• Published 15th Mar 2023
  • 299 Views, 8 Comments

InFamous EQG Chronicles of Jeane Book 1: Origins - Neztrolove

Jeane Mallio typical high school nerd and favoured punching bag has his life turned upside down when an explosion rocks his world and bestows powers onto him.

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Author's Note:

Infamous In Canterlot or the Jeane chronicles: Origins



Chapter 1: Jeane

Hello everyone I am back with this Fanfic after taking a long vacation due to burn out I have written a new story for you. Now these may take longer as I plan to take breaks when needed and I want to do more editing but I will try to keep it regular. Now here is what this story is about.

My oc Jeane who is in a lot of my stories in the EQG universe gains the powers of an InFamous Conduit from the video game series of the same name. Now this is a An OC x harem fanfic with the Mane 7, Dazzlings, EQG Starlight glimmer, and a couple Crystal Prep girls being the ones in the harem and it will also be split into books and this first book is Jeanes origin story. Now id like to ask you all a simple question: what would the main sevens conduit power source be like.

“What the hell is your problem!” a shrill screech pierced Jeane’s ears. A quick left followed the shout sending Jeane Mallio to the pavement.

The boy coughed loudly, the wind knocked out of him.

“how dare you! How fucking dare you!” the abuser’s voice grew louder with each word and several passers-by averted their gaze from the spectacle.

Jeane reached out to the wall a few inches from his head for support but a pair of hands grabbed him by his black vest and forced him to his feet. Jeane could finally meet the eyes of his aggressor and saw it was none other then Lemonzest.

The pink-skinned girl wore a menacing scowl, baring her fangs like a wild animal. Her long green hair like an emerald lions mane. She looked like a predator in a school girl outfit.

Jeane meanwhile looked like the perfect prey. His pale skin reddened with a forming bruise on his face and though he was dressed in a similar uniform as Lemonzest his had more personal effects like running shoes rather then dress and a red undershirt rather then white. The boys straight black hair was cut in a pixie style.

Lemonzest pressed Jeane against the wall rearing her fist back to strike him.

“Explain yourself!” she growled, her voice lowering.

Jeane raised his hands to show his submission. “What did I do.” the boy hesitantly asked, voice quivering as he did.

A roar from the girl peempted her fist as it slammed next to Jeanes head chipping the bricks of the place she hit.

“Lemonzest I’m sorry but I don’t know what I did.” Jeane tried to explain but He felt the girls grip tighten around his vest as she lifted him higher against the wall.

“You know what you did! Now tell me why the fuck did you defy me!?”

She shook him slightly making the boy feel sick. From the moment of his birth Jeane was born with a frail physique and a low constitution. Fighting the urge to retch for he knew if he threw up on Lemonzest that would only make her furious… more so then she already was.

“D-defy you? I didn’t.”

Lemonzest pulled him close. “don’t lie to me.” she said slow and emotionless, letting the severity of the moment sink in.

A chill crawling down Jeanes spine and goosebumps welling on his skin. “I’m sorry for what I did.”

“Are you? Because I was fairly certain I made it perfectly clear last month that you… you idiotic boy… were supposed to tell your mother, that you wanted to transfer to Crystal Prep next semester… did you?”

Jeane shook his head and was slammed against the wall for his honesty.

“No… you didn’t… what makes you think you can do what you want?”

“I-i l-like CHS.”

Lemonzest throw Jeane t the pavement. “Did I ask what you like!?”

Jeane tried to crawl away futilely dragging himself toward the road with one arm.

“Please, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean too.” He mumbled apologizing profusely as his hand touched the concrete. He felt a foot slam on his spine and he let out a low cry.

“You’re Pathetic, you know that? You’re nothing without me… say it!”

“I-i’m nothing w-without you… please I-i’m sorry.” Jeane’s back ached and he was on the verge of tears. Resisting the urge to cry out for help because he knew no one was going to save him.

“Damn right you’re sorry! Now if I told you once I’ve told you a thousand times but ill say it again because you’re a little slow… you’re mine… my property… mine! You don’t get to think, you don’t get to make decisions, and you definitely don’t get to defy my orders… now get up and say your sorry.”

“Lemonzest Hivevina! What are you doing to Jeane!” A stern female voice cried out.

Lemonzest immediately froze as she turned her gaze to the pitch black skinned woman storming toward th pair. The woman had white hair that reached the back of her knees a mane twice as big as Lemonzests.

The woman glared at The bully with piercing green eyes forming daggers to pierce through her tough facade. When the womans eyes locked onto poor Jeane her eyes softened and mouth slightly agape.

“M-Mother, I-I W-was… I…” Lemonzest was lost for words any lie she would try to concoct faltered before they were said.

“We will discuss this in the car. Now march!” The woman didn’t shout her voice was even and filled with the kind of cold venom that only a mother could manifest.

Lemonzest looked like she was about to argue but one stern look in her mothers eyes was all that it took for her to back down. She marched into the car and entered the back passenger door, slamming it as she entered.

As soon as her daugth as in the car the mother turned her attention to Jeane. “my poor boy, what did zesty do to you.”

Jeane tried to pick himself up but fell back down.

“Here let aunt chrysie help.” she wrapped her arms under Jeanes like an infant and pulled him up. She let the poor boy let on her as they walked to the car.

Chrysalis Hivevina was a wealthy business woman who owned several workout businesses and like his parents lived in the richest district of canterlot. Chrysalis and Jeanes father were the best of friends in high school and still are.

The silverhaired woman opened her passenger side front door and helped Jeane sit down. She buckled his seatbelt for him and kissed his forehead. “im sorry for my daugther, are you hungry?” she asked sweetly.

The boy shook his head.

Chrsyalis smiled as she patted his head. “Okay then.”

Before too long The trio drove away from the school grounds and toward the rich district. The first few minutes of the car ride were awkward silence, the radio being the only thing to make noise.

Chrsyalis then stopped at the side of the road and turned off the radio. “Zesty, is there something you want to say to Jeane.”

“Im sorry.” She mumbled.

Chrysalis glared at Lemonzest from the front of the car reflected by mirror. “Louder and better.”

Lemonzest’s eyes widened “Im sorry Jeane.”

A smile returned to Chrysalis face. “thats better.”

The car ride resumed until they reached the gate of the community. Chrysalis showed the guard her id and he opened the gate for them.

Chrsyalis house was the first place and when they stopped in the driveway Chrysalis cleared her throat. “Zesty, stay in the car for a minute I want to tell you something.”

“Okay mom.” Lemonzest grumbled.

“I know the current situation isnt ideal but that doesn’t give you the right to bully Jeane. Now, I wont ground you but I want to show you something.” Chrysalis instructed.

Jeane felt the silver haired mom scritch his head which felt soothing.

The woman then did the same to his chin rythmically scratching. “I know that you are scared to lose those you love but to get what you want try to be sweet instead of sour.”

“Okay mom.” Lemonzest replied.

“Besides I know you can be sweet especially since I saw you borrow my apron and pretended to be making Jeane dinner like a housewife.” Chrysalis laughed.

“mom!” Lemonzest groaned her cheeks reddening. Averting her gaze from her mother crossing her arms.

“Oh don’t pout zesty I think its cute.” The aunt cooed to her daugther, giggling to herself.

“You didn’t have to tell him that… It’s embarassing.” She rumbled.

Jeane couldn’t believe how much Lemonzest’s current behavior reminded him of when they were children. The boy loved his time with Lemonzest, they even shared their first kiss at the age of seven, of course they thought it was gross but still. They played and laughed together when they were kids, and bathed and slept together as infants. The boy missed those times when he and Lemonzest were friends instead of her being his bully.

“I don’t see a problem with it, but okay… ill stop.” smirking Chrysalis then looked at Jeane.

“Lemonzest did I mention that whitney said that she and Jeane will be there for your birthday in two months.”

Jeane’s heart stopped for a second. Whitney was his mother and a decorated officer in Homeland Security. She rarely if ever came home but when she did all the house bent to her whim as she was the stern authoritarian of the mallio household.

Lemonzest meanwhile let out an excited squeal. “Really mom, she said yes? Yeah! Can Jeane go with me and my friends to our all day mall trip, please.” she begged giving her mother classic babydoll eyes.

Once again Chrysalis chuckled. “I don’t see why not… as long as you stop bullying the poor boy.”

Lemonzest nodded her head and then raised her hand with crossed fingers. “I promise, scouts honor.”

“Since when were you in scouts.” Chrysalis joked, pressing a button on her door to undo her daugther’s child safety lock.

Lemonzest then placed her head next to Jeane. “Im sorry,” she cooed kissing his forehead. Then leaning to his ear and saying. “If you let any girl besides me and mommy do that to you then ill kick her ass and yours.” she threatened leaving the car.

The boy froze from the threat.

Chrysalis rolled down he window. “thier’s money on the table for pizza. ill be working late tonight so uncle thorax is in charge. I love you.”

“I love you too, bye.” Lemonzest groaned entering house.

Chrysalis cheerfulness shifted when her daugther left her site. The woman turned her head to Jeane with a frown. “how bad did she hurt you?”

“Not too bad, my back hurts and my stomach’s in knots though.”

A small sigh of concern emited from Chrysalis as her eyes soften and she took a sad look. “my poor Jeane, im so sorry.”

Jeane felt his head be smothered against the breast of Chrysalis quicker then he could process what happened.

Chrysalis figures ran through the head of the boy as she let out soft coos like a mother animal whose baby was upset. Grazing his scalp with her long painted nails which sent chills down his spine. The woman then ran her fingers down his back and began rubbing circles around his tension points.

Jeane felt all the soreness leave his body as a warm sensation covered his skin where crysalis touched. Hiding his face in her breast letting out soft moans as she made him feel better like she always did.

It was said that whenever Jeane was hurt or scared that he would instantly feel better when Chrysalis would show him affection. With his mother at work all the time the role of Jeanes mother figure fell on Chrysalis every boo boo was kissed by her and every achievement rewarded by her.

“all better my little ghost prince.” she teased using the nickname that Jeane received due to his pale skin tone which was hereditary to his family.

The boy nodded his head and let out a soft hum.

“Good.” Chrysalis smiled warmly and returned to the drivers wheel. “I know Lemonzest can be a bit aggressive but you must understand that she is only acting out of fear of losing those she loves. Ever since her father abandoned her she has been so scared of losing anyone and blames herself for his absence.”

It was true Lemonzest used to be a happy if loud girl who loved rock music and sports. She and Jeane were the best of friends and they loved each other as only close friends could, but all that changed when her father left the poor girl during last years friendship games. He didn’t even show up and it was up to Chrysalis to pick up the pieces of her broken heart.

“I know it seems like she hates you but she only fears to lose you. Im not saying its right but you shouldn’t think it is based out of pure malice. Can you be patient with her Jeane because without you im afraid she would be too far gone… your her light during these dark times.”

Her words filled Jeane with something he lacked-purpose. The boy always wanted to be someone who helped people and he did care for Lemonzest despite all the controlling abuse.

“I Will aunt Chrysalis, I promise.”

Chrysalis’ eye’s teared up and kissed his forehead. “Good boy, were back at your house. Now go in, put some ice on your stomach and have a good day… I love you.”

her voice was sweet and Jeane felt the truth in all her words. “I love you too.”

Jeane kissed Chrysalis on the cheek, opened his door and waved goodbye. Proceeding up his driveway to his house twice as big as any other in the nieghborhood due to his father being the head of a chain of fast food franchisees and his mothers paycheck made it so that his family wanted for very little.

I’m her light. Yeah right. Jeane taunted himself in his thoughts. Chrysalis is too nice to you, your weak and a coward. The boy opened his front and the smell of sweet lavender his parents favorite scent met him.

The boy flung his bookbag on the nightstand in the living room. Plopping down on the coach and grabbing the remote to click on tv. He surfed through the many channels until he came onto a music video channel showing the latest pop sensation, the dazzlings, Jeane didn’t usually like pop music but he did enjoy their songs and had quite a crush on adagio dazzle the band leader.

After the dazzlings segment ended Jeane turned the audio of his tv down and went to his bookbag and pulled out a comic book for the mare do well.

The boy read It over and couldn’t help but think. If I had powers then maybe I could make the world a better place then no one would try to control me… too bad that super powers arent real.

The boy read through the comic with the same fervor as when he first bought it. It was the first appearance of Mare do wells new side kick the marestery who was a mutant blessed with the power of esp.

The boy read the comic until his eyes grew heavy. I have a study session planned at the library tonight so I better go to bed. Maybe tommorrow will be better.