• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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413. Bypassing Behemoths.

-Midgar Realm, Plains of Midgar, Castle Alexander, Ocellus-

Thankfully the Zealots were shielded, because we could hardly replace their vehicles as fast as we could replace them. The missile trucks had been constantly firing since the battle started and we’ve only, at most, taken two territories… those were both behind us.

In a flash we just achieved a third territory leading into the depths, but not the full length that Pom’s team had to travel.

At least we knew they were somewhat successful. I believed in Pom as a friend far more than I did at the start of the year. We were nearing the end and with it getting closer to Tambelon now that we know we can’t avoid it.

How did we even avoid it in the first… wait… warping magic, sending us to a dangerous place, plus Pom… that might be why we ended up somewhere aside from Tambelon. Her ability to counter magic has had some long lasting repercussions, but at least we have made a lot of friends along the way. Friends we might never see again, but were happy to have made anyway.

Those Magitek Armor the Rider Zealots were pilot were doing some unusual things, the Commandramon certainly couldn’t create energy blades out of the two nail claws those armors had on each arm. So the Zealots were either semi-magical or had similar abilities close to magic for the Magitek Armor to utilize, it meant the Magitek Armors were even more dangerous in melee as they were at range.

The shields of Castle Alexander continued to get hammered and the endless waves of EPs kept slamming into our forces. At least we had plenty of Skein Flyers, but those were being attack by the flying aquatic creatures Moby Dick was summoning and sending at us.

We had a war zone at our front door and we just couldn’t push the enemy numbers back until Pom’s team broke something like they inevitably would.

We had pinkie pie clones in the form of taffy ponies firing jaw breaker cannonballs, rabbit based Fluttershy clones that slowed down the encroaching enemies with hard stares, we were getting support from the harmony programs in Mare Melum and we kind of needed it just to hold position.

If we retreated at any point, then Pom’s team would be in a dire situation and the enemy already knew we were coming. What dangers did they have waiting in Midgar for all of us?

-Underground caverns, closing in on Midgar, transport skiff, Pom-

“Do you really think we should have let that railway platform roll off by itself?” It was a valid concern of mine as it had still been going when we got separated from it.

“I’m sure it’ll be being fine Pom.” Shanty yawned and stretched out.

“Our supplies are okay, the spare Skein Flyers are undamaged and we got through that mostly okay without severe injury or need to dip into the Sitrus Berries, that’s the only good news.” As Sami reported this, the injured Zealot swapped out for the still healthy Zealot that basically rammed his Skein Flyer into the Tunnel Armor. The badly injured Rider Zealot looked a little lost about what he should be doing, so he just stood tall in spite of his injuries and crossed his arms waiting to be needed. “We lost the front right main engine of the skiff and can’t enact a code fix, or repairs for those of us that are not digital entities, as long as it is active. The repairs might take a while if we were to stop and we’re kind of in the middle of enemy territory so we’d need a stable spot to land… we also lost a Skein Flyer, for a good purpose at least and one of our Rider Zealots got seriously injured and we’ve been slowed down a lot. Plus the other Skein Flyers have varying levels of damage from close up attacks.”

The Rider Zealots were definitely pulling their weights with their shields, we would have been hit with numerous acid spikes from those flying bugs otherwise.

“That and we’re still getting attacked.” Jeanne stated as she ran her banner spear into the mouth of an oncoming Berserker Winged Shark from above and fended it off, the entirety of the skiff dipped under the weight of the shark as it tried to bite through the lengthy weapon and upon failing that, it flailed about on it like a fish on a skewer trying to damage the skiff.

The memories of roasting fish for my canine companions never got old, especially my happy little god puppies that always got the first fish I caught on a particular day. I sighed audibly and rubbed at my face with my hooves.

Shanty quickly helped Jeanne deal with shark by slicing it open lethally, but not splitting chunks off of it, with her cane scythe. We did not want the chunks to continue to attack us while Jeanne had the particularly large shark pinned, it eventually died ten seconds later. I’m glad that they weren’t many of these things at one time, because they were still quite terrifying.

“Any information on the two new EPs we ran into?” Shine asked with a slightly positive attitude, the gourd was still a sweetheart as she ever was.

We’ve been seeing signs of machinery lining the cavernous tunnels with increasing in frequency, but the attacks on us was sporadic since we took out that Tunnel Armor thing and were carefully navigating one of the wider open passageways leading underneath Midgar. I had to wonder how Torneko even had a semi-accurate map of the city as there were some things on the map that were entirely different, but that was to be expected as apparently Moon Cell altered the realms before we entered them.

Once we were in a realm Moon Cell seemed entirely hooves off about directly dealing with us, so like Arceus or Yggdrasil.sys they could only do so much to actively stop us. The only reason we’ve gotten this far is likely on blind luck and the capabilities of our unified counter invasion front.

“Hold on… Archer Shriekers, their wings can manipulate liquids into impenetrable barriers and are used to build up pressure in their bodies while in flight to fire their spikes. Their wings are actually what generates that noise and not their mouths, so any time they change direction in the air it causes shrieking to be heard.” Given that they spat chitin bolts at us, this was of no surprise Sami. “The others are Lancer Water Tigers, beetles specialized for aquatic environments. Like most lancers they tend to focus on charging forward, but in this case their charges involves grappling their opponents with their large pincers and pulling them entirely into the water before quickly spearing them with their extendable horns or leaping out of the water to spear and drag them back in. The biological processes of the extending horns sure look interesting… if we’re right about these things having existed as actual biological entities at some point and not just digitally created monsters.”

“Really did not appreciate those noisemakers.” Dolly grumbled, she had taken out quite a few of those Shriekers by blowing out their fragile wings with her Momentum Barks. Dormarch also wilted and I noted he checked on Dolly’s health.

“It doesn’t seem like you’re losing your sense of hearing at all though… in fact you’re a perfectly healthy female dog big sis.” Just chalk that up to the familiar bond we had Dormarch, because I think any canine directly connected to me heals faster from injuries and basically doesn’t get sick very often unless it’s a really grave illness and even then those illnesses clear up within a day at the most.

“Yeah, and I’m never going to stop being amazing until I’m too old to move at all little bro!” Dolly declared vibrantly in a series of cheerful barks.

“Not seeing anything in the water…” The bright eyed Peppercat announced near the edge of the boat, one of her plug claws sparking a bit in anticipation.

“Nothing on the ceiling.” Krosserdog announced, the two digibots were making sure we weren’t coming under attack immediately after the surprise flying shark that dropped on us like a bat from the ceiling.

“The Rider Zealots be being a bit antsy after that.” Why wouldn’t they be Shanty, they hadn’t seen it coming and Jeanne almost didn’t catch it with her banner spear in time. They were meant to be protecting us, at least their shields had recovered fully over the last few miles or so we’ve traveled.

We were three fourths of the way to being under Midgar according to the visor as I looked at the outline our route and the distance to the outline of the city above us. A city likely crawling with all kinds of enemies.

“What’s our plan for dealing with the wall?” It had been a concern of mine since we started this venture, even knowing that the enemy knew we were coming through this route now.

“Secondary objective is disabling the cannons firing on Castle Alexander, our primary objective is to open and or destroy the gate in a fashion to allow Alexander to get into the city to lend us its firepower.” Understandable answer Jeanne, but I’m specifically asking ‘how’ we were going to do that with our meager team when we got there. Enemy Programs are bound to be crawling around everywhere inside the walls. “As for how we’re going to achieve that… well you’re good at winging things right?”

Well that wasn’t a very good vote of confidence at all.

“I’ll come up a plan when I see what we have to work with when we’ll get to the ground level city. I’m used to being outnumbered, outgunned and almost killed on an hourly basis in deadly circumstances.” Well that takes some pressure off of me to come up with something Mr. Thunderbeak, thank you very much! “Never dealt with problems nearly this big though.”

“Well you have scouts that can’t be caught, I’m sure we can get you information you need to succeed!” Shine could move safely through shadows and Snake was apparently world renowned for his stealth abilities that his legend translated into power.

-Thirty minutes later-

The last Shrieker EP fell into the water under a tirade of energy shots, we soon veered off into a different tunnel with a long pathway above the rivers of water that we moved away from floating over.

We didn’t want Water Tigers to attack us from below and the ground seemed safe enough to hover over as we continued down the tunnel.

“Stop at the opening up ahead, don’t go through.” Jeanne ordered as the vehicle slowed to a crawl with the seven Skein Flyers following in slowing down to a hover.

“Not tell a duck.” The Rider Zealot responded and we came to a slow stop.

Looking vaguely upwards, I can see the thick outline of the walls of Midgar above our position and a little behind us.

“By the puck…” Canard stated and that drew my attention forwards. “Whoever built this city was likely killing their planet to keep it powered.”

There was a massive factory, some kind of laboratory, a prison or was it a power plant? Whatever the massive buildings were, there was a pathway upwards… and we didn’t have to bother with that nonsense.

“Forward… carefully, and stay high up.” At Jeanne’s orders, three of the Skein Flyers took forward positions and four stayed behind us.

We were going to make it up to the ground level of Midgar city easily.

“Does anyone else hear that?” I asked as I heard a screeching noise, Dormarch and Dolly looked in the same direction I did and saw a twisted bit of railing leading from a tunnel. “There’s no way my luck is that…”

The damaged railway platform we left behind, like more than an hour ago, came screeching into the rails and flipped off them straight for us. I saw a Rider Zealot try to slow it down with his body and Skein Flyer, but the railway platform still hit the skiff and before I knew it a corner of said platform was coming for my…


A white glow filtered into my vision and I blink groggily as I sat up.

“Where?” I felt Dormarch and Dolly clamp onto me, feelings of relief flooded me along with a lot of other emotions of unbridled happiness as I tried to sit up.

“We are doomed!” The nearby Rider Zealot said in a slightly cheerful tone, apparently he was the badly injured one. Off to a good start there. He was sitting on the chest that carried a majority of our reviver seeds and Sitrus Berries, Shine had a few Sitrus Berries in her shoulder bag.

Where was the rest of the skiff? I didn’t even see pieces of it, also I noted we were the only ones here.

“You needed a reviver seed… so much… and your brain exposed to… broken skull… I don’t even… how do you draw this much trouble into trying to kill you mom?!” Dormarch was in hysterics and I calmly started petting him and looking around, his tails started wagging as he nuzzled against my chest while whimpering.

“It’s okay… I’m… mostly alright.” The last thing I remember was a sharp blow to the head from… ah yes the very railway platform I was worried about that the Tunnel Armor attacked me and Shanty on.

“Yeah, look around you for a second Pom.” Dolly brought my attention to the fact that I was in a puddle of my own blood at least a few inches deep, I carefully put Dormarch down outside the puddle. “Thank goodness the healing supplies fell with us, because you are the one that always seems to need them.”

“Mothers sporadically bad luck aside, we seemed to have landed in a junk pile… with what I’m assuming to be medical waste.” Dormarch looked around for anything moving and his paws seemed to restlessly have him walking in place. “Whatever this place underneath Midgar is, I really don’t want to be here for very long. I know we lost a Rider Zealot and another Skein Flyer at least and the roof caved in after we fell through.”

“Just add bleeding out from a head wound to the list of things that have sadly failed to kill me outright Dormarch…” I quickly got up out of the puddle staining my hooves red and shivering a bit. Apparently being revived had cleaned most of my wool, with that in mind it was probably a good idea to get out of the pool of my own blood before I get some kind of disease or infection from skin absorption.

Stepping away from the puddle I quietly squeezed the blood off all parts of my body by manipulating my wool, thank goodness I know how to make my wool liquid repellant now.

Knowing how Reviver Seeds work, I was still barely alive after that blow to the skull… enough so that they got that seed on me quickly enough that I didn’t perish. That’s another close call in a long line of them.

“On top of being stabbed, shot, bashed, blasted and beaten to within an inch of your life and even from your own double edged abilities.” Dormarch stated dryly. “At least the inside of the facility is lit up, but I think it was used for some kind of dangerous experiments of some sort.”

“What gives you that idea?” I asked as I moved towards the only direction we could head where some light was coming from and looked beyond the walls of machinery garbage that reminded me of the Magitek Armor. I quickly pulled back as a large shadowy thing moved past our position and smelled quite foul and horrifying, like death warmed over several times and still hungry to die more. “What… was that?”

“Some type of biological nightmares that are between us and the way out of here.” Dormarch whimpered. “Dolly already tried using Aero on one… just know that using magic on them is a really bad idea. We’re all safe here at least… well temporarily, the beast didn’t exactly see or feel where the magic came from. I’m sure if it did know where the attack originated from, it’d already be digging a hole through the wall of trash to get us.”

“Executer.” The present Rider Zealot nodded, having said a rather specific word that made my spine freeze a bit.

“Heh, yeah, those things can use magic on us if we use magic on them.” Dolly was shivering quite a bit in fright, no… more like absolute terror. I hadn’t noticed as I was still coming off being revived, I’m starting to get there myself as our situation sunk in that we were basically trapped in a corner and the way out was large monstrous beasts. “Don’t know how useful I’ll even be against one of those things Pom.”

“Scan complete, Berserker Behemoth… biologically manufactured super weapons, resembles massive canine with horns and claws with lion manes, counters magic attacks as learned from data discovered by user Dolly D. Dalmatian.” Yggdrasil.sys stated from Dormarch’s digivice. Looking at the edges outside the wall of metal junk between us and whatever that quick and large shadowy horror had been, the metal and other bits of junk on the other side of the wall from us looked quite melted together and there were bits of recently hardened melted floor leading through the opening when I looked down. “Retaliation seems to involve explosive amounts of powerful fire energy throughout a small given area around the beast. Muscles and skin are exceptionally dense making Behemoth resilient to physical damage, red hair and purple skin are most likely the common appearance. High danger rating even for ultimate or mega level Digimon for their physicality alone. If one can injure them physically, then they may be able to disable or wear down the Behemoth in a prolonged fight, this is assuming you are only dealing with one. I advise not starting one in the first place, much less the five detected beyond the temporary shelter.”

That was very fair advice, especially with my current headache, as in the dimly lit junkyard next to us I could see two or maybe even three of these things twice as big as lions and all kinds of terrifying roaming around actively.

These things were precise digital Moon Cell replicas, as far as I knew and understood what digital entities we saw in the Moon Cell Realms were.

If they existed at one point, then I wouldn’t have wanted to be the people that ended up dealing with them... if they were ever dealt with at all that is. My canine magnetism was definitely not going to work on these beasts and they were prowling around the hardened metal floor that looks like it could be feasibly be made by flash melted junk. Mind you some of the junk piles still looked fresh or new, so there must be something going on with that.

“I’m almost sure we can get by them… but how are we going to get our supplies past them?” I had an idea in mind for how to get the Rider Zealot past those things, but both Dormarch and Dolly sent me flat disbelieving looks.

“No-…” Dolly said quietly slowly dragging out the word having picked up on an errant thought of mine.

“No.” Dormarch stated flatly afterwards realizing what Dolly had.

“I’m just suggesting that we could maybe…” I tried to start saying what my idea was.

“No!” Both Dormarch and Dolly vetoed before they even heard my plan.

“Well what would you have me do if not act as live bait so we can at least get our supplies out of here?! We can’t exactly leave them here in this caved in section of a facility we know nothing about. We’re not going to coming back here if we leave and I can’t fit all of those Sitrus Berries in my bag.” Nor did I want those berries to go to waste as they could be vital for us. There was a pause as I looked through the gap and to the far side of the junkyard with these roaming beasts and at the ceiling. “I’m not suggesting we fight them, the Rider Zealot can carry the supplies… you can do that right?”

The Rider Zealot smiled with his eyes and nodded, he even waved a three digit hand at me in acknowledgement. He wouldn’t survive even a second against those Behemoths unless they were highly distracted.

Even with the paralance still glued to me, I wasn’t going to survive a direct fight with those things by any stretch of the imagination even with my recent refinement of some of my abilities. If the Eaters couldn’t eat it, then it was definitely stupidly powerful and should be wielded with caution. Also I was quite reluctant to use the lance in a fight now, since I didn’t know what it was fully capable of or what it actually was.

“Kweheeheehee… heard the attack on our facility got railroaded before it could even begin!” Looking through the gap I looked up and saw a purple lamia or naga like being on a pole started actively dropping live animals into the room for the Behemoths. Her insane looking smile sent shivers down my spine as she easily lifted several hundred pound animals with ease and stretchy arms. “Eat up my lovely monstrosities… show me their blood and guts and then get even hungrier if the intruders somehow managed to survive their transport being sliced in half and show up at all! I’ll release you all if they make a squeak about still being around.”

With that the cackling female snake lady, with the cobra like hood, watched as several live boars half the size of the Behemoths were painfully dropped into the space outside and quickly consumed in a violent frenzy of bone crunching jaws and life rending claws.

The boars didn’t even get a fighting chance as those behemoths were pretty fast, but not as fast as I was going full tilt in Dancing Flame. Afterwards the crazy smiling naga spiraled back up into the ceiling on the pole happy to have watch multiple pigs be chunk into nothing but bloody smears on the maws of the behemoths.

“Servant signal detected… there are many anomalous oddities in the signal… servant seems… incomplete… mentally speaking. More data needed to understand the full scope of servant classification and capabilities.” Okay, according to Yggdrasil.sys, I just saw what is possibly a completely sanity challenged servant of Moon Cell, one that we’d be having troubles with in the near future.

“Wouldn’t surprise me if Luna Blood drove that one insane on purpose… or that she was always insane, reminds me too much of Cruella for my liking.” Dolly was cowering into my back.

“Yggdrasil.sys, quick question, what are your observations on those things being able to climb?” I asked for clarification, because I didn’t want to be stuck down here with things that counter magic in a worse way then just… wait… a lightbulb just went off in my head. They countered magic with magic, but… what if I caused a feedback loop? Would they be able to destroy themselves? Also would my ability for Anti-magic hold up to the raw power? I still needed to know where the nearest exit was and let the other reach it.

“No, the Behemoths weigh too much to actually climb, their weight would tear apart any walls should they try. They do have the physical strength necessary to ignore your wools protection entirely, Yggdrasil.sys does not have information pertaining to magic or effectiveness thereof aside from present small sample sizes. From the visor data, nearby walls seem specifically made to contain the behemoths.” Yeah, that was my next few questions answered, so don’t get skewered by the horns or clawed by them… got it. I hoped everyone else was alright and not in as weird a situation as we were in. “Nearest exit that the Behemoths can’t fit through is to the right from the shelter, there is a digital signature at the door of the likes of a keypad and it may require some time for Dormarch to hack the door with Yggdrasil.sys assistance.”

“Right, once I got all their attentions. You will quietly make for that door, get it open and when you’re done, signal me and I’ll quickly get through it.” Sure I was getting a glare from both Dormarch and Dolly, but they were still going to do this under protest.

I motioned to the Rider Zealot and he got up and picked up our healing supplies that weren’t with Shine, he nodded to me to go. I’m surprised my visor and headset still worked, much less that Dolly and Dormarch were still wearing theirs.

“Have you tried using the headsets to call for help?” I asked Dormarch as I moved close to the entrance.

“It’s too dangerous to do so, the enemy might find our position if we so much as spark a signal through our communication devices while we’re in their territory. Not a good idea when we just saw a servant, given how powerful they’ve proven to have been up to this point.” So we can’t find out if the others were alright Dormarch? Okay then… we’ll follow my plan to at least get out of here, everything afterwards was going to be a chaotic mess. Somehow I have thrived so many of those situations up to this point.

“Dormarch you can use Search Hunter silently right?” He nodded. It’ll take Dolly and the Zealot some time to make it to the door, but he could get there immediately while had the behemoths distracted. “Wish me luck, protect them please if the supplies aren’t viable to recover.”

“Not tell a duck.” I’ll take that as an agreement from our talking AP friend.

Poking my head out I looked left and right around the junkyards and slowly crawled out form the small entrance and clambered my way up the wall and started working my way to the left along the wall while using my wool to lessen any chance of me making noise.

I was going to use magic on these things and hoped that their immediate area range was as small as I hoped it to be, small enough that they would be too distracted trying to hit me with magic in retaliation for using magic on them.

Keeping my eye on the entrance to the small shelter we fell into and had a large pile of junk collapse a hole over I got a good look at all the robotic looking machinery and realized mechanized mayhem was in my future if any of these things were going to be like EPs that for whatever reason hadn’t dissolved into rapidly disappearing cubes.

The enclosed space was a little close to the ground and I’d barely be out of range of their claws, don’t know about those horns… but I was still doing this. Like I had much of a choice, it had been at least ten minutes since the servant disappeared through the ceiling, so hopefully they weren’t nearby when I drew attention to myself.

“Hey, sweet meat, right over here!” I yelled and waved my front hooves the behemoths started growling and roaring… there were five here and they were all immediately gathering to where I was as I had drawn there attention.

I looked across the way from me at the door for what looked like a biped as Dormarch appeared in a flash and immediately started to work on getting it open.

In my inattention I nearly took a large horn to the guts as a roaring mouths full of teeth swung upwards at the wall at me. The mouth opened up while looking up at me as if asking me to jump into it as it roared.

I spat a Bark Buster blob down the behemoths throat and ignited it immediately, that actually caused it pain and made it stagger back from trying to skewer me with its horns. Behind the five Behemoths I saws Dolly and the Zealot had made it too the door.

Looking down at the behemoth I made choke on liquid magic started glowing violently. I quickly curled up on the wall and my wool started to glow brightly golden color, I’d be perfectly fine.

-Across the way, Dormarch-

“Come on, come on, come on, password, Password, Narpassword, narpassword, swordfish, BEST, KING, BOMB, onetwothreeABC…” Please something had to crack before mom did something stu… I looked back and saw her wool shining brightly as the behemoth beneath her was about to cast magic. Right Pom wouldn’t be safe from them physically, but her anti-magic wool made her immune to magic. “M? MA…. Zack Fair? Why did a name pop up? No I don’t want to know about the super soldier program SOLDIER whatever that is. K… Is the password Mako? Like the shark? Well Moby Dick is around so… M-A-K-O.”

The heavy door you’d see on a submarine shuddered and opened up, I quickly ushered Dolly and the Zealot through as a massive explosion of heat and flames went off behind me. Mom was fine, the Behemoths that were hit by the reflecting magic were less so, also they were starting to charge up magical attacks because they were hit by the reflected magical attack that notably didn’t do anything to them until it reflected off mom’s wool.

Four more explosions of fiery energy that covered the entire massive area that seemed to harm the behemoths immensely and in the shadow of one of the last explosions being reflected into them. I saw mom come flying out towards us at a high speed in flipping golden glowing mass of wool and she popped out of her flipping to enter glide form and used that to slow down.

She still hit the wall next to me on four hooves with an impressive amount of force before falling onto her back with a pained bleating noise and squeak as tears sprouted up in her eyes. That just bruised her muscles heavily.

I grabbed her by scruff of her wool and quickly dragged her through the door and the Rider Zealot quickly closed it up behind us.

-A minute later, Servant Envious Naga?-

“Huh… somebody messed with my babies Kweehehe?!” I dropped down to see the badly damaged Behemoths, I cackled as I didn’t think someone would get the better of some of the most powerful monsters down here. I slithered up to them and pulled out a purple snake that transformed into powerful and dangerous sharp knife, for cutting, killing and… die-die-die-die-die! With several quick slashes of tasty blood splattering my face, the five Behemoths were dead and I enjoyed the feeling of slaughtering them. Why did I kill my babies? It’s simply because I didn’t want to wait for them to heal to full strength again as that would have taken far, far too long. When we could just make it go by much faster with my ability in a few seconds. “Hehhehehe ReSURrexIOnnN!”

The five behemoths soon recovered fully in an instant after a powerful glow engulfed their dead forms and the grinning Servant Envious Naga decided to release the behemoths directly into the facility. Mostly to hunt down the one that made her kill them in the first place, also for the chaos and maybe some incidents of what were just behemoths freshly revived as NPs from recently killed EPs going off to destroy a few PLANTs by accident.

Whoopsie, how very clumsy of me!

Sure she enjoyed their pain and suffering, but she still wanted to spread that Level Of Violence Enacted around everywhere to the intruders as much as Moon Cell, of whom she was like "'totally fully loyal'" to and didn't have any reasons whatsoever to go against the soul manipulating computer for forcing them to life again to become a servant or anything like that at all.

What enjoyable mass chaos and destruction that might be a little problematic for Moon Cell? She was a truly loyal Berserker, honest! (Crossed fingers behind back)

Author's Note:

The major hint of the day is 'striker' for where things are going.

I'm pretty sure some people would already know who 'Servant Naga' is after displaying a particular ability and how hard they would be to kill.

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