• Published 10th Oct 2019
  • 7,899 Views, 578 Comments

The Legend of Zelda: Wielders of Harmony - My Little Epona

Link wakes up in Equestria as a pony. He's lost the Master Sword, the Ocarina of Time, and Navi is nowhere to be seen. On the bright side....now Epona can talk.

  • ...

Arrival and Departure

Baltimare...was a huge city.

Even bigger than Goron City, which was by far the biggest city Link had seen in his travels. Massivestone buildings towered above them, glass windows reflecting the sunlight. Hordes of ponies clogged the streets, calling out to each other.

After only a few minutes, Link was completely overwhelmed. The crowds, the noise….it was a far cry from the small-sized towns of Hyrule.

“Where should we go now?” Vinyl asked, shouting over the clamor. “Any ideas, guys?”

“Yes, in fact.” Bon Bon said. “Just follow me, guys. Try to keep a low profile. And stay alert, okay?”

She lead them through overcrowded streets, occasionally pausing to wait for gaps in traffic. The others followed, pushing their way through crowds. Link was surprised at the attitudes of the ponies here as opposed to Ponyville, as several snarled at them, even barking swears as they tried to keep sight of Bon Bon.

After a while, the crowds blocking the sidewalks thinned out, and Link and the others were able to follow her with ease. However, Link wasn’t quite sure he liked where they were going.

The buildings began to look more dilapidated, sometimes leaning against each other like drunks on their way home. Gangs of unsavory looking ponies began to prowl the streets, but one look at Epona’s powerful leg muscles was enough to keep them away.

“Where are we going?” Lyra asked, wrinkling her nose in disgust as she stepped over a wad of trash plastered onto the grimy street.

“Sssh. Just stay next to me and keep your mouths shut.” Bon Bon hissed, pausing next to the door of a sketchy-looking bar. “Please. If you want to keep your heads.”

What?” Vinyl yelped.

“Could you elaborate, please?” Octavia asked, frowning.

Without responding, Bon Bon marched straight inside.

“Just trust her, guys!” Lyra said, following without a shred of hesitation. Epona, Link, and Saria exchanged looks, but trotted in as well.

“What on earth are we even doing in here?” Link whispered, moving next to Bon Bon.

“Why are we somewhere so….scary-looking?” Saria asked, her eyes roving nervously around the dim, rowdy room. It was crammed with all manner of colorful characters, and she squeaked as one looked at them, hiding behind Link.

Bon Bon ignored the uncertainty radiating from the others, trotting straight past the tables to the back. There, Link caught sight of an older-looking pony with a wizened face and long white beard, sitting next to a game board. The game looked totally unfamiliar to Link.

“That’s a Pony Sho board.” Lyra whispered, seeing Link’s blank look. “It’s a really old game. I didn’t even know Bon Bon knew how to play…..if fact, I didn’t know anypony actually still knew how to play it in the first place.”

“Can I have this round?” Bon Bon asked, sitting down across from the stranger.

“Of course.” He said, giving a half-smile. “Your move first, friend.”

Bon Bon slid a tile out from a pile of circular tiles next to her, placing it on the board.

“Aaah.” The stranger breathed. “I see you favor the Silver Horseshoe gambit. Not many still cling to the ancient ways……” He gazed at her in a searching manner. “But those who do….”

“….can always find a friend.” Bon Bon finished the sentence, meeting the stranger’s smile with her own. The others hung back, sensing that they shouldn’t interrupt this moment...but also they were seriously confused.

The two began shifting tiles around the circular game board, moving so fast that after a few seconds, Link lost track of who’s turn it was even supposed to be.

Then suddenly, they both stopped, smiling triumphantly. It took Link a second to realize why, but then he looked down at the board. They’d moved all the tiles in an organized pattern, making the shape of a large horseshoe.

“It is excellent to see you, my dear friend.” The stranger said, shaking Bon Bon’s hoof over the table. “It is not often that you see one young as you as a member. Well. What is it you desire?”

Ignoring the incredibly confused looks on the faces of her friends, Bon Bon smiled at the stranger.

“My friends and I need somepony to lend a boat to us.” She said. “We need to cross the Celestial Sea.”

“Aaah.” The stranger nodded, deep in thought. “I know just the right pony for you. His name is Port Side. He lives down by the docks, in the third alleyway from the right. Straight down the street.”

“Thank you, Shujin.” Bon Bon stood, bowing respectfully.

“My pleasure, young one.” The stranger smiled. “May fortune guide your path.”

“And yours.” Bon Bon gestured the others, leading them back out of the building and onto the grimy streets.

“Care to explain what we just saw there?” Vinyl asked.

“Actually, I don’t.” Bon Bon said. “Let’s go, guys. I think I can get us a ride across the ocean.” Without room for another word, she set off at a brisk trot.

“Bonny!” Lyra huffed, trying to catch up with Bon Bon’s quick steps. “What the heck was that?”

“Well, as I just implied….I can’t tell you right now.” Bon Bon sighed.

“Okay, can you at least tell us where we’re going?” Epona asked, carrying Saria on her back—apparently, the young Kokiri was too short to keep up. “Cause I have to say this whole thing is looking more and more suspicious. Are you an assassin?”

That comment made Bon Bon stop in her tracks, causing a pileup of ponies behind her as the group crashed into her.

“What?” She spluttered. “An assas—what even? Where did you get that?”

“I don’t know!” Epona said, stepping back, Saria still clinging to her neck. “What if you’re leading us into an alley to kill us or something?”

“That’s insulting.” Bon Bon said, frowning. Her frown deepened as she realized no one else was speaking up against Epona.

“C’mon, guys!” She protested.

“This is pretty fishy.” Octavia reasoned. Even Lyra was looking put-off.

“Fine.” Bon Bon sighed. “We’re going to find somepony who can probably help us. His name is Port Side, and he lives in this conveniently dark, deserted alleyway. Trust me now?”

“That’s the Bon Bon I know!” Lyra said, grinning happily as she locked her forelegs around her friend’s neck in a hug. “I’d know that dry, sarcastic sense of humor anywhere!” Bon Bon chuckled, returning the hug.

“Okay.” Link agreed. “You ponies don’t seem like the type to murder each other anyway.”

“Not sure if that was a compliment, but….thanks?” Bon Bon said. “Now, can we please get moving?”

The others nodded, agreeing, and followed Bon Bon into yet another fishy-looking section of town. This time, it was a dank, dark, deserted alleyway framed by towering buildings. Several of the windows on said buildings were boarded over, but the wood was rotting and fragile. It didn’t look like anyone had been there for a long time.

“Just try to stay quiet.” Bon Bon ordered, knocking on a door next to them that Link hadn’t seen. After a second, the top part of the door flipped open, and the wrinkled face of a toothless, grizzled old stallion poked out.

“Eh?” He muttered, eyeing them suspiciously. “Wha do ye want?”

“We require a boat.” Bon Bon said, her voice calm, a friendly smile on her face.

“Oh, ye do, do ye?” He snorted. “What for?”

“We need to reach the Dragonlands.” Bon Bon explained. “It’s very important.”

“Hah!” The old stallion gave a wheezy snort of laughter. “Nopony is going to be crossing the Celestial Sea any time soon. Beat it!” He withdrew his head, slamming the door shut.

Bon Bon frowned, knocking again.

“I told ye to go away.” The stallion snorted, cracking the door. “Ye won’t be getting anything from me!” He slammed it again.

Bon Bon knocked for a third time.

What?” He yelled, throwing it open. “Why won’t ye just go away?”

By way of answer, Bon Bon held up a gray leather bag that she’d seemed to pull from nowhere. She dangled it in front of the stallion’s face, and it chinked curiously.

“Where did she get that?” Vinyl whispered. Lyra shushed her.

“I think...” Bon Bon said, her words portrayed in an offhand manner. “I think maybe we can come to an agreement.”

At this, the old man’s eyes lit up greedily. He glanced nervously from side to side, as if checking for others perhaps hidden in the shadows, then creaked opened the door.

“Why don’t ye go ahead and come on in?” He muttered.

The inside of the shack was dank, damp, and smelled like fish. Torn fishing nets hung from the ceiling, forcing the others to duck under them The grimy windows let in streaky rays of blue-tinted light.

The old stallion led them to a worn table surrounded by two wobbly chairs on either side. A single oil lamp lay in the center of the table, casting a faint golden pallor on it’s surroundings.

“Now.” He said, easing himself into one of the chairs. “Just why are ye all here?”

“Mr. Port Side, I was told that you have a boat.” Bon Bon said in a business-like tone, sitting in the other chair and tapping her hooves together. “My friends and I would like to borrow it.”

“Who told ye that?” Port Side snorted.

“Somepony who is very fond of Pony Sho.” Bon Bon responded.

“Hmph.” He muttered. “Those pesky Silver Horseshoe members think they can send random strangers to me and get away with it. I never should have joined their order.”

“Mr. Side. We seem to be getting off track.” She said very calmly. “I repeat—do you have a boat we can borrow?”

The old man sniffed, slowly raising himself off the chair. He then trotted over to a large, tarp-covered object and banged a hoof against the side. Link realized that the boat—which was probably what the object was—was too large for the building. A hole had been chopped in the ceiling, and another makeshift roof built over that.

“Of course I have a boat!” Port Side said. “I couldn’t call myself a sailor if I didn’t have a boat, now could I?”

“We’d like to borrow it for a few days.” Bon Bon repeated. “With your expertise, how long do you think it would take to cross the sea?”

“With a fair breeze?” He asked. “A day or so. Mebbe longer. But that’s only if the sea monsters don’t get ye!”

“S-sea monsters?” Octavia said nervously, causing the others to jump slightly as she spoke up. Bon Bon ignored her, plopping the bag of bits down on the table. “Well, do we have a deal?”

“Aye.” The old man sighed, turning to shake her hoof. “I do hope ye know how to sail….”

“If I were you…” A smirk flitted over Bon Bon’s face. “I wouldn’t worry about that.”


Link wasn’t sorry to leave the questionable section of Baltimare.

They now stood at the end of the docks, watching Bon Bon examining the boat along with the old sailor. The sky was a clear, endless blue, the sea below reflecting it like a sapphire mirror. A crisp breeze blew from over the waves, and the air smelled like salt.

“Well, everything’s shipshape!” Bon Bon said happily, trotting down the gangplank. The ship wasn’t large, it resembled a small fishing trawler, but she seemed to be pretty pleased with it.“We can get started as soon as Vinyl and Octavia come back. Or, you know, whenever you’re ready.”

“Great.” Link said, giving a relieved sigh.

He glanced over the scenery before him again, but his gaze fell on Saria, who was sitting at the edge of the dock, legs dangling over the edge.

He trotted over to her, easing himself down to sit next to her. At first, she didn’t seem to notice. She was staring at the water below, quietly puffing on her ocarina. After a second, Link realized she was playing her signature song.

“Hey.” Link said, keeping his voice low. “So….how you doing?”

“Do you want an honest answer?” Saria said, then blew another wavering note. “I have no idea.” She lowered the ocarina, still staring, wide-eyed, at the ripples beneath. “I mean….new worlds, colorful horse-like creatures, our fairies missing, new bodies of all things….it’s a lot to take in.”

“Heh.” Link gave a half smile. “I know how you feel.”

“I mean...everyone’s so nice, and they’re all doing their best to make me feel comfortable.” Saria said thoughtfully. “I think I’m really beginning to like Octavia. She seems to genuinely want to be my friend. It’s...a nice feeling.But…….it’s not just the shifted center of gravity or the talking animals that are so strange. It’s you.

“Wait, what?” Link blinked, startled. “What do you mean?”

“Well, the last time I was able to talk to you—and I mean, really sit down and have a long chat—you were thirteen. Thirteen, Link! You’ve changed so much….you’ve, well….you’ve grown up. And I’m trapped in the body of a twelve year old with a fifteen year old mind. I’m supposed to be twenty-one!” Saria seemed to be spiraling into insanity, her voice growing louder with every word, and she clutched her head with both hooves. “And none of this is even supposedto bother me! Every other Kokiri in existence—they all knew we’d be twelve till we died! But I’m surrounded by others who are so much more capable than me, all because of the fact that I’ll never grow! And it infuriates me! Why? Why? Why am I so different?

There was a breathless pause after her last words. Link stayed silent for a second, pondering his next words.

“Well….” He said thoughtfully. “I guess….I always knew you were different. To me.Not bad different….just….different. As a child, you were my only friend. You were the only Kokiri who had changed over the seven years I was gone, and even now you keep changing. You’re set apart. Saria...you’re literally destined to save the universe.”

“I know….” Saria sighed. “It’s just…..so hard to process how different everything feels. You’re different. I’m different. This world is different.”

“Yeah...” Link scratched the back of his head with a hoof, feeling awkward. “I’m sorry you had to get dragged into this. If it was up to me….you’d live the rest of your life in perfect happiness. You’d be in Kokiri Village, with no memory I ever existed. You’d be just like everyone else….with no worries.”

What Saria did next surprised Link.

She broke down, covering her face as she tried to hold back quiet sobs.

“I-I’m scared.” She admitted. “Really, really scared. I have a part in this world I’m not sure about….what if I mess it up? And even if I don’t make a huge mess out of everything, what’s next? Outside of the Light Temple, I have no purpose! What do I….what do I do?”

“Oh, Saria.” Link said, hugging her trembling frame. “I know you have plenty of purpose. You just….. haven’t seen it yet.”

“….do you know why I started studying healing?” Saria said quietly, surprising Link again. He answered honestly, shaking his head.

“I wanted to be worth something.” She admitted, her voice so quiet Link could barely hear her. “I wanted to know how to do something that could help others. I mean, defeating Ganon would certainly help others, but…..I want to have some other purpose. Something others are going to know about. What….what else can I do?”

“Right now?” Link asked. “All you need to do is be here. That’s the best thing you can do.”

A few seconds passed. Octavia and Vinyl came back with supplies for the trip, but tactfully ignored the two sitting at the edge of the dock. They talked with Bon Bon and Lyra, but kept quiet so as not to disturb them. Eventually, Saria stopped crying.

“You ready to get moving?” Link asked her. Saria nodded, giving a weak smile. Link gave her shoulders a final squeeze, then stood up and walked to the others.

“We’re ready.” He said.

It didn’t take them long to get everything aboard the ship. Everyone was polite enough to not mention Saria’s tearstained face, or the fact that she seemed to be awfully attached to Link all the sudden.

“So...” Lyra said, sounding slightly nervous. “I forgot to ask. Does anypony know how to sail this thing?”

Bon Bon grinned.

“I’ve got you covered.” She said, waving to Port Side as he walked away up the dock.

Link walked up to the prow of the ship, turning to look over the sea. He felt Saria sidle up next to him, and moved aside slightly so she could get a clear view too.

He couldn’t see the land that lay ahead...but he knew it was there.

He just hoped they could get to this place without getting attacked.

Author's Note:

Well, delving more into Saria's personality! Hope ya'll enjoyed this chap!
Also, I will not apologize for the Avatar the Last Airbender reference. Sorry. not sorry at all
(.....I really hope at least one person gets it)