• Published 6th Apr 2013
  • 18,810 Views, 689 Comments

Enkindled Hearts - Rated Ponystar

Spike and Fluttershy tell Twilight how they became a couple

  • ...

The First Kiss

Enkindled Hearts

By The Rated Ponystar

Formerly edited by: Adjudicator

Edited by: Mr.Minimii and ugugg93


How did this happen? Fluttershy knew that she and Spike had gotten closer in the past few months since the Rarity incident, but to the point where she was crushing on him? Spike had always been one of her dearest friends and one of the few dragons she could handle being with. She never imagined that this would happen. Staring into the ceiling in her bed, Fluttershy tried to get to sleep, but found herself thinking of the young dragon in a new light.

She was remembering things about him that she never thought about before. Things like how smooth his scales were whenever they hugged. How piercing his eyes were, like two sets of flames that melted your insides. His noble personality. His strength. His amazing ability to cook anything. And most importantly, he was so kind. Much different than the brash dragons she had the displeasure of knowing.

Whimpering, she covered her head with her pillow. But I can’t be in love with him! We’re not the same species, and he’s much younger then me! Not to mention he’s Twilight’s little brother in all but blood! What would she do if she found out about me lov-I mean liking Spike? She shakily stood up at the prospect of an angry alicorn princess, magic flaring at full power as she begged for mercy. She could banish me! Imprison me! Or even imprison me wherever she banishes me!

Sighing to herself, Fluttershy shook her head. “No, stop it, Fluttershy. Twilight is your friend, and she would never do something like that.... right?”

Besides, I can’t worry about this now. I need to focus on the Running of the Leaves, resolved Fluttershy, slowly calming down her beating heart. After that I can figure out my feelings for... Spike...

Just thinking of his name made her heart flutter in excitement. She hadn’t felt like this with any of her previous crushes. Despite what some ponies seemed to think, Fluttershy had her own needs and desires; finding a partner was one of them. She had crushes on a few ponies she knew while growing up in Cloudsdale as well as a few here in Ponyville. Her shyness, however, always prevented her from taking any initial action. But this was a different case. Spike was somepony she had known for years, and was a different species.

I’ll have to be careful when I deal with this. Especially since it’s only been a few months since he lost his crush on Rarity, thought Fluttershy as she slowly closed her eyes, drifting off to sleep. The whole while, her thoughts wandered to the purple dragon she had come to admire so much.


At long last the day had finally come. After long, grueling days of training, the Running of the Leaves had finally come. Fluttershy couldn’t help but feel nervous as she waited in line with the rest of the contestants for her number. She noticed that there were a lot more ponies taking part this year, mostly because there was a chance for a new winner. Rainbow Dash and Applejack had always taken part in the running with one of them always taking the victory. However, with Rainbow Dash in the Wonderbolts and Applejack having to deal with heavy farm work, many were excited at the prospect of one of them becoming the new top runner in Ponyville this year.

Fluttershy wasn’t too occupied with the thought of becoming first or second or even third. She just wanted to have fun and do her best, although not becoming last would be just as good. Thanks to the training she had with Spike, she was more confident in her athletic skills than ever before.

Blushing at the thought of her crush, Fluttershy hoped that she would see Spike before he joined Pinkie Pie in the announcers’ balloon. She was really grateful for all his help, but now she was almost ready to faint now that the event had finally come. Any words from him would be a welcome calm her nerves.

“Excuse me, Fluttershy?” asked Blossomforth, who was in charge of handing everypony their respective numbers. Fluttershy snapped out of her thoughts and apologized before accepting her number. “Good luck!”

Fluttershy nodded and walked away, using her wings to place her number on her flank, covering her cutie mark. She turned her head and soon smiled upon seeing Spike talking with Rarity, Apple Muffin, and her older half-sister, Dinky, who was sporting her own number. Walking up to her friends, she greeted them with a soft, “Hello, everypony.”

“I have to say, I never thought you would be here, Fluttershy,” said Dinky with a chuckle. “But then again, with Spike training you, I guess I better watch my back this year.”

Blushing, Fluttershy hid behind her mane and smiled. “I wouldn’t go that far. I just want to do my best.”

“Ah, don’t ya worry about that, sis,” said Apple Muffin, hitting her bigger sister on the shoulder. “After all, yer the captain of the dodgeball team back in that university ya go to in Canterlot! Yer one of the most athletic ponies Ah know!”

Dinky blushed and ruffled her sister’s mane a bit. Turning back to Fluttershy, she said, “Anyway, I’m going to talk to Pipsqueak. He’s taking part in the race, too. See ya later.”

They waved goodbye, with Rarity giving a sly smile. “You know, I’ve been hearing rumors that Dinky and Pipsqueak are getting more... ‘friendly’ with each other.”

“Rarity,” chided Fluttershy with a huff. “You know better than to spread rumors.”

“Speak for yourself. If this is true, then Ah got some blackmail material,” said a grinning Apple Muffin.

“Oh, Fluttershy, there is nothing wrong with a little gossip about love lives,” said Rarity, waving her hoof in the air. “Besides, don’t you want to know how many stallions you’ve been attracting lately?”

Upon hearing this, Fluttershy quickly looked around to see if such a thing was true right now. She hated being the center of attention, especially from stallions who might have more... intimate fantasies about her. It was one of the reasons she hated being a model so much. The letters she received, some which made her faint for hours, were more perverted than Twilight’s secret book section.


“T-They aren’t that perverted!” shouted Twilight, interrupting the story.

Spike gave her a look of disbelief. “Oh really? So all those times I heard you moaning and panting that left me without sleep was nothing?”

“.... please continue...”


“I... I don’t attract that many stallions, do I?” asked Fluttershy, nervously.

“Are you kidding, darling? You’re one of the most talked about mares in the town!” Rarity shouted a little too loudly. “You’re a natural beauty, even more so than I. Not to mention all that training has made you quite toned. Not like Applejack or Rainbow Dash mind you, but you’ve gotten much better looking.” She leaned forward, keeping up a small smirk, and whispered, “To be honest, I wish I had your rump, dear. Mine’s just not as... firm as yours. I’m just a big marshmallow.”

“I can hear you, you know?” muttered Spike, trying to cover his ears. “I’m going to find Pinkie and get ready before I start thinking perverted thoughts.”

“Wait,” said Fluttershy, smiling at him. “I just want to say thanks for everything you’ve done for me. I couldn’t have done this without you.”

Spike smiled and looked into her eyes with those green emeralds that made her wings want to flare out. “Hey, what are friends for?”

She slyly waved goodbye as Apple Muffin walked over to Fluttershy and glanced at her, then Spike and asked, “Are ya sure ya two ain’t datin’? Ya lookin’ at him like he’s on display or somethin’.”

Fluttershy ‘eeped’ and quickly turned around only to sigh in relief when she saw Rarity rushing towards a just-arriving Fancy Pants, much to her relief. If Rarity had overheard that, I would never hear the end of it. Convinced nopony heard what Apple Muffin had accused, Fluttershy said, “No, Apple Muffin, I’m... I’m just...”

Attention racers! This is Pinkie Pie letting everypony know that it’s time to get on line for the annual Running of the Leaves! Hurry up and get started, or else we’ll leaf you behind! Get it?!”

A few groans was the responce.

“Hey! You try making a bunch of fall jokes after doing this for so many years! I’m running out of material!”

Fluttershy giggled and quickly made her way towards the starting line where the other runners were doing some last minute stretching. She nervously looked around and saw a few familiar faces like Lyra, Dinky, Pipsqueak, and more; all of them more experienced or athletic than her.

Fighting down a gulp, Fluttershy shook her head and focused on the road ahead of her. I can’t get distracted. Remember what Spike said: ‘Focus on the road and nothing else.’

Attention everypony! This is Spike, your co-announcer for this year’s Running of the Leaves. Joining with me is none other than my usual pal, Pinkie Pie!”


“Looks like everypony is ready to get started! To your places!”

Fluttershy took a deep breath and stretched her legs one last time before lowering her upper body, her hindquarters up in the air as she prepared for the starting sprint. Everypony else was already following her lead, some gritting their teeth or looking at each other with determination in their eyes. The crowd was silent, careful to not make a single noise as they waited for the race to begin.

“On your mark...” started Pinkie Pie.

Fluttershy whimpered. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

“...get set...” continued Spike.

Fluttershy shut her eyes. I can’t do this! I’m too scared. My hooves are cold. My wings are gonna freeze up. I’m going to pee myself. I’m gonna faint!

“...Go!” shouted both announcers.

Training kicking in, Fluttershy opened her eyes, forgot all her worries, and ran as fast as she could. Cheers were jubilant for the start of the race, but Fluttershy paid no heed to them. She continued to focus on her starting sprint, careful not to waste too much energy at the start, remembering the time Twilight managed to come in fifth place due to her pacing.

She looked around and saw herself in the lower middle of the pack. A better start than she had hoped. With the beginning turns coming around, Fluttershy made an effort to get closer to the side of the road where the corners were. The closer she was, the less energy she had to give when turning, and every bit counted.

“And we’re underway! Looks like everypony’s going at a pretty good pace from up here,” announced Spike, high up in the hot air balloon. “From the looks of things, the top three runners so far are Pipsqueak, Thunderlane, and Blossomforth.”

“It’s quite a difference not having Applejack and Rainbow Dash here for this year’s contest, but with both of Ponyville’s top athletes out, it only means that we’ll have a new star this year! Who's it gonna be?! I’m so excited I can hardly keep standing still!” shouted Pinkie Pie.

“T-think you could... so-o-o we don't lose c-control?!” stuttered Spike.

Fluttershy giggled at the mental image before she felt somepony bump her backside, forcing her to move back. “Oh, sorry!”


“Um, sorry again.”


“Oh my...”

Soon Fluttershy found herself in the back, overwhelmed by the pushes. She tried to find a gap to quickly speed through to get back her place in line, but there were too many ponies blocking her way.

“Ooooh, looks like Fluttershy just got bumped into last place! She’ll have to get a bit more aggressive if she’s gonna have any chance of winning,” said Pinkie Pie.

“Yeah, she may need to channel some real iron will if she’s gonna have any chance,” said Spike.

Fluttershy’s ears flipped up upon hearing the emphases on the familiar words. Words that were the same name of a personal motivation instructor that she had the displeasure for knowing. Although she didn’t like using his techniques, due to a horrible incident a few years ago, she knew that Spike was right. Nostrils flaring, she thought, When somepony tries to block, show them that you rock!

Pressing forward, Fluttershy managed to bump straight passed two of the runners in front of her, causing them to trip and get left behind. With her aggressiveness fueling her, Fluttershy had soon found herself in fifth place among the runners, a feat which stunned the others who knew her.

“Wowy zowy!” cried out Pinkie Pie. “In a sudden twist, Fluttershy just bulldozed through the runners like a train on coffee! Talk about motivation!”

“It’s not a real surprise, Pinkie. Anypony can tell you Fluttershy’s can do anything if she puts her heart into it,” said Spike.

Fluttershy almost felt her heart beat out of her chest upon hearing that. The faith that Spike had in her only drove her in a way she never felt before. Originally, she just wanted to have fun and not do a bad job, but now, after hearing Spike, she felt a new motivation. She wanted to win. But it was only the beginning of the race and there was still a lot of ground to cover. Focusing on the task at hand, Fluttershy turned her attention back on the race and pressed forward.


“We’re halfway done with the Running of the Leaves, folks, and most of the trees have become as bare as a sheep walking into a barber!” explained Pinkie Pie.

“Wouldn’t a sheep go into a barber anything but bare?” questioned Spike.

“No, I meant the pony itself! Barbers are sturdy ponies! My great uncle was a barber and he could break rocks with his bare teeth!”

“Uh, right,” said Spike. “So far we’ve seen a lot of ponies go from first to last to even first again, with a few also dropping out of the race. Better luck next year, guys. I think the biggest surprise has been Fluttershy so far, who’s managed to stay in fifth place since gaining it a while back.”

Fluttershy had to admit, she was surprised herself. She didn’t think, by this point, she would have been anywhere near fifth place, but here she was. Besides the competition, she was also enjoying the sight of amber and yellow leaves falling off their branches for the winter season. It was quite a majestic setting, and made her wish she had done this a long time ago.

“Hey, Spike? Can you see who's in first? I can’t get a clear view if it’s still Pipsqueak or if Rumble managed to catch up from second,” said Pinkie Pie.

“Hmm, I can’t either,” answered Spike. “Let’s see if we can get closer.”

“Careful of those trees! We don’t want—” suddenly Pinkie Pie yipped, “Twitcha twitch! Twitcha twitch!”

All of a sudden, Fluttershy’s breathing stopped. Pinkie sense? Twitching tail? Something was gonna fall.

“Spike look out for the tree!”

“Oh horse-”

A loud pop was heard all throughout the forest. Screeching to a halt, Fluttershy turned around and looked up, as did the other runners who looked up. To their horror, especially Fluttershy’s, they looked and saw the air balloon, now pierced and leaking air, was now out of control. Pinkie and Spike’s screaming could be heard as they hung on for dear life. Fluttershy eyes widened as she hoped Spike could quickly jump out and fly with Pinkie in his claws, but she saw no signs of this happening.

“Abandon balloon! Mayday! S.O.S.! H for harry, E for ergent, L for love me, P is for-”

Pinkie! Get off my back so I can… oh sapphires! Hold on!” screamed Spike.

All the runners watching in horror as the balloon flew further away, tossing and turning out of control until it faded into the distance of Whitetail Woods. A flock of birds flew out of where it was last sighted. No noise was heard from the two announcers.

Nopony said anything or did anything. Nopony except for a single yellow pegasus who was already flying at top speed towards the crash site.


If there was any pony who knew Whitetail Woods like the back of their hoof, it was Fluttershy. Many of her woodland friends lived here, and she often visited them. Remembering the events of the crash clearly in her head, she estimated that the air balloon crash landed near the west side where the rabbits and squirrels often played. She only prayed that her two friends were alright and nopony was seriously injured. Her thoughts turned back to the time when Spike almost drowned; she nearly lost him back there, and she swore to never let it happen again.

Fluttershy flew faster, spotting the signs of the air balloon’s crash course from the broken trees above. Eventually, she spotted the purple sheet of the balloon itself and rushed over, praying that its occupants were alright. Her heart nearly stopped when she spotted her friends, unconscious on the grass and a few hooves away from the balloon, but there didn’t appear to be any serious injuries.

Landing near Spike first, she tried to wake him up. Lightly shaking him, she cried, “Spike! Spike! Open your eyes! Please!”

“Ugh...” moaned Pinkie Pie, nearly surprising Fluttershy who quickly rushed over. “What happened? Did somepony spike the punch again? I keep telling Berry...”

“Pinkie, are you okay? Are you injured?” asked Fluttershy, quickly checking on her friend.

Pinkie Pie shook her head—a few pieces of candy falling out of her mane—and rubbed her noggin. “Whoa, what a ride.” She then gasped, eyes widening. Turning to Fluttershy, she grabbed her by the shoulders and asked, “Where’s Spike?!”

“I’m right here...” muttered Spike, slowly rising up. He then winced and his claw went to his left wing. “Dang it... it’s not moving...” He tried getting up with his feet, but stopped and growled. “Left leg, too.”

Fluttershy rushed over and told Spike to lay still and spread out his wings flat. Obeying, Fluttershy quickly started to examine it carefully with her hooves. Thankfully, there were no broken bones, but but his wing and leg were sprained. Fluttershy turned to the balloon and pointed to it. “Pinkie, see if there is a medical kit in there.”

“On it!” Pinkie rushed over and started pulling out things from the balloon such as party materials, stuffed animals, a kitchen sink and even her party canon. Spike and Fluttershy looked at the growing pile of random objects before glancing at each other. Shrugging, they just shook their head and decided not to ask.

“Here we go!” shouted Pinkie Pie, handing over the kit to Fluttershy.

The pegasus quickly took out some medical bandages and an ice pack which, according to the label, was charmed with a permanent freezing spell. Fluttershy started on the leg first, wrapping it with the bandages as carefully as possible. Pinkie Pie started rubbing her hooves nervously. “Is he going to be okay? Oh, this is all my fault! Will he walk again?! He’s not dying is he?! Please tell me I don’t have to throw a “Goodbye Spike May You Rest In Peace” party!”

Pinkie!” shouted Fluttershy in a serious tone that she rarely ever used. Calming herself, she answered, “He’s going to okay. What I need you to do is head down that way and keep going until you find other ponies to come help us. I don’t think the two of us can carry Spike on our own.”

Pinkie Pie saluted. “Okie doki loki! I’ll be back with in two shakes of a pony’s tail!” In a pink flash, she was off to find help, leaving the two of them on their own.

While Fluttershy put the ice pack on his leg and moved to wrap up his wings, Spike closed his eyes and sighed. “I’m sorry because of me you had to forfeit the race...”

“Hush,” said Fluttershy, smiling at him. “It’s just a silly race. I can always try again next year. You’re more important than that, and I was worried...”

Spike smiled and gently raised his arm to her face and caressed it. “You really are a good friend, Fluttershy.”

Blushing, Fluttershy touched his soft, scaly hand with her hoof and closed her eyes. She wanted to remember the warmth and caring that it held. I just wish I was more than just a friend to him...

Snapping out of her thoughts, Fluttershy then said, “Y-you should relax. You took a nasty fall and all. Don’t worry, I’ll watch over you.”

“Yeah,” said Spike, taking a few deep breaths. “You're like my guardian angel. You know that?”

The smile on Fluttershy’s face spread even more as she wiped a tear from her eye. An angel. He... called me his angel... She didn’t know if it meant anything special or not, but it didn’t matter to her. Just watching him sleep peacefully was so heartwarming to her that she resisted the urge to squeal. Before Fluttershy knew it, she was slowly lowering her head towards his own. If only... if only...

And then, without any rhyme or reason, Fluttershy kissed her dragon crush on the cheek. It was for a second, but it felt like a lifetime of joy to her. Blushing, Fluttershy sat back straight up and held her hooves over her heart. Did I just... OH MY GOSH! OH MY GOSH! OH MY CELESTIA AND LUNA! I KISSED HIM! MY FIRST KISS!

Spike held a claw to his cheek and blushed. “Uh...”

“That was just... um... a friendly kiss! Not that it meant anything!” shouted Fluttershy.

“Uh, okay...” muttered Spike, looking down at the grass.

Neither of them said anything else, even when Pinkie soon arrived with paramedics. They loaded Spike up on a stretched and helped him get carried into town, but soon had to call in for a second one. The revelation of such a daring deed proved too much for the shy, love sick pegasus as she soon fainted after help arrived. A concrete smile pasted on her face the entire time.


Twilight could barely keep in her laughter as a red-faced Fluttershy tried to hide behind her mane. “Oh my gosh! You actually fainted?!”

“Well, it was kind of a surprise to myself...” muttered Fluttershy, squirming.

After she calmed down, Twilight asked, “So, if I remember what Pinkie told me, you two were found by the paramedics she brought with her, and you recovered in the hospital, right?”

“Yeah,” answered Spike, blushing. “I was really moved by how much Fluttershy cared for me after that. I didn’t know it at first, but I kind of started having feelings of her around then.” His then joyful expression then turned to bitterness and regret. “But... then I did something really stupid...”

Twilight was taken aback by the sudden attitude change. “What happened?”

“This happened a few weeks after Rarity said she was getting married,” answered Spike, hesitating to continue. A squeeze from his marefriend who nuzzled him, reassuring that everything was alright, made him soon continue. “Fluttershy and I would go to have the greatest moment of our lives... and then I screwed it up and almost ruined everything between us...”