• Published 6th Apr 2013
  • 18,810 Views, 689 Comments

Enkindled Hearts - Rated Ponystar

Spike and Fluttershy tell Twilight how they became a couple

  • ...

Returning The Favor

Enkindled Hearts

By The Rated Ponystar

Formerly edited by: Adjudicator

Edited by: Mr.Minimii and ugugg93


If there was one thing Spike missed most about Ponyville, besides having nice neighbors instead of rude snobs, it was the food. Canterlot may have had five-star restaurants, but sometimes nothing beats a good old-fashioned pile of extra crispy hay fries and chocolate milkshake. It was even better when you were spending time with your friends. The gang had decided to get together for a quick lunch date, but unfortunately they weren’t all there. Princess Twilight was too busy with work, having been rushed into tax duty, and Fluttershy hadn’t shown up, much to Spike’s disappointment. He had been looking forward to meeting with the pegasus who he had grown closer to over the past month. Fortunately, it still didn’t prevent him from having fun thanks to Fancy Pants, who decided to join them, as well as being able to exchange jokes with Pinkie Pie .

“... and then he said, ‘I’m your other end!’” said Pinkie, finishing her newest joke which set the entire table into a round of laughter.

“Gahaha! Good one, Pinks! I gotta tell the team that one when I get back,” laughed Rainbow Dash, banging her hoof on the table.

“It was a little vulgar,” snickered Rarity, covering her lips, “but even I must admit it was funny.”

“Quite so, my dear,” agreed her coltfriend, Fancy Pants, who was busy wiping away some salad dressing from his coat. Normally he would have worn his usual suit, but he insisted on 'fitting in with the commoners’ and went naked during their get together. This managed to attract the attention of a few mares in the town, but a quick, sinister look from Rarity made them walk away with their tails between their legs.

Fancy accepted a napkin from Spike, nodding in thanks. The former heartbroken dragon no longer held any contempt with his rival. In fact, Spike had started hanging out a lot more with Fancy Pants, for the dragon had few guy friends. He even confessed to Fancy his old anger at him for taking Rarity, but it was all water under the bridge in a matter of minutes. As way of an apology, he set up a date for Spike with his old flame, and good friend, Fleur De Lis. Although it wasn’t a bad experience, the two quickly realized they were better off as friends.

He watched as Fancy Pants shared his salad with Rarity, who gave him a quick peck on the cheek, much to the disgust of a gagging Rainbow Dash. The relationship between the two unicorns couldn’t have been better, with Fancy being a true gentlecolt that had nothing but respect and caring towards Rarity, who never stopped talking about him.

“I’m really glad Twilight let me have this day off, guys,” said Spike, sighing in comfort. “It’s been crazy now that Tax Season has started.”

“Ugh, don’t remind me,” moaned Rainbow Dash, rolling her eyes. “You’d think after saving the world so many times we’d be exempt from this.”

“Ah, shoot Rainbow. It’s just a part of life ya gotta get use to,” said Applejack. “Macintosh and Ah, well mostly Macintosh, have been doin’ the farm’s taxes for years and ya don’t see us complainin’.” A small smirk stretched across her muzzle. “Or at least tryin’ to get out of it...”

Rainbow Dash threw her hooves up in the air. “Oh, come on! Are you ever gonna let that go?! How was I suppose to know that faking your death to avoid taxes was a crime?!” Leaning forward, Rainbow brought her hooves down from the air, and instead used one to rub the bridge of her snout. “I’m just glad the princesses only let me off with a warning. Still, don’t know why you girls didn’t stop me ahead of time...”

“Well, Ah wanted to see ya learn yer lesson on bein’ lazy,” admitted Applejack.

“It was one of those rare times I was ever gonna get you in a dress, dear,” said Rarity, giggling. “Granted it was for your open casket funeral, but beggars can’t be choosers.”

“And I’ve always wanted to throw a funeral reception!” said Pinkie Pie, bouncing on her pillow cushion. “Most funerals are sad and all, so I had a chance to make one really fun!”

Spike shook his head with amusement. “I still can’t believe you manage to get everypony drunk and get them all in a conga line.”

“Yeah, too bad it caused me to be banned from the funeral home.”

Everypony laughed, even Rainbow Dash despite being it at her expense, and continued finishing their meals. Spike looked around and sighed. “Guess Fluttershy isn’t coming after all.”

“Shame, I really wanted to speak to her about maybe using some doves for a part of our act,” said Rainbow Dash. “Maybe I should go visit her after lunch and see how she’s doing.”

“I can do it for you, I was going to meet up with her after this anyway,” said Spike, wiping his face with a napkin.

This made Rainbow Dash tilt her head. “Yeah, I’ve been meaning to ask you about that. When did you two become so close as friends? She mentions you a lot in her letters to me and I’m kind of surprised. What happened?”

Spike, Rarity, and Fancy Pants glanced at each other for a moment, but thankfully it went unnoticed by the others. Clearing his throat, Spike answered, “Well... she was there when I needed somepony to talk to and... well, we just got a bit closer in our friendship and all.”

He noticed the sad twinkle in Rarity’s eyes, but a quick smile toward her direction was enough to make it disappear. Even though he was no longer in love with her, Rarity was still important to Spike and he would always do his best to be there for her. While the broken heart incident was long over with, he could sometimes feel Rarity looking at him with sympathy and regret of her actions in hurting him. Even if he continuously told her that all was forgiven and done.

Rainbow just stared at him a bit more before shrugging. “Eh, whatever. I’m just glad somepony’s been watching over her with me in the Bolts and all. I’m just a bit surprised since you two barely have anything in common.”

Truth be told, Spike had to agree. Out of all his friends, he rarely hung out with Fluttershy until last month. Still, Spike was glad that he had a pal to hang out with more since everypony else was busy with their jobs. Her cottage was also a great place to relax and take a break from the stressful life of Canterlot politics. He and Fluttershy would sit down and chat over some tea or go for a walk in the woods. Sometimes he even helped her out with her animals, who were starting to grow used to him.

Before Spike knew it, their lunch was over and everypony was saying their goodbyes. Promising to meet up sometime in the future, Spike made his way towards the edge of town and the path towards Fluttershy’s. As he got closer to the edge of the Everfree Forest, he wondered why Fluttershy was late. Maybe she got sick or a patient needed her? I hope everything is alright.

His thoughts were soon interrupted when he felt somepony barge into him at top speed, knocking him to the ground. Rubbing his head, he painfully looked down and gasped. Slowly lifting herself off him, Fluttershy, covered in blood and with eyes tearing up, asked, “Spike? Help...”

At first he thought it was for herself, but then he noticed something in her forelegs. A dying young doe...


The cottage door slammed open as Fluttershy, carrying her dying patient, rushed inside followed by Spike. Angel, rising up from his bed, looked ready to kill someone for waking him up, but his anger was soon replaced with horror as he rushed towards his master’s side to assist. Fluttershy quickly gave out orders. “Spike! Get me my emergency medical kit on the third shelf in my room! Angel! Get a pillow and then start boiling some water! Move it!”

Spike didn’t even bother giving a response, he just ran up the stairs and quickly found the kit. Making his way downstairs, he quickly gave Fluttershy the bag from which she dumped out all the contents and started getting to work. He took a moment to finally see how bad the damage was: a torn abdomen, bite marks all over its legs, as well as half of its tail ripped to shreds. Spike closed his eyes and turned away. He wasn’t a doctor, or even a vet, but even he could tell that this poor doe was done for.

Yet when he looked at Fluttershy, eyes full of determination as sweat dripped down her brow, he couldn’t find it in him to say this. She was so dead set on saving this creature that Spike was sure she would even give the grim reaper The Stare. It was one of the things he admired about her, and in ponies in general. Whether it was Rainbow Dash and her flying skills or Twilight with her magic, when a pony loves something so much they put everything they had, and more, into it, and Fluttershy was no exception when it came to her animals. Maybe there was a chance she could save it, but either way he couldn’t abandon her.

For two hours, he and Angel obeyed every order from Fluttershy. They helped her hold down the wounded doe, got her any medicine or painkiller needed, and handed her water and a handkerchief when she needed it. Finally, Fluttershy took a deep sigh and closed her eyes. “There... I’ve done all I could...”

The doe was now wrapped up in bandages while a small IV Fluttershy kept around was connected to its foreleg. It was finally asleep, its chest rising up and down in a well paced manner. Fluttershy slowly got up, only to lose her balance and nearly fall over if Spike hadn’t caught her.

Blushing, Fluttershy sat back on her haunches and nervously nodded. “T-thank you.”

“You need to rest, you’ve been working non-stop,” said Spike, gently picking her up and taking her to her couch. He gently laid the blushing and drowsy pegasus down and fetched a blanket.

Fluttershy shook her head. “No... I... I need to make sure she’s okay.”

“Fluttershy, you’ve done enough,” said Spike, giving her the blanket. “You said it yourself. There’s nothing more you can do but hope she gets better. If you keep worrying like this, you’ll only end up hurting yourself.”

The pegasus tried to say something, but a yawn soon proved Spike’s reasoning. With a sigh, she hesitantly took the blanket and covered herself up with it. “The moment anything happens, you tell me, alright?”

“I will, now go to sleep,” said Spike, patting her rear leg. Fluttershy gave a small smile before allowing sleep to finally overcome her.

Spike looked at his sleeping friend for a bit before making his way to the doe who was being watched by a vigilant Angel. He knelt besides the bunny and together they kept watch over their patient. The silence between them went on for some time until Spike said, “The doe isn’t going to make it... is she?”

Angel simply shook his head.

“We need to be there for Fluttershy when it happens.”

Again Angel nodded before continuing his watch in silence. Over time, the doe’s breathing became softer and softer... until at last her chest fell one last time and never rose again. The two of them bowed their heads in respect before Spike got up and made his way towards Fluttershy. As he reached out to wake her up, he hesitated upon seeing her peaceful smile. It nearly broke his heart to know that he was going to shatter whatever dream she was having with a hard dose of reality, but he knew better than to delay it.

“Fluttershy, wake up,” he said, shaking her from her nap.

Fluttershy slowly rose up and stretched her wings before turning to Spike. “Spike? What is it? How’s the doe?”

Spike tried his best to keep his face as neutral as possible, but upon seeing Fluttershy’s pupils shrink and her mouth slowly open in horror, it was clear that he had given all away. “I’m sorry...”

Fluttershy flew out of her couch, knocking Spike back as she landed on next to the deceased doe, and stared in horror. Eyes slowly starting to mist, Fluttershy gently took the dow into her forelegs and cradled it close to her body. “No no no no! Celestia, no!”

She cried into the doe’s bandaged body, her sobs bringing all her animals out from their hiding places. Each of them looked towards their mistress and began to lower their heads in sympathy. The cries of his friend managed to make even a tear come out of Spike’s eye as he slowly made his way to her. Covering her with his wing, he muttered, “I’m sorry, Fluttershy.”

“Why didn’t you wake me!” shouted Fluttershy, glaring her teary eyes towards his. “You should have waked me! I could have saved her!”

“There was nothing you could have done.”

“Horseapples!” shouted Fluttershy, much to not only Spike’s shock, but the animals’ as well. “I could have done something! It’s what I do!”

“Fluttershy, listen to me!” shouted Spike, taking her by the shoulders, much to her surprise. “You and I both know that doe wasn’t going to make it... You knew that despite everything you could do, there was nothing you could have done to save it.”

Fluttershy just sat there, looking into his stern yet sympathetic eyes. Whimpering, she shook herself out of his grip and gently placed the doe back onto the pillow. Rising back to all fours, she retrieved her blanket and used it to cover the body. She continued to stare at her fallen patient for a long time. After what seemed like an eternity, she asked, “Then... was everything I did worthless?”

Spike sat up and placed his claw on her shoulders. “No. You made her last few moments comfortable. She passed away peacefully. You may not have saved her life, but you gave her a comfortable death. I think... she would have thanked you for that.”

The floodgates opened once more as Fluttershy fell into his arms. In a reverse situation, similar to his only a month ago, he was now comforting his friend by having her cry on his shoulder. He soon began to cry as well, not just for the life lost but also for the pain Fluttershy was going through. The animals of the cottage soon joined in, hugging the two or each other as they came together to comfort the one pony who they loved so much.

As well as the loss of a young soul taken away.


Spike watched as Fluttershy laid the flowers on the fresh grave she had only finished digging. He was surprised that behind her house, and a little further on, there was a graveyard for all the animals that had passed away under Fluttershy’s care. He slowly walked up to Fluttershy and hugged her as he glanced at the wooden tombstone:

Here lies Ms. Doe

She was a brave patient ‘till the very end


“This isn’t... the first time...” muttered Fluttershy in Spike’s arms. She slowly pulled herself away and looked towards the mass amount of wooden headstones she had carved herself. “I’ve lost many animals. Most grow old and die, which I accept because it’s all part of nature’s design... but... when they die under my care... when I can’t save them...” She wiped away a fresh set of tears. “I wonder if, deep inside, I’m just a failure at what I do...”

“Don’t say that,” growled Spike. “Don’t you ever say something like that, Fluttershy. You are not a failure. I’ve seen you save tons of animals and they love you for all that you’ve done for them.”

“But I...”

Spike shook his head. “No, Fluttershy. Don’t think that. Don’t think that at all. You think Twilight hasn’t failed? Or any of our friends? Even Princess Celestia and Luna? Horseapples, I’ve failed too...” He clenched his fist. “I tried for thirteen years to get Rarity to fall in love with me and I failed. But that doesn’t mean I’m just gonna give up on love... somepony, dragon, griffin or whatever is out there for me.” He stood tall and stared at Fluttershy eye to eye. “The moment we give up and call ourselves a failure is the moment we really are losers.”

Fluttershy stood there, her tears slowly coming to a stop. Although he could see some glimmer of hope in her eyes, there was still doubt. Lowering her head, Fluttershy whispered, “Is.. is it that simple?”

Spike sighed and use his claw to slowly lift up Fluttershy’s head and give her a smile. “No... but I managed to move on thanks to a certain pegasus. And I’ll do the same for her whenever she needs me.”

At last, a small smile appeared on Fluttershy’s face.


“Oh, Fluttershy I’m so sorry,” said Twilight, levitating a tissue to her nose and blowing it. “It must have been so hard, losing a patient like that.”

Fluttershy nodded, staring at her hooves that were pressing against one another. “The thing was... it wasn’t the first time I’ve... lost an animal. Just how she died and... how I wasn’t there...”

She whimpered and pressed herself against Spike’s chest as her coltfriend hugged her. “The worst was... the nightmares...”

“Nightmares?” asked Twilight.

Fluttershy nodded and hid behind her mane. “For a while, I had the same nightmare over and over again: I was working on Ms. Doe when suddenly she died... then she turned into one of you girls, or Spike, or somepony else I knew... and I just sat there... holding any of you as I cried out for help, but nopony was there to hear me.”

Shivering, she wrapped her forelegs around Spike’s body and sighed. “I’m just glad Spike was there for me.”

“I guess that explains why you were out so late and tired in the morning those days, huh?” asked Twilight with a smile.

“Yeah, I just.... I just couldn’t leave her like that, you know,” said Spike, rubbing the back of his neck. “She was so scared and I promised I would be there for her.”

“But you must have gotten over it, eventually,” pointed out Twilight.

“Oh, I did,” answered Fluttershy, nodding her head. “Applejack most likely told you this story, but one day...”


This was it. It was time to take one final gamble. Spike could feel every scale he had work up a sweat at he concentrated on the cards in front of him. Across from the table was his arch-nemesis, Angel, calmly looking at his cards with a carrot in his mouth. Between the two of them was a mountain of freshly baked cinnamon cookies, courtesy of Fluttershy for them to share. As if I’m sharing the best cookies on the planet with this furball.

Licking his lips, Spike took one last look as his hand before slamming it on the table. The cookie pile rattled a bit, but still stood strong as the dragon called out, “Full House! Beat that!”

Angel took out his carrot and smiled, revealing his own hand. Spike’s mouth dropped so low Angel could see his tonsils. “S-straight Flush?!”

Like a blow to the stomach, Spike fell the weight of defeat upon him as he crashed onto the table. Angel grinned and took his prize over to his side before munching on the delicious cookies. Spike got up and rested his head on one of his claws while growling at the cheerful bunny. “One of these days, Angel. One of these days.”

“I’m home!” shouted Fluttershy, closing the door behind her. She flew over to her closest friends and kissed Angel on his forehead, much to his embarrassment. She noticed the cookies and tilted her head. “Huh, I thought you loved my cookies, Spike. Why does Angel have them all?”

Spike gritted his teeth. “Your little demon spawn pet decided to play poker for the cookies. You can see the results of that decision.”

“Angel,” chided Fluttershy with a stern look. “Mama is very disappointed in you. You do not go scamming others out of their treats. Now give Spike some of your cookies this instant, mister.”

Angel sighed and, reluctantly, pushed a good portion of his share to a beaming Spike. Spike quickly began to shove the cookies into his mouth, tasting the sweet cinnamon goodness that felt like he was tasting a bit of heaven. “Seriously, Fluttershy. You make better cookies then even Pinkie Pie! You could make a killing if you sell these.”

Fluttershy blushed. “Oh, no... I couldn’t do th-”

Everyone jumped as the door slammed open with an echo that made all the animals rush into their homes for protection. There at the entrance, gasping for breath, a sweaty Applejack looked up at her friends with fear and desperation in her eyes. “F-fluttershy! Come quick! Winona's puppies! They’re missin’!”