• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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301. Stoking Fires.

-Equus, Airship Mauled, The Witch’s Fare, upper floor living spaces, Velvet-

I felt something big wrap me in a gentle hug and I smiled to myself, I had been feeling irritable up to this point and the hug was really nice. Quite familiar even, it had been a while since she was able to get this close to me.

“See sweetie you can overcome the biological… oh…” I looked to see that it wasn’t Paprika hugging me, it was her fluff shaped exactly like her and taking on her form. “You still can’t get close to us can you, but you can at least still send your floof to hug me?”

The floof Paprika nodded.

“You do realize how weird it is that you can even make a clone of yourself out of hair right?” The woolly copy of my caring alpaca tilted her head at me questioningly before pointing a fluff leg at the nearby calendar. “Yes, I’m aware that we need to go to Cruise Line Hospital for a checkup with Dr. Bones, mostly to make sure the magic that led to this situation isn’t having detrimental side effects to our given health. I’m going to need a lot of exercise to get back into shape after this...”

“Meep?” Okay that was haunting sound coming from an ambulatory pile of floof the world’s most hug happy alpaca.

“Okay interesting topic to bring up, but how did your floof clone make a sound like that?” I watched in curiosity as the woolly Paprika clone reached up to its throat. It moved some of the wool to the side to show its hairs in a rather specific shape inside what passed for its throat.

“Meep.” The golden wool of the alpaca snuggle clone vibrated the chords floof to replicate a close approximation of Paprika’s voice.

“A working vocal cord made of literal chords?” If there was one thing that scares me about Paprika, it’s that she’s definitely far more intelligent than she ever truly acts.

Most people would assume Paprika was dim or somewhat of an airhead, that she didn’t know how to talk or communicate correctly, maybe even believe that she was a little slow, they couldn’t be further from the truth.

Paprika was without a doubt the most dangerous being here and her mind worked far faster than anyone might believe, given that she was controlling this floof clone remotely and having it actively respond to me when she wasn’t even anywhere nearby to be able to hear my voice.

That just meant she was getting sensory data from the floof clone and could see, hear, feel and know it’s every action as if it were her own, she definitely deserve her title of Paprika ‘The Demon’ Paca with her hidden talents.

However there was some bit of dimness I had to address quite clearly.

“What took you so long to think of doing this before now? You could have been helping Arizona train without endangering yourself!” The floof copy wilted in front of me and seemed to be embarrassed, while rubbing the back of their head with a hoof made out of wool. The only other time she’s shown this capability was during that tournament where she split herself from her wool before she got skewered by my… ugh… ‘life’ donor. “Sigh… let me guess, you’ve been working on it since you really haven’t trained in the ability to separate your floof from yourself and you couldn’t use the full scope of it up until now.”

The floof clone pointed to me and nodded.

“Still a very impressive ability, I wonder how skilled a fluffmancer needs to be to pull off something like this.” Being in two places at once wasn’t exactly easy, ask my Rogue of a sister Jaded La Perm when she was plotting something while using hydra scales to be literally in two places at once.

Being happily adopted by crazy cat people wasn’t the worst thing that could have happened in my life… love my new brother Gallus by the way, that griffon needed more family and my little nephew Gavin practically adored him as an uncle.

“As to your earlier question, while I would appreciate slightly colder climates, I made a sacrifice to my comfort to continue living here.” Though apparently higher body temperatures from pregnancy was quickly becoming a problem with my little wunderkind inside me.

I felt Paprika hug me, as if she could hear my thoughts and was worried about me.

“Love you…” I know Paprika and… freezing up, I just realized that she just said that out loud? Well it was her wool clone, but still!

“Of course you love me, won’t find a reindeer with more magnificent floof than me.” Though it was quite a bother in warmer climates. At least my little worshipper Tinsel will help me cool down, especially right now given I’m quite flustered.

-Pokemon World, three hours later, Aurora to Ignis northern bridge, Favela-

This fight be going for three hours.

I, Favela, was dead tired on my hooves and Shanty was guzzling water again from the number of ‘Riptides’ attacks she fired off. We had pulled back to the back of our defensive line at our end of the bridge. Those concussive blasts of water were quite effective on those fire types.

It was amazing to watch Jiri continue the fight. If Evan didn’t declare her a hero of Aurora, then he’d have to be blind, deaf and dumb with the performance her unit was pulling off here.

A massive amount of the enemy ground invasion forces were primarily being held off by that one unit showing up and bottlenecking the aggressors hard. They have already thrown more than three hundred ground bound Pokémon at Jiri’s unit, the scouting force units were just an opening probe until we proved too hot for even the fire types to handle.

Almost everyone was surprised that nobody in Jiri’s unit had evolved from the sheer stress they were putting themselves through to even be standing at this point.

Heck at this point I couldn’t even count how many zubats were taken out by them, us or a combination of everyone on our side at present, but we were still holding on even if we were all clearly as exhausted. I think we’ve proved our point with being more trouble than we were worth, but they were still trying to push or keep us from pushing.

I looked to the west at the worsening black clouds rising into the sky, things were probably going worse over there…. mommy… please be alright.

Very few grass types could learn water moves, but those that did were usually put on the front lines as far as fire types were concerned.

At some point I stopped using Razor Leaf, because I was getting a cramp from firing off so many razor edge leaves… up until I figured out how to use the Seed Bomb move and decided to drop Razor Leaf for it. Slower fire rate for sure, but the pure area of effect made up for it. Zubats were quite a bit more wary of coming close enough to be hit with exploding seeds that took them out in entire groups with how they were clumping.

Zubats and the occasional Golbats were the only ones actually getting past Jiri’s unit because they could fly. Surprisingly Brigand Teeth and his Rattata unit were quite good at dealing with Zubat.

While Ratatta weren’t normally known for long range attacks, King Evan apparently sprung for some better moves for his Rattata unit with the meager funds the kingdom had. What with Evan always putting most of its money back into the people, he certainly put it back into the Rattata when they started acting like bug zappers to the Zubat by firing off Thunderbolt attacks.

Apparently Geoff knows how to train electric type attacks or at least knew a guy that could given the Electro Ball attacks his unit was spamming, even if they were obviously hurting themselves to keep pushing their limits. The Muk was giving them some defensive power and his use of the move Fling with whatever rocks were nearby was rather inspired outside the box think. It’s a surprise Muk couldn’t learn the move Rock Throw naturally.

“We can’t be keeping this up for much longer…” Even Shanty had taken a few glances to the west, before looking my way and I knew why.

Shanty has been an orphan for quite a while, she knew what it was like to have nobody looking out for you, to never have a home and mine is currently burning and I did kind of want to go back to Greenleaf and see the Saucy Skiddo bar still standing. At least the smoke seems to be in the northeastern of Greenleaf area and hasn’t moved too far south yet.

“They can’t either, they’ve lost more than twenty times the forces just trying to get by us and we will continue to make them pay for trying!” I was angry, frustrated and most of all…

“You be feeling helpless too huh?” I looked to Shanty and she put a calming hoof around my back and hugged me as we looked to Quetal spitting Swift attacks into the Zubat swarm as they swerve around for us while taking Electro Ball shots from the Wooloo. They had to run out of those pest at some point!

“You girls doing okay back there?” Quetal glanced at me too, I guess he knew what I was feeling knowing Greenleaf was burning.

“Favela is far from okay mentally, but we can’t do anything to actually help Greenleaf if Aurora doesn’t hold strong and keep drawing attention to ourselves.” Ocellus be staying behind Smolder who was burning Zubats to fly into the river off the sides of the large stone bridge. “To be fair, I’m not mentally doing too well in this chaos either... all these rampant emotions of fear, pain and everything… it’s making nauseous given the strength of them. Either that or I’ve become more sensitive to this kind of stuff from overexposure to powerful malice… I’ll look into that later.”

“Hey, we’ll get through this Ocellus. Once Pom hears we’re in danger, she’ll come running.” That is unless something happened to her Smolder. “We’re going to have to relieve Jiri’s unit soon, they are getting badly roughed up.”

I looked to see Jiri covered in soot and her own blood as much as that of the other Pokémon she was fighting, all to defend her home with a ferocity that bordered on insane. Wish I had that kind of resolve to help Greenleaf, her bear friends were backing her up as they swiftly tore down another unit of fire Pokémon.

At the end of the units swift stomping, Jiri planted her spear and was using it to even stay standing, her shield was covered in a myriad of dents and scratches. I already know that no amount of determination will allow her to keep up with so many numbers for much longer, even the back line were running ragged because of the constant Zubat attacks.

The other side had to be running out of Pokémon right? How much of their resources were they wasting on trying to get past us? Did they care so little about how much of their forces had been forced back and beaten as long as they get what they wanted in the end by breaking us?

I was wondering if any other country was having this much trouble with invasions.

-Vipera, ???-

“We’re under attack, Yaksha Pokémon are invading Viperia!” A purple snake shrieked as the dark types of Yaksha launched an assault on Viperia’s southern border.

-Terrera, ???-

“Why is Cragspur attacking us? Evacuate and collapse the tunnel, quickly!” Terrera the ground type kingdom was suddenly under assault by quaking attacks, attacks that shook the underground kingdoms very foundations were being caused by large rock type Pokémon.

-Dragnor, ???-

“So… Spectra moves on us now? Hm-hm-hm... let them, they’ll see the error of their ways when it comes to the might of Dragnor.” A dragon type Pokémon stated as they just received news of ghostly troops from Spectra invading the borders. “It seems war has come to Ransei once more, what a time to be alive with grand ambitions.”

In fact news was the entire eastern coast of the continent was starting to fall into chaos.

“Watch for any movement in Nixtorm, send an envoy to check why Valora has gone quiet and if you hear any movements of anyone from Titania… avoid them and report back to me with haste if they are doing anything of note.” Now how to put this chaos to our advantage… “Spectra is not who we should be focusing on… we’ll play defensively against them. I want to focus on Avia, the kingdom of flying types and the so called ‘one-eyed dragon bird’ that leads their kingdom.”

-Avia, ???-

“Hmm… somethings gone quite horribly wrong.” All the movements in the other kingdoms were not hard to notice, Avia the ‘Flying Type Kingdom’ had some of the best scouts and was generally the hardest to assault kingdom given they were at the top of mountains. “Be prepared for an assault from Dragnor, something tells me they are about to claw at our feathered backsides under all of the chaos going around in the other territories… the actual dragons might finally be quite tired of peace by now. That or it’s the fact that I call myself the ‘one-eyed dragon’ when I’m a flying type that’s earned their ire.”

“What about keeping eyes on Illusio?” Yeah, I was quite concerned about that as well my old Scyther friend Tracer, currently doing some nice calligraphy work with the point of his scythe arm. Psychic types had a habit of teleporting around and there was definitely something up with the kingdom within the last year.

“We’ll do that too, we already have a spy inside the area, she’s undetectable by psychic types who are not looking for a small dark type and even if they do find her… her personality is too much to really be taken seriously as a threat.” However she hasn’t reported in for weeks, she’s usually slow and methodical so I’d give it another two weeks before I send in a unit to find and extract her to safety with any information she might have gathered.

The western half of the continent was probably doing better than the eastern half currently was, they weren’t at total war yet and my guys were already arming up to defend ourselves from all sides when Cragspur inevitably turned its rock chucking attention on us and Viperia would definitely seek to stab us in the back if they could while we try to hold off two other kingdoms, Yaksha is fortunately going to keep them busy for the foreseeable future.

“Call in my favor with Nene of Viperia, there’s something I want her to do that might seem a little… odd.” I grinned a maddening grin.

-Greenleaf, current, Captain Skeeball-

“Skitty Squad, ice beam the areas ahead of the fires to create a fire break. Hubby we need some Hydro Pump action, muddy the ground around their front line and slow those fire types down!” We had stopped to drop maiden Jig off and her entourage was on its way across Greenleaf’s bridge into Violight. “We can’t stop the invasion, but we can give Greenleaf time to get their backsides in gear!”

We were just about to go over the mazelike forest that surrounded Greenleaf’s castle that lead into its hedge mazes, when one of our Skitty Kitties saw fires starting in the distance and looking below my hubby I saw grass type Pokémon, civilians likely, running by in fear for relatively safety.

Instead of continuing my diplomatic mission to the kingdoms castle, like a good kitty you better believe I turned my big hubby Wilhelm’s floating butt around and charged us straight for the fire, mostly to see what was going on and who could have started fires that big as to be visible from miles away.

Ignis apparently started an assault on these mostly peaceful lands. Greenleaf was quite a sleepy place, plenty of good sunbeams to be hit by while napping in the shade of trees, it’s where Aurora got most of its medicine from and this burning of the northeastern portion of Greenleaf was clearly an act of war.

It wouldn’t be hard to believe that Greenleaf was caught entirely off guard and they really couldn’t organize a very good defense against fire types. The battling had to be going on for hours as we could already see the bridge in the distance where the fire Pokémon were setting up a staging area in the distance as they burned a large swath of land that was once long standing acres of forest. They were likely already taking stolen resources from Greenleaf back across the bridge into Ignis and building their foothold in this kingdom.

We needed to at least give the defenders some breathing room. I really doubt I could take on the whole of Ignis, military or rebel. I could still do a lot of damage in a short amount of time as a hero of Aurora.

“Skitty Squad prepare for a Giga Impact into some mud, we’re about to make a huge mess of those fire types!” They were about to face the wrath of me, the ever lovable Captain Skeeball! “This injustice will not stand if we have anything to say about it!”

Wilhelm clearly agreed, as once he was done creating something like a swamp below and in front of the westward encroaching forces he blew out all the air in his body and charged up a Giga Impact attack as we belly flopped towards the mud.

-Aurora to Ignis northern bridge, Smolder-

These Zubats couldn’t bite through my scales, but their screeches sure were confusing and distracting as I was in the air burning them back to Ignis side of the bridge with directly applied force and fireballs. The bats were thankfully not fire types or resilient to being lit up.

The entire world shook and I wonder what caused that noise, looking to the west I saw a huge wall of brown flying up in the air and collapsing towards the east. Whatever was happening over there was likely a far worse warzone than this bridge currently was with Jiri being a battered and injured, but still giving worse than the opposition could dish out.

Given how grass types are weak to fire, someone just did something big and crazy over there.

“Why won’t they just give up on Aurora already?” I grumbled as I came for a landing once I got tired.

“All I know is that they are far more afraid of someone else than they are of us despite the display Jiri’s team is putting on.” It was okay that Ocellus wasn’t doing much fighting, she was doing her best in other ways. “Said terror is far worse than the terror of not being able to break us here and they are close to doing that. Jiri’s unit can barely stand anymore and we don’t have much in the way of reinfor… oh never mind. Reinforcements incoming… for us!”

“Ruckus Rauco, here to harry and help!” The pidgey with the flight cap announced loudly as his unit soared in from overhead and started blasting scything winds into the Zubats. “Whoa… that’s a lot of fire Pokémon.”

“Yeah, we know, we’ve been fighting them for the last few hours!” Call me grumpy, but we needed this help a while ago. “I really doubt one unit can change this battle around, they are slowly overrunning us and pushing us back. Jiri’s unit definitely needs some relief dude and we’re barely recovered because we haven’t had a second’s peace because of all those Zubat things constantly harassing us!”

“Then Jiri will be quite relieved to hear that we didn’t come alone!” Rauco stated with a big grin on his beak as he led his unit to fly forward. “We’ll relieve Jiri’s unit and take up the slack ourselves.”


I was breathing roughly, chunks of my fur were missing, I was covered in scabbing scars and my body felt like it couldn’t take much more. I think I might be missing a small chunk out of one of my ears too… or maybe that was some numbness from all the burns I’ve received having cauterized bits of my body. I’ve barely had a chance to drink my crushed Oran berry juice from the flask at my hip.

“Our spirits are willing, but are bodies are fleshy and weak…” Yeah like you needed to tell us that we were running of fumes Foo. As a number of Charmander and their evolved form, Charmeleon, were prepping to charge us when.

The red raptor lizards started forward, only for an enormous tornado of wind slammed home into the bridge and block their path. The flame tailed Pokémon were pushed back and it cut off a new wave of pain and suffering.

“Jiri your unit is to fall back, now!” Ruckus Rauco was back from his message delivery mission?! At least some pidgeys were better than no pidgeys at this rate. “We’re taking it from here, you can’t take much more and Chan will soon arrive to take your injuries into account!”

I tried to do as he asked, but I toppled over before I could take more than two steps away, my damage spear and shield dropped from my paws as I finally collapsed. I also think… I think I might have inhaled too much smoke from the fire type’s attacks, because breathing was getting quite hard and I was coughing a lot.

I felt myself being lifted up halfway.

“Ice type bear has you Jiri.” Cubby started dragging me away from the front by my arms, soon my legs were lifted up by Foo and they started carrying me towards the marginally safer southern end of the bridge. Stuffy, Teddy and Panda were covering our retreat to the best of their ability, Panda in particular was successfully taunting the Zubat that tried to encroach us into Teddy’s and Stuffy’s attacks.

“Oh no you don’t, not after all the trouble you gave us, we’ll not allow a retreat of your greatest unit now!” A Charmeleon charged for us as soon as the tornado’s winds died down, but Rauco and his unit ignored them entirely and started harassing other Pokémon gathering up beyond them.

Greatest unit? Heh, we’d probably be seen as such after our performance, I doubt a fire type Pokémon would forget our vicious stand here.

I was slipping in and out of consciousness slightly, but did I just seriously see the pidgeys ignore an immediate threat to us? Why did Ruckus Rauco just leave us open to attack like this?!

The Charmeleon and other fire lizards were almost upon us when their tail flames dimmed after several blurs pass by them, the lead Charmeleon’s eyes went wide and the red raptor Pokémon slowly started crumpling over as did several other fire types on the bridge. The entire Charmander and Charmeleon assault units on the bridge were just immediately decimated.

That’s when one of Fontaine’s units finally came to a stop long enough to be fully visible. Motochika’s Bullet Buizels. The six propeller tailed water otters, were glaring at the fire Pokémon organized on the northern end of the bridge with their arms crossed and standing in a line. The fire Pokémon that would have joined the Charmander and Charmeleon attack froze immediately.

It seems like Motochika came through for us in sparing single unit of help and our defensive line was now thoroughly on their side of the bridge.

“You’re about to have a very bad day… unit command Aqua Jet Streams!” The six encased themselves in water and everywhere they went streams of flowed after them and continuously slammed into any Pokémon misfortunate enough to even be near them as they passed by. The ones that got dragged into the water streams went following after them screaming in terror.

-Slightly to the north of Aurora, Fire Type Camp, ???-

“Lord Dong Zhuo, Aurora is definitely awake, Fontaine sent their Bullet Buizels unit to aid them as reinforcements.” I was just a lowly grunt for the civil unrest force, a Cyndaquil who was starting to believe we weren’t the good guys in all of this and that the Monferno known as Hideyoshi might have been a better choice to follow. “We’re actually being pushed back and need to call a retreat!”

Still Hideyoshi has done a lot of bad things so he’s not entirely a good guy either and this civil war couldn’t be for naught right? Lu Bu was scary, but so was Dong Zhuo the Emboar who was quite a wide and massive load.

I unfortunately got the short straw to deliver this message from the southern front in person.

This is where the money to feed my poor family was coming from, so I couldn’t make too many complaints out loud without someone trying to bite off my head in a literal sense. Agriculture in Ignis was quite tough given the mountains and hills, but the volcanic ash did make for fertile farming soil if utilized correctly.

I don’t know if I’m right, but I think the farm land was not being utilized correctly in the slightest considering that we even have starving Pokémon to speak of. Either that or Dong Zhuo was taking up half the armies resources by himself, the guy was certainly large enough for eating that much.

I felt my body get pulled into a crushing grip as the Emboar, the large backside that he was, silently and slowly lifted me up to his face. He gave me a sickening grin and giving me an exceedingly long stare, as if I was a complete and utter idiot in his eyes.

His next few words were as clear as the threat within them.

“Deal with it…” The ‘or else’ part was entirely implied, because Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu successfully started this civil war and wanted to win it even at a cost.

Still, Dong Zhuo and Lu Bu certainly had a bunch of good political talking points to persuade a lot of Pokémon to their side, if they hadn’t gotten enough then there wouldn’t even be a civil war issue currently happening in Ignis. Hideyoshi wasn’t exactly the saint he wanted to be, but he wasn’t the worst leader Ignis has ever had so I’m a bit conflicted.

I personally thought that what we were doing right now in attacking Greenleaf and Aurora was the height of stupidity when we were still trying to take down Hideyoshi… even if we did have the flaming monkey trapped in a corner. It was exceptionally egregious when even a single Aurora unit just wiped out several hundred Pokémon in the last few hours of nonstop fighting after exclaiming one pointed fact.

What were we fighting for? They were fighting to protect their kingdom and protect it they did, it wasn’t a boast to say they were terrifying most of the fire types that went up against them, given they would probably would have died on their feet doing so. That they managed to hold out for reinforcements that were quite threatening was as terrifying a prospect that they’d come back fully recovered after all that time we spent on breaking them in the first place.

Yeah, this assault on Aurora and Greanleaf was probably the worse idea in a similar vein of bad ideas like us drawing Fontaine’s ire outright would be. We’ve hit sunk cost fallacy levels of bad in using more resources than necessary.

We should be focusing all our efforts in Greenleaf as that was going far better, but apparently something about Aurora made Dong Zhuo want to attack them as well.

I was shaken violently and my attention was focused entirely on the scowling pig lord’s face, I just realized that he had been choking me to death for a second there. He tossed me to the floor painfully and then pointed out of the tent. His intent was clear that I should get out of his sight immediately or suffer the consequences.

I quickly scrambled to go tell the officers around that we should deal with the issues, because legendary gods help us if Lu Bu was brought in to deal with us and make the issues go away at the same time. The ‘Flying General’ was quite dangerous and not someone you wanted to be within twenty feet of while he was wielding a spear with wing or talon, Red Hare his Rapidash companion wasn’t any better.

-Aurora’s northern bridge, Shanty-

“There you go, you can go back into combat, but I think the Bullet Buizels have us covered for the time being. So please rest and don’t make me come back over here.” Chan then moved back to Jiri, her body was being quite wrecked.

At least Jiri successfully pulled a Pom, which was exceedingly painful and her spear and shield were no longer usable. The shield might be being salvageable at least.

“I’m a little more hopeful after seeing those guys… but there’s still a large number of fire types in Greenleaf.” Yes, that is being true Favela, but they were diverting a lot of resources into dealing with us and that wasn’t going as well for them.

“We still got some fighting to do, Zubats and Golbats are still a moderate problem.” Quetal reminded us as he took a drink of water from a canteen. “We also don’t have enough Pokémon to actually take the fight to them or help push them out of Greenleaf. The best we can currently do right now is make sure they are hurting in resources and make them think twice about attacking us again.”

“I think Jiri’s unit be doing that well enough, but she is no longer be having a weapon or shield.” For as I be seeing, neither shield nor spear be surviving Jiri’s intent to defend Aurora with all she had. The bears were in much better health if run as ragged as Jiri had become.

“We’re currently in a stalemate, they won’t be able to bypass the Buizel or Rauco’s unit before we’re all ready to fight again once Chan is done patching us up. I would rather we were open to peace talks though, because those fire Pokémon are hot!” We can at least rely on Geoff to be being himself.

“Yeah, quite smoking even!” A male Wooloo growled out cutely.

“They can set me on fire any day of the week, why… the burning passion alone!” Stated the female Wooloo who didn’t have an intelligent pile of putrid poisonous sludge as a boyfriend.

“Wooloo, always complimentary even when you’re on opposite sides of a battlefield.” Groaned Quetal who looked up at Rauco’s unit currently laying into the Zubats and their evolved forms with eyes the Golbats.

“Heh, we actually held our own for once, right Talia?” Brigand Teeth turned to his sister with a toothy grin.

“Yeah, for once we’re not unconscious on the ground and half dead while bleeding out, which is a nice feeling when you’re considered the world’s weakest Pokémon.” Talia said flatly to her dark furred brother.

“Technically Sunkern are the world’s weakest Pokémon after Unown, because a single Unown lacks versatility in a fight and Sunkern at least have that much… multiple Unown are actually dangerous and can warp reality. So Sunkern win weakest on a pure output of raw power, next to a singular Wishi Washi if we’re not counting the abject lack of versatility an Unown who can build up at least some raw power with the one move they do know.” We all just stared at Teeth. “What… I know how to read!”

Our staring just became all the more disbelieving.

“No respect for us Rattata soldiers I tell you.” Teeth grumbled throwing his paws up in the air.

“It is kind of hard to believe that you’ve actually read anything…” One of the other Rattata commented quietly.

“So… how long do you think we will be being here?” It just occurred to me that we can’t leave the bridge undefended.

“You might want to settle in, unless we can do something about the leadership behind the attacks on Aurora and Greenleaf. With the amount of Pokémon they just threw at us… and whatever else is between us and their leader, one who is probably just sitting across the border right now in that camp to the north. We’re not ready or likely to win the fight, especially not numerically even if we have a sporadic decent quality in fighters going on here.” Quetal shrugged with his claws held out. “Well we’re all likely open for suggestions at this point, but fighting in the open on their or our side of will get us surrounded. The particular bottle neck of this bridge is great, because fire Pokémon in general can’t swim very well and getting drench causes some intense amounts of pain from heat loss. It would be too dangerous for us to move at this juncture as we don’t have enough people to launch an assault on them. Even the Buizel unit has to eat and sleep some time, they only have so much stamina even if they can feasibly take out more fire type Pokémon than we did in practically half the time.”

“So we’re stuck here while Greenleaf is currently under assault and being ransacked while we can’t do anything!” Favela yelled with tears in her eyes.

“Hey, I asked for a plan, put your brain in gear and get thinking on something that might cause the Ignis guys to back off of Greenleaf.” Quetal looked out the ground while hugging himself slightly. “I would sorely like to hear a good idea right about now. Holding them off is about the best we can do functionally.”

“What if we be finding a way to sabotage them to make them really regret attacking both Greenleaf and Aurora?” They looked to me and I was trying to be building up a working idea. So I went with the first thought that be popping into my head. “What if we be doing a daring late night attack on their supplies?”

I was thinking of Gongmen again...

“Might work, but it would require for us to wait until nightfall.” Quetal was looking about and we didn’t have anything. “While we think on this, anyone else have any ideas… anyone who is not currently Favela?”

It was sad that he had to tack that on because I think I be knowing what Favela might suggest. She seemed upset that Quetal wouldn’t take her idea, but also looked almost relieved to hear that he wouldn’t.

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