• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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131. Hero Hassle.

-Earth, California, Hollywood, Penny?-

My mother and I watched Leap Lamb jump from the window, I looked out the window and she waved at us before hopping off along the rooftops with incredible ease. I turned back and noticed Bolt had his paw on a piece of paper.

Leap Lamb wasn’t the one who wrote Bolt's name on it, as the piece of paper was blank when she left. My eyes slowly slid to the pen.

“You can write your name Bolt?” I thought that was neat, my good boy nodded with a cheerful smile.

Bolt barked twice excitedly, however on his second bark a bolt of blue energy burst from his mouth and scorched the ceiling spooking all of us.

“Honey…. for my sanity… please, tell me that was just special effects.” My mother stated with clear shock.

“Mom… I don’t think it was.” I looked to see the cat just floating in the air in shock, wait… floating? The hamster was jumping with joy, getting higher every time he jumped until his head slammed into the ceiling where he got stuck. “Bolt… did you and your friends just get super powers?!”

Bolt looked as confused as I did about him spitting a lightning bolt from his mouth, the cat was panicking as she floated around and the hamster seemed ecstatic as it started to rebound around the room like a bouncy ball once it freed itself.

“Can we keep them and Bolt mom, I think they are going to need my help with this…” I said slowly, super powers were real and these weren’t just special effects from our show.

Well my mind was blown.


The magic of friendship might have caused a few glitches in this weird wacky world of danger and wonder. The world’s magic welcomed the weirdness and Pom may have infected three specific animals with the power of friendship.

Bolt became a lightning spitting super dog, he could also charge batteries of any device just by putting his mouth on it slightly. It’s the simple things in life that Bolt would come to enjoy, like Mr. Carrot and being a hero would always be second to being his Penny’s dog.

The Equus magic of a unicorn.

Mittens the chaos cat with levitation powers that affected only her and whatever she touches while actively concentrating for a few seconds as long as it isn’t nailed down.

The Equus magic of a pegasus.

Rhino the rebounding super rubbery hamster that became tougher the faster he bounced.

The Equus magic of Pinkie Pie… going full blast by drinking three chocolate shakes, eating two highly sugary doughnuts covered in sprinkles filled with buttercream cheese, a sugar frost cherry chimichanga, a lemon meringue injected churro and five gallons of pure friendship, love and harmony. Obviously a changeling owed Pinkie a few favors to get that last item, it took a few weeks.

Penny, would be run a little ragged by her new pets on top of caring for Bolt, but she’d eventually train the Power Pets to be an incredible team. She would also protect and love them dearly, it would be a while before the three were ready for crime fighting and their powers would be kept secret until they were ready for the world. Since it certainly wasn’t ready for them.

The world, where dreams can come true, was learning some strange things from its four odd invaders from beyond. It wasn’t the first time the beings of the world breached into other strange dimensions, but it was the first time that something breached into it from outside.

-Colorado, Terrorist Town, Tobias Rieper AKA Agent 47-

Some might say I have no sense of humor.

I turned and walked away from the pit full of pig leavings in the form of a slurry with fourteen legs sticking straight up into the air and wiggling wildly.

After this rather ‘unfortunate’ incident, I might believe otherwise. Who knew a regular rubber duck could cause such a chain reaction?

Were anyone to say he smiled, he would deny it as a trick of the light.

Still though, if that was a regular rubber duck, then where did his exploding rubber duck end up?

-Outside a city northwest of Hollywood a few hours after leaving Bolt and friends behind, Pom-

The Leap Lamb movies script was cute when we got a look at it, but I didn’t want to stay in this world long enough to witness it personally. I even got in some training time with Dolly, I’ve been carefully training her throughout our whole trip to Hollywood and she was getting moderately better at fighting.

I at least said goodbye to Pamela before leaving the Hollywood, now I was unsure of where I was.

I pulled out and consulted Dormarch. Having seen Dolly’s splinted and bandaged tail shift a bit recently, I would ask Dormarch about her health later.

“Dormarch where are we currently?” I asked as I looked about, I knew we weren’t in Duckberg yet and I was going to follow the coast.

“We are within the entering the areas of San Francisco and San Fransokyo region of California, we need to travel further north to reach your destination in Calisota.” I nodded and stowed Dormarch away.

A few days on hoof and I’d be happily protecting two of my charges once again! I would also be an even bigger bundle of nerves needing to protect them too.

The city in the distance across a large bridge looked so bright and colorful.

“So many places to do some sick grinds in, they have got to have a skate park somewhere in there!” Dolly stated with bright eyed enthusiasm. “Come on Pom, let’s go!”

“Okay…” I shivered, the city just seemed so large and easy to get lost in. “Do you… do you think I did a bad thing hitting that guy back there?”

“Nope, if anything you should have hit him harder to leave more of a mark and to teach him a lesson. I wouldn’t trust any child to be alone around that guy and my bro Dylan wouldn’t trust him either.” We set hoof and paw on the bridge leading straight into the city. “My family’s Diva Trio have had some really bad agents in the past.”

The colorful pagodas, large sky kites, buildings and other familiar themes could be seen throughout the city reminding Pom of home. Except the city was an expanse and not a three tiered city sitting on a volcano with a dragon’s living spirit inside.

“Do tell, what were the worst ones like?” I seriously hoped we could avoid trouble for the rest of the day, even as we were crossing this bridge at Dolly’s urging to explore.

We both still needed to rest and heal after these last few days, especially after having entered a burning building to rescue people early this morning.

Taking in the sights and relaxing shouldn’t be too hard.

-San Fransokyo, after crossing the bridge, around noon time-

“Halt vile villain, fiendish fiend or… what else was I going to use again?” A large… blue monster thing, looked like a costume actually, landed in front of us.

Thought to soon.

“I am mini-maximum sure that it was monstrous menace!” A tiny flying blue machine said, it looked so much like a toy and was kind of adorable.

“What did I ever do to anyone?” I asked worriedly and Dolly moved closer to me while growling at the stranger that just landed in front of us. “I just walked into the city from the bridge.”

“Yes and that must mean you’re a secret villain, I mean you don’t see people just waltzing into San Fransokyo like you just did.” Wasn’t exactly following the costumed wearing guy’s logic on this. “You just walked here, so you have to be some kind of secret villain and we get a lot of those around here!”

“So if you walked out of the city and then walked back in, would that somehow automatically make you evil?” Clearly saw where this was going, even if I was trying to seriously avoid a fight and would absolutely try to get him or his little friend to see reason. Also the monster suit guy was jumping to conclusions too quickly for my tastes and it was making me nervous. “I’m pretty sure I’m not evil, right Dolly?”

“Eh… the peanut butter thing was pretty mean thing to do to me, but I wouldn’t think you anything close to being evil Pom.” Dolly looked away a bit as she barked something a bit more softly. “Also… maybe… you could paint my nails purple again… because I kind of liked it. Not that I want to get into girly things or anything, also I’m staying firm on the no dog shows or playing fetch thing.”

“The sheep like entity has a point.” The small machine stated as he hovered around the three eyed blue monster suit wearing guy. “This seems like a really dumb reason to accost someone who may be maximally innocent!”

“What do you mean by sheep like Mini-Max?” Something tells me that this guy was going to take the conversation to places I probably wouldn’t like.

“She does not seem biologically normal for an animalistic.” His name was Mini-Max? That sounded kind of cute. Said machine was looking at me with curiosity. “Despite there being something off about her that I cannot put into mini words, she does not appear to be evil.”

Well he seemed to be very nice and seemed to have understood that I was being wronged here.

“Hah, new it, you’re definitely a totally evil biological creation or some sort of super powered monster science project. Nothing as cute as you can be innocent!” Sighing at this guy pointing at me. I looked to Dolly who just huffed and rolled her eyes, but she got ready for a fight. “Let’s get her!”

“Lunch after we deal with whatever massive amounts of trouble this is going to cause Dolly?” She nodded and we both turned back to the costume guy. “Look can we please not and say we… ah!”

He leapt at me and the suit spat a large fireball at me, of which Dolly leapt up and quickly smacked it back at him with her skateboard.

“What just happened?” The confused guy in the suit stated as he landed on his back with his suit slightly scorched.

“Hey now, that was self-defense, please don’t escalate this any further!” I begged of the little machine that looked between us and the strange suit wearing guy on the ground.

“Mini-Maximum sidekick to action!” The little machine shot at us and Dolly smacked him to send him flying back into the costumed individual in the middle of sitting up.

He was subsequently knocked back down.

“Can we please just sit down and have a nice, long and gentle, talk before this situation gets any…” I was cut off when the costume individual shouted.

“Guys I have a pair of individual here that are really tough, they took me and Mini-Max down.” Sighing audibly, I turned to Dolly halfway listening to the guy. “…need backup guys!”

“Run?” I queried.

“Run, we don’t need any more stress today Pom.” Dolly answered succinctly with a nod and I took off with her keeping up with me on her skateboard. “It’ll be good cardio at least, not sure how that’s going to affect your heart problems though.”

“And they are getting away!” The suited individual shouted as the small machine got up and started flying again. “What, of course I’m sure they’re evil doers! Do you know of anyone who’s innocent that can reflect fireballs with a wooden skateboard? Something is definitely up with this pair!”

Yeah, we definitely needed to gain distance from this guy. Dolly and I turned into a nearby Alleyway and Dolly got on me and I quickly scaled the wall to the roof as the guy hopped into the alley.

“Huh, so his super hero named is what, Leaping Lizard? Looks like you have competition as a hero Pom, even if the guy is a bit dumb.” You really shouldn’t say that Dolly, because…

The lizard guy leaped up and landed on the roof pointing one his suits claws at us.

“Ah hah, there is something unusual about…” I leapt at him while inhaling. Upon landing on his costumes head, I exhaled and kicked off him and into the city.

He went through the roof of the building and I spread all my legs to quickly glide away off of a thermal pocket into the city, gliding didn’t require too much energy from me aside from steering. The costume guy could jump, but he wouldn’t be able to keep up with us as we glided into the distance through the city.

“Little machine bozo incoming.” Dolly said on my back, I turned mead to look. “Lookout Pom!”

Nearly slammed into a billboard, I veered under it safely. The little robot rammed through it and then spiraled into a water tower with a chunk of it stuck on his face.

A few seconds later he was attempting to ram us when Dolly smacked him into a strange sphere that came flying at us from the side.

The little robot was encased in a blob and fell into an alleyway. Looking in the direction that sphere had come from, I saw a white rabbit biped with long blond hair in costume with various shades of pink.

She aiming something my way as she bounced off a large colorful blob that formed after she threw something down in front of her.

She angled her… purse? Looked like a gun and where that sphere came from, she tapped several things on it and then fired it our way. Dolly swung her skateboard at the sphere and sent it flying back into the costumed bunny’s face caused her to get stuck in a block of ice when the sphere exploded on her in the middle of a jump and she slammed into a wall to slide down into a different alleyway.

“Going for a landing Dolly.” She nodded as I twisted twirled as I slowly angled downwards and then lifted up before releasing my glide wings and dropping to the sidewalk to start calmly walking away.

It wasn’t five second before we were attacked by another costumed individual

“I got you!” A cat in a yellow and black suit with strange discs shot out of an alleyway and skated right at me at an intense speed. She also threw a yellow disc which Dolly deflected, the cat had good reflexes because she caught the deflected disk on the arm she launched it from in the first place. When she got close she went to throw a punch that was rather telegraphed. “Wha…?!”

She might have had momentum, but a quick breath and a split second was all it took for me to grab her arm and slam her into the sidewalk with one swift motion. I’m pretty sure she wasn’t used to people being able to react as fast as she could move.

“Sorry, but we really don’t want to play right now.” I stated as I let go of her arm and Dolly barked her agreement.

“Ugh… can’t believe I got slammed like that.” The costumed cat groaned as I scampered away into the nearby alleyway.

After getting a bit lost in the backstreets and climbing along the walls randomly until I was sure I wasn’t being followed. I eventually dropped down and looked around for a restaurant that would allow dogs.

“Um… excuse me, I know my friends have been attacking you and all.” I turned and looked to a raven biped in green armor, he seemed to be a bit skittish.

Maybe he wasn’t going to attack me, but I still had to ask.

“Are you going to attack me too?” Despite how calm I sounded, I was already slowly trotting backwards and away from him. Dolly was already growling at him and pointed the front of her skateboard at him as if she was a jouster.

“Well we have a fire breathing Leaping Lizard, a rabbit with a bazooka purse, a cat on wheels, so what do you think this guy’s weird gimmicky hero thing is going to be?” Dolly asked as she was prepared for anything.

“Calm down, I know my friends might have jumped the gun a little bit. You don’t have to…” He said holding up his hand in a peaceful manner, then one of his gauntlets erupted in a flash of energy creating a blade of solid energy. He then stated dully. “Worry about a thing.”

“Yeah, no. Always thought that was just a video game thing, move it Pom!” Listening to Dolly, I immediately turned tail to darted away towards a building and then straight up it. “Even I know better than to deal with someone equipped with real plasma blades!”

-Plasma Blade Dude-

“Wait, that activated by accident!” I shouted after her, sighing and running a hand over my face as I disconnected a circuit to make sure my gauntlet wouldn’t go off again. I sat down as I couldn’t give chase to the sheep that could climb a building that fast, poor thing was terrified of us now. The gauntlet then caught fire and I stared at my burning arm for a second. “Oh come on. Man, I knew I should have fixed my gauntlet before I went out! Really didn’t mean to scare her like that, is it little wonder this might be how we end up accidentally creating a villain from someone innocent?”


Luckily this guy was slow and didn’t seem very capable of climbing vertical surfaces like I could as I leapt across several rooftops and eventually grabbed one of the wires leading into the sky.

I quickly climbed up the wire to one of the colorful hovering and strange metal kites with the fans in them.

“I think we should be safe up here.” I sat down and started catching my breath.

“Heh, I’m getting pretty good at deflecting things with my board!” Dolly said cheerfully from my back, before her head turned and the look in her eyes gained a sense of wonder. “Bow-waka-wow, look at the view Pom!”

From up here the city glistened in the daylight, I could see the coast, the tall buildings and hear the calm blowing wind. Also it apparently had overly aggressive heroes, I turned my head to look at something else and sighed.

“Yes, the view is spectacular, but I think we should really get moving.” I said seeing something big and red was flying up and our way.

“Do these guys even know the meaning of give up?” Dolly asked as she saw the incoming big red machine that looked like the small blue ones older brother, also there was something purple on his back. “Anyway, why are they still bothering us? We’re not doing anything wrong… aside from running and doing incredibly cool stuff to avoid them.”

“We’re also sitting very high up on a large metal kite thing and to be fair to them I would bother us too if the thing we’re sitting on was important.” I stated blandly as the large red machine was almost on us.

“How important can these giant metal kites be?” Dolly scoffed.

“Give that they are all over the place and in many different forms like those blimps over there, maybe of some importance that we probably shouldn’t mess with.” No more time to talk about it, the large red robot was here!

Jumping off the metal kite, I narrowly missed being grabbed by a pair of metal hands and started falling back into the city. It didn’t take long for the machine to veer around and grab me by the waist, which led to me struggling to get out of its grip in a panic.

“Let me off Pom.” One could only hope Dolly knew what she was doing, because she had to of realized how high off the ground we currently were.

She sent me back a feeling that she did know. I let her loose from my wool, Dolly leaped up and grappled onto the machine’s head.


Ignoring the small guy in the purple on the machine’s back, I gripped my strap and jumped up to slash my skateboard downwards through the machine’s wing. It immediately started to spiral out of control and downwards alongside me, I ignored the purple and black armored guys screaming.

Whipping my skateboard back I launched it forward and into the back of the machine destroying one of its jets, apparently that was enough for it to let go off Pom. I slung my skateboard at Pom and she grabbed it to pull me in and onto her back.

She quickly brought all her legs together and spread them out before we hit the ground, we landed softly. The big red machine threw it’s rider into a cabbage cart that was destroyed by the rider’s impact and the machine itself dug a ditch.

“Dolly, I hope you know how wrong that could have gone if we couldn’t coordinate as well as we do.” Yeah, I could have hurt the purple armored guy and all that, but he looked to be mostly fine from the way he was sitting up in the mashed cabbages. “We’ll discuss this later!”

Pom started to run away, hopefully this time we’ll lose them.

-A few hours later, a quaint little café, Pom-

The Lucky Cat Café seemed like a nice place, it was sitting on the corner of a street and hopefully we’ll never have to be bothered by those costumed weirdoes again.

“Thanks for letting me feed Dolly here Ms. Hamada.” I took up the cup of tea and slowly sipped at it.

“No need to thank me, also your dog is getting along really well with my cuddly Mochi.” The duck was quite friendly to her customers and seemed a good cook judging from the smell of all the food around the place. This seemed familiar to me somehow, like Ms. Hamada was this world’s Kuril La Perm. “Now what else can I get you?”

Dolly and Mochi didn’t seem to bother each other and they were getting along relatively well despite being only able to understand half the conversation going on between them. At least I would understand the half where it was about to go wrong.

Intermittently, between chatting with the cat, Dolly continued to quickly nibble away at her food.

“Maybe something heavy to fill my stomach with so I can skip dinner, what do you have today that sounds good? I’m open to any suggestion.” It almost seemed like asking that made me and incredibly good customer in her eyes judging by the way she smiled.

“Well there’s this thing I’ve always want to try making…” She started coyly.

“Okay, what is it?” I asked.

“I’ll surprise you!” She hurried off to start cooking, I shrugged.

“Can I get some more tea please?” I asked of one of the robots.

“Sure thing.” A robotic panda said as she came over and barfed tea into my cup from her mouth. “Don’t worry I’m always clean.”

I shrugged and drink from the cup, nothing tasted off at least.

“So... virtual personalities.” Dormarch grumbled from where the PET sat on the table. “Though they act like halfway artificial intelligences… I thought I was the first commercially available of my kind.”

“That’s just it, the keyword is ‘commercially’. The robots working here probably aren’t commercially available. So I’ve been meaning to ask…” I stopped talking when five battered figures and a living balloon entered the café and I just stared at them, they just stared back at me in shock. “Never mind.”

Author's Note:

Next up, trouble is brewing in little San Fransokyo.

Will Pom join the GG's or is Poison Jam going try and befriend her despite their scary visages? There's also Noise Tank who wants to give Pom a serious headache. Jet Set Radio!

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