• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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401. Metal Hound Chaos! Pt. 5.

-???, Oleander-

“So that makes twenty four Oleander’s that Lambert accidentally summoned in fifteen different dimensions, half of them have a Buttina, Half of them have Wrex's and a third have a strange affection for the one that calls herself Tali Vas Centennial Eagle.” I commented dryly as I went over a checklist of things to avoid happening in the future and Fred was helping me with it.

“I like Lambert personally, THEY’RE COOL WITH ME!” One of the few times Fred didn’t say anything disparaging about someone who wasn’t me, it was a miracle.

“There’s the dimension with those strange people, the robot, the living spider, the pig men, the fish men, the eldritch thing trying to keep them there and that strange hunger in a world called The Constant.” Which was a dimension we’re going to be avoiding.

“There’s that flat world with zombies, the eyes of Cthulhu, giant dungeon guardian skull mosnter, worms, horrible corruption and all that weird cultist nonsense… it was fun!” Of course Wrex liked that world, we destroyed most of it. The thing that calls itself 'The Guide' there was some kind of undying eldritch thing.

“I still like that world full of blocks.” Buttina stated while petting a cube shaped wolf we tamed and were soon putting into stasis for Pom.

“Yes, yes, you enjoyed yourself on that one Buttina, though I could have done without all the effigies to Wrex’s alien anatomy you built there…” I was traveling around with childish and violently, volatilely crazy, people… then again I was a crazy dark hero unicorn myself so… that says a lot about the company I like to keep. “Okay, done with my list, let’s see if this world is any different.”

I took three steps into the next world.

“Huh, a dark horse coming through a portal? Psycho Burgundy!” Time froze and as nut bar of a man came flying at Oleander with a burning energy coming from him.

I hopped to the right and dropped the boulder I was levitating above myself onto the guy after he landed.

“It seems that the continued ambushes as soon as I take three steps into a new world is still a thing.” I commented dryly and the boulder started shifting a wiggling a bit. I sighed audibly.

“Huh a world full of phantoms… DELICIOUS SOULS…” Fred started drooling and that put me on high alert.

“So can we ruin this world yet Ollie?” Buttina asked as she was already readying her two shotguns. The box shaped wolf barked cheerfully as she gave it some blocky shaped ham from block pigs.

"No! This world might be related to that Laharl guy again, I just feel it." I've been through at least three near repeats with differing themes, including a world where an overlord was strangely turned into a book in a Makai Realm.

Fred felt fairly sorry for that Overlord Zetta guy and had a form of kinship with him, because he was equally stupidly powerful and got turned into a living tome too.

-Moon Cell Realm, Mare Melum, Massive Underground Region, Jungle, Pom-

Okay, so I had a feeling that Fou was getting closer. Call it a hunch when the sounds of large things were cut off from roaring in the distance, either that or it was Saber Jack Wolf. I don’t know which was going to be worse at this point, both of them showing up at the same time was going to be the best bet for our continued survival.

At least the red wyverns didn’t come in large numbers, which was the only good thing about them. They had been annoying in trying to melt the Magitek Armors and had been quite stupidly tough to the point that it took five minutes of constant bullet fire at them from six machines made for rapidly firing shots, which was when we had to deal with the first one.

We took three of those things down before we found the PLANT and a much larger fourth wyvern. Since each one was larger than the last, the last one required its head to be busted, its wings joints to be blown clean off, we even sliced the tail entirely off with the thick metal claws of our armor. It didn’t take me long to realize the armors we stole were made for quite a variety of combat situations dealing with monsters larger than they were. The two large claws bent at a ninety degree angle to provide blunt strikes, the two claws on each arm themselves were for cutting and or tearing and the guns between the knuckles of the claws were for piercing.

Cutting the tail off made the creature easily lose balance, bluntly bashing its head until its scales shattered made it easier to daze and destroying the wing joints meant it got stuck on the ground with us where we had the advantage. We also attacked the two heavily muscled legs to knock it over and it acted like I expected a real monster would, also the angrier it got the more powerful its fireballs until it entered a tired state.

As far as touch and go went, I’m glad Frosty eventually managed to get a cryogenic grenade DCD Bomb into its mouth and shut up its constant roaring. That he even got close enough with an open canopy to do that was terrifying to watch in action, guy had better nerves than I did at times. I’m pretty sure the roaring was meant to stun its opponents, thankfully the Magitek Armor was designed to prevent certain noises above a decibel and that could be modified to save our ability to hear.

That had been an half an hour and some repairs ago. We were lucky the things could be outpaced in a Magitek Armor. I’m pretty sure I could be out of the armor and walk around those wyverns heavily telegraphed attacks, the fireball and ramming attacks did score a few hits and thus the magic repair beam thing that also healed.

“Can we keep this thing?” Dolly, I don’t know how to keep something like this in good repair. Mind you if all it needed was magic to repair itself, which it could do, then that would be the best outcome and I don’t think this thing would even survive our current enemies. It wouldn’t last a minute against Fou, I could even explain my theory about what Fou was capable of, but I doubt anyone would believe me until they saw it for themselves personally. Quetal would believe me, he was on the receiving end of the phenomenon that Fou creates when he fights and it was obvious that he was a beast that likes to maul his target when they are at their best. “Oh come on, we can name this thing metal hound!”

“Dolly no, we’re not naming it. That way just leads to even more chaos and it’s going to be destroyed by the end of this if Fou and Jack have anything to say about it!” I had no illusions that we’d managed to keep this thing going and entirely in one piece if we ended up in a fight with either of them or both of them at the same time.

Fou would want to fight Jack Wolf at least and he would be doing so for the right to maul me again. It feels so nice to be wanted… except in this given situation for anyone that’s in it. This machine wouldn’t survive Jack slicing it apart and Fou could just brute strength rip it open to get at us.

What we were doing right now, was somewhat arguably worse than fighting large red wyverns. Considering we were surrounded on all sides by a sea of black and splashes of neon orange. Back to back in a circle our six machines pelted thousands of large black, metal skinned, ants crawling towards us.

It didn’t help that these things probably existed at one point too. How do I know this? Well thinking about it logically, if servants are the souls trapped by Moon Cell, then these generated things that weren’t the generic EPs probably existed at one point as biological beings and these are basically replicas. I at least knew the wyverns were a possible reality given Equestrian wyverns exist.

Hate to have lived on a world where there were large ants that spew brightly colored acid everywhere, they weren’t even aiming the bright neon orange substances at us, they were mostly taking themselves out and we were swamped with keeping up the defense and them as far away from us as possible.

We’ve been firing ‘almost’ nonstop for nearly thirty minutes straight.

“So do you think…” Then something exploded and a shockwave blasted all the ants into the air and out of the zone. The Commandramon that tried to speak just went silent for a moment of thought.

It was practically raining the dead ants everywhere and one bounced off the armor’s dome making me squeak.

“I think the PLANT exploded from overclocking. Oh and I’m reloading, give me a minute before we continue forward.” Driver had us rotate in and out of firing when we started running low.

Apparently the Magitek Armors did have a reload cycle, it just had a ridiculous ammo capacity in the few hundred thousand rounds before it needed to cycle through and we’ve cycled a few times while absolutely surrounded by those ants.

If it were not a digital armors and actual armors, it was mentioned that the gun barrels might have overheated and melted by now. Which was another problem, how would we even get this Magitek Armor out of this digital realm of Moon Cell’s even if we did manage to make it survive Jack Wolf and Fou. It wouldn’t be able to work outside of a digital realm in reality for very long, because it needed digital energy to reload… maybe magic would work for keeping it operational, but it wouldn’t be very useful outside a digital environment.

I think Dormarch would like it at least, it’d give him something to study and play with inside his home in the Digivice.

“Let’s move.” The zone couldn’t hold up for long with the weaker APs compared to all the ridiculously powerful EPs around here, but it would have to be long enough. We had to keep moving forward and ignore some territories to get where we needed to be and the clearing we just got stuck in was totaled from all the acid.

I wished the currently appearing APs well, even if they weren’t really going to be doing much aside from defending the small patches of territories we left in our wake.

Dolly turned our machine and got us heading in the direction I indicated before we got assaulted from all sides. The Commandramon quickly fell into place, with Driver leading with his two buddies in front again. I fired off a quick green beam, after we were clear of the acid field, to repair our machines and heal any injuries from acid dipping through the armor of our machines.

It, funnily enough, healed the crick in my neck when I targeted our machine and that came from sitting in this seat for so long. I really wanted to stretch my legs some. It was nice that the Magitek Armor could even self-repair with that very same beam, at a cost of magical energy of course, would have been bad to deal with that kind of problem had we not stolen these things.

“So… do you think we’ll survive this?” Trying to make idle conversation I went for the throat of the matter given all we’ve been facing, because it was something to talk about while we were on the move and entered a forest region in the middle of a large swath of jungle.

We had been using the blades on the machines to cut our way through the undergrowth and it was starting to get monotonous without anything else trying take us down for five minutes. I think I may have gone insane, either that or it’s Dolly’s need for action bleeding over into my personality. I had to be careful of that, we were able to bond on a ridiculous level that we were still vaguely two after all of that.

At least the sparse forest would make seeing the variety of threats around here easier.

“Well yeah. After everything we’ve been through? Of course we are going to live through this!” Wished to have your kind of confidence Dolly. I would settle for everyone else and you making it out of this messed up place alive, the Commandramon were quite determined to keep me safe and were the best guys I could ask for in this situation, given how they could actively soldier their way through most things and live up to the title of ‘Commando’.

“Do you need to go to the bathroom?” I asked as we came to a nice stream with a small side pond and a picturesque view with a copse of bushes and trees. Hard to imagine we’re in the middle of an underground place full of large brutish monsters I wouldn’t survive without the really nice Caerbannogs having raided an enemy garage for these machines. “Since I currently do. Guys can we make a quick pit stop here while nothing is trying to kill us.”

“Ugh, finally… my backside is about to go Terra Force!” Oh right, Digimon needed to eat and get restroom breaks too. “Nothing against you ma’am, but finding a spot we can do that in is an Yggdrasil send! We’ll do it in turns, you first while we watch our surroundings for more of those cougars or those weird flying squirrel panthers.”

-One bathroom and small snack break later-

We walked past the stream and continued on, Driver and his team went to scout ahead while we kept a slow pace.

Food was going to be a problem, at least I prepared for the eventuality that we’d be stuck outside of Castle Alexander for a while… hadn’t lost my bag with all the running around I did, still had the mystical pink Pecha Scarf.

I wondered how things were going back at the castle, I decided to concentrate on what Dormarch was doing right now and he was arguing with everyone about anyone else taking charge so he could come and help me. That checks and it was sweet of him to be so worried about me, but I was almost already a walking death sentence and it was only a matter of when at this point despite my forceful suppression of my lethal heritage.

Again Dormarch was a good boy, my good boy, but he was kind of stuck at the castle and I could vaguely see that it was under siege if the sounds of constant fire from the gun towers was anything to go by. I decided not to bother them as they were kind of busy.

I know he could teleport and everything, but Dormarch couldn’t do it through solid dirt and would have to find a passageway down here. Current said passageways were pouring massive amounts of EPs out trying to deal with sieging Castle Alexander and the giant NPs that attacked just about anything that moved even remotely close to them, this was while the underground was being overrun by said NPs and somewhat stemming the flow of EPs that would otherwise be overrunning the castle with numbers.

A magitek armor came back from scouting ahead and it seemed perfectly fine.

“We’re going to need to ford a river up ahead, also there’s a lot of EPs in that direction on the other side. Some of them are Gekkos that are setting everything nearby on fire, they spotted us but didn’t fire cannons or try to leap across the river.” Announced the Commandramon as we climbed up onto our Magitek Armor with Dolly. I looked up at the air and didn’t see smoke.

“What about smoke?” I asked as I didn’t see anything in the fake underground sunlight rising into the sky.

“Smokeless chemical fires, are you glad you have that armor now? No biological would want to get that stuff on their skins, much less a digital entity like us.” Yeah, didn’t want chemical burns on top of being lit on fire, I had Dolly do a ‘go on’ gesture with the machine. “They are currently fighting what I’m going to term as living blobs that smell like sugar and fruit that can use magic, look a lot like the custard dessert flan… it’s not going well for the gekkos and I really want to avoid having to go near those things. The magic they use is similar to the same kind that Dolly generally does, at least it feels that way.”

“Yes, you guys were right, the armor was the better option even I can’t pilot it personally. At least Dolly can.” I’m surprised at how well Dolly took to doing so while using me as a conduit for her skills. “We’ll go there and get a second eye on that situation and then try to go around.”

“Okay Big Boss lady!” Okay, that was starting to get annoying. The six of them really needed stop with that… I’m not really boss material even if I can easily lead a pack of canines.

“Why do you guys keep calling me that?” It bothered me somewhat.

“Well we need a leader, you were termed as the secondary leader of the counter invasion force and that makes Jeanne, you, Canard and Sami the various leaders. Dormarch is a bit too young to lead aside from logistics, powerful sure, but he seems like he’s barely a month out of the egg.” Yeah, that certainly sound like a list of leaders and a scarily accurate description of how old Dormarch truly was. “Jeanne overall from Valora as a fresh leader for the first time, she’s mostly just following you’re lead. You as a secondary and quick thinker who clearly has a little more experience in leading small packs, but are overall the idea person. Canard, since he led a successful rebel faction that barely had seven people to its name that took out an invasion force that took over an entire planet. As for Sami, she’s a great field leader we kind of want as a CO. We’re still trying to figure out how to be CO’s ourselves from her example, given she’s been alive for so long.”

“So would you say Sami is only an example to follow because of how well she has survived all the stuff that’s tried to kill her?” What with the situations she’s spoken of, the Raremon was probably the worse one where she had to make a decision to put down a comrade that basically turned into a zombi in front of her. I saw what one looks like in the digimon database on the Digivice and got a general description of them, it wasn’t pretty and that they could grow to the size of buildings was a horror story waiting to happen given they can infect nearly dead Digimon to turn into more of them. “That doesn’t seem like good leader material, given that most of her friends have died around her and she’s one of the few survivors of the earliest batch of Commandramon.”

“Well it is more about the survival techniques she’s learned than actual leadership position, but we think she would make a good leader by having stories to tell and the circumstances under which she had some form of leadership more Commandramon survived than not. Canard is definitely a leader though, guy throws himself into the digital world to save his entire team by taking one for all of them. He then continues to be a generally nice guy and is just trying to live to one day maybe see his team again, thanks to you they at least know he’s alive.” Yeah, but for how long can he stay alive with the circumstances the way they are, we’re kind of inside of a threat to all and any life that’s not already a part of Moon Cell.

“Coming up on the river, guns up and get focused people.” Driver called from in front of us, I was starting to see the smokeless fires going on.

Drivers three Commandramon team moved off to the side as we came up to the river and got a good look at what was happening on the other side.

Gekko were stomping on the flan like entities, nothing happening to them aside from a lot of wobbling, physical attacks wasn’t doing anything to them at all. The flan things wobbled in place and suddenly the Gekko went down in a blast of lightning, beams and blast of water, fire erupting from under it, ice being shot at it as much as encasing it, a chunk of earth spiking up into them, a swirling green wind that was quite familiar to Dolly and me and even a Gravity spell, the one Gekko got badly wrecked by the magic attacks… and so did the multiple Gekko behind it. The concentrated lightning blasts that disabled them seemed particularly effective and set them up for being blasted by the other spells.

“I so want to learn how to shoot fireballs out of my paws.” At best Dolly you could rub your paws together to generate heat and defrost anyone by pressing your paws against them afterwards, I don’t think fire magic was in your capabilities even if you were a hell hound descendant. Everything you have so far seemed relatively suited to your given personality. “Let a dog dream Pom.”

As we continued to watch the three tentacle yellow and black striped Gekko try to fight them physically they finally did something that was effective, they used fire on the flans. The flans were exceedingly weak to flames, they almost basically melted in an instant under direct contact with them.

“We’re still going to give this a wide berth.” I stated flatly as the living flans were giving better than they got as bullets didn’t affect them, stomping didn’t affect them and the whip strikes of the metallic tentacles the Gekko produced didn’t do anything either. “Don’t want to get stuck fighting those things or the Gekko.”

“Those gekko look really odd with all that yellow.” After stating that, Driver led us to start following the flow of the river as we looked for a smaller, far less dangerous section of it, to cross it. “If anything, with all the mooing you’d think they would try to look more like cows instead of making themselves incredibly visible like they are.”

“We’re going to have to get into a fight with those things eventually.” I knew we couldn’t avoid those oddly colored Gekko forever, I doubted they were Jack Wolf’s Gekko either. They spotted us, but didn’t try to cross the river to get at us, mostly me, immediately on sight… then again I was inside a machine so it would be a little harder to see me beneath the canopy.

“Are your thoughts always this cluttered Pom?” Well excuse me for thinking about things far too much Dolly. “It’s little wonder you can’t pilot this thing. Oh look, there’s a spot!”

Indeed we were at least a good mile away from where the flan things and the odd Gekko were fighting, it was short and it didn’t look like there were any mega gators in the water.

“Does it look good Driver?” To answer the question Driver gestured to the two other machines and slowly strode his machine into the river until the water was up to its waist and slowly crossed the river.

“I’ll say it does, careful though, step heavy, don’t let the moving water unbalance you.” The two Commandramon on Driver’s team crossed.

“Go on guys, we’ll cross last.” The two Commandramon that were with me started their slow crossing of the river while I got Dolly to turn us around and look about for any threats.

“There you are!” A familiar deranged voice of Moon Cell’s servant said in the distance as multiple trees fell to the flash of a slash and out of the jungle behind came Jack Wolf.

Dolly immediately lunged us into the water and started crossing the river with several heavy stomps to make sure we were sturdy and upright as we moved forward, before the other two among our team have even finished.

“Darn it, I owe Frosty five digital credits now…” One of the Commandramon grumbled as they all opened fire on him, even the ones slowly getting out of the water on the other side.

Turning the upper half back forward as we continued forward to ford the river.

The Commandramon pinned down Saber Jack Wolf and he was stuck in place deflecting the thousands of shots they poured on at him as Dolly got us across the river.

That fact that he was actively blocking every single last one of them from five different streams of at least ten guns focused solely on him and was even actively trying to reflect them into hitting us as we crossed seemed mind bogglingly impossible.

Given he was actively damaging our Magitek Armor with deflected bullets until we got out of range of the deflections, he actually succeeded in protecting himself and attacking us as the same time! That guy was quite beyond the impossible and there was no way I would even dare try to take him in a fair fight. We were going to have to stoop some very low lows soon, as we had to deal with him eventually.

Dolly turned us around and got our guns aimed at him and pulled the triggers using my hooves, the guns clicked and made a few odd sounds.

“What the… what’s wrong with our guns?!” Dolly I think I know the answer and I really wouldn’t want to be outside of the armor right now if I’m correct.

“I think he might have jammed our guns with the deflected bullets.” I answered having seen some sparks that indicate that they might be bouncing back towards the dome canopy on our machine, nope, he bounced them off water into our guns to prevent us from adding two more streams of fire to what he was already still deflecting.

“How?!” At this point Dolly, I think it was better to not question how he managed to achieve that feat, but ask the question of what he wasn’t capable of with that blade at this point. Long range slashes was probably beyond him, but his short range slashes tore through buildings and the swords edge didn’t look any less sharp for it.

I inhaled as I stared at him across the river from us and blinked as I gasped out and saw a shot deflecting itself through the entire stream of shots and then launched at us and cracked the canopy on the machine Dolly and I were in.

“Stop firing!” I shouted hoping to not get hit with another ridiculous deflection that might take out the Magitek Armor, because if I’m right that deflected shot had just been aimed for my head and if I hadn’t been in the armor it would have killed me given the speed it had been moving was about several times faster than that of any of the bullets I had previously dodged.

The Commandramon did as asked and across the river Saber Jack Wolf frowned and looked to be in thought.

“What’s he waiting on, why isn’t he coming after us?” One of the five Commandramon with us asked, I think I was fairly good on recognizing which one was Driver. This wasn't him.

“He can’t defend himself as well while crossing the river to get at us and he doesn’t want to let us out of his sight. So if I had to guess, he’s thinking of a way to get at us and we can’t exactly allow him to cross the river on our watch.” So we’re currently at a stale…

“Fou?” My blood chilled immediately and the Magitek Armors temperature dropped several degrees, that... hadn’t been on the other side of the river. “Fou!”

All six of our armors turned to see the beastly terror heading in our direction from our right after having crossed the river and was looking around curiously before sniffing the air, his eyes immediately snapped to the machine I was in directly and they narrowed.

“Do not engage him Commandramon, that’s an order from the Big Boss. Fou has a rather special reaction to aggression, he’ll just tear you guys apart and I can’t in good conscience let that happen.” I stated in a serious tone and manner to let them know that what I’m about to ask them to do was probably for the best. “Can you guys go ahead please, Dolly and I need to take care of something.”

If Fou was about to distract us from Saber Jack Wolf, then he would be able to cross the river while we were actively defending ourselves from Fou.

“Please, run and continue in the direction we’re heading… trust me on this! We’ll… live... I know how to handle him.” Fou was preparing to run at us and Dolly instead of shooting at Fou, fired across the river forcing Saber Jack Wolf to deflect some shots away from himself.

Instead of attacking us when he got close, Fou was mildly distracted by curiosity of what we were attacking instead of him. I had Dolly do that to garner his curiosity as to what we thought was possibly more threatening than him in this moment when it he was about three feet away from tearing us out of this machine with his bare claws.

His reaction to Jack Wolf shifting into quadruped was one that had me curios and he noted Jack Wolf was staring at our machine and he looked slightly angry about Jack Wolf staking a claim on hunting us. The byplay of Fou’s reaction read as if he wanted to attack Jack later and make him the next hunt after me should I somehow get away from him in this moment. He was definitely remaining completely aware of us with his ears to make sure we didn’t run.

I was forcing Dolly to not take any aggressive actions against Fou, if I was right he might ignore me for a bit for something far more aggressive and deadly.

“Stop me from killing her first if you can, I welcome the challenge.” Yeah, that wasn’t exactly a smart thing to do Jack Wolf, given what I think I knew Fou was absolutely capable of. “It’s going to take a bit of work breaking that Magitek Armor open and by the time you do I’ll be over to make some mutton out of the ewe.”

I didn’t know who would win in a fight between these two, but whoever did would likely want to end me afterwards all the same. Fou was likely to win unless Jack Wolf was just as dangerous as I knew Fou was.

“Guys I know he’s threatening me, but do not fire on him! I repeat, DO… NOTHING!” I called out and the Commandramon looked like they were going to shoot at Fou and ignore my orders, but they held their fire and started to retreat towards more danger.

Safety was relative at this moment, was I safer being near Fou or Jack Wolf? I at least knew what Fou was about and he has kind of staked a claim on me being his hunt, if Jack Wolf is hunting me then that has likely greatly earned Fou’s ire. So he might not focus entirely on me and might attack Jack, Jack’s survival is not something I exactly cared about.

“Dolly, get us ready to run.” Fou turned his eyes back on us, as if daring us to try and escape him in this moment. “Just don’t intend him harm when you do it, be gentle.”

“Why, what am I going to… ah right. Float, Aero!” We did take a nice rest break and before this, before Fou knew it he was flailing into the air and pushed across the river harmlessly before he could break free of the float spell.

Which pretty much says it all that Fou currently had the capability to cancel out that spell when he focused on doing so.

“Go Dolly go and pardon my Prench, but get us the buck out of here before he comes after us for that!” Before we left, Dolly looked back and we saw Jack Wolf attack Fou with that sword of his, what happened clearly shocked us after seeing that sword cut through so many things like butter and it proved once and for all why we wouldn’t mess with…

-Fou (Beast of Comparison, Primate Murder, Cath Palug, the You Can’t Simply Kill Me With Just An HF Blade Monster, Nigh Immortal Death Beast of Gaia, the Even Tiamat Wouldn’t Mess Around With Him Creature, Names To Avoid At All Cost, Names To Run Away From Really Fast, On A List Of Various Names To Avoid If You Want To Live A Long And Very Fulfilling Life In Which He Appears In No Less Than Five Times In Bold While Underlined With At Least Five Exclamation Marks Following The Names Exclaiming That All Of Said Names Are In Fact From The Same Creature.) Vs. Jack Wolf (Dead Guy Walking… one that lived a rather interesting child soldier life even before all of this Moon Cell nonsense.)-

“What the… how?! This is a high frequency blade you just don’t catch a HF blade with a bare hand… er… claw like that!” Fou wasn’t going to answer Jack Wolf’s disbelief or his ability conceptually counter primate made weapons, as he had in fact caught the blade swinging for him in his right claw and aside from the small dribble of blood going down it… his claw likely only had a small cut in it which annoyed Fou greatly, in the same vein a papercut would annoy anyone. “Still how and what the hell…!”

An injury that would heal as soon as the vibrating blade was no longer digging into Fou’s flesh far too lightly for Jack’s rather horrified and slightly excited tastes.

Jack Wolf was amused that Fou got sent his way, he had decided to quickly deal with the problem that Fou presented now and to get on with killing his target. This was while not knowing exactly what Fou could do, what he was capable of, what he even was and why he was so ridiculously dangerous to fight.

Growling, Fou leaned forward and roared his infamous bone chilling word at the challenge that so delightfully presented itself before him. He could feel the soul of the defiant being before him and it brought a smile to his toothy maw.

“Fou!” Fou was about to show Jack Wolf exactly why Pom knew to fear him.

“Ripper Mode.” Somehow, Jack absolutely felt and knew that this was quite a necessary time to pull out his ace in the hole if he was to survive this.

-Jungle and Forest mixed region not too far away, Dolly-

We heard Fou’s roar as I kept piloting us in the direction the Commandramon went.

“Well that was tense…” The dude caught a blade that can cut through most things and he only bled slightly from it.

I saw what that sword could cut through, what is 'Adversary' actually made of that he can just stop it cold like that?!

If I knew ‘Enemy’ like I thought I did, he’d probably heal from the damage within seconds to a minute. We needed to be as far away from them before either of those two came after us. What would be worse is that both of them did and destroyed this awesome ride. Still personally thought we’d survive all this.

We quickly caught up to the Drammies and their machines, one was on top of the two legged lizard bot things stabbing the two large blades down into its skull and it stopped moving and basically fell over. The armor hopped away from it to land on the ground to avoid falling over with it. Another lizard was toppled by having its leg blown apart into a blood spewing mess… wait those legs had blood in them?

I thought they were mechanical, that’s going into the list of the one hundred weirdest things I’ve seen with Pom I had going on the Digivice, along with a list of things I wanted to do with Pom when we eventually got to that Equestria place.

Anyway the toppled machine received two streams of shots into the top of its head that destroyed it in an explosion, around the area there were eight more of these things laying around the clearing. They tended to disappear real slowly I’ve noticed.

They all turned their guns on us and immediately lowered them when they saw that it was us.

“Guys, lets double time it, because I currently don’t know how long those two will be distracted with one another!” Pom really wanted to be somewhere else right now and I’m kind of feeling that right now personally. "If you have to ask, we made Fou be Jack Wolf's problem."

“You heard the Big Boss lady, move out!” Driver stated before we all reoriented and left the scene.

-A few seconds later in the left behind jungle forest clearing-

A destroyed yellow gekko started sparking and slowly stood back up, it made its way over to another machine and started getting it up and moving with three tentacles ending in three small manipulator wires jabbing into the metal of the other Gekko.

Even the machine with its head completely blown off had its legs get up and start walking again within a minute after being jabbed by the manipulator wires.

Nobody knew about the hidden feature of these new Berserker Gekko… which was why it was even reclassified as a Berserker.

There was about to be a slight problem that just wouldn’t die, at least until the main problem of the thing spawning them was ultimately dealt with.

The mooing said Gekko generally created had turned into a more haunting moaning sound as they limped haphazardly in the direction of the nearest thing to threaten.

-Castle Alexander, Dormarch-

“Ocellus, take control… please.” I was swallowing my anger and gritting my teeth at Ocellus on this, mom was not only being attacked by Jack Wolf, Fou was also there and… ah… that’s my awesome big sister!

“Was it really that hard Dormarch?” At least Smolder was a decent mediator, but yes… it was.

“Okay, I will.” Ocellus said in an uncertain manner that almost got me to start arguing, but our defenses were being hammered by NPs and EPs alike. The NPs were arguably worse for our APs, but at least the Caerbannogs were showing their worth in assassinating large targets and were quite cute too!

“Sami, help her with everything she needs to know, I’m going out to help mom now. She’s got two of the most dangerous beings in this realm coming after her and they just ran into both of them down there according to Dolly.” With my Search Hunter I flashed up to a rooftop in the city from Castle Alexander, surprisingly the territory was still holding from when the Digibots took it and the APs leapt from the rooftop to deal with the enemies below thriving in the streets.

As soon as my paws touched the roof, I looked back at the castle and the EP, APS and NPs that were fighting absolutely everywhere.

The gun tower controlling Commandramon were having quite a time with keeping the large monsters away, all while trying to assist our APs in the field, any EPs that got by the NPs to attack Alexander directly were being attacked by Alexanders non AP related forces and it was a mess. At least our Territory looked sturdy and as solid as Alexander did for the time being despite the immense pressure from everything happening around the castle.

I just needed to find an entrance…

“Say do you know where the nearest entrance to the underground is?” I asked the nearest Caerbannog and soon found myself being led to a nearby elevator that led into the dangerous depths below Mare Melums currently equally dangerous streets.

Author's Note:

Unicorn Overlord, enough said about major distractions from writing.

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