• Published 11th Jan 2023
  • 1,787 Views, 169 Comments

Equestria Ninja Girls: Skylanders Spyro's Adventure - RainbowRaptorDash1

It is time for a magical journey of wonder and adventure with the Goofball Trio!

  • ...

Oilspill Island

"The Eternal Air Source has been integrated into the Core! Oh this is coming along very nicely indeed, but I’ll need some time to figure out our next step." Hugo informed.

"Take your time, Hugo." Sonata said.

"Meantime, I think you could use some rest, Lightning Rod." Pinkie added.

"Very well." Lightning Rod nodded.

"Why don’t you guys go investigate the docks. There seemed to be a real ruckus coming from over there." Hugo suggested.

"Okay. Wham, you and Boomer come with me as back up." Pinkie said.

"Ya sure, Pinkster?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah, ‘cause who knows what could be down there." Sonata agreed.

"The three of us will act as scouts. If things get ugly, Boomer will signal for back up." Pinkie pointed out.

"Yeah! Have flare!" Boomer agreed as he brought out a flare. The trio walked down to the beach and found a fish creature in a cage.

"What's that?" Pinkie noticed.

"That’s a Gillman." Wham-Shell informed.

"Say, if you are going to eat me, you should know that I’m really salty and kinda high in cholesterol." The Gillman said.

"Ifb U arr eabt me… I’b saltby and phat too." The Lockmaster Imp mocked.

"Oh great. Someone get me out of here!" The Gillman urged.

"Summon getty underwear! Hahahaha!" The Lockmaster Imp laughed.

"Sheesh. I actually had to sit here and listen to that monster make up recipes, and I was the main ingredient! UGH… This is just the worst. Um… a little help? Please? Take a look inside the lock and see if you can grip the tumblers." The Gillman asked.

"Give me a second." Pinkie responded as it didn't take long for her to unlock the cage. "You okay?"

But then the lock fell apart with the imp being launched out of it as the cell opened with the Gillman walking out. "Holy Carp, that was close! I came here looking for Skylanders, but instead I ended up in that cage and was almost made into Gillman Goulash!"

"Well, you came to the right place." Pinkie smiled as Hugo showed up.

"Hmm. You wouldn’t happen to have any sheep on you, would you Mister Fish?" Hugo asked.

"Gurglefin." The Gillman introduced himself.

"Gezuntheit." Hugo said.

"No. My name. It’s Gurglefin. I’m a Gillman. Not a fish. And where would I even keep a sheep anyway? I’m not wearing any pants." Gurglefin explained.

"Oh. Right. I-I see." Hugo noted.

"Well, what's the problem Gurglefin?" Pinkie asked.

"I’ve been looking for you, Skylanders. I come from a nearby island where trolls have taken over and enslaved the rest of my kind. Please help us." Gurglefin explained.

"We'll do what we can." Wham-Shell said as Pinkie came back to the others and explained the situation.

"Hmm. Trolls. Very dangerous. Not like sheep mind you, but still. No offense, Boomer. You guys should help them. They’re obviously in a fine kettle of fish. Oh… sorry." Hugo apologized.

"Watch it, mole butt." Gurglefin growled as a ship showed up.

"I'm coming with you." Sonic Boom said.

"You sure?" Pinkie asked in concern.

"I owe you a debt. I will repay it." Sonic Boom answered as Sonata showed up.

"Are ya sure it’s not also to hang out with Terrafin?" Sonata smirked.

"Hey, I'm still in the ring!" Terrafin pointed out.

"I'm coming, too. That's my best friend's people in trouble." Spyro added as Voodood was snoring, showing the others that he needed some rest.

"Drobot, you're in charge till we get back." Mikey said

"Understood." Drobot replied.

"Great. I knew you were all right. Are you ready to shove off to Oilspill Island?" Gurglefin asked.

"Team's ready." Mikey answered.

"Finally! Someone who takes me seriously! No cracks about “the one that got away” or a “really big fish story”. Sheesh! Okay, let’s go!" Gurglefin urged as the group got onto the ship before it started to set sail.

"Um… Yeah… By the way, you might want to hold on to something." Gurglefin advised before everyone else screamed as gravity took into effect with the ship fell off the waterfall, before it suddenly flew into the air.

"That wasn't funny!" Pinkie growled.

"I did say to hold onto something." Gurglefin reminded.

A while later, the group arrived at Oilspill Island.

"Geez, glad Fluttershy isn’t here." Sonata noted.

"You know, this used to be such a beautiful place, before the trolls came and started drilling for oil. They give it all to Kaos, for his crazy machines. And then if things weren’t bad enough, they captured my people!" Gurglefin dreaded.

"Gill... I'll find you, buddy." Spyro sadly said.

"But now you’re here. Go take care of business, Skylanders. Free them and teach those trolls a lesson. And hurry! I can already smell the cooking fires and tartar sauce!" Gurglefin shivered.

"Okay, listen up. First priority is rescuing the Gillman. Check your attacks on civilians and explosives. Everyone understand?" Mikey asked as the rest nodded at that.

"Hurry! Save our people before they become FISH STICKS!" Gurglefin urged.

"You heard the fish! Move out!" Mikey said as the group moved forward and stepped foot into enemy territory, only to encounter Troll Greasemonkeys wielding wrenches.

"Tratior!" A troll growled as Boomer brought out a stick of dynamite.

"Hehe! Make bad guys blow up!" Boomer laughed.

"Fore!" Mikey yelled as he swung his hammer and launched Boomer's dynamite, causing the dynamite to blow up in the enemy troll’s face, sending him flying, but the gate was still locked.

"Back to back, don't let them surround you." Sonata ordered.

"Looks like we need to solve an energy beam puzzle." Spyro noticed as Mikey saw more trolls coming.

"Solve it. We'll stall for time!" Mikey urged.

"Kay. There’s one crystal to redirect the energy beam, and from where the receiver is. How to solve the puzzle’s pretty obvious." Spyro noticed.

"Then do it. Wham, Fin you two come with me and draw them away!" Mikey said.

"Got it!" Terrafin responded.

"Okay!" Wham-Shell agreed as he, Terrafin and Mikey rushed up and drew the Trolls away from the others.

"Guys, Gillmen ahead." Pinkie noticed as Spyro solved the puzzle, opening the gate.

"Let's go." Sonic Boom said.

"Boom, you okay buddy?" Sonata asked.

"I'm fine. Let's go." Sonic Boom responded before repeating herself as the group moved forward. Sonata noticed a Soul Gem with Wham-Shell’s face on it above the water before she dove into the water and got it. But when she came out, she coughed violently.

"The water's polluted." Sonata coughed.

"Whaddya expect? It’s oil." Spyro deadpanned.

"I better walk on the water next time." Sonata mentally thought to herself.

"Guys, trouble ahead!" Pinkie pointed out as she and the rest of the group encountered a Tech Spell Punk.

"Great, they do Tech." Sonata sighed as she combined her blades.

"Still not a problem for us!" Stealth Elf said.

"Watch out for aiming lasers!" Boomer called out as more troll greasemonkeys showed up.

"Sonic Boom, give us an opera concert! Boomer, give her pyrotechnics!" Sonata ordered.

"Full Scream Ahead!" Sonic Boom let out her battle cry.

"Bring the Boom!" Boomer let out his battle cry as well as Sonic Boom screamed loud and he threw his dynamite into the screeching waves, turning them into projectiles as they hit the Spell Punk and enemy trolls, before Stealth Elf took advantage of their disorientation and struck them.

"See that? That's the power of teamwork!" Sonata smiled.

"No doubt!" Spyro agreed as he and everyone else thundered deeper into the factory. Suddenly, large number of Trolls ambushed them.

"Boys, looks like they need help." Mikey noticed from the village.

"I'm with you, Mikey!" Wham-Shell smiled as he created a tree with his hammer and the trio brought it down.

"Charge!" Mikey yelled as he, Wham-Shell and Terrafin slammed their makeshift battering ram into the trolls' factory. "Come on, guys! Gillmen are ahead."

"Let's get these Gillman free before reinforcement get here." Terrafin added.

"Whoa! Talk about timing!" Sonata gasped in surprise as she, Spyro, Boomer, Sonic Boom, Pinkie and the others caught up with the trio. "Good, everyone is here. Boomer thinks he has a way to blow the refinery. Tell them, Boomer."

"Big bomb into smoke stacks!" Boomer cackled before Blaster Trolls, Troll Grenadiers and Mark 31 Troll Tanks showed up with more Troll Greasemonkeys.

"Get those Gillman out. I can use a work out!" Terrafin smiled before an energy beam suddenly nearly hit everyone. "Yeow!" Terrafin yelped as he and everyone looked, seeing a familiar rock golem.

"Prism, snap out of it!" Wham-Shell urged, but the rock golem growled as his arms started lighting up. "Scatter!" Wham-Shell yelled as he and everyone got to cover before Prism Break fired.

"Your element, Terrafin?" Mikey asked.

"Yeah he is. Why d’ya think he’s a rock golem?" Terrafin rhetorically asked.

"I got an idea. See if you can get him to nail himself!" Mikey smiled.

"That’ll be hard without reflective weapons or crystals." Terrafin pointed out.

"I got that covered." Sonata assured before she breathed in deeply and sharply as her water abilities started sparking. "Come on, rock for brains! Hit me with your best shot!" Sonata taunted before Prism Break fired a beam at her. "Oh no!" Sonata dreaded before she spun her blades with water sparkling with strange electrical energy, creating whirlpool reflectors. "Fool me once, shame on me. But when you see a trick once, you can beat it." Sonata quipped as one of the beams got to the whirlpools, suddenly pulling a u-turn as the other beam grazed Sonata’s shoulder as the reflected beam hit Prism Break right on the forehead before he fell to the ground, unconscious.

"My lady!" Stealth Elf gasped in concern.

"Don’t worry, it only grazed me. And it’s not the first time it’s happened." Sonata assured.

"The Gillmen are free!" Pinkie cheered.

"You did it. You know, I wouldn’t have believed it if I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes. I hate to say it though… but we still need your help." Gurglefin sadly pointed out.

"We know. We have a plan to blow the refinery." Pinkie remembered.

"Yeah, it’s this factory. It’s polluting our waters and generally mucking things up. It’s ruining everything. Please help us destroy it! Say, you know, if you could get your fins on a Troll Bomb, maybe throw it into that big smoke belcher. I think that would do it! KABOOM!! The trolls would be gone, our home would be safe and then maybe I’d run out of things to complain about! Although probably not." Gurglefin said.

"Hahaha! Got Troll Bomb right here!" Boomer laughed, bringing out a Troll Bomb.

"Flameslinger, you, Terrafin and Spyro evacuate Prism Break And the Gillmen to a safe distance. We'll meet up after the fireworks." Mikey ordered.

"Understood!" Flameslinger responded.

"Follow us, everyone!" Spyro called out as he, Flameslinger and Terrafin helped the Gillman villagers evacuate while carrying Prism Break as the others forged ahead.

"Boomer, set the explosives!" Sonata ordered.

"You got it!" Boomer smiled.

"Incoming Trolls!" Sonic Boom informed.

"We’ll hold ‘em off!" Pinkie said while Boomer triggered up a bomb as the party girl and others fought. Sonic Boom saw a Troll about to shoot Pinkie.

"WATCH OUT!!!" Sonic Boom yelled as she attacked the Troll hard.

"Thanks." Pinkie said in gratitude.

"It’s the least I can do." Sonic Boom responded.

"Explosive primed and ready. LET'S GET OUT OF HERE!" Boomer roared as he and the group ran and escaped before the smoker blew up, stopping the pollution for good.

"Everyone in one piece?" Sonata coughed.

"All good." Mikey answered.

"Ditto." Pinkie agreed.

"Let's get back to the Core." Spyro said.

"That was great! Especially for landlubbers! You guys saved us all! Thank you!" Gurglefin whooped in gratitude.

"Just doing our job." Stealth Elf humbly responded.

Soon, the group made it back to the Core of Light Ruins as Gurglefin started working on something.

"I keep trying to look…" Hugo tried to say over the noise.

"Huh?" Pinkie asked in confusion.

"…through the Far Viewer, but it’s a little rusty and…" Hugo tried to continue.

"What’d ya say?" Mikey said, equally confused.

"…it won’t turn past a certain point!" Hugo tried to finish.

"Sorry, but we can’t hear you!" Sonata responded over the noise as Hugo turned towards Gurglefin.

"Do you mind, fish fingers! I’m trying to concentrate!" Hugo asked in anger before Gurglefin was finished working.

"THERE!! It’s finished! TADA!! *AHEM!* On behalf of my people, I present you with this Oil Donkey… I didn’t name it… And it comes with all the oil you could ever want! Fortunately, it’s pumping away from the water." Gurglefin informed.

"Very impressive, Mr. Gurglefin. And that’s exactly what we need right now! Perfect! We should be able to use that on the Far Viewer! Grab a can of that stuff and meet me up there!" Hugo said as Prism Break suddenly started coming to.

"Ugh… My head…" Prism Break groaned.

"Pris, you okay bud?" Terrafin checked while limping.

"I think so… What happened?" Prism asked.

"Long story, bud. Right now... This champ is hitting the showers." Terrafin simply answered as he started walking off.

"Okay?" Prism said in confusion.

"Hi, I'm Sonata. These are my friends Mikey and Pinkie." Sonata introduced herself and the rest of the Goofball Trio.

"Name’s Prism Break. But seriously though, what hit me in the head?" Prism Break asked.

"Your own beams." Sonata bluntly answered.

"Huh? How?" Prism asked.

"A little trick I did to redirect them." Sonata smirked.

"Well, better bring in some fuel." Pinkie noted as she brought out an oil can.

"Agreed. Then how about we eat." Mikey replied.

"Sure thing!" Pinkie smiled as Pinkie drew some oil from the oil donkey into the oil can.

Author's Note:

Next Time on Equestria Ninja Girls...

Dark Water Cove