• Published 6th Apr 2013
  • 18,810 Views, 689 Comments

Enkindled Hearts - Rated Ponystar

Spike and Fluttershy tell Twilight how they became a couple

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Surprises All Around

Enkindled Hearts

By The Rated Ponystar

Edited by: Mr.Minimii and Adjudicator


When Twilight first discovered she was to become a princess, one of the first things she wondered was what exactly she was going to be a princess of. The alicorn sisters ruled Equestria, Celestia during the day and Luna the night, due to their talents in controlling both celestial objects in the sky. Cadance was in charge of the Crystal Empire with her brother. So what was she going to be in charge of?

Apparently, paperwork, the way things keep going, thought Twilight, denying another request to lower taxes for the rich with her hoofprint. In order to get more accustomed to the prospect of being a ruler, as well as the duties that came with it, Celestia had only recently allowed the newest princess to handle the throne and all state of affairs during the twilight hours between night and day. Twilight found it overwhelming at first, but both royal sisters had provided her with scribes and assistants to help her out.

Good thing, too; I doubt I would be able to handle all of this with just Spike alone. Princess Twilight paused in her reading of a recent report on the borders of the Badlands to look up and try to spot her number one assistant. To her disappointment, there wasn’t a single sign of the dragon. Frowning, she shook her head. Missing again. It’s been like this for months, only now it’s getting worse and worse. How long is he going to keep going wherever he goes without telling me? He’s just a baby dragon, and I’m responsible for him! Sure he’s an adult by pony standards, has wings, and is now even taller than me, but still…

“Princess Twilight?” Twilight jumped a bit before turning to one of her robed scribes, bowing as he addressed her. “Princess Twilight, it’s time for Princess Luna to take control of the night court and raise the moon.”

A tired, yet grateful smile stretched across Twilight’s face as she banished her thoughts about Spike for now. After declaring her court adjourned, she climbed down off the throne and made her way to the main doors, the guards pulling them open for her. Waiting outside was Princess Luna, who nodded with a smile while Twilight tried to hide behind her mane, wishing she’d stop blushing every time the two of them kept meeting.

“Ah, Twilight Sparkle. I trust your hours at court went well?” asked Luna with her light blue eyes that Twilight swore twinkled just like the stars in her mane.

“Perfect…” whispered Twilight before she shook her head and sheepishly smiled. “I mean court was perfect, y-yes. That.”

“Excellent. You have come very far these past seven years since joining my sister, your sister-in-law, and I in alicornhood. I must admit, you… are amazing, as they would say.” Now it was Princess Luna’s turn to blush. “You are a powerful magician, have faced grave dangers, coming out alive when most would perish, and have done the impossible, upon being the first to turn into an alicorn without the magical blood that flows through me and my family. You are… remarkable…”

“T-thank you, but I wouldn’t have gotten this far without you…” said Twilight, dreamily. Her eyes widened before continuing, “and Princess Celestia, of course!”

Princess Luna giggled. “Yes, we are glad you have come so far in your lessons. Are you still up for stargazing this moonlit evening?”

“Of course!” answered Twilight, with a slight tremble in her voice. “I always love it when we stargaze. I’ll see you later, Princess Luna.”

Luna nodded before walking her way towards the throne. Twilight slowly backed away until the doors were shut from the outside. Sighing in relief, Twilight heard a few giggles from her advisors, which she responded to with a threatening glare before dismissing them. As she made her way for her chambers, she couldn’t help but kick herself for nearly losing her cool. I have to be more careful…

“Twilight! Oh, Twilight, darling!”

Her ears perked up upon hearing the familiar voice and smiled. She turned around, only to be attacked by a white unicorn wearing a very expensive looking crystal dress, most likely said unicorn’s own creation, if Twilight knew her well. Hugging her back, Twilight said, “Rarity, I’m so glad to see you! I didn’t know you were coming to the castle tonight. If I had known, I would have prepared something for your arrival!”

Rarity stepped back and raised her hoof. “Oh, darling you don’t have to do that for moi. I’m already still in your debt for what you did for my wedding with Fancy Pants.”

“Only the best for best friends,” replied Twilight, chuckling. “But what’s got you so excited? Does it have to do with your fashion stores? Is business picking up?”

Rarity shook her head, her grin so wide it could split her face. “I went to the doctor’s today with Fleur, because of those stomach problems I told you about, right? Well he did some tests and…” Rarity squealed, covering her mouth with her hooves. After a moment of shaking, she screamed, “I’m pregnant!”

After a quick gasp, Twilight was soon squealing alongside her fellow Element, earning a few chuckles from the nearby guards before they went back to their stone faced expressions. The girls held each others hooves as they bounced up and down, shouting in joy together. Twilight, calming down but still keeping her smile up, urged Rarity to follow her as the two rushed down the halls. Entering Twilight’s bedroom they found a fresh pot of tea waiting for them, as she always ordered, along with a few crumpets. The two friends sat down on their cushions and poured each other a cup before toasting to Rarity’s miracle.

“I can’t believe it! You’re going to be a mother, just three months after your wedding!” giggled Twilight. “Have you told anypony else?”

“Fleur knows, having helped me get to the doctor’s, and Fancy Pants will know when he comes back from his trip to Manehatten,” explained Rarity. She wiped a tear from her eye while slowly rubbing her stomach, where the new life slept peacefully. “Oh, Twilight, darling. This year has just been a dream come true: married to a noble and handsome stallion that I love with all my heart, my business extending all across Equestria, and now my own foal. I truly am blessed.”

“And I’m happy for you, Rarity. I know all of Ponyville will be too,” said Twilight, knowing all the reactions their friends would have. Pinkie Pie would naturally throw a party and want to do the baby shower. Applejack and Rainbow Dash, if she wasn’t practicing with her fellow Wonderbolts in Cloudsdale, would exchange a few jokes about Rarity looking overweight in the future before congratulating her. Fluttershy would offer to baby sit whenever it was needed. And Sweetie Belle would be so excited at the prospect of being an aunt she would, in the younger sister’s own words, burst.

“Yes, darling, I already have plans to visit Ponyville after I tell Fancy. I haven’t been there since the wedding and it would be great to see everypony again,” mused Rarity, looking out the window. From a distance stood the small town they loved so much. “I do miss living there sometimes. I love Canterlot and all, but Ponyville will always be my home. You understand, right?”

“More than you think,” answered Twilight, also staring at the town that changed her life forever. It held so many memories, both good and bad, but all of them worth keeping forever. There were times she wished she could return to those days where she was just a simple librarian, but she, like the rest of their friends, had moved on to new stages of her life. Yet the one thing that still lived on was their friendship, and they always got together whenever they could just to catch up on each others’ livelihoods.

Rarity put her teacup down, and cleared her throat. “Anyway, Twilight, I came here for a reason other than to tell you the good news. I was hoping you could tell me where Spike is.”


“Yes. See, I already have asked Fleur to be the godmother and she said yes. I want, and I’m sure Fancy will agree with me, to have Spike as the godfather,” explained Rarity.

Twilight leaned back in surprise. “Spike? A-are you sure about that, Rarity? He’s only a baby dragon.”

“Oh, pish posh, Twilight Sparkle,” said Rarity, waving her hoof. “Spike is seventeen, that’s a pony’s legal age, isn’t it? Besides, he’s always been there for me and is like a little brother to both me and Fancy. After all, next to you and Pinkie Pie, he was the most dedicated to helping design our dream wedding. I’ve always seen him as a little brother and I know he would be perfectly capable of taking care of the foal should anything bad happen to me or Fancy, heaven forbid. So, where is he?”

“I wish I knew,” admitted Twilight, rolling her eyes. “He’s been coming and going at the strangest of times. One time I didn’t see him for a full day, and when he came back it was three in the morning! I asked him what he was doing and if anything was wrong, but he just smiles and tells me not to worry.”

“Oh my! Do you think he’s doing something dangerous?” asked Rarity, leaning forward.

Twilight shook her head. “Who knows? I know he’s ‘technically’ an adult, being an Equestrian citizen and all, but I can’t help but worry…”

The mood seemed to take a somber turn, and Rarity coughed into her hoof distractedly in an attempt to break the tension. “Well, I’m sure Spike is okay, and he’ll tell you if anything is wrong. Shall we talk about something else?”

Twilight shrugged and brought her tea to her lips. “Like what?”

“Like when you’re going to confess to Princess Luna that you have a crush on her,” said Rarity, quickly raising another pillow with her magic to block the tea spat out of Twilight’s mouth. “Come on, dear. You’ve been crushing on her for a long time now; surely you have to tell her soon.”

“R-Rarity…,” coughed Princess Twilight, whipping the tea from her mouth. I knew I shouldn’t have told her. Thank goodness for Pinkie Promises, though.

“I mean really, Twilight, you and her would be perfect for each other. You both are good friends, love reading, stargaze all the time, even have similar ideas on how to run the country. You’re almost fit for each other!” pointed out Rarity. “Are you afraid she’ll reject you?”

“It’s not that, it’s…” Twilight shifted her hooves around, avoiding Rarity’s gaze by lowering her head towards the table. “It just can’t work out between us! She’s my friend! A friend for nearly ten years! It would be such an awkward change in our relationship that it could ruin our whole friendship. Not to mention that, despite being an alicorn, Cadence and I are different from Celestia and Luna. We age, unlike them!”

“How is that a problem?!” demanded Rarity, pounding her hoof on the table. “Love, Twilight Sparkle, has no limits by time. It lasts forever.”

“Yes, your love may last forever, but you yourself may not,” responded Twilight. “Princess Celestia and Luna can’t age because of their connection to the sun and moon; as long as they exist, the two of them will never grow old. I don’t have a cosmic entity to grant me that. I’ll grow old, just like you girls, and die. I can’t put Luna through that!”

“Darling, I’m certain that Princess Luna and Celestia have had to deal with such thoughts in their lifetime? If I recall, Celestia has had many lovers in the past. Surely, despite knowing your mortality, they would both be ready to say goodbye when it comes to it,” pointed out Rarity.

“Maybe so, but I’m just… really worried, Rarity!” confessed Twilight. She stood up, staring into the night as every single bad scenario she knew started flying out of her mouth. “What if it doesn’t work out? What if one of us ends up hurting the other? What will the others say? You know that most of the nobility don’t like same gender relationships; it could hurt Princess Luna’s reputation. How can I do that to her after all the hard work she spent trying to earn their trust and love? What if Celestia and Luna get into an argument and I have to choose who to side with? My mentor, or my marefriend? It’s just… it’s just too risky to suddenly change everything!”

Taking deep breaths, Twilight fell to her haunches as Rarity walked over and nuzzled her friend. “Twilight, change always comes with risks. You don’t know if what choice you make will end up being good or bad in the end, but I believe you should give this a try. After all, ‘Better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all’.”

“Lord Whinnyton,” said Twilight, smiling at the quote from the famous pony. Sighing, she gazed up at the moon and said, “But… I don’t know if I can do it. Even if I could, what do I do? How do I handle this?”

Rarity shook her head. “I’m sorry, Twilight. Love comes from the heart and is different for everypony. You will have to discover the answer on your own.” She hugged her best friend and nuzzled her once more. “I’m sorry, dear, but I have to go. Fancy is coming home soon and I want to be there to tell him the good news. Do tell Spike my offer to be our foal’s godfather, will you?”

“I will,” promised Twilight, hugging back.

“And Twilight?” Rarity stepped back and gave her a smile. “It’s ultimately your decision, but I think you should give a relationship with Luna a try, despite your worries.”

The two waved goodbye as Rarity exited the room, escorted by a guard. Alone, Twilight sighed and looked towards the moon again. Can it even work? I do… care about Luna, maybe enough to give a relationship a try, but is it worth the risk? The sudden change from friend to marefriend isn’t easy. At least with Rarity she was already smitten by Fancy Pants the moment they met. This is different.

Twilight shook her head. There would be plenty of time to think about her problems with Luna later. Right now, she wanted to deal with one issue at a time, starting with Spike. She had to find him, not just because Rarity asked her too, but because she was tired of not knowing where her assistant was going every night. For all she knew, he could be in some kind of trouble. Twilight decided to use a spell she recently learned that allowed her to find anypony that she ‘marked’ as long as they weren’t too far away. Closing her eyes, her horn began to glow a bit before a small purple sprite appeared at the top of her horn and flew outside the window. Taking flight, she followed the sprite with great haste, hoping to find her assistant. Preferably not in any danger.


Of all the places she had expected to find the sprite land at, Fluttershy’s cottage was the last on her list. The sprite winked out as she dismissed the spell and proceeded to make her way towards the front door, with even more questions on her plate. Knocking on the door, she waited for Fluttershy to greet her, but nopony came. Checking the windows, Twilight saw none of the lights on except one that seemed to be coming from Fluttershy’s bedroom. Biting her lip, she pondered on her choices before deciding to pick the lock with her magic, planning to apologize later if need be.

The door creaked as Twilight entered the house, noticing all the animals tucked into bed and sleeping without a sound. With some careful tiptoeing—and a little spell to silence her hooves—Twilight made her way up the stairs, where she started to hear noises from above. It sounded like grunts and moans, followed by the occasional sound of something hitting the floor. She began to pick up her pace as she heard Fluttershy scream like she was in pain. Oh my gosh! Are they fighting?!

“S-spike! Please! D-don’t… Ah!” cried out Fluttershy from inside her bedroom.

Wasting no time, Twilight kicked the door open with a loud bang, shouting, “Spike! Why are you hurt… ing… wha…”

Twilight was suddenly reminded of a time when she was younger, where she saw her parents making out in the kitchen. Being only a filly at the time, she called it the grossest and ickiest thing she had ever seen. It haunted her for months. Now she was seeing such a scene again, only this time it involved her little brother figure on top of one of her best friends, barely covered in sheets, lying on a bed and looking just as shocked as she was.

Her best friends weren’t fighting… they were mating.

“T-twilight?!” shouted Fluttershy as she dove under the covers.

“Twilight?! What the hay! Get out of here!” yelled Spike, covering himself as well while throwing a pillow at the intruder.

“S-sorry!” replied Twilight, closing the door just before the pillow could smack her in the face.

She rushed down the stairs, waking up all the critters that began screeching and creating a racket. She raced in a panic into the bathroom, opened the door, locked it, and turned on the sink, splashing water over her horrified face. After a few more splashes, Twilight slowly looked at her reflection, her mouth still wide enough to catch flies. Her mind was working at full capacity to wipe the sight of love making out of her head, but it was going take a major amount of brain bleach to get rid of it. As she tried to erase the most mind-scarring thing she had ever seen, question after question started ripping her brain apart.

Fluttershy and Spike?! How?! When?! Are they in love?! Is this just a friend with benefits thing?! Is this even legal?! She’s a pony and he’s a dragon! She’s older than him! He’s a baby dragon! Oh my gosh I just saw one of my best friends and a dragon who’s all but like a brother to me rutting in bed! Augh! Mental images! Curse my brain for memorizing everything I see!

“Twilight?! Are you in there?!” asked Spike, knocking on the door. “Are you alright?”

“I… I think so… maybe…” answered Twilight, eye twitching every half second.

“Um… listen. Fluttershy and I aren’t angry and… well… I guess you have some questions.”

Twilight nearly ripped the door open with her magic. She glared into the frightened eyes of the nervous dragon, a red flush spread across his purple face. “That’s an understatement! Why in harmony’s name did you keep this from me?! You and Fluttershy?! I can’t even think of how that even works, let alone the idea of it! I’ve never seen any hints between you two and I sure as hay want to know how this all started!”

“I’m sorry,” muttered Spike, rubbing the back of his neck. “I… was going to tell you, I was… I just… didn’t know how.”

Remembering Cadance’s breathing exercises, Twilight slowly started to calm down and collect herself. “Look, I’m sorry I yelled at you. I came here looking for you because you’ve been leaving without a word and coming back late. I was beginning to get worried. I never expected to find you and Fluttershy having s-s… se…”


“Yes, that…” finished Twilight, shaking her head. Somberly, she asked, “Why didn’t you tell me? Don’t you trust me?”

“I…” said Spike, closing his eyes. “I was afraid. I was afraid you wouldn’t approve of us. I mean, it’s kind of a strange sight isn’t it?”

“Yeah, it was,” groaned Twilight, making Spike smile a bit.

“Look, come sit down and we’ll tell you the whole story.”

Twilight nodded and followed Spike to the living room. The critters were heading back to bed while Fluttershy nervously sat on the couch. Upon seeing Twilight, she flew forward and cowered in front of the alicorn. “I’m sorry! I’m so sorry, Twilight! We didn’t mean to keep this a secret; I mean we’ve only been officially together for three months. Oh, you must be so mad at us! It’s all my fault, I wanted to keep it a secret and—“

Fluttershy was soon silenced by a kiss from Spike, raising her head from under her hooves with his hand. Both ponies blushed, for different reasons, before Spike removed his lips from his beloved and said, “Fluttershy, stop. She’s not angry and it’s not your fault. We both agreed to keep it a secret, but I guess the secret had to come out sometime, huh?”

“A-are you sure, Spike?” asked Fluttershy, earning another kiss as an answer. This time she followed through with it, wrapping her forelegs around his neck and pushing forward, moaning in pleasure.

A loud cough from Twilight reminded the two lovebirds that they had a guest in the room and separated with nervous smiles on their faces. Twilight rolled her eyes, but remained calm and directed the group to the couch and chair before them. The three sat down, Twilight across from the couple who held onto each other as Spike’s wing wrapped itself around Fluttershy like a protective blanket. She smiled and gave a small peck on the cheek as a reward for his kindness.

“Well, I guess it’s safe to say that you two are in love,” joked Twilight, making the couple blush. “Just… how did this all happen?”

“Well, officially it was three months ago,” explained Spike, “but the real story starts much earlier than that…”

Author's Note:

So this is the first chapter. I have to admit, I'm mostly doing this as an experiment. I've only ever seen this paring work out in one fic and I wanted to give it a try. I don't think it will my most successful love story, but hey who knows. Second chapter is up, if your interested.