• Published 15th Mar 2023
  • 299 Views, 8 Comments

InFamous EQG Chronicles of Jeane Book 1: Origins - Neztrolove

Jeane Mallio typical high school nerd and favoured punching bag has his life turned upside down when an explosion rocks his world and bestows powers onto him.

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being wheelchair bound sucked. Jeane discovered this three days after getting home from the hospital. The doctor told the father that jeane would need to be bound in a wheel chair for at least a month and that he would need help doing normal things.

What happened at the hospital still haunted the young man as he didn’t understand what was going on. His prevailing theory was the bomb caused the boy to become highly magnetized which pulled him down toward the earth.

The boy hadnt felt that pull since he came home but he knew that he was abnormal.

“jeane?” Kurt asked, finishing his cereal. “you barely touched your breakfast, are you okay?”

“Yeah dad,” the boy lied, the honest truth being that he feared that the side effects of the burst would be permanent and make jeanes life impossible to live.

The boy contnued to eat his breakfast, the hunger driving him.

“so jeane, I just got off the phone with the doctor. He told me that you are making a remarkable recovery since the initial visit. The tests he ran yesterday came back with positive results and even says you can go back to school monday, isn’t that great?” Kurt’s voice trembled at the end and he could barely meet his sons eyes.

Jeane looked up at his father and frowned. He knew that his dad loved him but jeane hated how he refused to look at him. It made the boy feel like a monster, a freak.

But jeane knew his dad didn’t think that.

“Yeah dad, its great.” Jeane mumbled.

Kurt’s watch beeped and the man shot up from his church. “I have to go check on the franchises today jeane, you gonna be okay for a couple hours without me?”

Jeane nodded his head.

Kurt ran his hands through jeanes hair and chuckled. “I remember when you were little. You used to be attached to my hip always scared to be by yourself. Your growing into a real man and im proud of you.”

Jeane smiled at his fathers compliment. “Thanks dad, I love you.”

“I love you too, son.” Kurt kissed jeanes forehead. “Be good, and aunt chrysalis left you a crates worth of those protein shakes be sure to drink one before I get back. I put several in the fridge for ya. Bye son.”

Jeane waved goodbye to his father as the man left the house and shut the door behind him.

Left alone with only his thoughts, jeane once again felt the weight of unease wash over him. He felt more pitiful and weak then he did before the blast, his legs were jelly and his back was sore. His disgust was immeasurable.

The boy couldn’t help but feel like things would never get better and depression refused to let go of him.

Look at yourself jeane, your worthless. He berated himself, a flash anger warmed him.

Jeane grabbed his bowl and threw it aiming to shatter the porclain on the hardwood.

No smash followed the aggressive toss and after a minute passed curiosity piqued and jeane turned his head to see the bowl hovering over the floor three feet over it halfway to the roof.

The bowl rolled toward the bowl, his wheels skurting on the floor as he sped toward the anamolie.

“what in the--”


The bowl smashed to the floor, shattering to a thousand pieces on the glistening wood.

Jeane flinched at the spectacle and watched in fear as the pcs began to lift a few inches off the ground only to fall back down.

The boy looked at his hands and then hardened his gaze and rolled his wheel chair to the island in the kitchen and then reached out his hand to his open book bag. He reached out to form a connection to the heaviest textbook in his bag, his advanced science book.

He focused long and hard trying to get a connection but only gaining sweat. He had almost given up until he took a breath and felt something in his back as it tingles and then his hairs began to rise up turning his pointed hairstle into a spiky form. The boy reached out his hand and breathed steadily.

The book in the bag began to rustle shifting from one side to another. The boy breathed in sharply and the book lifted out of the bag.

The breath exhales slowly and focuses, the book hovers toward jeanes hand.

Inhale and exhale, easy focus, and finally a sigh as the book bag entered his hand and the tingling feeling left him and was replaced with a sudden flood of excitement and astonishment.

How is this possible. Jeane thought. I have super powers? Like mare do well… how powerful am I.

The last question brimmed with anticapation brought to mind jeane dressed in one of his sketched costumes, running across rooftops, fighting bad guys, saving a damsel in distress. The boy could hardly think someone like him would be the hero type without these powers but not he can be.

Heros need to fly right, let me see if I can fly. The boy focused the power inside him breathing steadily and just like last time he felt all the hair on his body stand on end. The boy then felt lighter then air and lifted his wheelchair off the ground if only for a few inches.

The boy looked around and let out an excited squeal which was followed by the chair falling on the ground with a clatter as jeane tried to steady himself.

The boy coughed loudly, his lungs feeling overextended like he ran a marathon. The boy felt his stomach growl.

Okay, my powers consume energy and lifting myself consumes the most energy… so no flying for me rn. Despite the discovery of a power limit jeanes mind raced of ways to improve himself for his power. The boy raced toward the fridge and grabbed a protein shake.

The boy took a sip and nearly retched. These energy strikes are awful but last time I drank one these powers reacted better. The boy had surmised that the incident in the hospital was his powers awakening.

The boy then had an idea on how to train his powers. The boy rolls out to their backyard. It was like any american backyard wth a grill on the wood patio, a huge tree in back with a birds nest and squirrels with a bird house as well.

The boy noticed that the branches of the tree law strewn on the grassy ground and jeane if he was healthy would be tasked with picking them up and disposing of them for his allowance. The boy decides to try and do his chore despite his disability.

The boy does the breathing technique and feels his hairs rise and picks up the smallest branch. He focuses and maneuvers it successfully but without finnessee or grace. Jeane feels tired so he finishes the shake and feels his power return.

Next we need to try a bigger branch. Jeane felt his sinises flare as the pollen hit his nose. The boy would need to take his allergy medicine soon as it was around the time for his seasonal allergies.

The boy found a big branch which he assumed to be a small limb from the tree. The boy focused himself returning to his concentration and breathing. The boy hyperfocused and the limb shook. The boy could feel his nose inch when the air from his breathing hit it.

The boy decided to ignore it as he lifted the tree on top of the tree. Reaching his hand out to steady himself and pointing near the center of the tree. The boy inhaled… then sneezed.

A loud boom followed the sneeze and jeane felt himself be pushed back as the creaking of the tree blurted out through the neighborhood.

The boy opened his eyes and noticed that the tree in front of him leaned back and smoked from its bark on the side.

Jeane rolled toward the spot and felt the bark of the tree and frowned as he felt heat radiating from the spot which looked like it was hit by a blunt ax.

If I hit a person with this much force they could have broken ribs or even lose a limb. The boy wondered what he had done. I might have telekinetic blasts.

The boy shook his head I have been given a gift of power and now all I have to do is master it.

Jeane smirked I will be a hero who saves everyone.