• Published 15th Mar 2023
  • 299 Views, 8 Comments

InFamous EQG Chronicles of Jeane Book 1: Origins - Neztrolove

Jeane Mallio typical high school nerd and favoured punching bag has his life turned upside down when an explosion rocks his world and bestows powers onto him.

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Author's Note:

hey everyone I am so happy you guys are enjoying my story. Please comment and like if you are on fimfiction and follow/fave if you really like it on fanfiction as well.

All Jeane could see was dark shapes moving in a blur. Muddled voice speaking words he couldn’t comprehend.

The boys vision cleared in moments but jeane still couldn’t make out what was being said as he recognized one of the images as his dad.

The dryness of the boys chapped lips made him feel terrible as he began to cough.

The two figures fully cleared to jeanes vision and bright light nearly blinded him as the overhead light flashed in his eyes. The first was his father Kurt dressed in green flannel and black pants with a grim look on his face. The other as presumed to be a doctor as he wore a white lab coat and pale blue face mask over his mouth.

“Dad, what happened.”

The doctor pointed to his board as a distinct ringing hit Jeanes ears blocking out any words from him.

Kurt had a stern look on his worry worn face, it seemed he had been crying with the worry lines and wetness of his face.

What happened? The boy tried to move his body but it felt like the blanket weighed ten times as much as he did when he tried to move it.

The ringing stopped abruptly and jeane caught a glimmer of a conversation.

“wheelchair bound for at least a month, liquid diet for the first week and cut his solider food for him.” the doctor instructed.

Kurt’s lip quivered. “Thank you doctor, without you my little boy wouldnt be here.” the man sounded like he would cry again.

“Dad?” Jeane pipped out through his parched lips his throat sore.

“Jeane!” Kurt exclaimed leaping toward the boy and wrapping him in a big hug. “Oh my son, I thought id lost you when I heard about the attack on the news I was worried sick.”

attack? Did he mean… the bomb. The thought of the blue burst flashed a memory in jeanes head and he swore he could hear a voice in his head when he was engulfed in the explosion but what it said and wanted was a mystery to the young teen.

“what happened?”

“A band of terrorists attacked the university district and bombed it. Jeane you are one of the few survivors of the blast. The reponse team pulled you out of the wreckage of the library all broken and still. The doc here put you back together but he says you need to stay here for the next week for testing and recovery.”

a terrorist attack. The boy couldn’t believe something like this would happen in canterlot. His mother moved their family here from washington when jeane was but a baby specifically because it was so insolular and out of the way. What could terrorists want with Canterlot.

The boy felt his stomach rumble and when he rubbed it his skin felt like it was bearing the weight of a stone.

“how could this happen?” Jeane sniffled as tears formed in his eyes.

“I don’t know son,” Kurt cried out as he held his childs hands. “but none of that matters right now, all that matters is that you are safe and sound.”

“dad, he said id have to be in a wheelchair… is that forever?”

Kurt shook his head. “no, just until your body gets back to normal you’ve been asleep for two weeks now and you need physical therapy.”

Jeane smacked his parched lips. “im thirsty.” he stated.

Kurt ruffled through a gym bag next to his feet and pulled out a bottle of purple colored drink that read Hive Brand on the front… his aunts brand.

“aunt chrysalis was worried sick when she heard and knew when you woke up youd need to get your strength up and sent some of her new protein shakes for you… isnt that nice of her.” the man pleaded, trying to forget the horrible attack on his child.

Kurt uncorked the bottle with a snap and hen pressed it to jeanes lips.

The boy took a sip and was met with the worst taste ever. The boy choked and gagged on it but after it was done he felt kind better.

“are you okay?”

“sorry, I wasnt prepared for that flavor.” Jeane admitted.

“I promise you when we’re back home, ill treat you to whatever you want but please drink these so you can get better soon.”

Jeane nodded his head. “okay dad, hand me one.”

Kurt feed jeane the rest of the bottle and the boy didn’t gag once. The taste was still terrible but it felt natural like water going down. The boy swallowed this and another bottle before feeling full.

The boy returned his head to the soft pillow then looked up at the ceiling feeling lighter then air. In fact he couldn’t feel the soft bedding under him he turned to his dad who was watching tv and released that he was slightly over his fathers height.

The boy turned his head down and noticed he was floating. Jeane screamed and his body hit the bedding hard. A deep pressure slammed the boy on the mattress with a loud crash as the metal of the bed under mattress creaked.

Jeane let out a cry of pain, his body pressed between his bed and some invisible force above him.

Kurt grabbed his sons arm and tried to calm him down. “Jeane? Jeane! Whats wrong son!?” the man exclaimed trying to hold his sons hand.

“it hurts! The pressure is crushing me!” the boy cried as he tried to roll out of bed. The boy hit the white tiled floor with a slamm cracking several tiles as his body pressed harder against the floor.

“Doctor! Doctor! Help!” Kurt screamed at the top of his lungs out to the hall of the hospital.

Several nurses rushed into the room watching their patient writh in agony.

Two orderlies ran to Jeanes aid. The men were muscularly strong who grabbed jeane by either side and struggled in their attempt to pick him up. The two orderlies broke sweats as Jeane stuck to the floor as if by glue.

The doctor ran in with another orderlie who went to help grab the boy barely lifting him an inch from the ground. The three orderlies were aided by Kurt who finally were able to pick jeane up and put him back on the bed.

The boy cried out as the beds metal bent to his weight.

The doctor said something that jeane couldn’t hear as a loud buzzing entered his ears and he cried out in pain.

A sharp sting on jeanes arm was followed by a feeling of calm. The boy noticed that the doctor held an empty needle as jeanes eyes grew heavy.

The boy closed his eyes as the tears stopped and all he could think of was.

What did that blast do to me.