• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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314. Angels Number.

-Pokémon World, Ransei Region, Kingdom of Aurora, Helper’s Hamlet, evening, Canard-

This world was as dangerous as the digital world, but it seemed far more peaceful than it. At least I don’t have to worry about being eaten alive by a ‘Glitch’ or something like one.

Breathing fresh air, having real custom made clothes from some really nice guys up in Violight and a friend at my side that seemed to be curious about the noble sport and religion of hockey.

I miss the mascot of mascots, the spirit, the heart and the cheering for your team even if they weren’t playing too well on a bad day…

I was quite tired of adventuring, the hundreds of digital years seemed to flash by so slowly and yet the time disparity is kind of amazing. I’ll even get in contact with my friends again soon, after being taken alive by the Saurian’s electromagnetic worm. That the Saurians managed to catch a second one was horrifying and that it took Pom’s Digimon partner from her…

Well… that’s life sometimes… other times it can be really peaceful or bright. Like right now for instance.

Pokémon were as interesting as Digimon were, but I really hadn’t seen too much danger since we came back here even if there were some really dangerous Pokémon out there. I was probably in one of the more peaceful kingdoms and wouldn’t need to do much around here unless I wanted to work for Pom’s established organization.

“There are so many fun people here!” Calumon was acting as an emissary of his people, the friendliest that could possibly find.

The Sidekicky Digibot known as Sideline acting as Calumon’s relatively quiet protector, followed along behind in Dog form.

Calumon was trying to find Pokémon to spend time with and he was easily succeeding in that endeavor as he was making a lot of friends here, the guy was like a nearly helpless mascot of the digital world.

The two certainly weren’t having any problems getting along with any of the locals here.

I personally appreciated having more real world food from one of Pom’s acquaintances called Mr. Schlurp, it tasted great and not a random chance to have a bizarre flavor like digital world food. I didn’t have to worry about Digimon attacking me at random for just existing either.

Pokémon on the whole were more laid back unless you bothered them or they were a far more aggressive species that wanted to bother you. Normal Types were apparently quite temperate unless seriously pushed, then they’d really surprise you with their ability to endure things that almost no other Pokémon could.

Calumon’s gratitude towards the Indeedee made them particularly happy, they said they wouldn’t be hungry for quite a while. The butler and maid of the Harmony Guild were quite busy dealing with injured or other important work like keeping the guild operational, but they still took some time to play with Calumon at the castle or here in town.

To think Pom started something so wonderful with Team Harmony… wish I could have done something like that for the Digital World. At least we didn’t leave the digital world worse off than when we got there.

“How do you think Pom and her friends are doing?” I turned and asked Sami as she tinkered with something.

“Pom personally… probably not too well. She… looked dead inside. Kind of like how I feel at times, but I’d prefer to be upbeat even if my life has sucked quite a bit. Still kind of horrifying to see, considering Pom’s genuinely sweet personality and fierce need to help people was quite an inspiration. Hmm… maybe if I… Oh-wha-ah!” The thing Sami was working on suddenly fired off and Sami went flying through the air on the wire once it started reeling in, she rammed head first into a building across the street barely damaging it at all. I was immediately up and actually worried about her. “I’m okay! The grappling hook just had a… slight miscalculation. Digi-tech is kind of hard to work on in 'reality', but you were right that I needed to get out of the Digivice and adjust. Even if it feels weird to feel so lightweight.”

Thinking further on my Commandramon partner. Sami had even mentioned it was strange that she didn’t revert to a Missimon, a literal missile monster, upon exiting the Digivice I held. It was a surprise to her given the light amount of digital energy she had to work with, there’s also my emotions powering the device to power her. My thought on why she remained a Commandramon, may be because she was able to focus better than Frizzle had when she first came out.

Frizzle came out as a tiny little four legged red thing called a Gigimon with an oversize tail. Dazzle was able to lift her with one claw. Frizzle eventually evolved back into the slightly volatile ‘bread addicted’ Guilmon we knew and cared about.

“What are you thinking about Canard?” Sami stated as she sat down across from me, the orange lizard started putting up her stuff.

“How Digimon would compare to these Pokémon in an all out battle.” If I saw something like the Cleffa that gave Sami trouble in testing out the differences between the two monster species, then I wondered what a fully recognized Pokémon evolution can do against some of the things the digital world had to offer.

Physical mass and energy capabilities was very much in the favor of Pokémon, the world needed more technology for digital energy so that Digimon could really fight on equal terms.

“Well they can be more dangerous according to what Pom has said when even the smallest can grow strong without evolution, evolution tends to exponentially increase a Pokémon’s capabilities since they can functionally damage data entities such as myself easily if they land an attack. Just about any one of them could be entirely on par with Ultimates and Megas by just knowing the right moves.” If there is a ‘but’ there Sami, get it out there. “Sure Mega Digimon with their dense data can tank a lot, but that’s only if you aren’t directly attacking their data. I mean humans have fired ballistic missiles at Digimon before, Ultimate and Mega level Digimon would feel minimal damage at best because the explosion was a physically damaging one and not a digitally damaging. A Pokémon attack with the same amount of force would approximately do the actual damage that the missile was supposed to, instead of most of it being avoided. There’s also destroying or denying a Digimon’s access to digital energy being possible since this world is not exactly super technological, except in specific places of course.”

What Sami was referring to was the phasing phenomenon, where Digimon at the levels above champion can avoid damage from conventional weapons by ghosting them. It’s a very unique power that only some lower rank Digimon can pull off, some of which had the intelligence to do it to avoid damage by conventional means, usually some very bad ones from what Sami has told me.

If I could learn to wield the power of my emotions and power myself with the digital energy from my Digivice, I could eventually punch out even Mega Digimon with enough time and practice. My punches would have an effect because I’d have far more mass than a Digimon of my size or slightly larger, that and digital energy would let me do some really weird stuff if I figured out how to utilize it correctly. The size of the Digimon didn’t so much matter as their general density.

Sami said it was possible, but at best learning such a thing would be mostly effective against Digimon or digital entities, wouldn’t do much to help against most Pokemon aside from giving me a slight protective boost.

I was considering actually training to fight Digimon with my bare hands if needed personally, since Sami wasn’t actually using that energy to Digivolve and didn’t need it aside from using her weapons. I’d need someone to help me figure out how to turn my emotions, even possibly love, into raw power to protect those I care about. Right now, that was the friends I could see in front of me.

“So a ballistic missile from one of the worlds you Digimon invaded wouldn’t do anything to an Ultimate or Mega, but if a Pokémon hit with the same amount force they would actually make it stick?” Since from what we knew of Dazzle being able to hit like a truck and had caused Skull Chaosdramon X to be a thing, it meant that any Pokémon could be dangerous to Digimon. “That’s... a little weird. Also if a ‘Pound’ can affect you so easily, then it wouldn’t be hard for even the smallest Pokémon to take on the largest Digimon as long as they know a move that can do so.”

“Yeah, but what kind of move would a small Pokémon know that could hurt a Digimon with that kind of force?” Sami asked and was answered by the Cleffa that started hanging out around us.

“Oh, I know, watch me!” The small star shaped Pokémon with a puffy tail and forehead stated and started gathering energy. After twenty seconds, Cleffa finally used whatever energy she gathered.

“Solar Beam!” The tiny Pokémon unleashed a massive beam of energy into the sky that dissipated after a certain distance. A distance we couldn’t actually physically see.

“I think my life just flashed before my eyes…” Sami stated with wide eyed horror.

“So what equivalent level of Digimon would that hurt?” That was somewhat impressive to me, even the youngest Pokémon can learn moves that can devastate a small mountain.

“That would easily hurt an Ultimate, might even scratch a Mega. Pokémon have something of a great equalizer when it comes to fighting us with their dimensional energy it seems, considering that was just fired by a young Pokémon. Makes me wonder how focused an adults attack would be.” So if what you’re saying is right, get enough Pokémon that could do that together and then you’ll have them tearing apart Ultimate or even hold off a Mega class Digimon indefinitely.

So if this world were invaded for any reason they wouldn't be on the backfoot by any stretch of the imagination.

“I’m going to go play with Calumon… is that okay?” Looking at Cleffa we both nodded, we didn’t need her for much else at the moment. “Yay, thanks for letting me help you!”

The Cleffa waved, then ran off to go keep Calumon entertained. I’m not even sure the little guy knew what being an emissary entailed or even what Calumon should be doing in that capacity, I wasn’t about to tell him to stop having fun.

“That is quite fascinating to know…” We both turned to Professor Pong, the Porygon, was here acting as an emissary of Violight to Aurora and studying Digimon since the local digital world was on lockdown after we left. Mostly just studying Sami and Calumon really, with some side interest in Sideline.

Pong was a Pokémon that was half biological, half digital and one complete headache for Sami to look at. It was implied that any Digimon that saw him would feel the same way about his more biological components and ability to mate with something called a Ditto or another Porygon.

Apparently Porygon looked like some kind of bird head and pointy tail, on an odd tank body and two moving blocks next to them as limbs or legs. Apparently he rated as somewhere between Rookie and Champion level, leaning more heavily towards Champion to Sami’s eyes.

Technically he only identified as male. Like Digimon, he wasn’t a species with a gender based biology and yet could have children from eggs under specific circumstances. Digital children that hatched from ‘biological’ eggs, Sami didn’t even try to figure out how that works and neither would I.

Some would say Digimon were weird or whacky in appearance, but Pokémon shared a lot of weirdness all their own.

Proffessor Pong was also here to help us study the differences between Digimon and Pokémon, strangely enough they had quite a lot in common as much as they had so much differences between them.

One particular instance was Digimon had a variety of evolutions depending on how their dispositions change, Pokémon tended towards more linear evolutions with few branching options. Pokémon tended to stay stronger as they don’t get weaker or revert to prior evolutions when using up too much energy, they also get stronger over time naturally and exercise made Pokémon stronger exponentially. Digimon got stronger through different means and the absorption of data they can copy and use for themselves or just outright eat, Vaccine Digimon are more likely to do the former and Virus Digimon the latter. Goodness knows what the Data Digimon did, probably both.

Pokémon of equivalent size or slightly smaller always had more mass than a Digimon. Why was that important? Well Pokémon couldn't stay as large as some Digimon could. Digimon have the capacity to become the size of building, but the problem was that they wouldn’t have nearly as much mass that Pokémon would at the same size. Dynamic Maximizing was certainly a thing in this world and it would give some Pokémon quite an edge over similarly sized Digimon.

Square cube law would take effect rather quickly for Digimon, but not Pokémon who are using an unusual energy to cheat the difference and not collapse in on themselves. Never thought something I learned in school back on Puckworld would be this important to know.

We lost most of our space industry when the Saurians attacked… and so much more... even if I never see my home planet again, I'd at least be able to eventually see my friends.

I felt Sami snuggle up against my side and smile at me, I snorted as a smile formed on my beak too.

“So… are we going to spend the rest of the day relaxing?” We can do that Sami.

“Yeah, mostly, maybe you can help me with learning how to wield digital energy with the Digivice?” I was going to use the energy it if she wasn’t going to.

Differences of this world and the last I was trapped in aside, finding friends was easy and a way home was almost guaranteed.

That didn’t mean I wanted to rest on my butt feeling useless, I could probably take a few commissions for the guild and maybe even support and help Pom find her own way home. She was apparently going to meet Arceus again eventually, might as well do a few small odd jobs around here and earn some favor of the people.

-Pummelton, Healing Springs, Geoff-

I saw to the unconscious forms of Dolly and Pom, Lit was making sure their heads stayed above the water. The tiny guy was worried about them and seemed happy that they were actually sleeping so peacefully. The healing springs was definitely helping their bodies, but it couldn’t help their minds.

Dolly frowned in her sleep and after a bit of random wiggling, she was snuggled up against Pom and a bright smile formed on her face and the water splashing a bit as her tail started vibrating.

To think we came here to deal with our injuries and some of us may leave here worse than when we arrived. I hoped Pom was having some nice dreams at least.

We’d be setting out tomorrow and heading straight back through Ignis, I don’t know if Pom or Dolly would wake up tomorrow. They were really wiped out by the fighting today.

Pom’s group was a fully fleshed out unit now, I know for a fact that I could trust Lucha Mundo to aid Pom’s group in their endeavors. Since Lucha Mundo was apparently the spirit recovery expert we needed.

I also knew Mundo’s backstory and that he’d probably tell it to Pom like the others told theirs.

Wait… did Lit tell his? I mean the little guy really couldn’t speak so… he probably needed another bug type to translate.

Maybe Charjabug could do that?

-???, Pom-

“Mom, thank you for bringing me with you on vacation!” Dormarch crawled up into my lap with his three fish tails wagging happily and I carefully rolled him over to start rubbing his belly. “Even if it isn’t a real one.”

“Pom, this is really nice.” Tianhuo said from next me as I wrapped my hooves around Dormarch and hugged him tightly.

We were sitting on a hillside full of flowers overlooking the ocean to the west.

“Too bad this, like Dormarch said, isn’t real…” I sighed, I knew I was dreaming. I would love to feel Dormarch in my hooves like this. “It’ll be a nice quiet dream at least, not one of those screaming nightmares I tend to have.”

“It may not be real Pom, but you know the real Tianhuo would want to be here too.” I looked at my mental representation of Tianhuo and she smiled brightly.

“I really don’t like the idea of being what I am… makes me wonder if I can declare ‘Baa-Ram-Ewe’ on myself. I want to remain true to myself, but it’s kind of hard to do that when I’m getting stronger and more capable. The news about what I am was just thrust right into my face by an outside that became a Pokémon and I… I just couldn't deny it any longer. I’m not handling it all very well am?” Back on Equus, I know for a fact that Princess Luna was the watcher of dreams… so who was watching my dreams here? I could feel at least someone, but it didn’t seem like they meant me any harm. “Dolly at least is still trying to stay at my side and help me through this, but I don't think this is something that can be fixed or helped.”

“She’ll always want to be at your side mom.” Dormarch stated pleasantly as we looked out to sea to see Dolly go surfing by with an excited look on her face as she rode the wave.

“Yeah, that’s what I’m concerned about, knowing what I am...” I sighed and then just started to relax on the beach with my imaginary Tianhuo and Dormarch. It may seem like I sleep peacefully, but I lock the wool closest to my body to prevent me from struggling in my sleep from night terrors… also it helps that I kind of like being used as a pillow. “The bond we have is just so… it’s going to end poorly if I have to… still I love Dolly and I know she’s trying her best for me, but it’s all still so much to place on someone who can feasibly be happier by not being bound to me if things go the way I’m thinking.”

“That’s because you don’t feel like you can trust them to be alone or out of your sight for long mom, to be fair they have had some close calls with Smolder and Shanty almost getting… taken out… recently.” The way Dormarch paused before saying 'killed' almost made him seem real, I continued to hold him tightly against my chest. “Maybe you could give them some training?”

“In what? They are already skilled in several things. Shanty is capable of holding her own, at least to the point she’s surviving and not struggling. Ocellus is working on her own thing, plus she’s been learning biofeedback and partial transformations for defensive reasons. Smolder… maybe could use some help, she certainly could use her combat ribbon a bit more. Doubt the ribbon would have helped her against Lu Bu and if she had gotten closer to use it she would have died.” Wouldn’t know how to train Dodo, our Pokémon friends would know more about their own capabilities than I would and the only Digimon I had to worry about was the one in my dreams. The others were with their partners from whom they could derive strength. “There’s not much more I can actually do for them, I can easily expand on my own talents. I really don't want to, I mean my Howl Blast was good at slowing down… wait… wasn’t I knocked unconscious by Geoff… I don’t think I’m going to live that one down. Still it is a bit relieving that I’m not nigh unstoppable, then everyone would just expect so much more of me...”

“Yes, that did happen. You’re unlikely to remember this dream, but at least you’ll have all this stuff in the forefront of your mind when you wake up mom… though it’ll take approximately eighteen hours before you do considering the concussion Geoff gave you.” Dormarch stated while continuing to sit in my grip with happy wiggling tails. “You have friends Pom, you just need to start relying on them to start coming through for you. Instead of always being the reliable one, start making others pick up the slack because if they don’t it falls on you and it’s getting kind of heavy when it does. Also I’ll always be here in your head mommy.”

“There’s some comfort in the fact that I won’t forget you at least…” I felt my right leg slowly be pulled out from hugging Dormarch and a warm hoof gently wrapped itself around mine and I looked up at the imaginary Tianhuo.

“Comfort, is why I exist.” The mental Tianhuo stated with a smile that reflected that of the actual Longma. “You need to relax and rest, you need to stop thinking so hard. Just let go of your worries for a while. If there’s something you can’t do, then you’ve probably done all you could knowing yourself as well as you do.”

“Still need to find a way to contact Arceus, even though he probably already knows about Canard, Digimon and who knows what else he has going on to worry about.” If he’s as powerful as I think he is, then he already knows whatever it is that I have to tell him. He probably even knows all the complaints I might have about the dangers I’ve been getting into, he said this world doesn’t need me to act in the capacity of a hero… well it certainly doesn’t feel that way to me. It definitely, and sorely, needed heroes right now. “I sometimes wonder if he can do subtle…”

“He does subtle all the time, however making a continent shaped like his body wasn’t very subtle at all. He wants us to be self-sufficient and to learn.” I turned to my left and saw a dark creature sitting on a beach chair, it had a ring of red spikes that somewhat resemble a jaw depending on how you looked at it and long white hair coming off the top of its dark form. “Looking at you, it actually makes me feel better about myself, because well… I thought I was an impossibly tortured soul for quite a while. Your Night Terror energy is nearly impossible for me to quash and keep this dream happy.”

“We are less subtle at times as well honey.” The Pokémon to left of the dark guy with the glowing blue eyes spoke up with a soft voice. She looked have the shape of a swan in body that was bluue, had two small dark pink paws with what looked like two wings made of ethereal matter connected to it. Her head was mostly yellow and had a beak like protrusion to her mask like face, her head looked like it had a crescent moon splitting into being on both sides of her vibrant pink eyes. She certainly had a dreaming night theme going for her. “I’m Cresselia, Legendary Pokémon of good dreams, I hope you are enjoying your dream. You are unlikely to wake up prematurely considering all your injuries.”

“I’m Darkrai, Legendary Pokémon of nightmares and terror, someone who can understand a life of suffering quite well. If you want to talk about it, then I’ll be here when you sleep.” He sounded like he knew what I was going through, he doesn’t sound like a bad guy either despite his rather frightening appearance kind of reminding me of a reaper for some reason. “I can eat or give nightmares. Cresslia can give or, quite rarely and seldom done by her, take away good dreams from someone. We can create neutral dreams or dreamless void together.”

“We’re quite the lovely pair really!” Cresselia seemed dreamlike already, I wondered if she looked like this in reality as well. “So who is this Luna you mentioned.”

“I’ve seen Celestia and Luna once or twice here let me…” I tried to concentrate and a copy of Luna appeared before us. The alicorn smiled, sat down and brought out some tanning mirrors with her hooves to start relaxing. “She’s the mare of the moon and the princess of the night in Equestria, her name is Luna. She also doubles as the goddess of dreams.”

“Yeah, I’m just a Legendary of dreams, if you want the legendary of the moon then you’ll want Lunala.” With a small wave of one of the two paws connect to the odd ethereal wings the figure of a bat appeared. Said bat gave off the appearance of a full moon showing me what Lunala looked like. “So want some company, or do you wish us to leave you to it?”

“Company.” I didn’t want to be lonely here with my imaginings after all.

“Mom would be delighted to have you for as long as this dream lasts.” Dormarch stated while nodding to them. "She needs all the love she can get at the moment."

Cresselia stared at Dormarch oddly for a bit then shrugged and started a topic about my favorite kind of flower to frolic around in.

For some reason Darkrai was staring at a slightly behind the base of my neck as I tried to continue ignoring the large golden feathered wings flexing and spreading out every once in a while.

Those better not be there when I wake up… I wouldn’t know what to do with myself if they were...

-Pugilis, Pummelton, the next morning, Ocellus-

We were busy loading the wagon up for our return trip, some local traveling food apparently loaded and paid for by the Kec Merchants. Our wagon was apparently of use to them for getting some stuff back to Helper’s Hamlet.

“So what was the item we got from Pom getting second place in her block again?” We certainly didn’t know what it was or were bothered with finding out, we had other things on our minds.

“A claw apparently, but it doesn’t seem like it came from anything alive.” Smolder stated while holding up the item in question.

“A razor claw, that was the prize Pom won?! Say uh… can I have that… please?” Apparently Quetal knew exactly what it was, he even seemed fairly desperate for it considering the sudden shift in his emotions.

“Sure, but what does it do?” I asked as I levitated it and looked it over. It was a crescent shaped, looked like an animal claw, but… it didn’t come from an animal and I’m betting it was something mystical like the Stone Bone.

“It’ll boost the holders ability to find weak points… it’s also… something that’ll let me eventually evolve if I hold onto it.” Quetal crossed his arms over his chest and looked away as if he was ashamed to mention he needed it to evolve. “I’d be able to eventually become a Weavile…”

“Here you go, if it’ll be of use to you, then you can have it." I levitated the claw over to him. "I don’t know what else we would do with it.”

“…. Thank you… you have no idea how much this will mean to me eventually.” Quetal sighed and looked a little troubled. "Brother..."

“Would you like some help getting it on some string so you can wear it?” Because it would be hard for him to carry, he didn’t exactly have opposable digits.

“It would certainly help…” Quetal stated calmly. “So we have a full traveling companion unit, strange selection we have going on here.”

“Speaking of selection… I’m working on learning Phantom Force move. I’m wondering if I should give up Flamethrower for it… Dazzle certainly has our fire needs handled.” There was something that has always been curious about Shine.

“Why did you know Flamethrower in the first place if you seemed so uncomfortable about it?” I could understand Pain Split, Ally Switch and Trick-Or-Treat. Shine liked her utility moves and what she could do with them. The ability to spew forth fire didn’t seem utility beyond lighting an instant campfire or setting something violently ablaze.

“It’s about how I got my title of ‘Ninja’. Where there’s smoke, there’s a very distracting fire so someone will be left alone when there were bigger problems going on.” Shine looked away, our spooky friend seemed a little wistful about something.

Pom and Dolly were loaded up with Dazzle and Frizzle's help, we were just about ready to set off.

“So… Mundo... are you packed or have your things in order.” The wrestle bird was also curiosity to me, then again most people over the last few worlds were all curiosities and learning experiences. “We’ll soon be on our way to Ignis.”

His moves were at least understandable, Flying Press in particular was a wrestling move turned into something more fitting for a Pokémon. It hit with the force of a flying or fighting type attack at the same time, using whatever energy was more effective on impacts, it was quite amazing. Coaching was an odd move and he used it to teach Geoff, apparently it also boosts strength of an ally and is useful for training. Roost was a general healing move most flying types tended to learn, self explanatory sitting down to rest. The last move Steel Wing was so Mundo had some defensive options on top of being an offensive move.

“I will be fine, all I have is what you see before you.” A bag with some Poké, a simple cloak and a wrestling mask designed exactly like his face, Mundo was traveling light. He had a lot of weaknesses, but also a lot of strengths when it came to the elemental nature of Pokémon. “Also know that if we run into any Pokémon that uses Thunder Wave, I will be of great help for I am immune to being paralyzed by moves!”

“Really?” That’s curious.

“But of course, all Pokemon have unique abilities, I personally have the ability of being limber.” From there Mundo started a conversation of abilities. Said abilities hadn't been brought up because they didn't seem important at the time.

Shine’s had the ability to find stuff laying around, usually the things found were immediately useful in some capacity.

Lit’s ability was to have incredible accuracy when using ranged attacks.

Quetal’s general ability was to stand firm and not flinch in the face of danger when needed, provided he’s not caught entirely off guard. It was exceedingly hard to make him flinch when he was actively participating in a fight and a Focus Punch was one of the few things that could make him flinch.

I already know Dazzle’s poison can affect even those that normally couldn’t be poisoned, there were apparently some exceptions to this as Pom and Dolly’s Pecha Scarves could block her poisoning attempts.

Favela’s unique ability was rather interesting, given we’ve never exactly had reason to know about it.

“So wait… you can absorb Grass Type attacks and make yourself temporarily stronger from absorbing the energy?” I found that intriguing, Favela called it Sap Sipper and the seemed like a pertinent name to what she can do. Abilities were interesting and varied from Pokémon to Pokémon, It hasn’t come up because Greenleaf was a peaceful nation and we hadn’t had any battles involving Grass Type Pokémon or had been assaulted with Grass Type attacks. “Couldn’t you hit yourself with a plant type attack and get stronger that way?”

“… I, Favela, could probably use Seed Bomb on myself if I’m being pinned and use that to get out of a sticky situation.” It sounded like Favela had never previously considered that. “Thanks for the idea Ocellus, I’ll make sure to try that later when we inevitably get into more trouble.”

“Evolution has a habit of changings abilities as well, I wouldn’t know what that is like. My species doesn’t have an evolution until Arceus deems that we have always had one… then he just rewrites history to make it so. That's what he did with Fairy Types anyway.” Didn’t need Mundo to tell me that Arceus was a terrifying entity, especially if he was that powerful. I mean Arceus made all the functional gods on this world, so of course he was really powerful.

“Good to know… has that affected you any Combusken?” Our friends new form took some getting used to, given her legs were now bending in the opposite direction.

“No I’m pretty sure I still have my ability to just move faster the longer danger goes on, up until I hit a peak.” We were going to make a stop in Ignis for Combusken, Cyndaquil was just as curious as we were about where this was going to go. To think this was that little orange chicken that came to us for training help. “Explains why I’m so good at running away…”

“Excuse me, but I wanted to say goodbye to Jeanne and Mr. Mienshao, they’ve been so nice to us… even if Mienshao’s taste in food is a bit... 'bleh'... what with everything being pickled.” Shine walked over to Jeanne and Mienshao, they were here to see us off as I started getting Dodo hitched up.


“Hey Jeanne, we’re about to leave, but I wanted to ask you something.” I was a bit nervous about the response I would get.

“Sure, what is it?” The Hakamo-o was tilting her head at me.

“So just to confirm something, you’re a steel type right?” I just wanted to be sure that I heard her mention that.

“Of course I am, I grew up in Valora, why wouldn’t I be?” Okay, that answered that Jeanne… but…

“Is you’re father by chance a Goodra with a steel shell?” There was a look of slight surprise on the bipedal fighting dragon’s face.

“Um… yeah, but how did you know?” One would call it a hunch Jeanne, but I did use to live in the general area and passed through Valora on my way to Greenleaf.

“Does his shell by any chance have a small claw shaped rent marking halfway up the right side?” I possibly knew who her father was... if I was right then…

“You know my father?” Jeanne seemed particularly surprised and intrigued.

“Yeah, sorry to cut things short, but when you see him… can you tell him that Shine has finally found her light?” I turned and left to join my friends in loading up our large traveling wagon. “He’ll... know what it means.”

“Sure thing, I was going to head back towards Valora soon anyway, what with the rumors of strange goings on getting worse.” Jeanne stated while waving my way. “I wanted to check in and make sure my father’s farm is doing okay anyway!”

Didn’t have the heart to tell her that she wasn’t a steel type and that her father was an interesting individual. I’m sure some day she’ll figure out she’s a Dragon and Fighting Type and not Fighting and Steel. Probably helps that the Kommo-o clan is laying low in Valora, somebody is going to have to tell Jeanne eventually.

At least Kommo-o did know moves Iron Head and Iron Defense.

-Ignis, hours later, midday lunch, Shanty-

“So, is that being what I think it is?” My question was met with a silence and a few nods, I am being very upset.

“That… might have been her home…” Yes, it be quite a burnt out husk of one Smolder.

Combusken be quietly sitting outside the burnt out husk of what was now a pile of ashes and burnt wood.

After half an hour Combusken eventually be coming back with Cyndaquil following.

“Okay… I’m ready to go. I’m joining Rescue Team Harmony with my new buddy here. I’ve been pretty bad at fighting, but helping out in other ways isn’t as big an issue!” Combusken be crossing her new arms and nodded to herself, then she pointed a single claw on her right arm forwards. “I eventually want to be the leader of Team Harmony and I’ll work hard to help as many Pokémon as I can, since I know Pom isn’t going to be around forever as the founder and an outsider. So let’s go everyone, no sad faces!”

“Yeah, what she said!” Charjabug shouted and I be looking back at the lost home as we be moving on.

I am being glad that my home is wherever my friends are, I really be needing to get stronger if I am to be protecting the most irreplaceable treasure in my life.

It would be a little bit into the evening when we would be arriving back in Aurora to find that things were okay. The Rockruff Brothers be taking care of a few bandits, but not much be happening other than that while King Evan is being in Greenleaf.

-Greenleaf, Greenleaf Castle, King Evan-

The Servine, a green pokemon with a serpent like appearance with small hands and feet, stood tall and glanced at Hideyoshi with disdain from under his rather fashionable boxy hat. I'd have have to ask where he got it from, I wanted to wear something like that too.

This was the king of Greenleaf, King Motonari. He was a fairly calm and polite guy and like the other Grass Types in this kingdom, he was relatively laid back.

Hopefully he would see reason... and allow Hideyoshi make up for his many and somewhat grave mistakes. I think Ignis has lost far more than it has gained in recent history. Surely Motonari would recognize that?

"Let me reiterate, the northeastern forest was burned, my lands were raided, your rebels even put up a fort in our territory and your civil war boiled over into an attack on the both of our kingdoms. Good knows what would have happened if Pugilis were to get involved. So my question is thus, will you actually defend yourself or your actions?" Motonari seemed to be asking for the sake of clarity.

"No..." Hideyoshi stated quietly. "I will at the very least want to explain myself in full, but I will not defend what I have allowed to occur under my rule."

"At least you understand that the peaceful propriety of the western Ransei nations has been severely broken, now let's get to negotiations..." Motonari was of course quite angry with Hideyoshi, but I was here to make sure that Hideyoshi would leave here alive. "And as to whether or not I should have your head."

At the very least I would try my best, Motonari was a reasonable sort from what I've heard. Still didn't know what the internal problems that had happened here, but apparently it was not an issue anymore.

I glanced at the Decidueye that looked fairly cagey in the back of the room, something was up with that guy as he shifted uncomfortably under my stare.

Author's Note:

If someone is wondering, the best a human has done in unconventional ways to defeat a Digimon are as follows.

Basically Marcus Damon's whole career as a Digimon Tamer. There have been other times when a human has effectively attacked a Digimon directly in anger, like Tai and a Bakemon... but Marcus made it an artform to beat on things bigger than him.

Basically Digimon don't have as much mass as they would appear to. They are also apparently weak to highly emotionally charged people with a Digivice that know how to punch things.

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