• Published 15th Mar 2023
  • 299 Views, 8 Comments

InFamous EQG Chronicles of Jeane Book 1: Origins - Neztrolove

Jeane Mallio typical high school nerd and favoured punching bag has his life turned upside down when an explosion rocks his world and bestows powers onto him.

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whistling a tune Jeane Mallio rolled up the hill toward CHS. He had gotten used to wheelchair life for the last week and a half. Testing his powers had made the entire ordeal bearable as the boy had refined his abilities and hoped to discover new ones.

I can levitate myself five inches right now but that takes all my energy. He thought to himself reaching the top of the hill.

When I use my telekinetic burst ability it hits like a bullet from a handgun. The boy had studied and used the bullet like power to hit trees to test his power.

Jeane could hardly believe that someone like him could be blessed with super powers. The boy rolled down the pavement and saw CHS in the distance.

Just then Jeane felt himself stop. He tried to pull himself forward but felt something hold him back.

“going somewhere, darling.” lemonzests sickly sweet voice inquired.

Jeane gulped as his body froze in fear.

Lemonzest walked around Jeanes wheelchair and stood in front of him with a smile. She leaned down and smiled at him.

“My poor darling, stuck in a wheelchair. Don’t worry I’llbe there for every single step of your recovery.” she cooed making it seem like she genuinely cared.

“Hey Lemonzest, are you feeling okay?” Jeane quivered with fear as lemonzest placed her hand on his cheek and ran it softly down.

“Of course darling. You know I worry myself sick about you.” She cooed again, lightly pinching his cheek.

The boy felt her grip tighten.

“Uh lemonzest, I have to get to class. Can you let go please.”

Jeane felt his cheek redden as her grip crushed his cheek.

Lemonzest breathed in and out then released.

“look, I know ive been a little aggressive lately… but its only because… because… im scared of losing you jeane. Remember all the good times. Playing In the dirt, wrestling, sleeping in the same bed.” she had a slight blush and a warm look on her face and unlike the rest of this interaction she genuinely seemed happy.

The boy felt those memories go back to those times. They even shared their first kiss when they were young.

“they were good times. Are you still mad at me?”

the girl smiles and the fakeness returns to her voice. “I could never stay mad at you jeane. Your my darling.”

The boy tried to pull his chair out of her grasp but she held the armbar like a vise. Though she smiled jeane could tell she still had the same anger as always and she hid it poorly.

“me and my mom talked about how ive been treating and I know now that ive been hurting you… but I promise to be nicer starting now. To prove it everyday I see you im gonna give you a kiss.”

Lemonzest puckered up her lips leaned forward toward jeanes lips.

“lemonzest, I don’t really want a kiss.”

Jeane felt his breathing constrict as a hand grasped his throat… lemonzests hand.

Her eyes had bugged out her left eyebrow twitched, she once again bore her fangs like a wild animal a low growl clear on her tongue.

“Did I ask what you want!?” her grip tightened and jeane could feel himself loe consciousness.

“Im sorry, your hurting me.”

“Now I tried being nice and you spit in my face for it. Now your gonna give me a kiss and your gonna like it.”

“Leave him alone!” another voice shouted. It was female and stern.

Both jeane and lemonzest gazed where the voice came from and the girls image was blocked by the rising sun at her pack. Her hands on her hips.

Coming into view was an orange skinned girl with fiery colored hair. She wore a black leather jacket and a teeshirt with a sun on it. She crossed her arms and stared daggers at lemonzest.

“this doesn’t invovle you CHS scum?”

“it does when your bullying one of my fellow wondercolts.”

“He wont be a wondercolt for long. Hes gonna transform next semester to crystal prep.”

“that may be true but right now he is a wondercolt and you are gonna let him go.”

“And what if I don’t”

the girl stomped forward until she was directly in front of lemonzest. Her fiery eyes baring into lemonzests soul.

Lemonzest took a step back and gulped.

“You really want to find out?”

“Th-this isnt over… ill get you for this Sunset.” lemonzest ran away knockin into jeanes wheelchair as he rolled back toward the hill.

Before jeane could stop himself a hand grabbed his arm bar and pulled him back to the top of the hill.

“Wow there, don’t want you getting another broken leg after I just saved you.” she teased with a lovely laugh.

The boy met his saviors gaze… those beautiful blue eyes shimmering like a clear crystal lake. He could felt his heart beat faster, his hands go clammy, and his cheeks warmed.

“you okay?” she giggled once again, her cheeks also reddening.

“you saved me… why?” He felt dumb asking it but it came out faster then he could stop it.

“Why not? Its what a good person would do. Besides, no one deserves to be bullied especially not you.” she said then her eyes widened. “I mean people like you… smart people… I should stop talking.” she chuckled nervously.

“Yeah, thank you.” jeane could feel himself warm to her like she was the sun itself.

“Need a hand getting up the handicap ramp at school.” she offered never losing that half smile.

The boy nodded his head.

“excellent.” the girl then went behind jeane grabbing his back handles and lightly pushed him toward the school which was still in the distance.

“thanks for the help. How’d you know I was in trouble?” Jeane asked.

“I was waiting for a friend near the school when I saw that girl from crystal prep mumbling t herself and pacing around the school. I watched her closely and when she stormed down the road I decided to follow her thats when I saw her bullying you.”

“Well good thing you were in the neighborhood.”

“Yeah, how can someone do that to another person. What kinda monster acts like that.”

“In her defense. Me and lemonzest have known each other for a long time… she and me were the best of friends as kids.”

“She sure didn’t act friendly back there.” sunset remarked waiting at the crosswalk after pressing the button. Cars passed by leisurely as cops covered the street. Ever since the terrorist attack the police force has been stretched thin as they are constant look out.

Nobody knows who did the bombing as their was no body found near the origin point of the bomb and no sign of anyone being there. The town was on high alert and rumors of a curfew being instated was being discussed by the town council. The governor Rey Sombra was the only beacon of light for canterlot in these dark times as the politician calmed the people of the city expertly.

Jeane couldn’t help but feel partially responsible, because he survived and had benefitted from the suffering of the entire city. Two thousand people lost their lives that day and that meant almost everyone lost somebody.

“Jeane are you okay?” Sunset asked,

“Yeah sorry, just distracted.”

Sunset saw a shrine devoted to a young child one of the victims of the attack a sad frown on her face. “I know what you mean… who could do such a terrible thing.”

“I don’t know.”

“Im just glad your okay jeane, I don’t know what id do if you got hurt.”

“I didn’t know you cared that much.” jeane admitted. “honestly, I didn’t think you knew I existed.”

“Of course I did, ive been watching you for years.” she admitted smiling then she flushed. “I mean not in a creepy way obviously.”

Sunset had been a bully for most of her time at CHS and after the fall formal she had turned her behavior on its head and become a better person. Some people were still wary of her but jeane always thought she was genuine.

“did you see me as a target back when you were… your former self?” Jeane winced thinking on how personal his question was.

“No, I saw you as smart and pretty. I was angry that you never acted like a man and asked me on a date but I figured if I wanted you bad enough id just take you… I realize now that was an unhealthy way of seeking a relationship.” she chortled upon admitting her former feelings toward jeane.

“sounds like I had that effect on women.” Jeane chuckled as the light finally turned green and the two crossed the walk and entered the other side.

“So what is Lemonzests deal? Why is she bullying you if you were friends before.”

“Her father left her and her mother. Apparently he never loved chrysalis or lemonzest and it broke her heart. Shes afraid of losing those she cares about and decided that if she loves something she had to own it.”

“Thats… terrible… im really glad I grew out of that but take it from me jeane… missing dad is no reason to force someone to like you.”

“Did you lose your father sunset.” Jeane looked back at her and saw a sad look on her face. “you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”

sunset turned her head upward. “my mom and dad died when I was just a foal… I didn’t know them until I was taken in by princess celestia.”

“Princess celestia? Foal? What are you talking about?” Jeane couldn’t understand and thought that maybe he was feeling woozy because of his powers.

Sunset blushed then leapt back. “Oh that, don’t worry… uh I was just confused what I meant to say my mom and dad died when I was baby and principal celestia took me in as a teen… yeah thats it.”

She stammered and jeane didn’t believe her but for the life of him he didn’t know why she would lie and just let her slide.

The two arrived at chs and the white horse statue in the center shimmered like a mirror in the rising sun. the boy always felt hopeful when h saw that stallion running wild and free. The boy smiled as sunset too looked up hopeful at the stallion.

“So jeane, what is your opinion on ponies?” Sunset asked pushing jeanes chair toward the handicap ramp.

“what an odd question. Id say that I like ponies and that they are cute… why do you ask?” Jeane as a child had ridden plenty of fun ponies for parties and other events.

Sunset blushed. “N-no reason. Look we’re at the entrance. Want me to walk you to class?” she spoke in a higher quicker voice with a smile.

Jeane nodded his head.

This sunset shimmer sure is a mystery. I wonder if she was affected by the same blast… I cant be the only one who gained powers from it. The boy had wondered if any other cases of super humans have made themselves known. The boy hadnt heard of any but that didn’t mean he didn’t want to hear more about them. He longed to find someone like him who knew what it was like to be given these abilities.

Someone who knows his guilt of being not just a survivor but a profiteer of others suffering.

The boy felt his heart lurch at the thought and might have shed a tear. Had the angel bathed in sunlight beside him not put her hand on his shoulder.

“I know what its like to feel guilty. But I want you to know even though we lost a lot of people that surviving the attack isnt something to be guilty over and I know that no one blames you.” she said reassuringly.

Jeane couldn’t help but smile at her. She made him so happy.

“if you keep smiling at you like that I may get uncomfortable. A girl gets ideas when a guy shows that much joy around her.”

“Well maybe I want to show you how much you being my savior means to me?”

they both chuckled until a huge man in a janitor outfit stopped in front of him.

He had bluish gray skin and a long face with a muscular build. He was built out of pure red meat and muscle like a body builder. He was dressed in the typical janitor uniform with a name tag that read Iron will.

“hello there beautiful, Iron will couldn’t help but see your radiant hair from across the room and would like to offer you a date with a real man.” the janitor iron will boasted dropping the broom and proceeding to flex and grunt.

Sunset rolled her eyes “no thanks pal.”

she pushed jeane toward his home room but iron will stepped between.

“Really you want this twerp over the irresistable iron will… pfft, you must be stupid… your loss.” iron will scoffed then stormed back toward the map.

Sunset growled and punched the wall to next to her. “jerk,” she grunted.

“what kinda janitor hits on high school girls.

“a creep thats who… I hate people like him. Treating women like pieces of meat and arm candy.”

Jeane was stopped inside the home room and placed in the front of the class. The boy frowned as he saw sunset storm off.

“Thank you.”

For the first time in his life Jeane had found someone to protect him and actually care about him besides his dad and aunt chrysalis. The boy frowned as he thought about that janitor.

Said Janitor stood in the doorway of the class room staring daggers at jeane.