• Published 6th Apr 2013
  • 18,810 Views, 689 Comments

Enkindled Hearts - Rated Ponystar

Spike and Fluttershy tell Twilight how they became a couple

  • ...

These Strange Feelings

Enkindled Hearts

By The Rated Ponystar

Formerly edited by: Adjudicator

Edited by: Mr.Minimii and ugugg93


“Okay, the animals are all back to sleep. Is everything alright with you tw-Eep!” Fluttershy was nearly toppled over by a crying Twilight who hugged her harder than she ever hugged before.

“Thank you! Thank you for saving him, Fluttershy!” cried out Twilight as tears dripped down her face. The princess had felt her own heart nearly come to a stop upon hearing that her number-one assistant had momentarily left this world, only to be saved by the very pony in her grasp. “I-I-I don’t know what I would have d-done if I lost him...”

Fluttershy smiled and hugged back. “It’s okay, Twilight. It’s okay.”

Twilight nodded but soon broke the hug and glared at a nervous looking Spike. “Why didn’t you tell me?! How could you have been so reckless?! You could have died?! Hay, you did!”

“It was a long time ago, Twilight! And I didn’t tell you because I knew you would be worried!” Spike shouted back.

“Of course I would! Why wouldn’t I be worried for my little brother!” shouted Twilight who rubbed her eyes. “Spike, If I lost you.... I don’t...”

Spike’s anger soon waned as he walked up to his big sister figure and hugged her. The two smiled and let themselves be caught up in the moment. Twilight closed her eyes, trying to fight off the images of her oldest friend drowning, and instead tried to remind herself of the here and now—that he was alive. She was proud that he did what he did to protect the others, yet at the same time, she couldn’t help but worry. Is this how Applejack and Rarity feel about their sisters?

“Twilight, I’m sorry,” apologized Spike. “I should have told you. I guess I just didn’t want to worry you.”

“We’re family, Spike. I’ll always be worried,” said Twilight, putting a hoof against his cheek. “But I’ll always be proud of what you did. Risking your life to save your friends is a noble thing. And, honestly, I guess I would have done the same thing, too.”

With everybody calmed down, Fluttershy poured each of them another cup of tea. Sitting down in her respective seat,. Twilight began to relax again as the soothing tea worked it’s magic. Looking at the couple, she asked, “So was this when you guys managed to finally hook up?”

The two looked at each other nervously and chuckled. “No.”

Twilight’s shook her head in shock. “B-but that... that was like a textbook moment from a love story! She saves your life, you sleep in the same bed, didn’t that make you two fall in love?”

“Twilight, not everything you read from books is accurate, especially romance novels,” groaned Spike, rolling his eyes while Fluttershy giggled. “And no, I didn’t... know I had feelings for Fluttershy back then, but a certain Element of Kindness did.”

He nudged a blushing Fluttershy who tapped her forehooves together nervously. “Not immediately. It started around the fall...”

“What happened?” asked Twilight, leaning forward. It surprised her how intrigued she had become about learning their process into becoming lovers when she had freaked about it earlier. Maybe I should write a book? With their permission, of course.

“Well, remember the last Running of the Leaves? How I took part in it? It kind of started a few days before that...” said Fluttershy, sighing as she remembered the days that lead to her falling in love.


Fluttershy was nervous. Okay, she was usually nervous, but she was more nervous than she tended to normally be, and the worst part was she didn’t know why. All she was going to do was have a picnic with Spike, it wasn’t any different from the other times they had one. Granted, she had something important to ask him this time, but even then her heart wouldn’t be pounding like this. Nor would she be running around like a scared little chicken for her things.

“Where is it?! Any of you seen the picnic basket?! Was I supposed to bring the blanket, or was Spike?! Do I have enough rubies? Milk or juice?! I should check on the weather, and make sure it’s not going to rain! Has anyone seen the basket?!” shouted Fluttershy, running back and forth as her little woodland critters tried to help her out. She quickly rushed towards a mirror and looked at her reflection. She had a different mane style today, deciding to braid it, and almost thought she was looking at a different pony. She had no idea why she wanted to try a new style today of all days, but she liked it.

I wonder if Spike will? She thought to herself

Angel just continued to shake his head at the sight of his mistress’s behavior, and decided to calm her down with his usual response: a carrot thrown to the head. Rubbing her noggin, Fluttershy took a moment to calm down and take a deep breath as a pack of squirrels and chipmunks all pushed the basket she needed to her.

Smiling, she picked it up and gently put it on her back. “Thank you, my friends. I really am sorry I’m acting so silly today.” She looked at the clock and and gasped. “Oh, dear! I’m going to be late! Angel, you're in charge! I love you all, bye!”

Fluttershy galloped out of her house with anticipation and fear both growing inside of her. It was such a strange feeling that the more she thought about her time with Spike, alone on one of her favorite meadows, the more she wanted to fly around in joy. She started to blush again. I really hope he can help me. He’s the only one who can.

Before she knew it, Fluttershy had arrived at the meadow where she spotted Spike, scales shining in the sun, waiting for her. He was laying down the blanket when he looked up and noticed her. He gave her a smile that made her own widen while he waved his claws around.

“Hey, Fluttershy. How are you?” asked Spike, whose eyes widened as she got a bit closer. “Did... did you do something with your mane?”

Fluttershy gulped. “Is it good? I could back home and change it. You don’t like it... do you?”

“No, far from it. You look... really nice...” complemented Spike, rubbing the back of his head.

A small squeal of joy escaped Fluttershy’s mouth as made a mental note to try the braided style more often. The two friends sat down, and engaged in small talk while setting up their lunch. Time passed and, after many laughs, giggles, and gasps over the latest gossip and news, the two ate their fill and decided to spend the rest of their time laying down watching the clouds fly by.

Fluttershy took a deep breath and tried to think of a way to ease the conversation into the question she wanted to ask. “Um, how’re things in Canterlot?”

“Pretty good. I met a new friend who happens to be a dragon as well!” said Spike with excitement.

“R-really? Th-hat’s nice...” asked Fluttershy, shivering. She hated the fact that she was still afraid of dragons, at least the really big ones, and she often wondered if Spike ever took offence. I’d hate to hurt him. He’s been such a good friend.

A sudden train of thought appeared in her head, and it quickly caused her to worry, even more so than the fact that there was another dragon living in the city just nearby. “Is... is this dragon a female?”

Spike turned to her and raised and eyebrow. “No, it’s a guy. Why does that matter?”

Her mouth opened, but no words came out, and she soon found herself blushing as she covered her lips. Why did I ask that? What does it matter if he’s friends of a dragon of either gender? And why am I feeling so hot right now.

“W-what’s this dragon like?” asked Fluttershy, hoping to steer the conversation away from her outburst.

Spike chuckled. “He’s pretty cool. A bit taller than me, and a few years older, too. He was actually born and raised in Equestria as well; can you believe that?! Not to mention he works as both a bouncer and bartender at one of my favorite clubs: Wubs World. Maybe I’ll take us there someday.”

Tilting her head, Fluttershy asked, “That’s the one where Vinyl and her wife, Octavia, own right?”

“Yeah, apparently Vinyl knew him when she was living in Manehatten and gave him a job when he moved to Canterlot. He and I hit it off pretty quickly,” said Spike, getting up and stretching a bit. “So what’s up with you? Got any plans?”

Fluttershy wrapped her wings around herself, which Spike took immediate notice of. Concerned, he scooted over and placed his claw over her shoulder. “Hey, what’s wrong?”

Whimpering, Fluttershy closed her eyes and tried to summon up her courage. She slowly looked at him, and found herself lost in his green reptile eyes. Normally, she would find such eyes frightening—always associating them with a sinister beast. But when she looked into Spike’s, it was like looking into a green fire, burning and mesmerizing for the soul to see.

She stared for a few more seconds before shaking off the feeling. “Um, I was... I was wondering if you could help me... with something...”

“What is it?” asked Spike, tilting his head.

“It’s... it’s alright if you don’t want to help, but...” Fluttershy gulped and quickly blurted it out, “I was thinking of running in the Running of the Leaves this year, and I want you to help me out!”

Spike blinked a bit before snickering. “That’s the big deal? Fluttershy, that’s nothing to be scared about.”

“Oh, maybe for other ponies, but not for me. All those eyes staring at you and judging you as you try your best to beat an army of better athletes than you,” said Fluttershy, shivering at the thought. She almost wished she was a possum so she could just curl up and play dead if such a thing happened.

“But if you're afraid of it so much, why bother doing it at all?” ask Spike.

“Because... because it looks like so much fun!” shouted Fluttershy, shocking Spike. “Everypony’s always doing their best for helping the leaves fall, and they look so proud and happy. I’ve always wanted to be join them and be part of the fun, but I never had the courage to do it. I’d normally ask Rainbow Dash or Applejack, but they’re both too busy with their jobs this year.”

“So... why did you pick me?” asked Spike, confused. “I mean I’m flattered and all, but...”

Fluttershy turned her thoughts back to the day at the bog, where she saw him fight against that Stinger Hydra to save her, Apple Bloom, and the puppies. It was only for a few minutes before he was dragged underwater, but it was so amazing to see the once tiny baby dragon she adored grow up into such a brave fighter.

“I... I’ve seen you perform pretty good in athletics, and I trust you...” said Fluttershy, smiling with a light blush on her cheeks. “So will you help me?”

Spike nodded and grinned. “Of course! We’ll make you one of the best runners yet!”

Fluttershy wrapped her forlegs around Spike’s neck and hugged him, nuzzling his cheeks affectionately. “Thank you so much, Spike! You’re a really good friend!” A few second later, she realized what she was doing and quickly broke up the hug with a blush decorating her face. “S-sorry, I guess I just got too excited…”

“Relax, Fluttershy. It’s fine,” assured Spike, rubbing the back of his neck. “So… I guess I’ll see you tomorrow?”

“Y-yes, I’ll see you then,” said Fluttershy. The two packed up and waved each other goodbye. However, Fluttershy walked back home with an extra spring in her steps.


The wind whipped through Fluttershy’s face as she continued her sixth lap, her hooves completely sore. Despite this, she gritted her teeth and tried her best to keep up her strength. She was so close to breaking her record, and she didn’t want to fail like the last three times. The finishing line was just ahead, and she made one last sprint before collapsing on the ground. Closing her eyes, Fluttershy tried to take in deep breaths for her aching lungs.

“Alright, Fluttershy! You beat your record by two seconds!” Spike exclaimed, walking towards her with his stopwatch. “You’ve really improved these past three days.”

Fluttershy opened her eyes and found herself feeling suddenly rejuvenated upon seeing the proud face of her dragon friend. She would never say this against Rainbow Dash or Applejack, but Spike was the best trainer she ever had. He never pushed her more than he needed too, and always encouraged her when she felt her confidence failing. Best of all, he had been the narrator for the Running of the Leaves with Pinkie Pie for years, and so knew the layout of the track and competitors better than anypony.

When they weren’t training her stamina, speed, or reflexes at Sweet Apple Acres, they were discussing strategies such as what obstacles to look out for, such as bees, low branches, ditches, and more. They also talked about which competitors to look out for and what strengths and weakness each had. Not to mention there was the occasional dirty player that tried to cheat their way into winning, and she had to be careful of them.
While Fluttershy had no desire to win first place and had settled for wanting to do her best, there was no shame in trying.

Not wanting to get hurt, she paid attention to those lessons the most.

Fluttershy let Spike help her back to her hooves where she wiped the sweat from her brow and took off the headband she had on. Spike nodded. “You’ve really gotten better, Fluttershy. Come Saturday, everypony’s going to have their jaws on the floor when they see you in action.”

“T-thanks,” muttered Fluttershy, hiding behind her mane. It was becoming a more recurring action for her every time he complimented him. And I still don’t know why…

“Hey, y’all!” cried a voice from a distance. They turned around and saw a dark red filly with crossed eyes and an apple muffin cutie mark heading towards them. She fumbled up on her landing a bit, but she quickly recovered, readjusted his saddlebags, and smiled at the two. “Hey, y’all, Aunt Apple Bloom said to give y’all some water since she figured ya must be parched.”

She reached into her bags and pulled out two bottles of water, which Fluttershy and Spike took, licking their lips. Fluttershy immediately began to suck the bottle dry, a satisfying gasp escaping her lips when she finished followed by a burp. Covering her lips, she whispered, “Excuse me.”

The other two laughed before Spike asked the red filly, “So Apple Muffin, you thinking of entering the Running of the Leaves, too?”

“No, Ah’m not a very good athlete. Mah eyes kind of make it hard to walk or fly well,” answered Apple Muffin, frowning, but then smiled a second later. “But Ah’m helpin’ out with the after party! Mrs. Cake was really impressed with my apple tarts, and wants me to help me out! Maybe even take me on as an apprentice!”

Spike and Fluttershy licked their lips. While Granny Smith was still alive, Spike and Fluttershy didn’t think anypony could rival the old mare’s cooking, but Apple Muffin had recently proved that wrong. The three started walking towards the farm when Fluttershy asked, “How’s Derpy doing, Apple Muffin? The foal doing alright?”

Muffin rolled her eyes. “The foal’s fine, but Mama’s still upset she can’t do much now that she’s all big bellied. Ah think she misses flyin’ and doin’ her mailmare duties, but Pa’s been forcin’ her to relax. She was really upset she couldn’t help ya with findin’ them puppies last month, but thankfully she’s gettin’ over it.”

Spike couldn’t help but snicker. “Sounds almost like Cadance when she was pregnant. How he managed to survive is a miracle.”

“Ya ever think about gettin’ some foals of yer own, Spike?” asked Apple Muffin, tilting his head. This made Spike blush as a smile appeared on the fillies face, eyes widenin’.“Ah know! Aunt Apple Bloom has that crush on ya right? At least that’s what Pa and Aunt Applejack keep tellin’ me. Mah be ya should marry her and have a family!”

Suddenly Fluttershy found herself turning towards Apple Muffin and glared at her, “He’s not interested!”

Realizing what she just did, Fluttershy froze up and covered her mouth. Spike and Apple Muffin were also flabbergasted, with the latter backing up a bit in fright. “I-I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me…” That was a lie. She knew what that was. It was ‘New Fluttershy’.

But I never act like that unless I’m really angry and… why would I be angry at the thought of Spike and… Apple Bloom… thought Fluttershy with a small growl. She shook her head and tried to calm down. Maybe all this exercise is getting the best of me…

“Uh, like Fluttershy said, I’m not interested in dating Apple Bloom let alone marrying her, Muffin,” answered Spike, glancing at Fluttershy with worry. She turned away to avoid his gaze, hoping he wouldn’t question her behavior.

Apple Muffin looked at Spike and then at Fluttershy before smiling. “Oh, Ah get it. Y’all are goin’ out already, aren’t ya!”

“What?! No!” shouted both of them. “We are just friends!”

“Suuurreee ya are.” Apple Muffin grinned and slowly lifted himself in the air. “It’s alright, Ah can keep it a secret until y’all are ready to come out in the open. Now if y’all excuse me, Ah’m gonna go see those pies Ah got bakin’ in the oven. See ya later!”

“But we’re not—“ said the two embarrassed adults as they watched the laughing filly fly away towards the Apple household. They slowly looked at each other only to turn away the instant their eyes met.

A long silence stood between them until Spike coughed into his claw. “Um, I’m gonna head back home. Want me to walk you back to your cottage?”

“N-no, I-I think I’ll be fine… um… see you tomorrow?” asked Fluttershy, nervously backing away from Spike.

“Y-yeah, I’ll be there tomorrow. Um, see ya.”



“So long.”

“For real this time.”


Despite saying goodbye, they were still looking at each other. Spike snorted and shook his head. “Okay, this is getting weird. I swear I’ll get that filly later,” he mumbled. “Let’s just turn around and head back to our respective homes, deal?”

“Sounds good…” whispered Fluttershy.

They took a deep breath and turned around, proceeding to walk away from each other. Out of the corner of her eye, Fluttershy turned her head to see the retreating figure of Spike. She had to admit that, for a dragon, he wasn’t that bad looking. In fact, his scales were really bright in the sunlight, almost like the gems he eats. His wings were quite powerful, too, having seen them in action many times. He was also kind, sweet, brave, generous, and somepony you could rely on. And he has a nice rear….

WAIT WHAT?! Fluttershy, to her horror felt her wings stuck up like two flag poles. No…. nononononono! This can’t be! I’m not! I can’t be!

Fluttershy started galloping as fast as she could back to her home. She needed to think. Not about Spike. Or maybe about Spike. She didn’t know, this was all just so sudden. Or had it? Maybe it had been there all along and she didn’t know about it until Apple Muffin’s comment. But I’m a pony! He’s a dragon! I mean…

She didn’t stop galloping until she made to her house and slammed the door shut, alerting her friends. Angel walked over to her, quickly sensing her distress, but was nearly knocked over by his owner who ran into the bathroom, turned on the shower, and jumped in. The soothing, warm water made her sigh in relief from the sweat and grime she had gained from her work out. It also was useful in stopping her from having another panic attack.

Taking a deep breath, she tried to remember those princess breathing exercises Twilight always did. After a few of them, she closed her eyes. You’re just letting Apple Muffin’s comment get the best of you. It’s a misunderstanding. You’re not in love with Spike. You’re not in love with Spike. Now just say that out loud and everything will be okay.

“I’m in love with Spike!”


“…Oh, ponyfeathers…”

Author's Note:

Yup, the romance is starting to kick off. How will Fluttershy deal with her new feelings as well as her efforts in the race! Find out next time on Enkindled Hearts!