• Published 6th Apr 2013
  • 18,810 Views, 689 Comments

Enkindled Hearts - Rated Ponystar

Spike and Fluttershy tell Twilight how they became a couple

  • ...

Enkindled Hearts

Enkindled Hearts

By The Rated Ponystar

Formerly edited by: Adjudicator

Edited by: Mr.Minimii and ugugg93


“Are ya sure yer okay?” asked Applejack for the ninth time at Fluttershy’s stoop. “Mac said ya were shakin' somethin' fierce when ya came back from Canterlot yesterday. Did somethin’ happen?”

Fluttershy, barely keeping her door open, shook her head. “N-no... I’m fine... I was just... just was a bit overwhelmed is all.”

“Are ya sure?” asked Applejack again, getting a quick shake of the head in response. Sighing, she nodded. “Okay, but if ya need anythin’, give a holler. Remember that the weddin’s comin’ soon.”

Fluttershy whispered goodbye before she closed the door and leaned her back on it. Truthfully, she was far from fine. Her mind was still plaguing her with what happened back at the club last night. Seeing such a violent streak in Spike as he tore apart Garble made her blood turn to ice. Even now she could feel her fur rising up in fright just thinking about it.

Yet, she also felt ashamed. Since Spike had only fought against Garble for her sake. He did it because she was his friend.

But were they more than friends now thanks to that kiss?

Fluttershy felt her heart flutter when she thought about it. It was ironic that his kiss was so cold, yet brought more warmth to her heart than anything else she'd felt in her life. She felt as if her heart was enkindled by some burning flame that made her want to never let go of Spike. To kiss him and hold him forever in her embrace would be like taking in the flames of love itself.

For the first time in her life, she cursed somepony. She cursed Garble, hoping that he would get what was coming to him for ruining that moment. Fluttershy wanted nothing more than to fly to Spike and kiss him again, letting him know that she still loved him.

Then why am I so afraid to do that? she asked herself in shame. Yet, she knew the answer. I’m such a coward.

Fluttershy nearly leapt up into the air when she heard her door knocking rapidly. “Fluttershy! Open up! It’s Ruby!”

“Ruby?” asked Fluttershy as she turned and opened the door. The large dragoness was there, sweating heavily. “What are you doing here?”

“Looking for you! Do you know how hard it was trying to find you? I spent nearly an hour flying around Ponyville asking ponies if they knew you, but most of them were afraid of me. Guess you guys don’t get dragons here too often, huh?” asked Ruby, chuckling as she walked inside while ducking because of her height. “I came to find you because we need your help. It’s Spike.”

Fluttershy’s first reaction was to rush towards Ruby and hold her by the shoulders. “Is he alright?! Is he hurt?! Or in trouble?! Please let it not be both!”

Ruby raised her claw to calm her down. “Relax, he’s not hurt. The princesses have good healers. And no, he’s not in trouble. I think he told only Princess Celestia what happened and, from what I hear, Garble’s gotten himself in real trouble. Spike and the rest of us are safe since it’s being played down. But...” Ruby sighed and rubbed the back of her neck. “Spike’s been refusing to talk to us. He locked himself inside, and he hasn’t given any orders for the wedding. Everypony thinks it’s just stress, but we know that’s not true.” Ruby looked straight into Fluttershy’s eyes. “I think he blames himself for what happened to you.”

“W-what?” stuttered Fluttershy. “B-but it’s not his fault! He was protecting me!”

“Yeah, and he almost killed Garble for it. If you didn’t stop him...” Ruby shivered. “Garble’s a pain in the rear, but even I felt sorry for him after that beat down.”

Fluttershy lowered her eyes as they began to mist, but that didn’t last long as she then looked at Ruby with a determined look. “Take me to him.”


Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

He kept repeating that over and over again in his head. Spike looked outside the balcony of his room and down at the city below, hoping to push his thoughts away with its sights. It didn’t work. Nothing had worked. Books, meditation, the wedding, exercise, sleep. Nothing stopped him from remembering the look in Fluttershy’s eyes as she saw him ready to end Garble’s life.

The fear in those eyes. It was like she was looking at him as if he was a monster. And she’s right. I am a monster, Spike thought bitterly as he looked at his hand. He could still imagine it covered in Garble’s blood.

Worst of all was he had no regrets. He knew now why she was so important to him. Why he wanted to spend so much time with her after all these months. The kiss made him realize what had been in front of him for so long.

He was in love with Fluttershy. His dragon instincts saw her as his potential mate, and he knew that he would protect her. He didn’t know when such feelings were planted, but he suspected they had been there for a long time. That kiss they shared was more precious than any gem he owned or tasted. It was like finding something he had been missing for so long.

It was love.

Ever since he lost Rarity, he never thought anypony could take her place. He dated a little, but nopony came close. Yet when he thought of Fluttershy and him together it was like everything fit, even more so than it did when he thought of Rarity. She was the most precious thing to him, even more so than Twilight.

Who was the one pony who stuck by him through it all? Who was the one pony whose kindness and friendship did he learn to value even more than Twilight's? Who was the one who stuck by him and slowly became the most valuable thing to him.

Fluttershy was the answer to all those questions, and if the kiss meant anything it meant she loved him back as well. Knowing this, a part of him wanted to go find her and profess his love, even swearing to never scare her again. Yet he was hesitant. He knew why. He was dangerous to be around with, much less romantically involved.

He held such great strength and power, but also a powerful lust of rage and greed that all dragons had. What if what happened five nights ago happened again and this time instead of Garble it was Fluttershy? Spike would never forgive himself.

There was also the fact that Fluttershy was a pegasus and he was a dragon. Ignoring that there were those who didn’t like cross species relationship, he would never be able to give her a child. They could not reproduce together, and no magic was available to help with this. Fluttershy loved children, she saw her animals as her own. If he couldn’t provide her with foals, how could he even make her happy?

And finally, there was the biggest factor: lifespan. There was no max lifespan to how long a dragon could live. Some of the oldest had lived to be up to five thousand years old while others lived for three hundred years. Either way, Fluttershy would be long dead by the time Spike was finally ready to pass on himself. And who was to say he wouldn’t betray her and have other mates when she died?

Could he even live with himself to see her fade away? To hold her in her final moments before breathing her last breath? To watch her casket sink into a grave to hold her remains forever more? He accepted long ago that his pony friends would die one day while he was still in his youth, but this was different. Friends and lovers were different.

“Could we even have a chance?” asked Spike out loud. “I never thought about this with Rarity. Why now?”

Knock. Knock. Knock.

“I said I wished to remain alone!” shouted Spike.

“...It’s me,” said a familiar whisper. “Please, let me in.”

Spike’s eyes widened and quickly opened the door. “Fluttershy...”

She walked inside, never taking her eyes off him and visa versa. The two looked at each other in silence, neither knowing what to say. He wanted to smile at her, but he instead lowered his eyes in shame. He didn’t deserve to look at her. Not after he scared her last night.

“Can we talk?” she asked, her voice soft and sweet.

Spike was ready to say no, but one look into those innocent blue eyes and he felt all his willpower leave him. Sighing, he nodded and sat on his bed while Fluttershy continued to stand. Neither of them said anything for a long time. They just glanced at each other or looked down on the floor. The ticking of a nearby clocked echoed in the room, mocking them as the two of them continued their silence. Finally, Fluttershy took a deep breath. “It’s not your fault. Please don’t think it’s your fault, because it’s not.”


“No!” she stomped her hoof and glared at him. “Let me finish.” He closed his mouth and nodded. “You did nothing wrong. I don’t blame you. If you didn’t stop Garble, who knows what he would have done, and I will not have you locked up in here feeling guilty. You are not a monster, you are a hero. Yes, you went too far, but I’ve also lost control of myself at times. Did you know I once made Rarity and Pinkie Pie cry because I went to far when I tried to be more assertive? they forgave me after I apologized and never blamed me afterwards. Just the lessons I was taking. We all make mistakes, Spike, but I haven’t once blamed you for this.”

“I almost killed him...” muttered Spike, covering his face in shame with his claws. “You saw what I did! Don’t you see?! If you didn’t stop me, I might have killed someone!”

“But you didn’t,” said Fluttershy, walking up to him and gently pulling his claws down with her hooves. She then stroked his face as tears dripped down. “You stopped. If it had been any other dragon, I’m sure Garble would be a stain on the floor, but you didn’t do that. Know why? Because you have a good heart in you, Spike.” She pressed her hoof against his chest and smile. “And I know that deep down you can control what you have inside you. You're too strong to let it control you.”

“I... I...” Spike lowered his head, sniffing as he cleaned his face. “When I saw you down there... bleeding... all I could think about was getting revenge. Not once did I come to check if you were alright! I let my rage get the best of me!” He sighed. “You are so important to me, Fluttershy. More than you know. That kiss we had, it was... amazing...” Out of the corner of his eye he could see her blushing. “I wanted to say how much you meant to me after that, and I still do, but how can I say I love you after that’s happened?”

Fluttershy gasped lightly before stepping back. “Y-you love me?”

Spike cursed himself but nodded. “Yes, I love you, Fluttershy... but I can understand if you—”

He didn’t get a chance to finish. Fluttershy was already on his lips, kissing him with all that she could. She didn’t need words to say her response, the kiss was enough. Spike caught himself and brought her closer to him. The warm feeling both felt in their hearts enkindled again as they kissed harder and harder. Finally, Fluttershy broke the bond and smiled. “I love you, too.”

Spike closed his eyes and shook his head. “Can... can this work out? You and me?”

“You have doubts?”

“Of course!” shouted Spike turning away and shaking his head. “W-what will others say?! You and me? Our ages?! Our races?! What will—”

“I don’t care.” Spike turned around and saw, for the first time in his life, not a speck of fear in Fluttershy’s gaze. If it wasn’t for her appearance, he could have swore he was looking at Rainbow Dash. “I don’t care what ponies say about you and me. We’re of age to be lovers. We’re friends who have known each other for years. You and I both know our friends will never abandon us. And if the do? I won't give a buck.”

Spike’s eyes widen upon hearing a very rare curse from Fluttershy’s lips. Gaining his mind back together, he muttered, “What about foals? I can’t give you foals.”

“We’ll adopt. Ponies, dragons, griffins. Heck, I don’t care if it’s a changeling.” She walked closer to him, her posture still strong and her eyes still roaring with fire, yet gentle as water. “Just because I can’t give birth to a foal doesn't mean I can’t still be a mother one day. And it doesn’t mean you can’t be a father. We’ll raise them like good parents, no different from anypony else out there. And there is no one I’d rather have as the father then you.”

“You’ll die before me,” whispered Spike as he got up and started to move forward. They soon were inches apart as they raised a hoof or claw and held each other. “I don’t want to lose you to time. I’d rather die with you than see you leave me. I...” A tear dripped down his eye. “It would be so long before we see each other again.”

Fluttershy leaned over and kissed his tear away. “We’ll be together even when I die. Our love and memories will live on in the our souls. We won’t be separated forever. I will be with you and await you on the other side.” She smiled at him. “Spike, I want this... I want to be with the dragon who won my heart a long time ago..I want to be by your side until the day I die. And I will wait for you, each moment of eternity until you are with me once again, forever. You are the one I love, and I will love you for the rest of my life. The question is will you?”

Spike stared at Fluttershy. He stared at her smile, her eyes, and her mane. And then he took her into his arms and kissed her on the lips. The two held each other again, this time as gently as possible as they fell onto the bed.

Their choice had been made.


“And that’s it. That’s the whole story,” said Spike with a smile.

Twilight leaned back in her chair and wiped a tear from her cheek. “That’s one of the most amazing stories I ever heard. You two... you really do love each other.”

Fluttershy leaned against her coltfriend and nuzzled him. “It hasn’t been easy, but we’re happy we’re together.”

Twilight got up from her seat and walked over to the two of them, hugging them both. “Well, I think you two deserve each other, and you have my blessing.”

“Thanks, Twilight. That means a lot,” said Spike, hugging back. “I guess we should tell the others now that you know.”

“And they’ll support you guys all the way. If you guys get any trouble from anypony because of you two being together, then you let me know,” said Twilight with a smirk. “I think a friendly princess visit will help make things clear.”

The three giggled as Twilight was escorted to the door. She turned around and said, “You guys are going to be alright. Besides,” she glanced at the moon with a light blush on her cheeks, “talking to you guys has also helped me realize something as well.” They looked at her with raised eyebrows, but she shook her head. “It doesn’t matter. You two have a good night, I’ll see you later.” Twilight was about to take off when she remembered something else. “Oh, and Spike? You should let Rarity know if you want to be her future foal’s godfather or not. See you!”

“Goodnight, Twilight,” the two said before they closed the door and looked at each other, smiling.

“That went well,” said Spike leaning down and kissing Fluttershy’s neck.

“Y-yes,” whispered Fluttershy, blushing as a sly smile appeared on her face. “But now that she’s gone, what do you say to finishing what we were doing before?”

An equally sly grin appearing on Spike’s face showed he was fully behind this. The two were about to head up when they stopped and shouted, “Rarity’s having a foal?!”


Okay, Twilight. You can do this. You made up your mind already. So you can do this! thought Twilight has she did her breathing exercises over and over again. She was inside her room, telescope ready for her nightly star gaze with Luna, but if everything went well they wouldn’t be needing it.

Every second felt like an eternity as Twilight waited for her secret crush to come and enter her room. It would be any minute now. This is a bad idea! I’ll just tell her I’m not feeling well! Or I’m too tired!

It was too late. The door opened and sure enough, Princess Luna walked with with a smile that made Twilight’s heart thump twice.

“Greetings, Twilight Sparkle. Are you ready to look at the stars tonight?” asked Luna. Twilight opened her mouth, but all she could say was a weak whisper. She tried to speak, but failed over and over. Luna tilted her head, her eyes showing concern. “Is something wrong?”

“W-well,” Twilight gulped, “I was wondering—if it’s alright with you—that we do something else tonight instead?”

“Oh? And what is it?”

Before Twilight knew what she was doing she leaned forward and kissed the night princess. Luna’s eyes widened as she tried to say something, but the kiss prevented it from being spoken. She reeled back a bit, but soon stopped and stood there, her face still stunned. Even Twilight didn’t even know why she was doing this. This was not even close to any of the eighteen different plans she came up with for this moment. When Twilight finally broke the kiss, the two blushing alicorns sat on their haunches in silence.

Twilight was sure Princess Luna was going to slap her, yell at her, or walk away in silence. What she didn’t anticipate was Luna teleporting both of the into her own chambers, with Luna right on top of her as they lay on the bed. She didn’t even notice she was being kissed again at first. Breaking the kiss, Luna gazed into Twilight’s eyes and grinned.

“Oh, I think this will be a much better night activity, Twilight Sparkle.”

Author's Note:

And so ends Enkindled Hearts. I'm glad you all loved it. Thanks to my editors Mr.Minimii and ugugg93 and former editor Adjudicator for all their hard work.

Comments ( 69 )

Aww, that's a cute ending, I'm so-


God damnit, I bloody hate alicorn/alicorn shipping!

But, that's just me.

Meh, I can live with it.

Saw that ending coming a mile away

Ah that's a nice endin-


Twilight, what're you doing!?:twilightoops:



Well okay then, 10/10

great ending maybe you should make a TwiLuna fic as the sequel to this story

Good ending mate. I think a sequel is in order.:yay:

Complete? Now I can start reading.

Yay! I was waiting for this update since like forever but now that it is finished, I'm kinda sad, but in a happy way.
Still, kinda sad that there won't be any draconies in Spike's and Fluttershy's future.

Minor thing though: Did Celestia heal that bruise that Fluttershy got after getting hit by Garble?


Clap, clap, clap.

This. Was. Awesome.

Perfect story, my friend. I wish that someday we could see a sequel bit I know that's highly difficult.

Yes, but it's implied she left as soon as she was healed

I don't have plans for one

4923563 That's okay. But if you ever change your mind, just let us know.

Had to recheck the first chapter for that TwiLuna...

Anyway, excellent ending to an excellent fic. Glad to see a happy ending.


4923580 And I don't have any hurry to see it if there is a very little chance to read it someday :pinkiehappy:


Fits with Spike's/Twilight's POV.

this was the greatest fic i have ever read in my life, and I've read a lot of shit.

So....did the TwiLuna thing happen or not.

4924471 Darn. Still, there's a reason I haven't finished this fic. Literally I stopped around halfway though and couldn't be bothered to finish because....I don't know I've forgotten were I was, TBO.

She felt as if her heart was enkindled by some burning flame that made her want to never let go of Spike.

And roll credits!

Anyway 10/10!:pinkiehappy:

Nice story. Great job!:pinkiehappy:

Maybe do sequel where the others find out about their relationship

I never expected this to be finished.
I'm happy it was, but I lost a cool story in the process.
Anyways, I loved the ride!

Twas a good fic.

It focused on FlutterSpike, and while I do wish it was more fleshed out, I still liked it a lot.

The TwiLuna was unneeded though in my opinion. Could have just started with Twilight talking with Rarity, and it would have worked just as well, ending with Spike and Fluttershy.

I want a sequel fic where Fluttershy gets pregnant.

Also, the slightly more 'saucey' references feel like their edited down from a (considerably) racier original, but thats just me

It appears something fell through the cracks!

Why? :raritydespair: Why must this splendid effort be marred by such imperfection? :raritycry:
:raritydespair: Why must such meticulous work be...

Okay, the joke's gone too far, too quick. :raritywink: For we need not focus on who, what, where, when...

And if the do? I won't give a buck.

...but the missing y :raritywink:

Ahh, closure. Sweet, sweet closure.
That was probably the most brilliant error spotting comment I have ever seen.

Nicely done.

Thank you for the time and effort you've spent on this story.

They did have the sexs..

4928790 How was I supposed to know I stopped reading it.

I liked it very much.

“We’ll adopt. Ponies, dragons, griffins. Heck, I don’t care if it’s a changeling.” She walked closer to him, her posture still strong and her eyes still roaring with fire, yet gentle as water.

Changelings?! Whoa girl, take it easy!

And now for a brief revi... err, observations!

The romance genre is quite a difficult genre to tackle, even when the style is as broken as the clichés that come with it. And believe me, there are so many of them on other forms of fiction that it would take more than a brief viewing to put them into a paragraph. I can't say this is any different, but I would treat this as an episode and say that you took each of them and did something unique with them. It has good pacing, you copy pasted each individual trait of every character and went above and beyond with them. Overall, this is your best work Rated. It even takes the crown of favorites away from A Broken Bond. :rainbowlaugh: As a final note...

Take notes, Butterscotchsundae! This is how you write a romance novel!!! :flutterrage:


Dawwwww :fluttercry::pinkiehappy:

“We’ll adopt. Ponies, dragons, griffins. Heck, I don’t care if it’s a changeling.

Do it.
Make it happen.
Right now

First things immediately! Suggestions!

He was dangerous to be around with, much less romantically involved.

I think "with" should be moved to after "involved".

because I went to far

This should be "too".

they forgave me

"they" should be capitalized.

could have swore

This should be "sworn".

eyes widen upon

This should be "widened".

father then you

This should be "than".

in the our

This should just be "in our".

stories I ever

This should be "I've" unless Twilight's gone gangster on us.

That's it! Plus the one mentioned by 4926983 .

So freaking cute!! :yay: Loved it from start to finish, and that ending had me giggling with joy. Dang Twi, dropping bombs on those poor lovebirds. Very well done, looking forward to more from you!

Please keep writing, I'll keep reading!

Juzt fund tis story wut a pile fo trash

Fluttershy leaned over and kissed his tear away. “We’ll be together even when I die.

"You see," Fluttershy went on, a rather crazed Pinkamania-like expression on her face. "You can eat me! Then I'll become part of you and we'll all be in the circle of life!"

Spike face-clawed, "You got traumatized by "The Lion King" again, didn't you?"


Now I really want to see a Twilight X:twilightblush:twilightoops Luna fimfic

Spike’s eyes widen upon hearing a very rare curse from Fluttershy’s lips.



We won’t be separated forever. I will be with you and await you on the other side.”

She had also damn well better tell him not to be alone for the several hundred years he'll have to go through after she dies. Believing their souls are together is a nice romantic notion, but it ain't practical. A good marriage needs both emotional unity, and sexual attraction.

Welp, it was a nice story. There was a lot of sadness and drama where I was hoping for fluff and sensuality, and there were a few bits that felt like cliched anime, but I enjoyed it for the most part.

Commence read.

Finally gotten through to the end. A nice end.

Give it another two chapters

This was a very good story, but with all good stories, they could not be perfect. There were a few grammatical errors that i see others have pointed out already so i will skip those. However, there was two areas of this chapter that bothered me slightly: Fluttershy's response to Spike's 'dilemmas'. and how it seemed how it was so easy for Spike to care about Fluttershy much more than his childhood friend (or sister, mother, or whatever others pair them as :ajbemused:).

However, the story was good in other aspects.
9 out of 10 for romance

Wouldn't mind a sequel !

great story
i wish there were more storys with :moustache:X:yay: like this
“Oh, I think this will be a much better night activity, Twilight Sparkle.”

This was AMAZING! Sure, it had grammar and spelling errors all over the place, but it didn't take from the experience. The first chapter, I laughed so hard when Twi walked in on them that I was crying for almost five minutes. My sides still hurt! The whole budding/blooming romance worked very well, and was easy to follow. And the bar fight? That was definitely one of the best attempts at a bar fight ive ever read! Everything about this story was just awesome, I think even Rainbow Dash would agree with me whole-heartedly. I give this a 100/10, that's how much I liked it, thank you for being so awesome! And keep it up! :moustache:

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