• Published 15th Mar 2023
  • 299 Views, 8 Comments

InFamous EQG Chronicles of Jeane Book 1: Origins - Neztrolove

Jeane Mallio typical high school nerd and favoured punching bag has his life turned upside down when an explosion rocks his world and bestows powers onto him.

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the wind rustled through Jeane's hair, running down the street moving as quick as lightning. The boy couldn't help but smile.

Jeane picked up more and more speed until he reached terminal velocity for a normal person. He then took a huge leap which allowed him to bypass one end of the street to the other. The boy stopped at the crosswalk dong steps.

The boy smiled as he jogged in place waiting for the light to turn. Once it did he sped through.

Im not even tired after all that. Having super powers are awesome. The boy toward an empty park bench and flipped over it. Not losing momentum he stuck the landing then sprinted. He turned a corner by kicking the face of stop sign then rolled into a ball before standing up to stretch.

Two weeks of doing zekes regiment plus some extra training and im already getting the hang of my new skills. It wont be too long before I see that iron will again and I kick his butt.

Jeane had been training with zeke on how to box even though they havent got into the ring yet. The boy had done some shadow boxing and basic footwork excerises.

Time to test my blast control. Like the rest of his powers jeane's blast had grown stronger as he aimed a blast toward a tree branch over a bunch of bushes. He focused and aimed perfectly cutting the branch with precision and no collateral damage as it flew down with a thwack and a yelp.

"Oh god, im so sorry." the boy ran to the bushes thinking it was kitten or something to see a yellow skinned girl with pink hair and dressed in a blouse and skirt with pink butterflies on it. Jeane couldn't help but blush as the two met their eyes.

"Hey," he said softly.

The girl blushed back and hid her face.

"Oh, I'm so sorry, i-i threw a rock and branch and didn't know you were under here." he blurted out embarrassed.

The girl smiled but didn't meet his eye.

"are you hurt? Do you need help?" Jeane asked worried she didn't like.

She shook her head.

"My name's jeane, what's yours?"

"Fluttershy," she whispered and if it wasnt for jeane's excellent hearing he would have missed.

"That's a pretty name."

She turned her head from him. "thank you."

"What were you doing in the bushes fluttershy." Jeane asked then saw something poke out of her back pack and it appeared to be a rabbit.

The boy smiled. He patted its head and it leaned into it. He scritched behind its ear and it foot began tapping.

Fluttershy giggled. "Angel likes you. He doesn't usually take to strangers."

"I love rabbits. They are so cute." Jeane admitted.

Fluttershy smiled. "I recognize you, your in my math class."

"Oh yeah, your the girl sitting in the back like me." Jeane remembered her as she sat two seats away from him and never said anything.

"why do you sit in the back?" Fluttershy asked.

"I don't like being in the front of any group." Jeane smiled at they left the bushes.

"I don't either."

"I guess we both like to be unseen."

fluttershy nodded. "I wish I was as good at math as you."

"I could tutor you. I mean if you wanted." Jeane felt himself grow nervous.

"It's a date… I mean not a date date… because… ah!" Fluttershy turned red faced.

The boy smiled then he felt a disturbance. The boy jumped toward fluttershy using his powers to leap out of the way as something crashed behind him. The boy held fluttershy close to his chest and then turned to see him… iron will.

Damn he must be here for a rematch. The boy turned his head to fluttershy. Can't risk anyone getting hurt while I fight this guy.

"fluttershy I want you to run when I punch him." Jeane's voice was even. But the boy felt his heart drop at the thought of fighting the man who dropped a whole bridge on top of him.

"What about you?"

"I'll be fine as long as you are safe." Jeane then placed her done and then turned toward iron will who stared at the boy with a dark glare.

Fluttershy took a step back then ran.

"I came for you… there is no escaping your destiny." iron will threatened taking a step forward.

Jeane prepared to fight when iron will leapt over his head and then landed in front of fluttershy who fell on her back.

"why you are the prettiest young thing I've ever seen why don't you go on a date with iron will." he said grabbing her hand and lifting her up to face the seven foot tall man.

Fluttershy squeaked nervously as she tried to free herself. "um, please, um, let me go, please."

"Oh come on don't be frigid… you know you couldn't do better then a handsome bull like me." he flexed making fluttershy wince.

"Your hurting me, please let go." she begged tears in her eye.

"I'll let you go after you agree to go on a date with me." he said smirking.

"or when I knock you on your ass." Jeane yelled storming toward the man. He felt the pressure of the gravity around him shift with his emotion. All former fear left him as he saw the strained face of the sweet fluttershy.

Iron turned with a growl then looked down at the 5 foot even jeane. He raised an eyebrow "uh, do I know you kid?"

Jeane stopped with a dumbfounded look on his face. "Seriously?"

iron will shrugged his shoulder a confused look on his face.

"You dropped a bridge on me?"

"Doesn't sound familiar to me. But I could total bring a bridge down on someone with a flick on my pec… that means I can protect a fragile thing like you… hows about a peck on the cheek." he leaned toward fluttershy who winced.

"would you mind taking a mint. Your breath smells a little."

Iron will pursed his lips then turned to jeane. "did I see you in a bar… I feel like I know you. Care to give me a hint?"

"How's about a tip instead. The bigger you are the harder you fall." Jeane clenched his fist infusing it with heavier density while lowering gravity around him so he can throw it fast.

"I don't see what that has to do with-" Iron will felt the full force of jeanes fist making him stumble and fall into he bushes throwing fluttershy in the air.

She cried out and whimpered as she covered her eyes and held angel to her chest.

Jeane used his powers to slow her fall and grab her. "You okay?"

She looked up at him and then hid her face in his chest and whimpered.

Iron will came out of the bushes then loomed over the small jeane.

Can't risk her safety by fighting this dude and there are people in the houses around here. Have to find a way to both get fluttershy out of here then lure him outside the city limits where he can cut loose and not hurt anyone.

"you little punk, you'll pay for striking me!" Iron will raised a forearm to crush jeane.

The boy leapt back riding the wind aided by his powers to get out of the way. The boy watched as iron smashed pavement on the road.

Fluttershy held him tighter and started crying.

"you won't escape."

Just then sirens blared and both conduits listened as the police got closer.

"Police, I need to get out of here." Iron will turned his head to cops then back at jeane. "This aint over little brat… I'll find you again and then I'll smash you."

` Jeane held fluttershy close as the police arrived.

She sobbing into his chest and whimpered.

"It's okay, fluttershy, I wont let anyone hurt you. I'm here, it's okay." he said though he felt just as nervous he put on a strong front.

The felt a disturbance and turned his head up to see a man across the street dressed in a trenchcoat and shades watching him. The man stood there until a car passed and he was gone. The boy frowned.

This bodes ill.