• Published 6th Apr 2013
  • 18,810 Views, 689 Comments

Enkindled Hearts - Rated Ponystar

Spike and Fluttershy tell Twilight how they became a couple

  • ...

Hearts On The Dance Floor

Enkindled Hearts

By The Rated Ponystar

Formerly edited by: Adjudicator

Edited by: Mr.Minimii and ugugg93

Note: The song played I do not own but I did modify the lyrics of the original to make it ponyverse like. Thanks to DARKPHANTOM13 for the song suggestion.


The moment Spike heard his voice, he was already ready for a fight. He heard the others get up from the seats and stand right beside him in unison, equally prepared in case there was any trouble. If he was who Spike thought he was, trouble was the drop of a bit away. He watched as the tall, red adolescent dragon walked toward them with some dragoness hanging on his arm—A.K.A. this week’s bed buddy.

There were very few individuals on Spike’s “Hate List,” but up on the top was Garble. The bully had never forgotten of that embarrassment Spike made out of him and his friends years ago when he went to the dragon migration. Unfortunately, this was the son of the new dragon ambassador, and it was only a matter of time until their paths crossed again. Since then, it had been nothing but conflict between him and his friends against Garble and his goon squad.

The two groups stared at each other for a long time stared silently, the club’s music playing in the background. Finally, Garble smiled and spread his arms out like he was greeting them. “Well, don’t let us ruin your evening. Please, drink the night away while we get our own.”

“What do you want, Garble?” growled Spike, crossing his arms. “Because we’re in no mood for any horse apples from you.”

“Speak for yourself, I could use a good fight to knock this punk down a few pegs,” muttered U-E, stretching his shoulder.

“Ditto,” seconded Vinyl as she started to charge her horn, but Octavia put her hoof on her shoulder and shook her head.

Garble only continued to smile as he walked past them, pushing Limestone and Ruby out of the way as he made his way to the bar and ordered a drink. Spike made sure to keep an eye on him while the other was on Fluttershy, who was hiding behind Ruby as if already sensing how dangerous he was. Garble took his shot and swallowed it whole before leaning back at the bar.

“So Spike, word on the street is you're in charge of that stupid pony wedding that’s going on? Fancy Pants and that other mare... what’s her name? Whority?”

“It’s Rarity, you bastard!” growled Spike, nostrils flaring green flames. “And if you say anything about her or Fancy Pants, I’ll end you!”

“Temper. Temper. Remember to watch it. After all, it got you kicked out of three clubs already,” warned Garble, sticking his claws up.

“As opposed to the seven you were banned from, including that one where I hauled your scaly butt out?” pointed out a grinning U-E, who took a high five from Limestone.

Garble glared at the donkey, a blush on his cheek appearing before the redness started to spread around his entire face. Hissing, the red dragon cried out, “Shut it you lousy good for nothing, ass! You’re kind was better off being slaves before the princesses changed that many years ago!”

“And you're better off jumping into a lake and drowning yourself,” commented Limestone, who looked ready to charge, but saw that Garble’s gang was much larger than their own, and backed down.

Garble huffed before spitting on the ground, right next to the hoof of Octavia who jumped back and wiped it with a clean napkin nearby. He raised his claw and pointed to Limestone, Ruby, and Spike. “You three are a disgrace to the dragon race. In fact this entire club is for opening it up to the other races. Have you no pride of being dragons? The real superior race of this world? You hang around with these pansy ponies and good for nothing but labor donkeys like they’re your equals. Have you no shame?”

“The only one who should be ashamed is you, Garble,” said Ruby, narrowing her eyes. “Your father is an ambassador for our people and yet his son is constantly getting into trouble and likes making racist remarks about other races he thinks are below him.” She then smiled. “In fact, hasn’t your father decided to send you back to the nation while also making your younger sister his heir instead of you?”

Garble showed his teeth and looked ready to smack Ruby, but Limestone was already there in front of her. “Try anything, and I swear...”

The tension was thickening between both groups, and Spike wondered if there was any chance to avoid bloodshed tonight. Much as he liked to clobber Garble, he wouldn’t risk Fluttershy from his own problems. He decided to be the better dragon, and stepped towards towards Garble, making sure he was relaxed and didn’t look threatening.

“Look, Garble, none of us came here for a fight,” said Spike. “We’re here to have a good time and nothing more. Just take your drink, your friends, and leave us alone, alright?”

His archenemy raised an eyebrow, and rubbed his chin while Spike did his best to assure the others to relax as well with a few subtle winks. Garble smirked and nodded. “Okay, Spike. Fair enough, I’ll leave you and your group alone...”

Spike sighed in relief.

“... on one condition,” said Garble, raising a finger and pointing it to his shot glass. “One of you dweebs has to face me in a drinking contest. Loser leaves the club, and doesn’t come back.”

“Come on, that’s not fair!” said Octavia, puffing her cheeks.

“What’s wrong? Afraid of a little competition? Got the balls to go one-on-one?” tempted Garble, showing his teeth.

Spike looked at the rest of his friends who were nodding in agreement, some of them like Vinyl and U-E looking for a chance to show up the jerk. He glanced toward Fluttershy, still holding her drink in her shaking hooves, who was now showing herself out in the open. She looked Spike and whispered, “You can do this” to him which made him feel suddenly ten times braver. Spitting into his claw, Spike held it out and said, “Alright, you're on. But you will swear on your honor as a dragon that you’re telling the truth.”

“I swear on my honor.” Garble smirked, spat in his own claw, and shook his with Spike’s. “Alright, so the one I pick to face me in a drinking contest is...”

Spike puffed out his chest while the rest of his friends looked ready as well. However, Garble didn’t even bother looking at them, and just pointed at his target. “You!”

Everyone gasped, and Spike even felt like kicking himself when he remembered there was one other pony in this group who was inexperienced with clubbing. The same one he swore to make sure nothing happened to: Fluttershy. The poor pegasus ‘eeped,’ and hid behind Ruby again who shielded her with her wings.

“Leave her out of this! She’s just joined us!” yelled Spike, claws ready.

Shaking his head, Garble said, “You said I could pick any of your friends if I choose, and she’s your friend, right? She’s holding the drink you were all about to have, meaning she’s part of your group. Unless you want to go back on your word and dishonor yourself?”

Spike clenched his claw so hard he was sure blood was gonna come out and drip on the floor. The worst part was that Garble was right. Dishonoring yourself was something a dragon couldn’t live with, even one such as him. Spike always valued keeping his word, and he knew he would have to. He looked at the pale, fragile form of his best friend, and cursed himself for not remembering her safety.

Limestone shouted, “Come on, Garble, she’s just a rookie. She can’t—”

“I’ll do it.”

Everyone turned their heads to see Fluttershy poke her head out from Ruby’s wings, and float down. She drank her glass with one gulp, and gently put it on the table before taking a deep breath and letting it out. “I’ll do it.”

Vinyl stepped forward and pressed her hoof against Fluttershy’s shoulder. “Fluttershy, you don’t have to do this. This guy’s been a pain in our flank for a long time. It’s not your fault.”

“T-true, but he insulted Spike, and...” Fluttershy stared at Garble with as much bravery as she could muster. “And I won’t let him be mean to my best friend!”

“Oh? Is the little cute pony going to make me regret making fun of this loser?” mocked Garble, who patted the seat next to him. “Bring your butterfly butt over here, so I can cream you, and see your backsides walk out the front door when I’m done.”

Fluttershy was about to sit when Spike stepped forward and tugged her tail gently. “You don’t have to this. I’m okay taking your place, honor or no honor.”

Fluttershy smiled before holding his claw with both her hooves. “I’ll be okay, trust me.”

He tried to say something else, but Fluttershy quickly sat down and nodded. Garble, chuckling, tapped on the counter. “Barkeep! A round of drinks for a little game of ours!”


Spike couldn’t believe it, and he was sure the crowd behind him couldn’t believe it. He looked at his friends who were either trying to lift their jaws off the floor, or were cheering on Fluttershy as she drank her fourteenth shot in a row. While her mane seemed to be a bit more wild, and a flush was on her cheeks, Fluttershy let out a satisfied “Ahhh” before slamming the cup down. “Boyah! How do you like that!”

The crowd cheered as Fluttershy waved at them, a bright smile on her face. The same could not be said for Garble, who looked ready to fall out of his seat or puke, maybe even both. The guy had been boasting he could out drink anyone, and was convinced this was going to be an easy victory. His mistake.

He lifted his shot glass and, looking green, drank the whole thing in one gulp. He burped a bit of fire from his lips, but he had managed to hold it down. “T-think...y-you... can... can... beat me...” slurred Garble, whose look ready to roll to the back of his head. “I.. I ain’t lettin’... some stupid... horsy... thingy... beat me...”

Fluttershy replied with a sly grin. “Oh, really.” She reached out and took three shot glasses, much to the surprise of the crowd who soon started to cheer for her to drink all three at the same time. Fluttershy waved for Spike to come over which surprised him, but he nodded and walked over. Handing the shot glasses to Spike, she turned around and leaned back, opening her mouth while pointing to it.

This got the crowd even more riled up as Vinyl screamed, “Alright, Fluttershy! Taking it like a boss!”

Spike grinned, and dumped all three shots into Fluttershy’s mouth who quickly got up after they entered her mouth, and swallowed it as one big gulp. She shook her head a bit and panted, but she smiled and raised her wings which erupted in applause for her. Garble was looking at Fluttershy with wide eyes as she rested her elbow on the counter, glaring at him with daring eyes. “Looks like this ‘horsey thing’ managed to up you times three. Can to try copying me? Or are you to scared to play with the big boys, little hatchling?”

“Ooooohhh!” screamed the crowd as Garble’s face turned even redder than normal.

“Burn,” said U-E, grinning.

“Total burn,” replied Limestone with an equal grin.

With shaking claws, Garble took three shot glasses, and raised them one by one into his mouth. But before he could finish the third glass, Garble couldn’t take it anymore and he fell to the floor, throwing up everything inside. The crowd stepped back in disgust, but soon realized that Fluttershy had won, and cheered again. The intoxicated pegasus rubbed the back of her neck as they shouted her name. Spike and his friends all congratulated her by shaking her hoof or patting her on the back, although Vinyl’s almost neatly caused her to fall off her seat.

Spike, smiling like it was his birthday come early, looked down at the defeated and gagging Garble who appeared ready to rage out and burn everything to the ground. The flames coming out of his nose made it seem even more believable. Crossing his arms, Spike stated, “You lost, Garble. A deal is a deal. Now get out of here like you promised, or do you want to lose your honor along with your lunch?”

Garble growled, but got up with the help of his friends and walked towards the exit. Seeing the excitement and confrontation over, the crowd soon said their final congrats before heading back to their own excitement in the club. Fluttershy, realizing now that she had won a drinking contest against a dragon, gasped and held her hooves to her heart. “I... I actually won! I didn’t think... for a second, I thought...”

“Dude, you were great! That was the most awesome thing I’ve seen in a long time!” shouted Ruby, patting her back. “Fluttershy, I think I speak for everyone here when I say you're part of the gang!”

“Yeah, you have got to come over to me and Tavi’s cub! We’ll have a blast! And drinks are on the house!” seconded Vinyl with her wife nodding.

“And if you ever need help with any kind of trouble that revolves physical work...,” U-E cracked his hooves, nodding to Limestone who nodded back. “Just give us a call, too.”

“I...I...” Fluttershy looked at her new friends, blushing up a storm before she nodded. “Thank you. I hope we become good friends.” She then turned to the dance floor, and her smile grew before getting off her seat and walking over to Spike. “Um, Spike? Do you want to dance?”

“S-sure,” said Spike, taken by surprise. He wrapped a wing around his best friend, and the two of them walked over to the dance floor where a everypony was shaking it to a new track that had come on.

Fluttershy looked like she was having second thoughts by the time it started while Spike was finding his heart beating as he realized that he had never danced with Fluttershy before. Deciding to take a risk, he smirked, and gently pulled Fluttershy closer to him as he began to sway back and forth, Fluttershy following his example.

“Hey, I know this song. Follow my lead!” said Fluttershy who soon turned around while shaking her flanks. Spike giggled and followed suit, and the two of them jumped up, along with the crowd, before falling and moving closer.

The chorus sung, and the two of them raised their respective upper limbs up, shaking them high into the air with everyone else. Fluttershy stood up on her rear hooves, and started banging her head, her pink mane flying and making her look even more beautiful than Spike had ever seen her. Not wanting to be outdone, and finding his rhythm, Spike started to do some impressive footwork. His feet stomped and swept around the area, earning a small laugh from Fluttershy.

The two inched closer to the point where they bumped flanks as Spike took Fluttershy by her forearm, turned her around, and held her close to him, chest to chest as the two looked deep into each other’s eyes

Holding her forelegs, Spike continued to guide Fluttershy through their dance, and they were soon finding themselves in the middle of the dance floor with everyone making room. Seeing they were now the center of attention, the two looked at each other and smirked. Spinning Fluttershy so that her back was against his, he held her tight as he started grinding against her flank. Despite her blush, Fluttershy played loose with it, obviously due to the alcohol she had taken earlier.

“Shall we?” asked Spike.

“Let’s,” encouraged Fluttershy with a wink

The two, holding each other, spun across the floor and as Fluttershy and Spike opened their wings and flew high into the air. They flew around, holding each other as they appeared like angels in unison, dancing and flying at the same time with grace and excitement at the same time. Spike threw Fluttershy higher, to the point where she was nearly touching the ceiling and spun around like a top.

The crowd gasped as Spike landed on the ground, and then caught Fluttershy with his claws as she held on to his neck and laugh. She was sure she almost had a heart attack for a second, but now, watching the smile on her dragon’s face only made her wish that she had danced with him a long time ago. Diving to his knees, Spike held onto Fluttershy as they looked deep into each other’s eyes.

They were so pressed together that the two felt each other’s heartbeats. Looking into each other’s eyes, Fluttershy and Spike’s cheeks grew red as all other sounds, even the song itself. They grew closer until their lips were only inches apart. They could feel each other's breath.

Finally, Fluttershy couldn’t hold it any longer, and pressed her lips against Spike’s.

Spike’s eyes widened while the entire crowd was cheering. He looked out of the corner of his eye, and saw his friends shouting and whistling. Spike, although confused, couldn’t help but love this feeling, and soon gave in and returned the kiss.

The taste of Fluttershy’s lips were like a combination of honey and flowers. Sweet and soft, like a gentle breeze had been pressed against his face while he held her in his arms. Fluttershy herself felt like she was on cloud nine because she finally had her first true kiss with somepony that she loved with all her heart.

The song ended as the two separated from each other, the crowd still cheering. Spike just stared at a smiling Fluttershy who looked at him with eyes that made more beautiful than any gem in the world. So many questions were ringing in his head. Why had Fluttershy kissed him? What is a spur o the moment thing, or... or...

Is she in love with me? Spike asked in his head.

Before Spike could answer, he felt a chill pass through his spine as he heard ponies mumbling and quiet down. He looked at his friends who were quickly stomping their way towards him with angry looks on their faces. He gritted his teeth and could already guess who it was as he turned around, and, sure enough, there was Garble, stomping over with his entire group.

“What the hay, Garble! You lost, so get out of here!” shouted Spike, stepping forward.

Garble got close to both Spike and a shaking Fluttershy, who looked terrified at the sight of the red dragon’s raging eyes upon her. “I didn’t come here to be insulted and kicked out by a loser and his apparent whore. First, you’re friends with ponies, now you’re sleeping with them? You’re sick.”

“I dare you to call Fluttershy that one more time, so I can just kick your scaly butt!” cried out Spike, growling, his claws glistening in the lights from above.

Garble smirked. “Let’s stop beating around the bush. We both know this is gonna end with us tearing each other apart, so let’s to it.”

“Fine by me... make your move....” growled Spike.

“Well, if I’m gonna make the first blow...” Garble clenched his fist and gave a grin that all but worried Spike. “I should make sure it lands where it hurts the most."

Garble raised his fist, but turned at the last second and punched Fluttershy straight in the face.

Time slowed down as a horrified Spike watched Fluttershy fall to the dance floor, her face bleeding as she landed on the floor, hard. Gasps were heard everywhere right before a whimper from a shaking and teary-eyed Fluttershy.

Only one word rang in Spike’s head a split second after this.Kill!

Author's Note:

Hope you enjoyed. One or two more chapters renaming.

Also thanks to DARKPHANTOM13 for the song suggestion.

Note: Had to remove the lyrics, sorry