• Published 15th Mar 2023
  • 299 Views, 8 Comments

InFamous EQG Chronicles of Jeane Book 1: Origins - Neztrolove

Jeane Mallio typical high school nerd and favoured punching bag has his life turned upside down when an explosion rocks his world and bestows powers onto him.

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driving down the highway, Jeane sat in the passenger side of his dad’s red corvette, a gift for his wedding anniversary from his wife.

The sound of rock music filled the car from the radio as the pair of boys let the cool wind from the open top hit their hair.

“your being awful quiet son.” the man said in a peppy tone that was his default. Kurt Mallio was the happiest man on earth or at least that is how he could be seen with how he acts.

“I’m just thinking, dad.” the boy replied looking out to the glowing lights of the city streets.

The two boys let the winds whistle fill the silence.

“are you thinking about what happened earlier today?”

“How do you know about that?”

Kurt chuckle as they stopped at the traffic light. “Me and Chrysie had a long talk about it before I picked you up.”

“Why does she hurt me.”

“Lemonzest doesn’t mean to hurt you son, she is hurting herself and doesn’t know how to process it. She cant know that what she doing isnt gonna help. Try to be patient with her, okay.” the light turned green and the car moved forward.

A cold chill went down Jeane’s spine as the wind whipped across his back.

“I know dad but she is so mean, she hurts me and tells me that I belong to her… that im her property.”

Kurt tapped his fingers against the wheel allowing the moment proper time to digest.

“Jeane, Son, Lemonzest wanting to own you is my fault.”

Jeane turned toward his father whose characteristic smile stopped meeting his eyes. “What are you talking about dad?”

“When you and lemonzest were children id joke with chrysie that she was my second wife and she belonged to me.”

“Why would you do that?”

“It was meant to be a joke, something between friends that harkened back to our childhood but I guess lemonzest normalized it and when her father left her she thought about how ownership equals love and im sorry my son.”

“Its not your fault dad.”

“Son, I know you are a good boy, thats why I ask of you to try and not get in a fight with lemonzest, she is hurting and cant process what she is doing. I will talk with chrysie and make sure she talks to lemonzest.”

“Okay dad, I will.”

Kurts smile returned as the library loomed in the distance. The lights of the city fading behind them as the dimly lit streets only illuminated by the street lights gave the area a form of mystique.

The car stopped in front of the door and the lock was undone with a press of a button.

“Have a good study session son, ill be back in two hours, hows about tacos on the way home.”

Jeane loved tacos it was his favorite food. “Okay.” was all he could say.

The boy exited the car and walked up the stairs to the library door. He opened them and was greeted by an empty room with only shelves of books as company. Jeanes dad was a big donor for the library and thus the boy had the run of the place when he wanted to study in peace.

Jeane found a table near the center of the room close enough to the exit to get out fast and near enough to the window to see the beautiful lights of the city in the distance.

The boy reached into his bag and pulled out his sciene text book. Todays session was the study of sir isaac newtons thoery of gravitional pull. The boy always found gravity fascinating as it was such an important force of the planet and the boy couldn’t help but be infatuated with the idea of gravity as a super power. One of his favorite heroes gray mare was an alien horse person who could manipulate gravity for flight, gravity blasts, and even flight.

The boy read through the text book for about a half hour and then decided to take a break. The boy pulled out a candy bar from his bag and his headphones. He let the music of the dazzlings blare through his headphone as he began to sketch something.

He started with the head which he used himself as the model then began drawing the costume. It would be a leotard with a swirl in the center on his stomach. The mask would be a full face mask and a back pack which would be a jetpack.

As the boy was finishing his sketch one thought ran through his head.

If I was a super hero I would love a costume like this.The boy would have fantasties of being given superpowers and protecting the innocent from the wicked villians. The boy’s lip curled upward at the thought of being like the mare do well or gray mare but this isnt a comic and he isnt a hero.

The lights overhead began to flicker rapidly and jeanes headphones filled with static. The boy adjusted the volume to see if it was something going wrong.

What is going on.

The lights shut off leaving the entire library in pitch darkness. If it wasnt for the street lights jeane would be completely blind.

The boy took his headphones off and reached into his bag for flash light and then frowned as he saw it had no batteries.

Suddenly a blue light radiated the the room like a mini sun as jeane turned his gaze to see it in the driveway of the library next to the orb was a man cloaked In who turned his back to jeane and as quickly as he arrived he vanished.

The burst was bright and hypnotizing. Jeane knew should run but he felt draw to It the boy took a step forward as the blue light expanded.

What Is it, why am I drawn to it.

Jeane felt the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end and he knew what this was… a bomb.

The boy took a single step back but it was too late as the blue ball burst with a rapturous boom hitting all in its radius as its blue light turned hot white cutting through the library and hitting jeane dead on…

Is this how I die? Was the last thing the boy thought before the blast enraptured him.

Author's Note:

Alright time for chapter 2. I thank everyone for reading this story and giving feedback in the form of favs, follow, comments, likes, and dislikes please continue sharing your opinion and let me know what powers might fit the mane 7 for conduit abilities.