• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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420. Evacuating to the surface.

-Moon Cell Realm, Midgar Underground, at an entrance to the mysterious facility, Dolly-

“Float!” I caused the huge beast to shoot into the ceiling and it was barely dazed for a second, Dormarch was roughed up and the religion nut bar was almost done cutting through the door.

“Down cola!” The priest stated as he continued his work.

Would if I could buddy, but soda is very unhealthy for dogs.

“Something’s very wrong with mom!” Dormarch called out and even I can feel it too, she was going to need a patented Dalmatian snuggle after this.

“Not really the time little bro!” I stated as we started angling attacks up at the flailing beast lion thing that already had several injuries from being roughed up by Dormarch. “Besides it feels like she’s coming this way.”

Shanty was already cleaving into the thing with her scythe, the blue X Frog was blasting it with his rifles and Lightbright was supporting Hebi and Salt Kitty in moving towards the door.

-Outside the battle room, Elise the Envious Naga-

The crawlers weren’t a very big deal, I made short work of them with my spear that ended in the shape of glaive that once spelled enslavement to a group I fought so hard not to be controlled by. I failed when the guy Nova forcefully made me revive Merak, Merak at least went through death two times, but I wanted to do something a little more permanent top the guy. Said very guy that led to my soul being so messed up in the first place, Merak was now in the tallest tower living it up here in Midgar.

“Sorry Crazy, I would use you to track her friends, but I think Cruel wouldn’t incidentally get us into even worse trouble.” I hefted Pom up under my left arm, she wasn’t here right now and I couldn’t just leave her lying there on the floor. She went through a lot of trouble for me, at an apparent egregious cost of her own health, sanity and who knows what else with that golden wool stuff going on.

You’d think I’d be more afraid of the cowering lump of a white fluffy blood stained mental mess under my left arm, especially after taking out three Behemoths, Crazy and Cruel in short order. The fluffy sheep was out to lunch so to speak and I really didn’t think she wanted to outright kill me after managing to fix my soul like she had, but her eating chunks of me made me a little wary of her headspace… I’ve been there for far longer before so my misery loves company and I figured Pom wouldn’t be bad company at all.

That seed she gave me was very different from how I normally resurrected, could I replicate its effects? Would be helpful, goodness knows I don’t want to be some kind of necromancer again. I’ve been there and have done that, but it would be nice if I could fully heal someone when I resurrect them.

I’m pretty sure other people would be more afraid of someone who outright bit straight through their ribcage to tear out their heart and proceed to eat it in front of them, but she made my soul whole again and… well... I fully appreciated being whole again thanks to her. Wish it didn’t have to be under painful circumstances that it occurred, she went out of her way to save me and… I probably wouldn’t get over the fact that she ate chunks of me, but that was a minor thing in the number of things that have happened to me.

I was so ready for unfeeling coldness of death again… but here I am alive and helping the sheep that tore me open with her teeth. I didn’t know exactly what to do from here, but I know her friends were evacuating the facility and Pom really didn’t seem in a good condition to be fighting at the moment mentally, physically, spiritually or in any other form otherwise.

She was a really strange little sheep, I didn’t know much beyond what information I could glean from what Cruel had managed to hold onto before my soul fused back together into one living being. Crazy was rather quite unhelpful in the information department, but at least her insanity was now going to be put to some positive uses... hopefully.

It felt so wonderful, but also daunting to have my soul fully back together, at least I wasn’t alone in this and my head was throbbing with unsorted information from Cruel.

Cruel felt a little different, but she still responded to her own name, as did Crazy. So I knew they were fine with our current circumstance of being one whole instead of three parts of the one.

Cruel was flicking her tongue to get a taste of the air around us. She could smell the manufactured machines, but the programs like drones and crawlers required line of sight.

What Cruel was doing is smelling the direction that Pom’s friends were in, wouldn’t be hard to track them at the very least as the only other smell was my own. If they had a way out of this facility, then they wouldn’t likely leave Pom behind.

Someone would have come back for Pom, I just know it… nobody even knew I existed to come rescue me. The machines around here would try to kill Pom before then so… I was going to bargain for my passage out of this hole and keep Pom safe too!

They were going to have to fight Merak up in his tower right? I wanted to be a part of that battle!

I had always wanted to be a hero, a healer, a mage, a sage, some kind of mystical magical person going on a grand journey like in the online games I played, I wanted to be useful or helpful. Instead I was an introvert, no friends to my name and somebody that kept to myself as I was bullied quite a bit, then got captured by a shadowy organization because I awakened a power that a lot of people wanted to have badly.

I wasn’t a very social person and I tried to keep my resurrection powers highly under wraps when I gained them, but Merak somehow discovered my powers and before I even knew it was being attacked in my home by a hovering mechanical chair with two large mechanical fists and a lazy guy who could make portals to almost anywhere.

Merak also created an AI to play the game with me to keep me distracted, guy had a genius level intellect and he was quite lazy with it. I couldn’t even make an acquaintance with someone who enjoys the game I was playing without it turning out horribly, but here I was hoping to give my new lease on life a shot again.

I wasn’t exactly capable of fending Merak off as a naga with very little ability, my power seemed entirely useless in a direct confrontation. To no one’s surprise, most of my other powers came in after the soul tearing torture in that underground black site medical facility.

They really didn’t have any scruples when it came to cutting me open in the hopes of learning how to become semi-immortal from my resurrection abilities, quite understandable that the rich and powerful would want such an ability under their control, the ones who tortured me got nothing from me except a swift death by being turned into zombies. No remorse from me, they weren’t good people, though I was upset that I was put into a situation where I had to kill a huge group of scientists, security guards and more just to make the hurting stop... I even got temporary amnesia from how traumatic all of that was.

Maybe that’s why I’m willing to give Pom a shot, she didn’t have to do all of this for me. I still wanted friends even now, otherwise I would be the loneliest living being in this realm inside of a genocidal maniac of a computer.

“Warning Mako leak detected, please evacuate the facility!” A female voice announced throughout the facility. Well that wasn’t good, apparently mako was energy derived from soul and Moon Cell apparently had something to do with using souls as a source of power, replicating the world where that happened… or was it just the same world I was from just in a different time period? I think Moon Cell has been ending a lot of civilizations for quite a long time on just one planet. “Merak override protocols activated, facility lockdown remaining in effect. He wishes you well when you all die… setting self-destruct sequence, initiating.”

I glared up at the ceiling as the alarms blared out around us, that bastard was messing with me even now?! Yeah, this was another time he’s done something like this to me and it’s been a long time come for at least a little comeuppance, this is just another thing in a long list of grievances I have with the guy.

When I get out of here, I’m absolutely making sure that Pom’s group succeeds in bringing him down!

Cruel hissed loudly, drawing my attention to the Search Snake as she pointed us in a given direction, there were also several drones on the floor surrounding Crazy who had a wagging tail like a puppy and a bit of blade of in her mouth.

When I hadn’t been paying attention Crazy tore through a bunch of flying drones and a crawler. Yeah, we need to not lose track of Crazy or else she could end up doing something horrendously stupid.

“Right, let’s move!” I called out and slithered down the hallway with Cruel leading me towards a hopeful exit from here. “Also Crazy, spit that out.”

Crazy did so, but I could feel her petulant childish nature wanted to keep holding onto the blade in her mouth like the sharp ring like bit of spiraling blade was a toy. That and she wanted to do violent things with it, guess that’s never going to change either even if she seemed friendlier now than she ever had been.

I kept the spear at the ready in my right claw as I slithered forward, while on the lookout for what would be the worst problem to run across right now. The worst thing I could fight right now would be a Sweeper unit, those bipedal machines were dangerous… yet Pom and her friends seemed to have gotten by them easily enough, but when you have a sheep that can tear Behemoths apart so easily I guess it wasn’t much of an issue.

I folded my hood down around my head as the alarms were quite annoying, I kept following Cruel through the corridors until she held up her tail and then pointed to the ceiling while sending me a serious look.

I quickly coiled up my tail underneath myself and did as Cruel bade me to, while Crazy followed Cruel across the hallway quickly to set up an ambush.

A second later a Sweeper, the bipedal machines that come in a variety of lethal enforcing flavors, turned the corner and swept its arm weapons back and forth along the corridor.

Two blasts of green energy slammed into the energy tank on its backside, fired by Cruel and Crazy working in concert. The corrosive blasts of green energy had hit something critical because the Sweeper’s back end erupted in a small explosion. This weakened the overall machine that had just lost its main power source.

The sweeper turned around and fired bursts from its arms at Crazy and Cruel, who were already in the process of dodging them successfully. They wouldn’t be able to do that for long, so it’s time for me to take some initiative since I simply couldn’t let them do all the work!

While my Search Snake sisters drew its fire, I pulled my spear free from the ceiling with my right claw and a push of my tail. I angled my spear as I dropped down to ram it into the top center of the machine, then I quickly kicked off with my tail while ripping my glaive tipped spear free of it and it collapse a second later completely immobile. It didn’t explode because its power source was already gone.

A second later Crazy, the cobra like Search Snake with a funny purples jewel in her head denoting her uniqueness from other Search Snakes and a head absolutely full of nonsense, approached the machines left arm.

“Crazy what are you doing, we need to…” I and Cruel watched as Crazy carefully spat a wad of corrosive energy, it was more sufficient to say I had some power over death as much as resurrecting things to life and I too could spit corrosive wads of energy, but they had been so weak when my soul was in three pieces. That obviously wasn’t a problem anymore as Crazy relieved the destroyed bipedal machine of its left machine gun arm. “Really Crazy, what are you going to do with that?”

Crazy answered by pointing the gun right at us with her tail, was she… oh right, she was!

Cruel and I hit the deck, we weren’t sure how she was going to fire the disconnected gun, but we knew enough about Crazy to know she wasn’t as insane as she looked at times... she was probably much worse.

Sure Crazy was plenty insane, but to think she could even make a machine gun arm work after the machine that used it was destroyed was a crazy idea. A number of Crazy’s odd ideas tended to work out.

We were glad we ducked, as seconds later the snake was firing the gun over us in a single long tirade of shots until the thing click empty and we heard several things collapsing to the ground behind us.

Both Cruel and I looked at each other and then the four quickly dissolving drones Crazy shot down in that single prolonged burst.

Crazy was smiling happily with her eyes and nuzzling the repurposed machine gun arm cheerfully.

“You could have warned us! How did she…” I was going to ask how Crazy even made the thing fire, but Cruel shrugged, sharply hissed and pointed down the metallic hallway with a sense of urgency while looking at Pom still under my left arm. “Right, right, no time, if you want to keep that thing Crazy then you’ll have to deal with its upkeep!”

Crazy nodded cheerfully with her tongue sticking out of the side of her mouth as she slithered forward while holding onto the apparently working gun part of the arm with her tail. She started dragging it behind her and I’m aware that it could probably cycle digitial ammunition given the Sweepers never seemed to run out.

I wondered what she would do if we survived long enough to leave Moon Cell’s realms and it stopped being able to shoot because it didn’t have any bullets anymore. The ‘if we survived’ part was going to continue to be a problem for me in particular, considering I just wiped out a crawler with a slash of my spear.

“You know… I don’t actually know how much time we have left.” It finally occurred to me that the self-destruct was running silently, kind of figures that Merak would do something like that. “We she get out of here quickly, lead the way Cruel.”

I summoned a knife and tossed it to Cruel who caught it with her tail, flicked her tongue and we were on our way at a much faster pace than before. Goodness knows that Cruel wouldn’t trust Merak even while under Moon Cell’s control and that says a lot about how much I trust our current chances of avoiding being blown to smithereens.

-Midgar plains, Castle Alexander, Dazzle-

I leaned against the wall and sighed audibly.

Okay we could only hold a single territory in front of Castle Alexander, the scorpion machine had been dealt with and Frizzle was getting her energy back by resting. We’ve been under constant bombardment since the city fired its first shot at us, Pom’s group better do something eventually to at least let us know they were alive.

Quetal finally came back through the gate looking tire as did Lit and Mundo. Those guys lasted quite a while with only Zealot support. Wish Frizzle and I had that kind of staying power.

“The battlefield is going to be impossible to cross without Pom’s team managing to do something behind the cities walls.” Mundo grumbled as he flapped his wing over his tired face.

“All we can do is hold on for now.” Miraculously we’ve only lost five Zealot piloted Magitek Armors.

Welch needed a bit of time to produce more armors, eventually we held long enough to get the five waiting zealots out there to continue holding off a bulk of the enemies forces.

“Is this how you imagine your friendship with Pom going?” Quetal asked with a hint of humor in his voice.

“Nope, but I don’t regret becoming a member of the companions!” I responded with a tired sighed as Dodo and Favela ran us some refreshments. “They say outsiders have the weirdest adventures… this right here is definitely taking the poison type cake.”

“How soon can we field Frizzle again?” Asked Mundo, obviously for clarification of how soon we’d be out on the field again.

This made me look over my Digivice.

“Give her another two hours and she’ll be full on bread and loaded up to take on the enemy forces against.” They were throwing a lot of machinery at us and the Digimon seemed more knowledgeable on the subject of how to fight the monstrous steel type like automatons that kept flooding in our general direction.

Frizzle barely held up to the constant barrage of artillery shots that fell on us from Midgar’s walls, at least that took some heat off of Castle Alexander for a short bit and allowed it to regain some shield strength. The constant impacts wore down Frizzle’s Flame Wargrowlmon pretty quickly even if her blade edged arms made for really good shields.

“This has probably been the best defensive position I’ve ever been in throughout my life!” That drew my attention to the Commandramon up on the walls. Having heard a lot of things from Sami about what Commandramon generally end up dealing with, I would believe that to be a true statement.

With the Commandramon on the walls was the pink taffy pony brigade using their much shorter range cannons to help deal with the incoming enemy forces, we definitely needed the help from the ponies that were easily holding the Mare Melum territory behind us.

“Come on Pom, what are you doing out there…” Smolder muttered with her arms crossed and looking fairly worried and upset about her caretaker being behind enemy lines. Wasn’t she supposed to be upset with Pom though?

Well it was kind of hard to be upset with someone putting themselves in constant danger for your sake, also Pom was a fluffy, cute and courageous individual much to her own detriment that she couldn’t actually control the need to help someone at a cost to herself. Wish I had someone like her around when I was still living in Viperia.

I sighed audibly as some food was placed before me by Dodo who gave me a friendly warble and smile, I rubbed the top of his beak in a friendly manner and started eating.

Taking out mechanical nightmares wasn’t easy and I was going to need my strength, like Lit was going to need an entire plate of Oran Berries to himself to stockpile energy for the coming fights.


“Could you just be a little more careful with that gun Crazy…” I whimpered as another crawler, the small four legged robots with an electric shock gun, went down under a spray of shots that almost hit me.

Cruel was already stabbing another in the eye with an impressive leap, I’m really quite glad Cruel was the more competent about not endangering me so badly. That was the last of them and I was quite certain that Merak had a paw in programming these programs to come after me, that or they were after Pom.

Thank goodness Pom was so lightweight… despite eating several chunks of me in a disturbingly voracious manner. It definitely wasn’t something anyone would simply forgive or forget happening to them so easily, if I made it out of this facility alive at this rate then I’d simply forgive her up front for what she thought she had to do.

Understandable I was a threat to her and she seems to have something like werewolf blood running in her veins and then there’s the whole golden wool thing that she seemed highly upset about.

Turning the corner we were near one of the entrances when we saw a Behemoth fall down with a massive numbers of cuts in its body, that’s when the goat with the scythe leapt up and slashed out a huge amount of energy to tear its head from its body while breathing roughly.

The goat then looked to me and took on a guarded stance I dropped slightly droopy Pom in front of me and sheathed my glaive lance in the back of my mind while holding up my hands in a sign of surrender. Even Crazy wasn’t aiming her weapon at the goat and Cruel sheathed her knife in a mental pocket as well like how I did it, or at least I think she did it the same way I did.

The moment was tense and the others were looking like they were going to fight seeing Pom with a face and most of her chest covered with my dried blood. I didn’t say anything and I really… what?

The skateboard Dalmatian looked into Pom’s eyes and shook her several times, she looked over to Dormarch and barked something. She eyed me for a moment and then barked something else, I thought she was a male dog at first until I heard her somewhat feminine barking

“I think it is okay Dolly, she did bring Pom here and that’s not Pom’s blood. All of it is actually hers… a truly disturbing amount of it really.” The tentacle dog stated with a curious and knowing look as he nodded to me and moved up to us to stare me in the eyes in particular. I leaned a bit away from him and he gave out an audible sigh. The female Dalmatian barked something to the armored talking dog. Was it weird that I was relying on these two for a chance at a ride out of here? “Hold on a second miss.”

The armored dog seemed to scan me with the device he had on his neck.

“Right, come on, let’s go our Zealot should be just about...!” A loud clang heard and the strange tentacle armored dog pointed to the sealed shutters that had a path cut through them. “Everyone move, let’s get out of here, we can discuss what’s happening with mom later when we’re all not about to die, you and those snakes too!”

“Not tell a duck!” Said the labeled Zealot stated as he picked up a box and quickly ran outside and his shield took several hits from spikes spewed by the shriekers, if this facility exploded that would be the end of those things.

The shrieker that had fired those spikes were swiftly gunned down under a tirade of energy bolts by the other things that were apparently also Zealots.

I picked Pom back up and slithered out after everyone and stayed behind them unsure if they’d let me onboard, it didn’t seem to register until I was on the skiff that nobody was questioning my presence since I was hugging an unresponsive Pom to my chest like she was a soft toy as the vehicle got into the air.

“Where are we going guys?” Said the orange combat dressed lizard in the back as a Zealot piloted the vehicle shakily into the air.

“That way!” I pointed to a tunnel above the facility. As I said this, I noted Crazy was shooting down a few bugs coming from that tunnel with her new gun. “It’s the quickest way to the surface and we’ll end up in the junkyard and slums sector of Midgar. We won’t run into any shriekers spawning in that tunnel, but we’ll still have to fight through a few that are already in there!”

“Do it!” Called out the banner wielding grey and gold scaled lizard after looking me in the eyes for a moment.

The flying vehicle quickly turned for that tunnel I just pointed out, thank you for having memorized the ways in and out of this region Cruel.

“Hold onto something, this might be a bumpy ride.” The tall muscular duck guy stated, before turning to the few guys on the hovering bikes near us. “Zealots on the Skein Flyers, mow us a quick path forward for us to fly through!”

“Boss, we serve!” The Zealots announced and launched forward.

-On the surface, junkyard slums, Canard-

We exited the tunnel in record time, as pillar of flames rose out of the ground behind us as the facility finally exploded. We were suddenly hovering low amidst piles of broken machinery and scrap metal in the form of a massive junkyard with pathways of dirt leading through it.

“Do you know a safe place to bunker down for a bit until we can bring Pom to her senses? We kind of need her assistance to continue our mission and we all need a break.” I turned and asked the weird snake lady. Something about her gave me the jitters, but I was willing to trust her if Dolly and Dormarch were able to for the time being. She wasn’t threatening Pom and even actually looked protective of her.

“The Seventh Heaven Bar, NPC slum sector straight ahead at the exit to the junkyard… we can park the skiff around back in a small alcove that the assault programs won’t notice. I think there might also be a hidden room we can stay in, inside the bar I mean. I certainly remember Cruel looking up some of this stuff.” Mumbled the snake lady who placed her chin on top of Pom’s head and shyly curled in on herself protectively around the insensate lamb. That was good enough for me to trust her at least somewhat. “I don’t know how long it’ll be safe for though.”

“If it’s safe for long enough to get in some rest that’ll be fine, name?” I asked as the skiff slowly hovered forward with our three skein flyer escort, we only had five zealots and two were on the skiff with us.

“I’m Elise and this is Crazy and Cruel….” Elise looked a little worse for wear.

Crazy waved her gun cheerfully with a crazy smile that a large unusual snake really shouldn’t have on their face.

Cruel just looked at us all with a slight half lidded eyes with slight contempt, but she did cuddle up to Elise and Pom protectively.

“So what did Pom do exactly to stop you from being a servant?” I just had to know.

“She fixed my soul… her methods left something to be desire, but I don’t think she could have done it in any other way.” Said a haunted looking Elise.

“That’s going to take some explaining, but we can’t do it here in the open.” We made it to the end of the junkyard without any EPs attacking us and we saw the ‘Seventh Heaven’ bar pretty quickly in the nearby shanty town as we drove forward.

“I be detecting rum.” Shanty stated as she looked at the bar with a hint of greed in her eyes.

We parked the Skein Flyers and skiff around the back in a small alcove and quickly entered the place before any of the NPCs said anything. It seemed quaint and small, it didn’t take long for Shanty to leap over the counter and started searching for the rum. I looked to Pom and then to the one holding.

“Elise, you said there was a spot to hunker down in?” I ask because it wouldn’t be long before EPs start coming after us.

“Cruel know some things, I don’t know how she does though.” Elise answered and Cruel went behind the bar with Shanty and a second later she popped back and went over to a pinball machine, then hit something on the underside of it in a specific way and it sunk into the floor, it eventually came back up without the large snake on it. “That might what she was talking about.”

“Okay, that’ll do until we can get Pom back to her senses…” We kind of needed her really, not sure any of us could even really leave her behind in this state either.

After we all went down to the hidden room, with a few EPs beginning to patrol the NPC slum we managed to avoid being found by the patrols. It was a room that had an odd amount of the area around the slums, the nearby walls and Midgar’s front gate under surveillance.

This would be very useful to us going forward, the NPCs likely won't cause any problems as long as we lay low and don't bother them.

-Midgar lower city, nearby Midgar facility close to the NPC slum sector, Ifrit Lu Bu-

The cracks on the prison expanded slightly, the heat was quickly becoming unbearable for the system holding the prisoner in place and trying to drain his burning soul of power wasn’t working all too well.

Lu Bu would not be contained for much longer and he could even feel the presence of that goat nearby, he wanted revenge for his defeat!

-Upper city, Shinra Tower, top floor, Merak the Lazy Lemming-

“Darn it, they managed to take out my walking scorpion tank when I stopped being in direct control of it. Well that shows me to go on a bathroom break!” I grumbled as I looked at the screen on my game pad to see that the battle front on the plains was still going in our favor. I hit a button to change the view and checked on the underground facility… it was blown apart. Good riddance to the pathetic nagas if they couldn’t win even with such a powerful cheat code as resurrection, their constant losses compared my few successes shows that I've always been the superior one. I checked an alert and saw that the fire demon was breaking free of his prison, well that wasn’t going to be very good and it was quite a problem. Checking another alert I saw some cameras in the junkyard showing a familiar flying platform coming from the depths and heading towards he slums before the underground facility went up, but I couldn’t get a good visual on the ones riding on it. “I was bored anyway… sending out The Arsenal!”

In a garage far below me a large machine lit up.

It was a large four wheeled tank with six power rotary canons on its left arm, a large high powered pulse cannon on its right, it could open up both of these arms to fire powerful napalm beams to create walls of fire that kept a target within a kill zone if the beams didn’t outright melt or turn the target to ash on contact. Its wheels were like drills capable tearing apart anything it rolled over since they were really tough to damage while providing all terrain mobility at the four corners of the bulky base of the heavily armored vehicle, said base of the vehicle could fire out electrical blasts to stun targets that will soon be dead by being run over or pummeled with bullets. Its head and body looked like a cylinder, there were four more rapid fire cannons sticking out of the top of the machine, in the front central portion of its torso was a powerful laser cannon and out of the back of its cylindrical body was a satellite dish looking disk that could charge up and fire homing lasers that can arc around obstacles and act as artillery. To round out the whole package of death and misery being sent out, it could deploy a limited number of drones to shield the tank that would make it almost entirely invulnerable from taking any form of direct damage until the drones are dealt with or the drones just simply run out of power.

The death tank known as ‘The Arsenal’ is what rolled out of the Shinra Tower and started heading for the nearest ramp to the lower city, it had enemies to hunt down under my direct control.

"Game on!" I was even smiling at sending out this powerful toy that was likely to be overkill for the underground naga survivors.

An alert brought my attention to a territory in the upper city being taken as a PLANT was destroyed, I zeroed in the Moby Dick on the one that caused that and standing in plain sight was something that chilled my blood.

White scales and hair, red eyes, jetpack, white armor with red highlights and a powerful energy gun as shown by the excessive number of destroyed version two sweepers around him. It was Copen 'The Slayer Dragon', he was here and under the classification of... Gunner?!

It was so unfair that Copen got such a unique title and Moon Cell had no control of him as a he was a rogue servant! The taken green territory that erupted in the upper city suddenly started spawning a ton of little round robots, I've heard rumors of those things before I fully perished prior to my genius ending up her and I had a hunch at what they could do to me.

I could not let that guy escalate any further than he already has! That guy was as dangerous as 'The Azure Striker' was and since said 'Striker' wasn't here to stop me, I could at least focus down The Slayer Dragon before he becomes too big a problem. I immediately sent out Moby Dick to contain and take care of that personally, there was no way I was going anywhere near The Slayer Dragon personally!

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