoof, and the whole contraption was held up by a leather strap that fastened around his neck. The other cylinder covered his hoof entirely, almost up to the joint, making a clinking sound when it touched the floor. A hook-like object protruded from the left side of the hoof cover, though what it’s purpose was Link couldn’t tell.

“Okay. Could somepony give me the sword?” Bon Bon glanced over at the group of ponies standing in the hall behind Link.

“I’ll get it,” Saria quickly volunteered. She stood on her hind legs, inserting her head into the leather pouch that hung from Link’s side.

A shocked gasp rang up from the Ponyvillians—except for Bon Bon—when the Kokiri’s head vanished entirely into the seemingly-small confines of the inventory. But Saria emerged unscathed, struggling with the weight of the sacred blade in her mouth.

Bon Bon carefully took it from the filly, lifting Link’s foreleg and sliding the hilt into the hook on the hoof cover. It clicked easily into place, leaving Link with the sword securely attached to his left hoof.

“Woah,” Link said, blinking in surprise.

“Hang on a second…” Bon Bon grabbed his hoof, fiddling with something on the right side of the metal. “There’s a switch…”

Suddenly, the sword spun around, folding up the side of Link’s leg. He let out a yelp, jerking his head to the side just in time to avoid the tip of the blade impaling his lower jaw.

“Sorry,” Bon Bon said as he stuck his leg out straight, eyeing the tip of the sword with some trepidation. “It was really built for a knife, not a full-length sword. But I think it’ll do.”

“A knife?” Lyra cried, making Bon Bon flinch, as if she’d forgotten the mint Unicorn was there. “Where did you get this? What’s going on? Why do you have a secret…whatever this thing is?” She gestured at the closet and its alarming contents.

“There’s…something you need to know about me,” Bon Bon sighed. “That all of you need to know. First of all…my name isn’t Bon Bon.”

“What?” Lyra cried. Vinyl frowned, looking confused. Octavia raised an eyebrow. And the Hyruleans just looked confused…except for Epona.

Epona was staring at the ground, looking lost. Link lowered his metal-and-leather-covered hoof to the ground, providing him with enough balance to raise his other foreleg and lay a hoof on her shoulder. She gave him a faint smile.

“It’s…Special Agent Sweetie Drops,” Bon Bon continued. “I work for a top secret, anti-monster organization known as S.M.I.L.E. Or at least, I did, till a Bugbear escaped from Tartarus. The operation was shut down, and the agents were forced to go into hiding. I came here, under the guise of ‘Bon Bon’.”

“So…” Vinyl said, who seemed to be the only pony who wasn’t extremely alarmed. “Does this have anything to do with that weird old guy in Baltimare?”

“It does,” Bon Bon—or Sweetie Drops, or whatever…confirmed, nodding. “He was part of the Order of the Silver Horseshoe—which was the group that inspired S.M.I.L.E. When the princesses took over, the need for something like the Order diminished. Then the E.U.P. was formed, and S.M.I.L.E. came from that, and…it’s complicated.”

“Okay, I’m sorry,” Link held up a hoof. “But I’m so, so lost.”

“Sorry,” Bon Bon sighed. “I’ll try to explain better. But really, I’m not even supposed to be talking about this…”

“Know what? I can’t believe this,” Lyra said loudly. Bon Bon flinched again, her ears flicking back against her head.

“Please listen to me, Lyra,” She said hurriedly. “If you can just sit down, I promise I’ll explain everything.”

“No!” Lyra shouted, backing away. “I can’t believe you hid something like this from me!”

“We can talk this out,” Bon Bon tried.

“Was our friendship just part of the cover-up too?” Lyra demanded, backing away. “The sleepovers, those long walks in the park, deep discussions over ice-cream…that was all a lie, wasn’t it?”

Bon Bon hesitated. Lyra burst into tears.

“I never should’ve trusted you!” She yelled. Bon Bon stepped back, looking as if she’d been physically hit. Her face was stamped with an expression that Link thought he’d never see on the usually-stoic Earth Pony.

“Listen,” Bon Bon said quickly. “I need you to promise me you won’t tell anypony. I can’t have my secret getting out.”

Lyra fled the room without responding, dashing back into the darkened shop. The front door slammed open, and Link could feel the force of the door shuddering through the floor under his hooves.

“Wait!” Bon Bon cried, running after her. Link trotted after her, holding his neck carefully to keep the sword from gouging him. The others followed, albeit somewhat slower.

Link paused in the doorway, watching Bon Bon throw open the loose-hanging door. But Lyra was gone, leaving nothing but the sound of her sobs echoing through the room, and the clatter of her hooves as she vanished up the dark streets.

“Do you want us to go after her?” Link asked quietly. The cream Earth Pony didn’t respond for several seconds, standing frozen at the door and staring at nothing.

But then she turned, and her face was unreadable.

“No.” The door was closed, somewhat forcefully, behind her, and the click lock was heard. “If Lyra doesn’t want to be my friend…so be it. This whole mess was the reason I never told her in the first place.”

The sounded…backwards to Link. But he didn’t think he was one to challenge Bon Bon at the moment. Maybe later, when they’d both had the chance to cool down a bit, he could talk to them. He didn’t want their friendship to end like this.

And he couldn’t help but feel partially responsible.

These ponies were his friends now. He wanted to help them.

Bon Bon pushed wordlessly past the group, closing the bookshelf again. After helping Link detach the Master Sword, she lead them all into the living room.

The decoration of the room was…interesting, to say the least.

Everything was in shades of pastel pink, blue, and yellow, and nearly every texture was striped. Strings of lights hung from the ceiling, and as Link looked closer, he could tell that they were shaped like Bon Bon’s cutie mark. All the furniture was soft and oversized, and a massive, bear-shaped stuffed animal sat in one corner.

All in all, it didn’t strike Link as something Bon Bon would like. But considering she was trying to pose as someone else, he supposed it made sense, and fit in with her whole aesthetic as a candy maker.

Bon Bon took a seat on the blue and white couch—striped, of course—then gestured for the others to do the same. Link sat next to her, and Ruto quickly squeezed into the remaining space next to him.

Octavia curled up in a bean bag chair across the room from them, and Saria clambered into her lap, leaving the gray Earth Pony looking surprised, but happy. Vinyl claimed a two-seater, and when neither of the remaining Hyruleans followed her, stretched out over the whole thing.

Epona curled up on the floor, and Darunia sat next to her—there was no chair that would fit him.

After they were all settled, Bon Bon took a deep breath, closing her eyes for a second.

“What do you want to know?” She asked.

“It’s probably best if you just start from the beginning,” Link admitted. Bon Bon gave a nod of agreement.

“A long time ago,” she said, “before Equestria was even founded, the three pony tribes were in utter chaos.”

“Sweet Celestia, that’s the beginning?” Vinyl raised both eyebrows. “We’ll be here for a looooong time.” She glanced towards Octavia, as if expecting a reprimand, but the gray Earth Pony was avoiding her eye.

“In the midst of all the chaos, a group was formed,” Bon Bon continued, ignoring the interruption. “The group transcended the boundaries of being from a different race, and was dedicated to bringing peace, beauty, and balance back to the world. The renowned Unicorn sorceress, Clover the Clever, was a part of this group. Eventually, the group—which became known as the Order of the Silver Horseshoe—succeeded in bringing the Alicorn Princesses to the throne and ending the war. With peace finally restored, a need for a group such as the Order dwindled, and the Order themselves faded into the background of history, letting the Princesses take the lead.

“Of course, evil still existed. When powerful villains rose up and attacked Equestria, putting the peace in jeopardy, the Order was always there to rise up and restore harmony.

“When Princess Celestia’s sister, Princess Luna, turned to Nightmare Moon and was banished, the Order suggested to Princess Celestia to form a special guard. She did, and this became the E.U.P, directly inspired by the Order of the Silver Horseshoe. As time passed, it became clear to Celestia she needed something that was a step higher—ponies who would willingly volunteer for dangerous missions, who could be trusted with darker secrets that lurked in the shadows of Equestria’s history. This is how the organization that I am a part of was formed. S.M.I.L.E.—Secret Monster Intelligence League of Equestria.

“The Order of the Silver Horseshoe and S.M.I.L.E. aren’t so tightly interwoven now as they used to be, but still rely on each other at times. I joined S.M.I.L.E when I found my life as a candy maker lackluster. At first I did it just for the thrill, but then continued as a desire to serve Celestia once I saw how deeply she relied on us.

“S.M.I.L.E. was terminated a while ago, as I explained earlier, when a Bugbear escaped. And…it was partly my fault. But the agents were scattered across Equestria, and I…ended up here. That was when…when I met Lyra. Bon Bon’s voice faltered with the name. Link laid a hoof on her shoulder.

“I didn’t want to tell her, because I knew that someday, some danger would come creeping to find me,” Bon Bon said quietly. “I wanted to keep her out of it, but…I guess that was a bad idea.” She looked down. “I had no idea she would react so…violently. But…she really is my friend. And I don’t know what I’ll do without her.”

“We’ll fix it,” Link promised. “We’ll find a way. It’s been a trying day, and she’s probably really stressed right now—we all are.” He glanced around the room, and the others nodded.

“I certainly hope that’s it,” Bon Bon sighed. “And it’s not just because I failed as a friend. But, in any case, nothing will be fixed tonight. It’s really late—Link, you and your friends can stay here tonight, if you want.”

“Thanks,” Link said, “I appreciate it.” Bon Bon nodded, giving him a weary smile.

“Octi and I should be heading out now too,” Vinyl said, standing up. “Well, uh…good night. See you all tomorrow?”

“Yep, I guess so,” Link sighed. The idea of heading out again immediately in the morning made him want to dive under the couch and stay there for a week.

But he was just tired. That would change with some sleep, right?

“Bye.” The two who were leaving waved goodbye to those staying. Saria gave Octavia a hug.

Link bit back a sigh as he watched the two musicians trot away, then followed Bon Bon as she lead them up a staircase to a floor above.

Today had been a lot, even for him.

He was glad they could finally take a break, although it would be a short one.

Author's Note:

Well, THAT was a crap-ton of drama. I'm sure by now you're all as tired of reading it as I am of writing it. XD
So, the next two or so chapters will be all some nice slice of life--picture Cupcakes at Sugarcube Corner, but more than one chapter! It'll be a nice change of pace before they jumped right back into the adventure. :pinkiesmile:
As usual, if you made it this far, thanks a ton! Leave a like and comment if you enjoyed! :raritywink: